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Dark Empire - IC

22065 Kagami, Sheep in Wolves Clothing; Location: No mans land; Tag: Team Jailbait; Mood: angry; Theme song:
Core States: HP (22/22); AC 14; CMD 13; Grade 1: (6/8); Grade 2: (1/1)

"Sevia, you stupid cat!" Kagami growled as the girl rushed ahead to begin aiding the woman. Her spell had failed, but she couldn't be sure why. 'This is bad, if we loose Sevia we wont hold out for long.' She glanced at her party, wondering if she should charge in after the cat. But by that time the trap had already sprung. "I knew it was a trap! You stupid subhumans should use you heads for once," She yelled angrily. "egrediuntur impetu" she spoke. She made the same magic symbol and this time two thin beams of magic speed out of her middle and ring finger. They raced ahead slamming into the would be warrior. (8 Points of damage, I don't have to roll to hit)

(Init 17)
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Tag: Vivian, Seena

You do not see anyone around. Perhaps they already left.. or perhaps they are hiding.

Tag: Oriala:

You feel a flush in your breast, but ignore it easily enough. The compulsion to slap that luscious, naked asian butt however.. you just can't resist.. This ass NEEDS a spanking! NOW!

(As in, attempt to do one nonlethal unarmed attack against Hana's butt! You will not do it if Hana credibly threatens you with violence or somesuch, but as soon as there's another chance you want.. have to try!)
22062 Morrigan, Asura spawn Tiefling Maid. Location: Outside the Empire's border. Tag: Succubus, Combat. Mood: Neutral, but Angry.

The moment the woman grabbed Sevia and pulled her in for a kiss, the maid acted. The knife she has pulled exposed in a flash as she moved to the Person's right, trying her damned to be able to strike the woman wirhout hitting Sevia. She saw for just a brief second that there was fairly sizable opening in the woman's defenses as she clung to the catgirl and the Tiefling took that chance.

Attack: 29= 20+9 Critical.
Attack Confirm: 22 = 13+9
Damage: 21 = 2d4(2,3)+16
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Hana, Keeper of the Sleeping Spring Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Seena, Vivian, Oriala
HP: 34/34 Armor Class: 22 (5 dex, +4 cha, +2 dodge, +1 armor) Initiative Bonus: +7/9 CMD: 21
Panache: 4/4, Charmed Life: 3/3, Stunning Fist: 1/1
"You have nothing to apologize for...your thoughts weren't unpleasant. You don't have to be scared. We will just have to play along with this...and we will be able to go free, both of us."

"You can keep the leash - it isn't like I can fight carrying it anyway. But I should keep the diadem - I doubt Lady Melana would let us be if we...return, and finds you holding it. Don't worry about it's magic. I doubt I would be so easily influenced, by something that barely works."

"Ah! Excuse me?" Hana turned around, surprised at Oriala's first slap. Or she had wished to do so...instead, the flower's in her tattoo started fluttering in some imaginary wind...she bowed forward, leaving her butt exposed towards Oriala.

"...hey, don't slap me!" Hana complained, as her body was moving on it's own. The spirit couldn't move her body open to lethal attacks...but some butt slapping was within its means.

"...great, two birds with one stone. Just slap me so we can be done with it." she rolled her eyes. What else could she do, when one of them was forced to slap someone who was forced to accept getting slapped?

At the same time she looked carefully around them...there should be someone who did the commanding. Right?

[Hana failed her first perception, but she will retry on her turn, if nothing appears before that. Initiative: 19, 2nd Perception: 21]
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Hana, primarly.

Hana tries her best again to look around, .. whilest getting spanked, no less. The problem is that there's really nothing of note around.. half-burned looking shrubs line a red-dust covered hill, dark clouds hang overhead and even the only animal around, coincidentially a relatives of Seena in form of a large, wooly spider, just waves it's legs and disappears whilest Hana looks at it.. not as in crawling under a stone, but more of a literal fading into nothing. Perhaps she should ask Seena if spiders usually do this.

The spanking on her butt leaves her with a slightly painful, stinging sensation that is quickly replaced by a warm tingling... oh hey, there's that spider again, now scuttling of cautiously.. (Fort save, 1 piercing damage!)
Hana, Keeper of the Sleeping Spring Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Seena, Vivian, Oriala
HP: 33/34 Armor Class: 22 (5 dex, +4 cha, +2 dodge, +1 armor) Initiative Bonus: +7/9 CMD: 21
Panache: 4/4, Charmed Life: 2/3, Stunning Fist: 1/1
"There is a small spider that becomes invisible!" Hana cried, as the spider bit her. "Right there...damn it bit me!" she cried in alarm, as the evil spirit's control broke.

[Hana will try to attack the spider next round, or if it disappears before her turn to ready an action to attack it when it appears again.
17 Attack, 12 Damage if this hits. Also, if she gets attacked again she will use Opportune Parry and Riposte to strike back.]
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Name: Vivian the Slut Location: Demon Lands, Tag: Hana, Seena, Oriala
HP: 31/31 Armor Class: 17/18 with shield Initiative Bonus: +4 CMD: 16 Saves: +6 Fort / +3 Ref / +9 Will Speed: 20ft
Initiative: 15

"Where?!" Vivian's head whips in the direction of Hana, searching for the spider that she saw!
[Perception = 22]

If she sees the spider she rushes towards it, intent on stabbing it with her weapon! "I'll get it!"
[Attack: 26, Magic dagger dmg = 6]

If she doesn't see the spider, she begins to channel one of her spells, Detect Chaos, and points the 60ft cone in the direction that Hana saw it.
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Tag: Vivian

Vivian rushes forwards, and stabs the spider.. however, her dagger fails to make much of an impact on the spider, infac, the blade just kind of.. glances off of it's fuzz, not doing anything.. until the holy symbol set into the hilt touches the spiders leg and the same smokes, just a little bit, and the little thing hisses viciously. Perhaps these are not normal spiders...
6c52f6f93b05545f7844b1c369fc7695.jpgSeena Livy the unbroken Spidergirl, Demonlands, Tag: Team Troublemaker, Mood: Nervous, ready for a fight
Initiative: 20
"A spider that turns invisible? Are you sure? Could be some trickery. But if there is something magical, I can find it." With that Seena focused on her connection to the magic echoing throughout this world, to detect any unseen foe. (Perception: 24)

If found:
"There you are! I have no idea what you are, but I know where you are!" Seena loosened an arrow towards the creature, imbued with simple enhancement magic.
(Using Deadly Aim, ATK roll: 29 (20 +11 -2, Nat 20), Crit Confirm roll: 20 (11 +11 -2), DMG roll: 10 (3 +3 +4), x3 if crit is confirmed)

Seena turned to Hana. "Are you ok?" She then called to the others: "Move towards the valley cliffs! I can climb up and support you from above! Stay together and keep your backs to the wall!"

Name: Oriala Lend Slayer and Hidden Mongrel Location: [/B Demon Lands, Tag: Hana, Seena, Vivian
HP: 31/33 Armor Class: 20 / 14 Touch / 17 Flat Footed Initiative Bonus: +7 CMD: 22 / 19 Flat Footed Saves: +5 Fort / +8 Ref / +1 Will
Lusty spider poison!

Oriala shakes her head as the luscious butt in front of her shakes and arches toward her. Oriala moves forward and spanks Hana even harder this time. "Ohhhh slutty vixen, you have such a good ass and it's all mine!" She cups her hand and copps a feel as part of the spank and then pulls back for another. As she does Oriala hears Hana's cry and sees her companions attacking a half visible spider creature. The sudden violence distracts Oriala momentarily from the sweet ass flesh and she shakes her head. "Arrrgg! Beast!" she cries more upset at being pulled away from Hana's well deserved spanking than any animosity toward the spider at the moment. Oriala draws a rather impressive sword and sweeps it at the creature.

OOC: 20 to hit and 13 damage and 7 nonlethal to Hana along with a big red hand print!
Suspected Succubus, Tag: Team Snugglesluts - Combat Round 1

With Morrigan's quick reaction, the injured damsel took a nasty blow to her back, about the same time she kissed Sevia. Whilest the innocent healer wanted nothing more than to just have another kiss, The woman snarled at Morrigan, .. however, as if this wasn't enough, next, two bolts of force-magic impacted her shoulder.
"RRrr.. what the.. I felt that! I wanted to savour you last but..."

Even if Cri's attack stumbles, the damage this stranger had taken from Morrigan and Kagami's magic seem to make her hesitate, as she cautiously steps away from Morrigan, hesitating, before smirking, procuring and dropping a small flask with a swirling potion, musing: "I guess I misjudged you.. here, something to remember me by... I'll make you my little playpet later." She promised, raising her hand and beginning to weave a complicated looking magical signet.

(Cris gets an AOO, and both Morrigan and Kagami can take another action, however, unless you can prevent her from doing it somehow, the Succubus will simply teleport away.. although who knows if she's truly gone..)
DM Tag: Team spiderlovers

Coordinating your attack after now spotting the naughty spider that perpetrated them, blades and arrows penetrate the spider which, unable to handle the full assault, falls over, flailing and, just when Seena feels conflicted about this, begins shifting back into a small, devilish shape.. that slowly dissolves into a pile of burned, smoldering ash.


Your fiendish attacker defeated, you have time to heal up or simply continue.. but as soon as you get closeby the cliff-overhang you hear a sudden rumbling. Your head jerking up in concern, you notice -a second- of the little fiends.. (perhaps that explains the sneaky coordination on you earlier)..
But the fiend is not your main concern the wire the Imp is turning on, connected to several of the rocks of the overhang is.

Which would have been a problem, hadn't anyone but Seena already noticed the slight glittering of wire among the rocky overhang.. it was way too perfect for an ambush anyway. Thus, when the Fiendling peeks over the mountaintop with a greedy leer it is sorely disappointed, clearing it's throat.
"Ehehe.... you look out there's..." It discards the wire in it's hands swiftly. ".. lots random avalanches around! You welcome.. I be going now" It declares, with a raspy voice.
22144 Kagami, Sheep in Wolves Clothing; Location: No mans land; Tag: Team Jailbait; Mood: angry; Theme song:
Core States: HP (22/22); AC 14; CMD 13; Init; 17 Grade 1: (5/8); Grade 2: (1/1)

When the woman turned to Kagami she got a shiver up her spine. 'She wanted me last? Her pet...' She pushed any concerns out of the way for the time being, "Get away from that bottle!" She called out to her two teammates, having a feeling it was the 'gift' that the woman had mentioned. When she began weaving magic, Kagami responded,"egrediuntur impetu" The same magic bolts flying from he fingers. They sailed right toward the woman. Kagami hopped to catch the woman one more time before her magic finished giving Cris and Morrigan enough time to grab Sevia and get away from the woman before whatever trap she had planned fired.

[Magic Missle: 2d4+2; 3+2+2=7; 7 force damage to the woman.]

Name: Vivian the Slut Location: Demon Lands, Tag: Hana, Seena, Oriala
HP: 31/31 Armor Class: 17/18 with shield Initiative Bonus: +4 CMD: 16 Saves: +6 Fort / +3 Ref / +9 Will Speed: 20ft
Initiative: 15

Seeing another of the cursed evils flying above them, Vivian drops her magical dagger, draws one of her non magical daggers strapped to her thighs, and throws it towards the creature above them thats about to leave. "For Hawken!" She yells as she does so.

[Attack: nat 1, ]

And she watches as the dagger that slipped from her fingers as she was throwing it, spin in the air for about 2 feet before bouncing off the hard ground
! She knew it was a long shot to even hit the thing with a dagger, but this was plain embarrassing. Her cheeks went rosy red, and she thought about how she would be punished for embarrassing her Mistress if she was here to see what just happened. "I-I wont miss next time!" She declared more to herself than anyone else.
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Hana, Keeper of the Sleeping Spring Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Seena, Vivian, Oriala
HP: 33/34 (7 non-lethal) Armor Class: 22 (5 dex, +4 cha, +2 dodge, +1 armor) Initiative Bonus: +7/9 CMD: 21
Panache: 4/4, Charmed Life: 2/3, Stunning Fist: 1/1

"OW!" Hana cried, as Oriala slapped her with all her strength before groping her...leaving behind a very visible red hand print on her.

She couldn't help but tear up a little...getting hit by something in battle was one thing, having her butt spanked so hard was an other.

"Damned imps! If I catch one of you..." she growled angrily, but sadly the imps were fast to flee.

"Don't chase them! They may lead us to a trap...or other demons." she warned the rest of her team.

"...And lets not mention again to anyone what happened here. I will never allow such thing to happen again!" she added towards Oriala. She was trying to look calm, but she was anxious on the inside...what if Oriala realized that she couldn't avoid getting spanked - or anything non-life threatening really - and used that against her later? So far no one had noticed...Hana had always pretended that she was doing things for a reason, covering up her inability to control her body...

[Bluff Check: 5]
6c52f6f93b05545f7844b1c369fc7695.jpgSeena Livy the unbroken Spidergirl, Demonlands, Tag: Team Troublemaker, Mood: Nervous, ready for a fight
As the imp scattered away, Seena took another moment to watch for enemies before putting away her bow (Perception: 14).

Hearing Hana complain to Oriala, she realized just how vulnerable that spirit really made her. She'd have to watch over her carefully. That Lady Blackshield would use such a thing to her advantage, no doubt.

"I guess we are about to head into more fights now. Hana, will you help me put on my armor?" She said as she reached for a large bundle of webbing beneath all the others that held the supplies the carried.

The Armor Seena took out was beautiful, deep black and clean white in color, a full suit of armor for someone like her: The main part was a long, flowing coat of chain mail, with black-colored spider-silk padding, hugging her ample chest tightly, the silver-white metal glimmering in the red light. The main coat went past the end of her front body, almost taking on the look of an armored dress. Black silk threads were woven across the links, creating a high-contrast black web motif on her front and back. A black and white heavy silk scarf offered some protection to the neck, while also hiding the collar. The right arm of the armor consisted of a chain-armored white silk glove and matching arm protectors, but the left was slightly more armored, with a heavier black silk and and white metal-plate glove and a large metal pad affixed to her left shoulder, covering the entire upper left arm. The pauldrons were additional bandages of silk to keep another layer of chain mail in place. There were even thin white metal bracers for her legs, padded with silk and affixed to the longest segments of her legs, next to the joints, where anyone looking to cut off a leg would likely aim. Web and spider motifs were everywhere, thin lines or small dots of decorative high-contrast color running over the protective layers, as if the armor itself was a nest-web.
The most striking detail, however, was the symbol on her left shoulder guard: The emblem of her home and her people: A tree, engraved in shining white metal, with a lush indicated canopy and a sky of white stars above. The roots of the tree were long and arched upwards, meeting the stars in an embrace and creating a oval shape for the whole emblem. And engraved in black metal superimposed over the tree, was a spider silhouette, its legs stretched so one pair touched the trunk of the tree, one pair touched the canopy, one touched the roots and one touched the stars.
Seena looked and felt vastly more comfortable wearing it, and she caressed the armor parts with clear affection and pride as she put it on.

"Much better than those Hawken rags. Well then, I'm ready. Lead the way, my dear Hana, and I will follow into battle."
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Cris.jpg Cris, Location: Beyond Empire Borders, Tag: Team Jailbait
Game States: HP (25/25); AC 18; CMD 15; controlled rage (4/3 rounds), fatigued (2 rounds)

Cris saw the wounded human reach out towards Sevia, though it took her mind a few more seconds to process this development. She had picked up on the other's suspicion, but part of her still wanted to trust her, to help a soul in need. Kagami's harsh words about subhuman's needing to use their heads, and froze for a split second. This allowed the fiend to kiss Sevia, turning the catgirl's hair a shock of white. Still clutching the bow in her hand she fumbled for the dagger, moving into a flanking position with Morigan. The maid had landed a grievous blow on her enemy, and Cris wished to do the same. The fiend struck her as a dangerous opponent, and so she pushed herself, her skinning frame protesting the exertion, apparently a little too much, as her first attack

She didn't even have time to mutter an apology, the scene was moving fast. Kagami streaking bolts that seemed to be damaging the fiend, who was having second thoughts about the group. They were casting a spell, Cris lashed out with the dagger, catching the creature in the arm, and doing nothing, not even a drop of blood. Then the “human” disappeared, leaving behind the flask. She stumbled away from it, no longer pushing her body, feeling the strain of even a few moments. “I'm sorry,” she mumbled, between panting breaths, clutching her dagger and bow. She had been useless in the fight, her eyes sought Kagami, did the human hate her now?
DM Tag: Team Filthy unloyal ones plus Vivian the good slave

With Vivian playing an unwilling game of bounce the dagger, completely misjudging her throw, the imp decided to.. just retreat, after having seen it's companion slain swiftly.
Sure, you could pursue the imp, but likely, he is one of many... More likely, he indicates the presence of the cultists you've come here to hunt closeby.

It takes somet ime to look around further, but ahead, in a half-burnt forest, you notice an abandoned mine-shaft and more importantly, footprints on the ashen floor that indicate it might not be that abandoned.. in case a torch flickering inside doesn't tick you off. Whilest the sunlight shines bright upon you, down in the mines visiblity might be more limited, ironically putting pureblood humans at a disadvantage.. perhaps there is more of a plan to Melana's little suicide-teams than simply the ease of expendable bodies.

Either way, you are still in enemy territory, those cultists are just outside of the Hawken borders, likely why none of the proper military had been sent here. You can see about 20 ft into the mineshaft, where it splits into a clogged up looking path housing several mine-carts filled with stones and dust and a second path, leading deeper inside.
You are at the edge of a half-burnt forest, large tree trunks still cluttering the landscape, a few resilient buds opening despite the demon-scarred lands. It is eerily quiet of wildlife, only the rustling of ash in the wind breaking through the silence. Something sizzles and hisses in the distance.

Name: Vivian the Slut Location: Demon Lands, Tag: Hana, Seena, Oriala
HP: 31/31 Armor Class: 17/18 with shield Initiative Bonus: +4 CMD: 16 Saves: +6 Fort / +3 Ref / +9 Will Speed: 20ft
Initiative: 15

"Yah, you're probably right about another trap if we were to follow it. I've heard those imps are crafty bastards." Vivian also silently agreed to not mention what happened here, as the tale of a failure from her would not reflect well on herself in front of The Mistress.

Vivian watched with curiosity as Seena pulled a full suit of web armor from out underneath the pile of backpacks she carried. She was allowed to keep something so personal in the army? It did look like it would be very good at its job though, so perhaps that is why. Not wishing to say anything, Vivian kept her complaints that Seena would actually hide her collar beneath a scarf to herself.

In the burnt forest they actually come across a not so abandoned mine shaft. The foot prints leading in and out and the torch a little ways inside easily giving that fact away. "This is the most likely home of the cult that we have found so far. Let us hope it is their home so that we may eliminate them swiftly and not spend more time search this corrupted land for them any longer."

"If you are all ready, I shall lead into the mine. My eyesight is more accustomed to the dark than others, and I feel like I can easily take a hit or two."
She tried to not make herself sound like she was bragging about herself, because that would make her a very bad girl, especially with two humans here.

[If the rest of the group agrees, Vivian will start leading into the mine, down the unblocked path, making sure someone grabbed the torch for the humans to see. Also Vivian picked her dagger back up and sheaths them]
Stealth = 14
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6c52f6f93b05545f7844b1c369fc7695.jpgSeena Livy the unbroken Spidergirl, Demonlands, Tag: Team Troublemaker, Mood: Nervous, ready for a fight
"I agree with you, little sky-wanderer. I can see in the dark as well, at least at a close distance, for my eyes see more than just light. Perhaps I should take the rear guard? If the leadership of the cult is here, we can cut down enough of them and the rest will likely disband. That is how the penal guard dealt with them. Or maybe that is the wrong approach and the Hawken army being ineffective is why these cults keep cropping up." She mused. (Perception : 10)

As agreed, Seena took the rear position, her bow drawn, armor worn, if only all her supplies didn't rattle so loudly... (Stealth: 15)
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