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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Haven chosen the closest point on her map left her with three other possibilities and sadly Calvin's map didn't have any clues to offer up. Even the road she was on wasn't on it. Still there was another close by that she could reach before dark or she could aim for the other two that would take at lest a day. Such were her choices. With the mysteries burning in her head she had much to think on before choosing her route.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Alright Calvin... what else do you have to show me." Rikke doubled checked the route to the closest spot she could reach with the limited daylight and rolled up the map. Heading out on wards... slowly but surely she was getting potential answers, yet numerous questions still remained.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Deciding on hitting the one she could before dark Rikke headed out. She would have to head cross country for to reach it with any usable daylight though that did mean dealing with the bugs once more. As she passed threw the woods Rikke noted a strange structure up ahead reaching it she found it to be an old stone wall made up of field stones. Looking it over she hopped over it and continued on her way paying little head to it. Eventually she ended up crossing yet another one but with it only being waist high it was overcome with little effort.

Finally after crossing threw the woods Rikke found a cave similar to the one seh had been found in with matching rune's though this one seemed over grown with plants and had a districe smell of rotting vegetation coming from it.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As the rogue passed through the flora, she'd encounter a fair few even man-made obstacles! Once the valley was no doubt quite the view... heck the shifting passes all too clearly hinted at that on their own, however now it had turned to a sort of monument of a civilization long since passed.

Thankfully soon enough the rogue closed in on her goal and!!.. She'd sigh lightly, looked like it was one of the drop-off points. Except this one was far wilder in it's flora than both Rikkes and Ellas! 'Well... if I'm here...' the girl glanced back to the sky, checking how much daylight she still had... but it was likely this was around the area she'd have to camp out.

If daylight was indeed slipping, the rogue would not push her luck to travel through the mist and instead inspect the drop-off area. Who knows, perhaps it was something else entirely!
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Indeed the sun had already begun to slip from the sky leaving little for Rikke to do besides inspect this drop off point. As she quickly made her way to the entrance she found it indeed over grown with even damp and rich soil covering the floor of the cave. Heading in deeper she foud hanging vines as well as other debris including animal bones. Still the place seemed quite and not tracks disturbed the loose soil. Heading deeper she found the terminus point. Unlike her's no skeleton rested to greet new arrivals. She did however see the faintest crack that let some light slip in. This light shown apon a delicate Bardian lilac that had just begun to sprout and already showing its first blooms. Stepping away from it for now Rikke headed back to the entrance and made a light camp. Finishing that up just before the mist climbed the small rise and settled obscuring the valley below.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would enter the overgrown cove, noting its completely undisturbed nature. Seemed noone came in to check in here as well... infact the rogue wasn't sure if the new arrivals even came through here.

If the girls theory was correct then one of the forts likely activated the path forcing it to open up, which dropped anyone or anything within them into these small caves... though if most of the passes were in ruined condition only a few drop-off points were actually active!

This one would no doubt be related to pass had long since collapsed or no longer actually worked. Looking around Rikke could only smile at the overgrowth and even noted the singular beautiful flower inside "Well hello there." she'd beam a smile to the flower approaching to inspect it, even smell it with fair delight!.. though the rogue wouldn't pick it.

Heading outside the girl could already tell night would soon come, quickly gathering her supplies and putting them to use she'd soon enough set a fire up and just liedown to relax looking up to the thousands of stars above her with a smile. Only once sitting up to look the dreaded mist below... even if the girls theory was true about the mechanical nature of the trap, then what of the Mist? Perhaps it was just a natural occurence in the valley? Not some grim manifestation of death and despair.... though having been stuck in it, the Mist seemed anything, but natural.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The flower had a pleasant smell and was exceedingly rare in Crolia as the temperature fluctuations tended to end less than hearty plants. Still the stubborn survivor seemed to bloom brightly for Rikke. Making her camp and looking up at the stars she was greeted with the dancing lights. Some had said that it was the gods having a ball while others seemed to think it was the river of the dead heading to the after life. What ever it was it was pretty and eased Rikke's mind as she drifted into sleep.

As morning Came Rikke was awoken by the sound of a beasty grunt. Looking up she saw a snow bear pawing at the ground. It seemed to be a young bear by the looks of it just recently weaned from its mother. The beast pawed at the ground some more eventually revealing a wild tuber. The bear sniffed it a few times before crunching into it. The massive jaws easily smashing the hard nearly frozen vegetable with ease.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would smile dreamily as she'd suddenly hear...a peculiar beast grunts? The chill ran throughout the girls body! What was that?! An angry boar? A dire wolf?! A mountain bear?! Oh gods it sounded just like a bear!

Gulping subtly the girl placed one hand on beauty and ever so carefully and slowly turned to the source.... only to blink at the fairly young bear working furiously to uncover a tuber. The girl sighed with relief and smiled looking to the pretty, but still fairly dangerous fellow. It was best not to disturb him, less for the rogues discomfort and more for the just starting off bears.

Silently and almost mutely slipping away, Rikke would shake off the dew and look over the valley with a smile. Two more places to check! "Now then..." she'd uncurl the map and quickly plan out her quickest route, before heading onwards!
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The fastest way would be to backtrack and besides there was a bear blocking the other path. Heading out she once more crossed the stone walls before once more finding the abandoned battle sight and entered the blood sucker woods. Here things got a bit more trouble some as the ground got softer and softer threatening to swallow her boots with each step. She had found a swamp of sorts and as she crossed it her only refuge was was long fallen trees and their trunks covered with slick moss and strange mushrooms. Still it was better than trying to wade threw waist deep swamp water. She could of course turn back and lose some time or keep forcing herself onward.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Between the bugs, ruining her outfit, slippery logs, loss of a shoe and potential LEECHES! Braving the marsh was flatout not an option! Without even considering to continue upon finding this out, the rogue would rush on back and find an alternative route to cross over. No wonder there were bugs here!
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sadly this would end up costing her much time as she found the marsh rather big. Still as she moved away the water became less stagnate and the bugs thinned considerably. She even found the reason for the large marsh as she came across a very large beaver damn. Thankfully it was large enough for her to cross easily if she chose too. Either way she would arrive at the next spot far later than she would have hoped.

Inspecting the area Rikke found it strangely empty not even a cave stood here. Though given an overgrown road lead up to this place. Looking about she frowned who would build a road to a rock wall. It was very frustrating. No cave, ruins, or even remains. Just a road that seemingly stopped short.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Whatever the cost of time may be, getting stuck in a marsh would be far more icky and time consuming than going around! The rogue learned such a lesson well enough!

Heading around she'd soon enough find a proper pass and after a fairly brisk walk seemed to arrive to the spot... only to find nothing? Rikke blinked as she looked around and doubled checked the map. This certainly seemed to be the spot...

"Hum..." The heroine lifted her eyes and carefully scanned the area.. noone has a road just for nothing. Not giving up Rikke would quickly get to searching the area. No doubt there was something here, but it was not quite as obvious as her previous two locales.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke searches the area 58 vs 30
Rikke resistance 29 vs 40 fail

Taking a look around Rikke found almost nothing till her foot struck a small bag. Looking down Rikke pulled of the worn satchel only for a map to fall out. Looking down as it unrolled Rikke found the most detailed map of the valley she had ever seen. Looking at in further Rikke noticed that compared to her map Calvin had started on the other side marking out the one she had yet to reach stopping at this one. This left the others blank on his map. What ever happened to poor Calvin happened here. As she looked around she found no body, no signs of a struggle, just a lonely satchel with some long spoiled provisions and a compass.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Was he attacked? Rikke would carefully pick up the items and look around, they were most certainly out of place here. Heck the map looked almost pristine! "Calvin!" the rogue called out loudly and waited hopefully... it was unlikely, but still "Calvin! I'm a friend!" how many days had passed since the man disappeared? Try as she might the girl could not quite recall.

There had to be something here! Still the chance of an attack was most certainly a possibility, leaving the rogue to look over for any signs of conflict around the area... perhaps even trailing off elsewhere.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke serachs finds nothing
Rikke resistance 31 vs 46 fail

Searching around some more Rikke found nothing. No foot prints no remains not even an out of place pebble. Once more she searched around desperately searching this area. It had to be here something had to be here. Though as night began to fall Rikke saw the mist starting to creep up the hill. She would have to make camp.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would search low and high, but there was nothing! Just these random Calvin possessions... "Grr!!" the girl kicked a nearby rock in her annoyance... what was she missing! Maybe it was just dropped here by accident?

She'd pause or perhaps... whatever is revealed here cannot be seen during this time of day! She had spent most of her daylight hours here, perhaps the moon or the night would reveal something more?

Still with the Mist keen to wrap around and whisk away those unwary, she'd be walking along the knifes edge. The girl would risk the night, but quickly look around for any nearby locations to retreat and escape the mist... if this mark would keep its secrets.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would settle for the night though she felt uncomfortably close to the mist. As she settled down she watched the mist creep up the hill towards her. It was a uneasy to say the least but as the mist got closer it seemed to stop. Looking around Rikke didn't see anything that would prevent it from proceeding. Sitting there she pondered and waited.

"You know the mist isn't really that harmful it just likes to hide danger. Though it is enchanted to make people in it feel dread and fear." Turning her head she found a woman standing near the sudden stop of the road. Looking closer Rikke had to change her mind it was no woman it was an angel. "It seems your persistence has won out young one and your friend almost uncontrollable when she found out you where just outside." The woman was armored in the same strange metal Rikke had seen on the remains at the ruined temple but wore no weapons that Rikke could see. Her long blonde hair was in a pony tail that went clear down to her knees. Brilliant white wings where at rest on her back. She had purple eyes and her skin was pale. She wore no makeup and was conservatively dressed.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke kept glancing around as the night came and slowly the mist began to creep in... yet nothing changed "Come on... come on..." the girl stayed for as long as she could, though just as the mists began to creep closer... it stopped? As if unable to go near the rogues spot the area appeared to almost repel it?

The girls ears almost perked up as her eyes widened, that was most certainly strange... though 'strange' was hardly the word of choice when she heard someone speak in a calm manner from just behind her!

An angel?! Rikkes eyes widened at the visage, more so as she heard the angels words "You're... You're the one who saved Ella? Back then in the Temple?" the heroine rarely if ever had the chance to see an angel in full battle regalia! And under the moonlight the sight was certainly awe-inspiring!

The heroine quickly stood up and smiled to the female politely "I knew there had to be something more here... whats going on? Who are you?" the girl turned her head subtly looking at the stranger.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well not me specifically but yes we saved your friend. Though given what she is we almost ended her to. The question is are you like her or are you different. If you are another succubus the well.." The woman's hand ignited in white hot fire. "You better hope your with child as well." The woman looked at Rikke her steely gaze measuring her. "Enough Hope we do not threaten mortals even ones tainted by demon essence. Let her in and no more guff about it." The angel sighed and the white fire vanished. "You're no fun Faith." Still the woman relented and lead Rikke into and threw an illusory wall of sorts. Once inside Rikke was greeted with gleaming bronze artwork and gold adornments attached to a white stone fort. Nearby two more angels eyed Rikke before heading off in a hurry while another Angel slowly tapping her foot looked at the blonde. This angel had dark black hair and wore similar armor though she was most defiantly armed with a massive great-sword. Everything about her screamed commander. Looking at Rikke a moment she spoke. "You must be Rikke. I am commander Faith the last leader of this sanctuary. Now more importantly why are you traveling with a woman who tainted my kin.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikkes friendly attitude quickly dispersed as the woman spoke her threat, one of the heroine hands moving to Beauty to rest on its pommel. Though she'd hardly reply as the threat rang out, fortunately she didn't need to as a much more rational voice rang out from somewhere nearby!

The rogue relaxed her stance and sighed with relief, this angel was certainly not the kind she imagined at all! The woman almost seemed zealous in her views... an exceptionally dangerous attitude to keep "After you." she'd speak up, though cared little to meet the angels eyes... even if Rikke kept a fair distance from her almost considering her a threat instead of ally.

Still it turned out the secret that escaped the rogue for so long... was right before her eyes the whole time! The wall was just an illusion! While obvious now, it seemed something had clouded the girls mind from seeing it before!

As she'd step inside instantly the atmosphere shifted all around a clear sense of a divine temple rang out, even with a fair few angels glancing to the new arrival and scurrying out of view... so there was a third party in this valley afterall!

"I am." Rikke answered honestly and nodded to the woman, who most certainly had a certain leading air about her... as well as little passion for small talk "She is my friend." the rogue answered simply "And she's not the same entity you believe she is." for the love of Venus... hopefully Ella did not attack an angel with her dark energies!