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6c52f6f93b05545f7844b1c369fc7695.jpgSeena Livy the unbroken Spidergirl, Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Hana, Mood: Curious
As Hana stepped up to consolidate the others around her, Seena marveled once again. The amount of charisma and confidence she commanded belied her burden, or her previous solitude.
Seena once again stated her commitment, but this louder, for all to hear. "My dear Hana, there is nobody I would rather go with. I will stand by your side, whatever we face. My bow, my skills, and my loyalty are yours forevermore. I will carry your burdens, lead the way to unreachable places, and strike down any and all threats. And if the worst shall come to pass, I will lay down my life for yours."

The Vyvaran approached Hana first, offering her healing powers. The sight of an enslaved Wyvaran filled Seena with sadness. She had met many of their kind before, and the empty contentment of Vivian was a mockery of their energetic and free spirited attitude. She tried to search Vivian's eyes, movements, little clues to reveal that maybe, there was still a struggling will beneath this facade of slavish happiness. (Perception: 16)
Hana, Keeper of the Sleeping Spring Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Seena, Vivian, Oriala
HP: 34/34 Armor Class: 22 (5 dex, +4 cha, +2 dodge, +1 armor) Initiative Bonus: +7/9 CMD: 21
Panache: 4/4, Charmed Life: 3/3, Stunning Fist: 1/1

"Very well, Vivian, you may join us. Let's wait for the other one you speak of, too." Hana nodded, not questioning why Vivian cared specifically to invite Oriala to the team.

"Don't do such a thing Seena. Otherwise I will not take you with me again!" Hana warned the spidergirl. Not to mention she wasn't a maiden in need of rescue, if anything it should go the other way around! After all, Hana was the honorable samurai!
6c52f6f93b05545f7844b1c369fc7695.jpgSeena Livy the unbroken Spidergirl, Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Hana, Mood: Rebuked, sad
"I understand." Seena whispered to Hana. "I'm sorry if I have offended you. I just want you to know that there is nothing I won't do for you, if you wish so. You are the only one I've met in years who has shown any acknowledgment of me."
Ayuna.png Name: Ayuna, Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Oriala

When Oriala pulled Ayuna aside she startled the elf-slut, as she was zoning out, still in the afterglow of the human Ma'am she had just pleasured, and the taste of her sweaty toes rolling around in her mouth still. When asked which was Mistress' favorite wine, Ayuna simply waved for her to follow then disappeared through one of the hidden doors of the room, after all the servant's passages were always faster to good things like the wine. Waiting for Oriala to keep up the maid seemed to breeze through the maze of passages, not a speck of dust could be found in the passages that smelled slightly damp and were made of cold stone, in which it seemed there were no people at all. They came to a wooden door that creaked open to Ayuna's touch, she then led Oriala to a row of selves and tapped a wine bottle, that puffed a little dust as she did so, before bowing to the Ma'am. She hoped secretly that she would be rewarded for good fast service, as she waited for Oriala to make her move, she stood straight backed hands clasped together, with a slight smile, all as had been programmed into her.
Name: Melana Blackshield Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Everyone, Oriana in particular

Melana watched the discussions with bemused interest, her calm eyes wandering over the forming groups, as she added: "If you feel ready for a mission, do let me know.." She nodded, before, once she returned, smiling to Oriana.

"You passed. This was a test to see if you would ask for aid.. as well as a lesson of humility, a human, asking a sub-human for aid.. tzk tzk. I dislike latecomers but you've redeemed yourself. Had you just tried to find any bottle you'd have almost certainly failed."

She then nodded to the returning Ayuna. "It seems everyone wants to get on a mission, prepare some cold refreshments for if they return, I'll be curiously waiting to see my device in action. Oh! And I will require a little equipment for their missions, bring me a submission set and a .. hmnn.. they have healers.. hrmnn.. no just a submission set for now." Melana decided.
21982 Kagami, Sheep in Wolves Clothing; Location: Blackshield Estate; Tag: Team Jailbait and Melana; Mood: playful/cautious[Melana]; Theme song:
Stats: HP 12/19

"I think Cris is a lovely name for a cute little half-elf like yourself." Kamami emphasized the word 'half' to send a message Cris was more valuable than she gave herself credit for. "I've lived in the capital for several years now, yes. I actually grew up in the rural countryside, it takes quite the adjustment... Thinwood you say? I don't believe I've made it out there before, I'm sure it is lovely." Kagami honestly wasn't sure if she had been to Thinwood or not, her travels between leaving the masters estate, and settling in the city where a touch blurry. It was clear Cris was open enough to Kagami's friendliness that they could get along. She might have to play with Cris a bit to get to know her better, but considering that she was placing her soul in these three's hands, she did not want to tease to much.

Kagami nodded at Morrigan's explanations. Letting the peculiarity of her first interactions with the maid slide. "Very good Morrigan, I would love to have your excellent service along our journey. Though, I think it only fair we all pull our weight in camp chores. Maybe you can share a trick or two, and we'll all come out the better for it?" To the comment about demon blood Kagami held serious doubt, 'It's not impossible, but her appearance certainly doesn't make me believe the demon blood wouldn't effect her strength.' She smiled at Morrigan acknowledging her mistake, "Very well, I apologize for assuming by you're looks. I hope you will not hold it against me." It was clear to her now that Cris and Sevia could be her 'friends' but Morrigan was one she would have to keep at a distance, for risk of offending the maids warped sense of honor.

So far it seemed kindness was indeed winning over her allies. Kagami was a little impressed, if only because each of there subhumans had seen her at her worst, yet still they seemed to be falling for just a few sweet words. It truly was amazing the privileges of just appearing human in Hawken. Hana had begun leading the second team by this point, asking for the first mission. "I think we should select our mission as well, there will be plenty of time to get to know each other on the road. Now," She squeezed Sevia's hand, if the cat hadn't let go before letting go herself. She scurried over to Melana, and dropped to one knee, showing her submission her now degraded position. "Mistress Blacksheild, Sevai; Cris; Morrigan; and myself request the assignment of mission four. We will give our all in service, and return victorious," She hesitated for a second and added, "No matter how many attempts it may take."
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Name: Melana Blackshield Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Sevai, Cris, Morrigan, Kagami

Melana clasped her hands together and nodded. "Wonderful. The mission will take you far through dangerous territory, so move swift, yet cautious. Your way will take you to the north.. oh and, to avoid complication with the security or military, take these." Melana noted, presenting four small, round, metallic objects with a silvery color and a black shield depicted on them.
"This shows you are on an official nobles business and will avoid ... most complications. I recommend wearing them openly, somewhere on your body.. not on your hands though.." She indicated a ring of much the same design, but of a brighter white-golden metallic hue on her right index finger.
"They indicate a mistress if worn that way."
21998 Kagami, Sheep in Wolves Clothing; Location: Blackshield Estate; Tag: Melana; Mood: panicked; Theme song:
Stats: HP 15/22

Kagami quietly listened to the explanation, making mental notes about the instructions. She stood up only when offered emblems. As she got ready to return to her kneel position she took a glance directly at Melana's eyes. Her heart began to run in overdrive, as her breath grew short. She was once more confronted with the realization, 'She knows, she already knows I'm not human. She has to, why else would she be treating me like this?' She was struggling to breath as she returned to her kneeling position, trying her hardest to not make her panic obvious, 'I just have to submit to her, sever her goals, and obey without question.' She was unable to look up for her reply to Melana, but instead answered from her submissive kneel, "Understood mistress. We will do as you have said."

Bluff to hide her panic attack: 5+16=21
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Ayuna.png Name: Ayuna, Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Oriala, All

After making certain that Oriala had gotten the right wine she again took the lead through the maze of corridors, then let the 'human' pass by her smiling as comfortingly as the broken girl could. Then made her way further back into the storage, eventually following after the wine-bearer, carrying with a small smile the 'submission set'. Ayuna carried it before her on a silver tray, the smooth, leather collar with it's clip to attach the leash to, and the soft, leather leash sitting next to the shiny, small diadem, and a startlingly, scary looking dildo shaped device. A careful observer would notice written on the collar is the word 'Bitch'.

"The Submission Set, Mistress." Ayuna stated flatly, as she floated over to Lady Blackshield's side, then kneeling down and holding the tray up so that her Mistress would be able to use the tray as a side table, if needed, or for the guests to be able to retrieve the items gifted to them. Ayuna was almost excited, knowing full well what the submission set did to those who wore the pieces.
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Sevia.jpg Sevia Merricu The Feline Oracle, Location: Blackshield Mansion Tag: Kagami, Cris, Morrigan HP: 33/38 Mood: Friendly and Embarrassed

Sevia blushes scarlet red when Kagami intertwines their fingers, seeming to shut down for a good ten seconds as her mouth opens slightly and her eyes go unfocused. She finally shakes her head and gently pulls her hand away from Kagami's her ears splaying back as she puts her hands over her chest, gently clasping the one that held Kagami's hand. She takes a few deep breaths and lets them finish the conversation, taking the time to compose herself.

"Then it is set! I'm looking forward to helping the 3 of you complete the missions" She says after Morrigan and Cris finish talking, giving them each a wide smile as her fuzzy white tail swishes happily. She then quiets down and lets Kagami speak for their team, agreeing with her selection of mission.
Name: Melana Blackshield Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Sevai, Cris, Morrigan, Kagami

Melana raised a brow. "Well then you four, what are you waiting for, why are you looking at me.. oh.. The submission set? That's not for you.. that's for them. .. I guess you can earn one of your own too if you're good later though.." Her eyes wandered over to the other four, before she hesitated, looking at the tray and picking up the spikey-dildo like looking thing, before picking it up, musing.
"Wait, what's this doing in here?" Before chuckling.. and taking a crunchy bite out of the dildo, revealing it was some sort of exotic fruit.
"Ayuna, did you put that on there to scare the newcomers?" She mused, waving the elf closer, before firmly squeezing her bottom with one hand.
"Silly girl... See, I had Ayuna here programmed with a sense of humor, she likes playing little pranks like that, knowing she'll get spanked and or conditioned for them later." Melana shook her head, her hand wandering under the already rather revealing dress, clearly caressing them along the elves sex.
"Who's a silly little elf-slut? Hmnnnn? Who wants more brainwashing so bad they gotta ruin mistress little experiment introduction?" She teased.

"I guess that's what I get for getting you all addicted to it.. but that too is your fault for having such a cute slave-voice, you know that right?" Melana chided, with a sensual grin, pinching the poor elfs trapped clit lustfully.
22021 Kagami, Sheep in Wolves Clothing; Location: Blackshield Estate; Tag: Team Jailbait; Mood: panicked; Theme song:
Stats: HP 15/22

Sensing that she was no longer needed, she stood, bowed, and scurring back to her team, trying her hardest not to listen to what was being said about the elf slave, 'She is taunting me,' she assured herself. 'If I reveal myself now.... I'll end up just like that elf. If I serve and obey quietly, she will let me keep my identity...' Upon arriving back with the others Kagami tried her hardest to smile, with it not quite making to her panicked eyes. With four emblems, she handed each girl one in silence. "If you are all are ready, we should get going... if not then go ahead finish up. I'll wait outside." She said softly to the other three. Glancing around nervously while they, gave their answers.
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Sevia.jpg Sevia Merricu The Feline Oracle, Location: Blackshield Mansion Tag: Kagami, Cris, Morrigan HP: 33/38 Mood: Encouraged and Hopeful

"I'm ready to depart immediately" Sevia replies and gives a smile to Kagami, stepping close and swishing her tail, a little excited and anxious.

"I'm sure our team can surmount any challenge we face" She thinks to herself as her smile widens a bit, looking at Cris and Morrigan then back to Kagami, their self appointed leader.
22025 Morrigan, Asura spawn Tiefling Maid, Blackshield Mansion Interior. Tag: All. Mood: Neutral, but Concerned.
Morrrigan received her badge from Kagami and noticed the smaller lady wasn't acting her normal chipper self, but, since none else called attention to it, she let it slide. "If we intend on leaving post haste, I would request we return to the manor I work at to collect my things and that I may inform my master I will be taring from his service for the foreseeable future." She said. "I doubt the Viscount will like the news, but I will also need to return his house's medallion as well since I am now in Mistress' service." She said to her team and to Melana.
Hana, Keeper of the Sleeping Spring Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Seena, Vivian, Oriala
HP: 34/34 Armor Class: 22 (5 dex, +4 cha, +2 dodge, +1 armor) Initiative Bonus: +7/9 CMD: 21
Panache: 4/4, Charmed Life: 3/3, Stunning Fist: 1/1

Hana turned towards Melana, when it was determined that this thing was for....them?

"For us? Please, do explain, Lady Melana." she asked her.

Hana was at revealed that the fruit wasn't part of the kit, but the collar looked ominous enough by itself. Had anyone from their team displeased Melena? Maybe Seena? It had to be. Maybe she could protect her somehow from having to wear the collar?
Cris.jpg Cris, Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: All

Cris flinched when Kagami commented on her name, it felt like a slap. But, maybe she hadn't meant it like that? She seemed nicer, like she still wanted to be friends. Hands clenched nervously together, Cris listened to the human talk about her first experience in the city. "Several years? Then you know about the technology they use here. What are those pipes that go along thestreets? What's your favorite thing about living in the city? Do you miss anything, from the your village?" Cris was practically bouncing on her feet, but suddenly realized that this wasn't the time for such a discussion. Well, the missions would take some time, she could male friends with the human then. And the beast-kin during, "I'm happy we'll be working together Sevia, I'll do my best to keep you safe," Maybe the demon-blooded too, she smiled at the stiffer member of their team.

For now she followed Kagami forwards and likewise fell to her knees behind her, eyes on their new Mistress. It felt wierd, kneeling as the human did, the only acknowledgement of their superiority the face that she was kneeling two feet in front. Should she lower herself further? It seemed appropriate, but Blackshield had said that by staying, the humans made themselves equal to the low born. Again she wondered what they had done to end up here. Maybe, once they were very good friends Cris could ask. Or maybe not, not even then.

Cris didn't know a terrible deal about magic, but people in the military likely did, so they would be able to tell what was blocking the divinations. She would be the groups eyes and ears, and help them in combat. She wished she could do more though. She eyed the submission set, even after it was revealed that the dildo wasn't part of it, and nor was it intended for them. But they could earn one, if they were good enough? Would that be the reward she would ask for, once they returned from the mission successfully, which hopefully they would. Cris wasn't sure, there were a lot of things promised in Lady Blackstone's demeanour. She would like to kneel at her side again, just the two of them...for now, they had their mission, "I'm ready," her voice was quiet, but determined.

Name: Oriala Lend Slayer and Hidden Mongrel Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: All
HP: 33/33 Armor Class: 20 / 14 Touch / 17 Flat Footed Initiative Bonus: +7 CMD: 22 / 19 Flat Footed Saves: +5 Fort / +8 Ref / +1 Will
Happy to serve poison

"Thank you slave," Oriala acknowledged Ayuna's assistance. She followed the elf slut maid through the dust free passageways. When they reached the wine cellar Oriala took the bottle. "Well done," she said as she leaned forward to kiss the maid and run her hand under her dress and along her wet folds. "Slave sluts should always be rewarded," Oriala carressed the elf for a moment and then pulled back with a smile. "But not too much... Now let us return. The lady is waiting."

Oriala returned with Ayuna as quickly as they departed. She bowed at the lady's acknowledgement. "All serve Hawken and my lady even the monstrous." Oriala maintained her calm, human demeanor even though she knew in her heart that not only was she truly a mongrel as she had feared all her life but that the lady knew. "Any less would be waste."

Turning Oriala approached Hana. "We would all make a good team. I would join you and lend my skills and sword to yours. It seems we'll not tarry then but be on our way quickly to the mission?"

It was the appearance of the submission set that caught Oriala's eyes. She started and then chuckled a bit as the lady actually started eating the dildo. Oriala made a note to find more fruit of that nature as it might be quite... interesting. "Lady, do you wish one of us to wear the collar? I have transgressed and should be punished by wearing it if any should."
Name: Melana Blackshield Location: Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Sevai, Cris, Morrigan, Kagami

Melana chuckled ever so slightly at Oriala's assertion. "You are mistaken, Oriala, but your eagerness is noted. Earlier, Hana requested to own Seena. And we can agree the Spider-slave is ill fit for proper ownership, aye?" Melana indicated, with a handwave and a darker smirk, gesturing Seena closer.
"But as a foreigner she'd lack the tools to ensure the girls subservience. I am a kind mistress, so I shall provide.
Present your neck, slave!"
She demanded of Seena, unafraid to force her compliance, if need be, before reaching out.. and snapping the collar around the spidergirls neck. Going by how it slowly shrunk to fit snugly in place, it was magical as well..

Then, she lifted the leash by the hilt presenting it by it's grip. "The collar has little effect without the other.. tools. Now then, Hana. You wished to own this subhuman once this is all over. I shall grant you an early taste.
This is Seena's freedom. Take it. Go ahead."
She offered, nudging the leash forwards a little if Hana hesitated or even dared to deny Melana's present. "Take it from her now."
6c52f6f93b05545f7844b1c369fc7695.jpgSeena Livy the unbroken Spidergirl, Blackshield Mansion, Tag: Hana, Mood: Nervous
"Do it, please. Don't let any of them get their hands on it. My loyalty is yours either way. There is no one I'd trust more right now."
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Kagami, Cris, Morrigan, Sevia.

With a nodding to you from Melana, you are dismissed. You can eat and prepare a little in her mansion, a researchers home with just a touch of bondage-equipment for her... hobbies.

You gather and, after Morrigan aquired her equipment, decide to head to the no-mans land of the far north. With Melana's Blackshield-Insignia on display and seemingly lead by a human, none within the city halt or question you.. neither do they on the countryside. The North of Hawkens land is filled with little mining villages and industrialized production of war-goods, an endless stream of production for Hawkens glorious mission of military supremacy above all.

As you near the fortified borderwalls, you come upon old military equipment in the distance.. trenches, half closed up now by human effort or time, broken remains... Hawken has ever expanded outwards, until the thinning of the spread of it's military forces slowed it's advance to crawl, then to a halt and now, a stalemate. perhaps you are part of the attempt to break this. But for now, you are stopped... by a dangerous looking woman.

Name: ? ? ? Location: Hawken, borders. Tag: Kagami

"What is this FILTH doing inside the borderwalls?" The womans expression darkens, as if the very presence of impure humanoids is abhorrent o her. "Bringing more meat to the grinder? Pfah. You don't look like warriors. I'll never understand why The Grandmaster doesn't just let us purge the rest of the unclean within. ... Well, get on with it, I'm not gonna stop you, on the contrary!"

You see more like her, right at the border, brutally eviscerating a small group of imp-like creatures that dared come too close and are driven off, cursing and shouting profanities.. but assisting them is not your goal right now.

You travel Northwards, trying to stay behind enemy lines... and perhaps you are shocked to see the landscape outside..
on one side, there are the demonlands, rivers running steaming hot, the earth scorched, with strange, dangerous plant-growths replacing the natural landscape, large lakes of fire far off in the distance..

And on the other side, lush forests grow upon green-purple grass. It would be beautiful, but the colors are ever so slightly unnatural.. and the mountains in the distance have a strange, fleshy appperance.

You wander in between the two extremes, were an excessive energy of creation, plantgrowth overwhelming, meet with an excessive energy of destruction, fire and ashes. Look at us! The landscapes scream at anyone that's been subjected to Hawken re-education before. We are what happens when monsters are in control!

But then, you spy someone on the horizon.. a girl, it seems, and she sees you too, shouting: "Aaah! y.. you are not monsters, are you? P.. please.. help me!"

She is holding her shoulder and is dressed up in rather skimpy armor... that or she didn't have time to put all of her armor on. Whilest she is holding a longsword, she does not make any attempt to aim it at you. What do you do with her?