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ACT Guro [D-lis] Night of Revenge / 魔女は復讐の夜に (RJ405582)

So what are the new pregnancies then?
One new preggo birth with the black slimes. Birthing animation is different.

Since the birthing is restricted to only non-human enemies, I hope the creator goes ham with the monstrous ones like the spider or the pile of corpse monster. I would love to see a huge spider try to burst its way out of Aradia's womb legs first, and then eventually crawl out and become an enemy. :D
this update didn't have a new game over animation. What added is "scene" as in dialog on the one where she is shackled by chain (3rd area game over).

魔女術も必要ステータスを満たしていないと、ダメージ激減&消費MP倍になるように変更! これに術も増やしてようやく術や銃ビルドが日の目を見るはず・・・!

Magic might need enough stat. if not, damage will decrease greatly, increase MP cost, will add new magic and gun build skills.

So, we can use melee->magic or gun's combo in the future?
anyone know if the dev will add more pregnancy stuff with other monsters?
August to-do list didn't say nothing about pregnancy, so if this update ends it then i'll finally stop conserving my mana and go full blast...
@alex5535 Hard to say. Other than what was recently added, we don't know for the most part what is planned for the future. So, overall, I'd say go ahead. Your prostate will thank you.
While fighting with Paladin drone its design constantly remind me for one of 'Knightly Spirit' from Granblue Fantasy that certain characters have, which is having materialized spirit combating by their side, one of those even have 7 of them with him alone. Totally a Stand.

In which case,If we going to see some kind of weaponize spirit just like a Stand as one of the boss's asset I wouldn't be surprise at all :coffee: