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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The dark haired angel raised an eyebrow and spoke with certainty. "She is we have foreseen her coming though our insight dose not quite match the woman we where given. She is not the creature we had seen though she is the woman we know that tainted Yenna. One dose not forget such things." The woman moved closer speaking to Rikke in a more hushed tone. "So scion of Venus you must tell me what happened to her in detail and why a radiant soul as yours travels with her."
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"You're not wrong, but you're not right." Rikke could only smile innocently... the explanation was hardly one to give without a few proper seats and a bit of comfort. Though as the woman seemed to hush her tone and lean closer, Rikke raised an eyebrow and listened to her... blinking at the words and feeling an utter wave of relief rush through her. Seemed the angelic commander was a farcry from her zealous guardian...

"We should probably sit down... it's a long tale." Rikke beamed the woman an earnest smile and followed her away. Scion of Venus? The rogue couldn't help, but feel humbled by given such a grandiose title.

Still once given the chance, Rikke sat down and took a light breath. The commander would have quite a tale to hear! The rogue started from Ellas darkness, rebirth and the baby inside her, later moving on to the tale of Yennas final brilliant moments.
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Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The commander nodded a sad smile crossing her features at the tale's conclusion. "So our sister found peace and rest in the end. May her soul be reborn in the light once more." A long silent moment passed before the commander stood and lead Rikke out of her modest quarters. Well to say modest was a stretch every room looked like a small temple in itself the only different features being the single plush beds. Leading Rikke threw marble halls the commander stopped at a door four angels guarding it. Two heavily armed angels near the door their strange metal armor gleaming brightly while two more faced them across the hall. The one's facing the door seemed armored but not to the degree of the others and bore only small blades as weapons. Opening Rikke was lead to a library where an older man recalled a very bored and nearly asleep Ella some tale about a larger than normal mongoose attempting to steal his rations.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"In her final moments, Ella was a pure angel." Rikke smiled solemnly, the death still lingering in the girls mind "She was treated as a heroine, if we knew how to contact you..." still whats done is done. At the very least now Yennas family atleast knew of their sisters final battle.

Still as the duo shared a silent moment, Rikke looked up to her still bearing that sad smile "So... You know my story, perhaps I could learn yours as well." the angels were nothing short of a mystery overall. Clearly they did not make contact with anyone in the valley except for the occasional skirmish with the cultists... but why?

The girl would likely obtain her answers inside the library, where a familiar face seemed to slowly wither away out of sheer boredom... "And that is the tale of how I had to live off a stale biscuit for a week... which reminds me of another t---" "Ella!" Rikke would swoop in to save the girl just in-time!

Bearing a huge smile the heroine rushed onwards and gave Ella a deep hug "Thank the goddess you're alright!" the heroine quickly light up with relief, infact Ella seemed to have had a change of wardrobe to boot!
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

RIKKE! the girl quickly forgetting to act in her uncaring depressing way ran to her and hugged her tightly. Faith let the two have a moment before speaking. "Calvin dear please head to the mess hall and fetch us some spiced wine and light food please and water for Ella she shouldn't be drinking as she is with child." The man sighed before nodding and heading out. "Now to answer your questions sense it pertains to both of you." Faith sat and sighed. "First off the reason we keep ourselves hidden from the people in the valley is so that the cultist will not use them as hostages. They have suffered enough from their predations and besides the angelic ward keeps the town safe and away from their eyes. Secondly Ella it is prophised that you will destroy this valley and all who are in it. It is why Hope,Grace,Yenna, and myself where sent to eliminate you back at your home. Sadly we failed and I lost two friends that day." Ella looked down cast at the mention of Yenna but didn't say a word. Eyeing her in a cool manor but not a cruel one Faith sighed. "It was easy to hate you then but now..... now I see you as an innocent. Someone given a second chance at life. So I will.." just then Calvin returned with the food interrupting their conversation and setting out the drinks letting Rikke get some questions in of her own.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Calvin? The mad map-maker Calvin? As the man returned Rikke had to address the man "Calvin? As in Uncle Calvin, the town Mayor?" the rogue leaned forward looking over him, keeping the 'Crazy' or 'Mad' titles the man earned silent.

"People are worried sick about you, you know!" Rikke laughed subtly and smiled, before looking back to Ella and her subtly more steely demeanor, since she had the chance at some more questions... "So who are these cultist?" as far as Rikke knew they hardly had a name, nor a clear goal. Most people she conversed seemed only barely knowledgeable on their actual goals... albeit their dark deeds did speak on their own.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well I'm not the Mayor anymore. But I had that title once. Oh they are worried about be know humm. Maybe they should have thought of that before calling me carzy or mad." Before they could get into it much further however Ella spoke up almost mirroring Rikke's own question. "So who are these fools and why do you think I will destroy everyone in the valley?" Faith sipped her wine before speaking. "Those fools are very dangerous demon worshipers. Their leader is trying to attain demon-hood for himself. Do do that he wants to taint the crystal of life in the main temple. However it is warded against all but the most powerful magics. Which is where you come in Ella. Your connection to shadow magic is just short of daemon level power. So potent your association with the magic that not even Venus could purge you of it."
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"What does the Crystal of life do?" Rikke looked curiously to the angel, at least now she knew who these cultists were "And why have you not driven these cultists out?" as odd as the question may have seemed to such a small number of fighters, each angel seemed more than a veteran of battle. A band of crazed lunatics surely wouldn't be much of a issue...
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Faith sipped her wine again before speaking. "The crystal of life binds all the living creatures in the Valley together. Prolonging life and hindering illness. If the cult gets a hold of it they could use the connection to sacrifice every living creature in the valley. As for fighting them off well.... just as the town is warded against them their fortress is warded against us.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sacrifice everyone in the valley?! The very notion sent a chill down the girls spine "But if the situation is so dire, why didn't you reach out? Get aid from outside the valley?" the girl remained leaned in closer, clearly interested in the rapidly forming dire situation. Not to mention the question may reveal why noone had left the Valley... not even Calvin.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Any who leave the Valley forget it even exists. Not sure if its an enchantment placed by the cult or something else. But any who leave never return. They simply forget."
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

So there was an exit?! "Wait... so why did you not tell the other towns folks? Lead them away from the cultist?" Rikke eyes widened as she sought further information. So there was indeed an exit, but it had some sort of amnesia enchantment. Though how was it not discovered yet?
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Moving the towns folk would make them a big target. The cult would sweep down and do gods knows what to the people. Could you live with that Rikke? I do not have the forces that I once commanded. Besides even if I did that would lead them right to us. We cannot fight off the whole might of the cultist. It would be a glorious battle, but one we would lose. For now all I can muster is to keep the cult in check and deny them the key to opening the temple and tainting the life crystal. To that end you and Ella are free to go at anytime."
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke glanced down briefly clearly thinking something over "So... where IS the exit?" the map she used was all too clear on the girls person, allowing their angelic host, if she so wished, to point it out.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"The other side of the courtyard of course." It was that simple Rikke had been a mere 100 steps or so from leaving the valley. "Once you leave the magic should erase your memory of this place and the threat to the Valley should be eliminated."
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke paused as the exit was given to her, she and Ella could both just leave. The Valley was relatively calm, before they arrived... yet "Oh... Hey, before we do that mind if we have a short talk together." the rogue beamed the angel a smile and would lead Ella aside.

"You~ Are one hard girl to find." Rikke smirked to Ella in a friendly manner "Not to mention, looks like you've found yourself quite the friends." the rogue partly knew Ella story so she'd hardly need to ask it... what was really on the heroines mind was just that... were either of them really ready to leave just yet.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Pulling Ella aside the girl looked at Faith and then to Rikke. "Lets just leave they are offering us a way out. This isn't our fight." Ella of course didn't sound to confident in her own words and could hardly muster a look at Rikke's heroic gaze.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled and firmly held the girls shoulder, keeping an encouraging smile "Do it. Find our friends and inform them I'll be a little late." the rogue smiled "If you're the catalyst for this world end scenario, let's just spite that tale and get you away from here. I'll stay."

Rikke looked to the angel "No~ It's not our fight, but the evil that festers here will grow stronger and continue to hunt down anyone who travels down the pass. I can do, I can stop these madmen for good." she'd smile and lean out... while Rikke did not say it out loud, this would be her thanks to Yenna for her aid. She helped her defeat the master, in turn the rogue would the girls family against their enemy.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Nodding on the agreement Rikke seemed to forget that once Ella left the valley she would forget about it and it would simply be the girl alone having seemingly lost her companion. What an uproar that would cause but it was the best course of action. After a moment Rikke let faith know the situation and what the plan would be. "I see well at lest get some rest for the night I wouldn't want her to wander lost in the dark out there. We both know how dangerous that can be."

After a little while longer of hearing out Calvin and his crazy stories Ella decided to head for bed. This left Rikke with the former mayor and Faith who soon after departed for her own rest. Eventually if she listened to the stories or went about exploring Rikke would soon find her own room next to Ella's. It seemed the girls shared a balcony and as Rikke entered her own room she found the woman standing on it staring at the sky.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

With that the duo agreed, Rikke did not have a ill short-term memory as she had a plan, how to bypass the memory loss - a map and a letter. The duo could write out everything they needed or wished in the note, making the memory loss an annoyance, but not something of particular danger "Perhaps you should write the letter." the rogue explained her plan "You know, make it clear it was you who wrote it and it's the truth."

Surprisingly Rikkes refusal to leave did not shock or surprise Faith, though the angel hardly objected to Ellas departure "I'll stay. I've experience in dealing with creeps like the ones you've got." the heroine winked slyly, though her more honor-bound motivation was left silent.

"Well... I mean we're in no rush, right?" the rogue turned to Ella with a smile, the angels weren't kicking them out and Rikke would most certainly not refuse a chance to linger here for a bit longer. Afterall the divine temples secret interior was anything, if not utterly awe-inspiring.

Rikke would attempt to listen to Calvins stories, but instead she'd direct him away from his encounter with the Dog-sized grub he named Mack... towards "So why did you never come back? Maybe tell people that you weren't crazy." it was unclear whether the man was searching for an exit... or the angels?

Still learning more about Calvin, the man seemed overly eager to share his Mack story... which Rikke on the other hand was not as eager to hear "Um... Oh... I should check my room first. I like my... pillows in a very odd fashion." she'd nod slipping away "See you around Calvin~" the heroine beamed him a smile and a gave wave, before poofing right off!

The rogue slipped inside and sighed with relief "Phew~" before looking to the grandiose room she had! Rikkes eyes seemed to widen as she smiled brightly, quickly moving to jump onto the bed and almost melt in the silken embrace! Still as she relaxed a shadow caught her eye... she was not alone?

Smiling kindly she'd get out of the bed and walk towards the balcony "Ella?" she'd push aside any semi-transparent curtains the entryway had and looked to the figure.