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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"The ruined temple? Yeah sure its right about here." Bernard pointed to the spot on the map that was near the abandoned town. "Not sure how that will help." For Rikke it was clear though. As he pointed it out she quickly deduced her location which it seemed had been previously explored by Calvin. This also let her confirm Ella's likely entrance to the Valley. It hadn't been scribbled out. With that one eliminated Rikke found four more possible location that hadn't been marked one way or the other they all had X's waiting to be confirmed or denied.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke licked her lips subtly as her brain got to work... if the temple was there. The girl would quickly find the mountain where Ella was and compared it to the other maps, after that she'd find a map that may have highlighted her own entrance point!

Rikkes and Ellas entrances varied greatly between one another, where the rogue was thrown down one that was under-kept... Ellas was far more elegant, though the difference significance was still unclear "Okay... so follow me on this..."

Rikke looked up to the other two "This is the ruined temple and this is the spot my friend enter... which makes this spot where I entered." the heroine looked to Aria "And you said you entered... around here?"

Rikke quickly flipped through the maps looking for ones that highlighted each of the points "Since they're the same distance and marked in the mountains I think each of these can be entrances as well, right?" she'd continue her theory and flip through the maps... looking for markings that seemed completely unrelated to any of the point of interests they knew.

Especially points that recurred often in the maps "If those are the entrances, then what did Calvin mark out here..."
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Unfortunately for Rikke the sheer amount of maps would confuse the situation. Hardly any where the same size or scale and those that where where either outdated or not very well done. It seemed that Calvin took his best map with him. One that probably had all of Rikke's answers. Still she was able to conclude that the four marks left on the primary map where yet to be explored there where a few outer ones that didn't seem to make the transition from map to map being generally weeded out for some reason or another. But all the marks where generally located in the area of the map and if Rikke read it correctly they all where near the pass she and Ella had been crossing.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Still as Rikke compared the maps, some of them seem to just not add up "Hum... come on..." she'd attempt to connect the maps together to perhaps form a picture. What was Calvin marking out on them... surely the X's had some rhyme or reason.

Fortunately atleast some of the maps seemed to have been crumbled or entirely crossed out, leaving the rogue less papers to look through "He had to have marked something out specifically here..." with her reference points set the girl could have a far better picture of where each X was placed.

Still all of note that Calvin marked out seemed to be the route just above the drop-off points near her and Ellas drop-off points. Still soon enough 4 other unrelated marks appeared, ones that did not seem to point to drop-off locations "What could these be marking out?" the rogue leaned out and looked to the duo beckoning them over.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Both Bernard and Adria looked over the map. "Well if this where you came out of and this is where I came out of then these must be suspected entry points as well." Bernard nodded "He must have left to check all or some of them and didn't return."
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Perhaps the cultists captured the poor man... or perhaps "Hum.." Rikke would roll up the map and look to them "I'll go investigate." unfortunately to reach the town took a fair bit of travel spurring the rogue to ask "Is there a shortcut back into the main valley?"
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Bernard frowned and seemed to get a cold sweat started while Adria smiled. "I know just the thing." Beckoning Rikke onward the woman left the cabin with Bernard following. After about a 10 minute walk to a densely forested part of the area Adria pointed at a well maintained tower. "Up there is a zip line it will drop you off at a point on the other side of the river. It is however a one way trip so you'll have to find one of the scout towers to get back." Asending the tower Rikke found the top of it held a reinforced rope with a pully attached to and handles. As Rikke checked this out Adria looked over the gear making sure it was all working.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Mhm~ I got here on my own. I'll find my way back." Rikke snicker and winked confidently to Adria. Though as they walked the sheriff just seemed oddly... silent "Sheriff?" the girl looked to the man curiously lightly concerned by his sudden distraught attitude.

Still whatever the man said likely the girls could go right ahead with their plan... and Rikke couldn't wait! "Ha~~!" the girl looked up to the device with bright eyes and an even brighter smile, quickly getting up to the top of the tower! The height shift was most certainly noticeable as Rikke could only see the rope continue onwards and across the field... this was certainly going to be fun!

"So I just hold on tight and... let go... when?" the heroine looked over the device clearly excited at the upcoming ride! With her blade and armor in check as well as the map clearly stashed away... she was ready to see just what had Calvin so enthralled!
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I-I don't like heights" With that cleared Rikke got to the top of the tower with Adria nodding. "Yep the rope is a different color when you reach the safe zone. Be careful though its quite the drop so be ready for it. Normally we have a scout waiting on the other end but you'll have to be on your own. Oh I hope you have dry cloths." With that Rikke was free to use the zip line. If she so chose too at the moment she would soon find her self zipping threw the air as the rope and pulley did its work. Wind whip across her face sending a few stray strands across her eyes. Thankfully Adria had put her hair up so it didn't totally blind her. As the ride began to wind down Rikke noticed a noticeable decrease in speed and soon the normally brown rope turned to a soft red. It must have been the safe zone Adria mentioned. Still it seemed an awfully long drop. Up ahead the shimmer of water caught her eye as well as the end of the road as a small tower sat in the middle of the small tree shrouded pond.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"'kay wish me luck!" Rikke waved to Adria happily and turned to the valley she'd zip, her hands tightly holding onto the device before "Here I go!" she'd jump forward and speed away! While at the first the descend was at a reasonable speed soon enough the wire began to buzz as the heroine rushed at immense speed "Wooo~haha!" she'd cry out, just seeing the landscape zoom past her in one blur!

Until she heard the wires town shift and the end point near! Looking up indeed the rope had changed color which meant "Geromino!" Rikke would let go and free fall downwards towards the pool of water that seemed all too dangerous small from this height!

Still letting go, the fall sensation quickly rushed through the girls body though she'd hardly have time to fully feel it as she braced for the water and pierced it legs first!

The adrenaline rushing through her Rikke slowed her dash through the water and swam up only to breach the surface with a resounding-- "COLD!" the girl shivered at the mountain water she was thrown in and quickly swam, shivering and grinning exceptionally widely from the thrilling entrance she just made!

Still high on the adrenaline she'd turn to the cottage and quickly rush to it looking to atleast towel off and dry her clothes to a reasonable degree! Thankfully her warmth amulet would take care of her not freezing, even with the otherwise ice-cold clothes... yet it needed time to properly warm her up.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Entering the cottage Rikke found warm blankets and even dry if common cloths that would do in a pinch. Nearby plenty of firewood lay as well as hefty amount of fire starter. She would have no trouble warming up and drying out if she desired. Figuring out what she would do. Once that was settle Rikke could leave to her first destination. One was fairly close by probably a few hours hike but it was in the middle of the group so she would be backtracking a bit if it turned out to be a dud.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Haaaa~" Rikke sighed with relief and smiled in an almost derpy fashion, her body wrapped around by the thick blanket as the warm fired burned nearby "Mmm..." not to mention shortly after her amulets effect seemed to activate keeping the girls body ever so pleasantly warm even under otherwise quite cold circumstances!

Still with her stay at the cottage undisturbed, Rikke quickly put out the warming fire and followed her blazing adventuring spirit! It was time to investigate just what had Calvin so captivated!

The girl unrolled the map on a nearby table and quickly found herself... "Hum..." well while one of the X's was a bit out of the way than the others, the odd-ones were always the most juicy! Finding her route, the rogue closed the map and set out to check the closest mark... Dud or no dud, the rogue had plenty of time!
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The start of her journey was uneventful the pleasant early morning hike doing much to improve her mood and general contentedness of the situation. She had always been one to keep moving forward and being stymied for any reason just grated on her. Still as morning turned to afternoon Rikke found herself plagued by all manner of biting insects. Slapping a few away Rikke's mood dimmed and it would not get better till she found a small clearing. Here out of the shade of the trees the bugs left her alone as she was greeted by a flock of Crolian silver sparrow. Or course many of the common folk just called them Arrowheads because of their color in the sunlight was like a glint of arrow heads in the air. Glinting as they took to the air at the sudden intrusion Rikke watched as the flock moved in an elegant pattern shimmering in the sun. So lost in the sight Rikke missed the armored skeleton she tripped over sending her piling into the dirt stopping mere inches from a rusty spear head pointing at her face.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rogue enjoyed just traveling and seeing new sights, thus it was quite hard to dim the girls spirit--- bzzzz SPLAT! , but the damn bugs sure were giving it an earnest try! Seemed accidentally Rikke had passed by what seemed to be perhaps a local swamp or otherwise nest of the nasties, spurring her to speed up and frown at the attackers!

Rikke would keep her pace for some time, before finally she seemed to escape the bloodsuckers "Yeesh..." she'd shudder strongly, though whatever ill-will towards the forest came to her it seemed to be flown away alongside the majestic wildlife display before her!

"HA~~" Rikke smiled widely looking over elegance on display, the majestic birds seemingly taking all manner of formations as their exceptional sh--- "WUAAAA~!" with low poof Rikke hit the road in a most literal sense scaring away the birds entirely. Tumbling forward the girl rolled briefly, before she'd catch her footing and sigh with relief, before opening her eyes and spurring a cold sweat shower across her body as a rusty looking spear looked right at her!!!

Smiling sheepishly still coated in the cold sweat, she'd subtly move the tip away and look uncomfortably at the pile... that almost ended badly.. still where the heck did she end up this time?
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked around at an obvious battle ground, though the last bit of fighting had long ended. Charred lumps of wood sat evenly spaced down the overgrown road. The only hint of their origin being the occasional Broken Wagon Wheel and rusting iron fittings. Of course the massive ox skeletons that proceeded them were a dead give away as well. It seemed to have been an armed caravan of sorts. Though these fellows didn't seem to make it very far. Looking at the various fallen remains Rikke noted most looked human bearing typical Crolian arms and armor. Who ever these people where they were outsiders like Rikke though not nearly as lucky. Despite that she did pick up the fact she had found an old road that seemed to lead up to the mountains.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Though more curiously... what had killed them? Even if aged, Rikke would look over the armor for arrows, sword slashes or hints of magic. Were these victims of the strange orcs as well?

The heroine gave the trip a solemn smile and looked to the ancient road curiously "Hum... and where do you lead?" the girl pulled out the map and checked where could each end of the route lead. The one that lead in a more unusual direction was the one she'd take! No doubt it would be further on deeper into the mountains!

With a confident smile, the girl curled up the map and stashed it away. Following the mountain road deeper in to wherever it lead!
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Inspecting the remains Rikke would find that indeed physical violence had killed these men. Other than that she couldn't detect hints of magic or any other supernatural traces. With that done Rikke moved around a bit and checked her map, looking at it a moment Rikke determined that this road would lead to the one she had found before and if it lead there than this must lead out. Putting her map away Rikke followed the remains of the road back to the mountains. It took another hour or so but at last she found the mountain range. Looking up at it Rikke could see the ruins of a fort. Ascending the rest of the way she soon found it to be nothing more than a ruin guarding a long collapsed pass. Though as she looked over the scene Rikke did spot strange mechanical gears sticking out of the fort. They where massive easily the size of small houses.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As Rikke continued the unknown path, she'd keep her pace though the thinning mountain air did require to on occasion pause to catch her breath... still soon enough as she cleared steep incline the view of a old fort caught her eye! "Wow..."

The girl paused to take in the sight, before picking up her pace and closing in. As she walked she'd almost spin to see every nook and cranny on display, this fort seemed to be overlooking some sort of collapsed pass. Though unfortunately with the absolutely steep and monumentous boulders in the way, there was little passing it.

However more of note were the absolutely huge rusted gears here! Rikke looked to them curiously as she recalled how she ended up in the valley herself... what if her arrival here was more than just a freak accident. The rogue paused looking over the mechanism and where it may be operated from... But perhaps her arrival was just a malfunction of one of these sort of devices! If anywhere inside these ruins or somewhere near there should be a way to control or activate the gargantuan gears!
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Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

No doubt it was controlled in the fort but as she turned her head to look at it one of the walls simply collapsed right in front of her. There was no way she was going in there. Even if the mechanism worked the simple operation of it would probably bring the rest of the fort down on top of her. Still it was another piece of the puzzle. Standing there for just a moment Rikke recalled that her dark armored friend mentioned something about a fort.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Not being able to confirm her theory, Rikke did start to suspect that the ground opening up beneath her feet... was no accident. The girl quickly sat down on a nearby rock and used to dirt or nearby flower to mark her discovery out. She suspected that one of these forts was very much active and filled with most unpleasant cronies!

But just where could it be... She'd look over the map for any potential similar spots to check. Who knows, perhaps Calvin marked one or several spots out himself!