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ACT Guro [D-lis] Night of Revenge / 魔女は復讐の夜に (RJ405582)

IDK, what else is there that he can do?
I think I've seen someone mentioned this before, Aradia could just straight up become horny and fucks whoever she sees first
or since she gets a dick when affected by the Succubus, why doesn't she fucks the Succubus back? ( although I don't know if the Succubus had a vagina... )
heck, even become another succubus herself and does whatever was done to her against her friends and allies back in the church
personally I would like to see more of other female NPCs, especially the H event involving Candore D-lis mentioned
and of course Suzune's event ( katana girl )

This month's update includes some quality of life changes, namely the spears' and casting weapons' aerial attack
which I would say are pretty nice to have

The casting weapons got a simple swing forward attack, well it's... better than nothing
you wouldn't expect much from a casting weapon's melee attack
they deal their respective magic damage type ( based on the hits' visual effect when I tested ), and the lightning dagger charges up the summoned lightning sword as usual
( and somehow the lightning dagger's hitbox is actually a lot bigger than it looks )
The change to the spears on the other hand is pretty good imo, they get what they've been missing out on
you get an extra wide-range circular slash after the initial thrust ( not as wide as the greatswords tho )
and if you're close enough you can land both hits
it's nice to see some underperforming mechanics getting some love

and one more thing, the second image in this month's note where Aradia gets grabbed by some vines
on the left you can see possibly a dark skin person, which reminds me of the shopkeeper witch...yeah boi
I think I've seen someone mentioned this before, Aradia could just straight up become horny and fucks whoever she sees first
or since she gets a dick when affected by the Succubus, why doesn't she fucks the Succubus back? ( although I don't know if the Succubus had a vagina... )
heck, even become another succubus herself and does whatever was done to her against her friends and allies back in the church
personally I would like to see more of other female NPCs, especially the H event involving Candore D-lis mentioned
and of course Suzune's event ( katana girl )

This month's update includes some quality of life changes, namely the spears' and casting weapons' aerial attack
which I would say are pretty nice to have

The casting weapons got a simple swing forward attack, well it's... better than nothing
you wouldn't expect much from a casting weapon's melee attack
they deal their respective magic damage type ( based on the hits' visual effect when I tested ), and the lightning dagger charges up the summoned lightning sword as usual
( and somehow the lightning dagger's hitbox is actually a lot bigger than it looks )
The change to the spears on the other hand is pretty good imo, they get what they've been missing out on
you get an extra wide-range circular slash after the initial thrust ( not as wide as the greatswords tho )
and if you're close enough you can land both hits
it's nice to see some underperforming mechanics getting some love

and one more thing, the second image in this month's note where Aradia gets grabbed by some vines
on the left you can see possibly a dark skin person, which reminds me of the shopkeeper witch...yeah boi

I would like to see Aradia putting both her hands behind her back, squatting down with her thigh spread evenly left and right, and with a tampon stucked into her V area, with the tip of the tampon chained to a medium length steel chain hold by a goblin as it parades the cave with Aradia bragging to the rest about what he just caught. And the screen loops as she gets drag deeper and deeper into the captive's cave with lesser chance to escape by the minute. With Aradia squirting along the way with the intense chain pulling.

Or, bath Aradia in a tub filled with aphrodisia (or cums) while she is being tied up and hanged on the ceiling by her new found master. Struggling to keep her V out of the tube which followed by an insane orgasm if her V gets dipped in or ovum impregnation xray.

Horny degenerate gotta do what a horny degenerate gotta do.
and some things that aren't quite supposed to happen:
the double fire glitch is still not fixed ( I mentioned this back in April, but I didn't know this also works on shotgun )
that is, if you fall off edges during the cast of the sniper/shotgun shot ( the recoil pushes you back )
you will fire another shot that deals damage as usual, consumes the mana required for the shot, but will go off even you don't have enough mana after the first shot
another thing I found out today
if you cast the shotgun mid-air at the right moment ( when you touch the ground? I can't really recreate this consistently ), you will be pushed backward during the whole animation of the cast
here's a quick video for both of them:
Is a virgin run worth doing this time? Are there any special animations or dialogue for it? I have not cleared it in a while.
How to unlock the blacksmith npc boss fight? already interacted into drunk guy and didnt give any clue about it
how many event dose the current version of the game have ? trying to find them all can anyone help and tell me the location ?
I think this update only added a new game over scene. I believe the 2 new animations were planned to be released next month.
Yes, from what I understood from the translation, the 2 animations are August's goals. Only the game over scene for this month.
Is a virgin run worth doing this time? Are there any special animations or dialogue for it? I have not cleared it in a while.
Currently, being a virgin or not does not make any difference on your gameplay
but there's a thing called 淫乱値, which literally means how lewd/horny Aradia is
so I would say ( in the complete version ) having sex might affect this value, and it potentially has effects on your gameplay
How to unlock the blacksmith npc boss fight? already interacted into drunk guy and didnt give any clue about it
how many event dose the current version of the game have ? trying to find them all can anyone help and tell me the location ?
currently there are a few events:
1.Missing girl
you will have to do this in the following order
(1) go to 3-2 ( 3rd area, 2nd alter ) and head right, talk to the old lady
(2) go to 6-1 and head right, talk to the drunk guy
(3) go to 8-1 and go left, enter the gate and you'll find the blacksmith
or start from 6-4, you'll find an entrance top-left to the alter, go up and reach Requiem Road, and you'll find the gate to the right
she will first appear in the 3rd area, head to the long bridge between the two alters
stand on the right to the broken part of the bridge, look up ( use your arrow key ) and double jump, you'll see her above
after talking to her she'll move to the 4th area, go all the way top-right, she'll be to the left of the elevator and gangbang party
after that she'll be in 6-1, to the top-left of the drunk guy
this event is unfinished, but you'll still get some materials for weapon upgrade after each dialog
3.Captured witch
go to area 4 and go down, you'll find a way down between the 2nd and 3rd archer, there's a dark skin shopkeeper witch captured
( if you don't rescue her, she somehow still shows up in her shop, situated just a map before 6-2, there's a way up on the left )
go to area 6, you'll see a marker on the way between 6-1 and 6-2 ( backtrack from 6-2 is faster )

currently you can redo the last two event multiple times
is the captured witch event supposed to act the way it is? After completing it, the event marker stays there and you can trigger the fight+event again by walking to it. Not that I am complaining, scene is hot, but I was expecting the doorway there to open up afterwards.
How to unlock the blacksmith npc boss fight? already interacted into drunk guy and didnt give any clue about it
First you have to check an event near the door that gives you a shortcut to the doggo boss. then the drunk and then you will fight that boss
Do any of the new enemies cause impregnation like the black and green slime?

The destroyed church. Teleport to the very first are.
thanks ^^

I have 2 questions that.
Is there any way to save the girl who was smile raped at the beginning of the game?
Where is the pilgrimage road key used?
thanks ^^

I have 2 questions that.
Is there any way to save the girl who was smile raped at the beginning of the game?
Where is the pilgrimage road key used?
1) Yes, but in the future updates
2) I don't know