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Dana (Lila M-3210)

Re: Dana (Lila M-3210)

The two maids eventually come into the room about fifteen minutes later.

Kiki entered the room and then swiftly disrobed, revealing that she was wearing very little underneath the maid's uniform, save fore a small pair of green panties. Dana also noticed her tail for the first time, it having been curled underneath her skirt all the while.

"Rawr! Yay, bed!" the cat girl said and then pounced onto her mattress and tumbled around with her pillow. Cherry seemed a bit more contained as she shut the door and slowly undressed, revealing a very fit, and busty body. She then went to a closet and put on a nightgown.

"No pillow fight tonight Kiki, the new girl has to rest," Cherry said as she slipped under her own covers. "By the way, Dana, Reese told me to tell you that your polearm has been taken to Drago's workstation to be resharpened. It'll be ready for you in the morning. Well. Good night then."

Cherry blew out the candle next to her bed. Kiki's was still lit, but the cat-girl deferred to her fellow maid and stopped rolling around on the bed. With a big breath she blew out the candle and the room became dark.
Re: Dana (Lila M-3210)

Dana seems to be lost in thought. "Hmm.... my polearm is being sharpened? I wonder if I should go out there and get me a different weapon, or if I should stay here, get my energy drained every day and live in peace..." She tilts her head, then speaks in her thoughts again. "Hmph. What kind of game would that be if I stayed safe and sound in a cozy little abode?" She lets her eyes get used to the darkness.... then she gets up. "I think it is time for me to spy on this Drago guy and wait until he's finished with my weapon, and escape out of here."
Re: Dana (Lila M-3210)

As Dana got up and put her first foot to the floorboards, she was alarmed at just how much they creaked in the dead of night. Cherry stirred, but fell back asleep. Kiki however perked up her ears, and one glowing cat's eye blinked open, staring at Dana as she stood there in the room awake.
Re: Dana (Lila M-3210)

Dana looks to the cute glowing eye, bright in the dark. She sighs quietly. "This looks like it will be hard to pull off." She then tilts her head. She realized how much cats like to sneak around. She looks to Kiki as she smiles. "I am going to spy on Drago. Do you know of any place I can avoid the creaky floorboards without waking anyone up?" She whispers really quietly, so that hopefully only the catgirl will hear.
Re: Dana (Lila M-3210)

Kiki mewed and then yawned as she she opened her other eye and stretched. "You're gonna spy on Drago?" She sat up and rubbed her eye as her tail swished. Dana winced at how Kiki talked at a normal level, worried that Cherry would wake up as well, but the other girl seemed to be a deep sleeper.

Kiki suddenly grinned and narrowed her eyes, "Why are you gonna spy on him? Did you want to see him naked? He is quite nice-looking. Mmm..."
Re: Dana (Lila M-3210)

Dana blushed as Kiki spoke. "Uh..... hm...." She looks to the side. "Y-yeah. But especially, I want to see how he fixes weapons. I was told he was fixing my polearm. I want to see how he does it, since it was already quite strong."
Re: Dana (Lila M-3210)

"Oh." Kiki seemed a bit let down by that answer, but then she peeped over at Cherry and saw that the pink-haired maid was snoring softly. "Okay, I'll take you anyways. Maybe Drago will play with me a bit after you're done watching him sharpen your weapon."

The catgirl bounced out of bed, but landed amazingly silently on the floorboards, creaking them only slightly. She then prowled over to the closet and slipped inside coming back out with a nightgown and a cloak for herself, as well as another warm cloak for Dana.

"Follow me!" she whispered, finally at a level that was silent enough for Dana's desires.

They crept down the hallway, but instead of going towards the stairs, they headed towards a window at the end of the hall. "Stairs are way too creaky. Reese'll wake up. Gotta sneak out the window."

She opened the window and clambered out, standing on the sloping roof of the downstairs porch area. She then tiptoed down to the edge and hopped down, landing softly on her feet. She waved for Dana to follow.
Re: Dana (Lila M-3210)

Dana puts on her cloak, then follows the cat, making sure to be very quiet the whole way. She looks down and bravely jumps down with Kiki. She then gets up, humans not being as light on their feet as catgirls, and dusts herself off. She looks around the area, then approaches Kiki, smiling.
Re: Dana (Lila M-3210)

"Heehee, this is fun... now, where could Drago be... If he's sharpening weapons, he'll be at his workbench in the barn. Let's go there."

Creeping stealthily across the farm grounds, the two made there way to the far side of the barn. Standing outside of the large double doors, Dana could make out a light coming from the inside through the woodwork, but didn't hear anything else.

"Hmm, I don't hear him sharpening anything. If we open this door, he might hear it and come look, do you want to risk it? We could also try climbing up the side of the barn and go in through the hayloft, but you humans aren't natural climbers like me." She flashed a toothy smile. "Decision is yours."
Re: Dana (Lila M-3210)

Dana knows she cannot climb worth crud. She tried to climb trees before but could not grasp them very well. She thinks for a bit, then nods. "Lets go open the door. If he gets angry, we can defend ourselves if he attacks. But I doubt he will... But just in case, I will open the door really slowly....."
Re: Dana (Lila M-3210)

"Attack? Oh, he wouldn't attack... not unless he thought you were a demon," Kiki said as Dana moved towards the door and took a firm grip on it.

The door opens with a creak, audible enough that Dana immediately worries that anyone in the immediate vicinity would have heard it. She pokes her head in quickly and sees an empty workbench where a lit lantern had been set. There's an odd humming sound coming from somewhere near the back of the barn, where it's dark. Dana thought she could make out movement in one of the stalls but couldn't be sure. She didn't see her polearm anywhere obvious.

"Is he there?" whispered Kiki from behind her.
Re: Dana (Lila M-3210)

Dana hears the humming coming from a dark area. She is quite curious. She shakes her head to Kiki. "I don't think so..... Lets check over here." The adventurer moved over to where the faint humming was, curious of the sound.
Re: Dana (Lila M-3210)

Dana moved forward, with Kiki slipping in through the slightly open barn door right behind her. The two of them moved down toward the darkly lit end of the barn where the humming was coming from. As they did, they passed a few empty stalls which had a few odd things occupying them. In each stall was a comfy looking cot, as well as a small table and chair. At the back of the stalls, running along the wall was a series of tubes, that seemed to be linked to a large mechanical device with large pistons at the top of it and two clear, transparent tubes attached at one end to nozzles on the device and at the other end were two glass cups.

As they reached the back, Dana noticed that a few of the cots seemed to be occupied by sleeping bodies, and in the final two stalls, where the humming sound was emanating from, were two naked girls strapped to large metal chairs. They seemed to be awake, for their eyes were open, but they did not give any indication that they saw Dana or Kiki. Attached to each of their ample breasts was one of the glass cups and its corresponding tube. The device attached the wall was making the humming as its pistons went up and down at a steady pace. Somehow the device was causing suction through the tubing, and each girl's breasts were securely fastened to the glass catchers. Even in the dim light, Dana could make out the whiteness of the milk in the tubing, trickling out of the girl's nipples.

The girls had small round gags in their mouths and had been fastened with straps to their chairs. Also humming in between their legs were black rods, which seemed to have been inserted deep into them and were vibrating. Dana could see the sheen of wetness on the rods in the low light. The girls moaned softly as the milk continued to flow at a slow pace.

"Ramona and Blossom," Kiki said quietly, a look of envy on her face. "It's their turn for the night shift. They must have been working hard today." A note of wistfulness was in her voice.

"Kiki. What are you doing up this late?" Came a youthful, but deep male voice behind them.
Re: Dana (Lila M-3210)

Dana gasps as she hears the sudden voice. She looks over her shoulder as she gulps softly. The moans turning her on a bit, despite her alignment. She speaks in her mind. "Hm.... I might or might not save these people..."
Re: Dana (Lila M-3210)

"Oh! Drago! You scared me!" Kiki said, jumping around and behind Dana instinctively.

Standing there with his body shadowed by the light coming from behind him was the figure of Drago. He was still shirtless, and holding Dana's polearm in his large hands.

"Sorry for that, but you two aren't supposed to be wandering around at night. It's dangerous. You should know better, Kiki," Drago said. His reprimand brought Kiki's ears low.

"Bwah, I'm sorry Drago. We weren't trying to get in trouble. Dana just wanted to watch you sharpen her staff!" Kiki said, her eyes large and watery.

Drago seemed to relent, holding up a hand. "Please Kiki, don't cry... now...miss," he turned to Dana. "What can I do for you at this late hour?"
Re: Dana (Lila M-3210)

Dana looked to Drago, knowing she possibly won't stand a chance against him without her weapon. She then points at her polearm. "May I have that back please?"
Re: Dana (Lila M-3210)

Drago looked at the polearm, then back at her. "It's yours, so you can have it back, but Reese said to wait until morning. You haven't agreed to join us yet..."

The tall man tilted his head. "Just why ARE you up in the middle of the night wanting your weapon back? You planning on running?"
Re: Dana (Lila M-3210)

Dana looks up at the tall man, then back to the chairs. "I dunno... Am I planning on running away, or am I planning to kindly be let go for now?" She seems to glare at Drago, a look of seemingly unneccesary fight-or-flight in her eyes.
Re: Dana (Lila M-3210)

Drago sighs. "Okay, miss. Not going to fight you. But going out alone in the night is a mistake. Won't you wait until the morning at least? You can leave then if you want."

He didn't move out of her way, but he didn't make a move towards her either.
Re: Dana (Lila M-3210)

Dana looks to Drago, who seems much nicer than she thought. She looks back to the chairs, then to the kitty cat. She sighs, nodding. "Sage advice, sir." She looks away, knowing this hasn't gone through like she thought. "Fine. I'll wait until then to leave." She smiles cutely up at the tall figure.