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Dark Empire - IC

Hana, Keeper of the Sleeping Spring Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Seena, Vivian, Oriala
HP: 35/39 Armor Class: 23 Initiative Bonus: +7/9 CMD: 25
Panache: 5/6, Charmed Life: 0/3, Stunning Fist: 1/1. Conditions: content for sucking the dildo, content for getting spanked and punished as she deserved and embarrassed for enjoying it, content for Seena holding the leash

"Eh, nevermind, forget about the damned collar." Hana said, deciding to give up. After all, she was pretty sure that after removing her the spirit would make her put it on again.

"I don't think my sword is suitable for cutting that thing...if we had a saw, maybe...but I don't want to take too long and be forced to rest in enemy territory. I say lets smash it by dropping it from the cliff, then pick the nicest piece to bring back. We could also pick shard of the broken altar."

"Lets just hide the rest of the items in an abandoned mine passage...destroying them is easier said than done. And then lets return back to Hawken, maybe we can avoid resting in those lands."

[Except if someone disagrees:

Scroll of , two scrolls of -> Vivian as she is the only one who can use them

a set of chainmail armor, a light steel sheild, a masterwork curved dildo 'sickle', , one masterwork nasty looking war dildo 'razor'. -> Oriala as she is the only one who cares about them

Hana picks up the rations and the peaches, as well as the wine, and packs them in a bag. As well as the manual for the Pet Snails, a fragment of the altar, and a pretty shell piece
[If Hana can easily cut a piece from the shell without taking too much time, she does that, otherwise breaking it and picking a piece it is.]

earring stud with gem-> Oriala/Vivian (you will have to decide)

Butt plug -> Vivian

Coinage -> Seena since A) She is the only one who can carry 66lb of coins B) she got nothing else

The rest we either hide in an abandoned shaft, or we light a fire in the mine (books+wooden shields should do the trick) and drop them inside (except if someone has a better idea.) ]

Name: Vivian the Slut Location: Demon Lands, Tag: Hana, Seena, Oriala
HP: 31/31 Armor Class:17/18 with shield Initiative Bonus: +4 CMD: 16 Saves: +6 Fort / +3 Ref / +9 Will Speed: 20ft
Initiative: 15

After having cast detect magic on their spoils, and having separated the loot, Vivian takes the scroll of , butt plug and two scrolls of . Before Hana puts away her loot though, Vivian steps forward and stops her. "When I used detect magic I found that the collar," She points at Hana's newest addition to her neck. "Oriala's earring" finger moves to the earring Oriala is about to put on. "My butt plug" She hold it up. "And interestingly enough the manual are all magical." She points towards the how to train a snail book that Hana was about to put away. "Do you mind if we take a look at this? I don't want to take anything that could be dangerous back with us."
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Hana, Keeper of the Sleeping Spring Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Seena, Vivian, Oriala
HP: 35/39 Armor Class: 23 Initiative Bonus: +7/9 CMD: 25
Panache: 5/6, Charmed Life: 0/3, Stunning Fist: 1/1. Conditions: content for sucking the dildo, content for getting spanked and punished as she deserved and embarrassed for enjoying it, content for Seena holding the leash

After breaking the snail's shell and taking the largest piece of it (a fist sized fragment) and a fragment from the broken altar, as well as the foodstaff, Hana was about to put in the sack the book too, when Vivian stopped her.


Hana opened the book, careful just in case it would explode...however it was filled with blank pages, and some questionmarks.

"Eh..I guess you can read it if you have the leash? Vivian did you detect an illusion?" Hana asked

"Oh, no. No Illusion, you just need to ask the book a question. It doesn't show anything because you aren't looking for anything specific."

After Vivian's reply, Hana tried to think of a question..."What is this collar, and how to remove it?" Not that it really mattered, but it was the question she was curious about.

As you open the book, you find infomation on the 'collar of slimeskin': with a helpful diagram and description, methods of removal include, tickling, salt (not suggested), extreme heat or cold, or the command word set by the owner (currently unknown) this model comes with a leash that when held by the owner can mildly control the wearer (for safety when handling dangerous snails, or slugs). This collar is made to prevent most damage and drying up of your favorite pet :). Scrolled in the bottom: Not for human use

"How to set the command word?"
it describes a 2 hr long ritual for how to set the collar's owner praising the slime god and the devil Morkallid
there is a side note saying to never kill one of the devil Morkallid's snails

"Why not to kill one of devil Morkallid's snails?"
Morkallid is known for turning those who harm her snails into twisted snail-girls. Very difficult to kill, she should be avoided at all costs.

"What is Morkallid's weakness?"
Although this book was authored by Morkallid, they did not include their weaknesses

"Ehmm..how to avoid Morkalid's detection?" Hana asked anxiously
Don't kill her snails
"Good guess Vivian...you got it right." Hana praised Vivi, as she read the book...but her face became more and more worried as she read.

"Ehm....ok, there is a very high chance that a very dangerous devil will come after us, to turn is into snail-girls. I suggest that we depart from here posthaste!" Hana totally didn't want to turn into a snail-girl!

"Seena dear...I will take some of those..." Hana offered to pick up some of Seena's baggage, since the poor spidergirl was very obviously overloaded. "...don't argue, we really have to go." she added.
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6c52f6f93b05545f7844b1c369fc7695.jpgSeena Livy the unbroken Spidergirl, Demonlands, Tag: Team Troublemaker, Mood: Tired, sad
Seena gathered up the tools and put them back, sad that she couldn't help her beloved friend. She accepted the bags of coin, but Hana volunteered to carry some of the copper coin bags. Seena made a small harness of sticky webbing to attach the bags to in lack of a spare backpack. Afterwards, Seena kept her distance from Hana, afraid of being near her and getting scolded again. Before they left, She picked up a small fragment of the snail's shell, not quite sure what to do with it yet, but nonetheless curious. As the group got ready to venture out back to the surface, she searched through her supplies. "If we want to make it back to the Hawken borders, that's gonna be a long, exhausting march. Nothing new for me. Here, have some of the company day rations. They taste bad, but they are easy to eat while marching. Eat the whole thing, we haven't had food the whole day." She passed small bundles of dried meat, fruit, bread and grease around.
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Name: Vivian the Slut Location: Demon Lands, Tag: Hana, Seena, Oriala
HP: 31/31 Armor Class:17/18 with shield Initiative Bonus: +4 CMD: 16 Saves: +6 Fort / +3 Ref / +9 Will Speed: 20ft
Initiative: 15

Vivian watched over Hana's shoulder as she looked through the book and searched for useful information after she had provided Hana with a guess of how it worked. "So I wonder how powerful this devil is. And how did a snail devil become so powerful that its worshiped anyways?" Vivian complained mildly insulted for her goddess that a snail was being worshiped in these lands while a rightful goddess was not.

Before the team started to leave, Vivian recovered her thrown dagger, and took a look at her butt plug she got from the loot. Inspecting it, it was of the transmutation school but she knew little else. Feeling mildly adventurous and still worked up from the aphrodisiacs the snail had pumped into her when they were fighting, Vivian shifted her minimal clothing around and started to push the butt plug into her ass! She didn't think it should fit, but as she pushed it in she realized it lubricates itself, and it easily makes its way in. Feeling comfortably full with it in and Vivian thinks it should be easier for her to cum when having vaginal sex while she had it in, something she was happy to have.
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mineshaft-780949.jpg DM
Tag: Team Troublemakers

After the various activities and finally life settling down again to its usual snails pace, you decided to make your way back out of this smelly mine shaft. The winding passages stretch for a seeming eternity, with the prospect of finally getting out however, the travel seems to take less time than it did going in, but after pulling Seena through one of the tightest spots in the semi-collapsed tunnels you all freeze as you hear a shrill whistle from the direction you are going, then a jumbled word echos down the hall. You think at your normal gait it would take another 5 min. to get out of the tunnels, but that was definitely a call for something. A rock settles in the collective stomach of the group as they realize there is probably more to come, and with only one way out it won't be pretty.
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Name: Oriala Lend Slayer and Hidden Mongrel Location: Deep, dark, hard, mysterious mine... shaft... oh! oh!, Tag: Team Troublemaker - Hana, Seena, Vivian
HP: 40/40 Armor Class: 20 / 14 Touch / 17 Flat Footed Initiative Bonus: +7 CMD: 22 / 19 Flat Footed Saves: +5 Fort / +8 Ref / +1 Will
Specials: Post battle horniness

Oriala nodded in agreement with the final disposition of treasure. While Hana and Vivian were examining the snail book and checking their own bits of the loot Oriala examined the nose stud. It was pretty and as she brought it up close to examine she could feel it tugging gently toward her nose. "Ahhh..." she sighed as the jewelry seemed to urge her to put it in her nose. Shrugging her shoulders and pleased with the pretty jewelry Oriala held it up to her nose to try it out. "Mmmm!" she hissed softly as the stud easily and painlessly pierced her nostril and settled itself nicely.

When the jeweled stud clasped itself in her flesh Oriala felt a tingling in her body. Suddenly she felt limber and loose. Stretching a bit Oriala was certain that she could stretch and bend much more easily now. Arching her back Oriala felt the urge to purr in satisfaction. "Ohhh..." she sighed again softly as another sudden thought crossed her mind of just how nice it would feel to have her ears skritched and rubbed.

Shaking herself a bit Oriala looked around as the others gathered themselves. She froze as the sound came from the entrance. "Hana, let's head out together ahead. That worked before. Seena can you cover us with your bow and Vivian with magic? Is everyone healed?" Oriala drew her greatsword and prepared for battle as she readied herself to move with the others as silently as possible.

OOC Stealth 21
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6c52f6f93b05545f7844b1c369fc7695.jpgSeena Livy the unbroken Spidergirl, Demonlands, Tag: Team Troublemaker, Mood: Tired, cautious
Seena drew her bow and readied an arrow. "Maybe we should wait and ambush them?" Seena climbed up one the walls of the shaft until she held herself on the ceiling with her webbing, cautiously moving forward upside down to evade detection. (Accelerated Climb: 24, Take 10 +16 -2, Stealth: 29, Nat 20)

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Hana, Keeper of the Sleeping Spring Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Seena, Vivian, Oriala
HP: 35/39 Armor Class: 23 Initiative Bonus: +7/9 CMD: 25
Panache: 5/6, Charmed Life: 0/3, Stunning Fist: 2/2. Conditions: content for sucking the dildo, content for getting spanked and punished as she deserved and embarrassed for enjoying it, content for Seena holding the leash

"They could try to collapse the mine or us...or prepare traps, like the imps before. " Hana told the others, hoping to urge them forward

However, since everyone decided to march out slowly, Hana wouldn't run ahead by herself. She also tried to move along the others stealthily.

[28 Stealth, 11 Perception]
Tag: Team Troublemakers

The trek out of the last portion of the tunnels seems to stretch on forever, anticipation nagging at the back of each of your minds. Finally sunlight can be seen, along with a cool wind on each of your faces, Vivian takes the time to hand out some spells and prepare for what is ahead. Then slowly you move to the blinding sunlight, your eye slowly adjusting as you all attempt to hide your particular locations. The smell of clean, fresh air wafts in, tinged with pine. Attempting to hide in the rays of sunlight pouring down on you, and only the edges of the long shaft, or the wooden supports to aid in that, is excruciatingly difficult. The light shining off Hana's sword isn't helping much either. However with Senna's aid even Vivian's steps manage to be nearly silent, the spidergirl had noticed the clanking of Vivian's armor and quickly wove some silk sheets to hold it more firmly, reducing how much it could move, but being thin enough that if they were attacked it would just fall away giving Viv her full range of motion again.

Hana and Oriala are the fist to reach the entrance, and what stands before them, three molten eyes looking down upon them, is a demonically corrupt form. Unsurprising considering the location, but still a startling sight. The semitransparent material of her clothes leaving little to the imagination, and moisture seeming to constantly drip from the woman's lush hair and collect on any exposed skin she has. She opens her mouth, revealing rows of spiked teeth before she bellows at you. "Well, what are you waiting for Scum, bow before your Mistress, and WHERE IS SLIMY!?! I whistled for him not your hairless primate asses, well what are you standing there gawking at, go get him." She sighs at you, heavily, "Good help is ssooo hard to come by these days, and finding humans who don't secrete too much salt is such a chore." She stands there letting you take in the image of this woman towering two stories above your heads, and probably giving you a good look at her damp snatch as her clothes blow in the wind. She seems content with you for now, but she also seems to be in a rather irritable mood, perhaps you can use that.
Also Roll me two will saves!!
Holy shit there are two of these horrors, and one of them is standing in that tree over there. That illusion is pretty good, why would that twin want to hide however?
This woman in front of you isn't real, she just phased through the branches around her after all. This is a mighty fine illusion, now to find the caster.
The second woman looks real however, and she is staring strait at you.

Name: Oriala Lend Slayer and Hidden Mongrel Location: Deep, dark, hard, mysterious mine... shaft... oh! oh!, Tag: Team Troublemaker - Hana, Seena, Vivian
HP: 40/40 Armor Class: 20 / 14 Touch / 17 Flat Footed Initiative Bonus: +7 CMD: 22 / 19 Flat Footed Saves: +5 Fort / +8 Ref / +1 Will
Specials: Really low will saves...

Oriala moves fairly quietly and slips to the side as they leave the cave. It takes only a moment in the bright sunlight to see the massive demon looming before them. She glances at the others and shrugs a bit as a giant demon of that size is going to be hard to deal with. Ylria goes to one knee and lowers her head. As she does so she winks at Hana and motions to the side with her head. "Apologies great mistress, your magnificence overwhelmed our senses. We are your slaves." She motioned to everyone to bow as well. "There was a collapse in the mine shaft that we barely escaped. We are going for help for we fear that the lovely Slimy has been injured." Ylria kept her voice submissive and her head down as she tried to bluff the creature.

OOC: 6 and 5 for Will saves.

10 for Bluff
Hana, Keeper of the Sleeping Spring Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Seena, Vivian, Oriala
HP: 35/39 Armor Class: 23 Initiative Bonus: +7/9 CMD: 25
Panache: 5/6, Charmed Life: 0/3, Stunning Fist: 2/2. Conditions: content for sucking the dildo, content for getting spanked and punished as she deserved and embarrassed for enjoying it, content for Seena holding the leash

Hana felt her heart freezing at Oriala's awful acting...

'You know she can see you winking at me, right?' she thought, as she watched the little play.

"Maybe you wish to check him by yourself, Mistress?" she asked, moving to the side, while preparing for the upcoming fight. There was no way she would buy Oriala's acting, right?
5ec2248706d148997d5f506b7fa9cefa.jpg Demon Lady
Tag: Team Troublemakers

Having clearly seen the wink too, and perhaps something else that angered her, her face twisting into that of rage, her triplet molten eyes flashing at the pair who dare stand up to her. "You SLUTS think you can defy me, and YOU," Pointing at Hana. "Step forth and accept your punishment for wearing Slimy's collar without permission!" Slithering from behind her back, four slime covered, and reeking of week old fish, tentacles slither, curling almost sensually along her frame and leaving trails in the slime that clings to her skin. They wrap around her arms and legs giving her limbs extra thickness, and in each hand the appearance of holding whips. She steps back and the ground shivers slightly as she does so, giving you some room to make your way out of the cavern. Hana you are rather sure your cover is blown, then again she seems angry at more than just one thing at the moment, if you can think of a way you might be able to defuse the tension, otherwise it looks like it is going to be a fight.

You can either roll initiative or take one last shot at pacifying her.
Hana, Keeper of the Sleeping Spring Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Seena, Vivian, Oriala
HP: 35/39 Armor Class: 23 Initiative Bonus: +7/9 CMD: 25
Panache: 5/6, Charmed Life: 0/3, Stunning Fist: 2/2. Conditions: content for sucking the dildo, content for getting spanked and punished as she deserved and embarrassed for enjoying it, content for Seena holding the leash

"Excuse me, Lady Morkalid I assume?" Hana stepped forward.

"We were asked to just shoo away the cultists - I assume the useless bums you had working for you. Instead of explaining to us that they working for you, and simply go away, they attacked us for no reason at all." she continued, annoyed by the whole deal.

"Some of them are alive, so you can ask them. In any case, we didn't expect the very untrained Slimy to just start attacking us. How were we supposed to know it was anyone's pet? He wasn't even wearing the collar!"

"An old mine isn't an enviroment to raise a snail! Snails need grass and wetness, not rocks and dry dirt. And why would you leave your pet with some idiots to begin with? If you want to fight, we will fight. But you are blaming the wrong people!"
Hana declared.

[Diplomacy: 22]
5ec2248706d148997d5f506b7fa9cefa.jpg Lady Morkalid

Hana's use of her name seemed to surprise the angry demoness, but the surprise quickly turned to disappointment, and faster on the heels, rage. She sneered down at Hana as she spat, "You harm my snail, route my cult, wear my pet's collar without permission, and then DARE to tell me how to better raise MY PETS! You have no idea who you are dealing with insect." She seems like she is going to swing her mighty tentacles at your now, not something that looks pleasant, but what else could you do?
The other lady is standing almost perfectly still, her eyes closed and her tentacles draping, her face betrays her anger as well, twisting at the same time into a perfect replica of the sneer on the other's face.
~~Combat Start~~
Once again using Roll20 with the usual set up.

Rushing into action Hana rushes the lady who was speaking, nimbly maneuvering as she brings her sword in for a strong series of strikes, but it seems this woman can just shrug off the sword's bite, and her leg refuses to bleed. This probably frustrates the warrior as her technique is thwarted by the seeming impenetrable nature of the lady's skin before her. This leads the woman to chuckle at the frustrated warrior, her smell suffusing the air around them both.

Seena then skittering along the ceiling makes her way to the entrance before loosing her arrow. At a tree? Surprisingly it seems the arrow is caught within the branches of the tree, then falls to the ground.
Without opening her triplicate eyes a single tentacle lashes up and intercepts the missile, preventing it from lodging in the mistress' flesh, her eyes then open seeming to take the group of you in for the first time, her motions that of dealing with something particularly disgusting.

Vivian also joins her companions at the entrance, her prayer ringing true as a shard of ice forms before her hands, before lobbing itself at the demonic woman, seeming to scratch along her arm, but leaves no mark on the unblemished, lubricated skin. This turns Viv's heart cold with the realization nothing you are doing to this monstrosity is managing to harm her, will anything?

Oriala, quick on the uptake as well but not as fast as her friends, makes her way around the woman, attempting to set up like she did last time with Hana, and swinging her sword around Morkalid in a frenzy. Whether it was that she made no contact or the demoness' skin was truly unyielding to the blades, that didn't stop the human appearing agent from attempting.

Morkalid responded finally to the assault on her person, both of her forms show her eyes opening wider, drawling "Since you wish to be my pet so much, why don't you obey me now?" A tendril of thought drills deep into Hana's mind, an alien presence making itself known within the confines of her skull. Whatever the outcome Morkalid seems immensely pleased with herself.
You have been and are ordered to fight your allies.
Note: This procs AoO, take it if you like.
~~End Round 1~~
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Hana, Keeper of the Sleeping Spring Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Seena, Vivian, Oriala
HP: 35/39 Armor Class: 23 Initiative Bonus: +7/9 CMD: 25
Panache: 5/6, Charmed Life: 0/3, Stunning Fist: 2/2. Conditions: content for sucking the dildo, content for getting spanked and punished as she deserved and embarrassed for enjoying it, content for Seena holding the leash

"I would obey, if you were reasonable." Hana calmly replies.

When Seena tells them that she can see her towards the tree behind, Hana turned around and rushed toward the other tree...leaving her back (seemingly) exposed to Morkalid. The fact that she didn't attack her, made Hana nod in realization, before tumbling towards the tree....narrowly avoiding a wooden branch that shot towards her.

She then slashed at the tree, and while her blade hit the illusion, the illusion itself became faded, to reveal Morkalid's form hidden inside it.

"Yes, she is here." she confirmed.

"Lady Morkalid, we don't want to kill you...do we really have to fight?" she asked, once again.
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22553 Kagami, The Demon Fox; Location: Near the mists; Tag: Cris, Sevia; Mood: Determined;
Core States: HP (26/26); AC 14; CMD 13; Init: +3; Fort: +2; Ref: +5; Will: +5
Base Save DC: 15; Grade 1: (8/8); Grade 2: (4/5) Meta Magics: +1 , +1
Conditions: Invisible(5min), Demon Fox

Kagami was talked down by Sevia's skill full diplomacy, she had alraedy lost herself to the demons, and Sevia had shown her friendship even still. She and Sevia tried investigating the contents of the bottle a bit more, with Sevia casting a spell to ward off further corruptions. Kagami had a new found respect and appiciation for Sevia. 'I, I wish I could be a better friend to her, but we'll only both end up regretting it. It always ends that way...' she at least resolved not to treat the cat poorly any more.
She got Cris's attention and called them both into the tent. "I'm sorry to you as well, I can only imagine what I've said or done to you in this form. That is why I have to die, I.... I don't want to stay this way, and I think I'm only going to hurt you to if you stay with me like this. That's why I'm going into the mist alone. I am already corrupted, and at worst Melana will just call me back. You two stay here and if I'm not back by two hours past noon, go back without me. If... If I come back and I'm not myself, please use whatever force necessary. I... I don't like the thought of some other me being in control." Despite her words, she was still a little nervous to go alone, if either girl pushed back and asked to go she would welcome there company.

Once she had left camp she once more approached the mists. Originally she planned to cover her mouth with some cloth to keep her from breathing in the gasses, but with her nakedness, and her fox snout it seemed kind of pointless. "All I have to do is investigate, find out what's going on, and get out, no fighting...." She gave herself a reassuring nod, casting, "Forma meum Celare" a shroud of invisibility to cover her. She stepped into the mists.

She will explore the mists, staying hidden for as long as she can, and trying her best to find something of note.

[She cast Invisibility on herself, and anyone with her]
[Will Save to resists the effects of the mists: 24]
[Con check to hold her breath: Nat 1 >.>]
[Stealth Check: 61]
[Perception Check: 10]
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Name: Vivian the Slut Location: Demon Lands, Tag: Hana, Seena, Oriala
HP: 31/31 Armor Class:17/18 with shield Initiative Bonus: +4 CMD: 16 Saves: +6 Fort / +3 Ref / +9 Will Speed: 20ft
Initiative: 15

Vivian gives a thankful nod to Seena as she weaves silk pads to reduce the amount of noise her armor was making. What ever was ahead of them would have heard them much sooner if Seena hadn't done that. As the group gets closer to the entrance, about a minute worth of walking left, Vivian starts to cast buffs for the party. She lets the two scouting ahead get a little further so they wouldn't be too compromised by her spell casting and then starts to chant in a loud voice, reciting prayers to The Goddess of Fate. In the end, Vivian casts bless on the party, and Owls wisdom on herself.

When they finally walked out into the light once more, they immediately ran into some three eyed demonic giant! Vivian looked on with wide eyes, her gaze switching between the twin demons, as Oriala tried her best to act and trick the demon and then fail spectacularly. The demon's violent reaction to it all only left Vivian even more nervous, and prepared herself for combat!

[Bless, everyone gets +1 to attack. Owls Wisdom, Vivian gets +4 to her wisdom, which translates to a +2 modifier. Vivian also makes the first dc, seeing both demons.
Initiative = 22. Vivian goes before the Demon.]

Already having her dagger and shield drawn, Vivian rushes towards the demon when she feels like there is no more room for diplomacy. "Down with you demon! I'll take you down just like that oversized slug!" Vivian yells as she casts her spell at the first of the demons.

[Casts Icicle, ranged touch attack, to hit = 22. Dmg 5. She fails will save to notice its an illusion.]


Seeing both Seena and Hana turning to attack the twin inside of the tree, Vivian decides it would be better to focus fire, and maybe the second one might not be so damn tough as the first one! Vivian turns and charges at the same demonness as Hana, stabbing towards her with her dagger! And her stab went just a little too wide, missing the large demon!

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Name: Oriala Lend Slayer and Hidden Mongrel Location: Deep, dark, hard, mysterious mine... shaft... oh! oh!, Tag: Team Troublemaker - Hana, Seena, Vivian
HP: 40/40 Armor Class: 20 / 14 Touch / 17 Flat Footed Initiative Bonus: +7 CMD: 22 / 19 Flat Footed Saves: +5 Fort / +8 Ref / +1 Will
Specials: Really low will saves...

Oriala shook her head as first her attacks failed to do damage. Then Hana and Seena moved over to instead attack what was obviously a second demon hidden under an illusion. It was time to put an end to this nonsense before the two demons could overwhelm them. Slashing Oriala cried again in rage as her attack missed her foe the first demon.
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Team Troublemakers, Combat
~~Round 2~~

As Seena pointed out that there was a second version hiding in an illusory meat tree, Hana rushed over to handle the other threat, swinging her sword at the illusory tree, and passing through without any resistance. Focusing she could now see the woman hiding within it, and made another request to chat.

Seena however had no such intentions loosing two arrows at the distracted Mistress, her tentacles getting pierced by the spidergirl's arrows. Morkalid angrily hissed in response to the needling she had received, knowing how little of that she could take.

Vivian next stepped forth, found her gut suddenly full of tentacle, but not int he fun way. Her skin turning shiny as she slashes viciously at the woman in the dripping tree with her dagger. It came to little effect however the dagger being aligned improperly and sliding slickly off Morkalid's leg, probably in part due to the lack of air in her lungs at the moment.

Oriala, holding down the other Morkalid, slashes furiously at her, but the woman seems more nimble than anticipated, simply not being caught by any of the blows.

Stepping back from her combatants, and wrapping the tentacle that attacked Viv sensually around her leg. The demoness, revealing both of her forms, sends her twin to stand before Seena, making it difficult to see the one exiting the tree. Then, her eyes grow wide once again as this time swirling bright colors appear between Seena and Vivian, they seem so soothing and something in them makes you want to just keep staring into them, as lewd fantasies course through them, but only if you look deep enough. Turning to the Samuri with an expression of disgust, "You have my attention, now call off your dogs and speak, or I may not keep one of you as a pet, and just crush you all into goop." She seems to be holding back from attacking at the moment, the lights being just harmless entrancing colors, if you are going to fast talk this woman, now is the time.
~~End Round 2~~
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