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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"That all depends on you." It was cryptic but all that Yenna seemed to be able to manage to tell Rikke. For a moment Yenna's eyes shifted to blue. "Yes bound but grahhh" Once more Yenna's eyes shifted back to the red hue as her tail cock began to probe Rikke's sex more insistently. If Rikke finaly relented she would feel Yenna shutter and sigh in her arms as the tail got to work and the fallen angel moaned.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Hey~ Thats not fair." Rikke giggled playfully flicking the girls nose "Answer properly." she'd give her a sly wink, which seemed to quickly spur the red to return. Yennas hands far more aggressively grasping the rogues wonderous ass, squeezing down with clear lust!

Rikke tisked lightly as she fixed her hair with a smile, before looking back to the tail and subtly licking her lips "Fine~" she'd giggle as she'd relax her legs just enough for her cunny to shift into just right position for the cocks crown to slip between the plump petals and surge forward inside the divine pussy!

The heroine eyes almost went stray from the massive and sudden initial thrust, though any notion to continue conversing with Yenna seemed to disappear as the tails thick and extremely energetic nature completely made Rikke struggle to catch a moment of reprieve!! "B-by the Godde-ss, Yenna!" Rikke looked back in sheer surprise one hand on her hips! While it was far from the full-body thrusts of a real cock.. Yenna knew what she was doing!

Looking back down to Yenna, the occasional hard slide into her rocking the girls eyes upward and spurring a harder bite on her lip, Rikke moved her hands to the fallen angels cups and squeezed down strongly "Mmm~!"
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Yenna gasped herself as she tried to speak. "Was.... taught..... AH!.. by the... best Mmmhhhhh!" Rikke knew who she meant it seemed the Jessica's talents had been refined on many partners. Of course this only made the rogue giddy as she knew that Jessica only saved her full cock for her. Bitting her lip Yenna's tail thrust deep spewing its seed into Rikke causing Yenna to arch her back her dark wings flaring behind her. This didn't seem to stop Yenna as once more the tail got to work though abit more slowly as the angel leaned forward to kiss Rikke on the lips.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke toyed with the angels bust briefly, though very quickly the girls focus shifted right back to the tail as it seemed to grow far more pronounced cock-like features, even getting into a steady rhythm!

"Ah~ Ah~-ha~!" Rikke cried out with a bright smile and blush, while at first the tail felt a tad wierd as it shifted and got into rhythm, there was little mistaking it... Yenna was by now fucking the rogue wildly!

Thrust after thrust, the cock pumped into heroine cunny her plump petals tightly squeezing every inch and ridge as it grinded against her, the cocks crown all too eagerly sliding and squeezing against her absolutely stunning, tight interior!

"Aaaah~" Rikke would relax her hands and fall forward, her generous bust pushing down against the angels below her, as Yenna could see every absolutely gleeful detail on the girls face as she was screwed!

Still Yenna continued the fucking the rogue for some time, before her grip suddenly tightened and orgasm rushed through her body! Rikkes eyes widening as she'd derpily smile at being utterly pumped full, the girls hands gripping their sheets on either side of her dark angel companion.

Though as the angel decorated the girls cunny, she'd seem to not stop the thrust, but instead slow them down quickly turning Rikke towards her and into a kiss, a kiss the rogue all too eagerly answered!

Unfortunately however, it seemed their little time together would soon come to an end... though while it lasted, Rikke was keen to enjoy every second!
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The tail once more pumped into Rikke though this time it was far more subdued. Yenna would occasional moan a little but she seemed content at this slower pace kissing Rikke with the occasional hand straying from her breasts to the rogues generous ass. Gentle fucking continued for a while till she once more spent herself into Rikke's tight cunny. After the exhausting round of sex Yenna seemed to get up and walk slowly away. Rikke watched her a moment before deciding to follow. After all she wasn't done asking questions. Getting off her bed Rikke quickly moved to follow only to see Yenna's form carrying another to the balcony and take to the air.
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Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled post-sex, Yenna work all too clearly adorning her body "Mmm~ Hey~ Where do you think you're going..." she'd giggle playfully and looked to Yenna silently take her leave... spurring the rogues curiousity!

The girl turned her head curiously as she puckered her lips "Yenna?" Rikke blinked and after a bit of clean-up went after her... only to see through the semi-transparent curtains Yennas frame as she held someone? "Yen?" only for Yenna to take flight?! "Yenna!" she'd quickly dash forward and look to the angel in confusion... what was she doing?!
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Dashing forward Rikke indeed saw Yenna carrying Ella away. Shouting out only spurred this response from the dark angel. "Rikke you must find us. I cannot fight their control forever." Only able to watch as the duo flew off Rikke stared a moment something needed to be done.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Who's they?!" Rikke cried out, but had a sneaking suspicion the cultists were certainly involved! Still at the very least the girl could track the direction Yenna had flown off... More importantly she took Ella!! How was Rikke going to face the angels now... when the key to their homes destruction was whisked away right before the heroines eyes.

Still Rikke would observe the rapidly distancing dot and rush a nearby table, unrolling her map! She knew where she was... but where did Yenna fly to?! The heroine would look for a line and any noticeable map markers, though no doubt she'd need to consult the angels with this.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Indeed Yenna seemed to fly straight and true even lingering in the sky when she could have easily dipped down into the cover of the trees and be lost in the darkness. It seemed the girl was fighting in all ways she could. Looking to her map Rikke traced the route. If Yenna kept flying in the same direction she would meet the mountains here. Looking at the map however that part was vague and general. It seems Calvin never ventured that far.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Perhaps the angels would know more... still Rikke did not suspect the act to be a malicious one from Yenna. There had to be a reason why she reappeared... more so why she took Ella away, though it was a mystery for now.

Seemed sleep would have to wait! Rikke curled the map back up and would head out to try and find Faith. If the cultists were involved above anyone else the angel commander would know where they are... or at the very least where Yenna may have taken Ella.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Bursting out of her room triggered the guards to draw weapons thinking something had happened. Once Rikke made it clear that Ella had been taken the whole fort was in a uproar and thus she found herself in war council with Faith.

"Rikke your telling me that our long dead sister had come back and stolen Ella? And she appears to be heading for the cultist stronghold?" Faith would look at the map and mutter. "Okay most of my angels will head to the town and start bringing people to the fort. Im going to evacuate the people before the enemy break threw. I doubt the cultist will want to kill them after all they need them for their ritual. The more we can free the less powerful it will be. Hope will lead the evacuation. Myself, Rikke, and my personal guard shall assault the fort. This should by time for you to sneak in while my angels have them distracted. Sound good Rikke?"
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled sheepishly as her story was recalled by the angel "Y-yes.... I'm certain who I saw, we even chatted for awhile, before she just stood up and left. Next thing I knew Ella was kidnapped..." thankfully the angels did not question the girl and fully trusted her, much to the rogues delight!

"So we're hitting them hard and fast?" Rikke looked to Faith curiously, she didn't know how many angels were battle-ready, nor what the cultists were capable off... though the twist of events had forced the girls hand. She had to save Ella and perhaps even Yenna as well!

"I'll follow your lead, Faith." the girl would nod to the angel with a smile, as it seemed the assault on cultists had just been kickstarted!
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Lets get it done ladies." Faith would clap her hands sending the angels in the room hurrying off. However she did give Rikke a very disappointed look. "You should have told us immediately Rikke. But I'm not going to fault you overly much. Had our positions been reversed I might have dropped my guard too." Moving off to a small chest Faith opened it up to reveal a brilliant white cloak. "Ahh here we go this will do the trick." Heading back she handed the garment to Rikke. "Put this on and say Alas fugae caeli."

Putting the surprisingly light cloak on Rikke said the words only for a soft glow to surround her briefly. Once it was gone she could see her version of angels wings behind her. As she examined them Faith spoke more. This will help you keep up with us. I do not dare risk someone carrying you as no doubt the enemy will be expecting us. To end the magic just say the words again. Ohh and Rikke I need that cloak back in one piece. It was an old gift too a long passed friend so take care of it.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Indeed as Rikke followed the instructions suddenly the cloak shined a brilliant light as it seemed to transform into a pair of brilliant white wings! "Wow..." the girl looked behind her and tried to move the wing, though it certainly felt less as part of her and more of a magical means of transportation!

"This is amazing!" the girl grinned widely, though much to her misfortune it seemed the item was a memento or a gift of sorts "Don't worry. I won't even get a scratch." she'd wink slyly to the angel and beam her a smile.

"So~ It's you, me and...?" it was time to arrange the group and start the sudden, not to mention seemingly pre-planned assault! Though the rogue would likely get a proper briefing as they moved in. While for the heroine the attack was quite blind, she always worked best under uncertain circumstances!
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Gathering what force they could Rikke managed to see at lest thirty angels. Most where dressed in the heavy armor she had seen before but a few wore the lighter adornment. wore a mix between the two. On her back she bore a massive great-sword. Taking to the air the group soon split with about 5 staying behind to secure the fort while Faith, herself and four others moved off to engage the enemy and the rest to the town.

Flying on her own under her "own" power was a thrill. She had flown many times with Jess and a few times in the strange future world, but this.... this was an entirely different feeling. Soaring threw the air she almost missed Faith speaking. "OKay Ladies we are to distract the enemy while our friend here infiltrates on the ground. In that regard get ready for a long fight. We are not only buying time for us but the townsfolk as well. Rikke in about 20 minutes we will be with in eye sight of the fort I need you to drop down into the cover of the woods and approach. If you stay up here with us you will surely be spotted. Also be careful the wings may be false but if you hit a tree with them it will still hurt."
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Where the angels soared majestically... Rikke was absolutely darting along the skies! Piercing the poofy clouds as she dived in and out, her flight speeding up and slowing as she laughed happily throughout! This was nothing short of amazing!!!

Still... seeing the other angels give her a look, the girl would subside her playful tendencies and joined their flight. Just in time to hear the full briefing of the plan "Alright! Just tell me when to slip down." the girl nodded firmly. She was hardly new to infiltration... a crazed cultists base should be all too easy!
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Faith watched Rikke's aerial maneuvers and quickly followed suit much to the confusion of her body guards. Girls we are going to fight for our lives today take a moment to know what its like to live. With that the flight of angels indeed enjoyed a moment of play as they flew but as they got closer Faith coughed and brought them back to task and let them know the plan. After that they flew for a few more minutes till Faith gave Rikke the signal to drop down into the woods.

Diving down Rikke had a choice keep going with the superior speed of flying having to dodge trees or truly take to the ground. Both had their risks but if she could keep flying she could reach the fort faster maybe even as the attack started.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Saving as much time as possible would no doubt prove a boon! Though if she splatted herself against a tree, that would hardly save time at all... The heroine was quick on her feet as she was, thus the girl soared as far as she could before dashing downwards through the thicket and into a tumble, before she got to dashing by foot! The wings returning to the styled scarf appearance.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Reaching the ground in safety Rikke was soon springing threw the forest. About three minutes into her run she saw the sky light up in flashes of light. It seemed the angels had begun their assault. Not a few moments later did Rikke stop at the end of the tree line to behold a similar looking fort that the angels had been in. Of course while theirs was a virtual temple this one was just a sad barely not a ruin. The only thing left that even hinted as the former splendor was a smashed marble statue of an angel right out side the gate. Up in the sky Rikke could see traces of fire and light striking the outside fort as the screams of cultist echoed. However it seemed the gate was still sealed.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sealed or not, Rikked had to get closer. Perhaps there was a another way inside, perhaps even one that was only reachable with the aid of her wings. The heroine had little doubt about the angelic combat prowess, so long as they kept their distance the cultists likely stood little chance in harming them...

Still before the angels stamina was tested, she had a mission to complete! With that in mind Rikke would attempt to approach, her eyes peeled for hints of a potential entrance!