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ACT Guro [D-lis] Night of Revenge / 魔女は復讐の夜に (RJ405582)

Is there any estimation on a 1.0 release?
what's the plan? 6 months? a year?
I know the fact that the last update is 0.54 suggests the thing is halfway done.
which would be rough considering this game is already a few years in development.
I know the fact that the last update is 0.54 suggests the thing is halfway done.

Something to learn with these porn games (especially western porn games) is that version numbers mean nothing.
They're completely arbitrary. There is no one single method that is accepted. There is no rhyme or reason to version numbers.
NoR used a system where each month had one update that increased the number by 0.01, and then added an a or b to indicate revision. Some updates that added a 0.01 had one sex scene. Others that added just as much had a bossfight and three sex scenes.

Go look at western games. Many, by your description, claim that they're almost done by being at ver0.99 or what have you. But nothing is stopping those developers from then making the next version be ver0.100. In fact, many have. Reaching 1.00 is an arbitrary benchmark. "Games" over on F95 often launch as "v.0.1.a", "v.0.02", and I even see one right now that says "v0.04.03b." Some of these games (I won't name names) are years old right now. What makes their version numbers go up? What part of which decimal place rises, and by how much? Who knows? Even looking through that catalog, I see some games that are twice as old as NoR that have higher numbers, and some that even have lower numbers. The numbers mean nothing.

The only version number system to trust is the one used on games like Taima Miko, where the "number" is the date of release, like 20210530.
tldr; Assuming no new version of NoR is released until full, we're gonna jump from 0.54 to 1.00. There's no method to it. It's just when the dev decides whatever they want.
Something to learn with these porn games (especially western porn games) is that version numbers mean nothing.

Well, it's not that it means nothing, it's basically the creator's own language that you just have to learn per-creator basis.

For example, Beelzebub use the easy to understand date of update as their 'version number'
Some might adds +0.01 whenever there's any changes at all, some might use letters to denote subversions for minor bug fixes, etc.
TLDR on this games if the version is "0. something" means pre-release build, the beta as some call it, the number after the dot just means whats the number of the version, 0.54 just means thats the 54 version released of the pre-release build. Further dots and numbers just means subversions which often are simple bugfixes without content added.
Well, it's not that it means nothing, it's basically the creator's own language that you just have to learn per-creator basis.

Yes, but most western game developers can't add basic english with correct punctuation to their own game.
I don't expect them to pull a Tolkien and create their own language that makes sense.
most likely because "western" doesnt mean "english speaking".
Nøyaktig ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Laughing aside, I think french and spaniards are the worst when it comes to using english in the entire Europe (based on my personal work and travel experience, as well as general quality of translations of their games - just look at the EYE - Divine Cybermancy which was closer to russian market bootlegs than anything else).
I have this Pickle Aradia, I guess.

So we've come full circle with the whole Pickle Rick meme? Wait, was that even this thread where I posted the Szchechuan Sauce video? Reeeeee.....
Who here is revisiting this thread hoping for a miracle new last version for NOR and ends up disappointed every time?
Most people revisit because there are twats that post something in the thread for no reason, getting everyone's hope up. Dude, please, stop. Set up notifications for updates and find better use for your time.
Have no idea what I can say after no update.
Good news is I can get my hard disk with files back, but still need time and waiting for company send it back.
Then I tried record some Red Alert Remastered game play, but it's not good for everybody.
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Nah it's fine to watch this chat an update is always welcome but it's good to watch the memes and fanart that is posted here. Or the cultured debates that we hold here like the one with the hystorical accuracy of medieval condoms