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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rushing back Rikke made it to the temple as the sun sank beneath the mountains casting and eerie twilight about the valley. Thankfully the rogue's eyes adjusted quickly though what she saw was none to pleasing. Before her spirits seem to shimmer to life as a silent battle began again. Rikke could see the souls of the defeat warriors reenacting their battle oblivious to her with one passing right threw her to charge a foe. Shuddering at the cold Rikke fell back to the still standing tower.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

By the time Rikke reached the temple again night had fallen, with only a distant hoot of an owl giving her a final warning. Though just as rogue dashed through the battlefield, silent whispers began to emanate from all around spurring Rikke to halt...

As she looked around, the girls eyes grew wide as slowly seemingly from deep slumber numerous ghostly figures pushed up, their bodies clad in armor that beared hints of their previous deaths! Some headless, others with barely any steel left on them, showing the whites of their bones beneath the spirits of the dead still held their weapons and moments later suddenly charged at one another?!

"Aaaah!!" In her shock Rikke barely even noticed as from her side a warrior charged forward his sword raised above him! The girls face utterly white from the location she had found herself, she'd just barely in time manage to raise her sword!--- only for a horrid chill to run throughout her body as the warrior charged right through her and clashed swords with another a few feet behind her?!

Her eyes wide at the absolutely supernatural battle going all around her, Rikke most certainly did not linger and even if she knew now that the weapons had little effect on her, she'd dodge, duck and dash the heck out of there and into the temple!
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Fleeing not so gracefully Rikke did not that the combatants appeared to be Humans fighting Orc Warriors. By the looks of it the Human fighters where the ones wearing the strange metal armor and weapons. The orc foe's wore the sturdy well made but savage looking iron gear. Sheltered in the ruined temple Rikke watched the battle play out as the human warrior fell one by one to the horde of orcs. As the last human knight fell Rikke heard a bone chilling scream echo from above as spectral fire began to consume the church. Blue flames shot up all around seemingly cutting of the exits. Among the flames cries could be heard but behind it and ever growing was a hymn. Eventually it grew louder than the cries till it reached a crescendo when the fires and the cries just suddenly stopped and all was quite once more. Heart pounding Rikke looked about. The fire was gone and the dead warriors had been put at rest. The church tower still stood its stairs of stone immune to the burning fire of the past..
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke ducked inside the temple, but couldn't be mesmerized by the ongoing battle. Soon enough two distinct forces, those clad in fairly elegant albeit tarnished armor appeared to be human, while the bulky and crude, though extremely thick and sturdy figures were no doubt orcs!

The heroines eyes widened as she looked upon the supernatural spectacle, it was most certainly unlike anything she had ever seen! Though as the battle raged on, soon enough the orcs brutish might seemed to slowly gain the upper hand.

Rikke hardly cared to see brutish horde revel in it's victory, though just as she stood to leave... the spectacle seemed to reach its horrid finale! Suddenly right before the rogue spectral blue flames ignited echoing out cries of the long forgotten along with them!

Her heart racing, the rogue quickly once more cowered away and covered her ears! The cries continued as the flame blazed a brilliant azure, though slowly seemingly at the back of the girls own mind a solemn hymn could be heard?

Rikke blinked as she removed her hands from her ears as indeed the silent hymn seemed to slowly rise in volume, soon enough eclipsing the crying flames more and more, before with a final note... the hymn had ended. The spectacle itself seemed to follow in suit as once more deathly silenced descended upon the ruins.

Rikke would remain motionless for some time, her eyes wide with fright and though her mind calmed by the solemn hymn that just took place. It seemed the rogue had caught a glympse of the temples final few moments...

Still after some time had passed and the rogue finally felt safe, she'd sheepishly look around through the ruins, before continuing her advance towards where she thought Ella had been taken. Someone still inhabited these ruins, it was up to her to find them.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Much of the area she had already explored and felt no need to look upon Ella's suspected handy work. Instead she chose to climb the tower. As she ascended her hand touched long scorched stone pulling faint traces of ash and smoke. till the tower itself seemed to be made all of stone almost solid and smooth as if carved from one piece but textured like no stone she had ever felt before. That mystery aside she soon came to the top of the floor. The upper level didn't seem to last as well as the tower itself as the open room was exposed to the air with only the remains of a tiled roof stuffed under a gold statue of an angel. Looking over the statue the metal gleamed brightly with only the faintest remains of bird waste covering its flawless surface. Looking at the statue Rikke would guess that such a thing had to be gold plated or it would have collapsed the whole tower with its weight. Still she could find no signs of the usual tells that hinted at an object was treated in such a matter. Still while that held her attention for a brief moment the view from the tower gave her a much needed clue. Further south the faint lights of a town could be seen shinning ever so weakly threw the mists. It was a fair distance away maybe a day or two walk but surely they would have a clue.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke continued her search even in the dark through the ruined temple, but soon enough she'd lose track or any real clear routes to take... 'Hum...' the rogue paused her search and looked around, only for her eyes to meet the tower! It was tower a fair ways above the ruins and appeared to be exceptionally sturdy to boot... it was the perfect vantage point to look around!

With a smile on her face, Rikke quickly dashed through the ruins. The ashened wood creating underneath her footstep on occasion... but as the rogue reached what seemed to be the entrance to it, her heart lightly sank... a huge pile of debris blocked off easy entrance inside the tower. Not to mention while it seemed to have numerous 'windows' all of them were barely of size for the girls hand to slip inside, much less her herself!

Though on the flipside... looking up, Rikke noted the remains that still clinged to the tower and the ornate stone work throughout it. Climbing up the brilliant tower... seemed fairly simple! Though it was risky, the rogue was hardly one to shy away from danger! Getting a good head start, she'd quickly get to work scaling the ancient building!

Thankfully the moonlight shined down brighter than ever, illuminating every single detail of the structure to the rogue. The sparkling stars all around seemingly encouraging her very rapid and athletic ascend, before soon enough the rogue had made it! "Phew~~!" Rikke looked down... before she realised what sort of mistake it was as she quickly gripped the crooked wood at the top! The tower... was a lot taller looking from up here!

Still at the very least she had more than a little view from all the way up here! All around her the valley expanded and from way up here, the rogue could see the round Doras took, the cave Ella appeared to have come from... and even the mountain that she herself came from! Though coupled with the moon shine and star flickers, the night time view of the valley was nothing short of breathtaking.

The rogue seemed to briefly get lost in the view as she scanned the area, before the flicker of light in the distance caught her eye! A light? No! Numerous lights?! There seemed to be a town just south of where she was right now!

Invigorated by the view of the civilization Rikke smiled with relief, before noting her dangerous lean... 'Wu-uah!' she'd quickly fall back onto blissful solid ground, all the while lightly shivering from the sheer height of the questionably stable building she was on... still the girls gaze once more turned to the town and it seemed she found her next goal!
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Recovering a little Rikke stood and found the footing stable. It would be a long trek threw the woods and it seemed off the beaten path. No doubt who ever lived there would not want visitors. Making her decent down the tower Rikke saw the mist begin to gather again and decided she didn't want to see another reenactment of a decidedly gruesome battle. Hoofing it out of there she soon came upon the abandoned town she had traveled threw earlier. Though by now it was nearing pitch black and the fog was ever presence hindering her view. If she pressed on she might end up lost.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked to the rapidly clouding sky and the ever growing mist before her, she flatout could not advance any further tonight. Well she was in the ruined town anyway and the possible civilization she saw would still be there in the morning.

Thankfully even with the mist in place, the rogue knew where the inn was making her return there fairly speedy. If anything the inn appeared to be the most stable and maintained building she saw. Once back there, the heroine attempted to close the door and look around for a place to spend the night. Igniting a few torches and placing them around the quite gloomy and dark locale.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The inn itself was a quiet as ever. In away it was more unnerving than the creepy mist. With the near perfect preservation of the inn it was hard to accept that it had been abandoned for years. Moving quickly in the Dark Rikke managed to gather some candles and light them with a sparkier shedding some light on the situation. Looking over the bar she found a a nearly full bottle of Andor spice wine. It had a strong flavor and was not nearly as potent as some of the other drinks she spotted on the shelf. Still as she looked around the ground floor she found it rather bland and headed for the upper floor. Here she found a linen closet with dusty bedding that was in good shape. The rooms themselves seemed to be of a higher quality than one's she had stayed in recently. They even had curtains allowing her light to be blocked by the thick fabric. For all intents and purposes she was free to sleep in relative peace.

Pacing the night Rikke awoke to the sound of birds chirping and the sun trying to vainly shine threw the blocked window. It was already well into the morning Rikke having missed the dawn by a few hours. Sitting up though her stomach grumbled.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

While the rogue was hardly a drinker... the wines bottle and label seemed quite fancy. It was a sheer waste to let it just go horrid here! Besides she'd sleep better... the rogue continued making excuses, while honestly she just wanted to sample the fine wine! Heck it's been a while.

Looking through the bar the surprises just kept on mounting - even the glasses seemed to be in great shape! Giggling happily the rogue popped open the bottle and poured herself a glass "And what iz ze occasion?" the rogue added a very cheesy accent to her voice "Oh~ Just for a lucky discovery, both the city and the wine." she'd wink slyly "Ah yes~ yes~" the girl giggled as she was clearly going crazy, talking to herself in the middle of nowhere. At least noone saw...

Still sipping the wine the rogue would look through the inn with a sad smile, with the tables stacked up and the few torches Rikke had set up the inn was hardly appealing, but the heroine could tell that once this place no doubt hosted quite the amazing parties. There was a fair dance floor, which appeared to be the first area that gave in to age as well as a surprising number of tables and chairs!

Either way, finish the glass off Rikke smiled looking to the particulary delicious wine and after corking it back up stashed it inside her travel backpack. Who knows when a proper occasion will arrive!

Heading upstairs the girl heard the wood creek beneath her foot with each step, she couldn't help but smile as she looked to the doors on her right... walking through a ruined luxurious building. Why this all started to remind her of a certain manner she visited a long long time ago.

'And this would've been... Jessica room.' Rikke picked out a room and stepped inside. While dusty as heck, the room was in fair condition. The heroine took the fairly sturdy and oddly enough not 'Moth-eaten' sheets and covers from the bed and dusted them outside the room, before taking them back in. Or well... flatout escaping the massive clouds she herself just made!

Still with the peaceful atmosphere setting in, the heroine soon enough stripped out of her armor and headed into bed with a fair smile. Tommorow she'd reach the city she had seen from the towers top...

Some habbits just don't go away... Rikke stretched lazily noting it was well into the day and placed her head back onto the decently kept pillow under her head 'Slept-in again...' with a light sigh she'd soon enough get up and get dressed once again. Grabbing a few rations she had the girl munched on them and soon enough went out to be greeted by sublime fresh air of the valley. She was good to travel onwards!
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sitting up Rikke opened one of the ration packs only to find a little ribbon tied around some rather pleasant looking and smelling jerky. Looking at the ration pack Rikke smiled a warm smile. It was Ms. Genna's handy work for sure. Looking over the small ribbon the rogue finished up and headed out and into the forest. It was time to find the village she had seen before. The deeper she headed in the more dense the forest around her became untill it suddenly opened up into a fast river gorge. Looking down Rikke saw dancing rapid water spilling around jagged rocks as the river cut seemingly right the forest. She could try to pass it and find a safer route but that could take days. Looking about Rikke saw both sides of the back were well wooded and far to far apart for a simple jump. Looking at the River itself it was clear that even if she could enter the water safely the current would pull her way down stream before she reached the other side. Frowning Rikke did notice a small shack nestled into the woods on her side of the river.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

While the rogue did consider perhaps jumping or skipping her way across, just as the thought crossed her mind as if to hint what may happen a small tree seemed to suddenly tumble down the river at immense speed only to crash against the jagged rocks and turn to absolute splinters! 'Eep...' Rikke winced lightly at the display and frowned in thought... just what to do now...

Though just as she considered her options a small nearby shack caught her eyes. The girl blinked looking to it and smiled, while she hardly expected to find anyone inside... perhaps there would be a sketchy map of a nearby passing past the lake.

With that in mind, the heroine would turn away from the river and check the strange shack.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Entering the shack Rikke found it to be a hunting lodge of sorts. Dried skins and furs lay in neat piles. The room while dirty wasn't dusty hinting that this place had seen very recent use. Along one wall lay several hunting bows and quivers of arrows. Far more than any one person would use hunting. Nearby coils of rope sat.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Odd... the shack did not seem nearly as abbandoned and weary as the town. In fact, looking over the supplies Rikke was surprised to find them in reasonable shape. Still as far as the rogue looked there did not seem any hints of life nearby.

Stopping briefly Rikke looked over what she had found and after a few moments, smiled slyly. She had a plan!

The girl would quickly get to work on the ropes, checking how sturdy they are before making a very wide loop! Perhaps if she could somehow anchor the ropes loot on something on the other side, she could brave the river without being flown away by the surging waters!
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke is trying to be a cow girl. 48 vs 55 fail

The rope seemed sturdy and thick all were in excellent condition. Making her loop the rogue went outside to find a likely spot. Moving up and down the back she eventually found a tree stump that would work for her purposes. Swinging the rope like she say Mary do The rogue let loose......... only to hear it splash into the water. Pulling the now damp rope back up Rikke could of course try again or think of something else.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Taking the rope of the water, Rikke almost instantly let go of it! The rope was utterly freezing! Seemed the rush of the current was the only reason the path was not just a streak of ice!

'Crap!...' This caused the girl to pause briefly... if she did cross this way, not only would she utterly freeze but would have to make the rest of the trip dripping in absolutely freezing temperatures. She needed a different plan.

At the very least Rikke would do the courtesy of taking the rope back to the shack, before looking over its contents once again. What else could she make from this...
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Heading back to the shack would reveal the same scene as before. Stacks of furs and quivers of arrows with their respective bows unstrung nearby. Though now that she looked it over one set was missing.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke hardly had the time to just sit around and wait... or the sheer patience. The rogue sighed deeply to herself, she could topple giants and heavily armored demons, but this one river stopped her dead in her tracks!

The shack did not seem to have anything she could use... which meant she'd need to do this the hard way! Stepping outside the small housing the rogue looked up and down the river as far as she saw hoping for perhaps a toppled tree or the like... to little success.

Still as far the rogue knew, rivers like these loved to spread out the farther they went. Perhaps following it upstream would lead to way she could pass through.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke perception
52 vs 45

Moving further upstream the river continued more or less in the same manner. Still it only ever got a little shorter and it seemed the father she went the deeper the river gorge became. Stopping a moment Rikke watched as a magnificent birch tree suddenly crumbled into the water its precarious position on the river finally eroding enough that it no longer supported it. This seemed to cause a minor disruptance in the current before it simply pushed the tree aside and it became one of the many debris crashing threw the river. Still not satisfied with that Rikke kept moving till she came across a most curious structure. Out of the woods and partial concealed stood a together. Looking up at it Rikke noticed a similar one across the river.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Seemed getting anywhere near the water was close to suicide much less into it! Still at the very least the rogue got the chance to enjoy the natural sights all around her as she went! From the fairly lush trees to the small critters, the girls eyes scanned her surroundings both in admiration and for clues to how to cross her ever flowing obstacle... until she saw a most peculiar structure.

'Hum?' Rikke raised an eyebrow at the small wooden tower and approached it... what could this have been used for? The girl looked over to the other side of the river only to see the exact same tower there as well! Perhaps this was her way past this... somehow.

Without much delay the girl quickly got up the fairly short ladder and looked around then. It was finally something man-made! Even if it may not grant access past the river, perhaps she could atleast spot something from the changed vantage point.