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Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

John's face got an alarmed look on it as Tsuki's groan came across the radio, followed by wet and meaty slurping noises. "The fuck is that sound?!?"

His eyes narrowed, thinking, and suddenly it hit him that she had GROANED instead of speaking, and it had almost sounded as if she was... in forced pleasure? His eyes shot wide, his first thought a Thembrihkal had her, but something wasn't right. "Copper, stay here with Pale just in case more Wraith come in to hurt her or whatnot. Something isn't right, I'm heading to where her position is using the tracker on the radios. I'm faster anyway."

He took off at a dead run, his movements fueled by the overwhelming thought that whatever was wrong with Tsuki, she didn't have much time for him to get to her.

Tsuki's mind was beginning to fuzz some from the pleasure forced on her, and her spirit was starting to lose hope anyone would find her in time. That was when a person came flying out in front of them, back turned to her and the creature. It's other tentacles were busy hoisting them over a piece of wall, and thus it yanked the tentacle that had been in her mouth, sending it flying towards the person in front, who was wearing a uniform matching her comrades...


Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Tsuki twitched at the sight of someone. But the tentacle sent to attack them... that wasn't good. "W-... watch... out!" she cried out weakly, as her struggles renewed for a brief instant, before her strength gave out again. She also let out a brief groan from continued 'feelings' from her erogenous areas. Why did this terrible things feel so... nice?


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

John had been moving very fast through the hive, having arrived where he thought Tsuki should be, but he didn't see her at all. He was about to snarl in frustration when he heard her voice warning him to watch out.... from behind him.

John wasn't the type to ignore a warning, and he guessed on ducking down, and did, while rolling to face her. A slimy tentacle went flying over his head, narrowly missing him, and he looked up to see....

Tsuki, wrapped up in the tentacles of some disgusting leech like creature. What was worse was she was almost completely nude, and the thing was.... tentacle raping her?

This time he did growl, keying his radio once more. He was angry, he wanted to free her, but he wasn't stupid, he knew there was a chance he couldn't kill this thing alone, and he needed to get the hacker free of that thing before it killed her. "This is Shepperd, I need IMMEDIATE assistance! Track my signal and get the fuck down here ASAP. Tsuki's been attacked by some kind of... leech man, I don't know what the hell it is, only that it's got a hold of her and seems to be raping her."

He ducked under another swing from the creature, then flew at it, kicking away a good portion of it's midsection.... only to watch it reform. "Ah fuck, no fair!"

The leech thing started swinging tentacles at him now that it could, smacking the vampire around quite a bit. In doing so however, it was forced to stop it's thrusting in and out of Tsuki, and if she was able to, she might be able to use it to her advantage to fight back some.


Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Once again, Tsuki struggled. She panted out of sheer exhaustion of what had happened... among other things. A groan of effort... but she didn't think she had the strength or will left to be able to get out, no matter how distracted the creep of a monster was. The only thing she could muster was a pathetic look in her eyes, looking for any aid that John, or anyone else, could give.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

"Roger that. Hey, be careful." Copper told the other vampire as he hurried off. To Pale, she simply sighed. "Guess we'll find out when Shrike has a chance to pick into his head. We've got faith in you, though."

She paces and prowls around, keeping an eye out for more Wraith or other unfriendlies, at least until John comes over the radio again. "Son of a bitch," she spits. "If you're not coming with," she tells the mage, "holler if you need back-up yourself." And with that, she's off pell-mell through the hive herself, tracking more by scent and sound than electronic means, though she'll back herself up with that if things get too overwhelming.

Picking up on the grunting sounds, she heads in that direction, blades coming out as she slides to a stop, taking in the situation for the few seconds that she has before she's likely dodging and swiping at tentacles herself.

"Paws off, ya slimy bastard." She'll swipe at the thing whenever she can, more looking for a way to get up closer to the main body of the critter and to at least cut Tsuki loose.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

The beast did in fact take several swipes at Copper, all of them missing, but each one getting progressively closer to actually hitting her. It seemed the creature got faster the more it swung, but after a few moments it stopped, apparently not able to keep that up forever.

Unfortunately this did put Copper on a more defensive posture for the moment. That was at least until John let out a snarl worthy of a Sabertooth tiger, and charged the beast. "FUCK THIS, put her down NOW!"

John managed to get in by sheer luck, and got several good hits on the thing, hitting it in the face and sending leeches flying. Had it been a human, it likely would have folded under the sheer power behind each blow. As it was, the thing did in fact stagger back several steps, but came back at him with a vengeance. Three of it's remaining tentacles whipped up, two smashing him across the face, the third reaching around and roping around his neck, yanking hard down, trying to strangle him.

This of course left Copper with an opening, one she wasn't likely to pass up. With a keen eye and a little bit of patience, she saw her opening and struck with her blade, slicing down on the tentacles holding, and inside of Tsuki. Luckily, she got them in a line, and severed them a good ten inches below the entry point, and Tsuki flopped to the ground, exhausted from her ordeal.

This caused the creature to rear back in pain, sending John flying up into the air, and when he came down his upper body was draped over Tsuki's own. How he managed to avoid harming her when he landed was a mystery, but the creature would now have to go through him to get to it's prey again. He took note however that her stomach was rippling slightly, a clear cut sign the thing had impregnated her, but this was way too fast. He had noticed scorch marks on it's backside where two tentacles had seemed to be burned off, and he spoke quickly, not realizing his radio was still on.

"I think that thing impregnated her somehow! It's got scorch marks on it. If we can somehow burn it, we might be able to kill it, otherwise I don't think our blows are going to stop it!"

Even as he spoke, the tentacles Copper had sliced off regenerated, and the thing turned back towards the three, a mix between a lust crazed look and a murderous one etched onto it's face.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

"Back off, you two. I'll deal with this thing."

Grave had detached himself from Pale and began to search the area after she finished her spell. He didn't find anything, until he had heard the sounds of a fight nearby. Now, he had entered the fray, approaching the monster from behind. He didn't have his katana, nor his gauntlets. On both of his hands, Copper and John could notice strange black marks.

"I didn't want to use this... Seal, release."

The marks disappeared, and Grave's left eye suddenly turned into a black orb. He reached up, chanting some strange words, and pulled it out without effort. It looked like a glass orb, filled with black smoke. Grave crushed it in his hand - and was immediately engulfed by a black aura. It wrapped itself around the warrior and was absorbed into his body. Grave raised his hand and with a single movement, summoned a black eyepatch out of thin air. He put it on and growled.


Black flames shot out from Grave's fingertips. He gathered them at the palms of his hands and smashed into each other, reaching out towards the creature. The dark energy shot forward, forming a spike-shaped blast of force. The flames were etheral, rather than real - a shot imbued with the life-devouring power of the void known as darkness.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

John nodded as Copper moved back.

Grave's attack had the effect of killing the thing, though not likely how he had planned it. Most of the limbs began falling off, and when the head and upper body had been consumed, the lower half began swelling at an incredible rate.

John knew he only had one chance if what he thought was happening was right. He threw himself at Grave, knocking the warrior to the ground and out of harms way, placing himself between the swelling creature and Tsuki, who was still in the line of fire.

Moments after Grave hit the floor, likely pissed at the vampire, the lower half of the leech man's body simply... exploded. Exploded in a shower of leech parts and the slime it was covered in, with enough force to rip a hole in the roof of the hive, and send the acting shield of a vampire John flying back, into the wall hard. His left shoulder hit a jagged piece of the wall, and was impaled, the vampire bellowing in pain as this occurred. "MOTHER FUCKER!"

He had done what he had set out to do though, which was keep the explosion from hitting Grave, or further injuring Tsuki. In the meantime, Tsuki probably was just now getting to the point of being able to move again after her ordeal, and by now would certainly be feeling the leeches she had been impregnated with begin squirming around inside of her womb.


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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Pale strolls through the flying debris with typical nonchalance.. picking her way almost daintily between pools of blood, fallen walls, and the occasional corpse.

"My, my.. That was quite dramatic. Are we all ok?"


Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Tsuki cowered throughout the whole fight. But now that that was over... she whimpered pathetically at what was happening inside her. She was barely able to push herself up so that she was at least partially sitting. Of course she was embarrassed at what just happened to her, and that she was still quite naked, but the eggs hatching was a bit more worrisome.

"H- help... I... I think... they... hatched...." She had no idea what to do.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

John physically pulled himself off the wall, then removed his shirt, which was large enough to completely cover Tsuki's nude body. "Here, sorry it isn't more...."

He shook his head. "I don't know that we can do anything for you ourselves, unless Pale here has a spell to remove pregnancy? Maybe that wraith or Siphon knows of a way, but Siphon is a bit... out of it right now."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Copper ducked down, tucking herself up as the thing exploded, shielding what skin of hers was exposed from the exploding leeches. It wasn't until John's roar that she picked herself up.

"I'm good," she told Pale. "Grave? You okay?" She walked over to check on the warrior, glancing over at Tsuki and wincing a little, at least until John covered her up.

"There's a chance I could go in and get it, but I am talking literally. It'd probably hurt like hell and likely be pretty risky to boot. If we've got a safer alternative, I'm all for it."


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Grave stood up and shook his head. "I don't think I could help with that." He dusted himself off and turned his head towards John. "Thanks for the help, but next time, let me bring my shield out. I assume you've never heard of Darkweavers, right?"


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

She'll offer her hand if he wants it. "I can make a few assumptions, given what I saw, but no. Nothing I've ever heard of." Given that he seems to be all right, she instead goes over to Tsuki, kneeling down beside her for the time being.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Grave walked over towards Tsuki as well. Upon noticing her, he grumbled and closed his eye. That didn't seem to stop him, though. 'Man, it's been a while... Why did I even ask Chronos to restore my eye? I can percieve the world through darkness.'

"I can't really help with pregnancy, but I can probably do something about Tsuki's clothes. Projecting raw energy isn't the only skill I have. Like all darkweavers, I can forge things out of black matter. This might take a while, though... I've never made clothes for a girl before."


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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Pale blinks, stopping to run her eyes over the suddenly naked girl..

"Pregnancy? We're in the middle of a war here, why would you want to start having s..."

Grey eyes wander over the dead monster.. and take in Tsuki's expression.

"Ah. I see. Well.. I might be able to do something with a purification spell. It's designed to remove poisons and toxins from the body... but it needs a particular focus. One I left back at the forums.."


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Grave shrugged. "Isn't there something we can do here? I don't think we can afford to waste time. If the eggs hatched already, then we should assume that the pace at which this thing develops is very fast as well." He thought about the situation for a moment. "Well... We could wait for the thing to get out, then blast it. On the other hand, the birth could damage Tsuki, and we don't know how many of these things will come out."


Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Tsuki blankly slips on John's offered shirt. She gave a nod in thanks, and somehow mustered a smile to Copper, who kneeled next to her. Other than that, she stayed quiet. She was acting like some frightened little girl.

Sure, Tsuki could've made her own clothing, but that would take mental processing power that she didn't exactly have at the moment.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Grave sighed. He didn't have much to do. He concentrated, keeping his eye closed. 'Now, let's see... Is there another thing like this nearby?' Grave tapped into the darkness. Like all elements, it was present everywhere - the dark warrior only had to attune to the elemental energy in the vicinity in order to do a simple scan. He sought for traces of life, abnormal concentrations of power or places where it was completely absent. All of them would be suspicious. 'Man, large area scans are a pain... It's going to take while, unless I limit the range.'


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

As Burrito makes his way through the hive, he actually hears the explosion on his side of the hive "Alright, who decided to set off their C4?" he asks over the radio, convinced it was just that, the group using C4 to open a path or a door.