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RPG [ チョウゴウキンデンタル ] Harem in maze 2 -天国の塔- (RJ106025)


Demon Girl Pro
Mar 6, 2013
Reputation score
Re: harem in maze 2

ok,this game desperetly needs a translation, even a machine one would be great, looks like a fun game but for people who dont know japanish its a true maze.....with out any harem just a maze of symbols


Tentacle God
Feb 5, 2012
Reputation score
Re: harem in maze 2

Wow I'd think this thread wouldv'e died out long time ago. I remember playing it a little bit but all the runes was just a massive pain for any western to attempt to play the game. Even a translation of Items' names and maybe their description would go a long way in making this playable.

edit: now i remember why I never finished this game. Its because the rape attacks stop at floor 6. XD
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Jungle Girl
Jul 3, 2015
Reputation score
Re: harem in maze 2

Is a fun game from what I played a while back, but someone who understands the language please translate? It will be way more playable if that happens!


Aug 13, 2011
Reputation score
Re: harem in maze 2

If some one give text of this game maybe i'll think about translate it:D Crack and decompile game is rather difficult than translate plain text.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Jan 4, 2010
Reputation score
Re: harem in maze 2

If some one give text of this game maybe i'll think about translate it:D Crack and decompile game is rather difficult than translate plain text.
If this game could be cracked and decompiled easily, I would have already translated it, or at least the UI/items/etc.

I did a lot of work on the first one's systems, but the expansion completely ruined any attempt at translation because of the way it modified things. Without the expansion, it was fine, since it was made in kirikiri tools, but who want's only part of a game?

As for this one, I have no idea how to get at the text itself. I tried for quite some time and wasn't able to make it work.


Aug 13, 2011
Reputation score
Re: harem in maze 2

* Update skill:
Class Assassin
(1,1)Vital aim: Attack have higher critical
Effect level up : MP cost down Power up. Critical rate up
(1,2) Lust of blood: Attack steal HP
Need: Skill (1,1) Lv3
Effect level up: Mp cost down Power up.Hit rate up
(1,3) Blow of desperation::x3 attack but def greatly decrease for a while
Eff level up:pow up Hit rate up. MP cost down
(1,4) Breakout: Greatly damage guard enemy
Need: 1,3 lv
Eff lvup: Pow up Hit rate up

(2,1) Chase: Deal great damage to a paralysis enemy
Need: 1,3 lv 3 Eff lvup: POw up Hit rate up
(2,2) Headhunting Deal great damage to a stuned enemy
Need: 1,3 lv
Eff lvup: Pow up Hit rate up
(2,3) Non attribute magic attack
Need:???lv2 Eff lvup: Mp cost down Pow up
(2,4) Poison needle: Poison enemy
Eff lvup: Mp cost down Pow up
(3,1) Futsu kiri(google it): Seal enemy's skill
Eff lvup: Mp cost down Pow up
(3,2) Earth spider: Decrease enemy's attack speed
Eff lvup: Mp cost down Pow up
(3,3) Armor Crusher: Decrease enemy's def
Need (3,2) lv3
Eff lvup: Mp cost down Pow up
(3,4) hallucinations: Increase self evade rate
Eff lvup: Mp cost down Pow up

(4,1) Assassin: Attack up but evade rate down
Need (3,3) lv3
(4,2) Increase Ally'sFire Def, Decrease enemy's
(4,3) Increase Ally's Water Def, Decrease enemy's
(4,4) Increase Ally's lighting Def, Decrease enemy's

(6,2) Attack Mastery: 10% bonus to ATK
(6,3) Assassinate Mastery : 5x bonus to Critical rate
I understand almost skill but too lazy too write it down sorry :D
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Tentacle God
Mar 6, 2011
Reputation score
Re: harem in maze 2

I would also have a partial translation.^^
But for the last version want
The link I posted on page 11 is still going.
My luck because my previous hard disk went defective.
I could ls the last version of myself lol XD.


Jungle Girl
May 17, 2011
Reputation score
Re: harem in maze 2

Old but nice game, can only hope someone will translate it so I can finish it once more :)
(my hopes died long ago if serious...)


Jungle Girl
Feb 2, 2013
Reputation score
Sorry to bump this but has anyone checked this translation : ? I don't have the game yet so I can't test right now.


Well-known member
Jul 21, 2018
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Quick question.
How's this a harem?

The girls don't really like you. They get fucked by dungeon monsters, and there's more FMM then there's FFM?


Demon Girl Pro
Jul 24, 2014
Reputation score
How's this a harem? The girls don't really like you.
2+ girls you can lewd whenever -> is a harem

You start the game with 3 girls. You can H them daily, but you don't have to. Thus, harem.
However, their worth lies elsewhere (err, yeah, referring to exploration/battle, not the 'get rapu-ed' part xD)
Oh, and MFF/4P/orgy is completely unrelated to the concept of harem or even polygamy.

The very concept of 'harem' stems from old middle eastern culture, the Ottoman Empire specifically, which is more or less this game's world setting.
To note, that harem women were *not* sexual objects, but respected ladies regarded as 'higher class' with considerable authority and political influence - including those of lower birth.
Comparing a 'courtesan' with a 'common whore' would result in the same difference, between what is usually called a 'harem' then and now.

I'd answer differently if you asked "The girls don't really like you. How's this a harem?" but I've had my fun already :)
Let's let this thread rest in peace, until someone cracks the core Unity files with the bulk of the text.


Well-known member
Jul 21, 2018
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2+ girls you can lewd whenever -> is a harem

You start the game with 3 girls. You can H them daily, but you don't have to. Thus, harem.
However, their worth lies elsewhere (err, yeah, referring to exploration/battle, not the 'get rapu-ed' part xD)
Oh, and MFF/4P/orgy is completely unrelated to the concept of harem or even polygamy.

The very concept of 'harem' stems from old middle eastern culture, the Ottoman Empire specifically, which is more or less this game's world setting.
To note, that harem women were *not* sexual objects, but respected ladies regarded as 'higher class' with considerable authority and political influence - including those of lower birth.
Comparing a 'courtesan' with a 'common whore' would result in the same difference, between what is usually called a 'harem' then and now.

I'd answer differently if you asked "The girls don't really like you. How's this a harem?" but I've had my fun already :)
Let's let this thread rest in peace, until someone cracks the core Unity files with the bulk of the text.
Wait it's a Harem even if the girls go fuck other dudes/monsters?
So like... male pornstars have a harem even though there's no emotional or social attachment?

In your description of Harem, you only talk about the class of the girls, and not their social attachment to the male figure. So a harem in the description you yourself state doesn't even include "2+ girls you can lewd whenever"

Not an attack on anyone btw, but this game doesn't feel harem at all.

Not gonna lie I was expecting something similar to Kamidori Alchemy Meister or other VNs in that space, but content wise it's pretty traditional Ryona.


Demon Girl Pro
Jul 24, 2014
Reputation score
Wait it's a Harem even if the girls go fuck other dudes/monsters?
Uh, NTR Harem? Modern interspecies harem? I agree, we shouldn't be using the 'harem' word at all.

I was just entertaining myself, thinking how spending 1 hour with this game after years, made me think again how fitting the "Harem" name fitted this game to a fault - in my opinion and my opinion only. I do NOT feed my pretty gals to ugly monsters :cry: but that's just me. Still was fun.

"2+ girls you can lewd whenever -> is a harem" was meant to be sarcasm; as in, a difficult-to-deny, oversimplified definition I personally do not agree with.

Harem is an obsolete term nowadays; whatever definition you have, is good enough. Like how we use 'debt bondage' for the obsolete 'slavery'. I wasn't trying to make fun of you in any way. My point was, back then I enjoyed the time exploring and doing stuff with my girls, to the point I forgot it even was an H-game beside cosplay. Nostalgia, is all. And gods, Unity was a novelty not that long ago.

From the sound of it, you might have missed a menu in the main camp, which allows you to lewd your girls (individually and daily). And yes, this game is very barebone H-wise.


Demon Girl Pro
Jul 24, 2014
Reputation score
OK here's what (little) I 've got: Skills (actives/passives) names and description. That's it... Nope, I couldn't find anything else (except prefixes/suffixes for random loot), and won't try again with this game.

ABSOLUTELY back up said file (sharedassets8.assets) before trying this... I'm not even sure that'll work for someone else, and I won't bother double-checking all skills for all classes; so, sorry in advance if anything breaks - you've been warned.



Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Thread has been moved to the H-Section due to a lack of gameplay description. If you wish to preserve this thread, please PM a moderator with an updated OP.


Demon Girl Pro
Jul 24, 2014
Reputation score
I doubt anyone is still playing this, but here's a barebone OP if deemed useful:

Harem in maze 2 -天国の塔-

From the same maker as HiM1 / HiM UPPERS:

In an Arabian / One Thousand and One Nights setting, you're a harem prince who goes exploring the infinitely high "Heavens' Tower".

It's a 3D Unity dungeon crawler, with real-time exploration and battle - both mostly automatic. Well, your 3-girls party lurk, fight (getting raped by monsters occasionally) and grab the loot; you're only around to speed things up, disarm traps and give a few battle orders.
There are 8 different classes for the girls, and much random loot to equip/dress them up with.

- you need 3 girls in your roster/party to get started

1st menu item lets you:
- create a girl in a NO DATA spot. You can review her afterwards, to edit her skills and equipment
- assign a girl to your party (3 slots at the top)

You can then go exploring with the big 5th item.

4th item lets you woo a girl daily, 6th is to sleep for the day.
You move around in the dungeon with the mouse and WASD keys.
The 3 % numbers on the top-left are 'Floor % explored', '% to next loot', '% to next monster'. Yellow sparkly things affect these numbers, while red sparkly things are traps that will hurt your girls unless you disarm them first.
Combat is automatic and real-time, action bar-based - you can choose individual skills for your girls to use, provided they learnt any skills. Default skill is the basic 'Attack'.
Watch out for your girls HP/MP; they also build up stress, some classes more than others.

H-content is scarce, but are all animated 3D scenes: 1 on 1 in the camp, and a few monter rape scenes triggering randomly(?) during battles.


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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That OP is fine. Thread moved back.