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Christmas Project

Re: Christmas Project

I remembered your avvie, and the rhyme, and connected the two. It was more of a guess than a mix up, really. It's been fixed.
Re: Christmas Project

This spontaneously burst into my head whilst I was ruminating on why Obe insists on keeping the Guy Fawkes rhyme in his sig:

Remember, remember, the 25th of December,
The parties and gifts and whatnot.
I know of no reason the Christmas season should ever be forgot.

It probably sounded better in my head but I'll put it out there, I guess.

By God, I'll do it.
Re: Christmas Project

wait, theres a difference?

kidding :p

You're damn right there's a motherfucking difference! He's, uh...



Shit, what are we talking about again?
Re: Christmas Project

wait, theres a difference?

kidding :p

Of course there's a difference. I'm better than he is. At everything.

(haha, got rid of the font and size you used! taste default font, sucker!)
Re: Christmas Project

The only thing I might be able to contribute is.........Some more Hentai movies. That's about it.
Re: Christmas Project

Not sure if this fits in with "contributing things", 'cos I'm not actually making anything, but I guess if people want to pm, post, or visitor message me "christmas wish lists" -things they want and can't find- and I could use my google powers (for those who don't know what I mean, in a nutshell: I'm good at finding things on the internet) to look for them.[/SIZE]

Radio play/Airtime
67 copies of Moby Dick
An underwater drum kit
A giant baby bottle
Zon walnut bass with a graphite neck
Football helmet filled with cottage cheese
PRS guitar with a dragon inlay
Naked pictures of Bea Arthur
A record contract
Re: Christmas Project

right, so I realize you're probably kidding with half of those, toxic, but I'll clarify anyways: I find data. pictures and info and files and such. :p

EDIT: ah, its a quote from airheads, though i've no idea what that is other than some movie. could google it. probably wont


*begins the process of sending toxic the full text of moby dick via PM, 67 times*
(in other words, any revisions you'd like to make to your post? ;3 )
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Re: Christmas Project

That was my actual christmas list btw, I wanna see how much can actually be delivered.
Re: Christmas Project

Radio play/Airtime
67 copies of Moby Dick
An underwater drum kit
A giant baby bottle
Zon walnut bass with a graphite neck
Football helmet filled with cottage cheese
PRS guitar with a dragon inlay
Naked pictures of Bea Arthur
A record contract

lets see if PM's allow 1,194,491 character messages...

toxic, you're gonna have to pm me your email address, 'cos PM limit is 5000 characters

actually.... never mind, just a sec

ok, screw using attachments, they dont work happily. rapidsharing...

right, here ya go:

go and search the page for "drum"





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Re: Christmas Project

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Re: Christmas Project

Thanks a lot!

Now I get to plead insanity and then start touring in 6 months..3 if I behave myself.
Re: Christmas Project

Anyone who actually still reads sigs will notice some changes in mine. Rep to the first who actually figures out what I've done.

I'll post the full version of it in here, once I finish making sure it is correct.
Re: Christmas Project

as in identify what it is, or identify the changes?

if it's the former:
It is a metrical version of a collation of various Advent Antiphons (the acrostic O Antiphons), which now serves as a popular Advent and Christmas hymn. Its origins are unclear, it is thought that the antiphons are from at least the 8th Century, but "Veni, veni Emmanuel" may well be 12th Century in origin.

Re: Christmas Project

I meant identify the actual contents, not classify the characteristics of it.

...And use what most people would know it by.
Re: Christmas Project

Yeah. Originally used as a Gregorian chant.