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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Hey~ Some of us go both ways." Rikke giggled at the utterly perverse words... which thankfully rang out just in time for the little tikes to show up. While barely announced the whole farm once more went out to wave the travelers away "B---" "BYEEE~~~!!" Mika would suddenly lunge forward and cry out far louder than anyone on their sled, the tears still rolling for leaving her new much more relateable friends behind.

Looking at the children, seemed they shared a very similar sadness at their new friends disappearance "HEY! Mary! Come visit the Peslies some time!" the rogue grinned widely, likely reminding Mary of their little deal at the bath... the reveal of who Rikke was by a certain title.

"Phew~ that was fun." Rikke smiled widely relaxing in her seat, much to Joldra keeping her expression away and Jessica smiling back to the heroine "Oh~ It was such a nostalgic stop." just as she said Jessica seemed to have clear nostalgia sparkling in her eyes. The rest of the trip seemed to pass in one quick breeze, most of them still high from their short relaxing pause.

Soon enough, a familiar hill and all too well known tree later... the Peslie mansion was once more in view! Rikke smiled brightly as if returning home once more and much to her surprise, the sister knights were outside getting ready for something yet unknown before their sled turned towards the manor.

"Hey~~!" Rikke stood up and waved to the duo with a huge smile, quickly jumping down and hugging each of the twins deeply "Rikke/Rikke!" the twin beamed a smile and returned the hug "Why are you back?" "Did something happen?" the duo looked with clear concern, indeed Rikke was gone for a fairly negligible amount of time for the outside world... while her quest had actually taken much longer "Mhm~ I succeeded." the rogue grinned happily and turned to the sled 'See for yourselves." just at her words, Jessica would descend down from the sled and look to the manor with soaring heart.

"Cancel everything and gather all the Peslies. I have a very important news to share." Rikke smiled with clear pride, but kept the message a secret for now...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The twins nodded an gave Jessica a hug before running off pushing each other to be the first to inform the girls. Getting out of the sled and on the ground RIkke found Brody walking up with some of the new guards. "Girls glad your home. I see you brought quests. Oh Venise Genna insisted that you head to the kitchen when you get back. Something about continuing your training." This caused Ven to pout as she held Samantha's hand. Joldra got off the sled only to be knocked on her butt as Willow bounded off to run around the property a moment only to dash right for the kitchen. Next was Janet who helped Joldra up before taking Mika indoors.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would snicker and step near Ven "Send our apologies to Ms. G, but Ven's on vacation right now. Training will have to wait." the heroine smiled kindly and looked to her servant girl, who somehow still managed to sneak in Samantha and not Sam onto the sled "I'm sure hearing the news Ms. G, will let us slip our duties this one time." as Rikke winked slyly a loud bark echoed as Willow stormed off, the lifted snow the only hint that something other than the wind rushed off... somewhere around these grounds.

Still, there was one casualty from the pups lift off. Rikke would help Joldra up as well and smile to her "You may kinda remember this place as well, Joldra. The Peslie manor." the heroine would present the newly rebuilt and renovated manor. Afterall, this very place was the start of Rikkes inner succubus activity... it should ring some bells to the demoness.

"Well, let's go inside. I'm sure there's someone who'd love to see you." Rikke gave Jess a smile and took her by the hand leading her inside, Jess hasn't been back here in quite awhile after all.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Joldra accepted the hand up only to brush the snow off her firm butt in distaste. Looking around Joldra seemed to be looking at this for the first time. "Hump dosn't seem familar." This of course brought a raised eyebrow from Brody but he let it drop. "Well girls I'll let you tell Ms. G. I don't feel like another spoon wacking today.

*CRASH!* "OUI! YOU FITHY MUTT! GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!" A moment latter Willow came bounding out of the kitchen with a string of sausages hanging from his mouth while Ms. G. came storming after him. Brody looked quickly over and ina blur of motion was heading around the sled and hiding behind it.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled kindly as Willow with absolute glee made his escape, the sausages swinging in the wind. Subtly drawing her blade the rogue approached Willows path and waited for him to dash past, only for one swift swing to cut off the sausage string leaving only 2 of them for the pup to dash off with.

Picking up the rest the heroine smiled sheepishly to the woman "S-sorry, Miss G. He hasn't had a bite to eat for quite some time..." as if the farmer kids wouldn't feed the pup...

Still if the woman calmed down at the sigh of both Jess and Rikke, the heroine would give her a hug "By the way, we dropped by your cousin nearby. You never mentioned any relatives... " trying to steer the cooks ire away, Rikke would quickly mention how the farm was doing while leading her inside.

Soon enough though all of them should gather, including the masters of the house for the big news...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh dear me how is she doing and that sweet little girl of hers?" Rikke lead Genna off the matronly woman completely lost in conversation blunting her ire and sparing Ven, and Brody extra chores or a bonking. Still as Rikke chatted with Genna the rest of the family gathered up in the dinning hall. Everyone was present with the exception of the guards, Mika, Lil Rikke, and Willow. Both the Peslies however eyed Joldra with Mistrust and given all that had happened Rikke couldn't blame them.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The reunion was of course as heartwarming as it could be, while Rikke was busy calming the ire of the cook, Jess had some time to meet up with everyone and perhaps even properly introduce herself to the now much bigger lil' Rikke.

Still soon enough everyone was gathered, while there were some whispers still among them Rikke would stand and adress them all "Sorry to pull everyone away from their schedules like this..." the rogue ofcourse had previously made her appearance and excited hugs, leaving this meeting purely dedicated to the message at hand.

"Sarah, Emma, everyone in the Peslie manor." Rikke smiled to herself, but kept a noble air about her "There's no other way to say this, so... the greater demon, who refered to himself as Master. The demon who had swore revenge on most of us here, who tried to ruin so many of our lives.... is dead."

The rogue smiled widely "He's been killed in his castle, by me, Janet, Joldra and a very special ally not a few days ago." and with that, Rikke had made her grand announcement.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As soon as the annoucment was made Emma started to cry only to be comforted by Sarah who also had tears in her eyes. Though these where clearly tears of joy. Gloria and Loria cheered out loud and quickly scooped Rikke up on their shoulders. A moment later brody brought out some chapagine and popped teh cork cauing it to foam all over. Even several of the staff joined in and Sarah declared this a holiday for everyone to make merry. This seemed to open the flood gates as both soilders and maids moved to enjoy their not so secrete romances. Even Joldra had a handsome looking if young man offering her a drink. Her expression was a mix of annoyance and amusment. Jess and Rikke had their share of offers but Jess made quite sure that everyone knew that Rikke was hers.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

After her announcement silence lingered a brief moment, only Rikke, Janet and Jess keeping firm smiles on their faces, Joldra having hid her expression and input on the matter. Sarah would speak up first, her face mirroring the disbelief of the whole Peslie house "Rikke... is this.. .true?" she spoke cautiously clearly in some shock "Mhm. He's dead Sarah. His curse is no more." the more Rikke spoke about it, the more giddy she herself got.

And after another brief pause, Emma would be the first echo her joy. The girls expression absolutely radiating joy as tears of joy began to run down her cheeks, Sarah would share in the overwhelming joy in silence, while the twins... "YA~~" "HOO~~!!" the duo of girls cheered "THE MASTER IS DEAD!/THE MASTER IS DEAD!" almost throwing the chair aside the duo rushed forward and threw Rikke up into the air!

*POP!* a loud pop could be heard as even Brody joined in to the celebration, clear tears sparkling on his cheeks, that extra bit more pronounced from his huge grin "T'is 'ere calls fer a CELEBRATION!" he'd laugh out in bellowing manner as the door to the chamber was slammed open the whole house rushing inside to aid Loria and Gloria throw Rikke up and down!!! Each and everyone chanting the heroines name as her companions could only watch on with huge smiles on their faces.

Rikke laughed out merrily with each throw up, her name ringing all around her, until... "Hey! Janet was there too! She fought just as fiercely as I did!" the rogue pointed out the knight to the mob only for the knight to blush like a deer and be rushed! Heavy armor be damned soon enough she too was raised up as Miss G and some maids brought over the finest glasses and numerous drinks. The drinks would run wild, with Brody even bringing up a song... which was thankfully continued by the much more pleasing voices of the twins. Drinks, laughs rang out for some time, Rikke gathering a crowd around herself as she recalled the final battle. Though Yennas tale would bring a moment of silence from the crowd soon enough each and every one of them raised their glasses or mugs and cheered out in one huge salute to the fallen angel.

Though what happened next, was nothing short of unexpected. Perhaps due to the emotional high, soon enough soldiers, maids and other servants quickly began to look for pairs. Those finding theirs would quickly lock into a joyous kiss. Being the heroine and main attraction of the whole celebration Rikke was absolutely swamped with numerous offers for a dance or a drink, there didn't seem a male in the whole manor not interested to claiming the grand heroine for this huge festivity...

"Oh..." looking to all the potential suiters-for-the-night Rikke could only blush, before her eyes glanced over them. The heroines lips lightly puckered as a mischievious smile crossed her lips "Well--" only for a tail to slowly swirl from behind and around her waist "Unfortunately, boys. She's already taken." Rikke probably never heard Jess speak with such... pride about having the rogue to herself. A light sea of disappointed looks would glance down, before the festivities continued "Hum~ I think you just broke at least 5 hearts, Jess." the rogue giggled and looked to her lover with a smirk.

Still, such a sudden shift... there was little question about it, this was indeed a manor ruled by the Succubi. Either way, soon enough Rikke would sneak away from the festivities to catch her breath...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Cheers rang out as the party continued. Thankfully while emontions where high things didn't devolve into an orgy. Still even with her heightend contituion Rikke felt the slight buzz of potent alchole. It had of course taken far more drinks than it used to but then again there where plenty to go around. Even Jess seemed slightly smashed as she joined in with Gloria and Loria in a singsong at the fireplace. Sneaking out she found several couples kissing or leading their lovers off to more private rooms. No doubt the manor would have a bunch of little ones running around next year. Stepping out in the cool air to get some much needed fresh air Rikke's ear would catch a soft moan and look over to find Joldra giving a bj to the young soildier from earlier. From what Rikke could tell the succubus was just having fun and not hurting the man for the moment.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rogue could only sigh with relief as she closed the door behind her, while there was no music, there was absolutely no shortage of noise coming from the area. While slightly buzzed, the alcohol hadn't quite kicked in to the heroine. A few 'adventures' when taking too much booze, had at the very least taught her the value of faking drinks.

She was back at the main entrance, the impressive staircase upstairs and chandelier still as awe-inspiring as ever. Stepping deeper inside Rikke could hear hastened footsteps from upstairs, as well as a tell-tale pervy giggle echoing out, before the pair closed the rooms door. Rikke could only slightly snicker at the sounds, a sly smile appearing of her. Though her gaze would linger for some time, looking to the source. Perhaps even subconsciously Rikke would ever so lightly bite down on her lip, just thinking about it... that could've been....

There was just something about a one night stand with a stranger, a stranger who'd recall and tell of the night for years to come, that ran absolute goosebumps of excitement through the pervy rogues body... but with Jessica so close, even if they agreed to keep it open---

The thought was swiftly interrupted as Rikke heard seemingly something bump against the nearby wall... from outside? Silently opening the door, the heroine stepped outside only for a refreshing breeze to greet her. At first looking around, there didn't seem to be anything there... but as Rikke was about to close the door, a sharp gasp was all too clearly heard.

Her ears perked with interest, as the rogue took a step outside and leaning against the nearby wall peeked over towards the source...

Rikkes eyes widened as the sight unveiled itself, the very same young man had Joldra on her knees in front of him,the demoness continiously bobbing her head back and forth, her hands resting on the mans waist. The snow around them, had seemingly melt in a fair area, the nearby window even covered in light mist.

Though perhaps saying the man had Joldra, was incorrect as the poor(?) lads hand seemingly helplessly twitched, his expression stuck between absolute bliss and helplessness, he didn't want to end. Indeed, Joldra had the man in front of her, not the other way around her. Smirking wickedly at the sight, the rogue couldn't help, but consider just as before... giving the man a tale to recall to the end of his days.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

There where of course no shortage of men about. Even with the party going on a few had remained watchful. No doubt they will get their own reward for their duty later. A strangled gasp echoed from Joldra's position as the man suddenly collapsed much to Joldra's dissapoint. Still unaware of the rogue the demoness seemed to speak out loud. "Men quick to start quick to finish. Come on up with you I doubt Rikke would be happy if I let you freeze to death out here." Looking over she saw Joldra help the man up and began to walk too the barricks. Still there where others about. One she could see over by the stables leaning aginst a support beam near small fire and another on the roof of the barracks keeping an eye out.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke almost let out a disappointed tisk at the mans endurance... no wonder she preferred succubi and demons, their stamina was always a fun thing to test out. The rogue hardly even questioned Joldras restraint while feeding, out of all the succubi here she was likely the most elder one... her control was likely way above everyone here.

Just as silently as she snuck outside, Rikke would return back inside the manor. While giving the guards random bj's would leave them star struck, the rogue was hardly that slutty... Rikke paused briefly, her light purple eyes as bright as ever, before nodding to herself. Yes indeed, such a plan just seemed of poor taste.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Slightly refreshed from the trip outside Rikke caught a glimpse of Lady Serah and Lady Emma. Serah was supporting Emma her tainted and warped body easily resisting the overdose of alchole. Her face seemed flush however and Rikke knew that she was drunk as well. Emma however seemed to have gone overboard and was unable to stand on her own. Looking up Sarah smiled at Rikke has she helped her lover into her arms. Here she spread her wings and launched into the air to the balcony winking at Rikke as she landed with Emma. The next person she saw was Janet who came stumbling out and right into her arms. "H-Hey R-Rikke." She burped and the smell of potent wine reached Rikke's nose. "S-Sorry...." Janet tried to pull away stumbling slightly and falling back into Rikke's arms. For a moment the knight just looked at her the woman's face getting a deeper and deeper flush before she managed to right herself again and head out. The next out was Sam he didn't look drunk at all but rather tired. Rikke wasn't sure but his form seemed more femine than when she first found about his gender flopping.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled right back to Sarah, all too distracted by the two as she approached the door back into the main party grounds. Suddenly the door slammed open as all too tipsy knight made her exit! Only to bump right into Rikke! "Ooph..."

"Oh sorry, I wasn't look-- Janet?" Rikke blinked as the knight looked up to her as well "H-hey R-Rikke." suddenly a burp escaped her, causing the girl to blush lightly before giggling lightly "S-sorry." just as the knight tried to pull back, the booze kicked in once more.

"Wuah-" "Hey careful!" Rikke would once more catch the knight and laugh lightly at the drunken knight, smiling that friendly smile of her at her. Though this time Janet remained silent, while at first she looked up with a sheepish smile, moments later the knight seemed starstruck.

Looking to Rikke up so close, Janet couldn't help, but note all the exceptional details of the heroine. Her kind eyes, friendly smile, her wonderous, if oddly colored hair... her luscious lips... Rikke couldn't help, but note Janets eyes slowly grow wider and wider, the knights blush growing with intensity more and more, before seemingly catching herself Janet looked away.

Still as the knight tried to make her embarassed escape "Wait up, silly. Come on, I'll help you find a proper room. I insist." Rikke snickered lightly and judging by her stance, this was less of an offer, but more of a fact...

Meanwhile as this happened yet another party-goer went out of the door, if slightly less drunk "Sam!" Rikke smiled kindly to the man, though her expression faltered for just a moment as she noted something strange. Last she saw him, the man had a clear hints of an unshaven beard... now he seemed absolutely clean shaven? Be it Rikkes imagination or not, he seemed slightly smaller overall.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sam waved at Rikke and yawned abit before moving on a slight femine sway to his hips. Janet meanwhile leaned against Rikke using her for stablity. "Y-Yeah thats a good idea...." Leaning in Janet's face pressed against Rikke's Ds a fact that hadn't been noticed by Janet yet. Though right now even if she had Rikke was sure that the wouldn't care.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

What was up with that sway... Rikke looked a bit worried at Sam, before feeling Janets nose continiously tickle her D's... "Come on you." the heroine giggled playfully and lifted the knights head from the heavenly valley, before helping her up the stairs.

Looking both ways, Rikke honestly had to pick a room at random, possibly even passing some particulary strange sounds... even passing the very room she met Jessica. Unfortunately, it was likely taken.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Heading up with the drunk in tow took some effort as Janet seemed prone to stumble ever other step. But with a little effort and much patence the duo reached the top of the balcony. Ineeded it seemed several of the room where occupied. Heading down the hall Rikke heard some moans and bangs as the beds where put to good use. Even her and Jess's room seem occupied. "Ohh both of you at the same time... no no not enough come on I got hands and a mouth get over here boys...." An image of Ven pleasing 5 men at once quickly came unbidden to Rikke's mind. Her lovely maid grinding agianst the thick cock buried deep in her snatch while her ass was raided by another person. The girl could hardly moan between the bobs of her head as her talented mouth brought bliss to a lucky guardsman. Still it seemed it wasn't enough as each of her hands strocked a cock. Shaking her head clear Rikke heard Janet speak. "Wow Ven must be having fun.... I never tried a 5 some myself." For all her time spent with Janet Rikke had almost forgotten the knight had been imprsioned in a brothel and despite her outward innocense Rikke knew that she was talented with her tongue. Leading on however she found a quest room unoccupied by anyone. Though another thought stuck her. Jess's playroom still existed.....
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke had to even pause as she recognised the voice owner... but judging by the ruckus... 5 men?! Just imagining it briefly, Rikke slightly squinted with some degree of jealousy, her submissive servant girl too. Janets voice would bring Rikke back "Oh- Yeah, let's keep moving, Drunket." the heroine snickered warmly and continued onwards, before finally reaching a proper room.

"There we go." she'd help Janet off her shoulder and allow her to walk solo for now. Ofcourse Rikke hadn't forgotten about the room... or the toys locked away upstairs, but with how drunk Janet was, all those possibilities would just go to waste. The rogue turned to the knight briefly, inspecting her.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet was dressed in her travaling gear her armor having not survived the tower intact. Even then her sturdy traveling cloths where slightly spread appart allowing a peak at the pale flesh beneith. Leaning against the wall Janet breathed in her generous C's moving with each breath. Blonde hair mared by a single black streak cascaded down the knights back and chest. "Wow I don't think Im gonna drink for awhile after this. Turning her head Janet looked at Rikke and stared agasin blushing.