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ACT Guro [D-lis] Night of Revenge / 魔女は復讐の夜に (RJ405582)

Had a weird dream.
Aradia get in new map, a forest.
But in this map, almost all plants, tentacles will kill her or eat her.
Then Aradia can hire NPC to help, but it's Red Alert's infantry.
When enter map, soon you'll noticed NPC's number start decrease, at last only Aradia explore map and got eaten/killed by plants or tentacles.
Honestly the new fatality scene is just kinda uninteresting to me. Cuts the legs then bukkake. The one where she gets frozen and the other one where she's pulled into the armor were better than this one and the other ones. I mean D-lis has done a great job with the game so far, but with all the kinds of monsters and creatures etc. that can be used, the enemies that are involved with the fatal scenes are kinda meh right now, save for the aforementioned two. Two of them are just decaps, and one is the leg chop. I dunno, I guess I'm just looking for some scenes that interest me the same way that one would be interested to look up death scenes in a commercial game.
Now THAT was an unexpected twist!
@UnHolyBlessing lmao

Edit: Wait what? He MIXED the gore with the smex? Holy bowsers. (I haven't seen the new fatality yet)
Lost legs but Futanari Aradia as a reward
Honestly the new fatality scene is just kinda uninteresting to me. Cuts the legs then bukkake. The one where she gets frozen and the other one where she's pulled into the armor were better than this one and the other ones. I mean D-lis has done a great job with the game so far, but with all the kinds of monsters and creatures etc. that can be used, the enemies that are involved with the fatal scenes are kinda meh right now, save for the aforementioned two. Two of them are just decaps, and one is the leg chop. I dunno, I guess I'm just looking for some scenes that interest me the same way that one would be interested to look up death scenes in a commercial game.
Anything under the skins are just not sexy. (intestines, bones, your liver, pool of blood etc) For a normal person stand point on average. That one is period.

Guro is a niche category. Not everyone will like or get aroused by it. It is just unfortunately the developer who is making the game are into guro. I guess we will just have to deal with it.
Anything under the skins are just not sexy. (intestines, bones, your liver, pool of blood etc) For a normal person stand point on average. That one is period.

Guro is a niche category. Not everyone will like or get aroused by it. It is just unfortunately the developer who is making the game are into guro. I guess we will just have to deal with it.
Technically every fetish is a niche....I know people that can't stand anything going beyond the "as God intended" kind of stuff and for them vanilla tag is still a bit too degenerate because "doggy-style is for animals". Let's not go further into that territory because it's a never-ending discussion of what fetish is superior....which reminds me of a huge war on 8chan between NTRarers and the purifiriers (the guys that hated certain fetishes so much that they modded a ways to kill of anything even slightly not in their taste).

I personally don't have anything against guro, as long as it's not forced down on me at every corner (which is not happening here). As long as I can hide or avoid it, I don't mind having even the most hardcore stuff in the game.
Whats up with the 'sluttiness' and 'nympho' scores in Aridias stats screen, have these not been implemented yet? has their function been explained or teased at all in past versions?
also in the gallery theres the white clothed woman in the iron maiden, who is she and is she actually in the game in the iron maiden so i can free her / watch her?
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So far as I know there is yet to be any effect from the sex stats. Presumably it will affect what ending you get when the game is finished, and maybe it will do something in game at some point, but I don't think it affects anything yet.
I feel like I have to come to bloodbornes defense here, it seems like everyone fundamentally misinterpreted that game.

bloodborne has almost zero gore. you don't die brutally, your enemies don't die brutally. Everyone stays in one piece for the most part. the most "brutal" death is from the black slime because it dissolves you. even then it's not a unique animation, it's just masking you disappearing. Bloodborne has excessive blood. The horror and fucked up aspects are around how deformed and unhealthy everything looks. hunchbacks, multiple eyes, gangly sloth men. everything is ghoulish or bloated. I'd throw you a bone if the backgrounds had it...but it doesn't either. everyones a skeleton or a bunch of bloody rags. What do you people mean "cut off some legs? well that's just bloodborne, thats how it be", did we even play the same game? It's like your mind put bloodborne in the same corner as manhunt or saw because "fucked up imagery".

I need to teardown the strawman being built, I see you making it, no, I don't care about the gore in the game. It's fine, skip it. I watch mortal kombat fatality compilations whenever a new game or character is released. It's easy to skip, it tells you it's coming, don't look at it. if you saw it, and didn't want to, you did that to yourself. I'm just trying to say it being bloodborne inspired isn't an excuse for gore because bloodborne wasn't gory in the first place. I don't equate cartoon ass amounts of blood to gore, those are separate. blood are just impact indicators. they're like POW onomatopoeia but for gritty tones. it might sound like i'm salty, i'm just genuinely more confused than anything.
bloodborne has almost zero gore.

Bro, people that don't have PS4s have been begging for a port for years, because the game runs at 20fps due to all the gore.
It's arguably the goriest game ever made, because even just one swings triggers so many particle effects.
Bro, people that don't have PS4s have been begging for a port for years, because the game runs at 20fps due to all the gore.
It's arguably the goriest game ever made, because even just one swings triggers so many particle effects.
they're glorified hit sparks, they're not on the same level. Mentally you do not interpret them the same way you would gore. It's why when you watch a show like invincible, or some anime with blood everyone has 8 human bodies worth of blood. they're hit sparks. Nobody gets queasy seeing blood. blood dripping down a dudes forehead isn't on the same level as seeing bone sticking out of a stump. Even if you get on the level that the mans head and shoulders are covered in it. But I mean, if you want to argue semantics, then fine.
what people are saying is that dismemberment and decapitation are bloodborne, neither exist in bloodborne. At least not to a notable degree, that's the core of the argument. Bloodborne is about atmosphere and C O O L I M A G E R Y. that's my defense for bloodborne. The suffering in bloodborne is the state everything lives in, not how it dies. Bloodborne is the gross flea woman, the dude who's a walking wheelbarrow, and those weirdass giants in the cathedral ward.
The first thing that pops into my mind when I think bloodborne isn't "wow, head splitting, arm chopping, dick ripping, bend the leg the wrong way rompin' good times". mostly because none of those things happen in it. everything that dies falls over. Your "execution" is a stupid cartoon fountain of strawberry fanta. god of war 2018 is gorier than bloodborne.
I only came here to see thick horny witch become a slut, i just skip and the gore, it doesnt comes as a shock since he did it on his previous game anyway, and as such it even had an option to just turn off the scenes if thats not of your taste. Its a game of culture on a forum of culture, why u have to be mad.