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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Machines? Nah nothing like that. Ive been here maybe a week or so. As for getting out I'm not so sure its related to the fog for sure. Exactly how well Im no mage." Bidding the old man farewell Rikke moved on and soon came upon a rather desolate town half overgrown with trees and shrubs. Wooden shudders creaked in the wind almost covering up a delicate tingle. Heading for the sound Rikke found a rather sturdy bench with a single bell conveniently left behind on a nail. It tingled light on the wind. Looking about Rikke saw a road nearly over grown that had recent scuff marks. This looked like it was heading for the temple or at lest in its direction. Of course the town might have its own secretes as well.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well the man was stuck here along with Rikke... it was unlikely he knew of a clear exit, still one should never underestimate an elders intuition. Bidding the man farewell, soon enough the rogue arrived at some sort of abbandoned village...

'This should be the place...' Rikke thought to herself and carefully entered the seemingly long-forgotten locale. Clearly noone had lived here for a very long time, with nature having claimed the once man-building village. Though there did not appear to be clear signs of conflict or tragedy here, if someone lived here... the enviroment did not quite hint why they had departed.

Still as Rikke continued through the overgrowth soon enough, between the creaks of wood and subtle whispers of the wind, she heard a most distinct ring... the bell!

Picking up her pace, the girl rushed to the source and found the bell very neatly attached to an old and rusty looking nail! The heroine beamed a smile at the find and leaned away from it with a grin. The bell had been attached with clear intent and care, at the very least the chance of Ella being abducted and the previous bell just falling off was significantly smaller now. Looked like her ally was alright and leaving a clear breadcrumb for the rogue to follow.

Rikke paused looking around the city ruins, perhaps these decrepid constructs held some secrets within them... Knowing Ella was safe, the rogue would allow herself to try and look around.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Her heart at ease Rikke began a search of the buildings. The first thing she found when she entered one of the still standing structures was the skeletal remains of a family. Clearly a sickness had stuck the town to leave it utterly abandoned with out obvious signs of damage from conflict. It was sad but any sickness had probably long passed. Still Rikke did manage to find hefty amounts of coin if she so chose to take it. Other than that no other useful items presented themselves besides a few jars of preserved food. No telling if it had kept this long though.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As much as the rogue loved her denarii... Deadmans coin always brought misfortune. The girl would leave the coin where it was. Still her brief look through the buildings did indeed reveal hints at what may had occurred in the secluded city. Rikke couldn't be sure, but whatever caused the village to fall was slow and cruel. Be famine, disease or poison.

Unfortunately, judging by the long-since deceased, whatever records or notes of the unknown villages past were lost or illegible. With a light sigh, the heroine turned to the poor remains and if she had found a nearby cloth, covered them up. Whoever they were, they had chosen this to be their grave and the rogue would not disturb it any longer.

Rikke closed the door behind her and with light disappointment made her way back to the bell and down the lonesome road futher along the forgotten valley.
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Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Disappointed with her first foray into the village Rikke could tell that there where other buildings to explore if she wanted. Of course she could try to catch up to Ella. There was a clear indication someone had traveled the overgrown road she had seen earlier. From her position she could see at lest three more buildings that stood firm and intact. One seemed to be a smithy, another an inn and the last another house like she had been in.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rogue hardly stopped after checking only one building and would continue looking through the ruins. The smithy was of little interest, even if there was anything of use it would no doubt be a burden to carry...

Still knowing these small towns, the epicenter of all the events had to have been the inn. Rikke approached the significantly larger building and carefully pushed the front door open... if there even was a door left to push.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke perception 51 vs 52 fail

Walking by the smithy Rikke entered the Inn. The sign giving the name had long sense fallen away and was lost to the over growth. However the Inn itself was rather intact. The door a little warped didn't take to much effort to open up, only requiring a little shoulder work. Once inside she found it rather dusty but the layout for the single story building was similar to other small town inns. A few tables sat position near a large fireplace with several rooms attached to the main hall. A generous bar sat near the door with a log for quests. Bottles of alcohol sat on the shelf still full and fully corked. Had it not been so dusty and stale of air Rikke could have sworn this place could open any day. No bodies littered the room but several fadded papers sat at one of the tables near the fire place.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The bottles were full? Perhaps even more oddly enough, no bodies or the like littered the area... this was as much of a relief as it was utterly puzzling. Then the village did not die off from supply shortage, nor the slow death Rikke thought 'What happened here...' the heroine frowned to herself and walked across the creaking wood her mind puzzling over what sort of event had occurred here.

If anything in their desperation people would flock to the inn and empty the supplies, but the inn was relatively untouched! 'Hum...' Rikke approached the papers pile and quickly looked over them, hoping atleast one of them was at readable.

Having finished checking the initial few, papers the rogue would turn to the fireplace, these papers were placed suspiciously close... had someone tried to burn them?
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The first few pages Rikke examined where unreadable dust, age, failing ink having taken their toll. However underneath them was a rather well preserved sheet. Sadly it seemed to be the end of the document.

...... Mr. and Ms. Joslu are too sick to evacuate and have decided to stay. I pray what ever end finds them is quick. I will be leaving this note in case any of you escape or make it back to Clover. We are trying to make a run for the pass and out of the valley. Go to shinning pass.. we will wait as long as we can.

Setting the paper down Rikke looked over at the fireplace. Noting the cold hearth Rikke say bits of paper partial burnt. Once clear word written. Missing.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

An evacuation notice? Rikke put the piece of paper down and thought it through. Now things were starting to make sense! Though what exactly was this 'Shinning' pass and why did the people living here evacuate en mass?! Still at the very least the rogue learned a bit more of the events that took place in town and learned of a potential exit - 'The Shinning pass'.

With a smile, the rogue gave the inn another look over and nodded firmly. If she was going to learn more, she'd need to reach this mysterious pass... but first, Ella!

Unless there was anything else of note, the heroine would slip out of town and head onwards down the trail Ella had left her!
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Passing the rest of the town Rikke started out on the road. For the most part it was overgrown with little than a wider than normal path cutting threw otherwise dense forest. Looking side to side Rikke noticed the small dwarf deer she had seen previously though this was a smaller group. Twenty minutes of walking down the road with only dwarf deer and colorful birds for company Rikke caught a glimpse of gold threw the trees. Rushing forward Rikke moved to the edge of a clearing her experience overriding her joy of reaching the goal.

At the edge of the clearing Rikke spotted shining metal scattered all about. Bodies long dead lay threw out the area. The temple itself was nearly a burned out husk with only the tower and cold angel on top standing intact. As her heart quickened and her eyes sharpened she picked out the little details. This was an old battle the armor and weapons were tarnished with a few notable exceptions any remains had been nearly grown over. Her nose prickled the smell of burnt flesh was fresh and new and seemed to come from near the ruined temple. She would have to get closer if she wanted to investigate more however.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The tiny deer were no doubt one of the more adorable creatures Rikke had encounter for some time now! Though try as she might, the critters would not allow her too close. Still the sight of the tiny deers would quickly be changed by surprisingly colorful birds of all manner! The girl smiled widely as she continued onwards, judging by the structures golden gleam... who knows, perhaps she'd find a city akin to that of stories! One of gold and exotic life!

Just as that thought crossed her mind, a particular sparkle caught the heroines eye spurring her to dash the final distance!--- only for her smile to quickly disappear. Before her was not a town brilliantly shinning with golden structures and gems, but a battlefield with ruins of a temple at the edge of it.

The battle appeared to have been waged in fairly ancient times as most of it's fallen combatants were already reclaimed by nature. Wincing lightly Rikke once more turned to the temple, which hardly lifted her spirits... most of it seemed to be ransacked or otherwise destroyed. All, but the tower and the statue of what revealed itself to be... an angel? For now the details escaped the rogue.

Still as she cautiously stepped through the battlefield a particular smell caught her nose, while the rogue could hardly place it most certainly smelled like something was burning?!

Rikkes eyes quickly lit up as she dashed towards the source, looking for perhaps signs of smoke to help her pinpoint the location! It was no doubt someone else! Someone who knew how to make fire!
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Running forward Rikke noticed that most of the combatants wore well crafted but primitive looking iron armor and seemed to favor larger two handed weapons. Their gear was battled worn and weathered. However the smaller number wore a silverish gold tinted armor that despite battle damage did't seem weathered or rusted at all. Still as she moved quickly the finer details escaped her. Rounding the corner of the ruined building Rikke had to gasp. Inside lay the remains of two men in robes badly burned their bodies twisted and malformed. Lingering wisps shadow rolled off them. A scattering of tin bells lay about the area. It had been a fight.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikkes eyes shot wide as the scene revealed itself! The heroine covered her mouth at the macabre display and looked away, placing a hand on her swords pummel... 'Damnit!...' the bells were here as well! Had Ella been attacked as well? Then again, was this her handywork?

The girl glanced back to the duo and very quickly back away, her insides churning at the sight. If this had indeed been Ellas doing, hopefully it was a spell gone wrong.

Still the combat area seemed fresh, though the urge to call out to Ella burned inside the rogue. Somehow her heart sank when it came calling out to her... She could not be sure it was Ella, even if Doras mentioned that these robed men were trouble, the rogue herself did not know of who, if anyone still lived in the ruins... nor why.

Choosing to remain silent, Rikke would continue her search. If the combat took place here, a probably retreat or advance route would be... 'This way!'
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Backing away from the scene Rikke tried to pick her way threw to find a possible route which to take. All the while as she searched it dawned on Rikke. If Ella had nearly fainted just manifesting her power in Holistain Meet then what would have happened if she actually expended it. A brief panic struck Rikke. If Ella wasn't here then she had been taken. There would be no more bells to follow. Stopping at the realization Rikke nearly started to tear up till a faint shimmer caught her eye. Looking Rikke spotted the blue Ribbon that was on Ella's dress. Running to it the rogue found it had been caught on the pommel of a sword made of the strange metal. Nearby a single white feather fluttered. It was far to big for a bird and seem to radiate light.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It would only be a few moments later when Rikke actually considered... Ella losing! A stinging memory of what happened last time she just barely used her magic in town and the following exhaustion quickly passed through the girls mind... if this was indeed Ella, she may be in huge danger!

Though since the rogue hardly found any cause for true panic, afterall there was no hint of blood or well... Ella near the battle. Hopefully she was still fine and retreated away!

Still every way the rogue turned looked the same, just ancient silent ruins 'Ella... where are you...' the heroine quickly scanned the passages only for a hint of out of place blue to catch her eye? A blue ribbon, a white father and a strange sword?... If anything this was fresh, not to mention the blue ribbon seemed to be from Ellas dress! Though more noteworthy the pure white feather seemed to almost sparkle in the subtle sunlight, mesmerized by it Rikke knelt down and carefully picked it up with seeming care 'What are you doing here?' the girl smiled and inspected the particulary out of place element.
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Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It was warm and a sense of peace washed over the rogue as she lifted the white feather. A rush of positive happy memories surged in the rogue. The party on the sands as her and Yunie explored the beach shooing away the dastardly grabs. The warmth of the Pesilie manner as Emma welcomed them in with a hug. Jesses warm body pressed against her in the afterglow of their love. Blinking Rikke looked at the feather its shimmering white a stark contrast to the green around here. Even the birds seemed to chirp louder and happier while she held the fragile thing. With a sense of peace filling her the rogue felt her fears ease away like fallen leaves on a swift creek. Still the moment couldn't last as Rikke heard a snap and a grunt. Dashing for cover she found a trio of the robed men wander into the clearing. One was clearly bandaged and the others seemed to be scorched a little. Looking right at the recent battle the trio moved over and out of sight.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke blinked as the divine moment passed, only to be fully brought back to the present as she heard movement nearby?! It sounded like several figures to boot! The heroine quickly stashed the feather aside, though with added care and caution, and silently approached the source of the movement!

Peeking over the girl saw 3 of the robed men! Each one bearing signs of combat... Doras mentioned that these people may be trouble, but their current role and relation to duo remained unclear.

With sharp eyes and burning curiousity, Rikke would shadow the men and quickly followed them. Perhaps she could overhear something they shared amongst themselves... or better yet, perhaps they'd lead her to others of their kin and more clues on Ellas whereabouts.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke stealth vs perception 60 vs 31,31,31, and 34 success

Moving quickly Rikke stealthy approached the group of men. Reaching them she found them inspecting the remains of their fellows. None of them said a word before they headed of in a direction opposite of where she found the feather and ribbon. Choosing to follow the rogue moved from tree to tree keeping out of sight her years of training making her an almost invisible ghost. As she followed she felt the air get creepy again similar to the early morning of the mist and fog. Still pressing on she came upon another man sitting down. The three she had been following bowed to the man who unlike the others was not robed but armored in black steel. If Rikke had to say it he was handsome his strong jaw and high cheekbones an envy of any man and a most desirable trait for any woman. Though as she watched he noticed how dead his eyes were.

"I take it she is gone then?" The handsome man looked at the trio a cold look on his face. None of them wanted to speak up. Looking at the one uninjured the man stood and drew his blade and run him threw causing the others to jump in fright. "Obviously he was a coward given he was the only one uninjured. Now speak up was she taken."

The bandaged man was the first to speak his voice stuttering "Y-Yes sir those two showed up when the girl had passed out."

The armored man spit. "Damn interlopers don't they realize this is our valley now. Still I will have to send her to fetch the girl we need her power to break the divine vault."

The burnt man spoke up next. "How do you know she will succeed."

The dark knight smiled. "Because its a personal matter. Now come we need to head back to the fort and report."

With the conversation seemingly done Rikke saw the men gather together and vanish into thin air leaving her alone. Not to long after that a hoot of an owl echoed out hinting to Rikke that night was rapidly approaching. Looking down she could see the fog starting to form though at the moment it was only a few trailing whisps.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rogue always had an aptitude of not being seen, though with her training the girl by now was nothing short of a speedy shadow! Following the men in stealth, Rikke was almost disappointed they hardly spoke... though what or to whom they lead her, showed more than words could ever tell! These people followed a dark road indeed.

Still, Rikke wouldn't break her silence as she listened in with sharp eyes and did not follow as the men took their leave. It seemed there were 2 factions in the valley, these dark ones and another...

'Those two...' Rikke thought to herself, just who did they refer to? Whoever they were it seems they were responsible for saving Ella from the hooded figures! Ignoring the encroaching dark for now, Rikke quickly dashed back to the temple and to the conflict site. She had to find the other two before it was too late! Though on the bright side, she hardly needed stealth anymore - the enemy had already retreated back.