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Community Game Rework?


Dec 1, 2008
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Well, another semester has come and gone, and with it the hectic ebb and flow of college life. In its wake I found myself once again devoid of purpose within the realm of technology, and to find that purpose my thoughts once again returned to the Community Game.

School is, perhaps, one of the most distracting things imaginable, as I'm sure some of you are able to relate to. Now, however, I had oodles of time and nothing to put it in to so I'm going to start reworking the community game. Thing is though I'd like to open the floor for new suggestions as well as re-workings of the old design, just to see what everyone comes up with and whether there is anything more feasible or interesting than the old design.

The sidescrolling shooter bit, as before, is pretty much a cruise control deal, but I would like to make everything more modular. For instance, creating enemies whose sprites can be customized and behavior can be edited in a script file. I was even thinking of trying to make the game in flash, though I've never done a flash game before. The results could be catastrophic. Still though I was thinking it might be worth a try. Thoughts?
Re: Community Game Rework?

I'd play that flash game. Other than that, I think all the previous suggestions and ideas were bloody perfect. And it's good to know you're still alive, man.
Re: Community Game Rework?

Well, alive is a relative term *grins*. I'll start working with the old design and if anyone wants to suggest anything further we can discuss it. Thanks for the feedback Burrito.
Re: Community Game Rework?

I'll play it too, I love me a good side-scroller.
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Re: Community Game Rework?

Mega: Well, it's not really an issue of whether anyone would play it, more of an issue of what features are wanted. I'm trying to re-evaluate the game design and content.
Re: Community Game Rework?

Maybe make a shorter version of the flash game to practice in, before doing the real deal?

Me, I just want to see more than one 'bad end', if possible. XD Or more variation in what the enemies do to the heroine?
Re: Community Game Rework?

flash is pretty easy to learn and it does have the ability to use classes in code, although you need to struggle a lot with global things because of flash's already class based nature.

it might be easier to do it in flash however i'm not sure if it would take less time. learning flash and going through 3-4 rebuilds of your program just to get it right might not be the best idea.
Re: Community Game Rework?

I'm all for either way you decide to go, whether it's 3D or flash, whichever you think you could do better.

I think that what was decided on by towards the end of the previous train of thought was pretty good. Maybe build on the demo animation you had to include some actual game elements, instead of just the girl walking, so you can get an idea in your head of how it will play out if you do more.
Re: Community Game Rework?

All of the original ideas I had heard seemed good enough for me.
Re: Community Game Rework?

Ok, thanks for the thoughts everyone. I wasn't aware that Flash was so object-oriented. The game itself is very object oriented in its approach, so I may give flash a try and see what I can do. Until then though I present the new prototype for the heroine that I'm working on.

Re: Community Game Rework?

i also can't see the picture
Re: Community Game Rework?

Try this instead:

Re: Community Game Rework?

I'm getting a DNS error - which means the problem is that FileFap is down. I take it the image is too big just to be made into an attachment? Or that you can't post it somewhere else?

Or maybe create an album under your user account and post it there.
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Re: Community Game Rework?

I like how she looks. Wasn't aware this was going to be done in 3D, though..?
Or is this just something to base the sprites off of?
In case it doesnt work for ya
Re: Community Game Rework?

No, it's been 3D pretty much from the get go, even if it was just moving left and right. And that design is nice - but somewhat unfitting for a policewoman, don't you think?
Re: Community Game Rework?

Yeah, a little un-policewoman-like. I'm not too keen on putting real money in to getting props to use in the renderer so I had to work with what I could find. I might have to bend the storyline a bit to compensate. Still, it's not less ridiculous than a random woman moving her hands in a funky pattern and suddenly gaining super powers so I think I'm in the clear by hentai game standards. :p I'm still working on her appearance. Trying not to get too muscular while still looking fit, because that's my personal preference.