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Ayuna.png Name: Ayuna, Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Kagami mostly

The elf-slut continues the delicious tongue circles following the curvature of each foot, dutiful in her attentions, and noticing Ma'am's hand slip into her dress.

As you near your climax you feel something strange, a warmth make a WILL save (you may choose to fail)
Hmm, must have been nothing, just your orgasm, and that sparkle in the eye of the maid is just a trick of the light.

The warmth flooding your system is stronger than any orgasm than you have had before, and as it flows through you you regain 2 lewd hp The maid's eyes seem dead as before, but the sparkle from the light make you think it is perhaps something more. Kagami cannot help but think to herself how lovely it would be to be as clean and empty as Ayuna.

Having done her service Ayuna stands straight up and reties her dress, smiling slightly at Kagami, the light that was there gone, and her eyes blank again.
21907 Kagami, Sheep in Wolves Clothing; Location: Blackshield Estate; Tag: Ayuna, Sevia; Theame song:
Stats: HP 12/19

Releasing the maid Kagami did her best to clean up herself up before rejoining the group. 'Groups huh?' She shuffled between a few of the guests, still a little horny she decided to find whichever she found cutest girl she liked the most and try to group up with them. Her eyes where drawn to the swishing white tail of the cat girl. 'I think we have a winner,' she smiled, a little envious of the girls ability to show her fur in public. When she could slid it in without interupting, she greeted the cat, "Hello there, my name is Kagami, who might you be?"

16+5=21;DC 14; Success
Sevia.jpg Sevia Merricu The Feline Oracle, Location: Blackshield Mansion Tag: Kagami HP: 30/35 Mood: Friendly and Embarrassed

She was startled from her thoughts by the voice of the woman she had been looking at before, her tail fluffing up a bit before she turned to face Kagami with a tinge of pink on her cheeks from embarrassment. "Oh! Sorry I was lost in thought... My name is Sevia, Sevia Mericcu." The catgirl replied and extended a hand to shake with kagami's, having a friendly smile. She expected it to be denied due to past experiences with humans, but her father and scholarly teacher had always taught her under the adage 'Manners Maketh Man'.
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21929 Kagami, Sheep in Wolves Clothing; Location: Blackshield Estate; Tag: Sevia; Mood: excitede; Theame song:
Stats: HP 12/19

'Ah, I was right to pick this one,' Kagami thought as she watched the cat bristle up with her appearance. "It is so nice to meet you Sevia. I see you ware the Hawken army uniform as well, your station is Oracle correct? I would love to team up with you." She smiled playfully. She grasped Sevia's hand and shook it gratefully. "I think you and I should find one more person once Lady Blacksheild is ready," She encoraged Sevia. Knowing her own limitations, it would be best to form a group of three, though with whom she was at a loss right now.

Kagami is only being friendly because she wants Sevia to join her. She still thinks of Sevia as subhuman.
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Sevia.jpg Sevia Merricu The Feline Oracle, Location: Blackshield Mansion Tag: Kagami HP: 30/35 Mood: Friendly

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance as well Kagami" Sevia perked up with a wide smile, her tails swishing a little more actively now thanks to her better mood. "Yes, I'm an oracle in the military, I presume you are a mage? Forming a team sounds great to me, but we might need 2 more if we are to be effective, as I must admit I'm not really a fighter" She replied as her friendly smile turned sheepish and her embarrassed blush returned, also at a loss for who to choose if she teamed up with the nice human.

Name: Oriala Lend Slayer and Hidden Mongrel Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: All
HP: 33/33 Armor Class: 20 / 14 Touch / 17 Flat Footed Initiative Bonus: +7 CMD: 22 / 19 Flat Footed Saves: +5 Fort / +8 Ref / +1 Will
Happy to serve poison

Oriala watched the Kagami and the elf maid tangle together. She felt a sense of disgust at the mixed race relations but at the same time acknowledged that it was right for the elf to be serving Kagami. As well she felt a deep pulse of arousal as the elf submissively served her mistress. It took a great effort for Oriala to turn her attention back to Lady Blackshield. She took a deep breath and squared her shoulders. It was true that she was late and while the fault was not hers Oriala knew that the Service was unforgiving and often unfair. "My lady," Oriala bowed as she stepped slightly forward. "I apologize for my lateness. I will submit to whipping or any other humiliation you wish to impose." Oriala knelt and bowed in submission.
Name: Melana Blackshield Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: All

"Whipping.. how unimaginative. Come here.. Oriala, right? On all fours before me!" Melana commanded.. before extending her legs, calmy resting them upon Oriala like a foot-stool. "I come up with better things - when I'm comfy.
But first, let's go over your missions. As I said, entertaining first."

Melana twirled her hand, a simple prestidigitation creating a glowing line to indicate areas on the next.

"Currently, you have a total of eight available missions. I will explain them in order and not repeat myself. Ayuna, take notes!
There is a decent chance you will fail.. so worry not, you'll get to retry.
Mission I: Search and Destroy: In the southwest of Hawken, right outside the border, there is reports of demon-cultists getting too cocky. You will go to a specified location and either kill, intimidate, or otherwise push back the forces of demons.. naturally, combat is likely involved. Expect some lesser demons and soulless fanatics and if you are unlucky, a succubus. In case you aren't aware of the stories.. great fun until they suck or fuck your soul out.
Mission II: Search and destroy: Much the same, but in the North-east and this time, you'll be dealing with the angelic creations and the Ungrateful Meat, as they call their abominations. Expect monster-girl herders, tentacles and if you are unlucky an abomination.
Mission III: Scout and survive: South of Hawken, in the no-mans land, you will be required to spy on the movements of both armies. There've been reports of what the angel call the Unforgiven Flesh, we need that confirmed, or denied. If you are uncertain what that is, imagine a mass of flesh, the size of this house or worse, designed to convert anything within the vicinity into obediant flesh for the angels. I needn't tell you what happens if it spots you.
Mission IV: Scout and survive: North of Hawken, in the no mans land area II, near the coast, our divination has been obscured by a strange shadow from the west. You will investigate what creature could be causing such a disturbance, eliminate if possible.. far more likely, retreat. Be aware that you have to head through enemy territory for a while there..
Mission V: Assistance: A fellow researcher, lord Shadowstone has requested a few test-subjects for his new conditioning device. If you are tested there I can still restore your mind, this might be relevant, as prior experiments showed a little... too much success, with slavematerial falling into an almost infectious state, wishing to spread their brand of submission around. It was droll for a moment and quickly got out of hand, we lost some material and you know how much I hate wastefulness.
Mission VI: Search and Recover: In the no-mans land, far south of Hawken, there lies an abandoned Military base, which held a valuable equipment-prototype from the symbiotics devision. They want it back. The danger here, other than walking through enemy territory, hopefully undetected by either side, is that the base might not be as empty as we hope."
Mission VII: Farway lands: This Mission's main danger is that you have to get deep into enemy territory, far beyond any hope of recovery, and then find a way to set sail towards the Islands of the South-west. I can teleport you close towards the shore, but you would be within literal sight of the Citadel of the Angel... even if enemies there might ironically be less clustered and expecting of you to be there. Either way, try to get to the islands, give High Command a report on their state.. If somehow you can make it back from this mission sucessful, one way or the other, there'll be a little Bonus reward.. more to that soon.
Before you get greedy however. Remember, you will be within eyesight of Andrauxine's citadel, and her Holy Knights are not to be trifled with. Rumour has it that their leader is a powerful Fallen Paladin, who can smite the righteously devoted to Haven, just for being, well.. that.
Misison VIII: I know it sounds like madness, but the daughter of the High General himself, Elizabeth Darkon, has suggested this course of action, so there will be no questioning. There could be ways to find.. agreements with the demons. Yes, I find the idea disgusting myself, but with our magnificent military at relative ease on one side, we could expand and take much of the North-east for ourselfs.. before breaking the atrocious agreement with filthy demonspawn, of course. Anyway, to even attempt such, you will have to get deep into demon-territory, locate The Hierophant .. be careful.. althought rumour has it that this thing was once a mortal woman, now her very words can.. afflict your mind. Rumour has it she's been preaching of demonic peace for the last twenty years and all who hear of her listen and obey. Same as mission VII, an additional reward if somehow you make it through this with what I will judge success."
She shifted her legs on her comfortable foot-stool, before going on.

"Now, I spoke of rewards earlier.... naturally, I have no obligations to my lessers.. but I wish to motivate you. Yes, serving is it's own reward, but success, should shine more brightly still. If you are successful, you may request a reward of your chosing.. a question I'll answer honestly.. and I did for all of you, I want to address that again, Hana, I gave you the truth you can handle and understand, for now. The request granted will make up for my lack of a full answer. Anyway..
A question I shall answer.. a gift you want beyond what you can scrounge together, Special treatment or.. special treatment. Can be yours.. if you please."

She chuckled.
"That was a long talk. You don't have to start right away, if you are not ready, although now would be a good time. If you wish, Serving me, is always a valid option as well, although I welcome succesful servants evne more. Ayuna can show you to the slave-quarters on the south-wing, quarters you will share with her. On the right wing, there is a kitchen, a recreational area and even a small library.. and yes, I am still not a monsterfriend, I believe in the value of my slaves having a little gym to workout in, a good read about The Merits of Conformity or The Value of Obedience, By Lord Darkon the second. Finally you can even spar against one another there, if you please, some enchantments are in place that will make fighting nonlethal.. as long as you don't use magic above grade 3.
The back of the mansion features my research area, and the upper floors more of that, as well as my private quarters. If you are found there without purpose, you will be given one."
She.. hinted.

"All this talking has gotten me quite thirsty..." Melana shook her head. "The Winekeller is right of the entrance, the set of stairs going down, Orfidia, I'll forgive your punishment, if you'll just go and fetch me my favourite drink." She snipped, commandingly, raising her legs from her stool.
21937 Kagami, Sheep in Wolves Clothing; Location: Blackshield Estate; Tag: Sevia, Cris, Morrigan specifically, all to some degree; Mood: excited; Theme song:
Stats: HP 12/19

"That's right," the fox beamed, "I'm a practitioner of magical arts as well." She said while reaching out and patting Sevia on the head, a few times. "Four would indeed be better than three! We should probably find someone addept at stealth and a front line fighter." Once more scanning the crowed Kagami tried to find a suitable third for there group. The most obvious in the crowd was Seena, 'She is pretty cute for a spider, but I don't want to get mixed up with her, or that naked human. They seem like too much troubtole' Next she glanced at the most docile duo of the group, 'That wyvarian seems like a great slave, but not what we are looking for... The maid could be good, but she makes me uneasy with just how domesticated she is. However, she might be the strongest fighter we can work with.' Finally there was Oriala and Cris, 'They both seem to fit the ticket, but.... there is something off about that late comer. That half elf girl seems perfect.' She giggled a bit, satisfied with her analysis. "I think I know who we can ask," Kagami smiled to the cat girl. She grabbed her by the hand and, provided she didn't struggle, they gathered up Cris and Morrigan.

Up to this point, she had been trying to make friends. She knew it was usually easiest to get people to trust her by being nice, rather than trying to assert dominance, particularly with Kagami's small stature. She knew she was their better, but given the circumstance now was hardly the time to flaunt it. "Hello," Kagami put on her her best smile on for the half human more than the maid. "My name is Kagami, and this is my new friend Sevia. We are a both weavers of magic, Sevia with her focused on healing arts and I am a practitioner of enchantments. Since we need to form groups I was thinking that we could join up with you two. You both seem strong in different ways, and so I think we will make a great team."
I am intentionally not approching Oriala because she and Kagami both have the disguise thing going on.
Kagami is being fake with her kindness, she feels she is Morrigan and Cris's better.
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21938 Morrigan, Asura spawn Tiefling Maid, Blackshield Mansion Interior. Tag: Teams?, Kagami, Sevia, Cris All. Mood: Neutral, but curious.
Morrigan turned to look down at Kagami and Sevia as they approached and listened to their request. It would be at this time, since the two are fairly smaller then the tiefling that they might notice the sheathed dagger strapped to her left thigh. The maid for her part, knew Kagami wasn't exactly talking to her, more to Cris, near her and was incidentally apart of the conversation. Keeping her hands together on her lap, the mixed blooded maid finally added herself to the conversation.

"Milady," she said, intending to get Kagami's attention. "I am but a humble maid," she said, bowing, "why would my ladys assume I was 'strong' as you would put it?"
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6c52f6f93b05545f7844b1c369fc7695.jpgSeena Livy the unbroken Spidergirl, Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Hana, Mood: Curious
Seena walked next to Hana. "Thank you. For standing up for me back there." She whispered to her. "I will express my thanks to you in a more verbose manner later, or any other manner you want. But for now I want you to know that whatever happens next, I'll stay by your side. I owe you that." She looked Hana in the eyes, a new light glimmering in the red depths. "We should seek to gain allies among the others. There is no need to tempt fortune by heading out on these missions on our own. And maybe, we can break the hold Hawken has over their minds. But for now, I will leave the talking to you. I don't think my presence is appreciated by the others." She continued quietly.
Sevia.jpg Sevia Merricu The Feline Oracle, Location: Blackshield Mansion Tag: Kagami, Cris, Morrigan HP: 30/35 Mood: Friendly and Embarrassed

"It's nice to meet anoth-" She begins before she gets cut off by the gentle pats on her head, her cheeks turning a flush red as she begins stammering again. Over the time that Kagami scanned the crown Sevia was recovering, her ears having splayed back , making her look human in the hood for a few seconds before they perked back up again. She had barely composed herself by the time that Kagami reached out and grabbed her hand, the cat making her blush a light pink again, but she didn't resist the pull of the human mage.

"Hello, It's nice to meet you both, I'm sure we could work together well" Sevia chimes in along with Kagami, blushing as she notices Kagami hadn't let go of her hand, the catgirl too shy to pull her hand away on her own. After listening to Morrigan's response she glances down at the dagger then back to her tiefling's face. "well you seem to be armed, I'm sure you can fight really well!" She says with a big naive smile at Morrigan.
Cris.jpg Cris, Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: All

Cris listened to Lady Blackshield explain the situation, but the scene in the room was becoming increasingly distracting. The human had grabbed the half-elf maid, and the other human kneeled before before the Lady, naming her punishment to be. Was this what the Hawken military discipline was like? She had not expected anything like this. However it did not matter: if this was how the forces of the fallen and the corrupted had been kept at bay, even pushed back, then her bewilderment at this was irrelevant. She was to become a part of this community, and there was a price to be paid, and she was willing to pay it, she was willing to pay any price to continue to serve Lady Blackshield.

She listened to the details of her new home and was pleased to hear them, but more focused on the missions she needed to do well. She wanted to succeed on her first one, even if dying would also help, that still sounded scary and she wanted to be rewarded for success. The higher rank ones sounded more dangerous, she would keep to lower ones. She didn't want to face the corrupted flesh of the angel's followers, she'd rather fight cultist. Although, if they were only meant to scout the Unforgiven Flesh, and not defeat it, she could do that, probably.

When the human and beast-kin approached Cris inclined her head politely to the former and smiled at the latter, worried what she would do to her after the treatment the maid had received. “Thank you Kagami, I would be honoured to accompany you. I have have some skill with the dagger, and I'm quick on my feet, and silent, observant too, and I know how to deal with locks and traps,” she nervous tried to cover her abilities, wanting to prove that the woman had been right in judging her useful. She turned away, worried she had said something wrong, and looked instead at the beast-kin, “Hello Sevia, I would like to be your friend too,”
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21955 Kagami, Sheep in Wolves Clothing; Location: Blackshield Estate; Tag: Sevia, Cris, and Morrigan; Mood: playful; Theme song:
Stats: HP 12/19

Kagami did not fail to notice her effects on Sevia. 'Mmmm, this kitten is going to be fun...' her mind already devising lust what sort fun they could have together. At first she had not intended the hand holding to be romantic, but seeing Sevia's reaction Kagami changed her plan. When they arrived at the two potential teammate candidates, she didn't let go of Sevia's hand. After waiting for for a few long moments she would wordless adjust her fingers to intertwine with Sevia's, and unless the cat girl worked up the courage, she would keep it that way for the remainder of their talk with Cris and Morrigan.

"How wonderful! That is exactly what we are looking for. I'm sure we will all come to rely on one another soon. However... What is your name my dear?" Kagami asked. She appraised Cris mentally as well, 'Good manners, a little nervous, and probably skilled enough. Definetly a good catch.'

Turning to Morrigan, Kagami looked over the demon girl. 'Milady huh? Strange she calls me that and than ask such an obvious question.' She pondered a moment before engaging the demon girl directly. "You want to know why I assume you are strong? I think the first and most obvious reason is that everyone in this room has their strengths, some more obvious than others. It would be foolish to assume you are the exception my dear. With that in mind you are clearly of demonic origin, not exactly a race known for their lack of prowess, so I am left to assume that your master trained you in more ways than just scrubbing pots. Finally as Sevia so admirably pointed out, you are indeed armed. No non-human maid as, obedient, wouldn't carry a weapon for self-defense. It is clearly for protecting your master and if you're protecting your master one can only assume you'd give it your all. Now, tell me, where did Milady get confused?"
21961 Morrigan, Asura spawn Tiefling Maid, Blackshield Mansion Interior. Tag: Teams?, Kagami, Sevia, Cris All. Mood: Amused.
When both Sevia and Kagami both pointed out she was armed, as well as Kagami going further into details, the tiefling couldn't help but smile some. When the young lady was finished with her summation, Morrigan bowed to her again.

"Very astute of you Lady Kagami," she said straightening. "I am indeed not a normal handmaid, more of a bodyguard and attendant then a maidservant, though I can also still buttle with the best," she explained. "as she," Morrigan motions to the still unnamed Cris, " explained her talents, mine are of a similar vein. I am an expert in knife work, be it domestics or combat, I am also agile, swift and silent when times call for it." She turned her head slightly to appraise the half-elf, "though, I think she is better then I in the arts of subterfuge, due to how scrawny she appears." The maid said, still standing as she has, both hands on her lap and her expression, while still smiling is far and away still more neutral then mirthful. "I can also function as the camp sowor as well, I will handle meals, camp setup tear-down, cleaning washing up and personal grooming if willing." She continued, explaining her more out of combat abilities.

"And while I have the blood of demons in me, do not hold out that it makes me more then another lesser mortal." She said. "My taint has only really given me the moniker of fel mongrel among most circles, or an exotic curiosity among the more lascivious types who see me as such."
Hana, Keeper of the Sleeping Spring Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: All
HP: 34/34 Armor Class: 22 (5 dex, +4 cha, +2 dodge, +1 armor) Initiative Bonus: +7/9 CMD: 21
Panache: 4/4, Charmed Life: 3/3, Stunning Fist: 1/1

"Thank you, Lady Melana." Hana replied, with a respectful nod of her head.

"I will go on the first mission then. Whoever wishes to join me, can do so...but I prefer to do things my way." she told everyone.

She would have told Seena to tag along, but while they had a special relationship, she wasn't sure if that would help in a combat situation. Still, she wouldn't deny anyone who wanted to come along.

"I am planning to depart right now." she declared.
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21966 Morrigan, Asura spawn Tiefling Maid, Blackshield Mansion Interior. Tag: Hana All. Mood: Neutral-Confused
Morrigan turned her gaze over to Hana who addressed the assembly and then stated her intent on leave posthaste. Though this was a Human and thus someone Morrigan was extensively taught and programmed to obey and not question, the actions of this woman were making the Tiefling confused.

"Lady Hana." She said, in a clear tone lough enough to carry over any din in the room. "I would wish to speak with you for but a moment, so please, forgive this lesser's tone while addressing you." Morrigan said, bowing at her. "I would call into question your intent at this moment," She said as she straightened. "Leaving post haste, I believe would be unwise, you would be walking into a situation you know little about and asking the mistress of this house might give you valuable intelligence on your quarry." She spared a glance at Seena, "while you seem to be a monster-friend, only knowing one of your companions seems an ill notion." She then gave the nude woman a looking over. "Also, I would suggest clothes, wandering around nude, while a daring statement, won't protect from arrows and swords."
Hana, Keeper of the Sleeping Spring Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: All
HP: 34/34 Armor Class: 22 (5 dex, +4 cha, +2 dodge, +1 armor) Initiative Bonus: +7/9 CMD: 21
Panache: 4/4, Charmed Life: 3/3, Stunning Fist: 1/1

"Wearing clothes or armor isn't something I can do. Long story short, my cursed sword doesn't like me wearing clothes, among other troubles it loves to cause me."

"But don't worry, I don't need to, either."

"Seena isn't a monster. Also, I will learn of my companions skills once I know who they are - if anyone wishes to tag along. Truth is, I prefer working alone - I am used to that."
she explained. Hana had been wandering around alone, and she knew how to work as a loner. Still, she knew she could use some extra hands...but interviewing everyone here to compete with Kagami in who to recruit, looked like a waste. After all she believed everyone was equally able to make a difference.

"As for information about the situation...I assumed we would be given some more details about the mision, before we got sent off." she glanced towards Melana.

"In any case...Seena do you wish to come with me? More people mean a stronger team, but at the same time I don't want to see you getting harmed. And this is a weakness."

"For anyone else who is interested in joining, my specialties are cutting, slashing, and chopping."
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Cris.jpg Cris, Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: All

Her name? Oh..."Cris! My name is Cris. It's elven," she explained to the human. She didn't like her name, it was a reminder of her shame. Sh also was not at all use to being asked such a question by a human, but this one did. Could a human possible want to be her friend? "Do you...live in the Capital? Its very big, I would have gotten lost if not for my guide. I come from Thinwood village, that was much smaller. I've been to other cities, but never one this big," she tapped her thigh with two fingers, confused. Hadn't this human shouted at the half-elf maid...before, using her?

Name: Oriala Lend Slayer and Hidden Mongrel Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: All
HP: 33/33 Armor Class: 20 / 14 Touch / 17 Flat Footed Initiative Bonus: +7 CMD: 22 / 19 Flat Footed Saves: +5 Fort / +8 Ref / +1 Will
Happy to serve poison

Oriala looks at the lady for a moment and then nods slowly. Certainly kneeling as a footstool is humiliating but not nearly as painful as a good whipping. Besides, it seemed that a bit of humiliation was the way things went here. Crawling over Oriala knelt at the foot Lady Backshield's chair. Her scant little skirt pulled up over Oriala's broad hips revealing that she wore a brief thong underneath and nothing else. The thong was clearly inadequate to cover or protect her intimate flesh which was displayed quite nicely.

The Slayer listened as their mistress explained the terms of their service and the missions to which they might act upon. She considered both the possible missions and the potential pairings. It seemed that one group was forming quickly while the rest of the group were milling about. The naked woman seemed to rather head out alone but was fairly capable. Oriala would join whatever group made sense or work on her own. Still each of the missions seemed to be best served with a small group.

"Yes, Lady," Oriala called out as the mistress removed her feet from her back and let her get up. She headed out quickly toward the wine cellar but pulled the lady's maid off to the side. "What is her favorite drink?" Oriala whispered.
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Vivian the Slut, Tag: Hana, Seena Location: Blackshield Mansion.

"Yes ,Mistress I belong only to you! I live for you to give me purpose!" Vivian said quite enthusiastically as she knelt before her Mistress, receiving some nice scratches behind the ear. She enjoyed it enough that her eyes half closed unconsciously and she tilted her head into Mistress's fingers. She loved the heat pats as well! The sense of approval from Melana was quite a reward for the slave, one that Vivian had been forged to desire. So she was quite saddened when she was once again sent away yet at the same time looked forward to the next time she earned a reward.

Vivian watched with an approving stare as one of the other slaves willingly submitted themselves to the punishment she rightfully deserved. But that didn't stop Vivian from feeling slightly jealous that she wasn't able to serve her new Mistress, even if it was just as a foot rest! She also briefly stared at the girls only slightly covered sex, leaving the rest up for imagination. And imagine she did...

With rewards still on her mind, Vivian was very curious about what the special treatments meant. No matter what they were Vivian was sure she would love them. She had to make sure that she didn't fail her missions when the time came!

Vivian was a little lost in thought after Mistress allowed them to mingle and form groups. By the time she came out of it, the slave who she wanted to ask to join, the one who served as a footstool had already walked off to complete her mission. And it looked like one group was already forming, while the rest of them were standing around much like she had just been doing. She approached Hana and Seena. Giving a quick bow to Hana and a simple nod to Seena before continuing. "Hello, I am Vivian, one of Mistresses newest slaves. If you are still looking for other to join I would be willing." She pulled a very simple religious symbol from between her cleavage. "I specialize in healing and front line combat. And so we can complete Mistress's will more efficiently I recommend we invite the slave who just left to the cellar once they return."
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