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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke drifted off to sleep the cold ground causing her some discomfort but she soon slipped into a dream. Rikke was in a room decorated in black and purple. She was naked with the exception of her collar but not alone. "Ahh Rikke your here good." The sultry demoness from her dreams spoke to her. She appeared much as Rikke had always seen her a parody of her own appearance but highly demonic. "As you can see Ive been making my home here in your soul. Hope you don't mind Ive been redecorating." She grinned again it was unnerving. Rikke was alone in a room with the spiritual manifestation of her succubus nature or was it corrupt succubus nature and her protector that was usually around was no where to be found. In fact it felt quiet empty with you its presence.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Why can't you just leave me alone?!" the comments about redecorating HER SOUL didn't quite go down so well with the heroine "I'm not a succubus! Nor will I choose to become one!" the demonic presence really didn't know how to pick it's words. Perhaps it was it's nature to be straightforward about it.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh I can't leave you alone dear you see your stuck with me." The demoness walked right up to Rikke and drew her into an embrace. "Im really starting to like it here and I think Im going to move in fully." The demoness kissed Rikke deeply before letting her go. "It took alot of effort to get you where I wanted you and yet you keep resisting." The woman in front of Rikke frowned. "I thought I would give you a choice to join with me merge with me and become something greater or you can continue to fight me the choice is yours. Though honestly you can't even keep your hands off a cock so I doubt you will be able to fight me forever. I will take over you cannot stop it."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke resisted the kiss to the best of her abilities pushing the demonic apparition away from her. With the offer made the demon awaited an answer, a choice that was all too easy for the heroine "...you cannot stop it" the heroines arms sharpened as she shoved the demon aside "Watch me."

If this did not break the dream Rikke would continue "Join you? Merge with you? Not pleased with the limited space you were given?" the girl eyed the apparition, it looked like her, but unlike last time it acted NOTHING like her. This power grab was far too greedy "You are no part of me. Just a demonic invader and you read my lips. If you indeed get ground in me, I'll make sure I purge you out along with your damn redecorations! No matter the cost."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The demonic apparition just laughed. "You poor naive fool Ive been wound into your soul sense birth. If I was so easy to get ride of your succubus bitch would have done so when she nearly drained you the other day. Oh sure you got mad at her but all she was trying to do was find me and draw me out." The demon spirit just smiled at Rikke's expression. "Oh don't take it so hard she didn't know at the time that she was looking for me your guardian spirit suggested it. For all Jess knew she was just picking up the secretes of stealth from you." The demon got close to Rikke again and tap the collar. "How do you like it in their bitch." The demon spirit smirked once more. "You see Rikke me and her have been with you sense your birth. I was just looking for a soul to replace so I could be reborn into the world and I found you. I made my play but then she showed up a shard of power from a dead goddess. Humph! ruined all my plans. But look who's in charge now. No doubt you'll wake up soon and try to make your escape that is if you want to kill that poor family so defenseless against my minions." The demon stopped and a look of concern overcame her face. "You know if you just merge with me they will be let go and no harm would happen to them and in time you could even be reborn as one of my daughters. See its a win win I get my body and your friends get their lives. Are you going to be that selfish Rikke?"

Rikke's collar flared to life the bright runes driving the demon back. A soft voice that Rikke felt more than heard spoke to her. "Hold on Rikke your stronger than her she needs you to accept to have power over you.. don't do it...."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke just scoffed at the demons exposition that it seemed to oh so bask in "If you've really been with me since my birth. You have learned nothing about me, bitch." the heroine smirked not even a shred of fear or doubt in her expression "You picked the wrong girl to try and consume... the collar will break and I'll make sure you never get your way." the rogue leaned forward "And even if I can't get rid of you... I'll make sure it is ME who's sitting on the throne with you at my feet." the heroine stepped away from the apparition and looked out "Now then I think we're done here... If you excuse me I have a demon to tend to..."

It was her world they were in even if the demon had already settled in, Rikke would focus and break down this session by force.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The demons face darkened. "Fine then what you won't give Ill take by force!" The demon reached out extending wicked claws from her hands. "Time to join your defender forever sealed away." Rikke stood defiant when she felt herself be pulled back to the waking world. "Nnn nOOOOO!" the demon screamed out futile as Rikke slowly woke.

Something was dripping on her something warm and purple. Blinking her eyes she could see shadows at her cage fiddling with a lock awhile a warm goo started pooling around her.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Flashbacks to Sylphs fate quickly ran through Rikkes mind. She won't be getting covered in any ooze while she sleeps! Even if she was still groggy from her dream, Rikke quickly got to her week and into a defensive stance! "W-who's there?!"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Rikke we found you Sylph so happy!" Warm goody arms wrapped around Rikke driving the chill from her bones. "There we got the lock open it up girls!" The door creaked open as Rikke saw the Venus girls pile in and lift her to her feet. Was this a rescue?
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"SYLPHIE! GIRLS!" the rogues eyes light up! They found her! "You made it!" Rikke may be sleepy, but she wasn't weakened nor hurt, dragging her out of the cell would've been just a waste of time. The heroine quickly got to her feet and hugged Sylphie back inspecting who of the girls came to the cell. Were there others?
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It looked like all the girls except Janet and Jess where present. "Here Rikke we brought this for you. I know its not your cut but its better than your birthday suit." Cassandra handed Rikke a basic leather armor. "Oh we got beauty for you here take her shes been missing you." Naomi handed Rikke's gleaming blade over. Alice and Erica looked over at Rikke and motioned for her to hurry and pointed out the escape exit that DeGravel had mentioned earlier. Moving forward Rikke realized just how sore she was like she had been sleeping for days.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Looked like the celebration and rejoicing would have to wait as all girls were on point. Rikke quickly got into gear, her silver sword... it seemed like ages. The girl flicked the weapon about for a little bit and resheathed it "We're leaving? I know where Reginalds chamber is, it's nearby. We could cut off the snakes head here and now." she paused allowing her suggestion to sink in. It did seem a waste not to remove the demonic presence in the ruins.

Though she wasn't exactly up to speed. Why was she so sore in the first place? Was it due to the floor? Her nightmare?
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"No need for that Rikke him and his bitch have made their play. Only a handful of demons where here to guard you. Hurry we need to get back to the Warg's new HQ and get you cleaned up and up to speed." Rikke was escorted to the escape tunnel and led quickly away and out. The tunnel was dark but a familiar figure with red hair waited at the tunnel keeping an eye out.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I spy with my little eye someone gorgeus!" Rikke quickly broke through the Venus girls and jumped into Jessicas arms! Kissing her lovingly and absolutely alight with joy.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess caught Rikke easily and returned the kiss. "I was so worried the wouldn't let me in to rescue you." Once in the light Rikke could see Jess decked out in a breastplate and she was wearing her hair back in a tight pony tail. A small bark alerted Rikke that Willow was also nearby. Spotting her puppy Rikke noticed he had grown quite the bit and had three strange white fur marks on his side.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Where's my little champion~" the rogue knelt down allowing the pup to lick her face clean as she giggled warmly "Wow you've grown~!"... honestly he really did grow a decent amount, not a single days worth. Wasn't the girl missing only for a few days.

"Girls?... how long was I out?" a cold chill ran down the heroines spine, it was just a few days right? Right?
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Its been about a week Rikke." Jessica held her tight and carried her as they walked noting that the Venus girls kept an eye to the sky. They where soon ushered into another building where a bandaged Janet awaited them. She had a fresh bandage over one eye and an arm in a sling. "Rikke!" Janet smiled and tried to get up while a rather stern looking Kat forced her back down with a slight ow.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

One week? But that was impossible, the girl only recalled one day in captivity. One very fun day, but still only one. Was she out for so long... or could she not remember what she did during those days... still either way with all this to take in Rikke would follow her rescue team to wherever they lead her.

Kat was here too? But more importantly what happened to Janet?! "Janet, by the godess!" the heroine quickly ran up and hugged the laying girl "What happened to you?!"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Ill be okay really Kat you can let me go and see Rikke." Kat looked sternly at Janet once more but wouldn't budge. Kat spoke up before Janet could say another word. "She saved us from the stalkers that came after us. She killed all of them but they got her a little to." Kat started to sniffle and then cry holding onto Janet with giant sobs. "She saved us and got hurt doing it." Janet just smiled at the cat girl and placed a hand on her back. "Shhhs they are my family to Kat."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled lovingly at the two, looks like with the heroine out for the count, the stalkers were set loose on the blacksmith family. Though their attack happened only recently... did this mean Reginald actually keep to his word? Rikke doubted it, bu thankfully the attack happened with Janet on guard.

"What about Gruff? Is he okay?" the blacksmith looked rather menacing surely he could easily crush the stalker... but even the greatest warrior can fall pray to expertly done sneak attack. Still after hearing their end of the story Rikke had some serious catching up to do. Not to mention she really needed to get this damn collar off! Speaking of which... was it still on her?