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Dark Empire - IC

Hana, Keeper of the Sleeping Spring Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Seena, Vivian, Oriala
HP: 34/34 Armor Class: 22 (5 dex, +4 cha, +2 dodge, +1 armor) Initiative Bonus: +7/9 CMD: 21
Panache: 4/4, Charmed Life: 3/3, Stunning Fist: 1/1

'How predictable' Hana thought...yet Seena escaping with only that, was already good enough.

"Shut up, Seena." Hana ordered, slightly annoyed at how the spidergirl made things worse for herself even now. Taking her freedom awa wasn't something Hana wished to do, and it felt worse for Hana than what it felt for Seena herself....but as things were she could only give in.

She approached, and caught the other end of the leash. "Thanks, Lady Melana." she said. Maybe being cooperative would help things?

"I think we are ready to start for our mission too." she noted.
Name: Melana Blackshield Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Hana, primarly

"Not so fast." Melana raised a hand. "That leash can only control her body, you want to control her mind too, right?" Melana noted, presenting the diadem and placing it on Hana's head. "Plus.. you are new to this.. Let me give you a short instruction. By combining leash and diadem, you can command her.. Try it out, make her kneel before you." Melana instructed. ".. well.. spider-sit? Heel? Make her heel before you!"

(You realize that the leash and Diadem form a pair. If you hold the leash alone, Seena takes -2 to all physical checks against you. If you hold/wear the diadem, -2 to all mental checks against you. Furthermore the holder of the leash can suggest an action as the spell for the collared one as a full round action, whilest the DC is only 10 + 1/2 your level+ your charisma modifier, the penalty still applies to will saves here.)
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Hana, Keeper of the Sleeping Spring Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Seena, Vivian, Oriala
HP: 34/34 Armor Class: 22 (5 dex, +4 cha, +2 dodge, +1 armor) Initiative Bonus: +7/9 CMD: 21
Panache: 4/4, Charmed Life: 3/3, Stunning Fist: 1/1

"Heel before me." Hana ordered the spidergirl, after she had worn the diadem herself. How long had it been since she had been able to wear anything?

The power of the item was not strong enough to work on Seena however, so Hana had to try again.

"Heel, Seena." she ordered again.

Hana could feel that the diadem had an extra power...to read the spider girls thoughts...and maybe more.

"I can read her thoughts with this?" Hana asked...however 'can' wasn't the right word. Since she was already getting some of Seena's thoughts...
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22034 Kagami, Sheep in Wolves Clothing; Location: Blackshield Estate; Tag: Team Jailbait; Mood: playful[answering Cris], unnearved; Theme song:
Stats: HP 15/22

Kagami was pleasantly surprised with the barrage of questions from Cris. She laughed softly and answered them in order, "The pipes? They conduct magical energies for the machines to run on. I don't know much more than that. My favorite thing about the city is definitely all the people I get to meet, it's hard to live in a village for more than a year and bumb into someone you've never met, but here I feel like I get to meet someone new every day!" For the last question Kagami got a bit sullen, "Yes, I miss my sisters. I haven't seen them in a very long time and I wonder how they are doing often." These sisters, where in reality the tribe of kitsune that Kagami spent her young life with, having been scattered and captured when Kagami was taken as a slave for the master.


Seeing the exuberant cat girl, ready for the mission helped Kagami to calm down, even if only a little bit. She stepped toward the girl, but stopped suddenly. 'Now isn't the time for this... I've already been parading around in front of that woman like some dominate human...' The image of Kagami making public use of Ayuna crept back into her head. 'I was such an idiot, how could I not see that was a trap!' it was so obvious in hindsight, offering Ayuna was the out, her change to escape her destiny as a mindless doll, but like the horny arrogant idiot she was, she took the bait. Slowly imagine of Ayane was replaced with Kagami herself, wearing some skimpy maid outfit, clutching onto some human like a slut. Her vulpine ears drunkenly splayed out, and her tail sensually curled around her imagined master. Souless empty eyes, that was the worst part, she had the eyes of a doll, a husk. A prisoner of some body and mind that wasn't her own.

Snapping back to reality she managed to catch most of what Morrigan said to her. "That is understandable. If you don't think it will take long, than Sevia, Cris, and I will meet you at the north gate. If you need longer, I will be returning to my residence, Sevai and Cris you can go where ever you feel most comfortable," her tone was finally evening out again. If she just had some time to herself, far away from Melana Blackshield she would be ok, really, she hopped Morrigan would need lots of time so she could collect herself one more time before the mission.
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Ayuna.png Name: Ayuna, Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Oriala, All
As Oriala leaned in for a kiss Ayuna smiled, empty eyes looking straight ahead. Then the kiss enveloped her soft lips and the hand reached for the now sopping other pair of lips, unprotected by any form of panties. Ayuna moaned into Oraila's mouth and her hand was suddenly covered in a fine mist of sweet smelling juices, the maid smiled again as she turned to lead the way, humming a hauntingly beautiful tune that echoed marvelously in the stone passages.
Meeting Room
Ayuna smiled as her Mistress asked if the placement of the fruit was intentional, Mistress knew it was intentional, thought the elf-slut had hoped that one of the girls would use it as a dildo so they would be more tasty next time she had to service them.. Then the teasing started, the squeeze of her butt elicited a moan of pleasure as her eyes rolled back in her head, she had been used today more than most days, and she was in her little slice of heaven. When asked she responded "I am a silly little ELF-SLUT MISTRESS!! I want MORE brainwashing please MISTRESS!!" Her voice raising in pitch until the already soft high voice was an entire octave above her normal pitch, her Mistress found her sex dripping with uncleaned fluids, as she hadn't been told she may clean herself yet, and the sweet juices were often a favorite treat of those who used the elf-slut. Her only answer to the last question being an exquisite moan of delight.
6c52f6f93b05545f7844b1c369fc7695.jpgSeena Livy the unbroken Spidergirl, Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Hana, Melana, Mood: Nervous, sad, agitated
The first command did not register as anything more than hollow words, her body twitching as it dissipating the energy coming from the collar.
The second time, however, Seena's mind was assaulted by a compulsion to strong to resist. She took another step closer to Hana, before spreading and angling her legs in such a way that her lower body almost touched the floor beneath her. Giving in relieved the pressure, and for a moment Seena relaxed, before the fear gripped her anew. This is it. I am closer to becoming a slave than I ever was. Nothing those brutes in the penal guard did to me ever made me feel like this. I can only hope and trust that Hana will guide me through this. She did not make a sound, not wanting to give Lady Blackshield any satisfaction.

Seena's thoughts were somewhat alien, swirling and shifting fast. Hana could feel fear, anger, sadness, but also hope. Fragments of foreign songs intermingled with flashes of visual memory. Being whipped by a Hawken soldier. Bathing in a hot spring. Digging ditches. Sitting atop a large tree at night, singing in the moonlight. A recurring vision was the event from years ago, as seen by Seena: she and Hana standing in the pond, face to face. Seena saw the colors of Hana's tattoos vividly even at night, saw the grace she moved with, Hana felt her body pulsing from all the nervousness, as only one false step would reveal her true nature...
And then, Hana saw herself from Seena's eyes. Beautiful, desirable. Kind, determined, righteous. Someone to look up to. Someone the Spidergirl could trust. Seena wanted to mate with her, no doubt about that, but that feeling was eclipsed by a kind of awe usually reserved for heroes. Seena had put all her hope into her. Hana's image had stoked the last embers of Seena's resistance. She had almost been ready to give up, to accept that she'd spent the rest of her probably short life a prisoner, perhaps even a true slave. But this was her one chance of regaining freedom. Seena was willing to sacrifice everything to this one hope, the hope that took the shape of Hana in her mind.
Hana, Keeper of the Sleeping Spring Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Seena, Vivian, Oriala
HP: 34/34 Armor Class: 22 (5 dex, +4 cha, +2 dodge, +1 armor) Initiative Bonus: +7/9 CMD: 21
Panache: 4/4, Charmed Life: 3/3, Stunning Fist: 1/1

Hana picked up Seena's thoughts.

'Ah...I am not a hero...' she thought. In Hana's mind, not hating the spidergirl just because she was half-spider, was something everyone should be doing.

If she could give her own thoughts back, perhaps she could offer her some comfort...but she couldn't.

Instead, she touched Seena's chin, bringing her closer, and offering a simple kiss - her lips just touched hers, for a moment, before she turned back.

'Trust me. I will do my best.' she promised in her mind.

"Lady Melana, thank you for your gift..." she had to admit that she was somewhat thankful for being able to reach into Seena's thoughts...even if it was a bit invasive...it still allowed her to feel things from her side.

"However, please do not ask me to harm Seena. I had promised her that I wouldn't do that in the past...and I always keep my word. I will take any punishment in her stead, if she doesn't behave." she offered. Of course Hana wouldn't want to restrict Seena like that, but the connection between them was already obvious, and the restriction was already there. Maybe it would be a good thing...the others could use their bond to make them obey, but they could use it to remain sane, in this insanity...
22045 Kagami, Sheep in Wolves Clothing; Location: Last camp before the border; Tag: Team Jailbait; Mood: playful; Theme song:
Things had not gotten better for Kagami after laeving the Blackshild estate. Turning the perdiciment over everwhich way she could she finally reached a conclusion. 'Melana knows I am a Kitsune. She is letting me play the part of a human because she is testing me to see if monsterfriend blood runs in my veins. These girls are the test, if I befriend them, then I am monsterfriend and must be treated as such. I have to toy with them, use them, and show that I am a dominate worthy of the Hawk. That is the only way.' She stewed quitely well everyone waited for Morrigan to retrieve her stuff.

As the group approached the boarder Kagami looked at her party. "I'll talk to them," she insisted. She had secured the pendant given to her to her clothing near her chest, making sure it was clearly visible. "They are indeed unworhy of the glory of the Hawk. However, I and this lot are about the business of Lady Melana Blackshild." She casually indicates to her badge. She answered any further questions of the guard leading the party part after. The scenery was quite breath taking, unlike anything that Kagami could of imagined was beyond the walls. She snapped at her party, "This is no time to enjoy the view. This chaos threatens the glory of the Hawk, and we must make haste to accomplish our goals."

The travels had been long and hard on the group. They tried to make good time as they went north. Once they encounter the girl, Kagami sensed a trap. She looked at her team and decided to take matter into her own hands. "facti sunt amici mei" She said clearly and quickly, placing her middle and ring finger on her thumb, with her pointer and pinky extended. "Who are you, what do you want from us?" She asked the girl regardless of the effects of her spell.

Charm person DC 17
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Sevia.jpg Sevia Merricu The Feline Oracle, Location: Past the Border Tag: The Team and the Girl HP: 38/38 Mood: Wary but Eager

Sevia stayed quiet at the border, letting Kagami do the talking and averting her eyes from any of the glares, her military uniform helped ward off any looks of pure disgust but they obviously still weren't pleased with her non human attributes. When Kagami snaps at them her ears flatten against her head, usually she was so nice... She turned her eyes back to the road ahead as they continued

"She is obviously injured, we should help her Kagami" Sevia chimes in and glares at the leader a bit, starting to take a few steps forward to head towards the woman. "What happened Ma'am? We're from Hawken" Sevia asks with a friendly smile while looking at the woman, keeping an eye out for other things but intent on helping the lady.
Cris.jpg Cris, Location: Blackshield Mansion/Past the Border, Tag: All

Cris was happy to go for some last minute city seeing to do, at the behest of Kagami. Sure it had been said the humans who chose to be part of this project were to be equal to the subhumans and monsters, but that was surely a figure of speech. She had lived in the Empire all her life, and the idea of a human, even one fallen from grace, being equal was not one she could adapt to, not in a single day. For her free time she followed the pipes as best she could, this route also ensured she encountered a fair few military personal, but with the Lady Blackshield's ring added to her amulet she was not bothered too much.

Loathed at the thought of keeping others waiting, she aimed to arrive early at the north gate, carrying everything she owned. She took up her position at the back of the group, carrying her hunting bow, as they were a little short on ranged attack. The dagger hung from her belt, she could switch to it swiftly if the enemy got too close. The pace was hard for her, when travelling alone she took more breaks, and for longer. On the first day she nearly collapsed when camp was finally called. Over the next few days her stamina improved. Unless approached, she would keep to herself, taking the first watch. The others would also notice the breast binding she wore by day, removing them only just before she slept. She was not large chested, but there was a noticeable difference.

Sure enough it seemed Kagami was taking the role of the groups leader, and this suited Cris. As the landscape became deserted, and then outright alien, too much life or too little, she trailed the group closer, her eyes darting around at every shadow, what all direction, even the sky, and the ground. She was loathed to remove her dagger or armour, even at night to sleep.

Finally they encountered the wounded woman. It could be a trap, but she seemed genuine. Cris wanted to help, but it was Kagami's right to take the lead here, and she was opting for a more cautious approach. Cris kept a hand near her arrows.
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22060 Morrigan, Asura spawn Tiefling Maid. Location: Outside the Empire's border. Tag: All. Mood: Neutral, but Wary.
For her part, Morrigan didn't take that long to arrive at the gates of the city, a rather normal looking backpack on her. When they passed the Barrier wall, she largely ignored the boisterous human loudly wondering why a bunch of lesser and a human were leaving the walls and then loudly questioned why they weren't allowed to just slaughter every non-human there was. Having endured this sort of rhetoric for the better part of a half century, Morrigan was largely inoculated from the casual, callous racism people throw at her daily.

For her part Morrigan was more enraptured by the Hellish landscape the chaotic faction has turned the western and southern lands into, that sort of untamed chaos and scorched destruction calling to the Asura blood that flowed through her veins. Taking a breath in to smell the scour, the scorch, the burning lakes and the ash, Morrigan couldn't help but smile contently. "These chaotic lands call to me. To my blood," she said, still admiring the devastation wrought by the devil-kin. "The allure of the devastation, I have never felt this way upon seeing a landscape before..."

When they happened upon a woman in unkempt armor with a drawn sword calling for assistance, Morrigan, unlike Seiva, the Tiefling almost casually lowered her hand to her side and quickly palmed her dagger from it's scabbard on her thigh. The act looked so natural and unassuming, she was hoping no one would notice the loss of the weapon from it's container.

Slight of Hand to Palm Dagger: 25 (10 ranks+14 roll+1 trait)
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Name: Oriala Lend Slayer and Hidden Mongrel Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: All
HP: 33/33 Armor Class: 20 / 14 Touch / 17 Flat Footed Initiative Bonus: +7 CMD: 22 / 19 Flat Footed Saves: +5 Fort / +8 Ref / +1 Will
Happy to serve poison

Oriala had enjoyed the soft, sexy body of the elf slut slave but her duty called her back to the central room. She shrugged and then nodded as Melana indicated that the leash and collar were for the spider freak. "As you will Lady. It is meet that the non humans be collared and controlled." She stepped back and watched as Hana leashed and collared the spider girl.

Turning Orila faced Vivian. "You are a healer and a warrior? I am Oriala."
Wounded girl, Northlands, Tag: Kagami, Cris, Morrigan, Sevia.

"W... what does that matter.. help me!" The girl insisted, before looking at the fox-girl. "Y.. your healing magic didn't help at all..." She groaned, and presented her arm, with a shallow, flesh harming cut that bled slightly, to the healer.
"Haah.. but it seems..." She glanced over to Morrigan. "You don't trust me.. I can't blame you, a beautiful young maiden, out here all on her own.." She reached out, and gave Sevia a passionate kiss, suckling on her lower lip with a warm, sensual moaning. "Ahmnnn.. Let me prove to you I'm just a friend, alright.. I aaahmnn.. I'd do anyhting, if you just helped me..." She cooed sensually, whilest Sevie felt a little light headed.. and good, as that injured arm grabbed her, holding her with ease, whilest the other snuck into her robes, playing with her breast unashamedly. The nice woman pulled her backwards, lifting her up a little.. ever so slubtly using her as a shield against the other three!
"How about another kiss, my cutie?" She offered, whilest Sevia's body buzzed with desire.. she wanted another kiss from the woman.. she wanted to give her everything the woman desired, infact.. her mistress...

The 'helpless' stranger you had found cooed sensually and, whilest Sevia also writhed in lust, her companions noticed with growing horror the cat-girls hair turning from a brown-grey to a pristine-clear white.

You are currently on a small hill, a slope leading steadily downwards to the right and left, and onwards for at least 300 ft. There are a few trees strewn about growing tall, flanked by bushes and oddly vibrant and fleshy looking colors.

(Sevia, you gain 1 Negative Level. Make a will save and a fortitude save afterwards. Negative levels are bad btw, you are now basically at lvl 3.
Everyone, Including Sevie if your will ends up above 22, Make an initiative check and prepare for combat
You can also make a knowledge: Religion or the planes check if you want, morrigan gets a +2 on it.
In case this wasn't obvious btw, Charm person wont do for her.)

Init: 16
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Name: Melana Blackshield Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Hana, Seena, Vivian, Oriala

"I will not command you to hurt her.. but perhaps you will deem it necessary yourself, Hana.. perhaps you will find her coming to.. enjoy it.. the lesser ones always do.

Either way, the other group already made their way out, perhaps it is time for your departure?
You are interested in the demon-cultists right outside of the city gates, hmn? Be careful, although they sometimes might look less monstrous, they are deceptively dangerous."

With Melana's suggestion, slowly, the second group gathered, to head south. With Melana's Blackshield-Insignia on display and seemingly lead by a human, none within the city halt or question you.. neither do they on the countryside. The group travels south, through many lush fields and farmlands.. enough to keep the entire population of Hawken, even the lowest inhumans, well fed. To the far south there are more military outposts and fortifications, and finally, unhindered thanks to the seemingly human Oriala and Hana (who does attract a fair amount of curious eyes, to be fair) you pass the safety of Hawken.. according to Melana's information you need to look out for cult-activity, just by the walls and fortifications of the border.

You travel south-east towards the demonlands.. and perhaps you are shocked to see the landscape outside..
on one side, there are the demonlands, rivers running steaming hot, the earth scorched, with strange, dangerous plant-growths replacing the natural landscape, large lakes of fire far off in the distance..
You marvel at the sight, the danger, forests making ways to destruction, fire and ashes. Look at us! The landscapes scream at anyone that's been subjected to Hawken re-education before. We are what happens when monsters are in control!

As you head deeper into the fiery landscape, trying to locate the cultists, you feel the heat upon your skin, almost stinging your faces. Well.. Oriala feels an actual sting, on her under-boob.. she also could have sworn she hears a whisper in her ear.
"Hey.. see that naked whores butt? You want to slap it!"

Oriala feels an urge to comply.. Hana's ass looks really delicious..

You are currently wandering through a valley, about 90 ft in length, almost 30 ft wide, with a small hill going up at a steady slope up to 20 ft height, ahead is a rather large, at least 200 ft high small mountain, with overhanging cliffs. Smoke driffts off of a river on the other side in the distance.

(A Fort and a Will save from Oriala, please! No matter what, she takes 2 piercing damage from the sting.
Everyone else can roll a perception check, DC 15, to hear what was whispered at Oriala as well.)
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Sevia.jpg Sevia Merricu The Feline Oracle, Location: Past the Border Tag: The Girl HP: 33/33 Initiative: 6 Mood: Horny and Hazy

The kiss caught the catgirl off guard, her hands quickly raising as if to push the girl away, but the sensation of the kiss pulsed through her, and her hands instead gently held the gir's sides. Her widened eyes quickly dropped into a half lidded gaze, staring into the girl's as their soft lips were pressed together and her mind started to get muddled. The girl draws an adorable moan from Sevia as her hand teases her chest, the Girl finding that the robe conceals a nicely sized pair, not overly large and especially perky. Sevia didn't resist as she was pulled back, even leaning forward into the pull a bit as the nice feelings from the kiss made her momentarily forget what she was doing.

"A-Another?... I'd l-love one~" Sevia said in her lusty haze, her plain panties starting to get damp as arousal courses through her virgin form, the oracle wanting nothing more than to feel those lips against hers again, even if part of her worried that she was forgetting something important. She was far too busy leaning in to press her lips gently into the girl's again to notice the changing hair color, which now matched the fur on her swishing tail and pointy ears.
Name: Melana Blackshield Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Ayuna

Melana smirked after the two groups had headed out, leaning back on her throne thoughtfully.. a moment longer of rest, then she'd have to go and prepare her.. devices.
"So what do you think, slave, will one of the groups make it? How many of them will make it?" She mused, all the while toying with her already properly and throughoutly enslaved elf.
"Truth be told, I hope they fail.. a lot.. then they'll just join you in eager, obediant servitude.. wouldn't that be nice?" She offered.
"Imagine that... All of them eager. And horny. and emptied of resistance." Melana punctuated each word with a deep thrust of her fingers into the helpless elves' sex. Finally, Melana got up, grinning and leading the elf along towards her laboratory... where both the rebirth-pods and some nice, soothing mind-draining equipment for Ayuna was.

Ayuna had once been quite the resilient little beast.. but once one got them to consider brainwashing something nice and enjoyable.. it was all uphill from there.. or downhill, depending on perspective.

"I'll never understand why some of the sub-humans fight against their fate.. look at you, you're the walking example for the bliss obediance can give." She enthused.
6c52f6f93b05545f7844b1c369fc7695.jpgSeena Livy the unbroken Spidergirl, On the move, Tag: Hana, Mood: Nervous, relieved
Seena was relieved when Lady Blackshield sent them on their way. Fighting was dangerous, obviously, but it was preferable to staying in the presence of that woman. She stayed silent on the way out of the capital, but once they made it to the farmlands, she quietly addressed Hana. "I'm sorry for whatever that thoughts that diadem made you see. We should talk about this... in private, once we make camp. But please, you should put away the diadem and leash. Magic always flows both ways, and they may influence you too."

As soon as they had left the borders behind, Seena sighed with relief. The alien landscapes unnerved her a little bit, she could feel the corruption radiating from them, but her companions seemed more impressed by the sight. She took off the Hawken uniform and stashed it away, letting her breast bounce with her movement. "Ah, much better without these rags." She also tried to fiddle with the collar, but it wouldn't budge.

(Perception: 10, Initiative: 20)

Seena was too lost in thoughts to notice the attack, stealthy as it was, but Vivian's cry brought her back. She grabbed her bow from her back and readied an arrow, stepping towards the others to create a tight formation. "Vivian! Do you see where they are?"
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Name: Oriala Lend Slayer and Hidden Mongrel Location: Demon Lands, Tag: Hana, Seena, Vivian
HP: 31/33 Armor Class: 20 / 14 Touch / 17 Flat Footed Initiative Bonus: +7 CMD: 22 / 19 Flat Footed Saves: +5 Fort / +8 Ref / +1 Will
Happy to serve poison

Oriala was glad to finally get out on their mission. She was uncomfortable with the Lady who apparently knew the secret that Oriala had hidden even from herself. The demon lands were unsettling and worrisome leading Oriala to stay wary and on edge. "These lands... so corrupt and monstrous. We are right in advancing the cause of Hawken against these perversions." As they move on a bit more Oriala cries out in pain and slaps at her breast. "Owww! Damn!" She turns her head and seems to be listening to something. "What? Ohh... yes..."

Shaking her head Oriala steps forward and gives Hana's naked, curved bottom a sharp slap. "Naked whore! Your butt deserves to be slapped..."

Fort 23
Will 11

Name: Vivian the Slut Location: Demon Lands, Tag: Hana, Seena, Oriala
HP: 31/31 Armor Class: 17/18 with shield Initiative Bonus: +4 CMD: 16 Saves: +6 Fort / +3 Ref / +9 Will
Vivian greeted Oriala with a friendly nod as she approached her. Now splitting her attention between that amazing set of slave wear that Seena was receiving (totally not jealous), and the last member of the group, Oriala. "Indeed miss, I shall be doing my best to keep the group a live in the hellish battle to come." Vivian said respectfully to the 'human'.

Vivian had been shown sketches of what the demonic lands looked like, never having seen them in person as from what she could remember, she had lived all her life in The Capital. Learning what it meant to be an obedient slave! As they entered the lands, Vivian added to Oriala's comment. "Aye, see how the world cries out in pain from this corruption? Hawken is truly the last bastion of sanity."

Perception check = 16. Pass!

"Lady Oriala is not herself! Someone just commanded her to do that! Watch out!" Vivian calls out scanning the area for any signs of what/who just did that to her companion. While doing so, she shifted her shield from off her back and drew the magical dagger from its sheath on her hip, and moved closer to Hana and Oriala.

Perception check to find the culprits: 18, Initiative = 15
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Ayuna.png Name: Ayuna, Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Mistress (GM)

"They won't make it Mistress, they ahhh, aren't mmhh, prepared for the haa, demonlands." Her arousal climbing for the third time that day, she was going to need to rest at this point, take a break from the sex and clean more, though she wouldn't say no if asked. The word was meaningless to her now.
"MMMHHHHHH YYEEEESSSSSSS MIIIISSSSTRREEEEEEEEESSSSS !!!!!." She was close again, biting her lower lip, one of the last aspects of her prior life that stayed, after all the mistress found it cute, so she kept that small measure of what she once was. Then Mistress thrust roughly into her waiting snatch and she came again, her mostly empty mind finding once again there was further to go. She followed closely to her Mistress, it was clear where they were going and if her empty head could register eagerness, this was it. Seeing the equipment again, she smiled, a cold dead smile, but a smile still, and just moaned in affirmation for her Mistress.