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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Ella looked over her face sad expression that couldn't hide the tear stains that ran down her cheeks. She didn't say a word and simply moved over to Rikke to give her a deep hug.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled recognising her friend "Hey~" she'd speak in a hushed calmed tone, only to note the tears "Ella?" the girl blinked only to be pulled into a hug? Rikke at first seemed lost, but quickly smiled assuringly "Hey~ hey~.... It's alright. Whats wrong silly?" the girl held her briefly trying to calm her down.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Just..... remembering what I did.. how could I be so cruel... how could Yenna love me after that? Was it the madness or was it all just a fantasy I played out in my mind."
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled kindly and gently stroked the girls hair "What we've done in the past is in the past, yours especially." she'd keep the hug "Even the angels understand, you've been given a second chance. Don't waste it mourning what your corruption has done..."

The rogue hardly knew the details of what had happened between Ella and the angels... but perhaps sending the girl away was not the right choice at all "Yenna chose to stay with you, even at the cost of suffering through your darkness. It was a sacrifice she made just to be with you." the rogue would try to pull Ella back to look her in the eye with a kind smile "Do not doubt her love for you, Ella."
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Ella couldn't muster any words at the moment so she just cried soft tears against Rikke's chest. Eventually however the tears stopped and Ella went limp in her arms. Looking down it was clear the girl had finally fell asleep. Escorting her to the bed Rikke moved to cover her up when she felt a dark presence behind her. "Well hello there sexy. Nice to see you again. Rikke felt the pale flesh of the stranger wrap around her generous bust. No silly pool girl to disrupt us this time." Another pale arm moved around blocking Rikke's own from drawing beauty. That was't all either. Rikke fel the massive breasts press against her back and the presence of dark warm lips on her neck kissing it every so slightly before reaching up to nibble on her ear a little. "Yum your as tasty as I remember Rikke.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke kept a calming hug on Ella till the girl fell asleep then and there, spurring a gentle snicker from the heroine "Oh~ You silly silly girl." admittedly the rogue did not truly know what sort of memories this place and these angels brought to Ellas mind, still the least she could do is comfort her friend and tuck her in for the nights rest.

The heroine carried Ella to her bed and gently lied her down "Now... rest well." she'd reach for the covers to pull over her in a slow manner--- only for the serene atmosphere to shift drastically! Just as Rikke reached for the cover and attempted to pull them over a familiar voice pierced the silence "Well hello there sexy~ Nice to see you again." Rikkes gentle warm expression quickly disappeared as her eyes widened, there was someone else here?!!

Moments before the girl could turn to face the presence she was quickly caught from behind... in most interesting manner. Two pale smooth hand seemed to very quickly slide along her sides and reach up giving each of her bust a greedy and rough squeeze?! In turn, the surprising act quickly adorned the heroines face with a blush and cutting off whatever she was about to say!

Only after she caught her breath could Rikke even attempt to speak, though she did not seem to make any movement towards Beauty just yet "Who's there? Who are you?" just as Rikke asked she felt the stranger body loom closer against hers, the strangers generous bust all too warmly and tightly pressing against the rogue from behind, her lips dancing along her neck to send dark and sensual chills across her!

So caught off-guard by the sudden entrance, Rikke seem to hardly make an effort to resist... who was this stranger?!
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As the woman kissed her neck her that had hindered Rikke from grabbing beauty quickly undid the belt causing the scabbard to slide the floor with a dull thunk."Shhhhsss Just have fun with me hummm. With the belt out of the way a cool hand slid beneath her pants teasing the outer lips of Rikke's delicate flower. The assault on her breasts didn't falter either as the other hand slide under armor and cloth to tease Rikke's nipple. "Its been such a long time lets just play a bit humm." Still even if Rikke seemed stunned her mind still raced as she took stock of her situation. Her sword arm was free its captor having moved on to tease her flower. Her other arm however was still trapped preventing the rogue any serious movement in regards to turning around.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

A few moments later Rikke heard Beautys scabbard loosen and hit the floor just barely a foot away from Ellas bed. The stranger seemed exceptionally unkeen to reveal their identity, though very much keen on something else entirely! Undisturbed Rikke soon enough felt the strangers hands danced beneath her armor and shirt, slipping to grasp at her bust directly. The tight fit of the armor even forcing the hand to press harder against her bust! "H-hey..." the girl had to keep her voice low, with Ella right there any louder objection of peep would no doubt wake her! "I asked who---"

As Rikke repeated the question the stranger began slipping their skilled hands beneath her leathers down below?! Instantly Rikke closed her legs tightly and huddled up lightly, blushing furiously. Just who the heck did this stranger think they were?!

Unfortunately the rogue closing up hardly protected her bust or neck as the stranger kept her caress on the girls singular bust, her soft plump lips dancing along her neck "Its been such a long time lets just play a bit hummm" the sultry voice seemed to whisper into the girls ear as she kept her eyes closed, resisting the caress... her sword arm was free and she was more than capable of escaping! Motion after motion, the teases on her bust grew more prominent and brazen, even starting to work on the girls nippie! She had to stop this now... Much more Ella was right there!... Yet... "Ha..." the rogue let out subtle gasp at her sensitive body was teased, the thrilling scenario seemingly adding even more to the girls excitement. She couldn't let her...

But... but... Rikkes eyes opened once again to reveal a brilliant purple hue. It had been so long indeed! Much to the strangers delight the girls crossed legs seemed to relax, instantly allowing further access to the cool fingers as they slipped further down to tease her petals, much to a strong tensing up from Rikke "W-well how can we play when we don't know the players..." the rogue spoke in a subtle whisper, subtly bitting down on her lower lip as her body itself seemed to ever so lightly spread her legs a little bit more... her back arched forward that extra bit more. She couldn't help it... she was part succubi afterall! Not to mention she just had a little bit something special for the dark mysterious ones...
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Ahh there we go.." Seemingly pleased with Rikke's acceptance the girl removed her hand from Rikke's bust only for it to trail down her side to her pants where it quickly undid its button loosing the leathers. With a gentle tug Rikke was exposed her black and red panties the only modesty left to her. With that task seemingly completed Rikke felt both the woman's hands trace up her sides hindered by her leather armor. Though if she didn't help the stranger would be busy trying free her mounds from the gear. Though this didn't stop her partner from teasing her as Rikke felt an all to familiar sensation poking at her delicate folds. While not nearly as brazen or large as Jessica this tail cock it was large enough to make her weak in the knees.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Hey~ Cheat, you didn't answer my question." Rikke commented as she'd attempt a subtle glance back at the very least aiming to catch the color of the strangers hair!

Still as her leggings loosened, if she was going to resist now was the time!... With a few tugs soon enough the girls silken thighs were revealed to the subtle warmth of the room! She was truly going through with this?! Rikke couldn't help, but blush as she was quite rapidly stripped of her armor with the orange haired girl herself subtly pushing the leathers aside! Even as much as to subtly undo her own upper body bindings...

With her delicate fingers quickly dancing to her quick release, the leathers would quickly fall to the strangers hand allowing her to throw them aside, leaving the heroine in just her bra and panties! The girls marvelous cups now much more revealed, she herself even subtly pushing her shoulders forward to aid in unclipped of her bra to reveal her glorious cups in full! Much to Rikke ever so subtly bitting down on her lower lip...

Standing now in just her panties, Rikke soon enough felt a familiar, but long since felt sensation brush between her inner thighs and against her panties. The bumpy, ridged nature all too clear even through her silks! A tail cock seemed to have appeared! All too eagerly grinding back and forth against the girls clothed cunny as the rest of her body was at the mercy of the stranger! All throughout Rikke eyes almost gleamed purple as it was very clear, which side of her was in full-control.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well that would spoil the fun. Admit it Rikke some times you just want a good fuck with a total stranger." The woman giggled as Rikke turned her head to catch a glimpse only to see fleeting black strands of hair. "Isn't this better than some dirty ally in a city.

Thanks to Rikke's own sultry efforts her body was nearly completely exposed to the stranger. "Your such a tease Rikke let the little guy in please." Rikke knew what the woman meant but she would let the tail cock suffer a little longer, Meanwhile the woman kept her hands busy on Rikke's bust gentle messaging them with the occasional nipple flick or pinch.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Hey~ I'm not that kind of girl, you know..." Rikke spoke, even if she did recall more than a few similar occasions... even if back then it was Joldra that coaxed her into it!

With her bust fully exposed the stranger could all too teasingly grasp at her magnificent cups without hindrace! Their generous size and silken, elastic nature making it a sheer joy to molest the heroine from behind! Hopefully the stranger hardly saw the smile that adorned Rikkes face as she was groped, the girls mouth almost open in excitement as she blushed ever so brightly and cutely. In turn, Rikke would tease the stranger back, her thighs lightly tightening but just enough to make the tail cock grind far more against them, the cocks upper side still teasingly sinking between her clothed petals with the crown, bumps and ridges as they passed, all the while the sides indulged in the sensation of the girls luscious silken thighs.
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Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

For awhile they kept this up each teasing the other but something had to change. Just as Rikke reached her breaking point the woman acted and spun the rogue around pulling her into a deep kiss. It was fast but Rikke was a keen observer and she caught the sight of raven black wings spread out before her. Keeping her eyes open she found her partner blushing with her eyes closed as she kissed her. Down below Rikke could feel the tail cock finally slip up and into her folds sending the jolt of penetration threw her.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Mmm~" Rikke indulged in the sensation, the cock tail grinding against her from below, the strangers rough grasp all too eagerly toying with her bust, grasping at her mounds and pinching, tugging at her nippies. Each tease sending a wave of warmth across the heroine body more and more as soon enough, she'd feel her folds much more eager to be grinded against it.

The girls eyes would once again look to the bed before her, there was barely enough room and she'd be fucked by the stranger right near Ella! Rikke bit down on her lower lips blushing brightly, but just as she was about get on the bed on all fours, eager to get fucked... she'd be turned around?!

Rikkes eyes seemed wide as she was spun around and quickly locked into a lusty kiss! Though much to her shock, the girls heart almost froze up... the raven wings, the feel of these lips.. the stranger was Yenna?!!

It would be a brief moment of shock, quickly followed by Rikke placing her hands on Yennas cheeks and pulling her closer to the deep kiss! She was alive?! But she had seen... but she was... how?!

So caught in joy of seeing her friend and companion alive, Rikke hardly even noticed the prodding tail wiggle its way closer to her pussy, only to clip at her petals and push onward spurring the rogue to break the kiss! "N-not like this.." she'd lean out with a huge smile "I want to feel it all properly, Yen." the girl smiled and followed whatever lead Yenna showed. Be it returning to her room or straight up right next to her other lover! Rikkes lust and joy mixed so much, that she hardly cared!
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Yenna would smile and simply put a finger on Rikke's lips and took her by the waist and too the air over the balcony and landing in her own room. Pulling Rikke onward she kissed her till they reached the bed. Once their she gently pushed Rikke to the covers and slowly mounted her. "Ive always wanted to do this ever sense I saw you on that roof." Leaning forward Yenna kissed Rikke on the lips before leaning back tracing her hands down to the rogues firm hips. Once more the tail cock would make its presence known as it teased the already damp panties. With seductive smile Yena moved her hands to pull the garment away. Once that was done the fallen angel would kiss the rogues rapidly stiffening clit. "So pretty.. and tasty..." Licking her lips Yenna positioned Rikke so that one leg lay over her shoulder while her and Rikke's senstive petals could touch. Feeling Yena grab firmly Rikke could see her dark eyes look down on her with a mix of lust and love. "Are you ready Rikke?" Getting a simple nod in return Yena began to move her body back and forth stimulating both of them only to have the tail cock push between their joined folds to add a bit more to their lusty play.
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Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke subtly bit down on her lower lip as she was swept up mutely and taken to her room. Surprisingly it was Rikke who lead Yenna by the hand closer to the bed “You~’ve got a lot of explaining to do.” the rogue teasingly leaned against the angel, giving her a shallow kiss before Yenna pushed her onto the silk behind her.

“Oh~? Well I better not say what ideas you gave me.” Rikke giggled and winked slyly to her, her supreme body resting on the silks before the angel. The rogue could hardly enjoy the view of her ally stand before her in full health, as Yenna seemed hardly one to delay at all!

Hardly waiting any longer, Yenna loomed over the rogue once again! Her hands instantly sliding along Rikkes supremely body to grasp those wonderous cups once again! “Mmm~!” the angel herself positioning on all fours above the rogue, looked down to her expression with seeming delight, before leaning closer to rain kisses down along her body.

Rikke snickered playfully at the ticklish, pleasant sensation as Yenna began from her neck, before moving to the wonderous bust and then silken smooth midriff. The heroine herself meanwhile looked on with a silent blush, she could hardly recall her last lover with such clear passion towards her!

It wouldn't take long for the kisses to reach Rikkes panties, much to the angel grasping each side and starting to slide them off... with Rikkes own aid, as the girls heartbeat rushed.

As if returning where she left off, Yenna would play with the rogues buzzer much to her first blushing, before adding subtle jerks of her legs "Aaah~.. H-hey! No teeth!" Rikke giggled out as the angel gave a farewell nibble with only the slightest use of her teeth.

Still with her adoration of the heroines body done, Yenna moved on to the main course as she'd raise the rogue leg over and shuffle closer, allowing her angelic petals to brush against the rogues own plump wonderous ones "Hum~ Lets see who outlasts who." Rikke pushed up from the bed and got comfy as well, not just going to take the grinds, but give them in turn.

Though just as the two were about to begin, suddenly the tail seemed to dark right between the luscious petal union, much to Rikkes surprise and look to Yenna, before she gave her a knowing smirk. Seemed the fallen angels tail acted awfully similar to Jessicas own!

With that the duo slowly began to rock their hips, their petals brushing against one another from each side of the cock as the inner sides grinded subtly against the ridgety cock-tail "H-haaa~~" Rikke blushed brightly, smiling widely with a blush as she moved her hips. Her lower lip, quickly bit down as she felt out each grind with clear entertainment!
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Small cries of passion left Yena's lips as she picked up the pace of her her efforts. The two perfectly shaped woman groaned against each other their curves glinting with combined sweat. Still it seemed neither one would stop as even the first orgasm of the tail only spurred Yenna on harder and more forcefully.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As the girls promiscuous act continued, Yennas own search for greater sensual thrill quickly put her at a much more vulnerable spot than she might otherwise be! Rikke looked to Yenna moan lewdly as her tail cock was massaged by the duo, though for the rogue this was far from enough.

She'd continue the movement for some time, before suddenly the girls leg slipped off Yennas shoulder?! Before the angel knew it, Rikkes hands quickly wrapped around her and as she pulled herself close with a cheeky smile! Mere moments later, Yenna felt herself spun as she was the one with her back onto the bed and Rikke jumping to mount her around her waist!

"He~" Rikke smiled widely, her silken legs kneed on either side of the angel as the girls hands slowly trailed up Yennas body "So~ How about we chat and if you behave..." the rogue spoke in a sultry tone, her rest occasionally turning to look at Yenna beneath her at a slightly different angle "I promise to make your cock feel everything it missed it." the girl licked her lips subtly and smiled, her pervy purple spark all too clear in her eyes even through her long orange hair, which worked all that extra bit more to add to the absolute blissful view of Rikkes subtly gleaming luscious body.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Yenna seemed almost pained at the delay but nodded. Still while no longer in the dominate position she quickly adjusted that Rikke wasn't the only one teasing. One hand slid its way up to Rikke's breast where it teased and massaged the magnificent orb. The other took a firm hold of Rikke's butt and kept squeezing the plump flesh. "We don't have alot of time Rikke so pleaseeeees!
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Her visits were time limited? Rikke blinked as she'd break her lusty act briefly, if it counted she'd best ask the main question "How can I see you again?" whatever other questions lingered could be asked at a later date so long as the rogue knew this answer...

The rogue listened to the answer and nodded, smiling to Yenna once again "You're bound to Ella, aren't you? Or do you just follow her closely?" Rikke asked as she'd lightly lick her lips at the luscious grasp at her cup and firmer grip on her ass. The heroines wonderous body slowly leaning forward to press her cups against the angels own, forcing Yennas both hands to slide behind her or to fully grab the heroine supreme ass with both hands.

With Yennas grip on her and Rikke arching her ass to her lovers grasp all too eagerly, a sly wink to her lover quickly sent the message to the angel spurring the tail into action as the heroines precious petals were all too easy to enter!