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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The man shook his head. "You're the first new comer sense Adria. Then again if your recent then I might not have seen her yet." The man shrugged before getting another drink for someone else at the bar leaving Rikke a moment. When he came back he eye the still full glass. "Look lady you wanted a drink best drink it. I still want payment eitherway.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As the man left to tailor the other patrons, Rikke would look over the crowd inside the bar. Afterall, they do say a pub is the unfiltered heart of any town "Hum? Whats with the sudden rude outburst?" the rogue looked to the man a bit annoyed and placed the denarii on the table, still looking to him as if expecting an apology.

She was certainly going to taste it... but she wasn't starved for alcohol, as some of the crowd inside appeared to be.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

At seeing the Denari the man's eyes gleamed. Very good very good just holla if you want any more then. Smiling at Rikke the man went to tend to another order. A man at the bar looked over at Rikke and spoke. "He's always like that just pissed at his lot in life. The first month he was here all he could talk about is how he was going to by some outstanding brothel and make a fortune. Needless to say Sheriff Bernard didn't take too kindly to that type of talk." Turning to face Rikke the man smiled. He was dirty though it looked like from work and just not in general. His cloths where sturdy and worn with the occasional bits of twig and leaf in places that had gotten caught. "Im William one of the scouts. I heard you where new."
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Not even an apology... The man just grabbed his denarii and almost carressed it before putting it aside, much to the rogues very sceptical look. She'd start to strongly suspect this man was nothing more than a greedy opportunist...

"m?" Rikke looked to the voice, where another patron filled her in a little bit more "His first idea of livelyhood was a brothel?!" the girl looked to the scout in almost palpable disbelief... before shaking her head and snickering lightly "Oh boy..."

"I'm Rikke, a travelling adventurer of sorts." She'd politely introduce herself "I've arrived here not a few days ago." the rogue hardly minded the dirt and twigs, this was a closed off community and the man seemed straight out of work. Heck if someone went overboard with their dressing in her they'd just be flatout showing off...
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh a new comer! Welcome welcome." He smiled and turned to face Rikke more showing an openness if she wanted to talk more. "First thing I would suggest young miss is to head to the court house and fill out a registration. That way you could get a job of your choosing."
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke leaned out and snickered with a smile, quickly raising a finger and wiggling "Oh no no~ I'm not staying." she'd keep her sly smile "There's no caging this traveler."
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The man shrugged as if he had heard it all before. "Still its a good place to meet up and learn about the area more especially for new comers. Not to mention the mayoress would undoubtedly want to meet some one so adamant about leaving. Either way have a good night Ms. Rikke." Getting up the man set a coin down before turning to leave. No sooner had the plink rang out than the bartender returned and scooped the coin up. The rest of the patron in the bar didn't seem too in the mood for talking and the bartender no doubt would try to con some more coin out of her. It was worthy of a sigh on how sleepy this town was. Still what could she do she was stuck at the moment. No one had heard of Ella but then again she had only really met a handful of people. Still all signs pointed to the courthouse and Marvin's shack as her next clues.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke raised an eyebrow... okay! By now everyone absolutely defeated attitude was starting to grow scary! "Has noone really ever escaped from here?" the girl suddenly shuffled closer looking to the scout a bit more serious on the topic.

Still after getting the elaboration, seemed the scout had to take his leave "Oh... alright rest well." be it due to sheer exhaustion or other bonds the scout took his leave without chatting up the beauty any further... infact, the passive and calm atmosphere was almost oppressing! With her appearance and spunky attitude Rikke was more than used to drawing attention, but here everyone seemed to exhausted, tired or defeated to seemingly even see her!

Rikke didn't like... didn't like it one bit! With her bright orange hair and lively eyes, the girl absolutely stood out in the otherwise colorless and silent pub. Perhaps people slightly more similar to me were exactly where she was supposed to be as well - bed.

Finishing the drink, Rikke would leave the glass on the counter and not even bid the greedy pubkeep farewell. At such a late hour, there was little else the girl could do, but go rest till daybreak and indeed see the two major leads she had - The Courthouse and Marvins shack.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The old scout shrugged "No one I know of well maybe except Marvin." With that Rikke took in the dreary place and decided she would leave as well. Heading out she passed the courthouse again before making her way to the inn. Once more she found Melody at the counter but she was busy with the tall woman from before and the drunk. "Come on Melody he will not make it home in his condition and the jail is full." Melody sighed before nodding. "But he goes in the stable boys room. Im not cleaning up vomit on my good linens.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke blinked at the overheard conversation and covered her mouth to hide a light giggle, at the very least the people here most certainly were just simple folk.

She'd approach the duo and their semi-passed out friend, keeping a friendly smile "Hey~ having drunk trouble?" Rikke glanced to the man and gave him a light wave if he was even conscious.

Still no doubt the deputy would have to carry the man off, before he puked on the front desk... leaving only Rikke and Melody "Well~ The Pub sure was dreary... here I thought isolated communities had a ton of crazy fun." she'd joke to her, though would linger for long.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The man would just kinda groan and attempt to wave nearly falling in the process only barley hanging on due to fact he caught the tall woman's sword. This of course caused it to slip out of the scabbard and bang to the floor. This of course caused the deputy to frown at the man. Reaching down Rikke picked up the well balanced Black Warg's patterned blade and handed it back to the woman. "Thanks." Nodding at Rikke the woman lead the drunk out and too the stable.

This left Rikke with Melody who simply nodded. "Yeah well its harvest time so people are really worked to the bone. If you stay long enough you'll get to see the harvest festival.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As Rikke picked up the blade seeing it up closer the girl paused as she held it... this design, she knew it all too well! The sword was without a doubt of Black Warg design! Why did the deputy have it? "A-Ah... There ya go." the girl would give the sword back to the Deputy custody and smiled to her as she carried the drunk off. She'll most certainly need to talk to the female later...

Rikke smiled to Melody "Well... hopefully I'll be able to see it, but with an escape route ready." she'd wink slyly... though not quite as confidently. If it was easy or well-known how to possibly escape the valley... the town would most certainly not be so overwhelmed by their defeated feel. Escape might be far harder than Rikke could ever guess...

But those were thoughts for later! For right now!- "Bed." Rikke smiled dreamily and jumped onto the bed sighing with relief. With all the events, sights and the wonderful fresh air from the mountains to guide her... it would take little time before the girl was already quick asleep!
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke slept well her body absolutely refreshed and apparently awoke just after sunrise. Down below the smell of food was wafting up. Gathering up her stuff Rikke headed down the stairs to find a small table set up with roasted sausage fresh milk and flat cakes with butter and maple syrup. Looking about she found several other people about chatting and drinking a strong black drink. Eating as she would Rikke saw that Melody had been relieved by an older woman. She seemed pleasant enough if quite old. She had grey hair that still shined and was rather thick. Her wrinkled skin was a light tan speaking of time spent in the sun. She smiled warmly but didn't engage Rikke in any other way.

After spending time at the inn Rikke walked into the street to find the town lively and bright. Plenty of towns folk moved about town tending to business. In the light Rikke saw the town was actually very brightly painted and lively.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would soon enough awake, even having fallen asleep in her leathers to boot! With a lazy yawn and semi-closed eyes the girl looked to the sun and stretched out casually "mmmm~~ Right!" she'd soon enough jump out of the bed and go wash up with the placed bucket for her.

So... she would need to: check-in with the courthouse, ask the Deputy about her relation to the wards... and see who this Marvin fellow was. Oh! And Calvins shack! With her plans all set out, Rikke would slip out the room rejuvenated and ready for may come!

As marvelous as the breakfast smelled, the rogue was still full from the surprise dinner at the Lumberjacks. So~ she'd only take a fork and stab, coupled with a small cake. She'd eat on the move!

"Hello~" Rikke would beam a smile to the old woman as she passed, before heading right on out to the streets! The sight that revealed before her even made the girl finish chewing on her bite as she'd blink and turn her head...

The town appeared to be a gallery of colors and flora! Houses that seemed decrepit and hastily painted revealed themselves to be done in an older style, but neatly maintained. The overgrowth the night hinted at - hanging gardens from flowery balconies! "Wow..." Rikke blinked and snickered to herself... the night most certainly colored the town in a FAR different manner!

Still heading onwards, Rikke would no doubt pass a fair few people and after finishing her flat-cake, she'd finally arrive at the grandiose building she sought - the so called Courthouse! It was time to see just who was in charge of the apparently pleasant little town.
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Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

To call it a court house was a misnomer, it had obviously been a temple of some sort before the town had claimed it for their own. Moving towards the gleaming stone building Rikke noticed a fresh batch of cut flowers placed before the golden statue. It seemed that some of towns folk revered the angels still. The building itself seemed to be a large down with pillared columns denoting entrances. From here a few people came and went as birds sang from nearby trees. Upon entering the unguarded building Rikke found the floor to be a black and grey marble and the roof of the dome painted with religious scenes portraying the angels. Turning her attention back to the present Rikke noticed a young woman in stately robes sitting at the desk trying not to look bored. Around her several piles of paper work sat as well as an ink well with a single colorful plume sticking out of it.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would pause to look over angelic scenes portrayed. Between the ruined temple and this... there was little mistaking that the previous residence either revered angels or were angels themselves! Still walking backwards as she continued looking over the paintings, perhaps even perceiving a story they told she'd stumble upon... a particulary bored looking individual.

"Hey!" Rikke called out energetically, used to forests or otherwise open areas... only for the voice to echo loudly through the almost hallowed area! The girl hunched lightly innocently and relaxed with a sheepish smile "Sorry..." she'd reduce her voice volume significantly, lightly blushing "Hey, I'm here to see the Mayor. I've just arrived and some people directed me here."
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The girl looked up and sat up straight smoothing out the robes. "Indeed you found her! Welcome I am Mayoress Adela." The girl would extend her hand only for it to be swallowed by the overly large robe. Shaking it free the girl scowled. Once the hand shake was complete the girl would cough and speak. "Well if your new then Ill have to fill out the paper work. Could you tell me your name and profession?"
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke blinked "Oh..." she'd quickly smile to the girl, who'd introduce herself proper and extend an overly robbed hand, which the rogue did shake... guess it was how people greeted in these parts. Though the robes purpose was clearly no comfort...

"Rikke, Adventurer." She'd answer with a smile and sit down "One that's not going to stick around for very long." the girl added a sly wink to her introduction.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"An adventurer you say?" The girls voice got slightly dreamy before it snapped back. "Well then Ms. Rikke if you claim to be an adventurer than I may have a task for you. That is if your willing." Not really waiting for Rikke's answer and speaking rather rapidly and with an excited tone Adela continued. "You see the Proper Mayor my Uncle Calvin has gone off on his own adventure claiming to have found a way out of the Valley. Sadly he has vanished and I need someone who knows how to handle themselves to look for him." The girl looked right at Rikke her eyes slightly watery.

How could Rikke refuse after all it fit her goals rather nicely. It was a simple matter of nodding her head in agreement which drew girly shirk of excitement from the Mayoress. "Great just great! I'll have Bernard open up my uncles shack for you. I know Marvin been using it to store furs but it shouldn't be a big deal."
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well I--" before Rikke could even finish her start of a sentence, the Mayor seemed to rush onwards! The rogue blinked and only looked on to the girl, who upon first meeting seemed a little goofy, but contained... and now turned from utterly giddy exciting to almost crying about her uncle?!

Rikke was about to say something again only for the Mayor to literally say the exact same thing the rogue was about to say! Still as the barrage of request and emotions was over finally silence loomed on the hall... and it was 'safe' for the rogue to talk.

"Actually I've run into Bernards family on my way here!" she'd beam her a smile "And~ I've sort of... arranged a trip to er..." Rikke smiled innocently and rubbed the back of her neck "A 'Crazy Calvins' shack?" there was little mistaking it was the same person.

"Well I'm not planning on staying and your uncle may have some answers that I seek." she'd smile once again, but this time far more reassuringly "Ofcourse I'll help." seemed all the parts Rikke expected to be separate, were slowly fitting into one neat puzzle!