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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Climbing the tower Rikke found that there was a sturdy post that made up one of the large legs. Most of the post had been worn by years of rope wear. Looking across at the other structure it seemed to have a similar feature. The River also seemed to be fairly narrow in this location.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Nothing... Rikke frowned as she looked over the situation. There wasn't much to go off here. Still at the very least the vantage point revealed that the flowing river was significantly more narrow here.

The girls eyes darted up-river, but unfortunately it seemed to continue on and on. She was sidetracked as it were! 'Wait...' Rikkes eyes darted to the rope nearby, before she quickly climbed down and inspected how sturdy the towers were... if these two were at even elevation and short-ish distance from one another...

Rikke smiled as she grabbed some rope and test it out, or used her own coil. Perhaps her previous plan could work here! But instead of braving the water, perhaps she could do a small tight-rope act!
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke plays cow girl and throws the rope loop
59 vs 55 hit

Rikke did indeed find a rope that already had a loop ready to go. Mustering her dexterity she twirled the rope above he head and let loose!........ Watching the rope sail threw the air Rikke felt supreme satisfaction as it nailed her target. Pulling it taunt Rikke found it too loose to tight rope along but she could shimmy if she wanted.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

While it seemed stable, the rope itself was hardly fit for the act the rogue planned. Still at the very least she could use it to cross!

Checking if it's safe once again the rogue smiled slyly and after taking a few quick breathes got onto the rope! The girls hands firmly on her improv 'bridge' and her wonderous legs wrapped around it, she'd soon enough begin making progress 'Here goes nothing...'
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke felt the rope dip as it took her weight almost feeling the spray from the water below. Still she moved forward her heart beating intensely enough to almost drown out the crash of the waves. Still with her luck and skill Rikke crossed the bridge uneventfully.

On this tower she found strange pulleys with hinges and flat trays attached to them. Other than that however nothing else stood out to the rogue and she quickly descended the tower. Having made it across the river Rikke headed once more in the direction of the town she had seen before.

A few hours later​

As night began to fall Rikke heard the sounds of children giggling nearby moving to investigate Rikke found two boys and one girl catching fire bugs in the twilight. All had very rough clothing made of leather hide and some wool. Just beyond them Rikke could see a small house resting under the boughs of a large willow tree.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

With the darn river behind her, the rogue redoubled her efforts to try and reach the lights she had seen. Just how much time did the obstacle take away?! No way was she going to spend another night and delay her arrival any further!

It would be hours and with only with the approach of night-time that the rogue paused to take a proper breather... 'W-where.... is it...' she'd take a deep breath and sigh sitting down on a nearby log. Atleast if anything the mountain air and subtle chirps of birds made the trip quite enjoyable. Up here Rikke couldn't help, but think the place was most certainly quite the embodiment of Crolia. Chilly, wild, yet all too homely.

Still as she relaxed and listened to the chirps, some of the sounds that reached her ears... were distinctly different! Rikke blinked and tensed her hearing as without a doubt she'd hear... children?! The girl quickly stood up and looked around, before closing her eyes and determining the source...'Where... where.... This way!'

With that the rogue quickly dashed towards the source as the sounds of children playing grew more and more, before she slowed her advance to look upon... actual children! Actual signs of civilization! The heroines face quickly lit up with a smile, her whole body reverbing a certain sense of relief... for a few moments there she thought she had lost her way.

Though approaching the children, she had to be careful... first impressions are everything. Perhaps... she should pretend that they'd noticed her first, before she did them. Nodding at the idea, Rikke sneakily approached the group and casually strolled out of from the brush, humming a light tune. Only upon the children reacting, would she turn to them and acting surprised greet them "Oh... hello there!"
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As she walked out of the brush humming Rikke heard the children stop playing. Turning her attention with a friendly greeting of "Oh....hello there!" The moment she finished the younger girl screamed "MAMA!" and ran away with the young boy quickly following suite screaming "PAPA!" Rikke could feel the sweat drop roll down her face as a burly man and a busty woman rounded the corner. The woman was quite the looker tall blonde and with breast that could rival her or Jessica in a heartbeat. Behind her the two children grabbed at her skirt stealing peeks at Rikke. The man was Tall closer to 7ft (2.1m) and muscled as impressively as some demon knights. He had a thick full black beard and hair but his eyes where a kind brown. Her wore a plaid red and black shirt with sturdy looking brown trousers and heavy leather boots. However what was more of a concern was the hefty ax in his hands. Looking Rikke over however he smiled and laughed. Well met young lady. My name is Bernard. This is my wife Lily, and the two scaredy cat are Marlow and Hanz." The wife frowned at Rikke sensing a rival and drew closer to her husband giving Rikke a knowing possessive look.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Finally someone I can speak to in these mountains!" Rikke beamed a bright smile to the man "A pleasure to make your acquaintances Bernard, Lilly." she'd lightly bow. Even if the man had an axe, above all else these people did not seem hostile in the slightest, nor would Rikke give off anything less than a pleasant and friendly tone from her "I er... didn't mean to scare the little ones. Sorry about that." she'd sheepishly look to them and give them a light wave.

Even if Bernard seemed most certainly a mans man, Rikke wasn't in the habbit of stealing away husbands. Her glance to Lilly seemed to almost be an acknowledgement of Lillys message.
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Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Ahh no worries the children have always heard rumors about folk from outside the community. Though I do try to tell them not everyone is bad." The man scratched his beard. "Well it is getting late would you like a meal Ms. Rikke? After all its still about an hour away from town proper." Just as the man said it Rikke caught a wiff of some cooking meat and potatoes from a nearby window.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well I don't wish to impose..." Rikke looked to the family sheepishly, just as her belly let out a not-so-subtle opinion on the offer... the girl blushed brightly utterly embarassed by the tell-tale, before adding "If it's not too much to ask..." she'd smile innocently and follow them inside.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Once inside she found a simple house with only a few rooms. Two bedrooms, one for the children and the other for the parents. The living room was a joint kitchen, dinning, and sitting room linked right to the front door. The meal in question seemed to be fresh fish caught from the river as well as some native greens and garden vegetables. "Sorry we are not better prepared but we hardly have guests as most folk from the town only come out to place wood orders." Lilly smiled at Rikke before speaking. "I do have a wonderful blanket I made for cold days you can sleep in the overstuffed chair if you like as I'm afraid the children's beds are too small for you.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Mhm!" Rikke quickly jumped at the chance to discuss the town "I saw some lights coming from around these parts, back all the way from the ruined temple." the heroine nodded "There's really still someone living here... er... besides you and Daryl." the girl kept the sightings of the dark knight to herself for now.

Once offered the rest for the night, Rikke would only politely wave her hands "Ah... Thank you, but it's alright. I'm trying to find my friend and I'm trailing behind as is. I'll probably head back out on the road as soon as I can."
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The two adults looked at Rikke and raised an eyebrow in an almost twin action and spoke in unison "Daryl? Who's that?" Waiting for Rikke to explain or not Bernard spoke of the town. Rikke found out that it was fairly large and mostly settled by refugees from the old town's around the valley. Occasionally new blood such as herself shows up but for the most part everyone in the Valley stays in the Valley.. no way out.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would ofcourse share what she could about the strange wandering salesman she ran into, but honestly she herself knew very little of the man. Though as the girl obtained some information about the nearby yet unnamed town... one thing stood out "No way out? But... if there's a way in, there should be a way out. Surely!" above all else Rikke was certainly not keen to spend her days trapped here!
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Lilly sighed "Poor man he will likely be stuck here like the rest of them. We should let the scouts know before the cultist find him." Bernard nodded "Aye Ill tell Marvin. Speaking of which you should meet him as well." Rikke shook her head "Its lovely here but Im not staying if there is a way in there has to be a way out." The married couple looked at each other before Lilly spoke up. "Hun many have tried but.. never make it over the mountain or the cultist pick them off. If only the angels had returned then maybe we could rejoin the world but...." Bernarnd cut her off with a cough. "Im sorry Rikke but as far as we know there is no way out of the valley."
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke thought briefly "Perhaps you know someone who has attempted to escape the valley? Or is actively trying to do it?" there were the cultists again... still the rogue would have to inquire about the potential threat after finding more about potential allies!
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Bernard sighed "There is crazy Calvin but.... no one has heard from him in a long time. In fact the mayor gave me the key to his house telling me to make sure its locked up. I told her he would probably not be coming back but Adela has endless faith in her uncle and said he would and to make sure no one robbed his place." Lilly smiled at her husband "The duties of the sheriff." Once more Benard sighed "Indeed."
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Crazy or not... perhaps the man knew something those that gave up hope of escape missed "Can I have it? I don't care for his possessions, just his notes. Perhaps there's something to aid in escaping." with her answer received whatever it may be Rikke just needed to also learn one more thing...

"These cultists... who are they? I believe I've seen their kin in the temple ruins, but kept hidden." so then just who were these potential enemies...
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Ms. Rikke I cannot just let into his place. Now you seem a trustworthy sort but I must insist that I go with you. I know Adela won't mind if you search her uncles notes but you will do it under supervision." At that moment Bernard gave her a stern look before speaking again. "As for the cultist we no little of them other than they bribed an orc tribe many years ago to attack our valley. They seemed hold up in the old Anglic mission and only venture out to catch the unwary or fresh arrivals.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke blinked "Oh... well... I wouldn't mind. I don't even know where the cottage is to begin with." she'd giggle sheepishly, while innocently rubbing the back of her neck.

While the mood was fairly pleasant up to now, the moment Rikke inquired further on the cultists it seemed to instantly, albeit briefly shift "Oh... so they're remnants of that old tribe?" hiring orcs to attack the town... and back at the temple, there was little mistaking one of the forces was most certainly the orcs! "Just what are they trying to do? Why even hunt people to this day?" it was the last question Rikke had regarding the mysterious enemies.

From what she had learned so far, there was little doubt that the heroine would butt-heads with their kin sooner or later... Atleast now she'd know just what sort they were.

"So~ I'm not sure. I could head over to the town and visit you two after... or we could head out there now." Rikke gave the man a casual smile.