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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Excellent! Benards office is just down the road and to the left of the well! Good luck I expect great news! Oh! Before you go one more thing!" The girl leaned over the desk writing over a piece of paper and handing it to Rikke. "This is my permission to enter the shack and have full reign of the Valley. Normally only scouts like Marvin would get these but I have a feeling your gonna need it."

As Rikke left she noticed the tall woman from before arguing with the barkeep once more before exchanging some coin. Sighing the girl began to head back to the Courthouse not paying anyone any mind.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I'll be back before you know." Rikke smiled to the Mayor and stood up, taking the fairly simple, but quite straightforward written permission "Thanks." she'd nod to her and finally head out through the wonderful temple.

Well looked like thing were most certainly going quite smoothly! "Now then..." just as the rogue was about to turn and head to Bernards, she'd see the Deputy! The girls eyes subtly at her luck as she'd rush over! This time the deputy didn't have a timed puke-explosion on her hands and perhaps could chat a bit more!

"Hey! Hey~" Rikke would call out to the deputy and rush over to her.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Hearing Rikke call Adria looked and cocked her head before realizing who it was. "Ahh yes the citizen from before. How may I help you?" The woman turned and placed a hand on her hip and once more Rikke was stunned at how tall this woman was. In the light of day Rikke could clearly make out the Aundian and Amazonian features of the woman. Feeling the woman's eyes on her Rikke recalled the same feeling when Rhea first stared her down. It was the evaluating gaze of a commander of someone used to leading or at lest being followed.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"It's Rikke, Rikke Daleru." the girl introduced herself, but remained confident and calm even under the scrutinous gaze "It's about your blade... is it yours?" Rikke asked, but quickly followed up explaining her strange interest "I'm one of the Black Wargs allies and good friend to Rhea and Rune in Endus."

She'd glance to the blade "And that blades is from the Black Wargs arsenal. I could hardly ever mistake it's insignia." the womans stature clearly stated that she was a warrior, though how she acquired the blade was still a fair mystery.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As Rikke mentioned the blade the girls hand went instinctively to it gripping the pommel lightly. At the mention of Rhea and Rune the girl relaxed visible and even let a slight smile cross her lips. "Well met Rikke and yes this blade is mine. Rhea gifted it to me when I reached the rank of Commander. Though I have to admit my first outing was not so successful." The girl frowned her face hinting at a moment of troubled thoughts before it was replaced with the confident air once more. "How is the grumpy old bitch?" It was said with a joking and confident tone that held no malice. "And how is that adorable pink fluff ball Rune. No doubt she is nearing womanhood. I hope Saul is treating her well." Wrapping an arm around Rikke the woman started leading her toward the sheriffs office
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke blinked "EH? Commander?!" so it was not a memorabilia or a blade won... it was a gift from Rhea to her commander no less! "W-what are--- How..." the girl laughed merrily at the onslaught of questions that she wanted to ask all at once... but it was more polite to first answer the womans own.

Joining her on her walk to wherever she was heading Rikke would tell just what had occured in the city of Endus and how the Black Wargs, a previous group of mercenaries now rules city under Runes name. The girl would downplay her role in the events however... more focusing on Rheas, Runes and the simple Warg soldier heroism in the conflicts she aided them. Though ofcourse not all news was as good... afterall Saul had not seen Rune ascend as the towns ruler.

Still with her side of the warg story done, it was now her turn "So... how did you end up here... how long has it been?" she'd furrow her brow with curiousity, clearly news from outside hardly reached the isolated lands.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The woman lead Rikke to sheriff's office where she found Bernard going over paper work. Walking to a desk opposite of Bernard's she opened a draw and pulled out a brownish bottle and two glasses. Pouring one for herself she offered one to Rikke before lifting it up. "To Saul a good man and a good friend." The mini toast done the girl downed the liquid and slammed her fist down on the desk with a loud Woooo! Looking back up eyes slightly watery the woman sat on the desk. Meanwhile Bernard looked at the exchange and to Rikke before sighing. "I take it you two know each other? Well either way I need to give this to the mayoress and Ill be back in just a minuet. Try not to burn the jail down. As Bernard left Rikke was free to ask her questions. "Lets see its been about four years now I think? Anyway it happened when some little burg called Holestinemeet of some such asked for some mercs to check out their haunted pass. Anyway long story short we where ambushed by the cultist and only I survived and well Im stuck here so decided to make myself useful."
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

One of the pleasantries of a smaller town had always been how close everyone was...! Just as the Deputy continued onwards to her desk, Rikke would motion her a wait as she approached Bernard of all people, giving the woman more than enough time to fetch her glasses and fill them up!

"Hi~!" Rikke called out to Bernard who'd wearily raise his gaze... at first meeting the girls generous cups, before a blink later finally seeing who the bodacious stranger was! "I got the itty-bitty mayors approval to check up on Calvins shack. We can leave whenever you're ready okay?" she'd glance back noting the two glasses put down "I just need to finish some business with the deputy." she'd nod "Ciau~!"

In that whole "exchange" Bernard hardly managed to slip a word in, as the orange haired beauty was already back with the Deputies... it seemed the day just might be a little out of the norm for the man. Still he had some papers to deliver, which would bring him to the duos table shortly anyway.

"To Saul." Rikke smiled somberly and raised her glass as well downing the drink alongside the Deputy. It was then Bernard would return and reported his leave. Allowing the duo to continue their chatting...

Four years... "Didn't you try to escape? Or Contact someone on the outside?" Rikke blinked, this was not a farm girl or a carpenter, if anything the female seemed a very seasoned warrior! Had she not found a way to escape as well?
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I did a few times after I recovered from my injuries. No luck as of yet. Thankfully Bernard is kind enough to give me my job back after each attempt. As for contact well if no one can get out then no messages can go. None of the townsfolk seem to have magic and any newcomer that has it is either taken or killed." The deputy would swirl her drink some before setting it down. "Its getting late in the season to attempt an escape now but Ive already started saving up supplies when spring comes."
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Wait! Speaking of which!! "Magic users are killed or stolen?" Rikke instantly reacted to the words, seemingly leaning forward with clear hope "I've traversed the pass with a friendly spellcaster. We got separated by the mists trap... Has she come to this town? Long black hair, a bit gloomy, but good hearted? Her name is Ella." this was the Sheriffs office, if anyone saw Ella they had to have seen her!
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Sorry Rikke as far as I know your the only new comer in awhile. Wish I could help. If you didn't find their body then they were probably taken by the cultist." Adria frowned before putting a comforting hand on Rikke's shoulder. Of course Rikke didn't need it she in fact knew that Ella wasn't taken by the cultist but if the town didn't have her and the cult failed to get her then who....
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke blinked and relaxed back in her seat... Ella was not here? "But that doesn't make any sense..." the rogue uttered under her breath "I'm sorry." the Deputy would no doubt expect the worst, before Rikke quickly added "No.. she wasn't taken by the cultists."

The girl looked to the Deputy with clear focus "I encountered the cultists who wanted to take her, but they were beat back... A few of them mumbled something about 'Those two having saved her'." Rikke looked to the Deputy if any of this made sense "It all happened near the old temple way outside of town."

If the cultists did not have, nor did the townsfolk... then where was Ella? Or with who?
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"You went near that cursed place." Adria's eyes widened before sharping almost as if seeing Rikke anew. "That quite the tale Rikke... but who could these others be. Gods know we do not need more cults forming around here." Their conversation didn't get a chance to go further as Bernard stepped in his shiny sheriff's badge on proud display. "Okay Rikke lets check out Calvin's hut." At this Adria stood up and opened her mouth to speak. If Rikke wanted to she could stop the woman from speaking if not the deputy would tell Bernard what Rikke had shared. Which in turn caused the man to eye Rikke with a little more concern.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Someone else is out there, I'm certain of it..." but it was most certainly a worrying piece of news that the Deputy who lived here for four years heard of this third party for the until just now! "Has noone reported anything out of the norm out there at all?" at the very least, Rikke could take solace that whoever had Ella was an enemy of the murdering dark forces here.

Though as the deputy was about to tell her of any strange sightings, Bernard returned! Gleaming sheriff badge and all?! While the rogue was likely told of it several times by now... seemed only seeing the badge registered Bernards actual role in town, besides a lumbejack.

Rikke had little reason to keep what she said a secret, not objecting to Adria sharing her tale. Heck the rogue even added some details to it to boot! "The man who mentioned the third party... was this pale, cruel, black armored man. I didn't catch his name..." Rikke would refrain from using the nickname she gave him "But besides that, its all I know. It's why I came to the town in the first place."
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Bernard frowned, "The scouts only look for new arrivals and cult activity. If they saw anything they likely assumed it related to the cult." Bringing a massive hand up to his face Bernard rubbed his temples a moment. "Either way Crazy Calvin might have some thoughts on it. I mean there is a reason they call him Crazy Calvin. Adria lets go, I want you too keep an eye on our guest here." Adria looked at Bernard and then to Rikke and back to Bernard "Sheriff?" Bernard sighed and looked at the two of them his eye showing a act he wish he didn't have too due. "She went near one of the cursed locations we don't know if she is possessed. Remember what happened to Tomas last year." Adria looked down and simple and quietly spoke "Aye"

Gathering up his massive two handed axe Bernard led Rikke who was closely followed by Adria to a ramshackle hut just outside the city. Nearby the man from the bar she had spoken with sat tending to furs. Bernard and him looked at each other a moment with the olderman nodding and sighing before getting back to work. Heading for the hut Rikke saw the man open it up. Once inside the first thing Rikke noticed was the smell quickly followed by the numerous maps and written notes scattered and pinned all over the place. Some went on for several pages only to be marked with giant Xs. If they were gonna find something it would take awhile.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke blinked at the exchange, her head subtly turned, before she'd giggle playfully "I don't mind." even if the rogue... may have considered far more questionable activities in the wilderness cabin "Ready when you are Sheriff."

Still the rogue was hardly one to remain silent during their walk "So... these cultists. I take it they harass the city often?" it was still a little troublesome how little Rikke knew of these cultists and their goals... she knew they were trouble, but not quite how much trouble.

Getting her answers the trio would continue their walk through the wilderness... only to finally reach the cabin! Unfortunate however... to say the cabin looked aged would be exceptionally kind "Ho boy..." Rikke snickered sadly... well perhaps the interior was in far better state than this!

It was a very short-lived hope, just as the door opened the wind seemed to blow some papers outside coupled with a hefty amount of dust... and one REALLY mean smell! "So... who was Crazy Calvin?" Rikke glanced back to the duo, before entering the gloomy and paper-filled man-cave. The girl would open a window or the like, but there was one huge issue - the walls and even some of the floors were covered with maps! Some even hand-drawn while others clearly bought... though all of them seemed to have madening scribbles and X's in different locations! "And the 'Crazy' part?" Rikke asked as she went through the rooms, the duo either answering from outside or following the rogue in as they talked.

Some of these seemed really old... she had to find papers that looked the freshest! Or Better yet... the mans journal!
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"For the most part no. They have yet to find the village and even if they knew where we are they have left us alone. Still when a scout goes missing there is always that few weeks of terrified waiting."

Letting the cabin air out Rikke got a small dose of info from Bernard. Apparently Calvin was once the mayor of the village and for the most part he ruled well. Though about seven years ago he started becoming obsessed with finding a way out of the valley. Apparently he had some vision of doom. In the end he was ousted from power and his niece Adela was placed instead. It was perhaps not the best idea as this let him devolve further into his pursuits which brought them too know with Calvin missing for the better part of the year.

With the air clear Rikke began to search around finding several detailed maps of the valley with Xs over some parts of the mountain range surrounding them. Some where scribbled over and a few circled. Bernard looked at that one for awhile before setting it aside to search something else. Adria meanwhile began looking threw some loose papers. "It seems he was obsessed with this Golden pass err at lest I think its hard to read some of this. Rikke herself found an old backpack full of rotting rations and mice, who squeaked anger at her and wouldn't let her disturb the bag further.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would continue looking through the place "Hum.. these X's." she'd collect several sheets to compare the X locations. Were they all pointing to the same location or different ones?

"Whats the Golden pass?" the rogue smiled at a Backpack of all items only to open it up to a whiff of something foul!... and itty-bitty empire of mice! The girl giggled at seeing all the little critters look up to her and squeek angrily for letting their kindgdoms air go free! 'Sorry' Rikke mouthed to them and closed the backpack standing up and collecting the sheets for the planned comparison.

The maps had to all have some meaning, mad or not... there was a reason or something the man was trying to triangulate or pinpoint on them.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Adria moved to look at them as well and quickly pointed out a location that had been scribbled out. "Thats about where they found me." Even Bernard moved to look over the maps Rikke had gathered nodding to himself. "These are all known or assumed locations where people have been found. New comers like yourself Rikke. It looks like he was checking them out one by one. As for the Golden Pass. Well its a local legend its where the Angels supposedly helped some of the people escape the Valley.
Re: Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke sharpened her eyes "Wait... this is where they found you right?" the rogue looked to the other map "Can you point out around where the Temple is?" had Calvin been marking out all points the newcomers were arriving in? Knowing the temples location Rikke could make out around where Ellas drop off location was as well as her own!

If she managed she'd quickly dash through the house and try to find if any of the maps marked those spots as well! Not to mention perhaps some of the maps had numbers... dates? Rikke seemed to move very quickly through the house as her excitement was all too clear... at worst they'd see all the spots new arrivals came on... at best they'd find certain areas that would otherwise seem absolutely unrelated to others. The outliers!