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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jessica looked viably revealed as she ran with Rikke to the Wargs. Even Rikke felt less on edge like she just saved herself from a bad fate. The trip to the Wargs was uneventful and almost peaceful. Rushing into see Rhea Rikke almost stumbled into Rune and Saul talking just before her office.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I've got some juicy info on DeGravil!" Rikke stopped her dash right infront of them, trying to catch her breath "I've figure dout his slaver and illegal goods routes... that's he's conspireing with the demons... *another deep breath* And that's she's shipping out his stuff tonight in a certain warehouse..." with that off her chest the rogue leaned against the wall to finally catch a breath.

If asked to elabrotae Rikke would offer to go somewhere more private and present her findings aswell as say what she found out in greater detail. Really giving attention to the urgence of the warehouse situation.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The ensuring debriefing was quick and to the point. As it turns out the Temple of Justice is responsible for upholding the law of Endus and as soon as Rikke pointed out the hidden bookwork armed messengers where sent to deliver the news. Meanwhile Rhea organized another raiding party. "Rikke I know you want that son of a bitch bad but with all the attacks going on my resources are stretched really thin. I was wondering if you could take up your body guard work on Rune earlier than I had mentioned well until I get back anyway." Rhea seemed earnest but it was up to Rikke to Decide though Rune had her own say as well. "Mother I don't need a babysitter!" Rune sounded angry but she could see fear in Rune's eyes.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke really wanted to be the one catching DeGravil, dragging his squirming, cowardly ass back to here... maybe even doing some "accidental" injuries on the bastard for all the foulness he represented. Still the look in Rheas eyes, told Rikke just how important right priorities can be.

"You promise me, you'll dishonor and kill that bastard. Be it in public or in private... if you can't, leave him in a room with him and just look away. You promise this, then I'll agree..." the rogue sighed lightly, even she yearned for justice, for all the girls DeGravil broke and all the evils he unleashed into Endus... but protecting life came first before taking it.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rhea grinned it was almost wicked in its appearance. "Oh he'll pay Rikke thats for sure. With the evidence you've uncovered he will no doubt be convicted of treason and well that my dear is punished by execution." Rhea drew a finger across her neck and grabbed her swords. Stopping only to kiss Rune on the head she headed out with her Wargs leaving the place rather empty. With Rhea and Saul leaving Rune nearly collapsed from worry. "Oh gods please watch out for my parents."

6xp for completion thus far you have a moment to spend xp if you want.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke knelt down to Rune and warmly wrapped her hands around the girl "Such silly talk, Rune and Saul are the two strongest fighters in all of Endus. No matter what they throw at them, your parents will always return." The rogue smiled warmly at the small kitsune "Trust me."

"Come on, you better brace yourself for the company I keep around" Rikke snickered lightly and offered Rune her hand, leading the girl to her quarters... where the slimegirl, puppy and the succubus reside.

Through her journey Rikke has become a far better cadventurer than she used to be. 10xp spent for [+10 to body] [2:2 ratio]
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The trek up to Rune's former room was silent with Rikke flanked on onside by Rune and the other by Jess. Seeing Alice and Cassandra at the door Rune seemed confused. "Rikke why are their armed guards at my room?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"That's Cassandra and Alice. They're from my gang, they're just there to make sure I don't cause that extra bit of trouble for Rhea" Rikke giggled warmly, it wasn't the real reason, but this was a much better explanation "Also an extra layer of protection makes it all the safe inside."

Rikke would greet the two girls warmly and enter the room, hopefully Alice and Elric kept Sylph and Willow in check... somehow.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke opened the door to find Willow sprawled out on the bed fast asleep. It seems that she also lucked out that Sylph was asleep in her bucket. "Uhh Rikke what is that?" Rune had pointed to Sylph fast asleep her pile of goo bubbling gently. After a careful explanation of who and what Sylph was Rikke could see Rune's eyes light up in curiosity. "Rikke can I examine her? please please please!" Wether or not Rikke gave consent her focus would be to the present Jess had gotten. The succubus herself was resting on the bed next to Willow hands on her chin watching Sylph in her bucket.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke eyed the heartwarming sight, they all looked so precious... well maybe not Sylph. A bubbling goo of blue in a bucket can only do so much to better it's appearance.The heroine clear her throat "RISE AND SHINE! We have a guest in here!" Rikke grinned evilishly "M? 'Inspect' her? Um...sure just ask for her permission first, Rune." the rogue smiled warmly at Rune.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Willow opened his eyes sleepy yawned and rolled over back to sleep. Sylph however began to rise from her bucket rubbing her eyes likely a old habit from her past life. "Rikke it dark time not light time." Rune rushed right over to the slime girl obviously not afraid after all Rikke said she wasn't dangerous. "Wow it can talk it can really talk." Rune tried to measure Sylph but the amorphous goo girl could never really have exact measurements. "How much do you weigh, How old are you, Do you remember who you are...." Wow Rune had a lot of questions and Sylph did her best to answer giving answers that Rikke was all to familiar with in the broken child crolian she spoke.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke approached Jessica and Willow smiling warmly before sitting down on the bed, smiling warmly at the two little girls, one a pink kitsune, the other a blue goo girl "I presume you don't mind us being temporal bodyguards for our pink friend there?" the heroine smiled warmly "So~ I recall someone hiding a gift from me earlier..."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess smiled at Rikke as her tail brought the gift from around Rikke's back. "Here ya go! I had Naomi help me she was quite understanding." Rikke opened the box and found a rune in a strange shape. By this time as Rikke looked at the strange gift Jess had moved to Rikke's back and began to message her shoulders. "Its a rune of Selective Fertility. If you want you can use it to gain mastery over your womb." Jess held Rikke from behind. "I know its hard for you but if you ever want to you know.. this will let you."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke eyed the rune with widened eyes "I-I don't..." the rogue turned to her companion then to the rune, what was she to say now "You don't need to say anything. I love the way you are, but I couldn't stand seeing you ashamed of your condition, use ir or not. I will always be here, with you" Jessica smiled warmly and closed the case leaving it in Rikke hands.

"T-thanks Jess...." Rikke smiled uneasily, well this was certainly quite the gift, though whether she would use it or not. Will have to be decided later. The heroine gently pushed the gift under the bed and hugged Jessica warmly "Shame we have company. I know how I could thank you for this." Rikke leaned out and winked slyly at Jessica with Willow jumping down the bed to inspect the oddly pink Kitsune.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I know right with all the hot chicks walking around Im starting to get pent up real bad." Jess grinned at Rikke and kissed her. Meanwhile Rune was bombarding Sylph with questions trying to ponder out how to ask them to get the answer she wanted. It was funny to Rikke to watch as she had to do the same thing time and time again. "Uh oh!" hearing Jess's warning Rikke just caught a glimpse as Willow was in mid leap at Rune's tail.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"All of these hot chicks? Humph... I think I should remake my armor if you have time to look around at other girls..." Rikke playfully wrapped her hands around Jessica smiling lewdly. When suddenly Jess noticed at the very edge of vission Willow shaking his tail and jumping around Runes tail... Uh-oh indeed...

Rikke quickly turned around, her eyes sharpened she quickly lunged forward hopefully catching Willow midair right before his cute little mouth caught Runes tail! Kitsunes are known to be VERY protective of their tails, some more than others...
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rune's tail swished just out of reach of Willow who had just been caught by Rikke the resulting thump on the floor causing both Sylph Rune and Jess to laugh at the rogue who was tangled in bed sheets getting assaulted by Willows tongue playfully slobbering all over her face.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The girls in the room shared a moment together merrily laughing at the sight with Rikke herself giggling warmly as Willow took full opportunity, to lick the heroine to his hearts contents. Still it wouldn't last, as Rikke quickly got to her feet picking up Willow and looking at the cute lil pup playfully "Willow, no bitey pink fluffy tail. Okay?" *Bark* "Bitey what?" Rune blinked not quite hearing the discussion "No treats otherwise... *bark!* Rules are rules, mister." Sylph leaned slightly forward "Rules?" even the puppy had rules! What was this madness?!

"Okay come on gang it's really late and the boys love to do their morning drills as loudly as possible." Rikke scanned the room "Who sleeps where?.. Rune, you're gonna have to stay with us for the night. This room is, incredibly, the safest room in the whole camp." the rogue winked at the Kitsune and likely watched as the rest of the gang called dibs on different spots in the room.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rune went to the door and spoke to Alice and Cassandra a moment before closing the door. "Well I could hardly steal your bed from you so I had Alice and Cassandra get a got for me." Rune smiled at Rikke and Jess. Sylph meanwhile shrunk back into her bucket yawning as she went. However Willow was all excited and full of energy.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled at Rune, well they should manage to fit another bed in here somewhere. So it seemed allw as settled, well except for one restfull ball of fuzz...

Willow ran around the room, stoping by Rikke placing his palms on her leg and looking up at her, looking to play or cause mischief...well they had some time till the bed arrives, might aswell exhaust the pup.

"I'm gonna getcha!" Rikke quickly clapped her hands sending Willow running around the room in breakneck speeds, before comign around right to the rogue who promptly started clapped again "Gotcha!" repeating the process for a wee bit. Eventually though unless Willow had some other mischief in his mind Rikke would indeed attempt to catch him and snuggle the cute puppy a little bit.