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Dark Empire - IC

Hana, Keeper of the Sleeping Spring Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Seena, Vivian, Oriala
HP: 35/39 Armor Class: 23 Initiative Bonus: +7/9 CMD: 25
Panache: 5/6, Charmed Life: 0/3, Stunning Fist: 2/2. Conditions: content for sucking the dildo, content for getting spanked and punished as she deserved and embarrassed for enjoying it, content for Seena holding the leash

Hana mentally prepared herself to lunge forward and attack should the demon try some kind of trickery...one step there, a second step there, and she would slash upwards, she played the scene in her mind...

"Lets talk then. We were sent here because there was cultist presence in the area, and for some reason that was important for Hawken. We were sent to make them go away, not necessarily to kill them. We were discovered by the cultists, and they immediately pretended they were doing some kind of sacrifice, to lure us into an ambush."

"If we knew they were just raising your pet, we wouldn't have killed them. I honestly deeply regret the misunderstanding, but we aren't the ones who caused it."

"My team is prepared to fight desperately to the death if needed, over leaving someone behind. However I am sure we would make horrible pets, and surely your time could be devoted to an other, worthy snail, who craves your affection. You are mighty Lady Morkalid, I will admit that...are we really worth your time, or your anger?"
Hana concluded, hoping to pacify the fiend.

[Readied action, if Morkalid goes for an other spell to move forward and attack her.]

Name: Oriala Lend Slayer and Hidden Mongrel Location: Deep, dark, hard, mysterious mine... shaft... oh! oh!, Tag: Team Troublemaker - Hana, Seena, Vivian
HP: 40/40 Armor Class: 20 / 14 Touch / 17 Flat Footed Initiative Bonus: +7 CMD: 22 / 19 Flat Footed Saves: +5 Fort / +8 Ref / +1 Will
Specials: Really low will saves... non-stop low saves!

Oriala grunts with the effort as yet another attack misses. She keeps her sword raised and ready in case the demon should chose to continue the fight.
Tag: Team Fox-sluts

Kagami enters the mists, silently and stealthily((Presume its a 16, not a 61 though:p)).. however, the one thing she is not that good at holding her breath and inhales some of the pink mist.. immediatly her body heats up, tingling already from the Demon Fox Transformation, it just gets worse, her loins aching with need.

At least, she doesn't take that long to find the source of the mist, a large, twisted looking metal machine, spewing it out.. it's what she sees next that has her gasp for air even more (and with that, comes a relaxing tingling)
mud-dolls they'd just fought, encircling what almost looked like a stage.. but it couldn't be a stage, right?


A loud voice shouts, to the approved groaning of over a hundred undead mud-creatures.

And there, right on the strange stage, stands a man with tattered robes, lifting a book glowing with evil runes as he declares:


The tattered human shouted, whilest an eerie green light shone upon the stage and from somewhere.. began playing. And then, upon the stage, stepped a pale beauty armed with a positively oversized sword.

"Are you ready undead? Are you mindless?" There was affirmative groaning. "I can't hear you!" The groaning got a little louder.

"Alright alright alright! Here's my new song, listen well and soon we'll show ALL the living how to have a good time!" She raised her index and little finger into the air, in that seemed to be an unholy gesture of some sorts.

"Oh yeah! Everyone! We'll take down the living with power and thunder! We'll fuck all their life out, then they'll be six feet under!
Hear me now, mud-sluts, they're soon out of luck! Slay them and maim them and forever we'll fuck!

Are you horny? I'm horny! Everyone be horny with me!"
She declared, some of her audience groping at each other.

As the pale singer sang her song, all of the undead shuffled along, growling and flexing dangerous looking, dark mud dripping claws.

You are 120 ft away from a 20x40 ft stage. To your left there is a fog-machine spewing fog that makes you horny.. you kinda want to inhale more of it. Ahead of you there are undead hordes, which have not noticed you yet, transfixed by whats happening on the stage, they do count as difficult terrain however.
The Stage counts as a desecrated shrine and Lady Anastacia's performance seems to be empowering the undead somehow.
6c52f6f93b05545f7844b1c369fc7695.jpgSeena Livy the unbroken Spidergirl, Demonlands, Tag: Team Troublemaker, Mood: Adrenaline rush
The beautiful soothing lights turned Seena's vision hazy. The surroundings became blurred, the edge of her vision crept inwards, the light of the wild magic dimmed. There was only the mesmerizing glow...
But through it, she could see bipedal shapes. Vivian...? Hana...?
With that, the fog in her mind cleared. I refuse! I won't leave Hana to this demon! Seena shook to reassert control over her body and bolted out of the cave, up the side of the cliff, and took in the view. The two images had boxed Hana in. Seena didn't really know which was real, but something told her that the one near the tree was the one most susceptible. She was about to let loose as she noticed the fighting had stopped and Hana and the demon were talking. Has she got Hana in her grasp? Then she heard Hana's pleading, and understood. Hana was trying to end the fight. Seena thought this a fool's errand, and was quite incensed by the attempt to hypnotize her, but she held her bow steady. I... have to trust that Hana knows what she is doing. I can't keep getting her into more trouble. If she can end this fight, it would probably be for the best. Please be careful Hana... She trained her bow on the image at the tree, waiting for any sign of treachery to let loose.
22589 Kagami, The Demon Fox; Location: Near the mists; Tag: Cris, Sevia; Mood: Determined;
Core States: HP (26/26); AC 14; CMD 13; Init: +3; Fort: +2; Ref: +5; Will: +5
Base Save DC: 15; Grade 1: (8/8); Grade 2: (4/5) Meta Magics: +1 , +1
Conditions: Invisible(2min), Demon Fox
, Horny form the mists
There was many things Kagami expected to find in the mists. A monster, and secret lab, even a beefcake fox to whisk her away! This, was not what she was expecting at all, the shock of seeing the stage caused her so gasp, sucking in air. The mist began to work on her already vulnerable form, as her folds started to get swollen, dripping with excitement. Her hands wondered to her exposed snatch and breasts, rubbing as she considered joining the throng. 'You're not a monster, that's not who you are!' A soft voice rang in her head. She snapped out of it, her body still hungry for sex, but her mind focused on doing anything she could to make the mission succeed.

'The mist is a problem... but I have to do something about that performer... I can't fight, even if everyone was here this crowd would overwhelm us.' She sighed. She examined the stage trying to find where the music was coming from. She had an idea, it was a long shot, but it was probably the only idea she could pull off without much help. She very carefully snuck around the side of the stage, avoiding the groaning and grouping muddoll audience. Once she was was about 30 away from the stage, she cast "revelabo stultitiam magicis sphaeram" quietly but clearly. She was looking for any sort of device that was the source of the backup music, or any other relevant magics to the performance on stage.

[Detect Magic cast]
Tag: Kagami

You detect several magical aura's in the area of her detec magic. The tattered announcer looks up at her spellcasting, but sees nothing and returns his attention to the show.

Kagami carefully and wisely maneuvres around the worst of the undead, whilest hearing the singing.. she almost feels like joining on in as she gets closer (will save!)

(giving you only the round 1 results for detect magic, just in case you roll low enough on this will save. Also, concentration check while at it!)
22594 Kagami, The Demon Fox; Location: Near the mists; Tag: Cris, Sevia; Mood: Determined;
Core States: HP (26/26); AC 14; CMD 13; Init: +3; Fort: +2; Ref: +5; Will: +5
Base Save DC: 15; Grade 1: (8/8); Grade 2: (4/5) Meta Magics: +1 , +1
Conditions: Invisible(2min), Demon Fox
, Horny form the mists
The music started to stream into Kagami. Pounding in her ears, she started tapping her paw to the rythem as she looked around, seeing several magical aura's. Her hips began to gyrate, 'Let the music move you!' She started to outright dance, unable to concentrate on the aura she started to headband, thrusting her hand paw into the air and jamming with the music. Her body drew her over to the moshpit, where she started grinding her still hungry pussy on one of the mud dolls. She kept quiet, and did what little she could not to draw attention to herself. The mud of the doll on her fur felt so good! She was starting to wonder why she was so resistant to becoming one of these things as she continue moving her body with the music. Even still she focused on the stage trying to find any thing that is giving off a magic aura that she could use.

[Will Save: 11]
[Concentration: 27 = 17 +10]
[Perception: 9]
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Name: Vivian the Slut Location: Demon Lands, Tag: Hana, Seena, Oriala
HP: 27/37 Armor Class:17/18 with shield Initiative Bonus: +4 CMD: 16 Saves: +6 Fort / +3 Ref / +9 Will Speed: 20ft
Initiative: 22 Conditions: Being Snailed

Vivian eyes the demon nervously...its eyes were so beautiful... so many pretty colors... Fog started to appear in Vivian's head for a brief moment as the demon used some hypnotic power on her, but she crushed it with her iron will, stopping any effects it might have had on her before it could take hold! She glared at the demon, making sure to not look directly into her eyes this time.

She wanted to trust Hana's diplomacy skills, but she still needed to be ready to fight. She took a 5ft step towards the demon that just used the hypnotic eyes on her and prepared to stab at her! But as she started to move, Vivian started to moan in pleasure. Her body felt like it was on fire, but in a good way. "G-guys, Im not feeling right..." Every where the heat spread to, pleasure coursed through her body, increasing as the heat did as well. It felt like she was melting into this warmth, this pleasure... Her skin and flesh started to turn transparent, into a slimy membrane! It felt so good as it was happening but VIvian knew it wasn't right, but she could do nothing to stop it, already over half her body was made of this new soft, tender, and slimy flesh! "O-ohh~~ Thi-this isn't good!"
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Name: Oriala Lend Slayer and Hidden Mongrel Location: Deep, dark, hard, mysterious mine... shaft... oh! oh!, Tag: Team Troublemaker - Hana, Seena, Vivian
HP: 40/40 Armor Class: 20 / 14 Touch / 17 Flat Footed Initiative Bonus: +7 CMD: 22 / 19 Flat Footed Saves: +5 Fort / +8 Ref / +1 Will
Specials: Really low will saves... non-stop low saves!

Oriala glances over at Vivian and frowned. It seemed that they needed to make a decision to attack or parley immediately before the mind twisting powers of the demons took them all. "Be strong Vivian," she called out and then raised her sword to face the demons. "Heed the offer of my comrade Lady Morkalid. We do not seek battle but will bring death if we are opposed. Don't test our resolve or our prowess."

OOC: Intimidate to backup the diplomacy check like good cop/bad cop

Intimidate 31
6c52f6f93b05545f7844b1c369fc7695.jpgSeena Livy the unbroken Spidergirl, Demonlands, Tag: Team Troublemaker, Mood: Adrenaline rush
Seena almost let loose the arrow as she heard Vivian call out. The others still did not strike back, however. Seena calmed herself, keeping her bow drawn and trained.
"Vivian, what's happening? What is going on down there? Hana, what are you doing?"

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Tag: Troublemakers
~~Round 3~~

You all continue to maneuver around and shout at each other as Morkalid watches, matching Vivian's step with her own, the duo seemingly locked in a sort of dance. This also was met by the now clearly an illusory double floating through Hana and the others into Morkalid's form, hopefully disappearing. "Now dears, don't step any closer, or I may have to pick my new pet now. Ooh, a feisty one, I wonder how good you would look on a leash. Hmm, and that chocolate color is delightful. Sorry back to the matter at hand, yes those cultists were rather useless, that is why I was checking up on them. Your claim of me having other snails is correct, but they have more competent handlers, and were not still in their egg, which you clearly went and destroyed, probably along with poor Slimy's shell." She sighs deeply, "Even if you will make poor pets, it has been some time since I last trained on directly, and you dears have culled my flock, it seems only right that you make up the difference. I propose this, find me a new pet or one of your number will become her permanent replacement." Her tongue then rolls out of her mouth and laps at her breast, acquiring some of the juice dripping down her front, before returning to her mouth, awaiting your decision, but seemly ready for something.
~~End Round 3~~
6c52f6f93b05545f7844b1c369fc7695.jpgSeena Livy the unbroken Spidergirl, Demonlands, Tag: Team Troublemaker, Mood: Adrenaline rush
Seena managed to hear the poisonous words flowing from the creature. "Don't listen to her! Hana, would you really sacrifice anyone to this beast? There is no honor in this! Vivian, fight her grip! I knowthere is some fire within you! Oriala! We can beat her! Fight with all you have!" She shouted, but held her attack. She hoped Hana would either find a way to shoo the demon away, or recognize the need to fight.

(Action: Keep attack readied.)

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Hana, Keeper of the Sleeping Spring Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Seena, Vivian, Oriala
HP: 35/39 Armor Class: 23 Initiative Bonus: +7/9 CMD: 25
Panache: 5/6, Charmed Life: 0/3, Stunning Fist: 2/2. Conditions: content for sucking the dildo, content for getting spanked and punished as she deserved and embarrassed for enjoying it, content for Seena holding the leash

"Seena, stop shouting, please! Everyone, stay your weapons," Hana cried back to Seena.

"So, you want us to find you a new snail pet. Were could we find one? We would be willing to do so, if it could help solve the misunderstanding. However, you will have to fix her before that." Hana pointed towards Vivian.

[Well, ready partial charge should Morkalid attack]

Name: Oriala Lend Slayer and Hidden Mongrel Location: Deep, dark, hard, mysterious mine... shaft... oh! oh!, Tag: Team Troublemaker - Hana, Seena, Vivian, Demon
HP: 40/40 Armor Class: 20 / 14 Touch / 17 Flat Footed Initiative Bonus: +7 CMD: 22 / 19 Flat Footed Saves: +5 Fort / +8 Ref / +1 Will
Specials: Illusions?

Oriala held her weapons and readied herself to see how the demon would react. She would play along with Hana's bluff if bluff it was for now. Certainly her own attempt to get them past the demon had failed so she would see how Hana's play. Oriala was unsure of offering up one of their group as a slave but if it was true about returning to their mistress if they died or were too badly... altered then this might work. It just might be a bit hard on Vivian assuming the power was enough to pull her from the demon.

OOC: Stand by to attack!

Name: Vivian the Slut Location: Demon Lands, Tag: Hana, Seena, Oriala
HP: 27/37 Armor Class:17/18 with shield Initiative Bonus: +4 CMD: 16 Saves: +6 Fort / +3 Ref / +9 Will Speed: 20ft
Initiative: 22 Conditions: Being Snailed

Unable to respond to Seena because of pleasure overload, Vivian just kept on moaning as her body kept on turning into a slimy soft flesh! She kind of just went limp as she climaxed as she fully became a snail girl. "I-it felt soo goood~~" She slowly started to move her dagger back towards the demon. "B-but I cant stay like this. Change me back!" She mustered as much authority into her voice as she could which only made her sound weaker.
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Tag: Team Troublemakers
~~Round 4~~

The tension was somewhat settled, and Hana made her position clear. Vivian however wasn't doing well, those around her could see that her skin was becoming a smooth slimy membrane, somewhat translucent and they could now clearly make out her veins and arteries snaking just beneath it. It was then she realized that the transformation was merely topical, as it faded away, but left her weaker. Her sex trying to squeeze the seed from a nonexistent lover. The Demoness had started responding to Hana, but was interrupted by this performance and her smile grew as the slut orgasmed at her conversion. "Deary, I didn't turn you into one of my pets yet, if you want however I can. As for fixing her, I cannot do that.. here, and since you found my pet I assume you broke the shrine where I could here." She sighs in mock disappointment, her lower right tentacle caressing then penetrating her own dripping snatch, "Don't worry, if you leave her with me I can make certain she stays nice and wet while you collect your due. This way I'll have assurance of your end of the bargain, as for where you can find the eggs, you will have to travel about another two days in that direction, collect the eggs carefully and make sure you keep them from drying out on the return. Do you think you can handle that, or should I just finish you off, like the insects you are?" She then separated from her illusory twin, both of them stepping back in unison, giving no indication which is which (even I do not know, we will roll a d2 on the first attack).
~~End Round 4~~
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Name: Vivian the Slut Location: Demon Lands, Tag: Hana, Seena, Oriala
HP: 20/37 Armor Class:17/18 with shield Initiative Bonus: +4 CMD: 16 Saves: +6 Fort / +3 Ref / +9 Will Speed: 20ft
Initiative: 22 Conditions: Being Snailed

Thankfully the overwhelming pleasure stopped, and she only changed at the skin layer. If it had continued to fully change her Vivian didn't know how she would be able to deal with so much pleasure. "I-I'm Mistress Melana's pet already, I-I cant be yours!" Vivian fired back and was about to say something else when she was entranced by The Demoness tentacle fucking herself. Shaking her head to break her view of the Demoness, Vivian turns and looks towards Hana. "I can stay here with the demon. Just the idea of being dried out is very unpleasant, and if anything does happen to me, Ill just be sent back. Go get her eggs for her."

Anastacia The Vile
Tag: Kagami, primarly

"Oh.. ah! Shake those undying bodies for eternal pleasure! Everybodyyyy.. Move your booody!" Anastacia encouraged whilest, somehow, Kagami maintained concentration upon her spell.. there were several magical aura's on stage, one clinging to the tattered bard, one illuminating the stage as a whole. A third seemed to come from the stage-lights.. but by far the most powerful of the lot, emanated from Anastacia's sword.

However, dancing along with the undead was exhausting for one of the living. Kagami felt herself smeared with dark goo, and worse, she felt.. fatigued, struggling to keep up with her body moving this swiftly. (She takes 1 point of nonlethal damage from exhaustion.).

As if this was not enough, she feels compelled to dance on, for now.. and a strange pit seems to be forming in the middle of the undead mud-dolls...
But luckily for Kagami, her movements actually took her away from the worst of it, rather than towards it.

That was the good news.. the bad news was that, with her tits rubbing so nicely up against one of the mud-dolls, she had failed to notice that the same was staring straight at her, .. and was now looking around confused. Whilest the simple-minded undead sex-slaves seemed uncertain as to what was going on with the invisiblity, the magic dutifully hiding the mud covering the fox best as it could, it caused a small commotion... how much longer could she avoid detection?

(Normally, irresistable dance would prevent you from doing -anything- but dance, but I'll be generous, it's ment to be a weaker version of the spell anyway.
You are compelled to dance and try to concentrate for another round!)
Hana, Keeper of the Sleeping Spring Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Seena, Vivian, Oriala
HP: 35/39 Armor Class: 23 Initiative Bonus: +7/9 CMD: 25
Panache: 5/6, Charmed Life: 0/3, Stunning Fist: 2/2. Conditions: content for sucking the dildo, content for getting spanked and punished as she deserved and embarrassed for enjoying it, content for Seena holding the leash

Hana turned toward Vivian, to make sure she was indeed speaking for herself and not controlled by magic.

Normally Hana would be very against leaving someone behind. But if Vivian agreed with it, and if it could help avoid bloodshed...

While Hawken wouldn't mind having all demons killed, Hana still preferred peaceful solutions. Bringing back some eggs didn't sound too hard - and they had already accomplished their mission.

"Fine. How will we find those eggs? If they were easy to collect, you would have done so already...so tell us what we need to know to succeed."

[Sense Motive 14 (to check if the demoness is bluffing)]
22607 Kagami, The Demon Fox; Location: Near the mists; Tag: Cris, Sevia; Mood: Determined;
Core States: HP (26/26)[+1 non Lethal]; AC 14; CMD 13; Init: +3; Fort: +2; Ref: +5; Will: +5
Base Save DC: 15; Grade 1: (8/8); Grade 2: (4/5) Meta Magics: +1 , +1
Conditions: Invisible(2min), Demon Fox
, Horny form the mists, dancing life there is no tomorrow.
Kagami continued her dance, rocking and shaking with the soothing music. 'Why can't I stop!' She was still able to keep herself mind focused, deciding to use to figure out anything about the sword or stage well dancing.

The music only picked up in beat as she started rubbing her butt against the crotch of a muddoll behind her, her tail lifted and swaying invisibly with the music. 'This mud feels good... I should stop fighting it and let it cover all of my fur...' She fought the dangerous thought and refocused on her examinations.

[Concentration: 17 = 7+10]
[Spellcraft for the stage: 25 = 17+8]
[Spellcraft for the sword: 19 = 11+8]