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Dark Empire - IC


Name: Oriala Lend Slayer and Hidden Mongrel Location: Deep, dark, hard, mysterious mine... shaft... oh! oh!, Tag: Team Troublemaker - Hana, Seena, Vivian
HP: 31/33 Armor Class: 20 / 14 Touch / 17 Flat Footed Initiative Bonus: +7 CMD: 22 / 19 Flat Footed Saves: +5 Fort / +8 Ref / +1 Will
Specials: Hana butt lust!

Oriala pulled back with one last slap to the ass as Seena moved up to comfort Hana. "That is enough for now Hana... but you will address me as mistress from now on as well." She smiled a bit as Seena pulled Hana into an embrace. "I mean nothing personal by this but we have to keep our places. Now..." She looked around. "When you are ready let's investigate the altar. You have checked the dead and wounded Seena? We'll drag them out into safety when we are done here. I agree we should not kill them."
Hana, Keeper of the Sleeping Spring Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Seena, Vivian, Oriala
HP: 34/34 Armor Class: 22 (5 dex, +4 cha, +2 dodge, +1 armor) Initiative Bonus: +7/9 CMD: 21
Panache: 4/4, Charmed Life: 0/3, Stunning Fist: 1/1. Conditions: happy and content for sucking the dildo, content and embarrassed for getting spanked and punished as she deserved and enjoying it.

"Yes...mistress..." Hana replied, as Seena helped her up.

"Seena...don't remove your armor, we aren't safe yet. And please, do not blame yourself for this..." she comforted the spidergirl.

"I...didn't need a release...something in here...made me feel that way...I think. I know...how important dancing is for you..."

"When we are done and return from the mission...let's...lets dance...and then...but we have to move forward now. We can't afford to fail."
she explained, with newfound determination. Yes...they would finish their mission, and they would finish few more of them, and then Seena would be free. There was no room for error now.

"Lets break the alter...then do the rest."

Name: Oriala Lend Slayer and Hidden Mongrel Location: Deep, dark, hard, mysterious mine... shaft... oh! oh!, Tag: Team Troublemaker - Hana, Seena, Vivian
HP: 31/33 Armor Class: 20 / 14 Touch / 17 Flat Footed Initiative Bonus: +7 CMD: 22 / 19 Flat Footed Saves: +5 Fort / +8 Ref / +1 Will
Specials: None

Oriala watched the two cuddle and then turned back to the main room. "I'll help Hana."
6c52f6f93b05545f7844b1c369fc7695.jpgSeena Livy the unbroken Spidergirl, Demonlands, Tag: Team Troublemaker, Mood: Aroused
Seena embraced Hana once more, pressing her head into her own exposed bosom, while softly caressing her red buttocks. "I look forward to dancing with you again. But please, don't call any of them 'Mistress.' Don't give in to their corruption! If anything, she should bow before you." She whispered to her. Is she lying to me? She seemed so... content. Elated. I want to make her feel like this. As the two of them turned away, Seena donned her armor again and took position once more, weapon at the ready.

DM of Nightly Disruptions, Combat Round 3

Morrigan squirms away from the zombie-masses, barely avoiding their grabbing hands and licking tongues, as she scampered away.

Whatever Kagami had become, she was.. arguably still ont he side of the team, as her spell burns the creatures.. only to be followed up by sevia, who decides these creatures are close enough to zombies to be affected by her purifying power.. and indeed, the undead forms crack apart, splattering into goo-puddles rather than leaving behind bodies, purified by the demon-foxes and the healers combined efforts.
All except for one.


One sturdier creature had camouflaged amongst the others, now that the others were destroyed, despite smoking slightly from the attacks, this one seemed more.. refined. It tilts back its head and gurgles.. before spitting outa gooey substance!

The goo slithered forth, before beginning to crawl all over Sevia, who finds herself.. occupied trying to hold back the squishy black rubber from engulfing her form -even if it felt kind of nice on her skin- .. unless she got some help, she'd not be able to assist in this fight!
(Sevia is nauseated and takes 6 damage!)

As if this wasn't enough, the hardier zombie charges forward, lifting it's fists and.. pummeling the ground where Morrigan had just been standing.

Cris is.. too distracted to assist this time, the fox is entirely to blame for this!

New Initiative: Morrigan -> Elite Zombie(Moderatly heavily injured)-> Dark Goo ->Demon-Fox Kagami -> Sevia(Nauseated) -> Cris
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22387 Morrigan, Asura spawn Tiefling Maid. Location: In the Chaotic Lands. Tag: Fox'n'Friends, Misty Nights, Zom...boners?. Mood: Neutral, But Determined.
She got away, there was one left, but she managed to get away. Kagami and Sevia both seemed to have decided to help and with their combined magical gifts the muck monsters plaguing the tiefling were obliterated, save one. It was more ornate then the others, it looked more "alive" and stronger since it weathered both arcane fire and divine light all together, something simple undead could not. This thing then turned to Sevia and puked a vile, animated goo that slithered across the ground and enveloped the catgirl healer, but that meant this monster was distracted.

Gettting back to her hooves, the Tiefling, partly naked, smeared with slime, badly hurt, but still clutching her dagger, charged the ornate zombie and prepared to deliver a stab to whatever open flesh she could.

Attack (charge): 18 = 8+8+2
If hit, Damage: 10
22386 Kagami, The Demon Fox; Location: No mans land; Tag: Beefcake Zombie; Mood: sullen;
Core States: HP (22/22); AC 14; CMD 13; Init: 8 Grade 1: (5/8); Grade 2: (2/4)

Much to her satisfaction the zombies all fell to her fire spell. It seemed she wasn't broken after all. She enjoyed watching them burn, shrivel away into nothingness. She was powerful, perfect in her vulpine form. One remained, a puny and insignificant mass of purple mud that Kagami could dispatch with ease. However it had vomited a black goo that was now covering their healer. A short flash of recognition gleamed in her eyes. "I must help the cat flesh, help Sevia...." She didn't have her dagger, where was her dagger? She clicked her tongue angrily before grabbing the goo and starting to pull it away from Sevia. "I've got it, you kill it," Kagami instructed.

[Drag Combat Manuver: 15+0=15]
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Name: Oriala Lend Slayer and Hidden Mongrel Location: Deep, dark, hard, mysterious mine... shaft... oh! oh!, Tag: Team Troublemaker - Hana, Seena, Vivian
HP: 31/33 Armor Class: 20 / 14 Touch / 17 Flat Footed Initiative Bonus: +7 CMD: 22 / 19 Flat Footed Saves: +5 Fort / +8 Ref / +1 Will
Attacks: +1 greatsword +9 (2d6+7/19-20), Dagger +8 (1d4+4/19-20), Composite longbow +7 (1d8+4/×3)
Specials: None

Oriala gave Seena a look and then walked over to the altar with Hana and Seena.

OOC: REF Save 16 Fort Save 16 Initiative 17
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Cris.jpg Cris, Location: Beyond Empire Borders, in her tent, Tag: Team Jailbait

Cris felt the snout press against her gash, and thought her body responded to it, a jerk or a violent twitch but maybe the re action was purely in her mind, her body too drained to show anything. She breathed heavily, her head swam, then a rush of cold air washed across her face. She sucked in air through parted lips, then realized, Kagami was no longer sitting on her. She stirred, crawling up.

The former human was leaving, “Kagami please, stay, we could...” but she left, she left Cris alone. Shivering, wretched, Cris grabbed the blanket, huddling under it. Had she been wrong? Kagami was her friend, should she have endured? She could endure, she had, but it felt so, sickening. No. For now she would sleep, in the morning she would apologize to Kagami, make offers, and hopefully she would still want to be her friend. Daring to hope, she huddled up under the blanket.

Combat Round 3

(As Sevia is nauseated, I skip her turn, letting her react later.)

Morrigan rushes forward, to dispatch of the stronger looking undead.. doll.. thing, stabbing at it... and whilest the thing staggers, not bleeding so much as oozing some mud, it also proves indubitably to be tougher than the other creatures, remaining standing and focusing Morrigan with an empty-angry expression.

Still, it seemed the creature was hurt, missing one of it's counter-attacks, whilest Morrigan, battered as she was, dodged away briskly fromt he next, trying to remain graceful whilest fighting an advanced undead.

The good strikes at Sevia, slithering up her legs and then sighs, a strange, smooth silky clinging feeling accompanying it.. Sevia begins to feel assaulted by fantasies of being covered entirely in that gooey mass, just like those lewd dolls.. (Sevia takes another 3 damage and continues to be nauseated!)

Kagami meanwhile decided to help out the helpless Sevia, grabbing the writhing, dark goo and attempting to drag it off- of her. The dark goo struck out at her, but she just used that tendril for more leaverage, successfully pulling it off of Sevia!

Sevia struggles against the feelings that the goo had left her with, even with it removed from her..

Cris is wrecked with guilt and conflicted, huddling up and not realizing the struggle outside.

Round 3 concluded, Initiative: Morrigan -> Elite Zombie(heavily injured)-> Dark Goo(dragged with Kagami) ->Demon-Fox Kagami -> Sevia(Nauseated) -> Cris
Tag: Team Troublemakers

Those designs were certainly moving, and this unholy shrine needed to be destroyed. The team maneuvered into position readying themselves after the display, and Hana raised her sword up, her rump still red and stinging from the recent activities. She looked at the onyx colored altar, the cloying scent of incense still filling the air assaulting her nose. The blade fell, flashing in the torchlight, and clanged on the hard shrine and for five long seconds the sound simply faded, the tension in the room seemed to release, but as Hana lifted her blade and saw there wasn't a scratch on the unholy altar. The floor rumbled and everyone dove away Hana managing to find solid rock, and Seena realizing that she was standing on a good place as well, but Vivian was not as lucky, finding herself in the collapsed cavern feeling the soft surface catching her and managing to shrug off the feeling of tentacles slithering around her body. Oriala also hadn't the timing to be able to run to the ledge, falling into the cavern beneath but also managing to shake off the, phantom tentacles. The dust settled and in the middle of the cavern was a huge hole, which the once floor had collapsed into, the alter was gone, and a writhing mass of oddly penile shaped oozing tentacles, along with the creature that could only be described as a large snail with spiked psudopods reaching from it. In a moment the two creatures had begun to writhe toward Vivian and Oriala, who had fallen into the natural cave beneath where they had just finished fighting.
~~Combat Start~~
Same methods as last time, please see roll20, and be prepared to fight.
Due to the drop, both Vivian and Oriala take 3 nonleathal bludgeoning damage from the fall.
22416 Kagami, The Demon Fox; Location: No mans land; Tag: Beefcake Zombie; Mood: sullen;
Core States: HP (22/22); AC 14; CMD 13; Init: 8 Grade 1: (5/8); Grade 2: (2/4)

With the goo now dragged away from Sevia she didn't have to worry as much about hurting the healer. She let go, sliding around to the side to keep from hitting her precious kitty. "Delectasti inimicos suburere!" She repeated, as flames sprayed out of her fingers once more. She only cared about keeping Sevia safe from this mass, the cat might have rejected her love but she and the other two still belonged to Kagami and she would not share them with some strange dark goo!

[Burning Hands: Damage 13; DC 16 ref save for half]
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22426 Morrigan, Asura spawn Tiefling Maid. Location: In the Chaotic Lands. Tag: Fox'n'Friends, Misty Nights, Zom...boners?. Mood: Neutral, But still Determined.
Dressed or naked, grace was the one thing Morrigan was skilled with, since her masters forbade her to wear armor due to the smell, either of the oiled leather or the metal polish, sickened their refined sense of smell, so she had to learn how to not be in the way of a blow to be efficient in her role as a personal attendant. So moving about quickly and deftly was one of her skills. This thing wasn't as deft as her, mostly swinging about clumsily, but with force and intent behind it's flailing. She needed to drop it and drop it she shall, as she readied her dagger for a forward thrusting stab.

Attack roll: 23 = 15+8
Damage: 10
6c52f6f93b05545f7844b1c369fc7695.jpgSeena Livy the unbroken Spidergirl, Demonlands, Tag: Team Troublemaker, Mood: Ready for a fight
As the earth beneath her rumbled, Seena built up her fluid in her forelegs to jump back as the ground collapsed. She managed to end up on sure footing at the precipice of a basin. Hana managed to get out of harm's way as well, but Vivian and Oriala were not so lucky and fell down 10ft. As the dust cleared, Seena could see a mass of tentacles and a large snail-like creature down there with them. The tentacles attempted an attack but missed, while the snail attacked Vivian. Seena decided to attack the softer target, and took aim at the tentacles, but Oriala and Hana had the same idea. Hana jumped down into the basin, blocking another attack by the large snail-monster and cutting down the tentacles. As one set of tentacles retracted, another burst from the ground. In Seena's mind, something clicked.
"Hana, everyone! Attack the snail! I think it controls the tentacles!"
She immediately aimed her bow and targeted one of the areas where the soft flesh protruded from the armored shell, and let the arrow fly. (Atk: 23, Dmg: 9)


Combat Round 4

(Sevia still nauseated, Cris still tenting.)

Morrigan drives her blade into the mightier zombie again, mentally and physically commanding her to fall already. Alas, whilest she's driven back again, she does not stop, and flailing as she might, those strikes are fast.. finally one hits Morrigan by the temple.. and sense her stumbling back.

At least, Kagami takes out the goo, literally burning it with fire, leaving Sevia time to collect herself.

Round 5

The Zombie woman completely ignores the threat these two pose however, stepping over the fallen Morrigan, struggling to keep clinging to live.. and kissing her, ooze dripping into her mouth. Morrigan violently spasms, as dark, muddy good begins covering parts of herbody.. which squirms and twitches, as she moans her life away in a twisted orgasm, the goo covering her, moving her.. and finally rises, a purple light lighting up in her eyes... The leader-zombie howls out and points.. and Morrigan shambles forwards, a dull, tingling need aching through her body as she extends her hands forwards.. moaning and reaching out for Kagami next, to share with her the gift of oblivion, cover her in this delicious goo...

Morrigan attacks, but misses Kagami!
(Kagami up for Round 5 actions!)

Elite Zombie(Near Death) -> Morrigan(Doll) -> Demon-Fox Kagami -> Sevia -> Cris
22445 Kagami, The Demon Fox; Location: No mans land; Tag: Beefcake Zombie; Mood: sullen;
Core States: HP (19/22); AC 14; CMD 13; Init: 8 Grade 1: (4/8); Grade 2: (2/4)

She watched the goo burn away. She had saved the purity of her cat with cleansing fire! "Cat flesh, are you alright? Why do you not fight?" She wondered if she could somehow get the cat girl to cuddle with her, that would make both of them feel better surly... she didn't even need the cat girl to eat her out! ... well maybe she wanted that a little...

She could hear gurgling, and pleasurable moans. She turned her head just in time to see Morrigan finish her transformation into a mud doll. Kagami was slowly regaining herself even in this supreme form, "Morrigan? What happened to you?" She grunted dodging out of the way of the new dolls attack. She glanced between Morrigan, Sevia, and the Zombie. "Sevia, can you deal with her?" She then realized Cris was no where to be seen, "Cris, I don't know where you are but I could use some help!" She tried to dodge by Morrigan, but the doll seemed to still have some of her reaction speed... or Kagami was still just as slow as ever. Either way Mud-Doll Morrigan grabbed Kagami by the tail, yanking hard, "eep!". It was followed by a sensual butt group that Kagami let linger maybe just a bit too long. "Mmm, I have little time for you mud-doll." Wiggling her butt suggestively she disengaged from Morrigan and ran to her true target. The Zombie in charge. Keeping a bit of distance she drew up her hand sign again and cast "Delectasti inimicos suburere!" The flames gout out, burning to zombie. She hopes to death, she was tied of there dolls and was ready for new toys.

[Acrobatics Check to move through a threatened square: 3+7=10; fail took 3 damage]
[Burning Hands: 11 damage; DC 16]
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flail_snail_by_prodigyduck_dbl01bg-pre.png DM
Tag: Team Troublemakers

The adrenaline hits everyone's system again the fine dusts still clouding the air, but it doesn't match the reactions of the tentacle beast that was found near Oriala. It reached out, sliming its way by the 'human' woman, who daintily steps out of the way, then retaliating against the offending critter, stabbing deep into its form and green ooze slowly seeping from it.

The large snail beast slimed its way over to the unprotected caster battering her with the four pseudo-pods against her, the spiked edges leaving Vivian flushed as a heat enters her system and the air is pushed forcefully from her lungs. She finds herself dripping in both slime and a little in her own arousal.

Hana's reaction to seeing her friends in danger was to rush to their aid, dropping into the hole, and opening herself to the flailing pseudo-pods, a mighty swing from the creature swiftly moving the flail like head in front of the nude warrior, she however saw it coming and raised the enchanted blade, the clash between the two lasting moments but the sound echoing in the caves blasting forth, the dust cleared and the others saw Hana, her blade pointed to the ground and the pseudo-pod locked and un-moving, ooze dripping down the exotic blade, each straining to overpower the other, the snail gaining inches, when Hana redirected it to the ground, and the head left a mark in the stone perfectly shaped as Hana followed through with her swing, splitting the tentacle beast in twain. Only to see another peaking out of the rocks to the side, pushing into the cavern through the fallen rocks.

Seena recognizing the slaying of the first tentacle and another surging forth, turns her bow on the snail, the arrow sinking into its soft unprotected 'head' causing the beast to quiver in anger.

Vivian recognizes the danger of her position and pulls away, to avoid the long reach of the creature's spiked protuberances. Offering a prayer to her god, her arousal calming and the pits in her skin calming with the pleasing life her god offers. The snail sensing its prey escaping shudders with what seems to be rage.
~~End Round 1~~
Tag: Team Trouble Killers

The combat continues for a little longer, the snail falling to the intelligent preparation to handle the snail, killing it between Oriala and Hana, their blades leaving the shell empty and goo surrounding it. You look around yourselves and realize that all the things you do not recognize are dead, inanimate, or gone. The tentacles seem to have receded into the fleshy substance the sweet smell coming from it slowly fades and dissipates, the cultists are scattered around, where you left them, clothes partly ruffled by the beginning of a search from before the madness began again.. The dark alter is just dark rocks in the rubble, the dust has settled and you think you are safe, the old musky smell of abandoned shaft returns to the air.
~~Combat End~~
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Sevia.jpg Sevia Merricu The Feline Oracle, Location: In camp near the Mists Tag: Morrigan, The Elite Doll, and Kagami HP: 29/38 Mood: Saddened and Worried

Sevia continued fighting off the goo as best she could, but the nausea was too much for her, and she ended up stumbling around while the fight went on until Kagami was able to help her, and even then she took some time to recover fully.

When she finally recovered and surveyed the battlefield, her eyes widened, watching the goo flow into Morrigan's mouth. "N-No!" She had failed, again, and this made her clench her fists as tears begin to well in her eyes, the catgirl's tail drooping as she stepped forward next to Kagami.

"I'm sorry... I wasn't strong enough to save you Morrigan, I-I'll send you back to Miss Blackshield!" With that she builds the natural magic in her body and raises her glowing hands, releasing another wave of positive energy to damage the undead dolls in front of her.

(Channel Positive Energy: 11 damage; DC: 18)
Cris.jpg Cris, Location: Beyond Empire Borders Tag: Team Jailbait
Game States: HP (25/24); AC 17; CMD 19; controlled rage (4/2 rounds), naked, raging

The sound of Kagami, her friend, calling for her was enough to finally penetrate scattered thoughts. She jumped to her feet, sending the blanket flying. She was dimly aware of being naked, but she didn't have time to don her chainshirt, or even a shirt. She grabbed her dagger and popped out of the tent. What she saw was a suprise. She'd expected the mist, and Kagami she remembered was different, but Sevia seemed sick and there were to enemie, shambling, black bile spewing monstrosities. One of them looked vaguely familiar, and also the least damaged, Kagami was dealing with another one, and it seemed badly beat up. Cris pushed her body to its limit, springing forwards towards elite zombie, her muscles already protesting the strain they were under, but they would hold, for now. On lithe feet Cris met the wretched thing, though it seemed happy enough. Hopefully once Cris has run her dagger across her neck it wouldn't be so joyful...

Hits for 11 slashing damage, 23 slashing damage if AC is 17 or less.