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Dark Empire - IC

Hana, Keeper of the Sleeping Spring Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Seena, Vivian, Oriala
HP: 34/34 Armor Class: 22 (5 dex, +4 cha, +2 dodge, +1 armor) Initiative Bonus: +7/9 CMD: 21
Panache: 4/4, Charmed Life: 0/3, Stunning Fist: 1/1. Conditions: Craves a good spanking, happy and content for sucking the dildo
"I love you too...and you didn't insult me." Hana eplained, making a motion to help Seena stand up.

"I only want you to trust me. I...have been forced to...do things since the last time we met. I hope that you will understand and believe in me."

"I do not wish you to feel pity or sad for me. Getting my ass slapped won't really harm me...but I am weak to you getting harmed, especially for my sake."

"I...don't want to teach you how to behave like a slave. I don't even know if I can. I don't want you to go through the same things I have...but enough of that."

"We should loot the cultists - take everything away so they aren't a threat. Break the altar, drag them out, and collapse the mine."
she suggested.

"We don't need to kill them to complete our mission - and as deluded as they were, they didn't try to kill us either. Anyway...this altar is giving me an ominous feeling...leave this to me." Hana moved forward, to strike her sword at the evil altar.

[Unless someone stops her from doing so.]
6c52f6f93b05545f7844b1c369fc7695.jpgSeena Livy the unbroken Spidergirl, Demonlands, Tag: Team Troublemaker, Mood: Ready to fight
"I understand. I'm sorry for thinking too low of your resolve. I will... try to stay out of trouble. I will not let you down." Seena vowed, before splitting off and searching the cultists, collecting their weapons, stripping them of their armor, and searching their knapsacks. (Perception: Take 20 +4)
After all the "weapons" and items had been collected, Seena pulled out her bow and took position 40 feet away from the altar, arrow ready.
Cris.jpg Cris, Location: Beyond Empire Borders, near the mist, Tag: Team Jailbait, Kagami
HP: 22/21 Armor Class: 19 CMD: 17

"Kagami, please stop," Cris whined pathetically as the fingers pushed deeper inside, hurting a little and feeling utterly violated. Sometimes it even felt good, almost, but it was her gash, she shouldn't be feeling anything there. She continued to wiggle her butt gently, hoping to entice Kagami, but even the gentle movements worsened her shame. Then she felt the the teeth closing on her neck, enough to draw blood. The first time Kagami had bit her she hadn't noticed, so many sensations at once, but now the pain heightened her senses, and she was also aware of how inherently submissive receiving this act made her. She stopped struggling, physical, but still begged, “Please Kagami, no, not there...”

This was not the firs time she had been forced to take something in her gash. As much as she tried to avoid it, she couldn't outright refuse, and as a half-breed it happened, but she always hated it. Still, she could endure it, it would just take a lot from her. Finally Kagami pulled her fingers out and Cris let out relieved, shattered gasp. She pulled her legs up, trying to protect her gash from any further intrusions.

Unable to resist, Kagami rolled her other. She was a pet, an unloved...slut. Before she could respond Kagami was pressing her pussy down on her face, enveloping her. She had to lick, the intimate scent strong in her nostrils. Maybe if she was good, Kagami would love her, and then, as friends, she could help Kagami with the transformation, but first...Cris ran her clumsy tongue against the former human's slit, tasting her arousal. Her hands rested on Kagami's thighs, weakly pushing, trying to get her to shift so she could breath easier.
8a349b766d269cf0ce4ca8f604ffbe08.jpg Kagami, The Demon Fox; Location: No mans land; Tag: Cris; Mood: lustful;
Core States: HP (22/22); AC 14; CMD 13; Grade 1: (6/8); Grade 2: (2/4)

Kagami didn't even hear Cris's pleas, let alone notice her seductive bottom wiggle. She had become so absorbed with breaking her prey's spirit that little else mattered. Her unloved flesh was just irresistible, and Kagami would enjoy every inch of it, until Cris became like her, a horny demon beast. Once she had pulled out, she didn't fail to notice Cris's defensive reaction. 'This unloved flesh hides it's treasure from me so selfishly? She will learn that Prey can not defy their predators.'

Cris's weak attempts at resistance only made Kagami angry. "Still you try to command me? You have not learned your place as my prey, and for that I will take from you your treasure." Kagami twisted around. She kept her lower lips on Cris's mouth, but laid down on top of Cris. "From this day forward, this honeypot belongs to Kagami, I will not allow you to use it for anyone's pleasure, but my own. Not even your own, unless I grant you permission." With that Kagami pressed her snout to Cris's flower. She savagely smothered her nose and lips against it, before pressing in with her tongue. Her rough tongue searching for Cris's most vulnerable spot.
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Cris.jpg Cris, Location: Beyond Empire Borders, near the mist, Tag: Team Jailbait, Kagami
HP: 22/21 Armor Class: 19 CMD: 17

Cris's relief was short lived. She could handle Kagami sitting on her, just about. She had done this before, not from this position, but she was sure she could manage, even as she gasped for breath, her face becoming flushed and she felt the wet arousal on her face. But then Kagami spoke, about claiming something. And she was shifting above her, smearing the arousal across her nose and lips and chin, and then her legs where forced apart. No. No! “HAUUUU!” Cris moaned into Kagami's folds, and then she felt the snout poke down, the tongue explore and violate her most secretive part. Nails dug into the thighs trapping her, pinning her down, clawing, but she soon gave up, her hands went limp.

Kagami was her friend. She was only doing this because she deserved it. Because she was unloved, because she was a half-breed. It would be over soon, it had to be over soon. So soon, again, over soon. Cris felt the dull throb in the back of her neck, wet skin on both sides. Her tongue grew less and less active and she gasped feebly for breath as she sunk into herself, driven deeper and deeper by the horrible, wrong sensation.
22347 Kagami, The Demon Fox; Location: No mans land; Tag: Cris, Muddolls, Morrigan?; Mood: sullen;
Core States: HP (22/22); AC 14; CMD 13; Init: 8 Grade 1: (5/8); Grade 2: (2/4)

Feeling Cris's nails digging into her thigh Kagami stopped for a moment. She bite Cris on the thigh and commanded, "Stop that, you are making me angry. Be good prey and accept my love." She then returned to ravishing Cris's honeypot with her mouth. It seemed the unloved flesh was starting to grow lax in her own love making, limp even. For a brief moment Kagami considered if she had somehow killed the girl. Realizing the girl had gone limp Kagami pressed harder into the half-elfs slit, pushing her snout partly in. No reaction. Frustrated with the now broken flesh Kagami got up in a huff. "Very well then, I.... I lack the experience to truly claim you as my prey. I will refine my skills as a hunter."

Was she broken? She was a demon fox, a hunter, and corrupter, a lover... but both the cat flesh and this elf-blood would not bend to her. They where suppose to swoon over her beautiful demon fur, lovingly stroke her tail, join her as a demon beast. But none of that had happened, she let one get away and the other now laid catatonic on the floor. She was useless, pathetic, wretched.

It was then that she remembered the muddolls outside. They where weaker than her, and if she couldn't love properly, then she would just have to take it out on those dolls. She left the tent, striding up to the gaggle of zombies. She pressed her middle and ring finger to her thumb, raising her pointer and pinky. "Delectasti inimicos suburere!" She hissed, as a large gout of flame sprang from her fingers. She had angled it to catch as many of the zombies as she could with the cone of fire.

[Initiative 8]
[ ; Damage: 7; Ref Save DC 16]
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Name: Oriala Lend Slayer and Hidden Mongrel Location: Deep, dark, hard, mysterious mine... shaft... oh! oh!, Tag: Team Troublemaker - Hana, Seena, Vivian
HP: 31/33 Armor Class: 20 / 14 Touch / 17 Flat Footed Initiative Bonus: +7 CMD: 22 / 19 Flat Footed Saves: +5 Fort / +8 Ref / +1 Will
Specials: None

Oriala was interrupted as she moved toward the altar as Seena charged forward and knocked her back from Hana after the slap on her ass. Oriala brought her great sword around to attack in response to the sudden attack only to hold up in a defensive position as Hana called on Seena to stop and stand down. She looked to Seena and then Hana and frowned at the insult of the attack from the nonhuman spider girl. Yet her frown changed to a smile at the offer of smacking Hana's irresistible ass turned her anger into a strange, warm sense of lust.

"Stop!" she called out to Hana as the naked woman moved away. "And you, I want an apology and a promise never to lay a hand on me like that again," Oriala pointed at Seena. "And as a matter of punishment you are a good comrade." Her words were directed at Hana but she nodded to Seena as well to acknowledge her courage. "I have no desire to tattle to our mistress about this but I do desire a punishment. Hana, you will lean up against the wall, bend over and place your hands on the wall with legs spread wide. Then I will spank you as punishment. And Seena, you will watch."
22325 Morrigan, Asura spawn Tiefling Maid. Location: In the Chaotic Lands. Tag: Fox'n'Friends, Misty Nights, Zom...boners?. Mood: Neutral, but Hurt
She was overrun, taken to the ground and had the uniform she had lived her life in torn to shreds while still on her shoulders. Hands, nearly a dozen hands were running up and down her naked body, smearing that same pinkish purple slime that was smeared across her clothes that one time she was hit by these things, then she felt the slimy tongue across her thighs... She had to get away. Now. She began to struggle against the hands and was kicking against the one zombies licking her legs.

Acrobatics check: 25 to escape via tumbling.

Name: Vivian the Slut Location: Demon Lands, Tag: Hana, Seena, Oriala
HP: 31/31 Armor Class:17/18 with shield Initiative Bonus: +4 CMD: 16 Saves: +6 Fort / +3 Ref / +9 Will Speed: 20ft
Initiative: 15

Vivian reflexively took a step forwards and her weapon shot towards Seena, but stopped before it could it hit when Hana managed to get her under control. Her bodyguard training had kicked in. "A slave isn't supposed to attack a human without orders." Vivian said, sounding slightly upset. It went against everything she knew. It was obvious that Seena didn't have nearly enough training.

"As long as Hana keeps Seena in line, especially in front of Mistress, Im sure nothing too bad will happen." Vivian turns to Seena, and continues. "Learn from this Seena. Slaves don't embarrass their Mistresses." She nodded over to Hana who looked to be getting ready to be spanked once again... it was an oddly erotic sight, much more than what she had expected it to be...
Hana, Keeper of the Sleeping Spring Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Seena, Vivian, Oriala
HP: 34/34 Armor Class: 22 (5 dex, +4 cha, +2 dodge, +1 armor) Initiative Bonus: +7/9 CMD: 21
Panache: 4/4, Charmed Life: 0/3, Stunning Fist: 1/1. Conditions: Craves a good spanking, happy and content for sucking the dildo

Hana turned back, as Oriala called her, and then listened at the punishment.

It seemed like Oriala was going easy on them...Hana could appreciate that. Besides, she kinda wanted to get spanked a bit more. Sure, not as hard as that original spank...a nice sweet strict but loving spanking....

"That is acceptable. Thank you for going easy on Seena."
Hana replied, with a slight bow.

She then turned towards the wall, and leaned against it as she was instructed. She spreaded her legs apart, enough for her ass to reach the right height for an optimal spanking experience. Truth was, she had been trained from young in martial arts - her flexibility had already reached the limits of the human body, so the awkward position wasn't really hard for her to do.

Hana braced herself against the wall. She could feel the anticipation...soon she would get spanked, like she deserved. And she could be willing, and still maintain her honor while doing so...no, she totally wasn't doing that because she enjoyed it...she only did it because she had to protect Seena...

"Do what you must, Oriala. And you Seena...keep close watch. With every spank I want you to thank Oriala for showing mercy." she instructed. Maybe that would help the spidergirl keep her calm next time?
6c52f6f93b05545f7844b1c369fc7695.jpgSeena Livy the unbroken Spidergirl, Demonlands, Tag: Team Troublemaker, Mood: Cries internally
Seena nodded, but once Oriala started hitting Hana, she closed her eyes and tilted her head slightly away, hoping the others wouldn't notice. She still pressed out "Thank you." every time she heard flesh strike flesh, but she had to force herself to raise her voice so the others could hear her. Inside, she was crying. This was her fault. She had lost control, and Hana was getting punished. It wasn't just the slaps, it was Hana accepting the Hawken customs, becoming like them... The image of Hana wearing a red-black uniform, looking down at her with malice in her eyes, almost caused Seena to start sobbing. I have to control myself better. I cant protect Hana by physical means. She wanted nothing more than put an arrow into Oriala right now, but she forced the thought down. No, she wouldn't hate these corrupted monsters, she'd just pity them, and offer all her passion to Hana. Once they rested for the night, she would caress and care for Hana's wounds, making the pain go away... the image of her licking softly over Hana's buttocks manifested itself in her head. The idea soothed her flayed mind, and Seena was forced to admit that her outburst was partly motivated by jealousy. She didn't want these corrupt humans to touch and despoil Hana. I have to show her how much sweeter pleasure a pure being like me can bring her, instead of these tainted brutes.

After Oriala declared herself finished, Seena went to Hana and quickly hugged her again, pressing her face into her bosom, whispering softly. "I'm so sorry. I'll make it up to you when we rest, I promise."
After she and Hana had finished hugging, Seena took her position again, watching Hana and the Altar from 40ft with a readied shot.

Name: Oriala Lend Slayer and Hidden Mongrel Location: Deep, dark, hard, mysterious mine... shaft... oh! oh!, Tag: Team Troublemaker - Hana, Seena, Vivian
HP: 31/33 Armor Class: 20 / 14 Touch / 17 Flat Footed Initiative Bonus: +7 CMD: 22 / 19 Flat Footed Saves: +5 Fort / +8 Ref / +1 Will
Specials: None

Oriala nodded and crossed her arms over her firm breasts as Hana stopped and came back to take her punishment. "It's mercy to you and that a lesson be taught to Seena of obedience and control. Control is most important and if she cannot learn it then she will be a dangerous companion. We are surrounded by corruption and already half corrupt herself she must be strong. Hawken is strong and I will be an example of discipline. Besides..." Oriala smiled as she admired Hana's nude ass pressed outward. "She has been a good comrade so far and deserves a second chance from my respect for you Hana."

Oriala moved back behind and to the side of Hana. First she stroke each buttock tenderly and fully, kneading the ripe flesh. "You are well formed Hana. This is the ideal punishment." Then Oriala swatted her left buttock. The smack was hard but not nearly as hard as earlier and was clearly meant both to send a signal and as a grope. 'Smack' 'Smack' 'Smack'

"Seena, turn your eyes to the punishment. This is your doing not Hana's, not mine!" Oriala met Seena's eyes and saw and dismissed the murderous intent. Instead she continued for a total of ten spankings and then finished. "Now, all is done and forgotten. Seena you are forgiven and Hana this never happened. Let us check this room and alter now."
Hana, Keeper of the Sleeping Spring Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Seena, Vivian, Oriala
HP: 34/34 Armor Class: 22 (5 dex, +4 cha, +2 dodge, +1 armor) Initiative Bonus: +7/9 CMD: 21
Panache: 4/4, Charmed Life: 0/3, Stunning Fist: 1/1. Conditions: Craves a good spanking, happy and content for sucking the dildo

Hana bit her lips as Oriala spank-groped her.

She had to stay strong...she had to endure...not give out any lewd moans. Only she knew of her craving for a good spanking...and she wouldn't let the others know.

It felt so good...she could feel the tingling pain of each spank...the pleasurable pain....sometimes followed by Oriala's groping....it felt so good...why it felt so good?

"Now, all is done and forgotten. Seena you are forgiven and Hana this never happened. Let us check this room and alter now." Oriala declared.

What, so soon? Hana could feel the pain...and she was already wet with arousal...she still could take more spanks...

She didn't stand up. Instead she turned back to Oriala.

"Thank you for your kindness, but only this much doesn't count as a punishment. Don't go easy on me...it hurts my pride as a warrior." she asked her.

Name: Oriala Lend Slayer and Hidden Mongrel Location: Deep, dark, hard, mysterious mine... shaft... oh! oh!, Tag: Team Troublemaker - Hana, Seena, Vivian
HP: 31/33 Armor Class: 20 / 14 Touch / 17 Flat Footed Initiative Bonus: +7 CMD: 22 / 19 Flat Footed Saves: +5 Fort / +8 Ref / +1 Will
Specials: Hana butt lust!

Oriala paused and turned back to Hana. She'd sensed from the beginning that Hana enjoyed the spankings intensely. It had been obvious even earlier with each firm slap that the nude woman found the spankings deeply erotic and stimulating. She smiled cruelly and sensuously as Hana remained in position. "Well then slut, I know that you crave the punishment and want to be used and dominated by me and probably others. I will give you what you want and honor both your warrior and your slut."

The tall, dark slayer moved directly behind Hana and pressed down on her lower back with one hand to arch her butt up and back. With the other hand Oriala groped and kneaded Hana's firm butt flesh giving attention to each round globe and slipping fingers to run along the gap in between. "Part of your punishment will be to let me spank you whenever I want." Then she steps back to the side again and spanks hard this time with all her strength. 'SMACK!' 'SMACK! 'SMACK!" Oriala punishes each ass cheek individually leaving deep red marks on each buttock. "Now thank me Hana, thank me for your punishment... really thank me!"
Hana, Keeper of the Sleeping Spring Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Seena, Vivian, Oriala
HP: 34/34 Armor Class: 22 (5 dex, +4 cha, +2 dodge, +1 armor) Initiative Bonus: +7/9 CMD: 21
Panache: 4/4, Charmed Life: 0/3, Stunning Fist: 1/1. Conditions: Craves a good spanking, happy and content for sucking the dildo

"I...am no slut...I just...want to keep my word." Hana disagreed, blushing, and looking away.

"This is...acceptable too." she responded to getting spanked whenever Oriala wanted. She deserves a good spanking now...and every time Oriala felt like it...

She lightly moaned as Oriala groped her butt...it felt...wonderful. Now she jest needed a few more slaps...and she would be content...

Her pussy was already dripping wet, and Hana could only hope that Oriala wouldn't notice that and make fun of her...


"Thank you....
"Thank you, Oriala..."
"Thank you"
"For punishing me"

Hana could feel her butt glowing red...she could feel the air brushing against it, sending shivers down her pussy...sweet tears had formed in her eyes, not from the pain, or the humiliation, but from the pleasure...

"Is that enough punishment now?" she asked Oriala meekly, when she paused. She didn't want to ask for more....but she could take more....she could feel it...

Name: Oriala Lend Slayer and Hidden Mongrel Location: Deep, dark, hard, mysterious mine... shaft... oh! oh!, Tag: Team Troublemaker - Hana, Seena, Vivian
HP: 31/33 Armor Class: 20 / 14 Touch / 17 Flat Footed Initiative Bonus: +7 CMD: 22 / 19 Flat Footed Saves: +5 Fort / +8 Ref / +1 Will
Specials: Hana butt lust!

Oriala was breathing deeply when she finished spanking Hana. The intense, dark skinned woman had put a good deal of her effort into punishing Hana as she really wanted. Hana's glowing red ass made Oriala feel a deep, sexual sense of satisfaction and desire. Her own nipples were hard and taunt and the warm, spreading softness in her own loins was a sign of how deeply she had been affected by Hana's punishment. Looking down Oriala could see the dampness on Hana's thighs and knew how much the woman truly enjoyed the spanking.

"No, there is more," Oriala whispered as she gripped the back of Hana's neck and pushed her head down. She moved back behind Hana and smacked each buttock extra hard. Then she used her foot to spread Hana's legs a bit further and stepped in close. Oriala reached down and ran a finger through the cleavage between Hana's cheeks and then down into the furrow of her sex. She rubbed the wetness and pulled her finger out to smell and then lick Hana's need. "Tell me Hana, tell us all," she commanded as her fingers this time found her little bud and began to rub it. "Tell us how much you enjoyed being punished and spanked."
Hana, Keeper of the Sleeping Spring Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Seena, Vivian, Oriala
HP: 34/34 Armor Class: 22 (5 dex, +4 cha, +2 dodge, +1 armor) Initiative Bonus: +7/9 CMD: 21
Panache: 4/4, Charmed Life: 0/3, Stunning Fist: 1/1. Conditions: Craves a good spanking, happy and content for sucking the dildo

"AHH...ahhh" Hana moaned, as she was spanked once more.

'Damn...she found out.' she thought, as Oriala rubbed her pussy.

It was one of those moments where she wanted to lie...but she knew that she shouldn't, as lying was bad. Besides...it was already obvious.

"I...ahhhh....I found the spanking....ohhhhh....somewhat enjoyable....ahhhh." she explained, moaning as Oriala teased her.

"...but....but this is not normal...I...I swear! AHHH." she tried to explain, as Oriala's rubbing, combined with the pleasure from spanking and the humiliation of getting exposed, sent her over the edge, to an orgasm she could only try to hide...

Name: Oriala Lend Slayer and Hidden Mongrel Location: Deep, dark, hard, mysterious mine... shaft... oh! oh!, Tag: Team Troublemaker - Hana, Seena, Vivian
HP: 31/33 Armor Class: 20 / 14 Touch / 17 Flat Footed Initiative Bonus: +7 CMD: 22 / 19 Flat Footed Saves: +5 Fort / +8 Ref / +1 Will
Specials: Hana butt lust!

Oriala's fingers are quite expert as she rubs Hana's clit. The slayer puts the palm of one hand in the middle of Hana's back and keeps her pressed down and forward. "Somewhat enjoyable? It seems far more," there was a hint of desire and laughter in Oriala's voice. "Let it go! Loud, fill the cave with your desire. Let it free!" Oriala rubs Hana through her orgasm while removing her hand from Hana's back and giving her a series of sharp, light smacks to the ass.
Hana, Keeper of the Sleeping Spring Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Seena, Vivian, Oriala
HP: 34/34 Armor Class: 22 (5 dex, +4 cha, +2 dodge, +1 armor) Initiative Bonus: +7/9 CMD: 21
Panache: 4/4, Charmed Life: 0/3, Stunning Fist: 1/1. Conditions: happy and content for sucking the dildo, content and embarrassed for getting spanked and punished as she deserved and enjoying it.

"AHHHHHH......." Hana cried loudly, not keeping it in any more as Oriala instructed her.

The light smacks made her moan some more...fluids dripping down her legs...and finally, after moaning and grasping for some time, she was done.

She was already spanked properly, she had been humiliated in front of Seena and the others, and she had been made to orgasm and moan loudly. Sure, she had no other option...but it felt...weird. And to think that she had agreed to repeat this any time in the future...

"I...think....is that enough....Oriala?" she asked again, trying to calm herself down and looking away from Seena.
6c52f6f93b05545f7844b1c369fc7695.jpgSeena Livy the unbroken Spidergirl, Demonlands, Tag: Team Troublemaker, Mood: Aroused, bewildered
Watching the scene before her unfold, Seena was dumbstruck. Was this really happening? Her feelings of longing and jealousy intensified within her. She didn't want to leave Hana to Oriala's tormenting hands. But she would not again just lash out. She walked over slowly, signalling Oriala that she carried no ill intent. As she came to a stop next to them, she spoke up. "That's enough, don't you think? I apologize as well, but please, stop molesting her." She pulled off her chain coat and the silk padding underneath, revealing her breasts. She lowered herself a bit and took Hana by the shoulders, guiding her into her embrace. "Hey, it's ok, I understand. You need to... discharge your desire. Please, let me help you."