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RPG [ D-Gate] Card Quest 2 Yokai Buster Akane / CardQuest2 妖怪バスター・アカネ RE144136 RJ144136

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Re: CardQuest2 妖怪バスター・アカネ

Ok, I give up. How do you beat the tengu?

Her grab is basically an instant kill, and nothing I try seems to block/avoid/counter it like with the slug. I'm lucky to hit her to begin with, and if you try charging power she erases your stacks half the time. And the new skill you can pick up before facing her basically just forces your own instant death.
Re: CardQuest2 妖怪バスター・アカネ

Ok, I give up. How do you beat the tengu?

Her grab is basically an instant kill, and nothing I try seems to block/avoid/counter it like with the slug. I'm lucky to hit her to begin with, and if you try charging power she erases your stacks half the time. And the new skill you can pick up before facing her basically just forces your own instant death.

Level up higher, so you can deal enough damage to kill her quickly, you can dodge her other attacks
Re: CardQuest2 妖怪バスター・アカネ

Alright,after finishing the game,as a super vore fan,i must write a guide for this!:D
Note that the pronunciation and english skill name are non official self made,it could be wrong,it just what i think the closest the maker of game want to represent.There are probably better strategy than mine as well.

Some maybe helpful tips and stuff
1.You can save scum abuse this game to know which cards are what since they are already decided when you enter a floor.(Only apply to card types,the kind of trap,monster and treasure are still random)
2.The normal flow for a stage(3 total) is explore,boss,explore,boss,explore,last boss.
3.Not sure if this is intended or not,but once you defeat the last boss of a stage,you lose whatever items you have on you,so use it without holding back too much.
4.If you find yourself getting reck,feel free to go back to camp to start again,you keep your stats and can skip through some place and boss you defeated as well.
5.After defeated,you can either eat an おにぎり and battle again with full vigor,or retry or return to camp which tsukumo will give you hints on boss.
6. Always be mindful of your SP,using SP move while having 0 SP also consume your turn.
7.You sometimes will encounter an enemy call メタルゲタマ which is a little different from normal puffy monster(its facing left),killing it can raise one of your stats if you are not max already.Has a high chance of escaping.
8.If you choose yes after defeated by final boss at the black screen,you will get devour again.
9.Defeating the final boss again after clearing the game will continue you into floor 51,where this will continue to is still unknown.
10.Some boss and especially boss mob will instant swallow you if your HP are only 1.
11.Tengu actually absorbs you through her chest not eating you actually.

Camp screen stuff
Gain Status
霊力(Reiryoku) is your currency
探索へ出る Head out to explore,( you cant return till you get defeated or defeat the last boss of stage)
ツクモ(tsukumo) will give you an onigiri everytime you choose to go explore

刀の強化 Strengthen your katana sharpness,higher the number,the more damage you dealt(note that there are traps and boss move which can lower it especially the spider)
HPの強化 Increase HP
SPの強化 Increase SP
生気 強化 Increase your vigor
ACの強化 Increase your AC (Lower it is,the higher chance for you to dodge attacks,and again,traps,boss and picking monster card as first card can raise this as well)

心眼の札(Shingan no Satsu) Dodge skill,does not dodge everything(MUST HAVE)
閃光の札(Senkou no Satsu) Stun skill,miss most of the time,but 100% on boss when they are charging skill(MUST HAVE)
背水の札(Haisui no Satsu) Sacrifice all your HP to increase your katana sharpness to max(Up to you ,personally i never use this at all)

Buy Items
Onigiri(3 max)  Refill your 8 vigor,Tsukumo will give you one so you only need to buy 2 at max if you have the gil
透視の石x3(See thru stone) Allow you to see through one card for few floors(before it dissapears,it will become less transparent,careful not to miss it)
安全守(Safety charm) Protect you from traps,doesnt always work in your favor
破魔矢(Sacred arrow) Allow you to dish out small damage without sacrificing your turn
遁甲札(Tonkou Satsu) Allow you to escape boss grapple,some special grapple wont work
丸薬(Pills) Restore your vigor by 1,can be used in battle,consume your turn at the same time  

Exploration screen
食事 Eat an onigiri to refill your 8 vigor
透視 Use a see thru stone to see thru cards
練気 Restore your HP by consuming one vigor

アカネ(Akane) LV
Vigor You lose this when grab by boss,reaching zero while getting grab is game over
AC The lower this is the higher chance of you dodging attacks

Six cards to choose,you advance to the next floor by fighting monster cards,you can abuse save scumming to see which cards are what to help yourself.

Your SP always reset to zero after entering each floor,picking 4 cards will give you one SP, while 5 give you 2 and sometimes with items

Battle Screen
BE REALLY CAREFUL about SP,especially when you have 0 sp and use a SP move,you will still consume your turn and give the monster a free attack,be always mindful of your sp,one mistake I always make are using SP move when i have no SP.
Right side
攻撃 Attack (becomes 大攻撃 big attack if you focus,higher the charge,higher dmg,also give you 1 SP for successful hit)
集中 Focus (At beginning you can only focus up to lv1,focus after that become overfocus and you will lose your charge)
練気 Recover (Restore your HP to max while consuming 1 vigor,you also lose your focus charge as well,also decrease AC a little
逃走 Escape (Only works on mob,also makes you lose 1 vigor and money sometimes)

Left Side
Lv0 Charge: 真空斬(Shinnkuuzan aka vacuum slash) Consume 1 SP,dealt a little more damage than normal attack,also use to remove slime sticky stuff on yourself
lv1 Charge: 一閃(Issen) Consume 1 SP but deal more damage than vacuum slash,usually kills mob in one hit
lv2 Charge: 秘剣-鎌鼬(Hiken.Kamaitachi) Consume 2SP,deal more damage than Issen
lv3 Charge: 練気抜刀(RenkiBattou) Consume 3 SP,deal really high damage but very risky mostly

Check the camp screen above to see what skills are what.
閃光の札 Consume 1 sp
心眼の札 Consume 0 sp,you gain 1 sp if successfully dodge,lose focus as well
背水の札 Consume 1 sp and left 1 hp but with max katana sharpness and max charge,mostly game over if you dont use while the boss is stun(You dont really need it tbh)

The Cards with pot may sometime increase your katana sharpness.

Tutorial Stage
怪しいの森 Strange Forest
Basic tutorial stuff,you gain 1 SP by flipping 4 cards,2SP by 5 cards,flipping monster card as your first card will increase your AC(chance of you getting hit)
5F ふたくちの女(Futakuchi no Onna aka Two-mouthed woman)
Just a basic fight to let you know the battle flow and the restraint mechanic.
After few attacks,she will try to swallow you with her backmouth,introducing the restrain aka 拘束(kousoku) system,you get 4 choice when getting restraint

暴れる(Struggle) The more hp you have,the higher the chance you struggle off,not sure if it scale
集中(Focus) Focus yourself to increase the success chance of next struggle
練気抜刀(RennkiBattou) Sacrifice 1 point of vigor to 100% release yourself
あきらめる(Give up) This option only available when you have low hp left

Note that getting grab will lose all your focus as well.
Theres also the item 遁甲札(Tonkou Satsu) at the left side of your HP which can also free yourself instantly.
The boss will slowly consume your vigor till you reach zero and get swallow.

Just heal when needs and fight normally,she also will use a skill call 荷物漁り(NimotsuAsari aka Rummage ur luggage) which will steal one of your item.
on you.Her attacks will mostly miss you so you prob wont have much trouble with the restraint mechanic.She also became a mob monster at final stage.
Stage 1
迷いの森 The forest of delusion
Make sure you get the 心眼の札dodging skill,its a must.
You prob wont have much money to buy anything,i suggest getting the 透視の石 (see thru stone) since its cheap,you get 3 for just 50
8F ジライヤ Jiraiya the toad
Fairly easy if you have the dodge skill,the only thing you need to watch out are the fire attack,before doing the attack,she will always charge it(息を吸い込み,just use the dodge skill to dodge it else you will have a 煉獄火炎(RengokuHonoo aka Purgatory Flame) to your face

12F ツナデ Tsunade the slug
Another simple boss, sometime she will ふわふわ(fuwafuwa) around and do nothing,the only thing you only need to watch out is when she use 力を溜める(Charge!),then she will follow up with さらに力を溜める(More charge!),ものすごく力を溜める(Super duper charge),if you dont dodge the next turn ,she will use
大地大爆裂の術(DaichiDaibakuretsu no Jutsu aka Super Earth Cracking Technique) and its instant death.
If you successfully dodge it,she will get dizzy and stunned for the next turn.Simple.

18F 美槌姫 Mizuchihime the Snake
Now this will prob be your first tough boss,she has a lot of annoying skill which are
毒撫子 (Dokunadeshiko aka Poison Dianthus) A poison mist which will increase your AC,she will always use this at the start of battle
毒蛇飛ばし(Dokuhebitobashi aka March of the Poison Snakes) This move will hurt your HP,SP and the boss will gain some HP
Her bind move ミズチの抱擁(Mizuchi no Houyou aka The Serpent Embrace) can also damage your HP,so watch out

Charging and using Issen is not a good idea here as she will barrage you with those skills,the recommend strategy here is to dodge since her two skill are dodgable and attack or vacuum slash,usually after one skill,she rarely use skill twice in a row,so use that to your advantage
Your max HP SP,katana sharpness etc will increase everytime you clear a stage.Make sure to get HP SP and vigor to max and also the stun skill before proceeding.

Stage 2 根の国(Ne no Kuni aka Soku no kumi)
21F 野槌 Nozuchi
Aside from the ダブルアタック(Double Attack) he has,the things you first need watch out for are
粘液(Mucus/Slime) This will cover your character in slimy mucus and will lower your accuracy while also prevent you from focusing,use 真空斬(vacuum slash) to remove it
力溜め(Charge) The next move大暴れ(Big rampage)(Also can be dodge) will dealt big dmg to you if you dont stun it

the last thing u need watch out is the boss 丸呑み(Marunomi aka Swallow) move which is a little different from other boss.The boss will also absorb your HP with it.The first thing you will notice is the boss swallow you instantly and you will be stuck inside,note the right upper side of screen saying 体内2層 means you are in the 2nd floor of its stomach,struggle has only a low chance to get you out,the trick here is to use focus and struggle to move one upper floor to have higher chance of getting out,also be careful that sometime you will get swallow even deeper(4th is deepest i get,not sure if there if theres any more),the longer you stuck in there,the dangerous it becomes.
It also becomes a mob monster at final stage
22-26F 刻死蝶 KokushiChou aka The Butterfly of Death
During this stage,Akane will notice something wrong with the wind.
Until you leave this area,make sure your 5th card is a monster card!flipping the 5th card that is not a monster card will trigger the boss.
Killing it will only revive it ,at first she is only 休眠(Asleep),then 目覚め(Awake)>羽化(Emergence)>色即是空(Shikisokuzekuu aka All is vanity,Matter is void)>滅(Perish) which is instant kill
Your choice is to escape but you will lose 1 vigor and sometime money so its not worth to encounter her.After floor 26,Akane will notice the wind has stopped and things back to normal.

30F 絡新婦 Jyorogumo the whore spider aka Binding Bride aka Nephila Clavata
She is even more tough and more annoying than the snake.Her attacks will lower your katana sharpness,increase your AC,and also lose your focus so watch out,the most problematic is her bind move
粘着蜘蛛糸(Sticky Web) Damage you and increase your AC,sometime lower katana sharpness
脚絡み(Ashi garami,one of the forbidden technique in judo) Trip you over and make you lose all focus
四肢咬み(Shishikami aka Limb Chewing) Her bind move,will drain your HP and your vigor,can be normally struggle off
魔巣の残滓(Masu no Zanshi aka Remnant of the Demon Nest) A counter move if you attack her after her bind move,will absorb your HP,drain your vigor,increase your AC and also lower your katana sharpness

The trick here again is to not charge too much,you want to use dodge to gain SP and vacuum slash her.Just dont attack her after struggling off her grab as she will counter you,so use that chance to focus and maybe get an issen or hiken on her.The longer this battle goes,the worst it gets.

Final Stage
狐石の妖城 Castle of Delirium
My favourite boss
憂流迦 Uruka the Tengu
Normal attack wont hurt her,only your katana skills can,focus twice and hiken her and she should flee for now. Doing anything else and soon she will use her
神隠しの術(Kamikakushi no 術 aka Spirited Away aka Heaven between the mountains!) Will slowly absorb your vigor
Normal struggle, focus struggle and the遁甲札 wont work here,you need to use focus(focus twice also raise escape chance) and 練気抜刀 to escape tho theres is still chance of failure, getting bind on her usually means digestion,chance of escaping is really minor,the best thing to do is do do huge damage to chase her away.
After the battle,you wont need to fight her anymore even if you return to camp.
25F-31F Within the Stomach
Dying to the trap here will trigger another scene

40F 憂流迦 Uruka the Tengu
No more playing around this time,starting from her,any few mistake will usually net you digestion,she can also trip you to lose focus,sometime lower your katana sharpness,some of her skills are
集中(Focus) Focus into next move
業風一閃(GoufuuIssen aka Flashing Hurricane) A huge damaging move,stun the charge to avoid it
天狗の隠れ蓑(Tengu no Kakuremino) She will vanish from the screen
神風・疾風迅雷(Kamikaze.ShippuuJinnrai aka Divine Wind.Thunderstorm) She will use this skill if you attack after her vanishing on screen.Deals huge damage and also bind you between her mountains.
天狗飄(Tengu Twister) Deals damage to you if you dont dodge or dont attack her when she vanish
真・神隠しの術(Shin Kamikushi no Jyutsu) Same as her old one except this time absorbs more vigor

Another annoying boss,you need to use dodge to gain SP and use vacuum slash on her,normal attack will mostly miss,also watch out her for her focus and vanishing skill,the only way to get out of her bind are focus and 練気抜刀 to escape,your chances are to stun her while she focus to dish out some damage,maybe even use 背水の札 if you feel like it.Just make sure not to get bind too much cause you are using your vigor to escape everytime.

49F 九尾 Kyubi the Nine-tailed Fox
Again her attacks can decrease your SP,vigor and sword sharpness, and lose your focus,she will also devour you if you are left with only 1 HP
魅力の艶声(Enchanting Voice) Absorb your HP and Vigor
耳成芳市(???) A charging move,can be stun
送り狐灯籠(March of the Fox's Lanterns) Damage you if you dont avoid
三位の魂葬(Soul Burying of the Third)Her counter if you attack while she charge,decrease your max vigor,lower every other stats
呪詛の言霊(Jyuso no Kotodama aka Words of the Cursed Spirit) A cursing skill which will seal some of your random skill
蟲惑の呪言(Alluring Curse) Kiss you and decrease your max HP

At first part she will just keep sucking your power and decrease your overall max stats,your strategy here is to deal as much dmg as possible until you see the word呪詛破壊(Curse break) and music change to destroy the curse to gain back your max stats.NOTE the hp sp and vigor you lost wont return,be very careful especially vigor.
The way I do it i just 練気 and get max sp and focus right from beginning to use練気抜刀 to move into 2nd phase immediately
For the second part,she wont decrease your max stats but will absorb your vigor and HP mostly,she will also have another new skill
地霊吸生(Absorption of the Earth) Restore her HP

Finish this fight as quickly as possible to avoid losing too much vigor.

The reason to finish this fight quickly without losing too much vigor is because after defeating her you will straight move into final boss without any rest at all.

凶津九尾 MagatsuKyubi the Astrocious Nine-tailed Fox
She can do pretty much the same annoying thing as before except for the decreasing max stats,she can also cover you with slimy mucus which you need vacuum slash to get out of.
生気吸引(Life suck) She restore her HP and increase the power of her bind suction
大侵蝕尾(Tail of Devouring) Her bind move,will absorb your HP and vigor if you dont escape,luckily nothing special needed like tengu,you can struggle off easily with good HP
天地狂乱(Frenzy World) Trip you and lose your focus
魔脈覚醒(Demon Pulse Awakening) Charging move,shakes the screen,can be stun
竜蟲喚起(Rise of the dragonworm) Summons a nozuchi to swallow you if you dont stun or avoid,absorb your HP
吸生吸尽(Exhaust Suction) Restore her HP
九尾乱撃(Rumble of the Fox) Low accuracy nine straight hits
空狐の晩餐(The Hungry Fox's Dinner) Instant death move if your HP is 1

The lower your vigor left,the lower your chance of winning.Same goes for HP,the good thing is she doesnt have much special attack,so you can 練気 in the beginning if you dont have SP and 練気抜刀 her easily,then just fight carefully and another 練気抜刀 should defeat her.

Congratulations,you beat the game!

After clearing the game,you will be back to your camp and free to go which stage you want,two extra stage will be unlock,extra 1 and extra 2
Extra 1 is just a normal dungeon to 99F(no idea whats there)
Extra 2 is the same as above except you start at lv1 and no items allow


Clearing the game unlocks a little scene in the gallery,make sure you go to the memory to view it.
Feel free to ask me any question and point out mistakes for me to edit,I will answer as best as I could.
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Re: CardQuest2 妖怪バスター・アカネ

Alright,after finishing the game,as a super vore fan,i must write a guide for this!:D
Note that the pronunciation and english skill name are non official self made,it could be wrong,it just what i think the closest the maker of game want to represent.There are probably better strategy than mine as well.

Some maybe helpful tips and stuff
1.You can save scum abuse this game to know which cards are what since they are already decided when you enter a floor.(Only apply to card types,the kind of trap,monster and treasure are still random)
2.The normal flow for a stage(3 total) is explore,boss,explore,boss,explore,last boss.
3.Not sure if this is intended or not,but once you defeat the last boss of a stage,you lose whatever items you have on you,so use it without holding back too much.
4.If you find yourself getting reck,feel free to go back to camp to start again,you keep your stats and can skip through some place and boss you defeated as well.
5.After defeated,you can either eat an おにぎり and battle again with full vigor,or retry or return to camp which tsukumo will give you hints on boss.
6. Always be mindful of your SP,using SP move while having 0 SP also consume your turn.
7.You sometimes will encounter an enemy call メタルゲタマ which is a little different from normal puffy monster(its facing left),killing it can raise one of your stats if you are not max already.Has a high chance of escaping.
8.If you choose yes after defeated by final boss at the black screen,you will get devour again.
9.Defeating the final boss again after clearing the game will continue you into floor 51,where this will continue to is still unknown.
10.Some boss and especially boss mob will instant swallow you if your HP are only 1.
11.Tengu actually absorbs you through her chest not eating you actually.

Camp screen stuff
Gain Status
霊力(Reiryoku) is your currency
探索へ出る Head out to explore,( you cant return till you get defeated or defeat the last boss of stage)
ツクモ(tsukumo) will give you an onigiri everytime you choose to go explore

刀の強化 Strengthen your katana sharpness,higher the number,the more damage you dealt(note that there are traps and boss move which can lower it especially the spider)
HPの強化 Increase HP
SPの強化 Increase SP
生気 強化 Increase your vigor
ACの強化 Increase your AC (Lower it is,the higher chance for you to dodge attacks,and again,traps,boss and picking monster card as first card can raise this as well)

心眼の札(Shingan no Satsu) Dodge skill,does not dodge everything(MUST HAVE)
閃光の札(Senkou no Satsu) Stun skill,miss most of the time,but 100% on boss when they are charging skill(MUST HAVE)
背水の札(Haisui no Satsu) Sacrifice all your HP to increase your katana sharpness to max(Up to you ,personally i never use this at all)

Buy Items
Onigiri(3 max)  Refill your 8 vigor,Tsukumo will give you one so you only need to buy 2 at max if you have the gil
透視の石x3(See thru stone) Allow you to see through one card for few floors(before it dissapears,it will become less transparent,careful not to miss it)
安全守(Safety charm) Protect you from traps,doesnt always work in your favor
破魔矢(Sacred arrow) Allow you to dish out small damage without sacrificing your turn
遁甲札(Tonkou Satsu) Allow you to escape boss grapple,some special grapple wont work
丸薬(Pills) Restore your vigor by 1,can be used in battle,consume your turn at the same time  

Exploration screen
食事 Eat an onigiri to refill your 8 vigor
透視 Use a see thru stone to see thru cards
練気 Restore your HP by consuming one vigor

アカネ(Akane) LV
Vigor You lose this when grab by boss,reaching zero while getting grab is game over
AC The lower this is the higher chance of you dodging attacks

Six cards to choose,you advance to the next floor by fighting monster cards,you can abuse save scumming to see which cards are what to help yourself.

Your SP always reset to zero after entering each floor,picking 4 cards will give you one SP, while 5 give you 2 and sometimes with items

Battle Screen
BE REALLY CAREFUL about SP,especially when you have 0 sp and use a SP move,you will still consume your turn and give the monster a free attack,be always mindful of your sp,one mistake I always make are using SP move when i have no SP.
Right side
攻撃 Attack (becomes 大攻撃 big attack if you focus,higher the charge,higher dmg,also give you 1 SP for successful hit)
集中 Focus (At beginning you can only focus up to lv1,focus after that become overfocus and you will lose your charge)
練気 Recover (Restore your HP to max while consuming 1 vigor,you also lose your focus charge as well,also decrease AC a little
逃走 Escape (Only works on mob,also makes you lose 1 vigor and money sometimes)

Left Side
Lv0 Charge: 真空斬(Shinnkuuzan aka vacuum slash) Consume 1 SP,dealt a little more damage than normal attack,also use to remove slime sticky stuff on yourself
lv1 Charge: 一閃(Issen) Consume 1 SP but deal more damage than vacuum slash,usually kills mob in one hit
lv2 Charge: 秘剣-鎌鼬(Hiken.Kamaitachi) Consume 2SP,deal more damage than Issen
lv3 Charge: 練気抜刀(RenkiBattou) Consume 3 SP,deal really high damage but very risky mostly

Check the camp screen above to see what skills are what.
閃光の札 Consume 1 sp
心眼の札 Consume 0 sp,you gain 1 sp if successfully dodge,lose focus as well
背水の札 Consume 1 sp and left 1 hp but with max katana sharpness and max charge,mostly game over if you dont use while the boss is stun(You dont really need it tbh)

The Cards with pot may sometime increase your katana sharpness.

Tutorial Stage
怪しいの森 Strange Forest
Basic tutorial stuff,you gain 1 SP by flipping 4 cards,2SP by 5 cards,flipping monster card as your first card will increase your AC(chance of you getting hit)
5F ふたくちの女(Futakuchi no Onna aka Two-mouthed woman)
Just a basic fight to let you know the battle flow and the restraint mechanic.
After few attacks,she will try to swallow you with her backmouth,introducing the restrain aka 拘束(kousoku) system,you get 4 choice when getting restraint

暴れる(Struggle) The more hp you have,the higher the chance you struggle off,not sure if it scale
集中(Focus) Focus yourself to increase the success chance of next struggle
練気抜刀(RennkiBattou) Sacrifice 1 point of vigor to 100% release yourself
あきらめる(Give up) This option only available when you have low hp left

Note that getting grab will lose all your focus as well.
Theres also the item 遁甲札(Tonkou Satsu) at the left side of your HP which can also free yourself instantly.
The boss will slowly consume your vigor till you reach zero and get swallow.

Just heal when needs and fight normally,she also will use a skill call 荷物漁り(NimotsuAsari aka Rummage ur luggage) which will steal one of your item.
on you.Her attacks will mostly miss you so you prob wont have much trouble with the restraint mechanic.She also became a mob monster at final stage.
Stage 1
迷いの森 The forest of delusion
Make sure you get the 心眼の札dodging skill,its a must.
You prob wont have much money to buy anything,i suggest getting the 透視の石 (see thru stone) since its cheap,you get 3 for just 50
8F ジライヤ Jiraiya the toad
Fairly easy if you have the dodge skill,the only thing you need to watch out are the fire attack,before doing the attack,she will always charge it(息を吸い込み,just use the dodge skill to dodge it else you will have a 煉獄火炎(RengokuHonoo aka Purgatory Flame) to your face

12F ツナデ Tsunade the slug
Another simple boss, sometime she will ふわふわ(fuwafuwa) around and do nothing,the only thing you only need to watch out is when she use 力を溜める(Charge!),then she will follow up with さらに力を溜める(More charge!),ものすごく力を溜める(Super duper charge),if you dont dodge the next turn ,she will use
大地大爆裂の術(DaichiDaibakuretsu no Jutsu aka Super Earth Cracking Technique) and its instant death.
If you successfully dodge it,she will get dizzy and stunned for the next turn.Simple.

18F 美槌姫 Mizuchihime the Snake
Now this will prob be your first tough boss,she has a lot of annoying skill which are
毒撫子 (Dokunadeshiko aka Poison Dianthus) A poison mist which will increase your AC,she will always use this at the start of battle
毒蛇飛ばし(Dokuhebitobashi aka March of the Poison Snakes) This move will hurt your HP,SP and the boss will gain some HP
Her bind move ミズチの抱擁(Mizuchi no Houyou aka The Serpent Embrace) can also damage your HP,so watch out

Charging and using Issen is not a good idea here as she will barrage you with those skills,the recommend strategy here is to dodge since her two skill are dodgable and attack or vacuum slash,usually after one skill,she rarely use skill twice in a row,so use that to your advantage
Your max HP SP,katana sharpness etc will increase everytime you clear a stage.Make sure to get HP SP and vigor to max and also the stun skill before proceeding.

Stage 2 根の国(Ne no Kuni aka Soku no kumi)
21F 野槌 Nozuchi
Aside from the ダブルアタック(Double Attack) he has,the things you first need watch out for are
粘液(Mucus/Slime) This will cover your character in slimy mucus and will lower your accuracy while also prevent you from focusing,use 真空斬(vacuum slash) to remove it
力溜め(Charge) The next move大暴れ(Big rampage)(Also can be dodge) will dealt big dmg to you if you dont stun it

the last thing u need watch out is the boss 丸呑み(Marunomi aka Swallow) move which is a little different from other boss.The boss will also absorb your HP with it.The first thing you will notice is the boss swallow you instantly and you will be stuck inside,note the right upper side of screen saying 体内2層 means you are in the 2nd floor of its stomach,struggle has only a low chance to get you out,the trick here is to use focus and struggle to move one upper floor to have higher chance of getting out,also be careful that sometime you will get swallow even deeper(4th is deepest i get,not sure if there if theres any more),the longer you stuck in there,the dangerous it becomes.
It also becomes a mob monster at final stage
22-26F 刻死蝶 KokushiChou aka The Butterfly of Death
During this stage,Akane will notice something wrong with the wind.
Until you leave this area,make sure your 5th card is a monster card!flipping the 5th card that is not a monster card will trigger the boss.
Killing it will only revive it ,at first she is only 休眠(Asleep),then 目覚め(Awake)>羽化(Emergence)>色即是空(Shikisokuzekuu aka All is vanity,Matter is void)>滅(Perish) which is instant kill
Your choice is to escape but you will lose 1 vigor and sometime money so its not worth to encounter her.After floor 26,Akane will notice the wind has stopped and things back to normal.

30F 絡新婦 Jyorogumo the whore spider aka Binding Bride aka Nephila Clavata
She is even more tough and more annoying than the snake.Her attacks will lower your katana sharpness,increase your AC,and also lose your focus so watch out,the most problematic is her bind move
粘着蜘蛛糸(Sticky Web) Damage you and increase your AC,sometime lower katana sharpness
脚絡み(Ashi garami,one of the forbidden technique in judo) Trip you over and make you lose all focus
四肢咬み(Shishikami aka Limb Chewing) Her bind move,will drain your HP and your vigor,can be normally struggle off
魔巣の残滓(Masu no Zanshi aka Remnant of the A counter move if you attack her after her bind move,will absorb your HP,drain your vigor,increase your AC and also lower your katana sharpness

The trick here again is to not charge too much,you want to use dodge to gain SP and vacuum slash her.Just dont attack her after struggling off her grab as she will counter you,so use that chance to focus and maybe get an issen or hiken on her.The longer this battle goes,the worst it gets.

Final Stage
狐石の妖城 Castle of Delirium
My favourite boss
憂流迦 Uruka the Tengu
Normal attack wont hurt her,only your katana skills can,focus twice and hiken her and she should flee for now. Doing anything else and soon she will use her
神隠しの術(Kamikakushi no 術 aka Spirited Away aka Heaven between the mountains!) Will slowly absorb your vigor
Normal struggle, focus struggle and the遁甲札 wont work here,you need to use focus(focus twice also raise escape chance) and 練気抜刀 to escape tho theres is still chance of failure, getting bind on her usually means digestion,chance of escaping is really minor,the best thing to do is do do huge damage to chase her away.
After the battle,you wont need to fight her anymore even if you return to camp.
Dying to the trap here will trigger another scene

40F 憂流迦 Uruka the Tengu
No more playing around this time,starting from her,any few mistake will usually net you digestion,she can also trip you to lose focus,sometime lower your katana sharpness,some of her skills are
集中(Focus) Focus into next move
業風一閃(GoufuuIssen aka Flashing Hurricane) A huge damaging move,stun the charge to avoid it
天狗の隠れ蓑(Tengu no Kakuremino) She will vanish from the screen
神風・疾風迅雷(Kamikaze.ShippuuJinnrai aka Divine Wind.Thunderstorm) She will use this skill if you attack after her vanishing on screen.Deals huge damage and also bind you between her mountains.
天狗飄(Tengu Twister) Deals damage to you if you dont dodge or dont attack her when she vanish
真・神隠しの術(Shin Kamikushi no Jyutsu) Same as her old one except this time absorbs more vigor

Another annoying boss,you need to use dodge to gain SP and use vacuum slash on her,normal attack will mostly miss,also watch out her for her focus and vanishing skill,the only way to get out of her bind are focus and 練気抜刀 to escape,your chances are to stun her while she focus to dish out some damage,maybe even use 背水の札 if you feel like it.Just make sure not to get bind too much cause you are using your vigor to escape everytime.

49F 九尾 Kyubi the Nine-tailed Fox
Again her attacks can decrease your SP,vigor and sword sharpness, and lose your focus,she will also devour you if you are left with only 1 HP
魅力の艶声(Enchanting Voice) Absorb your HP and Vigor
耳成芳市(???) A charging move,can be stun
送り狐灯籠(March of the Fox's Lanterns) Damage you if you dont avoid
三位の魂葬(Soul Burying of the Third)Her counter if you attack while she charge,decrease your max vigor,lower every other stats
呪詛の言霊(Jyuso no Kotodama aka Words of the Cursed Spirit) A cursing skill which will seal some of your random skill
蟲惑の呪言(Alluring Curse) Kiss you and decrease your max HP

At first part she will just keep sucking your power and decrease your overall max stats,your strategy here is to deal as much dmg as possible until you see the word呪詛破壊(Curse break) and music change to destroy the curse to gain back your max stats.NOTE the hp sp and vigor you lost wont return,be very careful especially vigor.
The way I do it i just 練気 and get max sp and focus right from beginning to use練気抜刀 to move into 2nd phase immediately
For the second part,she wont decrease your max stats but will absorb your vigor and HP mostly,she will also have another new skill
地霊吸生(Absorption of the Earth) Restore her HP

Finish this fight as quickly as possible to avoid losing too much vigor.

The reason to finish this fight quickly without losing too much vigor is because after defeating her you will straight move into final boss without any rest at all.

凶津九尾 MagatsuKyubi the Astrocious Nine-tailed Fox
She can do pretty much the same annoying thing as before except for the decreasing max stats,she can also cover you with slimy mucus which you need vacuum slash to get out of.
生気吸引(Life suck) She restore her HP and increase the power of her bind suction
大侵蝕尾(Tail of Devouring) Her bind move,will absorb your HP and vigor if you dont escape,luckily nothing special needed like tengu,you can struggle off easily with good HP
天地狂乱(Frenzy World) Trip you and lose your focus
魔脈覚醒(Demon Pulse Awakening) Charging move,shakes the screen,can be stun
竜蟲喚起(Rise of the dragonworm) Summons a nozuchi to swallow you if you dont stun or avoid,absorb your HP
吸生吸尽(Exhaust Suction) Restore her HP
九尾乱撃(Rumble of the Fox) Low accuracy nine straight hits
空狐の晩餐(The Hungry Fox's Dinner) Instant death move if your HP is 1

The lower your vigor left,the lower your chance of winning.Same goes for HP,the good thing is she doesnt have much special attack,so you can 練気 in the beginning if you dont have SP and 練気抜刀 her easily,then just fight carefully and another 練気抜刀 should defeat her.

Congratulations,you beat the game!

After clearing the game,you will be back to your camp and free to go which stage you want,two extra stage will be unlock,extra 1 and extra 2
Extra 1 is just a normal dungeon to 99F(no idea whats there)
Extra 2 is the same as above except you start at lv1 and no items allow

Clearing the game unlocks a little scene in the gallery,make sure you go to the memory to view it.
Feel free to ask me any question and point out mistakes for me to edit,I will answer as best as I could.

Max level of sword is 99
Haven't reached floor 99 yet, got to level 77, and died there, the normal mook there are pretty tough, almost alway shit.
Lv.42, probabely need to level up to have a chance.
Re: CardQuest2 妖怪バスター・アカネ

Wow, that guide was extremely helpful. Thanks, zeroxsaber.
I actually managed to get to the end of the story thanks to it. I was never able to beat the first one, though.
Anyway, I seriously loved this game. It was hard at some points, mainly because I didn't know what option did what, and I only knew so many with trial and error, but I managed to get through. I really loved the CG scenes. D-gate always has great pictures. Most of them were great, but some felt like they were missing something. I mean sure, I'm probably missing half the enjoyment because I can't read the text that's accompanying the scene, but there were some that I would have loved to see from a different angle, like the lamia from the outside after she unbirthed the heroin, or the nine-tailed fox girl from the front. Hell, with that last one, I wasn't sure what happened at first until I re-watched it from the gallery. The stomach bulge is barely noticeable.
Well, I suppose you can't have a perfect game, but this one will probably satisfy my vore fetish for some time. Hopefully, a translation will happen, but the game is still fun to play without it. After you learn what everything does, haha.
Re: CardQuest2 妖怪バスター・アカネ

As has been discussed in the thread, this game relies on understanding the text for important clues on what to do during some battles, which makes it difficult for those who do not understand Japanese.

However, as I mentioned before, the game being made with Kirikiri tools means it is really easy to translate. These are the text files for the game:

For anyone who wants tips on what to translate in these files
Anything preceded by a semicolon is commented out, and will not show up as text in game.

Anything in square brackets is part of a function and should not be translated, as it would risk breaking the function. This does not show up as text in the game.

The [r] here is in brackets, which means it is part of the code. The rest can be translated, but the newly translated line should still have the [r] at the end.

しかし[emb exp="f.itemname[f.getitem]"]は一杯なので、持っていくのを諦めた。
The portion in brackets here is a variable being called, so it must remain the way it is. In these instances, that portion has be translated around.
For example, "However, because you cannot carry anymore [emb exp="f.itemname[f.getitem]"], it was left behind."

[bt graphic=btn_grp1 x=220 y=220 target=*mogaku hint="抵抗して脱出を試みる。HPが低いと脱出しにくくなる"]
Even though this entire section is inside brackets, there is a portion of text inside quotation marks. This can be translated, but the new text must also be inside quotation marks.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure about things like character count limits and such for this game. If anyone wants to try translating some bits and pieces build a test patch using that to see if the translation ends up horribly broken, that should actually be pretty easy to do.

Anyone who wants to learn how to actually extract and repack the text files themselves, that should be pretty easy to do as well. Just shoot me a PM.
Re: CardQuest2 妖怪バスター・アカネ

Wow, that guide was extremely helpful. Thanks, zeroxsaber.
I actually managed to get to the end of the story thanks to it. I was never able to beat the first one, though.
Anyway, I seriously loved this game. It was hard at some points, mainly because I didn't know what option did what, and I only knew so many with trial and error, but I managed to get through. I really loved the CG scenes. D-gate always has great pictures. Most of them were great, but some felt like they were missing something. I mean sure, I'm probably missing half the enjoyment because I can't read the text that's accompanying the scene, but there were some that I would have loved to see from a different angle, like the lamia from the outside after she unbirthed the heroin, or the nine-tailed fox girl from the front. Hell, with that last one, I wasn't sure what happened at first until I re-watched it from the gallery. The stomach bulge is barely noticeable.
Well, I suppose you can't have a perfect game, but this one will probably satisfy my vore fetish for some time. Hopefully, a translation will happen, but the game is still fun to play without it. After you learn what everything does, haha.

What unbirth scene with the Lamia?
She defeat the heroine, strip her clothing, because it taste disgusting, and ate her. Nine tail absorbed her through the tails.
Re: CardQuest2 妖怪バスター・アカネ

What unbirth scene with the Lamia?
She defeat the heroine, strip her clothing, because it taste disgusting, and ate her. Nine tail absorbed her through the tails.

...Hmm, well usually when I see vore like that, I assume it's unbirth. I guess you can say it was the snake mouth she ate her with. *shrugs* I dunno, but gonna leave it at that. And as for the nine tail, I knew what happened, what I meant to say was when it was the GO scene, it was hard to see any difference other than her head popping in and out, and I only saw the stomach bulge on the nine tail when I saw the pictures in the gallery back to back, hence why I was wishing we could see her front, where it would most likely be more noticeable.
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Re: CardQuest2 妖怪バスター・アカネ

Well since no one has done it yet, and I was (surprisingly) asked if I could put a save file here, I figure what the hell.


  • savedata.zip
    40.5 KB · Views: 225
Re: CardQuest2 妖怪バスター・アカネ

There seems to be a patch on D-gate's website. Unfortunately, I'm not quite sure what it does, but you can get it if you click on the Card Quest 2 picture on the top post and click on the link that says Ver. 1.03

Also, I didn't notice that zeroxsaber put a save on their guide post, but it seems I put mine about an hour after they edited theirs, so I didn't notice til now. I'm sure they have a better save than me, so I say if you want one, go for theirs.
Re: CardQuest2 妖怪バスター・アカネ

Re: CardQuest2 妖怪バスター・アカネ

Help please, I can't seem to be able to get into the game.
I recieve a T_SYMBOL error, or an ANSI error if I use a japanese locale
Re: CardQuest2 妖怪バスター・アカネ

Well, I finally managed to beat the game, so I'll give you all my completed save file. I think it's 100% clear, I cleared all content, including the extra dungeons.

And for anyone wondering how to clear the extra dungeons (I've done it already and it's a terrible experience)... don't. It's not worth the time, the second one gives you a change to the title screen and a congratulation, nothing justifying the amount of time you'd have to invest.

Extra 1 and Stage 3 after beating the game:
If someone still wants to do it... I'll give you some little hints. I'll be referring to zeroxsaber's guide for most information, this is just for the extra stages. There are three extras in total, Extra 1, Extra 2 and a place to grind in Stage 3. I'd suggest to first level up in Stage 3 (you can save and reload there, grind some levels, there's up to 255 floors available once you cleared the main game).
If you do that and buy everything in the store (not just abilities, also the items) Extra 1 should be a breeze, if you still have some trouble take a look at zeroxsaber's guide. If you followed my advice and actually went through all floors of Stage 3 after beating the game you'll one-shot almost everything either way. Just remember that you can't save in Extra 1 or 2.

Extra 2:
Extra 2 is... a very aggravating experience. You mostly have to rely on luck and the smallest of mistakes can end your quest rather soon. You start out with one onigiri to restore your vigor and six stones, on level 1. I'd suggest using the stones to ensure you don't lose anythingby stumbling into a monster or trap first. Or you can use them to see where the monster is in order to avoid it, turning all cards before the monster gives you bonus Exp and items. Sometimes you'll also encounter the goddess of harvest, she can randomly appear on any of the maps and will restore your vigor and HP completely.
Use the first 4 floors to grind some points (those fluffy grey things that can be triggered by turning a trap card award you with one random bonus point to HP, SP or vigor, if you defeat them. If you have SP when finding them use vacuum slash immediately, if not use 心眼の札, pray they won't run and use vacuum slash if they didn't. You can just turn cards until you draw the monster card and flee afterwards to stay on the same floor and maybe get a onigiri or two. The additional points and onigiri really help, if you get lucky. If you don't just start over, that usually saves you much grief in the long run.)
After floor 4 you'll encounter the first boss, Futakuchi no Onna, shouldn't be much of a problem. But be careful, one of her attacks can consume one of your onigiri, which can be a big problem. I'd suggest leveling up HP after this boss, unless the grey things awarded you with HP, in that case level up vigor.
Floors 4-11 are pretty uneventful. If you have SP at the start of the fight, always use Focus+Issen to kill monsters, anything else will probably not kill them right away. At floor 11 you'll encounter Jiraiya or Tsunade. Those are exactly the same as in normal mode. I'd recommend leveling up SP once, it usually helps, but you don't really need more than three in total.
After floor 19 you'll encounter Mizuchihime, heal up before her and only use an onigiri if it's really necessary. 2 vigor and 4 HP is enough for this fight, so don't waste onigiri. Otherwise it's the same as normal mode. Now you should really invest in vigor.
After floor 29 you'll encounter Jyorogumo. The way to this boss is really dangerous and messed up a lot of my attempts. Every trap and monster from floor 21-29 can drain your vigor, so if you have bad luck you'll be out of onigiri and finished by a trap or butterflies before even reaching the boss. She's still the same, just look at the guide. Now you will have to see how much vigor and HP you have. Both are pretty important, so just go with the one which seems to help your stats the most.
After floor 34 you'll encounter Nozuchi, nothing new here.
Then you have floors 36-40 to grind some more of the grey things, if you have enough vigor and onigiri to afford looking for them. Floors 41-45 can be pretty dangerous as well, try to get through that as fast as you can. The slimes can damage your katana and the traps are pretty nasty. Throughout the remainder of the dungeon you can now encounter those grey things, but don't try to farm them. There's also a chance you encounter two cats and they can permanently make you lose one random point, kill them as fast as you can. Focus+Issen usually works for those. Be careful when encountering red lanterns, they can self-destruct, causing you to lose 2 HP. Futakuchi no Onna and Nozuchi can appear as normal enemies now, though weaker than before the former can still eat onigiri and the latter deal up to 2 HP damage.
After floor 57 you'll encounter Uruka. She can be a little troublesome, at times. Her moves can hurt a lot and if you try to use focus twice she'll bind you instantly. Just play defensive and don't get greedy.
Floors 59-68 are the same as the previous ones, though with stronger monsters. You'll probably need more than Focus+Issen to kill them now. After floor 68 you'll meet Kyubi, she's also the same as before.
Floor 70-98 are really terrible. You can randomly be send back to the camp, making all of your efforts in vain. The cats can also appear, kill them quick or they can drain your stats really bad. The traps tend to drain vigor and send you home as well, just go straight for the monsters, if you can help it.
MagatsuKyubi is still the same, if you have enough vigor and HP left by the end of this ordeal she probably won't cause you much trouble.
All of this comes down to luck, how many onigiri you find/how often you encounter the goddess of harvest, how many cats drain your stats, how many of the grey things you manage to defeat... Took me forever to finally beat it and you won't even get a decent reward for it. If you still need to see it for yourself... well, the best of luck to you.


  • Save.zip
    16.8 KB · Views: 148
Re: CardQuest2 妖怪バスター・アカネ

It gives me an error as soon as I click on a blank card at the very start. After that I won't be able to click on anything else and have to restart back at the title. If I use the item to see what's under it, it works fine. I was too lazy to take a screenshot of the error message, but even it I did it wouldn't help since it was just a mess of text.
Re: CardQuest2 妖怪バスター・アカネ

i have the same problem...
Re: CardQuest2 妖怪バスター・アカネ

It gives me an error as soon as I click on a blank card at the very start. After that I won't be able to click on anything else and have to restart back at the title. If I use the item to see what's under it, it works fine. I was too lazy to take a screenshot of the error message, but even it I did it wouldn't help since it was just a mess of text.

Same here. Its not a tutorial issue either. I loaded a save file and the same thing happened.
Re: CardQuest2 妖怪バスター・アカネ

I'm getting the error too, if it helps at all here's the error message.

ファイル : sub.ks 行 : 285
タグ : eval ( ← エラーの発生した前後のタグを示している場合もあります )
メンバ "~~" が見つかりません

Looking through the file that's causing the error, I think I can see where the problems lie when I'm comparing it to the original. There's a few extra line-breaks or whatever they're called which could possibly screw things up, along with one section that's completely doubled up, although the section that was doubled up (*gain2) does come after the line that is causing the error.
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Re: CardQuest2 妖怪バスター・アカネ

There's an error with battles too it seems.

ファイル : battle.ks 行 : 58
タグ : eval ( ← エラーの発生した前後のタグを示している場合もあります )
メンバ "~~" が見つかりません
Re: CardQuest2 妖怪バスター・アカネ

I can reinforce this, I'm also getting the battle.ks 58 thing ;x
Re: CardQuest2 妖怪バスター・アカネ

Hi, I tried out your patch, and I know you mentioned about an error when you quit the game...


So this was what I got. After I pressed OK, I tried to access the game again, and it gave me this instead.


... The game was still running? But I quit earlier! So, I launched Task Manager, and indeed, the .exe was still running. So the error prevented the .exe from closing completely.

Just a heads up.
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