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6c52f6f93b05545f7844b1c369fc7695.jpgSeena Livy the unbroken Spidergirl, Demonlands, Tag: Team Troublemaker, Mood: Ready for a fight
The snail creature started melting, literally flowing out of the shell, the tentacles likewise, green goo seeping through cracks in the ground. The smell was disgusting, but Seena did not detect any released energies. She stepped up to the ledge of the basin, looking down at the others and the defeated beast.
"I think this thing is dead. Well fought, friends!" She yelled down.
She saw Hana staring at the shell. Worrying that she might be injured, Seena skittered down the wall (Climb: 25 - Take 10 +15) and walked up to her. Hana seemed fine, if goo-covered, but from up close, Seena could see why she was fascinated by the shell. Beside its impressive size, it was covered in patterns too subtle to be carved in. It was as beautiful as it was imposing.
"Are you ok?" She asked Hana.
"This looks impressive. I've never seen anything like it. Let me check if it is still dangerous."
Seena focused her gaze on it, especially the interior, to get a feel for the physical properties and magical connections of the shell, to smell out any lingering corruptive influence. (Survival: 18}
"What were you gonna do with it? Carry it to Lady Blackshield as trophy?"

Seena addressed the others as they gathered around. "I think we have completed our task. Let us return to the desolate lands or Hawken territory before we rest." She then muttered, still audible to them all but clearly not intended as a public remark. "The land there is just as corrupted, but at least we travel under the protection of the local beasts."

As the others started leaving, Seena quickly searched the basin and recovered the arrows she let fly during the battle, both still intact. (2d2: 4)
Hana, Keeper of the Sleeping Spring Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Seena, Vivian, Oriala
HP: 35/39 Armor Class: 23 Initiative Bonus: +7/9 CMD: 25
Panache: 3/4, Charmed Life: 0/3, Stunning Fist: 1/1. Conditions: happy and content for sucking the dildo, content for getting spanked and punished as she deserved and and embarrassed for enjoying it.

"Too big to carry around. I bet Lady Melana would like it, but we can't risk our lives to carry around something this big." Hana explained.

"Lets strip the cultists from their weapons and armors, and leave before they wake up, or more trouble finds us."

"Lets not kill them, they are too weak to oppose Hawken anyway"
she gave some explanation to pacify some of the more brainwashed team memebers.

"Taking their items will force the demons to have to provide new ones, so lets do that." she explained, moving to help the others with looting the cultists.

[22 Perception]
DM; AKA that random voice that tells you what is going on
Tag: Team Troublemakers

Looking over the intricate lovely and hefty shell, you estimate it weighs about 230 lb give or take about 10 lb. You are reasonably certain it is harmless to the touch, and the slime it excreted was just sticky not corrosive nor toxic. With the right tools and an excruciatingly careful hand you could carve a beautiful shell shield from it, or try to convert the shell into some form of tent that would be able to hold two regularly shaped humanoids. If you took Hana's sword to it, you think you could carve it or shatter it in a reasonable amount of time however.

The cultists have rather little on their person, but you soon find a pile of bags to the dark side of the room, where it seems they slept. On them you find: four dildos on long sticks 'spears', two scrolls of , two scrolls of , two sets of scale mail armor, two heavy wooden shields, two healer's kits (both nearly empty of supplies), three silvered profane symbols, a used vial of bloodroot poison, two vials of unholy water, a set of chainmail armor, a light steel sheild, four throwing dildos 'darts', a masterwork curved dildo 'sickle', one set of leather armor, one masterwork nasty looking war dildo 'razor'.
In the bags you find assorted coinage, totaling about 150 gp in copper, silver and gold (2500 cp, 750 sp, 50 gp) you also find assorted rations (salt free!!), some ripe, pale peaches, the multitude of bags, some wineskins, a manual titled How to Care for Pet Snails, some smutty books, a book of prayers written intelligibly even if you read the language, a large butt plug, an adjustable hide collar with attached leash, and a piece of jewelry similar to an earring stud with a single gem socketed on it. That was all of what you found interesting at least.
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Hana, Keeper of the Sleeping Spring Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Seena, Vivian, Oriala
HP: 35/39 Armor Class: 23 Initiative Bonus: +7/9 CMD: 25
Panache: 3/4, Charmed Life: 0/3, Stunning Fist: 1/1. Conditions: happy and content for sucking the dildo, content for getting spanked and punished as she deserved and and embarrassed for enjoying it.

"Those scrolls, the foodstaff and the poison can prove useful...the rest of this garbage will only slow us down, and even if you took them along they won't be able to get sold at Hawken."

"Maybe the jewlery could be sold too...or one of you could keep it. Or we could try to gift it to Lady Melana."

"Sadly my sword is against me holding other equip...
" Hana begun explaining, before getting stopped, as her flowery tattoos danced in some non-existant wind.

"Wait...come on...stupid thing, haven't you given up yet..."Hana picked the hide collar and wore it around her neck with a look of disgust on her face, before tightening it.

"I am not ashamed of wearing anything you make me wear. You should know that already." she declared to no one in particular.

"Sorry about that...I can prevent it from making me do things I would never do, but...after I Seena got to wear a collar I guess I stopped considering it such a big deal, so..." she explained to the others.

"Damn...this collar makes me to want to have someone hold it." Hana sighed.

"Seena my dear. Do this for me please, it feels very annoying." she asked, offering the leash to Seena.
6c52f6f93b05545f7844b1c369fc7695.jpgSeena Livy the unbroken Spidergirl, Demonlands, Tag: Team Troublemaker, Mood: Shaken to the core
Seena couldn't believe her eyes. Hana, the indomitable warrior had betrayed herself. Now none of them would ever be free. The tears welled up in her eyes and her legs twitched with the instinct to run away. Hana moaning at the spanking, asking for more, calling Oriala mistress, and now the collar... It was too much. Seeing her debase like this, Seena would have run away right now, had another thought crossed her mind: the image of Melana Blackshield, a wicked grin distorting her ugly mask of a face, holding the leash, Hana sitting in front of her with a vacant smile. Seena steadied herself enough to nod and move towards Hana, taking the leash handle, then severing the line from the band itself, putting the leash into one of the websacks she carried around her torso. Then all the tension left her body and she broke down sobbing, her torso slamming into Hana as Seena desperately held her.
Hana, Keeper of the Sleeping Spring Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Seena, Vivian, Oriala
HP: 35/39 Armor Class: 23 Initiative Bonus: +7/9 CMD: 25
Panache: 5/6, Charmed Life: 0/3, Stunning Fist: 1/1. Conditions: content for sucking the dildo, content for getting spanked and punished as she deserved and embarrassed for enjoying it, content for Seena holding the leash

"Seena...why do you cry?" Hana asked startled

"Listen. The sword can control my body at some times...it is getting more and more liberties."

"However, I assure you, the spirit of a warrior isn't about on how others see him, or what he is forced to do. It is in his heart...my heart, and yours."
she comforted, stroking Seena's back.

"So I don't care what others think if they see me getting spanked, collared or humiliated. But...I can't help but care about you. Please...nothing silly as a leash will break me."

"Besides, I had to accept it wasn't a big deal when I allowed you to wear one. I have myself to blame for getting tempted to trying to free you...but I don't regret it."

"Just don't worry about me. Ah...I am afraid that you are my only weakness. So please, please, don't cry..."
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6c52f6f93b05545f7844b1c369fc7695.jpgSeena Livy the unbroken Spidergirl, Demonlands, Tag: Team Troublemaker, Mood: Shaken to the core
Seena's legs had by now given way, and with a loud thud her lower body hit the ground. Even now, she was still large enough for her head to come to rest against Hana's bosom. With a lot of effort, she managed to bring forth replies between her sobs.
"I'm sorry... that... I am a burden for you... It hurts so much... You made me dream of freedom again... But now... Every step you took today, you started to look more like one of them!... You're turning into a monster before my eyes, and it hurts so much... I can't bear the thought of losing you... And all this time, I watched you throw yourself at their feet!... I want to believe you... But all I can see is you becoming like them... Like my torturers..." Seena's eyes started hurting as the flow of tears subsided from simply running dry. She looked up at Hana, but couldn't maintain eye contact, instead she lowered her head in shame. She had made a scene. She had exposed Hana's weakness. She had betrayed her, hadn't she? She got back up. "Forgive me, please. I... I will take good care of this, I promise. I... I need to think. Can we speak later again... when we have made camp...?" She still couldn't bear to look at Hana, so she scuttled away, towards the shaft entrance, as fast as her still wobbly legs could carry her.
Hana, Keeper of the Sleeping Spring Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Seena, Vivian, Oriala
HP: 35/39 Armor Class: 23 Initiative Bonus: +7/9 CMD: 25
Panache: 5/6, Charmed Life: 0/3, Stunning Fist: 1/1. Conditions: content for sucking the dildo, content for getting spanked and punished as she deserved and embarrassed for enjoying it, content for Seena holding the leash

"No. We will do this now." Hana declared, untying the leathery collar.

"You are getting more broken than me from this. So, I will show you something, now." she explained, trying to untie her own collar...but her fingers slipped away.

"Eh...help me remove this thing. I will wear your collar so you can read my thoughts too...if I can get this one off."

[Hana would let Seena try to remove it, and failing that she would try to cut the collar down]
6c52f6f93b05545f7844b1c369fc7695.jpgSeena Livy the unbroken Spidergirl, Demonlands, Tag: Team Troublemaker, Mood: Shaken to the core
Seena stopped in her tracks and turned around as Hana called out to her. She sheepishly walked back to her, averting her eyes in shame. It must have been a bizarre sight to see the spidergirl towering over Hana, yet so docile and shy, almost submissive towards her.
As Hana explained her idea, Seena immediately interjected. "No, please! Don't use this corrupted magic! I want to share my thoughts with you, I do, but not like this! Please! I fear these things will distort our vision! Please, listen to me! There are other ways! The echoes of the wild magic still connect all minds! I will find a way to let you see through my eyes, I promise! But not with these... things, these instrument of trickery and corruption, please! I beg you, stay away from this path!"
Hana, Keeper of the Sleeping Spring Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Seena, Vivian, Oriala
HP: 35/39 Armor Class: 23 Initiative Bonus: +7/9 CMD: 25
Panache: 5/6, Charmed Life: 0/3, Stunning Fist: 1/1. Conditions: content for sucking the dildo, content for getting spanked and punished as she deserved and embarrassed for enjoying it, content for Seena holding the leash

"I already saw through your eyes. I want you to see through mine...maybe then you will stop worrying about me." Hana argued.

"You will just keep worrying and doubting until you do so. This is more corruptive than any magic." she explained, trying to cut the collar with her sword.

"Help me cut this thing out." she asked, presenting her unprotected neck to Seena
6c52f6f93b05545f7844b1c369fc7695.jpgSeena Livy the unbroken Spidergirl, Demonlands, Tag: Team Troublemaker, Mood: Shaken to the core
Seena was dumbstruck. She could see Hana's logic, she understood it, she believed it, she had been beating herself up so much over this...
She nodded to Hana. "I'll do my best." She pulled out a scalpel from the company's set of surgical tools, idly wondering for a second if they had found a replacement by now or if a few unlucky two-leggers had bled to death because the company commander was too scared to hold up the envoy to take the supplies off of her.
As she started to probe the skin at the collar's rim, Seena noticed to her dismay that the leather had fused with the skin of Hana's throat.
"I'm sorry, the collar... it has joined with your skin. I'd have to cut out part of your skin, and I'm not a trained healer or surgeon. Do you... want me to try?"

Combat Round 5

The Zombie-leader walks through Kagami's flames, despite it's clumsy moves managing to avoid most of the damage.. it is worrysomely tough. But.. there seems to be a limit, as, whilest Sevia blasts The dollified Morrigan with holy energy, Cris finally takes action too, charging and slamming her daggers into the goo-covered female that is the zombies leader.. already staggering from multiple magical assaults, it falls beneath the half-elves blade, leaving only a dolled up Morrigan, smoking from the healers assault of healing energy...

Round 6:
Morrigan(Doll) -> Demon-Fox Kagami -> Sevia -> Cris
22481 Morrigan-Doll, Asura spawn Tiefling Goop Zombie. Location: In the Chaotic Lands. Tag: BRAINS! Mood: Mindless, but Horny.
The thing that once was Morrigan staggered in place for a moment, it missed the orange thing that ran past it. Though she managed to grab onto it's tail for a second and got a chance to feel it's squishy naked ass, so it wasn't a complete failure. The other zombie fell to a concentrated effort from the unturned and then the cat thing cast something shiny at her and it hurt. She didn't really have any thoughts on what to do, or thoughts in general, what was left of her mind was subject to a simple need, catch and turn, make more. And the closest was the fox thing. So turning, and moaning in a loud mindless cadence, the former maid, now slimy zombie maid, charged at Kagami with intent to slap the daylights out of her right proper.

Charging attack roll: 12 = 8+2+2
22483 Kagami, The Demon Fox; Location: No mans land; Tag: Morrigan Doll; Mood: sullen;
Core States: HP (19/22); AC 14; CMD 13; Init: 8 Grade 1: (4/8); Grade 2: (2/4)

The maid seemed to be after her intently, but it's attempt at a slam was easily avoided by the graceful fox. "Stupid doll flesh!" She took a few steps back (5-foot step to avoid Aoo), and formed her hand sign, calling out "vim tela nequissimi". Two darts peel out of her raised fingers, slamming into the doll.

[Magic Missile: 2+2=4 Damage]
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Tag: Team Jailbait -1

Morrigan is impacted by a blast of forceful energy after the purification already weakened her body.. and she stumbles.. before being engulfed in a glow of blue light.... and just disappearing there.

-Everyone reaches the next level now!-

-Kagami, Cris and Sevia have won! They can continue their rest uninterrupted and advance into the mist if they still dare with the new fox-issue, do respost your saves/checks please so they don't get lost.
Furthermore, Kagami does not get better after some sleep, although the fight has rattled her enough to at least remain somewhat in control of her new, vulpine lust urges.-

Morrigan was a well behaved, broken maid-slave already. That didn't stop her from having nice dreams, of being an obediant Hawken-slave.. a maid, standing by Melana's side..t here was a gentle pulsing of pride as she was allowed to serve Melana. The lady was so beautiful, so lovely. A more cynical Morrigan would have noted that clearly, something was attempting to instill feelings of loyalty and admiration in her, but her mind was weakened from the ordeal.. infact, there are still distant memories of being covered in mud, wanting to make others horny and muddy like her, although they faded away, in exchange for the idea of kneeling before Melana and pleding her loyal services with renewed enthusiasm.
(Charisma check!)

And then, Morrigan startled awake, finding herself in a large, green room. no wait, the room wasn't green, the thing she was in was.. the strange, metallic sarcophagus hissed and suddenly, Morrigan gasped for air, coughing and struggling to get out.

"I now realize that I should have made bets on which of you would... return first.. I guess I can still bet on the teams, are you up for it?" Melana mused, before stepping over to the green liquidish goop covered Morrigan. "Don't worry about your nakedness, your equipment takes a lot longer to restore. Would you believe that the military is still more interested in my mending-devices than this superior arkanotech? We don't need priests anymore.. we don't even need bodies, I can restore you, no matter what state you're in!

... "
She stepped closer, elegant clothing rustling, her hair brushed back. Morrigan felt her slave conditioning slightly arouse her body just with Melana so close to her.. paying so much attention to her. "There aren't any after-effects now, are there?"
There was just a hint of concern in that. And a part of Morrigan still remembered the nice, oily, overwhelming effect of the goo upon her body...
22484 Kagami, The Demon Fox; Location: Near the mists; Tag: Jailbait minus mom; Mood: cocky;
Core States: HP (26/26); AC 14; CMD 13; Init: 8 Grade 1: (8/8); Grade 2: (5/5)

With the Morrigan doll dispatched by her, Kagami lets out a triumphant howl, "Koooon!" Her body feeling so wonderfully free. She looked between the cat and the half elf. They had both rejected her. They both refused her, for now. With their foes dispatched Kagami turned to her tent, miraculously un-burnt without speaking to either of them. She rested until the morning, curling up on top of her blanket. and nesting her face in her beloved tail.

The morning came and Kagami rose, stretching herself by leaning backwards on all fours. She stood, and exited the text letting the sun shine on her soft vulpine fur. She looked at the singed camp, covered in the remnants of there battle. She looked to Cris, "Clean this up unloved flesh. I wish to leave this place." Next she turned to the cat, "And you cat flesh, I have unfinished business with you." She might have been rejected but she would not be denied her chance to hunt prey once more.
Sevia.jpg Sevia Merricu The Feline Oracle, Location: In camp near the Mists Tag: Kagami HP: 38/38 Mood: Surprised

Sevia used her channels to heal everyone before they slept for the rest of the nigh, having a troubled rest thanks to having seen her compatriot turned into an undead mud doll.

When Kagami stormed into her tent she groaned, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. "Are we under attack again?" she asked before looking at Kagami, and her eyes widened from the sight of her friend, she remembered last night more clearly now that she saw the twisted fox in front of her. "she charmed me, and tried to make love to me! and she changed into this... thing!" She quickly stood up and glared at the demon fox, her tail fluffing up as her ears splayed back against her head of white hair.

"Kagami, don't call me Cat Flesh, a-and what happened to turn you into . . . that form?"
She questioned the demon fox, her 'friend' was obviously corrupted somehow, and Sevia needed to figure out how to help her.
22493 Kagami, The Demon Fox; Location: Near the mists; Tag: Jailbait minus mom; Mood: cocky;
Core States: HP (26/26); AC 14; CMD 13; Init: 8 Grade 1: (7/7); Grade 2: (5/5)

Kagami stepped closer to Sevia, with a gin oh her face. "What else should I call you? Your flesh is sill unloved." she licked her lips slowly, "mmm, my form? I don't understand what you mean cat flesh, if you wish to touch my tail then I require you love first." She teasingly swept her fluffy tail near Sevia. "Last night you denied me, you demanded I wake the elfblood, and help fight. I have done this, now I saved the both of you. The elfblood is broke, she can not love properly, I've no interest in her. Your cat flesh though? That is a suitable reward for my services." She took two more steps toward Sevia, placing a hand on the healers shoulder and leaning in to kiss her.
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Name: Vivian the Slut Location: Demon Lands, Tag: Hana, Seena, Oriala
HP: 31/31 Armor Class:17/18 with shield Initiative Bonus: +4 CMD: 16 Saves: +6 Fort / +3 Ref / +9 Will Speed: 20ft
Initiative: 15

While Hana and Seena were messing about with the shell and collar, Vivian gathered up the other items that the cultists had on them and proceeded to cast detect magic on the pile of goods, taking the butt plug with her no matter what the result.

By this point the duo had managed to get into some trouble with the collar. "Hmmm, usually you cant take off a slaves collar with out being the Master of the slave you know. Oh, well there are also those permanent slave collars as well, so...." Vivian watched as Seena tried to take the collar off only to find it had fused with Hana's skin! "Uhh, yeah, that looks like its made to not be taken off easily." Then came the subject of cutting the collar off. "Wait, wait Seena! No offense but I've received more practice with the scalpel during my training than you did. Let me try it if Hana wants me to."

Heal check if Hana lets Vivian attempt to cut the collar away.
Heal = 17. She also heals any damage she may have caused. Spontaneous casting with command 1d8+5
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Name: Oriala Lend Slayer and Hidden Mongrel Location: Deep, dark, hard, mysterious mine... shaft... oh! oh!, Tag: Team Troublemaker - Hana, Seena, Vivian
HP: 40/40 Armor Class: 20 / 14 Touch / 17 Flat Footed Initiative Bonus: +7 CMD: 22 / 19 Flat Footed Saves: +5 Fort / +8 Ref / +1 Will
Specials: Post battle horniness

Oriala moved like lightning as the surprise and bruising caused by the sudden collapse of the mine floor dissipated. She slashed deeply at the tentacle creature with her great sword as her teammates moved to the attack like veterans. Oriala felt a surge of pride as she together they took care of the foe, Hana and Oriala standing together to destroy first the tentacle creature and then the snail itself.

When all was done Oriala looked about to make sure her comrades were ok. "Well done all. That was done professionally. A veteran team could not have performed any better." She looked to Seena. "You had the insight that helped us win the battle. Well done Seena." The spider girl was an abomination but Oriala believed in giving credit where it was due.

"Let's take the loot then. Can you cut a piece free of the snail shell Hana with your blade. It would make a good shield or a gift to our lady. The rest can stay." Oriala regarded the cultists. "Let them live then and regret their choices." She gathered the prayer book, holy symbols and unholy water and prepared to destroy them. "I say we take the chainmail and steel shield, the gold and silver coin, the four scrolls as they will be useful plus the sickle and war razor look... interesting. We can destroy the rest so that it is not useable. Otherwise we will be overburdened heading back." She nodded in agreement with the idea of resting elsewhere first.

Oriala watched in interest as Hana and Seena spoke. Meanwhile she slipped on the pretty earring stud.