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Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

"Some kind of storage bay. Just upload the map to my brain. You should be able to over this bandwidth." Burrito says, his left eye closing fully "Shit. Looks like I overdid it." he says quietly, just barely loud enough for Tsuki to hear
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

"Burrito? What's wrong?" Tsuki asked as she proceeded to upload the map.
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

"Nothing, Just overused my left eye." Burrito says, running a self scan on himself while the upload commences "I came up with a temporary fix for my left eye. Looks like it's worn off." he says, a smirk on his face as he begins to walk deeper into the hive, biding his time until the map upload is complete
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

“…eeper Krell. Respond.” He waited. Nothing. He sighed, flicked a knob on the radio, and spoke again.
“Bunker Command, this is Keeper Krell. Respond.” He was halfway to turning the knob again when finally, after almost a day of trying, he got a response.
“Keeper Krell, the is Bunker Command. We were beginning to worry.”
Sarcasm. At a time like this. In less dire situations, Krell would’ve shouted some seriousness into the sod, but as it was now… his men had heard the reply, and were beginning to amble over.
“Bunker Command. What are our orders?”
“Orders? Think about your position! We’d all had you pinned as dead! Get back here while you still can.”
Idiots! Krell thought. You haven’t even heard our status report yet, and you want us to just return!? Strangely, some of his men seemed to have differing opinions to his own.
“Orders? What are you asking them about orders for? After this shit, we deserve to get a rest! Get a damn transport up here!” Without turning to look, Krell punched the face of the man who had spoken out. Talking again to the radio, he growled,
“Get Host in there.” The person on the other end began to make a noise of protest, but was cut of by a snarl. “Now.”
Footsteps… a door opened and shut. Some time passed. A door opening and shutting again, and more footsteps. A new voice came across the radio.
“Mr Krell. How do things look out there?” Finally.
“The forum is in pieces, multiple buildings destroyed, not much of anything is still standing.”
“Your current location?”
“Crumpled section of their old main building. We’ve holed the only remaining entrance shut with a large piece of debris. So far it’s kept the enemy off of our position.”
There is a distinct pause.
“Do you know anything about a large explosion…”
“That was not us, sir.” Krell’s reply was somewhat hastier than the previous ones.
“Are you sure?”
Yes, sir. I’m sure.” Does he –have- to make jabs every time there’s an explosion around me?
“We saw a moon dancing on a sword tip.”
This time it was Krell’s turn to pause.
“It’s code, you fuc-””No, I know –that-! I mean, that makes two moons. That can’t be right, you said there was only one.”
“That makes three, actually. You’re forgetting the first one.”
“Still. Where did it come from?”
Host’s voice became exasperated. “I don’t know that, yet! Its current location is of far more importance to you, anyway – You’re the only squads we have spare, so I’m sending you and your men to preform recon, case five. That way you can try and help me learn about it.” Another pause. When he spoke again, Host's voice had an edge of sadness to it.
“Be careful in there. Stick to the plans. We lost too many in that fight.”
Krell merely saluted, and turned the radio off. He turned to face a crowd of sombre faces, belonging to people with crushed morale and battered bodies.
“You heard him,” Krell said with a snarl. “At the ready! Take positions!”
Though no one noticed, Krell failed to suppress a small smile.
“We’re going to the moon!”


As he made his way through the hive, Burrito heard the wonderful sound of automatic weapons fire erupting from down one of the corridors. Live ammo ruled out the Wraith… perhaps it was more of the Toon Pimp members? A quick glance of the map showed it to be a somewhat longer route than the best one, but if someone was going to the trouble of taking care of the Wraith for him…
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Burrito pauses as he hears the automatic fire, then looks down at the stunner rifle in his hands, then at the map he brings up in the top-right corner of his vision "Oh hell. Forget the poison, there's someone who needs my help!" he says aloud, rushing down the path towards the gunfire
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Pale springs into life, and her spell snaps from her fingers, to Siphon, in a matter of seconds, in a sizzling blue ray.

"Done! Now, if I did that right, he'll be unconscious and mentally.. malleable.. for a few hours. Of course, if I did it wrong.."

A moment to ponder the exact consequences of "doing it wrong"

"Welll... could be anything from a teensy little bit of brain damage, to goodbye sentience."

She shrugs, and dances from foot to foot, looking around her.

"Commander person? Hello?... Where did he go?"
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

"I'm sure you did it perfectly Pale," John says before grabbing a wraith and snapping it's neck. "SIT DAMMIT!"

With it seeming like the tide had stopped for now, he looked at Pale and added, "sorry about that, where were we now?"
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

With the map uploaded, Tsuki went about her work. Of course, her work was doing what she did at the other hive, which would be going through the computers to search for any lovely bits of information.
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

((Time to test something new out that might be replacing the Thembrihkal eventually. At Tsuki's request....))

As Tsuki worked, she suddenly might catch some sort of dripping noise nearby. If she looked up, she'd spot what she thought at first was a person, soaked in water and dripping it off. As she watched though, the person began to... convulse horribly, as if they were undergoing a massive seizure.

Moments later, there was a wet punching noise, as if something was tearing out of the body. It began to lose it's more defining human features, and took on a wormy, slimy look to it. Even as she watched, it completed the transformation, and sprouted a dozen tentacles, each waving about a good four feet from the body. It then turned and faced her directly, rushing at her with an almost lustful moan, tentacles wavering, trying to catch her in their grip.

Some of the fluid it sent flying at her got on her clothing. When this happened, she took note in horror that the clothing literally disintegrated. However, it did nothing to her flesh at all! Surely the Wraith hadn't created something like this, would they?

There was no more time to wonder, for the creature was almost on top of her, and she needed to move fast. It reached out, trying to grab her in it's embrace, a tentacle already snaking up to wrap around her thigh, seeking out her warm flesh.
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Unfortunately, Tsuki was, as usual, engrossed with the terminal. She didn't notice anything at all until parts of her clothing were going missing from whatever that fluid was. "What the?" she squeaked out in surprise as she looked up. The hacker stumbled backwards, away from the monster, only to trip and fall on her tush.

Program... program... what... program.... Thoughts raced through her head. Here was a downside to her powers. She had to think of what to use, so when panicked... it wasn't quite so nice. Others, since there wasn't quite as much variety, it was easier to just act.

In the chaos of her mind, she was only able to load up a knife, which she used to frantically attempt to slice the tentacle that approached her. "G- get away!"
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

The tentacle seemed to fall apart from the knife strike, only to reform almost immediately. This close now Tsuki could see the worm-like wiggling all over the body of the creature was caused by some form of mutated leeches. In fact the whole damn thing, including the tentacles were swarming with them.

She hadn't reacted fast enough to avoid the creature though. Even though she'd sliced it's tentacle, it reformed quickly, even as two more lunged out. At this close range, she didn't have a prayer of getting away before they reached her.

With a sick, slimy sensation, three of the tentacles wrapped around her body, one around each leg at the thighs and the third around her waist. The creature didn't stop there though. She might have assumed it was going to try killing her, but if she had, she would learn very quickly that she had been terribly terribly wrong.

The tentacles around her thighs flexed, and soon forced them apart, exposing her entire nether regions to the air. She had barely enough time to register this before she felt something wet, thick and large thrust inside of her, likely taking the breath out of her lungs in a hurry. She might register if she could see, that the creature had penetrated her with one of the tentacles.

What was disturbing was, it hadn't hurt at all. In fact, it seemed the slime covering each tentacle was also some kind of lube, and that had allowed the thing to slide inside of her without either hurting her, and with hardly any effort. These thoughts were cut off when it began to piston in and out of her, and that's when the first waves of pleasure began to crash over her body.

With it's prey now securely caught, the creature thrust another tentacle into her rear end, and began working another, trying to force it into her mouth so she couldn't scream. It was quite clear now that this abomination wasn't going to kill her, it was going to rape her, already was. And without help, and no way to really contact for help, Tsuki didn't really have much of a prayer of getting free.

The pleasure was beginning to build rapidly, her body simply not used to this at all. It was a toss up right now as to if the tentacle trying to force itself into her mouth would get in by itself, or if it would get in because she finally lost it when her orgasm hit, and she could tell right now, that explosive feeling wasn't far from happening. It wouldn't be long at all before the vile thing brought her to one, and it would possibly occur to her that when it did, there was a chance if this thing was capable of doing so that it might even impregnate her. That was a disgusting, but very real though and possibility.
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Tsuki gasped, but quickly bit her lip. It was so disgusting! How could this be happening? She couldn't turn on her radio or even let out a peep if she wanted her mouth to at least stay safe. Oh god... and why did it feel good? If she lost it, she would be doomed. Well, more doomed.

It was so hard to focus... she tried her hardest... and was only able to muster up a single drone, about the size of an xbox (it's xbox huge!) with insect like legs. Though it's movements were sluggish, from her inability to concentrate, it used a tool like a small torch, to attack one of the tentacles.

Someone... help... she thought as she groaned helplessly.
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Unfortunately the only one who was the most likely to have picked up her telepathic pleas for help was now unable to hear it due to Pale's spell, though Tsuki had no way of knowing this at all.

The drone had a slight effect on the creature even despite her lack of concentration. It didn't bother reacting to the drone until the mini torch set one of the tentacles aflame, causing the creature to rear back in pain. It swatted the drone away hard enough to smash it into three pieces, but was forced to use another one of it's tentacles to remove the one on fire, and then ditched that one as well. While neither of the two it had sacrificed grew back, the creature redoubled it's efforts to completely incapacitate the hacker.

Two more tentacles, each with some kind of indents on them suddenly wrapped around her now exposed breasts, beginning to toy with them. It wasn't until the indents on each touched her nipples that she realized they were deformed suckers, or mouths. It suddenly felt as if something small was suckling at both breasts, and coupled with the incredible thrusting motions in her ass and pussy, Tsuki was beginning to lose this fight rapidly.

She struggled with it for a few more minutes, but in the end the entire thing would prove to be a little too much for her. While she might be able to keep her mouth closed, she could not stop the feeling of a powerful orgasm ripping through her young body, sending shockwaves throughout her entire being. Unfortunately, she also felt something else happen as she hit her climax, and that was the sensation of the tentacle inside of her pussy shuddering. A mere three seconds into her own orgasm, she felt the creature disgustingly reach it's own, flooding her pussy with.... could she really call it it's seed? It felt like a bunch of pellets shooting up inside of her, too deeply to have any hope of forcing back out, they had already , along with the liquid that shot them up and out, penetrated into her womb.

She had no idea if the thing had definitely impregnated her or not, but it was likely if it had shot pellets into her, then it had laid eggs inside of her and had impregnated her. But the worst was still coming, for the creature despite bringing the hacker to a mind shattering orgasm and seeding her, was not stopping. In fact, it was continuing to rape her even harder than before, perhaps sensing that she couldn't resist it's touch, and couldn't completely fight the pleasure.

((Will leave it up to you as to if she can prevent herself from crying out or not. If she did then that tentacle will still be trying to get into her mouth. If she didn't, and screamed which is more likely, then she's about to get a mouthful of slimy, wormy tentacle.))
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

((I would like to note, I only asked to fight something and that I said Siphon could try something new!))

Tsuki did scream, but for two reasons one for the more obvious reason...... the other was her frustration/shame for failing to be able to resist. "UGGHNNNNN-mph-...." Her scream was cut off by the muffling effects of a tentacle being forced into her mouth. She struggled weakly, but her strength and hope was fading fast.

The hacker tried to concentrate once more, to bring something else to help her get out of her... predicament. But, alas, she was only able to muster up a few nuts and bolts, which quickly faded away.
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

The creature continued to work her body, unrelenting in it's pursuit of totally dominating the hacker. She was soon brought to another orgasm, and even still it didn't relent. She might begin to wonder if it was simply going to continue until she passed out!

She then was faintly able to notice something else. The creature had begun to move deeper into the hive, taking her helpless body with it. The damn thing wasn't content with raping her where it had attacked her, it was taking her deeper into the hive, where it was unlikely she would be found before it had thoroughly done whatever it was going to do to her.

She swore she could hear something, or someone laughing at her now, as if someone was watching her get completely taken down by this creature, or was it that the thing was actually projecting into her mind? It was impossible to tell at this point.
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Only a few groans came from Tsuki as her essentially worn out and limp body was taken. She had little perception of what was happening, but she did just barely pick up on the moving and the laughter. Not that she cared at this point. All she cared for was to get away from this vile thing... but that didn't seem like it was going to happen anytime soon.
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

The creature took note of her lack of struggling, and continued to move. It was slow going because of the damage to the interior of the hive, and it seemed to be taking great care to not injure her on any of the debris around.

John shook his head at Pale. "Ah well, never mind. Hey... What the hell is up with the damn wall?"

The others would note that a section of the wall that had been there near Pale's head was now beginning to.... melt?

"That can't be natural or good, I wonder if Tsuki did something?"

He keys up his mic then speaks into it. "Tsuki, this is John Shepperd. We've got sections of the wall melting here, did you do something to cause that?"

John's voice came across the radio that was still somehow in Tsuki's possession, and an idea might occur to her. Obviously she couldn't talk with a tentacle stuffed into her mouth, and fast approaching another orgasm, but perhaps she could hold the transmit button long enough to get out a muffled cry for help, and allow the others to hear the creature and at least part of what it was doing to her?

It certainly seemed worth a shot, and the wet slurping, squishing noises caused by the thing moving and thrusting in and out of her were certainly loud enough to transmit over the radio, if only she could summon just enough strength to push that button!

The creature hadn't seemed to notice the radio, or the voice. If it had, it obviously didn't consider it a problem. Perhaps if she could hit the button, she could make it pay for that oversight. It probably wouldn't be soon enough to keep her from being impregnated, which she already suspected she was, but it just might give her a chance to get free from any more humiliation, a chance to get free and not be raped further.
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Tsuki let out a pathetic grunt. She had to try... try anything that could save her. With what remained of her strength, she strained her arm, reaching... reaching for her radio and that precious button. Never before had she wanted something so badly. It was the only thing separating freedom and whatever vile fate that was to come (to pun intended). But... her exhaustion and the... 'feelings' coarsing through her body were certainly working against her dream.
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

The creature seemed too lost in raping her and carrying her off to realize or care what she was doing, though that button was JUST out of her reach...

until the creature started to move over a piece of fallen wall, at which point the radio was pushed up into her hand, her fingers wrapping around the radio with one last desperate lunge.

Over it again came John's voice. "Tsuki, this is Sheppered, please respond. Tsuki, what the hell, why aren't you answering?"

Tsuki knew she didn't have much time left to get her warning off. If the leech man managed to get her into the deeper sections of the hive, it would be able to have it's way with her for as long as it wanted, and no one would be able to find her in time to save her.
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Tsuki pushed the button desperately, and let out a loud groan. She hoped it made it through, or at least the horrible and embarrassing sounds. But, that was all she could muster, for even her hand was weakening... and soon the radio slipped from her fingers, to the floor. A wave of despair washed over her.