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City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)

Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


MA couldn't completely wrap her head around what her one love was saying to her, unable to believe she considered her own sacrifice wrong. "My love, you know as well as I do that Armageddon would've torn this planet to pieces had you not... done that. No one but you could've stopped them." Those weren't just empty words, those were the only facts that had kept MA from going completely insane, knowing that the loss of the one that she loved wasn't in vain. "I know that I have changed... Because I needed to keep the Council together after you passed... But I am not you... there was only so much I could do... only so many decisions I could stop. Do you think I ENJOY being called 'Mistress' now? It is an insult to everything you had taught me... but they would not address me as anything else, and would near ignore me if I didn't refer to them the same." She had never been as strong as their greatest heroine... but she had to fill the role as best she could, trying to be a moral grounding for the Council, but just not having the same convincing nature that Deva had... in fact, she could barely keep pace with MM when things started going. "I can change... they can change as well... They just need the moral grounding that they had relied on for so long... They need YOU. They don't need a group that enslaves their wills and leaves them without any choice, robbing them of any chance of proving their own morality. That is not teaching or guiding, that is full control. We may have foolishly called ourselves 'Mistresses' but THEY want to actually be Mistresses of an entire legion of slaves..." Though it was certainly hurting her resolve to hear the very person that had taught her these values arguing against them. She had built her entire view of the world off of the woman that had always been more heroic than her... and now she was confused, scared, sad, and hopeful all at the same time...

Which is why she wasn't ready when she was suddenly rushed, flinching in preparation for the strike... when her tears were just wiped away. "People may have feared you... but they respected you and your devotion to what was right. LM was honest about it... but even she admitted that you were stronger than the rest of them in resolve, in dedication. Even with her arrogance, she admitted you were the greatest thing the Society could ever hope for..." She spoke, honest belief in her voice, wanting nothing more than to convince her to come back... tears coming again as she worried she was failing to do that. "You held us together... Come back to us and we can fix it all again..."

"Two poor options are both wrong... When neither is right you create third option... Prove those weren't just empty words, my Love... God's Hand and evil are both poor options... Help me make a third and come fix the society... We don't have to fight... We are not too far gone that you wouldn't help fix it..." She continued to plea and beg, not sure if she could truly handle fighting her love. And it was even worse now that she felt herself being embraced... unable to help herself but hug her back as they spoke to each other. Then her words struck a chord in her, she had never been able to truly be with her love, both of them worrying about what might happen if they did. They had known they loved each other, but MA had never been able to actually be with her... And hearing her say it was possible now... it really worked against her own resolve. "I... I wept for weeks when you were gone... At that very moment I realized how much I wanted to be with you... how much I didn't care about any dangers it caused me... but by that point you were gone..." No matter how strong she was, it didn't matter as she welcomed the kiss, having wanted that for years and years, shuddering a little. But then she pulled away for a moment, realizing something that was said and looking confused. "Lota? Is that my na-"

Suddenly a searing, agonizing pain shot through MA, focusing mostly in her head, the worst possible headache she'd ever experienced. She screamed out in pain, grabbing her head as the pain completely overwhelmed her. A few years back, a good while after Deva had died, the Council had decided that, as a security measure, their real names would be completely erased from history. Anyone that knew their true names had their memory wiped, including themselves, all documentation with their name was edited... no one else in the entire world knew her name, only Deva. And now that the memory started to form, searing pain shot through MA as the memory was literally burned out of her brain. True names had power, and so the Council had enacted this measure as a defense against things like that. In fact, MA had voted in agreement to it... because MM had sold it to her as a way to honor Deva, as no one had ever known her true name, not even herself, and playing off her grief and love had gotten her to agree to the measure. After a few moments, the pain would pass and she calmed down, going back to normal and looking at her. "Please... Don't say my name again... Whatever it is... I CAN'T know it..." She said, unable to remember it at all now that the pain had passed.
Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)

Heroic theme!

"Yes, no one but I could have stopped it.. but how did it ever come to this point? In sacrificing myself, just how many have I endangered and .. hurt?" She looked at MA more directly... "I don't like to think about it. But if you could have stopped it before it happened, even through extreme means, is it not more important to save more people than to uphold a singular ideal? That is what I have thought about." She sighed, and shook her head.

"See, thats the problem. The council were never mistresses. I guess back when I was around to show them each of them could be overcome they agreed with my opinion more. But I too can be overcome. We shouldn't make mistress a title.. If you want to call someone a mistress, it should be out of personal respect." She nodded.

"They can change and I intend to change them." She nodded. "I don't want to take away their choice.. unless they leave me no other choice." Deva determined. "From where I stand, there is only one legion.. and Umbrella-chan has shown that the society has the potential to turn ever darker shades. What will it become in a generation after my death? A century? I will tell you the truth, I may well be able to see it with my own eyes, and I will stop you myself, before I see you become the villains of your own story.

Remember when I told you that? There is few villains that see themselfs as doing evil. They always think they are doing right."
She pushed an arm to the left. "You think Gods Hand is evil. Perhaps they are. But I'm willing to see if they can achieve the happiness The Council could only enforce, not obtain! You know I rarely understood your human laws." MA might recall the attempts to take down Deva.. not physically, but legally, done by an exeptionally skillful Dr.Van Karma, who had almost succeeded in incriminating the heroine and having her locked up before it was revealed he was a villain at the last second...

"That is the thing though, you speak to me as if I belonged to the Society. You speak as if you need me, as if you are privy to me. But It is not the society that needs me, it is this planet. No.. every planet, Every planet needs a hero. I just happen to like this one exspecially. It accepted me, despite it not even being my home." She smiled. "I will do what is best for all, not just for the Society. If you want to stop that, then we will have to fight." She shook her hand.

"The Society is also a false option. I opt to Guide Gods Hand in a different way. I couldn't guide you beyond my death, so I have to either get better at it, take the risk.. or I can chose a path that has so far not failed, a new approach to heroism." She shook her head. "Nothing about me has changed. I am linked to Gods Hand, but do you really think they could control me fully, if I didn't want them to? And.. I don't get why being controlled is such a bad thing. I did err.. well.. tell you after we watched that one movie, remember? If you enjoy following and I enjoy leading, what is wrong about strenghtening those bonds, just like you do a marriage?" She might not be fully aware of the impact of her words there and then, as she smiled softly.

"Whats wrong? Love? Hey? Lota was just a silly nickname, you said.. are you ok? Whats going on!" She demanded to know, staring at MA, focusing... she needed to know what was happening. Telepathy. She'd read it out of MA's thoughts.

"So.. a nameless council.. to dettach yourself.. Because you feared the power of your name? But thats all wrong.." She shook her hand, touching her chest.

"No.. no no. you fool. Thats not why I wear no symbol. why I never told you my name." She shook her head, embracing MA gently, still able to read her surface-thoughts.

"Not out of fear, but out of hope. I wanted to create a symbol of hope. You didn't -all- have to drop your names. If none knew my name, then any of you could have stepped up to follow in my footsteps! Without a name, I could never truly die, so my ideas would stay with you forever.. I had thought. I didn't want my face on my grave because a hero could be pretty, could be ugly, could look like me, or like a monster. Remember, I'm not from earth, what if I looked like a large moth-monster. Would that change anything about who or what I am? As for my symbol.. I always -wanted- to put something there, once I was satisfied with myself. I just.. never was. I never wanted to erase my name. Erase who I am. You are not a faceless force for justice. Tell me, when was the last time you went to the movies, together? When was the last time someone brought Ice-cream to the office and had MP complain about not liking the taste? Let me guess, MM said something about it being a risk hazard? Silly paranoid one.. You cannot defend humanity, if you yourself don't even understand them.. a lesson Gods Hand also has to learn in part.. A lesson I have to still work to learn all my life." She extended her hands, touching Lota's temples, focusing the power of Gods hand now, letting her own telepathy guide her. "And I will not have you forget who you are." Truly, the heroine just wanted to remove the name block in MA's mind, though, the force she used took the opportunity to gently make MA more.. suggestible to the idea of being controlled.. of following. It had been so hard. She deserved a break.
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Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


"What kind of parents give their kid 'Public Indecency no. 5' for a middle name? Also, we'll get you on rape charges considering what you're doing to the passerby and the two of us, so that doesn't really matter, it's multiple life sentences served consecutively at that point." Blair hated that she knew all that, but MM had insisted that every member of the Society pass a test on the criminal justice system to ensure they understood exactly when someone is committing a crime and could officially charge them once arrested.

"Eh, all the bad guys say that 'We're gonna bring about equality' and 'We'll make it all better' and all the other self righteous bullshit that's been preached for over a millennium. You haven't shown that you're any different from any of them far as I'm concerned." Flashfire actually was this restrained BECAUSE of how openly perverted he normally was, as he didn't really restrict himself even in every day life, he wasn't so frustrated or pent up that he needed to stare at the revealing outfit that Cassandra was wearing. While it worked against him in the way that it kept Cassandra charged up, it definitely kept him from being distracted and actively charging her past what was essentially a refill.

"We've had a lot in common since this whole thing began, Hell even our powers do a lot of similar shit. Difference is that I still respect other people's boundaries, cause you're not gonna catch me creating fire tentacles or something just because I feel like messing with a few innocent bystanders." For her part, Reflectra would start trying to slam her fist into any solid surface, still wiggling and fighting against the shield so she could find some way to get hurt and then hurt Cassandra. It was... extremely annoying to her to be doing absolutely nothing... if she couldn't land hits then she at least took solace in that she was building up her power, but now there was nothing, just trying to break free. "She's not gonna give up you know..." Blair commented, having seen her fight through quite a bit more than this.

"Here's your encouragement, bitch! Let me the fuck go right this instant and I promise just to beat you up enough so we can lock you away! Otherwise I don't know if I'll be able to fucking stop myself!" Flashfire actually looked a bit worried when he heard that, having seen how tough Reflectra gets if she loses control. It was nothing lethal, but man did it take a lot of work to pull her off that last woman... it's why she actually hadn't had a day off in months, as she had lost those privileges for a very long time as punishment for doing something so violent. "To be fair, we weren't sure whether your requests were in anyone's best interests... You may not believe me, but it's kind of in your best interests NOT to have her fly off in a violent bit of rage... She's a bit of a hot head, bit ironic all things considered really." Personality wise, he was a lot more easygoing and calm than she had ever been, which most people found rather odd.

"I was more just asking about your Internet history really... Didn't need the details on what type of sexual you are, usually I just answer 'very' to that question." He joked, smiling a bit at what he considered to be a very clever answer to those kinds of questions. Though he was also the kind of person to write 'Yes' on any form that said 'sex' so maybe it was just him. "Nah, I don't think I'm comfortable with someone else calling the shots outside the bedroom, inside doesn't make a difference to me, but I don't know I'm all that comfortable with that." He explained, giving yet another reason that he wasn't taking the deals that she was offering. Plus there was the whole thing with her being a villain, but that kind of went without saying in his mind. All he wanted was things to stay the way that he liked them, and didn't plan on risking what he already had just on the off chance that Reflectra wanted him just as much.

"Maybe I do desire that, but that's not the whole point of the this. It'll be on OUR terms if anything comes of it, you don't get a say. If she wants it, then she best come get it herself." Even if Reflectra really did want him, he didn't really want THIS to be the situation where it all happened, and she didn't either.

"Hey, listen, here's the thing, you don't get to make the choice on whether these people here do anything to her today either. You see, it's up to HER when and who she decides to sleep with, not you and not me... sooooo..." While it was sort of counterproductive to what he had been doing just moments earlier, he raised a hand and solid fire would encase Reflectra completely, essentially being his own version of her little protective armor. The only difference was that his wasn't see through, and would punish any one trying to get through a lot more than the light one. Though he finally seemed to be a little tired, panting a bit from using up so much fire and doing something that complex with it all. "Hey... you got a chance to charge up... It's my turn..." He'd make one last explosion of fire before pulling out what looked like a bottle of cologne, which he would pour all over himself, causing him to smell like... gasoline. Then he'd pull out a box of matches and light one, setting himself on fire with actual gasoline. "Woo! Holy fuck that's just what I needed! You up for round 2? Or you gonna try to somehow get me to rape my partner?"

Speaking of which, she wouldn't actually get a response to her question from Reflectra, who would just continue shooting off insults. She knew that Flashfire slept with loads of women, even a few men, it didn't actually bug her as much as Cassandra thought. Though... it DID bug her a little... at least the fire meant that she wouldn't have to see it if Cassandra did try anything like that. If she was actually forced to answer, she'd probably answer the way that Cassandra wanted, but it seemed the two of them were resisting that admission and temptation far more than most would expect. While she was trapped in the fire armor, she'd try to knock against that as well, hoping to weaken the regular shield around her so that she could fight, especially as she knew that the armor construct was still on a time limit, even with Flashfire likely reigniting himself already.
Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


Vanguard shouted to be careful as the fleshy pod started to surround her, Beastmistress, and Lily, not understanding that it was actually something none of them would find dangerous...

Eventually she'd look around wherever she ended up, looking around desperately for the child she was protecting. "Lily? Where are you? Are you ok?!" Her weapon was still ready, unsure of where she was and wanting to find the nice little kid and make sure that she was ok. "I hope she's ok..." Then she'd take an actual look around her surroundings, whispering out to the little child if she didn't find her immediately.

Vanguard wasn't exceptionally strong willed, and so after being put under the Vampire's spell, she was just following the last order that she had received which was to protect Lily. So she held her rifle if she could find it, and got ready to protect her from any sort of threat that might be lurking around wherever she was...
Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


"Geesh, you lot do care about your charges, well, gotta catch me first." She enthused, slapping her bum demonstratively. "Well, perhaps then -you- are the badguys for stopping these so called villains from bringing equality all the time." Cassandra played the banter game without rules.

"You're right there.. screw boundaries. Also.. fire tentacles are another thing reaching the limit of my personal fetishes." She chuckled. Meanwhile, Reflectras punching of solid surfaces did weaken the forcefield engulfing her, as well as cause considerable damage, though she was still protected. Cassandra herself noticed an information of her ring.. at 75% charge now, considering she had to hold back two heroines at once, no suprise.

"Eh, if you were to kill me would honestly be better for me, can't have me get interrogated." Plus, none of the heroes had seen the full power of Gods hand so far. Death.. was meaningless.

"Actually, if she falls into a rage that'd benefit us, in the long run... you'll understand soon enough." Cassandra mused.

She chuckled at Flashfire.. apparently not minding his.. humor type, and infact somewhat enjoying it. "I do like having a say in things though..." She informed, a bit disappointed that the rape and threat approach hadn't worked, then again.. she dismissed both her followers, and the tentacles, whilest the engulfing flames burned tightly around her.. until he had to recharge.

"I didn't like the public rape thingie either, she's not into it.. alright, alright, geesh, I get the message..." She crossed her arms. "Haaah.. DAAAAAH!" She expelled her arms outward, shouting loudly and flexing, spikes breaking out of the fire enceasing her.. though, at the same time, she had to release the also fire-trapped Reflectra. "Haah.. haah..." She flexed, breaking away the flames. "Oh great, you can recharge too. Well. Guess I got no choice." She closed one hand into the first, focusing.. then raising it, a little, glittery orb of light emerging, quickly changing colors in rapid sucession. "First of all, lets see how good you are at fighting blind. Hey, while at it, do me a solid and tell me where you fall in the power-scheme of all things, compared to all heroes of the society? I'd guess upper mid-tier, but I'm hoping for lower top cause I really didn't want to get serious so early." The fighting blind comment seemed off-topic, until both heroines would find themselfs fighting off a slight daze from the quickly changing lights. Indubitably, with their level of willpower and control they could fight off the unfocused hypnosis.. but not continue to look at it and fight at full potential.

Meanwhile, Cassandra had lifted her ring, creating a larg bow and arrow, aiming at Reflectra: "You can absorb blunt damage and bubbling you up is too exhausting, plus I don't even know if your powers go down when you get tired, so sorry, but I'll have to rough you up a little with a more dangerous weapon. How do you do with actual sharp edges? Well, I'll try to aim for something not too dangerous, fix you up later, ok?" She informed, and indeed, she would, the bow and arrow shooting at the heroines legs and feet.

Not waiting for a response, she flew forward, towards Flashfire, forcing himself to engulf in another flame-armor.. or face her in direct combat, where her light-constructs would give her super human strength. It seemed she had finally gotten fully serious and intended to push Flashfire.. now that she knew his powers could be exhausted. Though of course, so could hers, though, it seemed at a slower rate. She just had to hope the other heroine didn't hit her too hard too often while she did this..
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Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)

Lily would have given Vanguard a calming, if tired wave.. just to make sure Vanguard didn't blow up their escape pods.

It would take Vanguard a moment longer than Lily to exit the pods, and when she did, she saw.. an odd, insect-like woman, seeming focused an exhausted, beastmistress.. and they all stood in an odd room, with Five different pathways leading away. It wasn't hard to spot the vampiress who... well.

Somehow, Lily made eating an apple erotic.:


She seemed rather exhausted, as did the insect-woman who had summoned a large centipede, which had carried off the coffin Lily had created, then, a moment later, the insect woman pushed her hands on the ground again, raising another pod, before nodding, catching her breath and stepping to a part of the large, circular room that revealed itself to be an elevator, leading up. Was she underground.

"Heya! Welcome to Gods Hand headquarters! We's in.. well, under a tiny church just outside of the city." Lily didn't like saying that, but V made her. Infact, they were outside of the city, just at the border, but not under a church at all, said church was a booby-trap, which Lily didn't quite get.. because there hadn't been any boobies there, but V said it was necessary, and she had all the smartest ideas.

Lily smiled over to Vanguard. "You are easily influenced.. thats awesome! You'll make an awesome thrall!" And a tare at Vanguards eyes would make that sound like a fabulous idea, really.

"Now, now, carry Lily! Over there!" She pointed to the door with a gothic like cross. Interesting, now that she looked about, all the doors seemed different, but of course, only Lilys mattered much. Lily extended her arms happily, tiredly. "Tell me bits about yourself nice thrall ok?" She encouraged on the way, into what seemed to be a sleeping chamber with gothic design. Lily even volunteered her own information: "Uh.. I is Lily, Lillith Dracul, yep, daughter of the famous one! We's come to make you all happy cuddlethralls!" She enthused, the little one eyed vampire-bat lazily flapping after the two of them.
Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


Insectra stepped out of the hideout, once more in disguise. By now, the city should be in a bit of chaos, V predicted, and whilest she was returning, Insectra was heading out. They had two that were now their own to rescue, exspecially Insectra looked forward to the need for stealthy conversions ending. On that note, Crusher was pointed to join up with her, serve as Insectras back up.. after all, the heroines now knew of her relative vunerability in direct combat.

V had estimated that a large amount of the heroes would be occupied dealing with the chaos that turning half the populus mostly female would bring. It also seemed that now, with one of the Councilmembers.. occupied with their newest member, was the perfect time to show the heroes that, as a matter of fact, their impenetrable headquarters were not as impenetrable as they thought.

Or perhaps they were, Insectra mused as she approached. She should be able to reverse-summon any and all heroines marked by Gods Hand, but.. that had failed. She'd feel when her parasite got destroyed, but moreso, Super Sleuth, Anariel should still be connected to them, so the institute was warded with some sort of anti-conjuration magic, which annoyed the at her core magic based Insectra to no end. Briefly she mused.. Gloria had divine powers. She thought. Victoria used an odd mixture of technology infused with divine energy. Cassandra.. emotional energy, that was at its core psionic energy constructs. She, herself had her magical creatures, and Lily... she claimed it was supenatural. Well, she could talk to bugs, that was just as supernatural. And she did. A few ladybugs would give her the lay of the surroundings of the area.. as well as lazily sit upon one or two surveilance cameras, to at least slow down her detection.. V had already theorized that the heroines had one smartypants themselfs, and this one would take little time to grow suspicious of Insectras well.. insects. She looked over at Crusher. "Alright, ready to party? This will feel.. gooood" She cooed, licking her long tongue at the heroine.
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Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


"But when you CAN save those people and hold to the ideal, and you CHOOSE not to, then you are betraying all that you've believe in. We have lost our way, but if you came back and reminded us... showed us how much we've fallen, we WILL change... Change is gradual, slow, it's easy to miss... you are there to SEE the change, and when they hear and see you, when they see YOU are unchanged, they will realize how far they've come." MA said, not feeling angry or upset or hurt because of Deva, but more so over the entire situation that had caused it. Her sense of morals, her very moral grounding, was arguing against those morals, shaking the mage to her very core. While she would argue... it was the only thing that had ever made her feel doubtful over what she had always believed in, it made her fear she had been wrong championing these ideas the entire time that Deva was gone.

"Of course we aren't Mistresses... I argued that at length with LM... but I was outvoted, 4 to 1. But THEY are not Mistresses either, unless you think Slave Mistresses deserve a 'title of respect' for what they do." She had seen many villains use these kinds of powers, and it sickened her, subsuming the will of the unwilling to accomplish their goals. "Should we also make sure people stay drunk forever because they're happier?"

"Why do you believe so strongly that you can change them, but not us? Bifold is changing, slowly, but surely, that much I can tell... She's working on it, but she does have psychological problems, and that is why I talk with her every day about these kinds of things. If you have lost all hope in us... then I will still question if you are the same woman that I had fallen in love with... the one that believed that anyone had the strength to change and be better." In some ways, this was worse than hearing that Deva had died... as this was as though, at least in her mind, Deva was breaking everything that she had built in MA. But it wasn't just that... it was doubt, it was fear that she really was becoming the villain, the fear that maybe her love was right.

"Yes, villains do evil while thinking that they are doing good, but then what makes you sure that you are doing what is right? How can you know that you and God's hand are not evil and think they are the ones that are good. Both are equally as possible, but one of these groups allow people to retain their free will, something that heroes have lost their lives for the sake of defending, the other does the opposite. Our human laws are built so that the peace and happiness of an individual is attainable, and while they may sometimes be wrong, they are very often right in that they protect the rights of the individual. We are born with will for a reason, my Love. Our job as heroes is to protect the people, but happiness is something that they must obtain themselves, we must merely protect the pathway there for them to follow." Deep down, she was already starting to feel hopeless, as though this line of argument would get her nowhere, and that maybe even MM had been right in telling her it was pointless trying to argue with Deva. But... no she had to keep trying, she couldn't espouse the idea of holding onto hope that you can change something, and give up on it the moment it seemed like things weren't going the way you had intended for them to.

Her fists clenched a little as more tears streamed down her face as Deva still refused the idea of coming back to the Society and fixing the problems that MA had never been able to fix on her own. "I do not think we are somehow privy to you above others... But you can fix what was once a group dedicated to BEING heroes... We NEED you so that we can do things RIGHT when the WORLD needs all of us! The thing that is best for all is the Society doing things right again... heroes being able to be heroes, always holding true to the ideals of justice..." She had taken this duty to do just that, that was why she had agreed to form such a group, and she wanted it to finally be like that all over again.

If it was anyone else she'd have retreated, but this was someone that she needed to get back... a love she had lost and never let go of, someone that she knew could fix what had gone wrong. "You can resist them... but how are you so sure you can guide THEM beyond death? In fact, if they stray from the path there will be nothing to stop them, for they'll hold our will in their hands. We can still be stopped, if they succeed then nothing will ever be able to stop them." She had an argument ready for what was so 'wrong' with being controlled... but she was quickly distracted by the comment at the end of the sentence. Her words failed her and she just stared into Deva's eyes... unable to bring up anything to argue after her thought was disrupted like that. "Err... What?" Was the only response she could manage, her mind instead confused and wondering about the idea of marriage, and if that was actually an equivalent to what Deva was talking about...

Of course, her train of thought wouldn't really get back on track considering the extreme pain. Reading her mind, Deva would realize that 'Lota' had caused this surge of pain because, though it was a nickname Deva had given her, she had considered it her 'name' enough that it could be used against her as a true name, because she loved the little nickname... because she loved the woman that had given the name to her, it was just as good to her as the name that her own mother had given her when she was born, and as such it was one of the names she had permanently been made to forget, able to trigger the erase because of how much she associated that nickname with who she was.

"The... 'Name Erasure' was... voted 5-0... MM had convinced us that it was needed... and told me that was how I could honor your memory..." While she wasn't in any more pain, she was a bit exhausted from that sudden surge of agony, explaining how the decision was made to do this to themselves.

She wouldn't resist as she was embraced, still finding comfort in the arms of the woman she truly and honestly loved. Reading her surface thoughts would show that MA felt extremely guilty that she had misunderstood Deva's lack of a name and symbol, and had agreed to such a process because of that misunderstanding. "We don't... do those things anymore. MM had stopped allowing food in there unless it was checked thoroughly 7 times over, as she said it'd be too easy to poison us if we didn't. And from there... we just stopped doing it because it was too much work for something so simple..." In fact, their 'offices' used to just be one room in the middle of the HQ where they could chat and work together, but now they each had rooms in different wings, separated from each other completely. "It... we stopped going out for fun even more the first time we needed new Council members... We didn't know them... and MM didn't want to make the effort to get to know them in case they were infiltrators... or ended up dead right when she got to know them..." The Council were friends no longer, just co-workers that were all tasked with the same duty.

MA... Elwynnsiara Everglade... Elwynn... felt her name... as though it were a blanket she had lost for so long and suddenly had back. She knew her name.. and didn't feel a bit of pain from knowing it... that was... incredible. "I... I remember... Elwynn..." She'd hug Deva close, clinging to her a bit as she felt even more like she used to so long ago, when she was actually happy. The name block being broken had changed things just a little, making her more open to the idea of being controlled, but she didn't notice. What she did know is that she had been weary, weary of having to lead for so long, wondering if a rest from it might actually do her a little good. "Th-Thank you..."
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Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


"Problem is I have changed.. oh to be clear, I'm still the hero, as always, but dying was not something I want to do again.

Some people, a lot of people actually, chose to get drunk."
She couldn't get drunk, but she acted like she could to not upset the others.

"You already 'had' me. They did not." Was her simple reasoning. "I'm not saying I don't believe you can't change. But I believe you can do better." She smiled slightly. "Oh, I have hope in you. I just have more hope in Gods Hand right now. What you are telling me is that the woman I just fought is who I see after she has joined the society and with your influence to try and better her, after how long? Weeks? Months? Now imagine you died too, imagine your influence faded from the heroes, together with mine. In time, they'd become just as much a force of danger to everyone not obeying their rules as Gods Hand.. but moreso, as Gods Hand is honest. They accept what they do is wrong, but a wrong to create a better right in the end." She sighed.

"You were always so argumentative. Why, I ask you? Why must people struggle for their own happiness, why can't we give it to them? And, ... why do I need to follow human laws? Don't.. give me a long winded explanation for why this and that. I don't want to hear justifications and thats what you are doing, at this point 'people died to protect freedom' well.. people died for war, they believed they were protecting freedom too. The warriors of the nazi or communist regime, everyone believes what they do is right and by the laws, but what matters is.. does it feel right? Does what you do with the council, right now, feel right? What about these votes, you keep going on about these numbers, yes, democracy sounds great, but I do recall you outvoting me, me not caring and doing what I thought right anyway, I apologize were that put more work on your shoulders, but I also recall.. no one stopping me, because no one could.. and in the end.. I ended up being right." She shrugged. She had never much cared for laws and norms, only .. for doing what she felt was right, and good, to make people happy.

"I have faith that you can change. I just think you need a little help." She sighed, holding the crying heroine tighter. "Shhh.. I can fix you. I will fix you, .. and you can help me. And the Hand of God. We will teach you to do things the right way again, I promise. Will teach everyone." She smiled softly.

"I trust them because they truly aren't human. The plan to revive me is almost as old as my death. The plan to liberate humanity has been thought over for half a century, then put into action for another century. You don't quite understand the situation this world is in. Gods Hand hasn't been conquering this city first.

.. It.. We've been conquering this city last."
She nodded. "There is no more war, or famine, or resistance in the rest of the world. Whatever broadcasts you recieve.. are manipulated. Whatever heroine went on vacation.. has been captured, purified of evil, and sent back. It was only now, to aquire me, that they deliberately rushed to reveal themselfs... Frankly, I think they wouldn't want me to share this information just yet, but I feel you deserve to know. This World, is already pure, and faithful.

You are the ones opposing order."
She shook her head, not liking to see MA all sad like this, but she wanted to share the truth. "Gods hand doesn't like endangering civilians, but if you teleported to another place of the world, you would find the truth. Right now the one, last remaining, largest threat to everyones eternal happiness.. is you. Around the world, everyone is happily indulging each others bodies and worshipping Gods Hand, to empower them to take this city as the central citadel of a new, better world." She smiled.

"Enough with Name erasures. You didn't understand why I did it. But I know a better way for you to honor me. You were all so afraid.. I understand that, that fear bred paranoia, and that.. caused you to doubt yourself. You had to do so much, my poor, poor lover, but its all good now." She smiled. "I want you to stop worrying about shouldering everyones burden.. I'm sorry, that trying to carry on my name brought you so much pain.. but that just proves me right. Come. You can be with me.. forever. My Elwynn.. my little Lota. All you have to do is relax a little now.." The massage on her temples kept up, as the influence spread slowly, gently, but deep into Elwynns mind, taking all that wearyness and feeling of powerlessness and amplyfying it, slowly, but certainly building up a feeling of submissive weakness towards Devas desires, as the same picked her up gently, in a bridal carry, carrying her along, speeding up beyond normal human limits. "I understand now the burden I left with you. Humans.. are burdened by the weight of responsibility, of being in control. But you don't have to be in control anymore. You are helpless.. and thats completely fine. Accept it. Don't fight it.. I will show you how to be better. How to be a good girl. You just have to let go of all the responsiblity, and let me take care of things again.. I'm so sorry I made you said, but I will make this right." A hand wandered into Ewelynns dress, unashamedly cupping her sex, as Deva cooed: "You never shaved down there, because I told you I liked you just the way you are, did you? Taking my words so to heart.. really.. you idealizing anything I say.. its silly, but so cute, such a cute girl you make. And its true.. you are beautiful, just the way you are. Stop trying to be -me-. Just be Ewelyn my sweet, loving lota, ok?" Her hand brushed past Ewelynns belly button, through her pubic hair, only to cup the hood of her clit, gently rubbing it, then pulling it back. Truthfully, Deva had given herself expert sexual skills now that she was away from the threat of fighting. Along with a numbing, pleasant warmth that made the heroines word almost echo in the arcanists mind. "Deep down you just want to make love to me and follow my guidance, don't you?" She cooed.

"I will make you my slave now. Make you helpless against my will, protected and loved for it. And you can help me. I know of the one weakness your wards have, your own magic has to be able to bypass them for you to use defensive magic. So I want you to cast a little enslavement spell on you.. don't worry about it.. It can be as gentle as you like.. I can be as gentle as you like. I want you to be free of all these burdens, my love, free to be mine." She cooed, and gave ther heroine another gentle, mind draining kiss, deciding that, rather than bring her back to the Gods Hand, she would take to the air, flying up, and literally upon a cloud, smiling.

"Here we go. Here we are. I know you don't like the spell, but its for your own good. Better.. doesn't always mean stronger. For humans.. strength can be a burden.. your tears show that more than anything else. You just want to be back where everything was.. when I was still around, and you could be a good, timid slavegirl." One hand still holding the heroine, the other cupping her sex, gently feeling her out, toying with her body, encouraging her along warmly. There was no indication of ill intent at all in Devas voice.
Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


It was Flashfire's turn to roll his eyes when Cassandra smacked her bottom at him, wondering if she was still trying to seduce him or if she felt that was an actually relevant response. "See, but your whole 'equality' thing that all you types do have the caveat 'everyone is equal... below me.' If you want to make equality happen, protest loudly on the Internet like everyone else." He joked, meaning what he said about always seeing them want equality to be below them, but figuring that the statement didn't have enough levity to it for his own liking.

"You see... there's the problem. Other people have boundaries because they have certain things they do and don't want to happen to them. Ignoring them just gives me more reason to dislike you, as even with how perverse I can be I get that there are some lines for other people that I just shouldn't cross, namely, stripping them in public being one of them." Reflectra would meanwhile continue slamming against any solid surface she could, figuring that not only would it mean that she might break the thing keeping her like this, but she might also manage to also drain the woman of whatever energy she had to keep this going. So overall, smashing into stuff was pretty much a win-win in her mind, so why ever stop?

"Yeah... here's the problem with that... When she gets mad like that, she isn't gonna be trying to kill you... She just... gets a little creative about how to hurt people that have pissed her off. It's why I'm the one that does most of the talking." As a team, their diplomatic skill was very lacking for that very reason, one was too busy cracking jokes about perverted things while the other was quick to anger and sometimes too violent when thrown into a rage like this. "Her being in a rage doesn't really benefit anyone... She isn't even all that happy about it once it's all done anyway."

"Hey! Can't believe that I finally got someone to laugh at that joke... Gotta remember that Reflectra owes me 20 dollars later..." Finally, Blair had found something very positive about this whole situation, having made an actual profit off the jokes that most people tend to call dumb or immature. "Funnily enough, if you weren't a villain maybe I'd have given you more say in the whole 'sex' thing. I usually don't turn that kind of stuff down unless it interferes with things that I actually care about, like my hero work." He also didn't like it when people told him not to use fire when he had to save people, but really he didn't see much point in acknowledging that one, it didn't seem all that relevant. Though he did have to admit that it had been a long time since he had to recharge mid-fight, meaning that he definitely shouldn't toy with his opponent all too much.

Reflectra smiled as she was suddenly free, noticing that Flashfire had also removed the fire armor so that she could actually get back into this fight."Damn... Glad I can teach you WHY you don't fucking cage me like that." The question that Cassandra gave made him smirk wider than he had during the entire fight, as though he was a cat that saw a mouse trying to fight back against him. "What tier are we... Heh... hehe... Haha... Hahahahaha... Oh that's fucking rich... You've underestimated the heroes of this city.. SEVERELY. We are middle of mid-tier AT BEST!" He lied, knowing that in reality they were a little higher at the edge of upper mid-tier, but no reason they should let their opponent know that. "You really think they'd let their more powerful heroes take a day off? No, the real big guns don't get sent out unless it's really necessary." Well, that part was more honest, as there were quite a few members that outclassed them severely, either through having far more experience with these types of things or just having better powers for fighting off bad guys. But still, in terms of power they weren't as impressive as some might think, they just were sent out on field work more often because the higher ups didn't think that their more powerful resources would be necessary. He'd be ready to go again, until he noticed the sparkling and colorful ball, having enough experience to know that he needed to worry about that. "You haven't been paying attention during this fight... have you?" He'd hold his hand up and another casing of solid fire would engulf the orb, blocking it's light from being seen through the fire.

Reflectra would remain silent as the bow and arrow aimed at her, just giving an angry and defiant look as the thing took aim. When the arrow came at her, she'd barely move to dodge, only moving so that it would hit somewhere that would allow her to continue walking, the arrow hitting her and causing her to let out a shriek of pain, bleeding from the wound that would be caused and then... smiling. "Sharp shit sucks... Hurts like all fucking Hell, and can cut into me... But bad news... it's still pain, and it's still damage..." The two of them may have only one power each, but both those powers were extremely powerful and versatile, allowing them to make up for the lack of variety.

When Cassandra rushed him, he'd engulf himself in his own flame armor, meaning that her strike would burn a little unless her powers were still protecting her. With a full tank, he was ready to use his powers all over again, firing more fireballs straight at her. And if she wasn't careful, she'd miss the fact that Lindsay had limped over rather quickly, and was now trying to slam a punch into her jaw, which could hit with a force like Cassandra's own super strength with the amount of pain she had been building up with no release.
Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


"Well, yeah, some are more equal than others, of course, though I do have a genuinly good excuse for myself here!" Cassandra enthused. "'You see, Gods Hand really is above humans."

"Nonsense, how do you know you wont enjoy being mind-enslaved without trying it? You took me as the try everything once type you know!" Cassandra kept her cheerfulness, even as she grew more serious. This wasn't a facade, she was outgoing by nature.

"You keep calling me a villain, I disagree. Sooo about the sex thing?" Cassandra sulked a bit at the presumed mid-mid tierer. "Aww well, just means I really should bag you two now that I got to do this all boring and serious fight like.. Oh and heres a secret for you. Among Gods Hand I'm just in the middle of things myself." She nodded. She admittedly missed her Insectra backup right about now.

"Actually, I've paid a lot of attention. That fire that obscures the view seems to suckle you dry faster than I could, so make sure to keep this up, I'll show you just how strong I am." she flexed her fingers, creating two more light-orbs like the first one, sending them to float up after a moment. Ring at 66% Charge now. whiles standing back from the 'can't touch this' fire field Flashfire used. "Da da da da da da!" She shouted, creating more ice-cubes to block off the fireballs flying at her meanwhile. She was quite certain that, unless her opponent suddenly turned celibate, she'd easily out-stamina him.

However, there was also Reflectra, and this time, her punch broke through the armor that had held back fire and punches, sending Cassandra flying back and crashing into a window.. only to float back out of it, after a moment, grinning, her cheek only slightly bruised.. her armor had absorbed -most- of the punishment after all, and already had reformed, protecting her with a soft glow of light. "So, thinking about it, I can pressure two midish mid tier heroes, so I should be able to handle their top.. but I can see why V insisted we do the purification route first.. Oh and there is one more thing." She informed, whilest Reflectra, even with the brief moment their skin had connected, felt.. some of her rage drain, soothe out, she felt calm, her eyes wandering over to the pretty, glittering hypnotic lights unless they were quickly covered up.. and if they were, Cassanda folded her hands, to create two more orbs, raising them to the sky as well. She wasn't a tactician but she did know her geometry, for obvious necessity reasons. "Simple math. The larger I make the sphere, the exponentially larger you have to make the one to surround it, and to surround it, you -always- have to use up more power. I make it 2 mm bigger in diametre, you have to add 6 to your cubic sphere, so how about I increase the size by one half each now?" She explained and grinned, as her own light-balls grew a little larger.. she could maintain focus on 5, her armor, and short-lived constructs, after all. Plus the Will of Gods Hand had hit Reflectra, unhappy as she was to use that one rather than just her own charms. Ring at 50% power.

"Admit it, you are going to run out of juice pretty quickly trying to contain all five. So.. will you sacrifice all your power, in the hopes of your companion taking me out, or will you sacrifice her and maintain the strength to challenge me?" Cassandra didn't expect to be able to sow dissent between these two. Still, she just enjoyed the play-challenge.
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Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


When Vanguard saw the odd insect-woman, she held her gun a bit closer to her chest, not firing immediately considering that'd be hasty when these people might be there to protect Lily. Though she also wasn't sure yet if she was going to harm Lily either, so she just made sure to pay attention just in case the woman made any sudden movements. She didn't worry at all about Beastmistress, knowing that she had shared in her duty of protecting the adorable little one.

Then finally she spotted Lily... and she couldn't keep her face from blushing as she saw the child eating an apple... surprised that anyone could make something like that look so good, especially someone she had found very adorable just moments earlier. Seeing her made the enthralled heroine move a little closer to Lily, figuring she was the familiar face in this entire situation, so she couldn't go wrong with staying close to her. Other than that, she just observed the insect woman, not as suspicious considering Lily and her seemed to know each other, not sure entirely what was going on.

"Errr... God's Hand? I don't really know what that is. I don't really go to churches all that often... So I'm not really sure if being under one would help me understand where we are..." Vanguard was more confused than anything, as she had never heard of this 'God's Hand' thing... except... when she thought about it a little more she thought she might have remembered the child talking about it at some point during the whole thing with Bolt Storm. Her memory of that time was a little fuzzy though, as when she thought back to it she'd quickly forget what she was trying to think about and just smile vacantly as the memory of that nice kiss returned all over again. So trying to recall anything specific from around that point was really difficult and just led to her fading back into that smile all over again.

The heroine was about to make a comment about the idea of a 'thrall' before she saw Lily's eyes again and she realized how absolutely wonderful that idea sounded. She would love to be a thrall, she was sure of it now that she had seen those beautiful eyes, she knew it was what she wanted over anything else right now. And from Lily's excitement, then she'd probably be able to make that happen, which meant that Vanguard was even more eager to be with Lily!

Hearing the order, Vanguard would barely even think before she gently picked Lily up, moving her a little bit just to make sure that she was as comfortable as possible while being carried. She didn't pay attention to the other doors, carrying Lily to the one that had been pointed out diligently. "Me? Oh, ok, my hero name is Vanguard. I..." A time of resistance as she fought to not reveal the one thing that hero's were meant to protect no matter what... Though after a few moments she'd be able to get back to what she was saying, wanting to give Lily information like she wanted. "I am actually named Jane McManser... I work in the technology division of the Society of Justice... My blaster and armor are my main powers, with my armor being able to sustain lots of hits... and it can fire a burst of electricity straight ahead of me. Meanwhile... my blaster can be set to stun or destroy, able to either stun living/undead creatures, or disintegrate weak inanimate objects... Though it can't work the other way around. Anything else you want to know?" She asked, not sure what else to talk about, as in a way she defined herself around her job and duties, not sure what else Lily would want from her at this point.

"Understood, Lillith... err... Lady Dracul... Countess Dracul?" Vanguard guessed, not sure what the child wanted to be referred as, so taking a few shots to see if she could get any correct. "Cuddlethrall? That... ummm... that sounds like a good idea..." In her mind, that sounded like a great idea, not aware that Lily had put that idea into her mind.
Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)



Throughout the entire situation involving MA and Deva, a recording device was ON MA, and not only that, but tiny cameras were hidden everywhere, as MA was not the only one with ways to watch multiple blocks around the headquarters. The only difference was, that MM was far more thorough than her, and had listened in on the entire conversation, hearing the news of what had happened to the rest of the world, which was the only thing about the entire event that surprised her. Before the two even flew off, she had pulled up her own personal records, looking for any hero that had taken a vacation in the past few years. Thankfully, they rarely approved long distance vacations, so a very select few actually left the city. Many didn't want vacations, others took them within the city, so she took the names of every hero that had left the city for more than 15 minutes in the past few years, which was actually a small list. Ten names, and within 10 minutes those 10 names would be thrown into special cells to ensure that they didn't cause any sort of problems. The only other issue was that one heroine had left for vacation literally this morning... and so she was written off as a lost cause... though it was a familiar name to MM this time. With that done, she would turn a few devices on in her office, a screen displaying and showing her a familiar face that caused MM to smile.

"Ms. Mayor, my apologies for contacting you so suddenly like this, but clearly we need to discuss the recent events in this city." "It's fine MM, I'm actually happy you called, we need to talk about this." It honestly surprised those that knew MM that she was so trusting of the city's mayor, a woman elected a year ago with the backing of the Society, she had been cooperative since day one. What they didn't know, was that MM was certain, beyond any possibility, that Mayor Dans wouldn't betray her. With how utterly paranoid she was, it didn't make sense that she trusted anyone that much, and yet because she knew a few things she was certain it was literally impossible for the mayor to betray her. The two would discuss situations for a while, MM leaving out quite a few details while still presenting a picture of the situation, one that would be the most advantageous of course. "Very well, I understand that it's a taxing time for all of us. Thank you for keeping me updated, I think that your course of action would be the most logical one to take. I hope this situation is fixed as soon as possible." And with that, MM ended the video chat, smiling a bit, happy to have a little bit of good news after losing MA... though in all honesty she had already written MA off as lost the moment she had stubbornly decided that she could confront their former comrade and convince her to come back. Besides, she couldn't focus on any of that right now, she had work to do, and a lot of it to prepare the chess board for the next set of moves. Her opponents had gained quite a bit of ground without her even being aware, but now was the time to prepare her own set of traps, as well as gather some information. She stepped out of her office, heading to a rather familiar place.

(MT's theme: )
Unlike most, she didn't need to schedule an appointment to meet with MT, as the two often met with each other to discuss... well... no one was ever quite sure. MM would step into MT's office, seeing her building yet another weapon or gadget she'd be using in a fight later. "What's up?" MT had learned long ago that MM never visited her for a little chat, it was always something that was important to at least MM, so she was willing to hear what she had to say. "I need you to fire up a few LDTs, numbers 25-31 and number 44 will suffice, and I want SMs to use them and report back to me after... 2 hours." MT looked surprised for a moment, then shrugged and pulled out a touchscreen, touching it a few times as she spoke. "Geez, alright, so that'll be quite a bit to log..." "Don't log it at all... This is entirely off the record." "No problem... I suppose I'll be taking a trip to my memory machine as well?" MM nodded and MT moved her schedule around. "No problem, but MA's been keeping a closer eye on me lately, so we might not be able to not get found out." "She's been compromised. Just as I warned her, her emotions got in the way and chances are she's already completely gone." "Seriously?! What a fucking dumbass. 'Oh I love you so much... Take my free will because I love you'... Dumb bitch." "The good thing is that you are stronger than her, so we'll be fine. And unlike her, you actually listen to me."

"Hey, the way I see it, if it wasn't for you that Prissy little Bitch would be on the Council right now and I'd still be a regular heroine. So like I said before, you always have my vote, and I'll help you out with anything. Little bitch used to lecture me about roughing up a few criminals too much... fucking pathetic." "She even had the gall to lecture me, ME, about being kinder to the damn reprobates!" "Well how well did that work out for her?" The two laughed for a little bit as they thought about that, MM able to make some time to find enjoyment in her maneuvering. "It's not my fault she was caught sleeping on the job right as the last MT was looking for a successor. She swore she was drugged or something, but my tests found nothing in her system or her tea... at least... nothing worth mentioning..." MM smiled, recalling how simple the entire process had been. "And who'd have thought in that same week a supervillain in her custody would suddenly get free. I still don't understand how such a bestial villain managed to cleanly cut through a pair of handcuffs. What a run of bad luck for that Whiny little bitch, right?" The two shared another laugh before MM got serious for a moment. "We didn't need another idealist on the Council, I'd prefer someone pragmatic like you. Speaking of the insolent little fool, I read she's on vacation?" "Yeah... She wanted to take a trip somewhere, and it got her out of my hair." MM considered explaining something to MT about the situation, but then chose to leave her out of the loop, as even with how useful MT was, she couldn't be trusted. "Have her report to me the very second she gets back..." With that she smiled and walked away, going off to set up a few other things that would come in handy if things went wrong.



Crusher walked with Insectra, so happy to work with her wonderful Mistress on this mission, just a bit wet from being around her. Thankfully she was able to focus on things enough to keep her mistress safe, ready for any combat that they might come into. "Um... Mistress? D-Do you think that Anariel and Minariel are ok? I'm really worried about them." She asked, concerned that they might be seriously injured, or even worse, somehow unpurified. The heroine didn't know if that was even possible, but she had seen many strange things happen in the Society, and so if anyone could figure it out, the Society probably could. It was something she had worried about since they had retreated, wanting to save the two brave slaves that entered the Lion's Den just to further the goals of God's Hand... it was one of the most heroic things she had ever heard of, and now she needed to save them.

The moment the ladybugs got too close to the cameras... they'd immediately be zapped and killed... MM not having taken any chances with the defenses that she installed around the city, even if she had to do some of it without the Council's knowledge. Once Crusher noticed it she'd get a slight look of sadness, feeling bad at the loss of life, especially when it came to insects now after she had learned how adorable and kind they really were. Even just being purified by Insectra had helped the heroine have a very new perspective on how good bugs could really be.

"I'm ready to do anything for you, Mistress... Mmmmmm... Whatever you want." She shuddered and let out a rather cute moan when she saw that tongue, her earlier arousal increasing just a little bit at the memories and thoughts that went through her head. Whatever Insectra wanted Crusher to do, she was ready to obey like a pure and obedient slave girl.
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Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


"Me neither! Churchies give me the shivers. But No.1 is at it often and no.3 likes doing lewd things while hiding in them.." Lily enthused.

"We is gods hand! Super awesome human liberation force! You know.. " Lily enthused. Lily, cool but soft and squishy feeling, cuddled up to Vanguard happily, peeking about. "Oooh.. so lucky yous on our side! You should go hang out with V., help her develope stuff later, after we did the attacking stuff, you sees, the heroes actually suuuper mean, abducted two of our friends.. we's getting them back, and then some, V said! yay!" She waved her arms enthusiastically.

"Whats your favourite color?" Lily inquired further. "Anyway.. we's safely at home now, no need for all the armoring and weaponing for now. Hihi.. can call me.. Awesome-count! .. or Lily for short. Whats your favourite movie? I likes horror movies! Great idea? Awesome, lets do it!" Lily enthused. "Need to recover anyway. Gonna drink some of your yum yum blood hmnn.. but can't drink it proper if you's all dressed up.. we should fix that.. then you can become.. Awesome Cyber-vampire-warrior for mes! Oh oh.. with a laser! Pew! Pew pewww!" Lilly enthused, seeming to have some amazing ideas for improvements for Vanguard, cheering her on.

The place looked comfortable, in a gothic Style, Lily wiggling until Vanguard put her down on the dark-red dress, sitting down, looking at the heroine expectantly.
Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


"I don't think they are ok, but thats why we move this along quickly. We will make sure to recover them. Despite her inability to gather personal intel, from what we learned from Supersleuth, V concluded that the institute has a total of four prisons, One we broke in for beastmistress and holds low power, high publicity opponents, its actually ment to be targeted. The second Prison is designed for hero quarantine, which is what we'll be visiting today. Theres a third known prison at a remote location, which V theorizes is just a smokescreen for a real high-security thingie, perhaps somewhere under the institute. Anywhoo!" Insectra flexed.

"Well, Crusher, you felt that just now didn't you? Seems we can't even get close without being detected early. SO .. I need you to throw me." She nodded. "V analyzed the societies forcefield, and while detection up close is unavoidable, it would take too much energy to generate a complete forcefield, instead, up to man sized-organic objects with no unusual magical or technological signature to them can bypass it." Insectra flexed. "Though you aren't strong enough to get me far enough as you are right now. That's why its time for your Evolution."

She extended a hand towards Crusher, flexing it, A pulsing feeling going through Crusher, as she felt herself engulfed by a cocoon for a few moments, her body changing, muscles bulging desires growing.. a desire to serve Queen Insectra exspecially, as Crushers priorly just enslaved thought-processes became more alien, merging with her parasite.. and it was more the parasite that was in control. "Throw me.. Then, guard this vector for my escape. .. I look forward to rewarding you if you do well my little insect-princess." Insectra cooed, kissing Crusher sloppily, pushing her tongue into the womans mouth, then down her throat, deeper into her than should be possible.. for a human, wiggling it lustfully, before withdrawing. "If they sent any heroines to bother you, just give them a nice, converting bite. You should be strong enough to suprise low ranked ones.. and everyone else.. will be busy." Insectra smirked. V had actually predicted the Society would plan a counterstrike. ''I'ts imperative we keep them off balance before they can unite and learn of our strengths and weaknesses. They must NEVER learn of our true power until we have not taken out a majority of the council and powerful heroes to solidify our victory. Bla bla bla, I'm sooo smart, but I'm still not as sexy as Insectra.'

Insectra admired her handywork on crusher briefly, definitly making lustful plans, but first.. "Go ahead. Throw me, full force. All you got to make sure is that you aim me to land roughly on top of the building."

And with that, Insectra was sent flying. While MM didn't get far in her walking away and further set ups, as a priority alarm reached both the intel division of the heroes.. as well as herself.

A single, humanoid shape had just bypassed the Societies forcefield, at a height of 35 ft, with moderatly high velocity, Sector 1-b

Insectra grinned, flying through the air. There was one weak point to a high ranking anti-conjuration shield.. or whatever V had called it. True, it prevented anyone from invading the area by summoning into or calling forth objects out of it and it was near impossible to defeat... any summoner that tried it, any ship or technology that tried to gate or teleport into the place would exhaust all their energy just trying to do so, if they survived the ordeal. However. Someone already inside of the shield, with enough skill could still use summoning on those on the outside... if MA had still been around, or MM had another rather competent mage advicing her, they'd know of this, though it would take a mage of the highest tier, or at least a focused expert in the conjuration area alone, to pull such off.

Insectras form glowed with power, as her hands began smoking from sweat evaporating, just by the sheer energy of what she was doing right now, as she braced her insectoid form to land upon the roof of the Heroes council, before unleashing her spell: "Ultimate Summoning: The Hand Of God!"

<To be continued, perhaps after some other scenes concluded.. alternatively timebubble those, your call!>
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Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


"Some people choose to get drunk, and then they're happy, but the alcohol is still harmful to them..." That was the point that MA was trying to make when it came to alcohol, she didn't mind it, but it made the point that things that made someone happy didn't necessarily mean that it was good for them, and could even hurt them in ways some people wouldn't think of. It made her think about MM actually, who hated drinking because she hated anything that impacted her mental faculties, but really she wasn't trying to make that kind of point.

"I'm argumentative because every idea needs to be challenged to ensure its validity. Without a fool to point out that the emperor's suit is nothing we lose sight of the truth, without someone to challenge ideas then the moment they are wrong they will still be accepted. People must struggle for their happiness because it makes the happiness all the sweeter... The strongest beauties are made even more beautiful when they are fleeting. A sunset would be less beautiful if it lasts forever." She explained, remembering that which she had learned long ago, not from Deva this time, but something she had held her whole life. "The difference is those people weren't fighting for freedom, rather an oppressive regime. You are NOT fighting for freedom which your new 'friends' admit readily. No, what I do now doesn't feel right... But you always act as though you're right, what happens when you AREN'T. Something 'feeling' right doesn't suddenly make it right. You wish to talk about Bifold... Before I talked with her, hurting people 'felt right', it wasn't until I talked with her that she understood that something 'feeling right' didn't make it right." She continued trying to argue, desperately, she had to help her friend, MM had to have been wrong, Deva could come back to their side... she knew it. But she was going nowhere, and it was so hard to argue against someone that she loves, especially someone she had idolized for so long... especially when she was making sense in some areas.

"But... but it's YOUR help I want... not theirs..." She said, holding onto Deva tighter as she was held, her tears slowing just from hearing the voice of the one she loved, calmed by her as she had always been. Then her eyes went wide in what looked like horror and despair as she heard that the entire rest of the world had already been taken, right under their noses. She had... she had failed... completely and utterly failed. And from there, her mind stopped thinking entirely logically, sadness filling her and her thoughts going in a hundred different directions, leaving her much more open to Deva's words. "Then we... we're the... we're the ones... outside the norm... we're the ones... in the wrong?" She muttered, her scattered thoughts and Deva's words bringing her that single conclusion, leaving her completely unsure of what she was even supposed to do anymore. If she had her thoughts together she probably would've wanted to go warn MM of this, but where she was and who she was talking to made the information hit that much harder. What was even the point of fighting? This meant they had already lost, didn't it? In her mind there was nothing more that could be done, she didn't have faith in herself to do it, nor any of the Council, the only person she'd ever have any faith in to do that was the one telling her this as though it were a good thing.

Elwynn looked up at Deva with hopeful eyes when she heard that they could be together forever, her desire to protect the world had been broken anyway, so her only desire left was to be with the one she loved. "I... I just want to be with you..." She whispered, pure honesty in her voice as she admitted the only desire that mattered to her any more. And she felt so very weary and powerless as that influence spread through her, already having been submissive to Deva, and now that submissiveness was growing even more. It was so tiring, fighting every day against every threat... maybe she should just let something like this overcome her and be together with the woman she loved. Suddenly she was picked up in a bridal carry, blushing as she immediately pictured herself in a wedding dress with Deva, only making her want all of this even more, making her desire Deva and be with her forever, no matter the cost. "My Love... I feel so helpless... but... but safe... you're here... I'm safe..." She didn't want to fight this anymore, all she wanted was to hold her love close and let Deva handle everything, able to not worry at all as someone she trusted made all the difficult decisions. Then she cooed softly as Deva reached between her legs, already having grown wet from being held by Deva. Her blush deepened a bit as the heroine found out about how Elwynn tried to keep herself the way that she liked. "You... said I was beautiful... Didn't want to risk changing anything that you liked... Just be... Just be Lota... Your Lota..." She nodded, spreading her legs a little further so her love could get in a little easier, and moaned at the surprisingly expert skills her lover's hands had. The pleasure surged through her, and the strong words Deva spoke only grew stronger in her head, echoing around with a force that she doubted she could ever deny. "Yes... Just wanna make love with you and follow your guidance... My Love."

Elwynn melted even further into that wonderful kiss, and would've eagerly accepted it even if she had known the power that came along with it. She moaned and shuddered, clinging to Deva as she was told what she could do. "Yes, my Love... Free of all burdens, I can be yours. Can just go back to before... letting you handle everything and being a nice... timid... slavegirl..." She had been further swayed by how earnest Deva sounded, how her words sounded genuine and caring without any ill intent in them. Her own personal distaste for the spell was completely gone, her own opinions on it didn't matter right now, as she just wanted to be with her love.

The mage's hand would begin to glow for a moment, as a spell she barely ever used charged there. The enslavement spell was actually easy for those with a strong will to resist, even when a mage as powerful as Elwynn cast it. However... that was only when one factored in that the person it was cast one would be resisting it every step of the way. There was no resistance left in Elwynn's mind, she wanted this, and all of her defensive wards meant nothing against her. Deva would feel a shot of energy go through Elwynn, and her eyes would begin to emit a bright white glow, making it appear as though she had no pupils. Her eyes would glow with this power, the enslavement spell working strongly on her mind because she let it in so readily. Then slowly, the glow would die down before disappearing from her eyes completely, and her pupils would look much more dull, empty, and obedient... to then only be filled with adoration and love when she once again laid eyes on Deva. "Mmmm... I am completely and utterly yours... My Love... My Mistress... Thank you..." Her voice was softer, more timid and subservient now, the voice of a slave that took orders happily from her Mistress. For the first time since Deva had passed away... Elwynn felt at peace... she felt truly and honestly happy without a single bit of burden on her shoulders... In her heart she felt absolutely wonderful... and felt as though she understood things much better now.
Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


Blair rolled her eyes at the whole 'So-and-so' are above most humans thing before looking over to Reflectra. "Hey, R? How ma-" "23 I think." "Damn... You're the 23rd person to pull the 'we are above normal humans' card... But I suppose they do say 23rd time's the charm." He mocked sarcastically, still seeing no proof that Cassandra was above normal humans, only seeing that she had super powers, but by that merit then both himself and Reflectra were above normal humans and therefore had more say than her.

"Eh, fair enough. I do like to try just about anything if I can. Maybe I'd enjoy being 'mind-enslaved' as you call it. But if I wanted to give something like that a try, I'd need someone I actually trust... And I trust you about as much as you care for people's boundaries..." While Cassandra was outgoing, Blair just liked running his mouth, and hearing the sound of his own voice. Plus he considered himself extremely funny, so there was even more encouragement to keep talking while he fought. Either way, it meant that he wasn't annoyed or even surprised that she kept talking while the fight went on, in fact he had more fun that way.

"Tell you what, sweet cheeks. Undo what you did to everyone in this city, give up, and convince me you aren't a villain and maybe we can talk about the whole sex thing. You're actual weirdly nice in a 'yeah you're the villain but you're still polite' kind of way. Either way, I think neither of us are getting any tonight." Funny enough, he wasn't even lying about that one, if she could actually prove she wasn't a villain then he might actually be up for something, but at this point he doubted she'd manage that one. "Hey, fighting is fun. You just gotta find ways to make it fun. For example, during this fight I made 20 dollars and learned what a 'pansexual' is. Or at least... I now know it means you don't have an exclusive attraction to kitchen equipment." Reflectra honestly considered turning around and punching HIM for a joke like that.

Inwardly he started swearing to himself as she made more of the orbs of light, not even having thought of her doing that. Which meant he also needed to put up more shielding around each one with his fire, draining him further right after a recharge. "They... they do make me use up a lot of power. But ask yourself something... how many bottles of gasoline do I have?" He bluffed, only having brought the one with him. Though he did kick the empty bottle over to her so she could see that it was fireproof, meaning at least if he somehow did have more bottles they wouldn't have gotten burned up when he doused himself.

Reflectra grinned as she finally landed a real hit, watching as Cassandra got launched with a sense of satisfaction. Not only that, her breathing slowly calmed down, her rage starting to fade as she looked at the... sparkly... pretty... nice lights. But before she could keep staring, the orb would get covered up, and Blair would punch Reflectra straight in the gut to give her a bit of a wake up call. "You can... pressure two mid-tiers... What happens when they send 2 or 3 top tiers after you..."
However, he was being pushed to his limit at this point, making his flame walls around all of the orbs and crippling his fire powers. "Oh come on, you think I'm gonna neglect the balls?" He joked, only having enough fire to defend himself now that he had to focus on stopping those orbs from distracting Reflectra. "Hope you can handle her now R... Cause I'm not in a great way right here..." He muttered to her, choosing to let the real heavy hitter do the heavy hitting while he handled support.

"Well, I'm just gonna have to put some faith in my partner since she put faith in me..." Though he'd have a little bit to defend himself, so he just kept an eye on Cassandra, while Reflectra would try to rush her and get a solid right hook this time, not wanting to waste the opportunity that Blair was trying to give her.
Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


Devas hand shot forth and grabbed Ewelyns, stopping the enslavement spell, sighing. "No... ugh. I don't NEED. This. Power. Never cruel or cowardly. Always better than you could have done." Deva withdrew her hand from Ewelynn, panting slightly. "I don't need to put you into a vunerable position or influence your mind to be subservient to prove my points to you." She narrowed her eyes.

"You want me to question an idea throughoutly? You are right, and so I shall. I don't like doing this, but you leave me no choice but to argue against you. I don't need to enslave you, or anyone. Because." She shook her head, then pointed at MA. "I know you keep a spell to fly at the ready, cast it, so I can't do anything to physically influence you.." She let go of Ewelynn. She crossed her arms.

"Cast lesser restoration and clarity of mind. I will not cajole you into joining me. Not now, not ever. You will come willingly, or I will be forced to lock you up, to protect this world. First of all. I felt it while molesting you of all things." She rushed forward, a nail digging into MA's shoulder, pulling something, not larger than a birthmark, but on close examination, subtly metallic looking out of her with a painful jolt.

"You need to understand that once, I was considered this worlds greatest heroine.. in spirit, but also ability. This has not elluded me.. it's you, isn't it? You call yourself MM nowadays, don't you? Well screw you. I am above your calculations. That's why I always frightened you, wasn't it? Because I was just too good, I kept disappointing you, well. I will again. If MA joins Gods Hand.. then because she sees what you have done." She raised her fist, crushing the metallic object. "Cast a spell upon it. DO IT!" She commanded, lifting her hand. "I don't know much of your planets metallurgy, but I suspect its an alloy thats almost completely inert to magic. I guess all the heroines have one of those, perhaps disguised as a vaccination? Either way. Now we are truly alone. I wont lie to you. Gods Hand is more than meets the eye. When I met it, I gained the power to control minds with but a touch, and, greedy to gain you, .. I .. a part of me wanted to use it, and must have subsconciously. I have now supressed that power." She floated there, nodding slowly.

"Now then. Frankly, this is something not even Gods Hand anticipated. I do still want to help them, to be clear, but they hold no power over me." She exhaled. "You are my friend and perhaps more. I want you to be free of the burden of leadership, and become my good little girl. I -want- you to enslave your mind, but not like this. Not cajoled, but willingly. Eagerly. That said, my friend." She crossed her arms. "Do you remember the last time I got like this?" She grinned. "I believe I broke something within the one I think you now call MM." She chuckled.

"We have established that you can't trust Gods Hand or the Council. I chose Gods Hand not out of cowardice, you would know I'd fight a world if I considered it cruel.. well. frankly, at that point I might just leave.. but if there was any hope, I would fight. Take this as your first evidence, it will become important later." She crossed her arms.

"Lets dismiss the getting drunk metaphor, its not relatable. Unless you can demonstratively prove that being intoxicated and being under mental control are comparable, exspecially in their short or long term effects, you have to let that argument fall!" She pointed at MA, then slammed her thumbs down.

"Point dismissed! Next point! You say every idea needs to be challenged? Point acknowledge, this is what we do right now!" She gave a thumbs up.

"You say that struggle makes the happiness worthwhile, due to a sense of accomplishment. Exacta! But you assume that being controlled removes all struggles. If that were true...." she smirked, crossing her arms, shaking her head slowly, before pointing at MA. "Then we'd not struggle to win right now, would we?"

"There is still a struggle, a pursuit of happines.. in pleasing your mistress, and right now, two of Gods hand are struggling.. sure they once were heroes, but now, they struggle after an important mission to revive me, they struggle not to get overwhelmed in their interrogation, while we prepare to rescue them! Increasing the suns light to shine upon all does not remove a chance of people to do exeptional things to please their beloved mistress.. just because your mind isn't mine doesn't mean you can't struggle and strive to please me and thus find more happiness every day. If you really think Gods Hand is a perfect utopia were people are trapped in unthinking bliss you don't know the first thing about them!" She gave a thumbs down to MA, before relentlessly continuing on:

"If you think the strongest beauties are even more beautiful because they are fleeting..." She pulled her finger back, only to point it at MA, more dangerous than a speeding bullet.. "Then whats that on your cheeks? You disprove yourself!" She gave another thumbs down, withdrawing her finger, inhaling.. "And what is this nonsense about an unending Sunset? Sure, if we could make people live healthy twice as long, no one would appreciate it in the long run, as their minds acclimated to the changed state, but that line of reasoning is innately flawed, just invert it!" She slowly shook her head, lifting both hands, her open palms outstretched. "Don't look at it from the perspective of doubling peoples lifespans, imagine cutting them in half! Sure, in the end people will accept their fate, but have you done good, or evil?" She slammed her hand down on the cloud, dispersing a bit of it.

"IT doesn't matter! If you do no good when you could, you still do evil by inaction! Are you seriously trying to tell me I should let misery persist so that people don't get all too used to happiness?" She waved a hand, ending with another pointer at MA, as if prompting her to respond, before going on.

"Oppressive regime? Ah.. ahaha.. ah ha ha.. pfeww.. ok.." She cleared her throat. "Just like a surgeon has to shock a body, just like an emergency doctor will break a few ribs to keep your heart pumping, so will I take away some freedom, to free this world in the end. We are taking away your freedom to be miserable, only giving you options of varying degrees of happiness. I see reducing the options of doing evil as innately good, but thats merely an aside.

You speak of Bifold, and of what feels right, but you failed to grasp the basics of my metaphor. You presuppose that the Society you follow is fighting for the right thing. I tried to make you question exactly that. That you didn't, after you told me all ideas should be questioned, should give you reason to pause. My point was that, indubitably, those that follow what we now recognize as evil regimes, indubitably thought themselfs doing the world a good thing.

What I sought to establish was that systems, just like people, can be decieved, evil.. and abused... and you just agreed with me. You tried to distance yourself, calling themselfs 'these people' 'they' must be evil. 'Gods Hand' must be evil. 'The Vatican' must be evil."
It took a while longer to explain this point, but when she did, she glared at MA again, not with angry, but with piercing eyes showing a determination most heroes could only dream to have.

"It's easy to look at others and think they are evil. It's hard to look at others and ask 'Are they good?' or even 'Are they better than us' Let me tell you something, I don't think the heroes are evil, or corrupted, or any of the lot." She shook her head.

"I simply believe that Gods Hand is the better option. It is easy to condemn one another as evil, but I tell you, both The Hand and the Council want to do good. There may be individuals that are more morally ambigious on either side, but deep down, have you forgotten how I view the world?" She extended a hand into a palm. "There are no villains. Only heroes that haven't found their way yet and it is our duty to show them.

That brings me back to the woman that attacked V. I don't see her as bad.. or evil, or a failure, deep down.. she just has a longer road ahead of her than many. Ultimately, can I be sure that what I do is right? No. Can you... certainly neither. But clearly we have to take action, so how do we do that?"
She extended her hand into a fist, the air flowing around it. "I came upon this world, with more power than any single inhabitant of it, as far as I know. I did not know this. I saw a pretty butterfly, I wanted to pull it close to me, but when I did, it stopped flapping its wings. It had made me smile and.. I.." For the first time, tears gathere in her eyes..

"I had removed this beauty from the world. It made me sad. It felt bad, deep down. This feeling is called emphaty, we understand that other things can experience things like love and life which we enjoy, so we would not want to take them away. Understand that, to me, a normal human is little different from that butterfly. Even you, once your magic is exhausted, you would break apart if I didn't control myself. So what is then right? Certainly not to lock up the butterfly, until its wings lose color. My eyes are sharper than a humans, I see the rings under your eyes. I see the lines of sorrow hidden in your face. I see the burden in your eyes. You seem innately disgusted by the idea of giving up control, you view things from a world of 'Gods Hand' vs 'The Council'. I don't. Right now.. all I see is you are miserable, and I don't want you to be. I am strong enough to carry this burden, you are not. So become the happy, obediant slave that doesn't have to worry." She nodded.

"Not for me, but for us. I will NEVER refuse a cry for help, not from you, not from anyone. You could be a strong guardian, protecting so many people, under my thrall. You realize that this city is the one greatest danger to peace in the world? Yet, Gods Hand does not simply destroy it.. enough rockets would diminish the heroes numbers to a tenth of what they are, unless your defenses have significantly improved.." Well, they had, but that didn't detract from her point.

"But.. we would never. We come to free, not to conquer. Free you all of your burdens." She extended her arms. "You can be with me. I promise to keep you save. You can help defend Gods Hands hideout, assist us greatly, but I don't want to put the burden of the frontlines upon you, no matter your great powers, you have born enough burden." She smiled, invitingly. "Make yourself mine, of your own free will. You are beautiful.. and the only change I want for you.. is for your to change back, back to a more carefree, happy, free a self. Free yourself from your burdens. Let your mind return to that nicely meek and gently subserviant self I have seen when we were all shy and you knew no one was watching." She nodded, exhaling, smiling, a bit tiredly.

"I don't want to argue with you. I just want you to fall into my arms. Let yourself become my loving slave, and let me guide you. I love you.. this is best for you, I honestly believe that, but I wont manipulate you into doing it. I might have to stop you, .. fight you, if you try to stop the happiness of others through their enslavement, but you are right about me. I never compromise when it comes to doing the right thing." She exhaled.

"I stopped supressing the power of gods hand.. so if its too hard to make a decision, of do the spell yourself.. just embrace me. Just close your eyes now, fly a little towards me, and know that a life of servitude, in my arms, and at my feet awaits you. I will gently work on your mind to be the perfect little slavegirl, happy t-" she smiled down, down at Ewelynn who, knowingly or not at this point, had thrown herself into the heroines arms, as she smiled, gently, slowly letting the mind draining take effect again.. and watched Lota as she cast her spell.

"Your eyes are so pretty now. Dull, but with a beautiful appreciation of me.. now, follow me.. keep holding onto me, so I can keep your mind nicely timid.." She flew downwards, ahead, to the hideout of Gods hand, where she landed. An abandoned looking farmhouse, the yarn of which lead down, down an elevator, into large, five sectioned opening: "Luckily, V has guestrooms for me and my girl to share." She smiled, quickly leading the once mistress of the arcane along, into a simple room, a bed, a table, a chair, a few notepapers on the table, the only decoration a motivational poster of a cat fighting with a bit of wool, reading 'Don't let failure string you along!'

"You feel better now, right? Your mind emptied and subserviant? Then remember to cast a dispell rebound.. you did tell me that was important for crucial spells you didn't want to lose. Also, remember to recast enslavement every day, together with your wards, just to make sure you will be mine... of course, the training will make that unecessary soon, but.. its a romantic gesture towarss me." She grinned, then exhaled, then commanded: "Strip naked, my sweet, but first.." She caressed the womans temples gently. "Focus on it.." She felt.. shy.. and timid, but also a sense of arousal, at the chance of disgarding all that would keep mistress gaze away. The idea of being helplessly exposed before her mistress, so loving, so heroic, so much stronger than her, it was.. wonderful..

"Alright, listen.. I know you struggled so much.. but we will take all of that away, ok? You are no mistress anymore, just my Lota.. you can try doing things all on your own.. but whenever something goes wrong now you don't need to panick anymore.. you can just go to mistress, ok? You have to expose how weak and helpess you are, mistress wont ever judge you, promised. Show mistress all your failures, and all the bad things that happened while she was gone. It feels good to expose the bad things before mistress, so she can fix them." She cooed, gently rubbing Lotas temples on. "Let go of the bad feelings. Its ok to cry, to tell me, but you have to let go, have to expose them, have to expose all your fears and how timid you actually are, so mistress can take the bad stuff away." She smiled, then nodded, encouragingly. "Start anywhere you want, tell mistress of the bad stuff.. she'll tell you what to do.. what to think. You can't do all the bad, miserable things anymore, because you just do as she tells you when things get tough, ok? Go ahead, try it." She smiled, nuzzling up to the arcanist cheek with her own. "Become a good girl.. don't try to be strong and indepent when you aren't. You can depend on mistress. Always."
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Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


"So, what happened to no.1 to 22? Dun .. wait, lemme guess, you locked 'em up, and any of them above humans? Cause I feel like I am, whatcha say? At least a bit above average?" She winked and cupped her own chest.

"Mind-slavery is an aquired taste." Cassanda purred on, seeming to have a great time with the banter, despite getting serious now. "Well, damn, can't argue with that one, even -I- don't trust myself sometimes, and I know me, though I -am- honest, it's a character quirk of mine." She shrugged. "Yeeaah about the undoing.. I can't do any about that, maybe V could, by the by, none of you asked if I even was alone.. dun worry, dun worry, my partner had to piss off, long story, we did plan to assault you but.. eh. I think I can do this." she shrugged again. "Ok, sorry, I'm all up for games but the pan joke was poor. As for fun in the fight, well, I -try- my best, but truth be told, I can't deal with the two of you all fun and games like, tried that at first, she hits hard, your powers kind of counteract mine.. bleh." She shrugged for the third time charm.

"I dunno how many bottles you got, better question is, now that I seen the trick once, think you get to do a full recharge again? I'm afraid we are in the middle of the city, no large enough source of gasoline for me to not snipe it out of your hands here." She grinned.

She didn't even realize the fireproof bottle-thing. She was not a strategist like V,.. or even Insectra, where it didn't come to constructs or sheer battlesmarts. "Well, if they send two top tiers after me I just eep and send either for help from another finger, you'd be shocked how well -we- all work together, or use you... yes, youuu. you can become a brainwashed bodyguard today! Thereees dental!" She cheered. At least Blair wouldn't have to worry about a strict, boring kind of mind-slaver..

She grinned on, it seemed she had been right about her theory about the solid-fire eating up lots more juice. There was another thing Blair hadn't quite accounted for.. She didn't -need- to maintain any of the orbs within their fiery shells, after all, he propably couldn't even tell.. and if he could, she could create more orbs, play the ostracizion game. For now.. She faced only one of the heroes, and this one had lost a bit of steam.

"Heres the thing I haven't told you, or perhaps, it didn't occur to you, because, frankly, you two are a strong team, but your approach is pretty straight forward. My power can also recharge. In my case.. it's based on the lust of my opponent and.." She turned upon Reflectra. "There is one way to use your lust against yourself, now that I can actually focus on my ring,.. harkens back to me having fun during the fight.. eeep!" She backed off from the dangerous punch, it cracking her light armors edge, but, knowing the heroines limited defensive capabilities, even with her relentless attack, pressed her ring against that exposed chest, before the next attack hit her.. "Light constructs, lust.. no one asked what I do as secret identity? Heres a hint. If you hired me as dominatrix, you'd knot be disappointed." She pointed her ring, creating a web of ropes suddenly gripping Reflectra, pulling her into a lewd position, blinding her.. "Secret technique: Shibari Tree of pain and pleasure.." And with that, a tree of glittering robes grew over Reflectras body, enveloping her tightly. She'd quickly find that pulling her arms would lead to a rope digging into her backside, pulling her legs would do the same on the front, trying to tug them apart would lead to a tightening of a rope on her breast, squeezing and presenting them, and worst of that, a small, more glittery, distractingly.. pretty.. rope focused its binding around her eyes.

"Lets call it.. a finishing move.. Oh whats that, you got your own, fire pal? I figure you might, seeing how we use similiar things, but heres the issue.. I'm not letting you gather the flames to do that, might drain my ring to about a quarter power remaining, however. Two things. for one, I noticed one weak point your fire has, for two.. hey, look at all those ropes growing out of her, whats stronger, a trees branches or its roots?" And just as she said that, ropes of light would break out of the earth under Blair.. who Cassandra realized, hadn't used her fires on the ground, likely because doing so, would slowly make her sink under in a puddle of molten asphalt and magma, only for him to be engulfed in a silmiliar entrapping.


"Now, I'm sure you have the strength to burn through this but not through it and me at the same time. Like this, you wont be recharging and you know what.. I can do all of this, to both of you, one more time, and still have enough juice left in my ring to run away panicked.. not counting the recharge I get from my ropes tingling your body in all the right ways, so!

You can do your whole heroic struggle to the last bit, ooor you can relax, look at the nice lights and know that I like your bantering and personality enough to keep it mostly the same. You'll just want to show off for me more than anyone else, while pouty and bound over there is going to be a bit more honest with her feelings.. and grateful for the matchmaker."
Cassandra enthused, for a moment considering to nonchalantly strip and make out with the heroes in the town, but, knowing that there might be other heroes coming to investigate, she instead sighed, preparing a divine mark, her ropes knotting in a specific way upon both of the heroes foreheads, as she prepared to be recalled by Insectra, if nothing stopped her! "No one gonna credit me for the poetic thing with the trees and you both being all.. united and stuff, by the way? Well, I did kinda gag the angry one.."
Re: City of Justice (Shotgungunshot/Pervy)


Vanguard still looked confused as Lily explained the other member's opinions on churches, still needing to know more. "Err... So who is what number here? And why do you have numbers? I'm just... this is all really confusing." She explained.

"Human liberation? Are there people that are in trouble somewhere?" Vanguard hadn't actually learned anything about God's Hand or what they were trying to do, having just wanted to stay with Lily and keep her safe, just like she had wanted. She'd hold the little vampire close as she cuddled up, making sure she was nice and safe and comfortable as they talked. "I... I actually don't know how my devices were made... I mean, she can examine them if she wants, but I'm not one to actually build this kind of stuff. Wait... the heroes are mean? I don't think they abduct people unless there's a reason... I guess if they're your friends they should be good but... hmmm..." And there was the only little bit of resistance left, as she was one that had always believed in the Society ever since she was a little girl.

"My favorite color is green, how about you?" She answered, happy to be able to give easy details that didn't really matter too much to her. "Got it, I'll call you Lily then. My favorite movie? Hmmm... I've always been big on action movies... I love Terminator 2. Ok, let's do the... er... 'thrall' thingie." She answered, still considering that to be a really good idea, not entirely sure why she thought that, but it definitely was a great idea. Maybe it was just her instincts or something, that's probably why she knew it was a great idea to be Lily's thrall. "Well, whether I'm a thrall or not I'll at least have a laser." She joked, unaware that she was doing anything wrong at this point.

Vanguard looked around the room before she felt Lily wiggling, letting her down and giving a smile. Then she realized what Lily wanted considering she had already explained what was needed. She quickly got herself out of her armor, stripping down to reveal her actually rather lithe and slim figure, not having much need for physical toughness when she was primarily a long range fighter, and could tank hits with her armor. Once she was completely out of her armor, she'd smile at Lily, not sure what would be needed next.