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City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)

Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)



The Council of Five sat arguing over the new information that MA had brought to their attention. They were seated around a table, facing each other as they discussed their next strategy along with what new precautions that might be needed. "I can state with certainty that my trainee was not lying to me... She may be foolish enough to fall to a simple vampire, but she is not going to lie to us, especially now that I have reports that her mental effects were not made for her to deceive us about what she was told. I recommend that we spare no resources in stopping these multiple threats, and simply break them as they make their attempts on all of these places." There'd be silence for a few moments as they considered these statements, two of them nodding in agreement before one of them scoffed. The sound of a book closing would ring through the room, and then the sound of it hitting the table would make the same loud noise. "I honestly didn't think that you'd all be so easily taken in... I know this is important and all, but I think it's time I once again show that you have all FAILED to think any of this through... I was a few minutes away from conclusively figuring out Jack the Ripper's identity, but apparently I must enlighten you again to the mistakes being made..."
(Theme: )

One of the members stood up, her own arrogance only outweighed by her paranoia, and while the Council women disliked being talked down to their smartest member got going, she was a whirlwind of brilliant deduction, analysis, and absolute biting arrogance. She paced around as she set about explaining her own ideas about all this, proving that while she may not be strong, fast, magical, or anything else, she was smart... no, smart wasn't the word to describe it, she was an absolute genius. "Well, I suppose it bears mentioning that the first thing we should do, is simply agree to pay the ransom. I have invested Society funds into major corporation stocks since the 1970s, every major modern company, we own some stock in that was bought cheap. So, if it must come down to it, we can just sell a large amount of it and pay this 'ransom'..." The rest of them seemed annoyed at that, not wanting to give the impression that they would bow to threats that they'd hopefully be able to avoid...

"And now to point out the childish oversights you've ALL made. Let me ask you... is our facility underneath Silvers Island? Of course not! So why are they threatening an attack there?" She paused dramatically, soaking in the feeling of superiority as she once again proved why she was indispensable to the Council no matter how upset she could make them when she really got going. "While all of you elected NOT to tell your departments about the facility, therefore keeping the information hidden, I decided to lie to my own division. Everyone in my branch of the Society thinks the facility is under Silvers Island. As such, not only do we know they don't have plans on attacking us there, I also now know WHERE this leak came from!" Her enemies thought the Council was complacent, and they were, but this one... this one was paranoid enough to NEVER grow too complacent, setting up decoys and detours in the chance of betrayal. "As for the breaking of villains out of prison... I have reason to doubt this claim as well. There were MANY villains to break out in that prison, and they even had the advantage of Beastmaster converting many, MANY guards. If they planned on freeing more villains then why did they not do it when they had the greatest opportunity? Because it is their second bluff. All that is needed for that threat is to stop growing complacent in our damn prison security. No more letting protocol slide for conveniences sake."

While superiority dripped from every word, the others found it rather difficult to argue with those deductions, wishing they had something to prove her wrong. "I do admit that we should investigate the bomb threat, as that can neither be proven nor disproven, meaning it is important to examine and try to prevent. So in total, I recommend we ignore the threat to our facility, only be more strict with our prisons, and investigate the bomb threat AFTER we give them the money they requested." The rest of them sat there, thinking it through until they voted in agreement with her, 3 to 2, which she merely attributed to bitterness at her own clear intellectual superiority. They were about to discuss more when an alarm went off for all of them, each one going wide eyed when they realized the grave had been broken into. "No... Dear gods no..." "Fuck... not now!" "I... How did they get past..." "Get a signal out! Every available member needs to be there NOW!" And the paranoid, intelligent woman was suddenly silent, unable to find words to describe the problem they might have on their hands soon, along with the fear that her enemies seemed to be able to at least keep up with her a little bit, going for a strategy she hadn't anticipated at all.
Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)

Still at the confession booth

"I've seen too many fail the test. Unlike him, I believe that you are ALL worthy of salvation. I will seek to do away with any further testing." The voice sounded in agreement at the priests answer. "As would I, father. Either way. I have to get going. We are at war with the evils in this world. But fear not."

"Praise the lord and rejoice, by the power invested into me by the lord, I absolve you of your sins. Pater noster, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra." The voice said, sincerely, in fluent latin, before.. breaking with the usual script, stepping out, whilest the priest felt..elated. Encouraged. He had to fight the forces of evil, what was he still sitting within this church?


Bathing in the light coming through the church window stood a white haired, white eyed angel, with a dark armor and beautiful white wings. She reached out, a metallic sounding noise as a staff, silvery, with a tip of pure whiteness, appeared in her hand. She looked about breifly, spotting a picture on the wall. She looked upon jthe angel with brown-blonde hair, holding a sword, a glow around their heads. "You never like yourself on old pictures, do you?" She shook her head, stepping past the picture of Archangel Michael, past the image of a snake winding around a tree, the glass of the same shattering as the angelic woman reached out to push the churches door open, her aura of reverie affecting anyone within the church, and like light escaping a doorway, shining out upon the stairs leading up to the holy house.


Lily spun around cheerfully, with enough of a break to mange to give Vanguard a thumbs up. "Yay! You's awesome! Wanna go a movie afterwards? I like human horror movies! Great comedy!" The vampiress cheered, slightly sad she couldn't cuddle up to Vanguard more.. the spinning was actually a complicated magical ritual, and she needed to cover up the coffin properly!

"Busy busy!" Lily complained at the warning, spinning on.. it took her a few moments more to completely cover up the coffin, as she panted heavily. "Pfeww.. ok.. now.." She stepepd up, raising her hand, making a crushing motion, that was accompanied by a compression and crunching of the feathers, now showinga humanoid shape in red feathers, before Lily .. actually stumbled briefly.. "S.. so powerful.. need one or two more... more." Lily determined.

Suddenly, Beastmistress fell over, as if unconscious. As did Insectra, though no one but a few bugs that had accompanied her noticed that one, as she was hiding underground, preparing to assist Cassandra.

Lilys eyes lighted up red, as she raised both her hands high, commanding: "Super Awesome Revival Coffin .. Raise!" She raised her hands high, A red glow appearing on the chest of the humanoid figure, then, a much more gothic-styled coffin with a silver cross design over it pushed out of the ground, slapping shaut over the form.. And then, Lily fell over, likely into Vanguards arms. With the last of her strength, Lily reached out, touching Vanguards chest.. and closing her eyes.

Meanwhile, Insectra opened her eyes again, panting slightly, before folding her hands.. Cassandra would have to deal with this on her own. The retreat was more important.. And with that, A weird, fleshy, cocoon like thing rose around Beastmistress, Lily, and Vanguard, enclosing them, before slowly sinking back into the ground.

However. If there were any heroines closing in to prevent the group from fleeing, they'd be stopped, as would be the council, by the new report.. and rather obvious occurance, of a blast going off, in the centre of the city. A blast that wouldn't burn flesh, that wouldn't explode buildings.. V's plan was flawless in that regard. She didn't want destruction. She wanted mass confusion. And thus, before the heroines could rally a counter offensive completely, V's for months prepared Divinotech blast went off, as every area not protected from technological or divine energy infused attacks, was hit by a wave of transforming energy, turning every male in the town female.. female, with a large, lustful cock and the associated libido and virility still remaining.. no.. increasing a bit...

That of course included the priest(s) in Glorias church.

And, if the council had already hotwired the money as demanded it would not stop the bomb from going off, however, they'd find the oddest of occurances, as the Leader of the Mundane needed but a moment to realize that their money hadn't gone to a shadowy organization, but to a few, largely catholic or at least independent church based nonprophit organization providing disastre aid and schooling for third world countries. Whoever they were dealing with, this was not the normal greedy villain.

Current Storylines, for overview:(I sorted them with recommended order if you wanna let me decide. :p
-Cassandras fight
-V's encounter
-Vanguards awakening
-Potential encounter for Gloria, optional for now!

Beastmistress and Insectra are both disabled from the massive effort it took to prepare for the Seventh fingers ressurrection and wont be able to fight for a while! Lily needs to.. recover. The Seventh Finger is currently 'incubating'!
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Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


Blaise smirked a bit at the compliments, always willing to let someone stroke his own ego whenever the opportunity presented itself. "All man, all the time sweet cheeks. Sorry if that disappoints you... I promise that'd be the only area I disappoint in." Actually... he was surprised that this was working in any way, as normally when he talked to a hot woman like this they got annoyed or even slapped him. His whole 'super hero' thing usually worked wonders though, so overall his success rate was still much better than some might expect considering his approach. He did have to question what the whole 'calling dibs' thing meant, but in his mind she probably just had a cute friend nearby or something, and wanted to get at him first. Meanwhile, Lindsay seemed even more annoyed now that her 'friend' was enjoying himself and getting some actual interest.

"I appreciate the kindness, ma'am, but encouraging him is just gonna make him that much more unbearable..." Her eyes narrowed a bit in confusion when the strange woman went and pressed a button on her weird cart thing. "So what is that you got there?" Even on her day off, she knew she couldn't go and ignore something that she found suspicious, not only was it part of her job, but she'd also feel a bit guilty regardless.

And thankfully, Blaise's suspicions were aroused when Cassandra talked about others being 'enslaved', readying himself. "No, I understood just enough of your 'nonsense' to know you need to be put under arrest. Much as I'd love a good time with the three of us, not only is my friend not in the mood, I'm not anymore either." Of course... that was a lie, as another part of him was aroused seeing how high her dress rode up, catching a hint of something far more interesting. But he pushed it out of his mind, reminding himself that now was the time to fight and stop the insanely hot but probably insane evil villain. "Heh... you'd be surprised how hard it is to get her in the mood. Trust me, I've tried." "SHUT UP!" Thankfully for Cassandra, their short moment of bickering left her more than enough time to get ready for a fight.

Once those tendrils reached out, however, Blaise would smirk and a ring of fire would ignite around him, raising high into the sky, directly in the way of those light tendrils. If they could be burned away, then he'd definitely stop them from reaching him, as there'd be no easy path through the fire surrounding him, if they weren't stopped by fire, his fires would at least still obscure his body. "Fuck! God damn it!"


Lindsay wasn't anywhere near as lucky, her clothes torn to shreds and her large breasts were left bare for the equally as naked passerby. Her body was incredibly toned, hinting that she had some physical fighting skills, but otherwise nothing would clue Cassandra in on her powers. If the woman was hoping for embarrassment, however, she got none as heroines needed to be ready to fight regardless of the situation. "Hey Flashfire, could you do me a favor?" "After getting a view of you like this?! No problem! I'd love the chance to get a closer look." She groaned a bit as she approached his ring of fire, the flames parting to allow her within, and at the same time two fireballs would launch out at Cassandra, meant to occupy her while he helped out his partner.

There'd be the sound of physical impact, as though Flashfire was actually punching her within that circle. There'd be a few more hits, a kick to the side of the head, a knee to the gut, an occasional grunt of pain from Reflectra, and suddenly she'd walk out of the fire ring looking confident, cracking her knuckles and spitting out a bit of blood on the ground. "Well, let's dance!" She'd rush the woman, trying to aim a hard kick straight to the side of her head, actually leaving herself wide open to an almost ridiculous degree. It was as though the heroine had just thrown all her force into the attack without the slightest consideration of getting hit in return. However, the reason why might become more evident once Cassandra tried to prevent the attack, as any slight movement would send a blast of fire straight at her from within the ring, aimed with quite a level of precision. Blaise couldn't keep the ring going for much longer though, he had to keep himself from using too much fire at once, as while his control of it was incredible, he could only use so much as once. So, whether he still had his clothes or not, the ring would die down and reveal him at the center, a cocky grin on his face while surrounded in flames...


"I think it's time you felt a completely different kind of heat... I'LL BURN YOU TO THE GROUND!" He growled, much more intimidating once he stepped out of 'lecherous pervert' and into 'super hero'.
Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


"Oh, I don't expect to stay disappointed for long." Cassandra nodded. It was after all, currently charging up after she had reached the middle of the town.

"That? Oh that is a Divinotech bomb with a citywide radius. Don't worry, not the boring kind of bomb, the fun kind." Cassandra volunteered when questioned. "Not in the mood anymore? Aww dang it, there goes my honesty, bane of my seduction skills again.. but don't worry, perhaps I can rekindle your enthusiasm. If anything, this little thing here will." She patted the cart she had pushed onwards, though, at the same time, noted that her Insectra-backup would have to withdraw. Well, that just made it challenging!

The light tendrils could burn.. though as light-energy constructs they certainly weren't made of paper, a concentrated blast of those couldn't just be burned away, he'd note. Cassandra meanwhile enthused. "Oh, I see, hot in more than one sense, not too shocked there, by the by, Cassandra, the third finger of God, and you two are?" She seemed mostly unconcerned about the fires, more impressed and curious if anything. "Flashfire, I see, well I can guess that one." Cassandra chuckled, taking in the lewd view. She was slightly annoyed the heroes were .. coping so well, exspecially the lack of reaction from the stuck up one.. but she had enough juice to deal with them without it.. hopefully.

"By the way, you both got hot bodies. Perhaps I'll get to keep you both, we'll make a sexy workout you can do for me on the daily, you can be my bodyguards.. not that I need some.." Cassandra grinned, raising her hand and creating.. two large ice-cubes, to collide with the fireballs. Whilest the light-constructs melted away, that also stopped the attack dead in its track.

Cassandra raised her brows at Reflector.. or rather, the noises she made. "Pain empowerement? Damage reflection? Hooh, I can't help but want to find out. Perhaps not directly." She said, doging with ease, only to be hit by a lesser fireblast. Cassandra jumped, no, half flee back, her body enveloped by a white gleam, cascading off of her form sensually as her flight left a good view under her skirt going, before she landed next to her cart again.

"So brutal. Well, I can guess your powers, so let me explain mine. I can gather pleasure and lust and all these nice things and turn them into physical objects, through the power of my lust alone. That includes protective barriers that can deal with mundane threats like a bit of fire or a punch. So unless you got something more serious, you might as well lay back and enjoy this one, because your only hope of stopping me would be depleting all of my energy, which is possible, but I brought a little thing that will help." And her powers needed her ring, but she wasn't going to give -all- details away. Instead, she reached out for the cart, pressing the button again, a countdown timer appearing on it..

And reading 00:00:01. Because V wasn't stupid, if anyone had asked her. "By the way, are those flames made of holy energy or can isolate you from radiowaves?" Cassandra asked casually as the timer ticked down, and the Futa-Wave exploded forth from the cart, with only a minimum of an actual explosion, destroying the cart and a fair deal of the bomb to release the energy necessary to blast out the energy wave, though Cassandra actually made sure to catch any shrapnel.
Whilest the waves of energy would pass through Reflector almost unhindered, with nothing but a bit of her hairs standing on edge, Flashfire, unless he truly had a means to defend against something non-elemental and non-magical, would be hit much more.. severly, dazed for a moment as his body underwent rapid changes, form softening, chest burgeoning, muscles lessening, becoming more lean and toned, hair lengthening until, actually looking rather similiar to his partner in heroism.

"But enough of this, lets have some fun." Cassandra grinned, raising her finger.. and creating a row of flying whips, whipping forth at both of their opponents. Cassandra guessed that the stuck up one had a power to take and expel pain, propably in equally painful bursts, but that also ment her defenses would be shitty, whilest the whips targetted her breasts and revealed themselfs to be less punishment, and more.. erotic.

Worse, Cassandras attack was mostly avoidable, if the heroine was willing to bend low, and jump high, the same for Blaise, who, after a delay, almost as if their opponent -wanted- to play fair, would face the same attack. For Defence, Cassandra would lick her lips and point the ring at her feet, creating a pool of less solid, more sticky white light-matter, grinning: "Alright, catfight, lets go!" She'd wink at Reflector, inviting her. "Or do you want more of my erotic workout" Whilest maintaing the pool, she'd raise her ring and send forth a few lightblasts shaped like dildos at the two heroes, less quick than the whips, perhaps because creating several objects in such a quick sucession was exhausting, or perhaps almost because she was the type to toy with her prey. Scratch that, with er licking her lips and watching the two she was most definitly the type to do that.

(Feel free to continue here if curious or go to V ^^)
Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


"Ah, so you're a terrorist... good to know, it'll make me feel a lot less guilty about hitting a lady." Flashfire wasn't exactly one for sleeping with a villainess, no matter how good she looked, in the end of the day he was far more dedicated to his job than he was at picking up women, despite what some of his comrades might say. "Really didn't think we'd be working today..." Lindsay muttered to herself a little disappointed at having to fight a villain today of all days, but they couldn't exactly just stand here and hope that one of the other heroes showed up to fight. "Take it as encouragement. Sooner we put this one behind bars, the sooner we can get back to actually enjoying our day off." Blaise reminded, personally finding some enjoyment in a fight anyway, so in his mind his day off would still have enough fun for him.

The heroes had seen far worse than just being nude during a fight, and as you got more experienced as a crime fighter, you learned to be less embarrassed than normal people. Plus, Reflectra worked together with a hero that shot fire everywhere, so she was used to her clothing getting accidentally burned off... though if you asked her she didn't believe that it was ALWAYS and accident. "Heh... you can guess the idea of my power I suppose... You'd be surprised at what it could do..." His fire did things that might make a physicist weep, as often times it didn't make sense under any laws of science, and he wasn't planning on giving her any details that he didn't have to. "I hope you don't mind a few scorch marks... Speaking of which... Reflectra, if you happen to see any trinkets on her, do your best to knock those off..." "No shit Sherlock... You act like I haven't fought the same number of villains as you have." Cassandra may have underestimated their experience, as they had learned through multiple encounters that the number one thing you should always do is look for ways to cute a villain off from their powers, and with what they knew, you always look for special accessories or technological devices that might be giving their opponent powers.

Neither of them payed the compliments any mind, Blaise already knew that he had a sweet body, while Lindsay didn't really care either way. Seeing the two ice cubes annoyed the fire based hero though, and so he just shot another fire ball after the ice melted for the sake of still trying. "Pretty sure my workout is sexy enough considering that it's ME doing the workout. And Lindsay's is as well... trust me... I've seen." The heroine just clenched her fists, making plans to knock a few teeth out from Blaise's mouth for saying stupid things like that.

Hearing the powers his enemy had made Blaise even more confident that he could do this without much problem, this time because of his companion. "Oooh... Bad luck there then. You see... some people find pain sexy, Lindsay isn't one of them. So, I can just keep hitting her if you try anything on her, and as for me, I have more control than you might think..." Whether that was a lie or not, Cassandra would just have to find out when she got a chance. Though it did seem that he was more focused on fighting her now rather than looking at her revealed body. "Besides, lady... My fire is anything BUT mundane..." The mundane stuff was just the easiest to do and didn't cost much energy, but when he needed to he could adapt really well to most situations. Meanwhile, Reflectra was undeterred, as even the greatest durability had to give at some point, and so she'd just keep attacking and powering up while her ally gave her covering fire. Despite how much they argued and joked, they both had worked together for a few years, and so they knew each other's strategies inside and out.


"Oh that's not even fai-" Flashfire said when he saw the 'timer' barely managing to get that out before the bomb went off. While his fire could protect him from a lot of things, there was no way it was shielding him from this, and so while the wave just passed over Reflectra, he stopped in confusion as his body suddenly changed. His chest grew out, his hips widened and his shoulders grew less broad, his body became more toned and less buff, and his hair grew longer than he remembered. Once it was over, he'd look over and see his... err... her reflection in the window, going silent in shock for a few moments... before starting to laugh, his old smirk returning extremely quickly. "Heh! Holy shit, I'm STILL hot! Well, I've had worse, I'm glad that I kept my rocking bod... Though I'm gonna have to get much more well acquainted with it once I get a chance..." Was... was she really STILL unfazed by all of this? And Reflectra didn't seem all that concerned either, just rolling her eyes at the sudden change in her partner. What would it even take to faze these two? Honestly, Blaise... or maybe Blaire now? Eh, she'd figure it out later. Flashfire didn't even seem all that aroused despite the change, just ready to keep fighting and take down the villain that had done this to him... and likely many other people in the city now that he took a look around, noticing there wasn't a single man in the crowd of naked bystanders... though some of the women definitely had male parts. It didn't help that they now saw her bare chest, but she herself didn't mind, she was willing to show off when she was a man, so she didn't actually mind right now either...

Reflectra didn't guard against the whips, still feeling a bit of pain, though confused at the more erotic feeling... She felt like she was getting a bit... and then a kick slammed into her spine and she regained her composure, gritting her teeth with the pain after a solid kick from her partner. Seemed that Flashfire wasn't lying when he said that he could bring her back from arousal by just hitting her, also managing to power her up from some more strikes. In fact, now she just seemed angrier, wanting to kick Cassandra's head off for putting her through all this. "I'm going to kick your fucking head off!" She shouted, not dodging the whips anymore, not while she was this enraged.

Flashfire actually didn't mind dodging, able to do so for the most part, he would leave himself open accidentally a few times, still getting used to his new balance and reallocation of weight. Before that pool of sticky liquid hit the ground, Reflectra would run and just do a simple running jump kick, allowing her to keep her momentum and fly towards Cassandra without getting caught in any liquid immediately. While Flashfire worked on dodging and using his fire, Lindsay saw no problem just tanking hits as much as she could, continually trying to get in close and land some strong blows against her opponent.

This time, however, if Cassandra dodged and move away, she'd suddenly find a ball of fire enclosing her, and any feel would show the fire was... solid? It felt more like a solid wall rather than fire... though it was still burning hot. "Hope you're not claustrophobic!" This was one of the things her fire could do... becoming actually solid and enclosing her opponent. "HELL'S PRISON!" He shouted, and the fire wall would start closing in on her, as though he was trying to actually crush her. And if she didn't do something to break out of the solid wall of fire, it'd move to try and do just that, crush her until she could no longer fight back. Solid fire, however, took up a good amount of focus and energy, so while he was creating it, he couldn't launch any fire at her, nor could Lindsay actually get in to hit her opponent directly, so she just waited to see if this could actually end the fight.

(Responding here first, then gonna go do muh errands and stuff before giving a response to V.)
Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


V's bullets would hit... and umbrella? The bullets hit an open umbrella facing out towards her, not even tearing a hole in the pink fabric. Once she stopped firing she'd hear the voice of the woman tailing her. "Tsk tsk... such a shame. We had only wanted to ask a few questions to see if you were involved in what was... discovered. Thank you for confirming your guilt, however, you've expedited this process for us quite admirably." The umbrella would lift, revealing a woman with strawberry pink and chocolaty brown hair, along with heterochromatic eyes to match that hair, the right eye being brown and the left being pink. She smiled, looking surprisingly polite despite the fact that she was... well... clearly there to oppose V. "I suggest you come along quietly now before this entire situation turns into quite a gruesome donnybrook." She explained, taking a few steps closer, ready to lower her umbrella if V tried to fire her gun at the woman. Though for all intents and purposes, the heroine looked like she was alone...

"Sincerest apologies about this, Crusher..." Wait... that voice was coming from behind V now? If she looked she'd see the woman there again, the exact same hair, look, umbrella, the only difference would be that the eye colors were reversed, the left eye being brown and the right being pink. Then the second woman's umbrella would slam into Crusher, sending her flying into a nearby traffic light, leaving a sizable dent into the metal. "Can't take any chances now, I'm sure you'll understand once this has been completed." The second woman would be within striking distance for V now, however, and the first would smile politely once again. "I believe introductions are in order, and then perhaps this will make much more sense to you. You may address me as, Lady Bifold. Would you be so kind as to return this bit of hospitality and furnish me with your personal preference of reference?" The information she got from Super Sleuth would come in handy here once again, as Anariel had specifically warned to be very careful around Lady Bifold. As, while Anariel didn't know her exact powers, she had a very good record in combat scenarios, having mopped the floor with many heroines, including Crusher, in sparring matches, along with dealing with many of the powerhouse villains the Society had needed to apprehend.

It would be hard to tell just from looking at her though, as the woman looked like she barely reached five feet tall, and her figure wasn't muscular looking like Crusher's. But, well, the indent in the solid metal pole definitely was a good indicator that this woman was powerful. "Your attempts are admirable, unfortunately I believe you may have underestimated exactly what you are facing when you challenge the Society like this. A large group of compatriots, all with phenomenal abilities and experience in facing others with the same description is not to be trifled with." She spoke with a slightly posh British accent, having actually grown up in a classy family and only decided to leave when she discovered the incredible powers she had. "If you could not tell, Crusher is very far from existing as my equal in combat, and while you may be more than she, I have a feeling that you aren't prepared to face what is essentially 2 of me." The second woman would chuckle a little, still holding her own umbrella, her stance showing she was ready for an attack. "Indeed... It is in your best interests to surrender, as if you do we can at least guarantee that the conditions of your imprisonment will be far less undesirable than if you would put forth a strategy of defiance and resistance."

Meanwhile... if V was paying very close attention to the buildings around her, she might notice a small glint on the roof of one of the skyscrapers, the type of glint one got when the sun reflected off metal. In fact... that was the exact glint one might catch if there was a sniper positioned up there, aiming down while the sun was still shining.
Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


Victoria sighed a little. Whilest she was wearing a partial disguise, her attempted infiltration ment she had only a fraction of her equipment. And her opponents umberalla apparently could deflect bullets.
That said, she wasn't ranked second of gods hand for no reason. Already she observed her opponent closely, unblinkingly, with a thin smile. "I didn't expect to be placed into check whilest I made a move on your queen.

However, you misunderstand me miss. You are not quite in a position to..."
She turned, and watched Crusher get slammed away, a subtle flick of her wrist attaching a tiny explosive to the handle of the heroine with a swift, subtle motion. "Demand my surrender quite yet." A flash went off, designed to stun and disorient her opponent, during which V reached out to grab the Umbrella, twirling on and keeping her momentum, using leaverage rather than brute strength to try and disarm one of her opponents weapons. But it wasn't just that. As soon as V touched Biforkeds skin, unless both were resilient to mental attacks, one, or if both were the same, both, would feel a sense of lethargy, of weakness, as if they really lacked the strength to oppose this foe, if it was true or not.

If she succeded, she would gracefully spin the umbrella around and behind her. If she was unsucessful, or, as she theorized already, the umbrella wasn't of material someone with her strength could carry, she'd at least disarm it, slowing her opponent down and then she'd subtly place another small explosive on the hem of Biforks dress, this one with more of a destructive effect. "Guessing by the name your abilities are super strength, the ability to copy yourself, and I figure this Umbrella is not ordinary armored mesh." She twirled her gun, triangulating a degree and target to use a riochet attack from, whilest introducing herself.. manners mattered, after all. However, whilest doing exactly this, her instincts to shoot others down were lucky for her.
"I'm codenamed V, the second of the Hand of God. I seem to be in a bit of trouble. Three against one is not quite coy, is it? Whilest being two would make you predictable, you are just buying time for your friend to target me proper." She answered, flicking her wrists and tossing another explosive device at each of the two heroines, an explosion, followed by well targeted, if deflectable gun fire allowing V to retreat behind the building, and out of the line of fire of the sniper.. until the same repositioned, of course, which, considering she was a heroine, V was cautious about, as she dashed around the corner.

Only to immediatly stop in her retreat, and get ready to sweep the leg of whoever was pursuing her, her stance low, striking with quick reflexes and martial expertise, and again, merely touching V closely would send a weakening sense of inferiority through whoever V touched. As if she was in the presense of someone she should really not be challenging.
Meanwhile, V calculated the risk of sacrificing herself for the mission vs giving the opponent a large amount of dangerous intel. She sighed, reaching for her pre-last hidding explosives device in one hand, whilest aiming the now emptied gun to use it as a stumbling stone against her opponent in the other. "Your mistake is that you presume having two bodies to send after me makes you superior in single combat. It's the mind that counts, not the amount of bodies."

Gloria had tilted her head, looking off into a random seeming distance, then suddenly charged, jumping into the air with the ground slightly cracking below her, as her wings spreading out and she took flight, rushing to assist Victoria, as past both of them, the bomb-blast rushed fromout the centre of the city. Gloria and Victoria both cursed the distance they knew to be between them right now..
Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


Lady Bifold returned the smile, clearly enjoying the way things were going despite the danger involved. "Oh you think you even came close to our Queen? Dear, I think you should take some time to examine your strategies and look at where you were standing. I may not be the strategist behind the Society, but I think you've moved far too aggressively. We wouldn't have discovered Miss Sleuth OR Miss Quickdraw had it not been for the fight in the factory causing suspicion. But now, well, ALL of us will be put under suspicion. In fact, because of you I'm going to have to go through 15 steps of deprogramming just for stepping out of the building, so believe me when I tell you that you will be disciplined for inconveniencing me like this."

She didn't immediately notice the explosive being attached to the handle, though she did find some time to respond. "Oh I was demanding nothing. Merely recommending a course of action that would lead to the least amount of altercation, but please do continue your resistance for me, I enjoy being able to exercise my powers like this." Though once the explosive went off, they'd be stunned for a moment, allowing V to grab onto the umbrella. The one felt that odd sense of lethargy... yet shook it off surprisingly quickly? Lady Bifold's mental communication with her clone was... odd... in that she could send a mental 'slap' to her clone to kick her back into work, yet the sensations couldn't be shared between them. It also didn't help that the two had a strong sense of duty, will, and determination when it came to catching criminals.

V's theory would prove correct, as once she got one of the umbrellas out of Lady Bifold's hands, it'd slam against the ground, far too heavy for a normal person to hold. That was probably another factor for why Crusher seemed to be completely out cold from one strike, as the umbrella felt near impossible for V to lift. Meanwhile, the original woman started slowly clapping at V's deductions, still with a confident smile on her face. "Brava, Brava, Bravissima! You've figured me out quite impressively! But seeing and knowing that a truck is barreling towards you is not the same as being able to prevent it from turning you into a smear on the pavement. In this scenario, I am the truck." V would realize that she definitely had one advantage, she was being underestimated, and from the looks of it... even toyed with ever so slightly. "Oooh... even smart enough to have spotted our friend? But tell me... which ONE did you spot?" At that sentence, V would notice that same sun reflection coming from... multiple different buildings. From the looks of it... there were... 10 different snipers aiming at her from different viewpoints? The original sniper that had been spotted wondered if the trick would work, but either way, she had to focus on lining up the shot. Which was then broken as her target retreated into the alleyway... unfortunate... perhaps it would be time to relocate and get a better shot.

The two clones were stopped enough for V to get away, and they gave chase, but not as recklessly as V had assumed. As the moment she moved to sweep the leg, she'd instead find her leg slamming into one of those umbrella's, being used as a cane, and as a defense from any sweeping attacks. Vaguely, Lady Bifold wondered how it would feel to have slammed your leg into something that weighed so much and was made of a special type of metal. "Ah, but numbers do count for something, especially when you have eyes in the sky for tactical advice. Plus, you forget just how useful two people can be..." The other Lady Bifold would jump off the wall, using her clone as balance and leverage to aim a swinging kick directly at V. "When they're on the exact same page." Of course, the two would be leaving themselves wide open, especially as their sniper now had to move positioning, and she might still get the feeling that the two were relying heavily on their numbers advantage, almost like it was a crutch...
Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


Cassandra took on a more combative stance, light energy forming tiny wings behind her again. "Oh locking me up? Now the kinky talk is starting.

What can your flames do then, hmnn.. show me yours and I'll show you mine."
She purred, not dissuaded from her lustful ways. Though the idea of these two knocking her ring off wasn't as pleasant to her.

Cassandra blocked the third fireball with the same ease than the other two.. though for those looking close, her light-constructs do seem to emanate from her ring...
However, unbeknownst to Blaise, Cassandra was actually the worst opponent for 'him' to fight. Any lewd comment he made, any lustful thought he had.. it empowered Cassandra, making it so her ring wouldn't drain of power any time soon. It wasn't lewd enough for her ring to actually increase in power.. but she'd hold out for certain, even under Reflectors enthusiastic attacks.

".. You are the easy going type eh? I like that, though a bit of emberassed moaning would really help out power me up here you know?" Cassandra chuckled, feeling the lustful energies still flowing in.. from the crowd, from Reflector.. Ring power now at 110%! She smirked down at it.

Ring power at 115%!.. and then, .. "Geesh, did you really just kick your partner? Alright you two definitly fit for my hot bdsm workout but thats kind of on the border of kinky for me you know... and that threshhold is vast." She nodded. "Hey, he kicked you not me.. eeep!" The light-based finger of god raised her hand, creating a shield of light, which Reflector first dented, then cracked with another attack.

"Heh, you two should make this less difficult for me, you know?" She suggested, summoning a large dildo to slam up against Reflector, and raising a light-wall to slow down her flying kick enough to be able to dodge and sidestep it, sighing slightly. She didn't want to win -just- by tiering out these two and making Reflector hit her absorption limit(she hoped the heroine had one).

"Hoh, you can manipulate your fire into constructs as well?" She mused, bumping into the fire from her latest dodge, though her light-armor protected her from most of the heat. She chuckled, deciding it was time to actually reveal the full extend of her powers at the wall.

And then, she took flight, floating up into the sky, away from the fiery wall. "Now I didn't want to do this because, frankly, it's cheating with your poor melee-heavy friend, however..." She shrugged. Well, another reason was that she liked to tease her opponent."I'm sure she can hop up and expose herself in very predictable archs of attack, can't she?" Cassandra raised her ring up high to the sky and exhaled.. this would drain some energy..b ut also gain her quite a lot.

And with that, she created slithering tentacles of light, primarly focused on Blair. She expected the same to burn them away of course, but also, this would keep the ranged attacker busy..whilest some of her tentacles grabbed the audience, molesting innocent bystanders, coiling around cocks and thrusting into pussies, whilest Cassandra moaned lustfully, the glowing light around her slowly increasing... "Oh yeees thats the stuff. Gimme a moment to power up here alright?" She grinned, still tentacles reaching out for Flashfires exposed bossom..
Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


V was not one to talk a lot during fights, but she had to smirk at Biforks remarks. "You presume sowing suspicion and chaos was not also part of my plan. Ultimately, every conflict is a measurement of who has the better resources and timing. What you just told me is that your entire division has been effectively slowed down, even without me needing to convert any further heroines." V noted that Biforkeds clone could quickly shake -it- off. Not a good thing for her.

"You are incorrect. All you have to do to stop a truck.. is slice the tires." She timed her response together with the leg-sweeping, but chided herself for being so.. emotional in this conflict. She blamed the high danger she was in currently.

"You are bluffing, there is only one sniper. I suspect that she has the ability to redirect reflected light to obscure her position, I theorize." V claimed. Why? Simple. If there had been a total of 10 snipers.. she'd have already been taken out in a nonlethal way and telling her such an exact number made her suspicious. However, V also worried that the sniper had some sort of light based teleport or speed ability next.

V jumped back when her sweep was ineffective, eyes narrowed, her leg ever so slightly bruised from the solid umbrella. Tzk. An enemy that also had battle experience then. Just her luck. Though Victoria was disciplined enough to barely show any pain in response.

V rushed forwards, into the jumping kick, raising her arm to redirect it.. with a nasty cracking noise and a gritting of her teeth, however, at the same time, her hand shot forward, gripping at Biforkds neck. "You are wide open." She claimed, her left arm hanging limp by her side.. but her right arm holding Bifold in that same, lethargy inducing grip.. and this time, it was the original. But worse than that, she had left herself open to V in her attack.

"The Vagus Nerves in your neck are currently being over-stimulated leading to your heart slowing down and your bronchial passages constricting." V informed, whilest Biforked felt dizzy and nauseous on top of the tired feeling.

"Whilest your strength greatly exceeds mine, allowing your neck muscles to somewhat counteract my grip, I can still apply more pressure with all of my arm than you with a single muscle. Currently you are experiencing oxygen deprivation from your constricted bronchial passages, which will cause unconciousness in... 6.. 5.. 4.. 3..2.. damn it."

V jumped back, looking at the clone, cracking a hole were she just had stood. "I assumed disabling you would equally disabling the copy. So your true strength is that the clone is semi-independent. That is.. interesting." She growled, holding her left shoulder. "You lured me into a false sense of security, realizing my combat ability and using your own vunerability as a bait to pretend you were both targeted, only to strike me with the clone. this is.. intimidating. Gloria.. I need assistance, now!" She shouted, retreating further.

In the sky, over Auralis City, Gloria too blinked, suddenly, swaying, as she twirled towards the ground, impacting.. in a fleshy pod, that swallowed her up, and then disappeared back underground.


She opened her eyes, gasping for air. She remembers.. She remembered her own death. But she had no time to dwell on that. There was someone in need of help. Right now. She could sense it.

(replace exciting with deadly. :p)

She wasn't close of course. She was.. in an underground base. She had to get out right now. She had to be.. faster. She pushed the coffin open, and floated upwards.

V continued to back off from the two, but was pincered. Not without her gear. Not with a sniper in her back, taking aim again soon. She threw her two last explosives, but all she could do was slow the two down, and with her bruised leg... Biforked lifted her umbrella. This one was dangerous enough to validate needing two broken arms.. she still felt a bit disoriented and nauseous from the prior grip. Then, V smiled. "Here.. is my plan."

There was a rushing of air, rustling her hair back. A gloved hand stopped the umbrella. A blonde gal smiling at her, cloak billowing in the wind her own speed had created... another villain, most likely. Clearly no one she had heard of from the heroes association, unless Biforked was far older and more experienced than she let on, and if she did.. she'd be horrified at who she was facing right now.


"Hey. Sorry, but I can't let you kill or maim people like this. My friend seems pretty much defeated, so you'd be most unkind." Whilest V panted behind, this one gave Biforked a cheerful smile. Was this one really a villain? She seemed.. so.. heroic. Then again, she had defended V, and V had brainwashed other heroes as well. Meanwhile, The new arrivals back was turned to the sniper, and no one had warned her, she seemed fast, but.. not that fast.

"I'd like for you to surrender peacefully, miss Umbrella." The new arrival nodded, pushing one hand into her side, lowering the other from the Umbrella. ".. pretty please?" She added. Then again, Biforked had already knocked Crusher about..
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Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


Lady Bifold had to admit that if V was being honest about her plan, then it had worked to an extent. Though she decided not to mention that the large amount of testing actually didn't take that much time overall, she just hated being made to wait in general. "Here's the problem you have now... I doubt that capture and interrogation is all that pertinent to your plans in this matter, especially considering the interrogation will be done in your prison cell off site from the Society building." Normally those types of things would take place in the Society itself, but she had a soft lockdown to contend with, and as such they'd just want to do the whole thing as far away from anything important as possible. "Much appreciation for confirming that you have the ability to control our different heroines, that information will be extremely useful."

The original Lady Bifold couldn't help but chuckle to herself a bit at V's retort. "And yet the truck continues barreling down the street with broken tires, inertia is quite a cruel Mistress, wouldn't you say?"

"Brava once again! Though I can neither confirm nor deny whether your theory is correct on her actual powers, you are at least on the right track in the number of snipers. Your intelligence is commendable if ultimately futile." The original's eyes went wide as she was suddenly grabbed in a choke, a look of panic growing as she felt the oxygen being drained from her. Initially it was fake, as she had known something along this line would happen, and so she acted frightened and defeated to keep V's attention away from her clone. However... it was hard to start losing oxygen and NOT panic, even when you knew that things were technically all going according to plan. The human body's desire to survive overcame rational thinking in everyone at some point, and so while rationally she would've known she was in no danger, her survival instincts meant that fear and panic were still filling her.

Thankfully her clone was still working, still carrying out her well put together plan to take out someone that analyzed her fighting so well. "Once again you describe my plans efficiently, and once again I am brought back to our little analogy of a truck coming towards you down the street. Knowing it is coming does not stop it, in fact it might make it worse for some people." And so she decided it was time for the truck to finally make impact, raising her umbrella and preparing to break V's other arm so they could easily take her into custody... that was until she was suddenly stopped by someone looking... surprisingly heroic. She was surprised, to say the least, considering that very few could block her weapon, especially when it was mid-swing. "For goodness sake... I thought that joining the Society meant I no longer had to worry about OTHER heroines stopping my attacks at the very last second." She had more than enough experience being stopped at the very last moment... which might also make things a little more clear to V. The almost sadistic glee the heroine took, and the toying with her opponent and gloating made a lot more sense when once considered that reformed villains were often times offered spots in the Society so they could channel their unique abilities for good.

"Listen, Ms. Heroine, I can assure you that I am on official Society of Justice business right now. I have no plans on maiming her any more than necessary to ensure there is no further resistance to her arrest. I might also include that she fired a gun at me FIRST when I merely wished to ask her a few pertinent questions about an occurrence nearby. I am merely making an arrest, she resisted with bullets, explosions, choking me, and some sort of odd power that made me feel rather week whenever contact was made. So perhaps we could sit down and converse like civilized heroines and actually figure out where things stand? I do abhor the very cliche 'Two heroines end up fighting each other over a misunderstanding' thing that I've seen in the past. So long as she doesn't go anywhere while we discuss this, I would be perfectly fine with a nonviolent solution to our transgressions." She explained, figuring that reason and understanding would be the best course of action against someone strong enough to block her umbrella as well as fast enough to do it at the last moment.

For her part, the sniper stopped aiming at this newcomer, hearing what was being said and deciding not to make things even worse by taking a shot. Instead all she'd do is keep an eye on V, see how things played out, and be ready to assist if things went wrong.
Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


"I don't want to get interrogated, no.. and I don't have the ability to control people per say." V had still objected, oddly. But tried to keep herself silent.. moreso as things got more dicey for her. She seemed to have even more combat ability and tactical aptitude than Bifork.. but that alone didn't make up for two super strength wielding opponents of course.

"I'm really getting annoyed by the truck." V had to admit, which, if Super Sleuth had been about, would have cued Bifork in over her substantial victory over the rational and calm Victoria.

But then, the playing field changed. "The Society. Humn.. no matter what organization you follow, you should never swing such strength around carelessly. You are misunderstanding. V here does not wish to cause you or any of the heroes the gods hand has aquired pain, quite the opposite." The new arrival almost seemed to lecture Bifork now. "Ah. I see. That explains the combat experience, you fought both sides." V remarked, analyzing things faster than the new arrival still.

"My bullets incapacitate." V informed, only to earn a shrug from the heroic one. "No maiming is ever necessary, official or not, it matters little. If you aren't strong enough to defeat an opponent without maiming them.. you need to get stronger." She nodded, her eyes wandering over to the lantern, and Crusher beneath it. "It takes great strength to hurt someone. Greater strength not to do so." The new arrival nodded and smiled, then extended a hand, putting it upon V's chest.. who gasped briefly, holding her shoulder, as her breathing turned lighter. Then, with flash of speed, the newcomer disappeared, only to stand above Crusher, touching her chest, the same awakening, as she was offered a hand to get up, taking it, with her healer smiling at her encouragingly, clarifying: "Rather than blame yourself for defeat, next time, don't get defeated." before turning back to speak to Bifork.

"A conundrum. She wishes to leave, I wish a non-violent sollution... and you seem.. violent. I guess what I've seen was right. The Society of Justice.. it seems, is colored in darker colors. I hope nothing of that is my fault..

Alright. Leave you two. I got this. Umbrella-Friend, being a hero is not about being in a society, or following certain rules. It's about doing whats right, no matter the cost, and if you don't do whats right at first, you just try to do better next time. You hide behind being a hero as if it would excuse your actions."
The new heroine stepped back into Biforks way... whilest V and Crusher prepared to depart. "I respect that you are being reasonable, but what matters are our words less, moreso our actions. I wont lie, when I awoke I wondered if what I was told was indeed true, if I was fighting on the right side, but your willingness to cause unecessary harm and cowardly combat methods speak for themselves. You seem to have a hidden cruelty. Certainly you are in need of a guidance.. by example, or force, if nothing else helps. Now. I will repeat. Please.. just surrender." V exhaled slightly. And this.. was the final part of her plan. She had anticipated that This one would be able to resist joining gods hand, if she truly wanted to.. but now.. she didn't want to anymore. An examination of her bullets would show that indeed, they weren't made to kill, neither were her basic explosives, a divinotech component that hurt.. but didn't kill, the only explosive that could have done serious harm and not be defended against, she had placed on the clone. Her attacks had been low damage takedowns.. her opponents overwhelming strength. Meanwhile, she was all too happy to show what had happened to Crusher. Was her being pursued and beaten up part of a complicated plan, or just her adapting?.. Who knew. For now, she took Crushers hand and rushed back. With Insectra weakened she had to escape by foot.. and the city was about to fall into a lewd chaos.
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Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


Lindsay was wondering if she might get some sort of medical injury from how often she was rolling her eyes, between what Blair was saying and the villains she was fighting, it was all just innuendo, pervertedness, and annoyance going on around her. "Would you just shut up for once?! It's going to be a boring, dull, ugly, dark, dank little cell where nothing interesting will happen to you for years!" She growled, getting sick of the little wisecracks both sides were making. Of course... her words didn't really work on her partner considering that he'd heard them many times before, and unfortunately he didn't know that she was probably giving the best possible combat advice she could have in this situation.

"Nah, I don't need to show mine unless I'm using it. I'm pretty secure in the fact that mine looks just fine how it is." She shrugged, not dissuaded from her own little bits of perverse one-liners and jokes, unwittingly helping the very person that she was supposed to be fighting. It was just bad luck that the man that enjoyed being perverted and lewd with his jokes would face someone designed exactly for that, and so she just kept going. "Besides, even with my form changed like this, I'm pretty sure mine is way more impressive than yours!" This time Lindsay made a note that if she needed to get rid of any excess energy after the fight, she'd just continue beating up her partner, maybe then he'd finally shut up for a little bit.

"Course I'm easy going. What's the point of getting made or embarrassed with something I couldn't really help anyway? Maybe if that little bomb of yours didn't go off the moment you armed it, I'd be more embarrassed cause this whole weird situation could be blamed on me. But the way I see it, not only did I do nothing wrong, but everyone else is in roughly the same boat as me, so who here is really gonna judge? Besides, you act like I'd even WANT to help you." While it didn't work for everyone, one or two of the bystanders actually seemed to hear his words and kind of agree, growing a little less embarrassed considering that no one in the immediate area was judging them, though most of them remained how they were before he started that sentence. "Heh, would you look at that, you made some actual sense for once ya damn pervert!"

"He kicked me because it'll keep me angry, keep me focused, and keep me strong, why should I be mad at him for that?"
The two of them actually knew each other really well, and so she was expecting a few hits from him every now and then, it kept her charged and kept her from getting distracted from anything that might be happening around them. She felt a solid fireball slam into her back again and she groaned in pain before cracking her knuckles and neck and continuing her all out attack.

While Reflectra wouldn't make too much of an attempt to dodge or block the dildo, she'd move just enough so that if it hit her it wouldn't hit any of her more sensitive areas, only dodging in a way to prevent her opponent from gaining more power. "You know what would make things really easy for you? If you surrendered and just let us arrest you for setting off that damn bomb." She was no nonsense at this point, just wanting to kick Cassandra's teeth down her throat, rather than do the banter that her partner would have covered anyway. While she was never one for the little quips and jokes, Flashfire tended to make up for her with how often he enjoyed doing it. "I can make my fire into all sorts of things... Though unlike you I don't immediately go for whips and dildos when I think of a good construct to fight with." Actually, if he didn't think Cassandra would manage to survive it, he'd be going straight for his Fire Dragon technique, but unfortunately that would drain him completely, and he had a feeling she'd survive anyway, so there was no point in using it so early into the battle.

"Oh so you're just going to run away? Didn't realize you had so little confidence in the power of lust or whatever you're using." He thought quick on his feet, and so he focused on creating some more fire constructs... creating a huge slope made of fire so that Reflectra could still make some solid attacks at an airborne enemy. "You think you're the first flying thing she had to take out? Trust me, there's a reason the higher ups keep us together, and it's not because our personalities gel all that well." The two of them tended to argue a good amount, though nowadays it was more out of respect and playfulness rather than the absolute bitter shouting matches they got into when they first started out.

Flashfire groaned in annoyance as the tentacles started reaching out for him and the civilians around the area. "God damn, never thought my Internet history would come back to haunt me like this." He joked, blasting the ones that got close with the little fire he could muster, unfortunately most of his fire was occupied on the slopes that allowed Reflectra to fight an aerial opponent, and so he couldn't blast Cassandra with anything at this rate. "Stupid fucking things... Grrr... How about you get sent down to earth..." One of those tentacles would reach Blair's newly created breasts, causing him to groan and burn it away, rather than let out any sort of moan or embarrassed yelp. Of course, there was no way he could stop the tentacles from reaching the other people, some of them running, others being unable to get away as they were molested and fucked by tentacles.

For her part, Reflectra was putting the slopes to good use, running up one of them and jumping at Cassandra, in what she would hopefully expect to be another kick. However, rather than go for a kick, Lindsay went for a Superman Punch, a great maneuver for when your opponent was expecting some kicks, and kind of useless otherwise. Whether she hit or missed, if she fell back to the ground she'd immediately run the slope again, this time aiming to tackle her opponent out of the air, or at least grab onto them to bring them down to earth with her.
Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


"Well, that just sounds as if you suck at properly interrogating someone. Also, what crime, what law precisely have I broken.. I don't think there is a law against turning everyone cute and a little stripping, do you want to lock me away for years for clothing damage?" She grinned, countering at Lindsay. She didn't -care- about the rules of course, but she enjoyed the bartering.. all the more if her opponent didn't.

She grinned about his.. innuendo heavy boasting. "Oh my, see, I can neither confirm nor deny that one, thats a shame.. by the by, what do you think of your new breasts? Soft and squishy cuddlepillows, admit it, you wanna strip naked infront of the next mirror and test that body we gave you out, did I really do you a disfavour here? I mean, come on, if I had succeeded in stripping you, only harm done would be to some fainter folks of the female persuasion." She grinned, having found a.. vunerable spot and digging on,.. digging in. She knew that a fair amount of Gods hand was disabled and she lacked backup right now..

"Hey, thats not true, I think I got a cute, wet pussy all by myself, come on." She cooed, lifting her skirt while flying and giving everyone below.. interesting insights.

"Damn it.. I was really hoping to humiliate and emberass both of you a little." That was true, though it was also misleading. Still it took some effort, Cassandra hated lying and misleading, but she needed to do this.. and she had found a weakness.. sexual confidence. If she got him to show off a little more, her powers would charge up enough to deal with the two of them.

"It's two on one and you are an experienced team, you could help me a little bit?" She suggested, giving a cute look down at the fire-wielder, of course not expecting it to work.. but it'd annoy one hero more, and if this one got angry enough, perhaps there'd be mistakes.

Cassandras lips curled into a smirk as she finally realized how to beat Reflector.. her banter had payed off. "Ah. I figured it out." Then, she blasted her ring at the little defense user Deflector, seeming like a concussive blast..

And instead engulfed her in a protective shielding, similiar to Cassandras own, also disabling the kicking and punching for the most part.
Just like putting her in bubble-wrap, it'd reduce that ones attacks. Of course it could be more easily damaged by the heroine punching.. anything, so she had to focus on it, meaning the tentacles had to slow down as she was peltered by lesser fireblasts, noting her rings charge slowly decreasing again. "Thanks for telling me though, cutie. This one will make it rather hard to hurt you. Thinking about how you started this fight, I -really- should have seen that one earlier, well, I ain't V..." The light-bubble began vibrating softly.. somewhere in the uncanny valley between soothing and arousing as it brushed over the heroines exposed nipples again and again..

"Hahahaha.. pfewww.." Cassandra actually laughed at the internet history bit, then quipped over. "So, admit it, you looked, whats in -her- internet history? Wait, wait, let me guess.. Yaoi slash fiction." Her grin widened even more, whilest she kept Reflector bubbled up. Perhaps teasing her was not a good idea,.. but it was too damn tempting.

Cassandra slowly floated to the ground(that too cost energy, after all) Keeping Reflector in her little bubble, gently setting her almost on the ground(didn't want her to get more friction after all) and also kept the few tentacles that had caught a victim all.. occupied up, to maintain her lustful energies as she faced and.. slowly stepped towards the fire-user. She could attack at a range anyway, so Cassandra planned to try and close the distance, and, while she did, put a sensual sway into her step, explaining: "Listen. I wont change you much, or seperate you, and frankly, I think you'll be happier in your new job. You'll even get to argue on, only thing that'll change is you have to do what I desire and let me enjoy those sexy bodies.. Heh, one of you more yandere, one more tsundere, but thats all good. So how about it, stop fighting me and I'll show you all the things I can do with your body...

Or rather.. it's -her- you want.. Isn't it?"
With that, Cassandra smirked, presenting Lindsay, the light-bubble pinching her nipples dominantly. "Sure.. friends.. partners.. but imagine she could be sucking your cock, every day.. under protest, but, hey, we both know she's secretly fantasized about it, why wouldn't she?" Cassandra cooed.. She liked to -not- use direct mental influence if she could avoid it.. plus she'd have to modulate her light and weaken its structure to create that effect.. or touch one of the two, admittely the latter she planned alredy.
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Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


"Doesn't plan on causing pain, huh? My damn near fucking crushed windpipe would certainly beg to differ..." "Not to mention she was absolutely sure that she was choking out the real one of us, rather than the clone... Hell, she had planned for it. Besides... Any heroine would know that when a power too strong is attacking you, you need to disable it to make sure it can be arrested. We simply evaluated that her combat potential was far too high to be able to effectively arrest her without a bit of injury. If we went too far we'd be properly punished by our superiors anyway." They both argued, Lady Bifold actually very much disagreeing with the line of logic that this mysterious new 'heroine' was taking. She wanted to smack V again and tell her to shut up, but the Society had been at least teaching her to control THAT part of her own little brand of cruelty. Sure, taking jobs on the good guy side was much less fun, but at the very least it allowed her to 'channel her problems constructively' which basically just meant she could beat some people up with her full strength and NOT get arrested for it, so long as she followed proper protocol.

"Maiming ain't necessary? I'd argue that controlling the minds of others is just as unnecessary... Oh but that's for a noble cause isn't it? You ever meet MA? Been around since the Society formed? When I got captured the Council was debating rewiring my damn brain just to make me stop, and she stood up to defend me, she kept me who I was because she knew that rewiring a person's brain might as well be killing them. You wanna side with the group that kidnapped heroines and brainwashed them into being 'good' then you got no right to call yourself a heroine either!" She spat... having always hated mind control, even when she was a villain she'd beat up other villains that used it, which is one of the many reasons she was so eager to punish V for what she had done. And now that she was being criticized, for STOPPING evil, especially one of her own little pet peeve evils, the traces of class that she had a little while ago were completely gone. Of course the heroine would know of MA, as it seemed to be the same MA she had known, and would actually produce quite a few fond memories of the woman...

"You want a non-violent solution? Let us arrest her and she can face trial like any other person accused of a crime. We were only violent now to stop MORE violence later, if she came quietly, or even NOT FIRED A DAMN GUN WHEN I WANTED TO ASK HER SOME SIMPLE QUESTIONS! This would've never reached this point." How the Hell was she the one in the wrong here?! A gun had been fired on her, even if it was non-lethal, she couldn't have been expected to know that, especially when she was blocking the bullets to ensure they didn't end up killing her. "She is under arrest for suspicion of rape of a heroine, multiple accounts of assault, resisting arrest, assault with a deadly weapon, kidnapping, extortion, and assaulting an officer of the Law. All of these charges have evidence, all of these charges need to be brought before a court of law, you are standing in the way of justice by aiding and abetting a criminal." She would stand firm on that point, V had acted unlawful in many ways, and as such the Society would want her under arrest. "We refuse to surrender unless V is brought to justice for her crimes, here and now. There's no getting around her acting this unlawful. You may dislike my methods, and I can respect that, but at the end of the day, I am following the Law, and stopping someone that seeks to disrupt the order of this city, someone that is undermining all that a fair and just society is built on." Was that... conviction? She was a cruel sadist, that much was true, but she did honestly believe that V had done something that even she would find morally reprehensible... but that was just her own line of logic...

For her part, the sniper had heard more than enough to know things weren't going well, and fired a shot in the path of where V and Crusher were running, not aiming for either of them. The shot would actually freeze the ground directly in front of them, causing Crusher to slip and fall, and if V wasn't careful, she would be falling as well. Though, this time it'd be impossible to know where the shot came from, as the same trick of the light happened again, making it seem like that shot could've come from a dozen different angles and places all around the skyscrapers. Then a voice would speak, through loudspeakers placed through the city, making it tough to figure out where the shooter was. The Mayor had long ago agreed to have citywide speakers, and allow the Society to speak through them, as she had known that the Society never asked for things that they didn't feel they needed. "Don't move any further... If what your companion says is true, then do not flee for we will not harm you. I swear that Lady Bifold will be severely punished for acting out of line, but you still are under arrest." The other heroine seemed to have no plans of letting V get away easily either, and her voice seemed far calmer and less full of malice than Bifold's did at any point during that entire encounter.
Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


"A real hero does not fear punishment, they fear failure." The woman smiled ever so slightly. "MA? Whats an MA? I don't know that name. I mean.. there was LotA, or LA, The Lady of the Arcane.. I remember her being like 'Hey, lets use codenames for all of us, as 'Mistresses' but I was like.. that's silly, we haven't mastered anything, there is always more to master. Plus we should stand as equals, not masters and subjects." She nodded and tipped her chin. "Anyway, seeing how you react, perhaps quelling your violent urges is better than risking you killing someone. Plus, you could simply be given the option.. Join the good fight, or be locked away to protect others, if necessary." She nodded.

"Well, I only see one assaulter and two assault victims. The 'raped' heroines are actually quite.. happy with it, some people are into weird things you know, you could ask her, execpt.. you attacked rather than do that, did you not?

I always struggled with understanding all the laws, your land has so many complicated laws, but its really rather simple. You just listen deep into yourself.. and do what feels right not for yourself, but for everyone, regardless of law. Bad people can make laws too, after all. You have to strive for doing good.. not blindly obey your commands and restrictions."

And then, she snipershot was released, however.. it never impacted, as the newcomer heroine turned to the noise, then raised her hand... and the shot pellet(or energy blast?) hovered in the air, without its momentum. "There is no need for punishment I have undone the harm she has done upon my people and we forgive her." The voice cheerfully informed, whilest holding the bullet almost casually, one hand raised high... letting V and crusher get away, ready to catch any further bullets as well.

"You misunderstand something. When I asked you to surrender, that wasn't an optional choice. None of us are in your custody, you are in mine." The strange heroes eyes glowed slightly, as they rapidly switched over all of the dozen lightpoints targeting her, finally resting on a last one.. the true one, then, suddenly, she dashed forward, appearing behind the clone, raising her hand.. and smacking it on the clones neck, knocking it out with perfect precision, actually catching it.. her.. before she could fall, gently putting her upon the ground, while behind her, finally, the ice-bullet impacted the ground, no longer held by telekinesis, as she looked to the original..
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Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


"Technically I can get you on sexual harassment for every person you've stripped nude, which is more than enough for multiple life sentences. There's also mutilation and GBH for every man transformed, which would be quite a few more life sentences. If you wanna try to play the letter of the law that's fine, but you've broken the spirit of quite a few laws." Lindsay said, just wanting to clear up that technicality, because she knew that it wouldn't be as hard as Cassandra thought to charge her with quite a few things for what she had done. That bit of banter didn't actually annoy her as much as Cassandra might have thought, as she had mistakenly thought that the woman was just asking a technical question rather than trying to further the banter between the group of them.

"Meh, I'll give you a few numbers once you're locked up, I knew a few ladies that'll help confirm that if you want. As for the breasts, meh, gotta admit that they're pretty different, would need more time to give you any sort of opinion. In all honesty though, I'm gonna miss showing off my abs more than anything... Doesn't help that this city doesn't allow women to do the whole 'shirtless' thing while men can... Stupid inequality stuff." Flashfire replied, now thinking less about sex and just more curious about the logic behind men walking around shirtless when women couldn't... "Hey, you stripping me might've been lethal to some of these ladies! I'll get you down for attempted murder now too." He joked... still oblivious to their being any ulterior motive for this line of banter, happy to joke and quip while fighting, as just because he had to fight his opponent, didn't entirely mean he had to be mean about it.

"Interested as I'd normally be, now is not the time for me to be looking under your skirt or anything like that." He said, just looking at her face, surprisingly restrained when he needed to be doing his whole super hero thing. And of course, Lindsay wasn't interested with anything sexual at this point, just wanting to pummel Cassandra into the ground.

"Hate to break it to you, but I have next to no shame, embarrassment is barely a word in my dictionary, and she just gets angrier, it's actually kind of impressive. You get used to your clothes getting destroyed in this line of work, at least, if you're like us and wanna wear comfortable stuff." Both of them lived up to that statement, fighting despite the lewd stuff going on around them and their states of undress.

Reflectra growled when she was suddenly stuck, unable to hurt and unable to be hurt, and she seemed utterly enraged by that. "Let me fucking go you fucking bitch! Too scared your fucking lust power can't stand up to me?! I'll fucking destroy you!" She tried her very best to struggle, trying to find some way to slam the shield apart. Considering her absolute rage burning within her, she was actually ignoring the vibration of the shield, just shouting at the top of her lungs about how hard he was going to beat Cassandra's face in the moment that she got a chance. "See what you've done? She's gonna be pissed for the next week over this... I'm never gonna hear the end of this." Blair groaned, knowing Lindsay well enough to expect everything that was going to happen. "Please let her go before this becomes a talking point for the next 6 months." He complained, not really expecting her to let the heroine go, but it was worth a shot to not deal with all the complaining. It seemed like Reflectra didn't even really hear him, still shouting obscenities and trying to break free to actually get into some combat, unable to currently DO anything with the rage that had also been built up from being hit a few times.

"Nah, yaoi fiction still sounds like it'd be more up my alley. Her's is actually pretty boring. Either she knows to hide it really well or she doesn't do anything all that interesting on the internet. Though now it's your turn, you've heard a bit about mine and a bit about her's, wouldn't be fair if you don't tell me a little bit." She said, showing another bit about her in that she had swung both ways before she had been changed by the bomb.

For the first time, the both of them seemed to stop when they heard a bit more detail about what Cassandra wanted to do. Lindsay's eyes went wide with fear as the woman that held her essentially offered her to Flashfire, having had thoughts about it before, but not wanting something like that to happen without being on her own terms. And the part that was scariest to her, she thought that Blair might actually agree to that offer. And his face grew contemplative as Cassandra approached, and she might feel her ring getting just a little more power from him as he pictured his beautiful partner with her lips wrapped around his cock. Part of him had to admit that honestly he had always wanted that, out of every woman he's ever gotten close to he never felt closer than when it came to his partner. "That's... quite an offer..." He didn't do anything as she approached, thinking the deal over in his head, the most forbidden fruit almost being handed to him on a silver platter. Tears of fear appeared in Lindsay's eyes, having trusted her partner far more than he could ever think, and now she wondered if it was completely misplaced. And once Cassandra got closer, he'd look at Lindsay with a bit of regret in his eyes as he gave his answer. "I'm sorry, Reflectra..." Suddenly he'd open his mouth and breath a strong stream of fire straight at Cassandra, engulfing her out of nowhere, while his hands reached out, firing rapid fire solid fire blasts straight at Reflectra, either hitting the shield or hitting her, meaning that she got stronger or the shield got weaker. "But you're not getting any of THIS that easily..."

For the first time during this entire encounter, she smirked at one of his jokes, renewing her struggles against the shield while Flashfire kept shooting fireballs at her, breathing an incredibly strong burst straight at Cassandra. "I'd sooner go down fighting than just sell out my own partner like that." His flame breath would actually start feeling solid as well, as though she was being hit by a stream of solid water... that was hot enough to burn anyone.
Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


"Check my record... bitch! Haven't killed a single person in my life, doubt I'm gonna stop now that I'm trying to do good." Lady Bifold was not going to let this point go easily, she was legitimately trying, and while her own sadistic urges never left, she did her best. There were selfish reasons for it, sure, but she had been inspired a little bit, and was working to change...

"Actually, we didn't fight or harm either of the raped heroines we got. Though, MP read their memories rather intensely for a little while. Perhaps you'd be interested in knowing that one of those two heroines tried to SHOOT HERSELF because she DIDN'T want what they were doing to her." Honestly... Lady Bifold wasn't SUPPOSED to have that information, but she was very snoopy, and managed to learn a little more about the people in the Society than the average heroine. It was one of the few times that her less heroic instincts had come in handy for her, which is why she knew this information. The moment they found out the grave was broken into, the Council had called off their meeting, and MP had gone to interrogate Quickdraw... her own psychic power overpowering the heroine far quicker than expected, allowing her to extract a good few memories... Nothing incriminating for Gods hand, but she had found the memories of Quickdraw's last attempt at resistance, along with a few memories of being horrified at what had happened to Super Sleuth. From there MP had ordered an aide to give the message to some of the others, which was right where Lady Bifold had been waiting, picking up things she wasn't really meant to know. "So you don't want me blindly following laws and regulations, but instead everyone should blindly follow a group that seems to not care about ANY of our opinions? All I see is a hypocrite, you want to be equals without a Master/Slave relationship, yet you support a group that is trying to make slaves of us all..." From there she no longer found this conversation worth having, as she was speaking with someone she now considered a hypocrite. She could do nothing as everything happened around her, watching as the bullet was stopped and the woman spoke to the true sniper. "You don't get to make that decision, Miss. Bifold is going to be punished for this, and if it were up to me you'd be under arrest as well, though I know when I'm beat..." She was about to radio this threat in, before she heard someone down there...

"It's funny how much death has changed you... My Love..."

(Theme: )

MA had her department set up scrying spells for blocks and blocks, allowing her to notice this long before the sniper had any chance to radio this in. "They are not in your custody, My Love. They will be returning to the Society." She'd look at them, a slight look of sadness in her eyes, before giving them an order. "Both of you retreat to HQ. She may be better than me... but I have grown stronger since we last met, and I can hold her back. And you know that to be true as well, my love." This was a battle she had no hope of winning, she knew that, but she had a LOT of power, and so she'd be able to hold her off for a little while.

"Where is the woman I knew? Do you remember? Remember when I suggested we completely control ShadowFang's brain so that she would fight for us? I promised she'd enjoy it eventually, that she'd work WITH us and be good. Do you not remember who talked me and the others out of that? Do you not remember that you told me 'Forcing someone to be good makes us just as evil as them. They are not good, and as such they must be stopped, not killed...'? I took those words to heart, My Love... You may dislike Bifold, many do, but YOU are why I defended her, YOU are why she is still herself, and YOU are why she speaks with me every day, every single day I advise her on how best to CHANGE." Seeing the once greatest member of the Society awakened something deep in her heart, awakening who she once was, the idealistic part of her that had never truly died, but had remained hidden for so very long after so much pain and loss. "Who even are you anymore? Because hearing you, seeing you... I don't recognize you at all... The ends don't justify the means, My Love, I thought that was the one thing that we had always agreed on..."

The two weaker heroines began making their way out, and if the heroine tried to give chase, she'd suddenly find a bubble of magic surrounding her, enclosing her and stopping her from moving. It wouldn't be hard to break through it, but the whole point was to buy time, as not even SHE could break through the Society's defenses. "I, as the Misstr- NO... I, as the Lady of the Arcane, I stand against those that stand on the side of evil, whether evil comes in the form of a dark demon from Hell, a faux benevolent angel from heaven... or... a love that I have never moved on from..." Tears welled up in her eyes as she prepared to fight, willing to stand against the one she loved as her words spoke of the true earnest voice within her heart. She was prepared, a multitude of spells set up to face the woman that she had fell to the ground and wept for when she had heard of her death. "My Love... Don't do this, please anything but this... If you wish to improve the Society... then come back to us... You always have my vote in the Council... LM, much as she pretends to dislike you, almost always voted with you for a reason... With that it'd be 3-3... Please..." She begged, seeing her alive again had not only sent a chill of fear through MA, but she also felt a surge of hope, her love could fight any influence... if she could fight it enough then they might even get her back... that's what she wanted more than anything at this point.
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Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


"Thats great! No maiming either though." The heroine insisted, calmly.

"I'm sad to hear that the heroine was this sad, though V assured me that everyone is all better now. People do get depressed." She nodded slightly. "Gods hand sadly does whats necessary, but this whole situation has me convinced that it is ineeded necessary."

She looked at the voice. "Indeed, it is a shame to see how my death seems to have changed things." Deva extended her arms, smiling sadly. "I was wrong in the past. I believed my sacrifice was more important than me staying alive, clearly, it wasn't. If you don't recognize me, than because you have changed.. I'm the same I was.. many years ago. I also told you that we are not mistresses, but teachers, guides. Though if I have to chose one side that considers themselfs master, then it'll be Gods Hand. You have proven that you wont change, perhaps they will." She watched the two retreat, then shrugged, focusing on the one before her, rushing forward..

And gently brushing her tears aside. "There are those in the Council that feared me, and you know that. Even when I was around. I know no one said anything.. well, execept for you know who, but I could tell." She gave a slightly weary looking smile.

"Instead, why don't you follow me back to Gods hand? They are lewd and yes, they use control, but its better than letting evil flourish. I don't want to fight you, any of you, but I'll do what I must." She reached out, gently embracing the woman. "My silly little Lota, there is another mistake I made, I always thought I couldn't let myself love you, for I had to love everyone, but Gods hand has a different way. You don't need to be scared or alone anymore, and I can show you a better way." She gently held the woman in arms that could crush steel if they wanted. Right now, it was warm and soft and.. with just a bit of squishy cleavage rubbing up against her. "You don't have to fight at all, alright? Just open your mind.. to the love." She smiled, gently pressing her lips upon MA's, as any wards the woman might have against mind control began to slowly melt away..
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Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


"Actually, I think under the penal code 27, multiple sexual harassments would be condensed into public indecency no.5 which is my middle name." Cassandra completely made half of that up.

"You know, if we came to power, we plan to do away with all that inequality. Infact, the bomb pretty much was a big equalizer, wasn't it?" Cassandra posted. Unlike V she wasn't trying to win any intellectual arguments, or thinking about heroism. She just liked bantering on and keeping the heroes minds off of.. well, fighting her with full force. Though Flashfires restraint in battled annoyed her.

"Heh, so you got no shame? We got something in common then." She cooed. Reflectra would notice that the shield moved with her. She'd have to attack something.. or be attacked, to properly damage it, though her insistant wiggling did seem to distract Cassandra, who had to focus on maintaining the light-shield around two people now.

"Aaand.. thats just not an incentive for me to let you go now, is it?" She grinned slightly at the threats of violence. "My my, she seems quite frustrated. I think I can use that." She squeezed the armor a bit tighter around Reflectra, not enough to cause any serious damage, just enough to annoy her further. "Sorry sugar, you haven't been overly obliging with any requests of mine, sooo.." She shrugged.

"Me? Well, I'm a pansexual, due to my abilities, I'm fine with either, kinda annoyed the bomb took out propably 99% of the males, V figured your institutes inner places would be shielded. Personal favourites include light-hypnosis, physical grope ups with strong partners, so you both will do nicely, oh and I'm fine switching to be kind of on the bottom as long as I get to call the shots outside of the bedroom."

She nodded, then grinned, approaching Blair, ... only to be engulfed by fire. She could endure this through her protective light-aura, though of course, she couldn't just purely keep on the defensive.. As she took a few steps back and groaned. "You may say that, but your desires don't lie. You want her... and she wants you too.

So, we agree on the 'what' of the scenario, we just need to nail down certain details.. you don't want people to be watching, want it to be an intimate, special moment between you two?"
Cassandra smirked.. and then suddenly, the tentacles pulled several of the people they had been molesting over.. three of them Shemales, floating up behind Cassandra, as the tentacles stroked them, teased them, but kept them from release.

"Then again.. you might see someone else take her innocence, right here and now." She raised a finger. "So how about you hold your fire for a moment." Frankly, Cassandra didn't want to get any innocents too close to the flames.

"Let's ask her! Hey, grumpy! Listen up! If you got to make out with one guy here, who'd you rather it be." Cassandra let a lewd grin appear on her lips. "I mean, I'm willing and ready to go and fuck him if you don't want him. Dun worry, you get to watch, as much as you can while your every hole gets stuffed.. We both know you like taking the hits, so I doubt you could defend against it properly..unless you wanna break something with these innocent bystanders." She waved her ringed hand about, holes appearing over Lindays mouth, her breasts, her sex, and her ass, as Cassandra demonstrated the fine manipulation of her armor, keeping her 'Dressed up' in a rather revealing shield of light. "Or would you rather he be with you.. be honest to your own feelings. Theres only ONE reason a person doesn't have any fetishes noteworthy at all.. They already have found what they fantasize about." Cassandra looked from Reflector to Flashfire, adding: "Even if she refuses to admit it."