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Classical Music Thread


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
Reputation score
On a whim I decided that emotional, amazing, and beautiful music should be shared,
in this thread modern music is not accepted, anything that isn't done with a classical instrument most probably doesn't belong here,

This thread is for those of you looking for inspirationg,
or looking to share it,

Music that makes your heart beat, that make you feel like the world is beautiful,
That's what I want in this thread, there are those of you who don't fancy classical music, that's fine, I won't judge, but please if you're to post in this thread,

make it a comment that is constructive or contributive, or if you just want to share your feelings on it, as long as they aren't malicious or spiteful,

This is the Classical Music thread.

I'll start it off with what I found just earlier off the game Music Catcher;

Support building this thread up would be nice, but feel free to turn your nose up at it, I'm sure it'll do just fine, and if not, nothing lost.
Re: Classical Music Thread

An excellent thread, I will be contributing, but first I want to know, is this:

Considered approriate for this thread?

And the music catch song has always been one of my favorite piano pieces of all time.

Again, excellent and useful thread, warranting a + rep^^
Re: Classical Music Thread

Re: Classical Music Thread

One of my favorite pieces of music ever created, a true classic

Re: Classical Music Thread

An excellent thread, I will be contributing, but first I want to know, is this:

Considered approriate for this thread?

And the music catch song has always been one of my favorite piano pieces of all time.

It's mostly vocalised, and vocalised singing in my opinion,
is about as classic as you can get, I'll certainly say I appreciate it being here.
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Re: Classical Music Thread

Writing like this,
is not artistic or clever.

In fact,
I'm afraid it makes you look like,
a pretentious douchebag
Re: Classical Music Thread

Although this is technically Baroque, not classical.

...Not that everything in this thread has been classical. Hungarian Dance #5 is actually an early Romantic piece, but it's close enough I had to go look up my dates to confirm.

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Re: Classical Music Thread

Too predictable. Thanks for sharing Obe.

Anyway. Do like Moonlight Sonata. I have a remix I sometimes listen to. Great to hear the original.

Since finding this album buried amongst a sea of rock, techno and jpop at a Comiket download archive, I've been something of a fan of TAMusic's piano arranges. I've used this for helping me to relax when my mind just won't wind down for sleep. Also introduced my gran to it (piano teacher) and she loves it, which is a certain kind of awesome.
[TAMUSIC] -Nocturnes For Pianoforte「Dream」

Two examples.

Re: Classical Music Thread

I didn't really care for periods, I was just watching Dracula: Dead and Loving it when I saw this thread, so I decided to post the song.

I find the separation of period to be a bit pretentious as form is often very similar, but suddenly everything's separated by the settings of it's creation and not the result. Baroque is technically a subcategory within classical, as Romantic was also a certain run of European classical, so technically both submissions are just fine anyway
Re: Classical Music Thread

I didn't really care for periods, I was just watching Dracula: Dead and Loving it when I saw this thread, so I decided to post the song.

I find the separation of period to be a bit pretentious as form is often very similar, but suddenly everything's separated by the settings of it's creation and not the result. Baroque is technically a subcategory within classical, as Romantic was also a certain run of European classical, so technically both submissions are just fine anyway

Baroque is actually quite different from classical, however. Romantic and Classical are quite similar however, and while form doesn't change much, the harmony does.

Baroque uses a lot of polyphony to produce its harmony as more of an implication with more of an emphasis on counterpoint, which is very different to the classical style of having the orchestra underline the harmony for the lead part. We move from a more implied harmony to explicitly stated harmony.

Romantic harmony just tends to be more elaborate than classical, with increasingly complex harmonic devices being explored as time passes. We start to get some rather complex chords showing up in romantic music, although such things were beginning to come out in the late classical, hense where there's still some debate over whether Beethoven is a classical or romantic composer. I was taught that he's a classical composer, more or less on the grounds that his works were written within the designated time period of classical, which is a pretty crappy reason, but frankly I didn't exactly choose to study this stuff so much as it was a core component of my course.
Re: Classical Music Thread

People seem to be playing quite firmly on the classical title,
ehm, I didn't mention before that I think anything you post here is fine as long as it isn't modern, or completely irrelevant.

Posting things that are mainly vocalised, or made with old school instruments are just fine. Just don't let me see any mainstream noise from MTV or something here :p.

OH, OH, OH, one last thing, this thread is also for the discussion of said music and it's also the place for all things relative to it, for example, videos that you think are related may be posted here even if they don't consist solely of music.


This old thing is one of my absolute favourite animations off the internet,
sure it's not perfect but it struck me right between the upper ribcage so I hope you'll check it out.

Writing like this,
is not artistic or clever.

In fact,
I'm afraid it makes you look like,
a pretentious douchebag

I AM a pretentious douchebag, point disregarded. :3
Re: Classical Music Thread

I AM a pretentious douchebag, point disregarded. :3
Just wanna pop in and say agreeing with someone who insulted you doesn't make you the better person. It makes you the retard who doesn't know how to make a good come back.

As for classical music... They all sound the same to me, but that's because I'm uncultured and uncivilized.
Re: Classical Music Thread

All in a day's work.

I seriously want to rip out your comma and enter key. While I'm at it, I'd also like to chop off your fingers.

Think of it this way, it's either me with the commas and irritating way of talking starting a thread on classical music.

Or it's one of those chatspeak faggots with a thread on some sort of random pop music that actually doesn't involve too much skill, or just sounds plain annoying. (well at least alot of pop musics sound annoying to ME, dunno bout you)

Just wanna pop in and say agreeing with someone who insulted you doesn't make you the better person. It makes you the retard who doesn't know how to make a good come back.

Well that's good for Obe I guess?
I simply comply because I'm not in the mood for wit and I don't want to just flame like any old idiot.
Calling me a retard doesn't make you wittier or better than me, if you're just coming here to flame me,
u mad.
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Re: Classical Music Thread

Says the guy who just had to edit his post just to respond to me. I guess I AM better than you.
Re: Classical Music Thread

First of all, I didn't have to, I did because I felt like it.
Second of all, twisted logic.
Third, LOLWUT.
Re: Classical Music Thread

just stop talking to them until they go away, you can't win so the best you can do is not loose.
Re: Classical Music Thread

just stop talking to them until they go away, you can't win so the best you can do is not loose.

What if I enjoy it when people flame me? :eek:
It tends to give me sexual pleasure.
Re: Classical Music Thread

the problem with flame wars is that it tends to get smoke in everyone else's eyes.
Re: Classical Music Thread

the problem with flame wars is that it tends to get smoke in everyone else's eyes.

Good point, I'll leave it.