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Dark Empire - IC

K 23756 agami, Sheep in Wolves Clothing; Location: Prurlen's Home; Tag: Prurlen; Mood: Happy, Surprised;
Core States: HP (26/26)[+1 non Lethal]; AC 14; CMD 13; Init: +3; Fort: +2; Ref: +5; Will: +5
Base Save DC: 15; Grade 1: (8/8); Grade 2: (2/5) Meta Magics: +1 , +1

Prurlen's words certainly cut to the chase, both General and Sargent had an appeal to them that Kagami couldn't deny. Controlling others, and getting to play with so many sounded wonderful! However, even she wasn't stupid enough to know that rising to such prominent positions would only get her vulpine heritage found out. "You think a bit to highly of me I'm afraid. It might have been fun teasing you, but I doubt I metal for such high positions. No, pushing records in some revealing dress is much more my track. My talents are better severed where I can keep a pretty face." She gave a warm smile, silently acknowledging the cowardice of her own words.

The story of a man trying to claim Prurlen in her place was a little sickening. In a way Kagami had protected him during there time together, she had been well know enough that just her choosing to actively date someone might have scarred off any potential interest. At the time she hadn't even considered how vulnerable she had left Prurlen with her selfish desires. "I see, I'm glad you found your own reason to be strong. I wish I could share such a tale with you, however since I've left you I've been mostly doing grunt work. Nor have I had a long term partner since then either. I still feel that I wasn't wrong, love is something that can't be held captive by just one person. It should be shared freely, but it seems you have found your own way in the world in spite of me, and for that I am glad."

When Prurlen explains about the grim condition of the front lines, and seeing the grief on his face she felt more ashamed of her cowardice. In a way, she was selfishly satisfied though. He had confirmed that seeking a position out side of the walls was more a death sentence than an honor. It was only a small miracle that they where able to talk now, and with him going back to the front lines, darkly Kagami wondered if this might be the last time she will ever see the citrus scented lover again. "I'm sorry to hear that... I..." she stopped for a moment wondering how much she should mention about Melana and her experiments. "I... I think that there might be hope on the horizon. I'm sure that the scientists of the Hawk will pull through in the end." She decided against talking about her current situation. No good would come of it.

Following Prurlen's lead she is escorted over to his bed. Before he has a chance to take initiative, she grasps his hand, pulling on it, though with how strong Prurlen is she only pulls herself into him. There lips meet as Kagami presses her body firmly into his chest. The whiffs of the lemon and mint scent she used becoming more evident to Prurlen as she nuzzled into his strong figure. If Prurlen didn't take dominance form her quickly, she would loop one arm around his neck, holding him to the kiss, well another would start unlacing his trousers.
40c78604fef06adfb668affdb2fa46d8.jpg Kessa Summersword
HP: 55/55 Armor Class: 22 (Touch: 12, FF: 20)
CMD: 23 (FCMD: 20)
Fort: 7 Ref: 4 Will: 1 (+2 vs Enchantment)
Initative: OoC (+2) AoO: 3
Tag: Melana
Active Effects: None
The young human-seeming knight makes her way up to the front door of the Blackshield manor, nervous but determined to make a good impression with her new employer/owner. In her hand she carries a large sealed envelope containing a letter, a key to the chastity belt she was currently wearing to protect the "merchandise", and a terms of lease. She knew what they were, but not what they said, although she was pretty certain that they explained her situation and her "condition", as well as what her father's estate would be sending to her new mistress in exchange for keeping the non-human half-blood hidden away from her older brother.
She was thankful to her father's attorney, recognizing the situation the estate was in thanks to her greedy and incestuous older brother. He had only backed off last time because she always carried a weapon with her now, but the way he promised that he would break her so that she would be begging him for it... She shudders and politely uses the ring to knock on the impressively large doors and waits, hands down and open, covering the front of her skirt so she looked the most presentable and ready to bow deeply.

(I'm sure that there's a clause in there stating that Kessa can remain in Melana's services after the affairs of the estate are settled if she wills it, not like that couldn't be exploited or anything...)
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6c52f6f93b05545f7844b1c369fc7695.jpgSeena Livy the unbroken Spidergirl, Hawken, Tag: Melana, Mood: Somber
Once back at the mansion, Seena discarded the frayed and torn Hawken uniform and stood naked before the seated Melana again, her legs folded to lower her body a bit this time.
"I am grateful for your help, Lady Blackshield. I will serve you... as a living weapon, until Hana decides to leave. Who do you wish to unleash me on?" Seena spoke, her usual caustic tone gone, her voice flat, her demeanor somber and serious. The vial Melana had given her was wrapped in a sheet of sticky webbing and placed between her large, pale breasts. She was covered in dried sweat and grime again after this little adventure, but she didn't ask for an opportunity to bathe again.
To emphasize her willingness to kill, she stroked her bow a bit. Her armor was still hidden in one of the sacks. She didn't dare don it while in Hawken territory.
"Who is it you want to accompany me? Has everyone already left?" She asked, with a dejected look on her face.

Melana Blackshield, Blackshield Mansion, Entrance, Tag: Seena, Kessa
(Flunking the Timelines a little here to get y'all in and going.)

Melana chuckled, crossing her arms behind her back. She had been mostly honest to Seena, but it would be interesting how far she could bend the spiderwomans loyalty.. she seemed very much an all or nothing type. "Well, let's see, for starters, none have left, but I think it prudent to break you up into more directed two-man teams.. the danger is not going to diminish, but perhaps you can accomplish more, this way.
As for whom to aim you at, little willing spider-blade, I believe that you need a change of scenery before dealing with the demonic forces again so.."
She hesitated, with a knocking on the front doors.. which of course she didn't open, but Ayuna went for instead.

Kessa was guided into a small, but expensive looking little corridor with stained glass-windowse left and right, A black haired woman with loose fit noble clothing and a naked half woman half spider thing standing there, Melana tilting her head.. before recieving the letter, flicking it open with practiced ease.

"Ah, it seems your new partner has arrived early, Seena." Melana mused, twirling a chastity-key between her fingers.
"That thing must be uncomfortable to wear, let's get rid of it first." She noted.

"I'd heard of you, of course, miss Summersword, a Tragedy really, such potential, polluted with elven blood.. oh yes, this is Seena, Kessa, a spider-workslave and a half-elf blooded noble. I suggest you take a moment to take in each others skill, I intend to use you as a unit.. oh, but first."

She noted, ordering a glass of red wine for Kessa. "A toast to you. This drink is laced with a tiny parasite which will bind to your nervous system and serve as the homing-beacon to my arcanotech. What you need to know is once you partake of it, you'll belong to me, not your elder brother." She offered.
40c78604fef06adfb668affdb2fa46d8.jpg Kessa Summersword
HP: 55/55 Armor Class: 22 (Touch: 12, FF: 20)
CMD: 23 (FCMD: 20)
Fort: 7 Ref: 4 Will: 1 (+2 vs Enchantment)
Initative: OoC (+2) AoO: 3
Tag: Melana, Seena
Active Effects: None
Kessa bows deeply to her new Mistress as she enters, then again as she takes the letter.
"I humbly apologize for any inconveniences, Mistress, and thank you." She states, holding up her skirt as the chastity belt is removed from her smooth, virgin cleft, almost sighing in relief as the heavy, bulky object is removed. She would have to seek out a moment alone to replace it with a pair of simple white panties when she had a chance, unless commanded otherwise. She stared for a moment at the glass of wine and the mention of the parasite within, but once told it would put distance between her and her elder brother, gulped it down so fast that she barely had time to taste it. What a pity, seemed like a good vintage, too. She bows the the Lady again. "Thank you, Mistress." She again states, then finally turns her attention to the naked spider-girl next to her Mistress and mostly manages to keep her composure, but it's obvious that she's been sheltered from the more monstrous slaves. Well, from the head down, she looks longingly over the rather beautiful girl with her body on proud display, but looking over the arachid part of her she can't help but grimace inwardly. However, she has been given a command, and she will follow through.
"I am Kessa Summersword, Daughter of Kukra Summersword and Grandaughter of Kaurru Summersword, the great general. Yes, in case you're wondering, the family has a thing for starting names with K. I was born not from his legally married wife but of her elven handmaid at the same time as my other brother, Khopo. However, his eldest son and my older brother Kridlug is currently suing my father's estate and disputing his will which puts Khopo in charge of the majority of the family assets which goes against tradition. Unfortunately, Kridlug is an idiot, will probably waste the entire family fortune in a matter of years... I'm sorry, I'm rambling." She apologizes, bowing to the drider. "I am the only member of my family decently skilled in the use of sword and shield, but due to my parentage my father kept me out of the military due to fear of discovery and the shame of polluting the Summersword line with non-human blood. Despite this, my father still paid for combat tutoring for me and thus I am rather specialized for melee combat with the use of a longsword. Uhm... Seena, right? If I may be so bold, I have only heard rumors about your kind, none of them polite. I do not mean to offend, but does your kind sometimes capture maidens, bind them in your webs, and force them to incubate your eggs?" She nervously asks.

(The naming convention thing was spur of the moment. Thought it sounded neat/quirky.)
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6c52f6f93b05545f7844b1c369fc7695.jpgSeena Livy the unbroken Spidergirl, Hawken, Tag: Melana, Kessa Mood: Serious
If they're still here, maybe I can see Hana again!
Seena looked the arrival over, not sure what to make of her. "I see. Our partnership may be fruitful. Come, no worries. Let's walk. I don't bite without being asked to." She smiled slightly. The girl *was* attractive, no doubt.
She turned toward Melana, raising herself from her heeling position. "We will return for the mission later, then."

She walked towards the staircases, gesturing Kessa to follow.
"I've actually not yet have the chance to explore this mansion. I've only arrived, I believe 2 days ago." Seena looked around to make sure no one was around to listen, but then sighed in exasperation at the futility. "I fear there is no place where I can ever speak in private again. But still, before we go out, I want to know about you. I want to know how much fire you have in you. On my last task, we had 2 model Hawken servants with us, a slave and a soldier. They quickly fell to demonic influence. Weak willed... If I am to extend any 'trust' to you, even if only as a battle partner, I need to know that you have a clear mind and a stalwart heart." She smiled and lowered her body.
"As for your question, no, that is nonsense. I have never heard of any offspring produced between one of us and any other race. We procreate by insemination, which creates an egg. Said egg is then carefully placed in a web sack to protect it during the final phase of gestation. Out comes a sling. If you were to meet my people, you'd find we are quite welcoming, and very comforting lovers. I can show you, if you wish." She grinned, but her expression quickly turned sour. "My people live reclusively, hidden from Hawken, the demons and the corrupted, but I, stupid girl that I am, decided to leave home to see the world. I was abducted, like many of my kind before, and forced to serve in the penal guards. Now I am here. If there is anything else you wish to know, ask. I haven't had a good conversation in too long..."

Melana Blackshield, Blackshield Mansion, Entrance, Tag: Seena, Kessa

Melana innocently smiled at Kessa's Vertical smile, seeming.. used to certain sights, unceremoniously dumping the chastity belt.
At Kessa's questioning however, Melana chuckles, crossing her arms behidn her back with a thin, but bemused smile, whilest chuckling.

"By all means. Don't run off too far however. I need to do some follow-up work anyway.." She chuckled, before .. just seeming to take place on her throne and brood, tips of her fingers pressed together.
40c78604fef06adfb668affdb2fa46d8.jpg Kessa Summersword
HP: 55/55 Armor Class: 22 (Touch: 12, FF: 20)
CMD: 23 (FCMD: 20)
Fort: 7 Ref: 4 Will: 1 (+2 vs Enchantment)
Initative: OoC (+2) AoO: 3
Tag: Seena
Active Effects: None
Kessa nods and follows the drider but stays far enough to the side to not get accidentally touched by those monstrous legs. "I see. I'm sorry to have asked such a ridiculous question. While I prefer to believe that I have a clear mind and a stalwart heart, the truth is that I have been rather sheltered in life and the only combat experience I have is from training, aside from when somebody once thought they could rob me or have their way with me. And a mugger or attempted rapist is a far cry from a demon or something of that nature." She sighs. "Well... Uhm... Truth be told... I'm rather wary of spiders, so please forgive me if I turn down your rather kind offer." She states, cautiously looking her companion's lower body and the unnatural way she scuttles across the floor. "It's not a bad thing to want to see the world, but I sympathize with your stance on Hawken. We might not be in such bad straits if the nobility didn't look down on the other races so much and were more willing to extend our hand in friendship. My father was one of the few that treated his slaves more as indentured servants, but it seems that as the worse things get, the deeper everybody retreats into their superiority complex. So, what happened during the mission, if you're willing to discuss that with me?"
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6c52f6f93b05545f7844b1c369fc7695.jpgSeena Livy the unbroken Spidergirl, Hawken, Tag: Melana, Kessa Mood: Serious
"We were sent out to beat up some cultists not far from the border. Me and a... dear friend, and the Hawken soldier and a slave. The soldier became influenced by demonic lusts almost immediately, causing some... incidents, but we managed to defeat the cultists and a snail-monster they summoned. Then, on our way back, we met a minor demon lord, the patron of this little cult. During the fight, the slave was ensnared by the demon, so my friend tried to negotiate, and a deal was struck. We were supposed to bring back some eggs from an abandoned factory, in return for the slavegirl to be set free, and the demoness to depart with the eggs. The demoness easily and secretly took control of the soldier, however, and the factory turned out to be a disgusting trap designed to make us carry the eggs in our bodies. I was the only one to escape with my body unviolated. And after all that, the soldier refused to take any responsibility, calling me an ungrateful mutant when I pointed out that she had been nothing but trouble. If you are ever offered fighting alongside Oriala, the strange dark-skinned one - she pretends she is human, but if she was, she wouldn't be here - you'd do well to refuse. She is a danger to her comrades. So devoted she is easily subverted."
She paused for a moment.
"The demons, and the corrupted for that manner, have many ways to ensnare minds, but I do want to know that you will at least try to resist."
40c78604fef06adfb668affdb2fa46d8.jpg Kessa Summersword
HP: 55/55 Armor Class: 22 (Touch: 12, FF: 20)
CMD: 23 (FCMD: 20)
Fort: 7 Ref: 4 Will: 1 (+2 vs Enchantment)
Initative: OoC (+2) AoO: 3
Tag: Seena
Active Effects: None
Kessa nods in understanding, shuddering at the image in her mind of something like that happening to her. "Of course I will try to fight against it. I'm not one to just let somebody make use of my body without my consent. And that's the problem with demons, there's always a catch with their requests. Some extra thing that they don't feel like they need to divulge. Thank you for the information, I will make sure to remember that. So, I assume the next step is to track down this demon lord and put an end to her schemes?"
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6c52f6f93b05545f7844b1c369fc7695.jpgSeena Livy the unbroken Spidergirl, Hawken, Tag: Melana, Kessa Mood: Serious
Seena smiled warmly. "Good. That puts me at ease a bit. And I do want to find that demoness again... but I think the Lady has a different plan now. I believe we will be sent to the other side of the continent, the territory of the corrupted angel. I have no idea about the particulars, though." She looked around. "Please, be at ease. I'm no mindless creature. I'd like to hear more about you. Let's continue talking. Maybe rest in a bedroom here. I promise I will not violate you in any way. Though I am surprised that you are so... shy. I was under the impression that many Hawken nobles held exotic pleasure slaves? And so many of them only ever treated me as an orifice... Your culture is very sexually charged. You must have been very sheltered indeed." She pointed towards the row of doors in the corridor they were in. "Let's see if we can't find a more comfy place, should we?"

Name: Oriala Lend Slayer and Hidden Mongrel Location: Melana's Throneroom Tag: Hana, Vivian, Kagami and Ayuna
HP: 40/40 Armor Class: 20 / 14 Touch / 17 Flat Footed Initiative Bonus: +7 CMD: 22 / 19 Flat Footed Saves: +5 Fort / +8 Ref / +1 Will
Specials: None

Vivian and Ayuna
"A meal then, that would be good." She smiled at Vivian. "Come on then, let's find Ayuna. She can serve a meal while we talk. I would like to hear more of your experiences with the demon. It seems we were both under its influence. Then we can talk about how we can work together. My skills are in combat and stealth."

Oriala headed out of the room toward the dining hall. "Ayuna? Ayuna?" she called. "Prepare a dinner for two!"

Ayuna in another place and time
Oriala stepped up to the hot tub and smiled at Ayuna. She took a deep breath inhaling the steam and the scent of the perfumes and ungents. "Prepare the bath with hot water barely tolerable while I undress. Then you can wash my hair and body. After that you can shave my legs and underarms and trim my mons." She shrugged off her scanty top revealing heavy, firm breasts with dark areola and hard, perky nipples. Oriala seemed unconcerned with her nudity in front of the servant. Then she slipped off her belt and scanty thong to stand nude. Her mons was trimmed in a neat heart shaped tuft of dark, curly hair. "You can use that razor properly?"
40c78604fef06adfb668affdb2fa46d8.jpg Kessa Summersword
HP: 55/55 Armor Class: 22 (Touch: 12, FF: 20)
CMD: 23 (FCMD: 20)
Fort: 7 Ref: 4 Will: 1 (+2 vs Enchantment)
Initative: OoC (+2) AoO: 3
Tag: Seena
Active Effects: None
She nods shyly and follows the drider to wherever she's heading. "My father didn't believe much in slavery in the first place, he was very much an oddity among the Hawken nobles. My older brother though, fully agrees that non-humans exist to serve their human 'betters'. Thankfully, my sibling Khopo takes more after our father. Sorry, it was only a few days ago that he took illness to the point of being unable to wake up. The turmoil that the family is in right now is very entrenched. Obviously, the servants side with Khopo and know far more than most normally would about the operations of the estate due to my father using them more as indentured servants. On the other hand, Kridlug is more popular among other nobles as he's far more like-minded in terms of how to treat non-humans." She sighs, the pain of loss and frustration evident in her voice.
"As for my lack of experience, do you remember the chastity belt that Mistress removed? Those are usually only used to keep a slave's virginity intact during 'transit' so that somebody can't come along and devalue the merchandise. Most of my father's servants remained fully clothed, albeit in skimpy outfits, unless they wanted to be otherwise. He'd only enforce nudity if he was entertaining others, which was usually rare. My only sexual experience was when I was younger and my older brother tried to force himself on me after finding out of my half-breed heritage. Unluckily for him, my father had given me a dagger for personal protection. He still has the scar, and I still to this day have a deep distaste for men. So... How about you? What's your story?" The disguised half-elf asks, getting tired of talking about herself.
6c52f6f93b05545f7844b1c369fc7695.jpgSeena Livy the unbroken Spidergirl, Hawken, Tag: Kessa Mood: Relaxed
Seena searched the rooms until she entered a vacant guest room with a large bed, clearly made to accommodate several people sleeping, or having sex. She beckoned Kessa inside, then climbed onto the bed, stretching her legs out.
"I have already told you the most important bits. I was born I believe just under 70 years ago - I've been having some difficulty keeping track of time these past few years - and was taught hunting and survival, as well as archery. My people call ourselves 'Striders,' and we trace our heritage back to the age of wild magic, eons ago. We have lived in seclusion all that time, mostly. I was never trained as a fighter, but my skills still surpass most of the Hawken soldiers I have served with." Seena's voice resonated with pride. "But wanderlust got the better of me, and I left the reclusive safety of my home to see the world. Instead, I was captured and forced to fight for Hawken. Now, just 2 days ago, Lady Blackshield here recruited me for her experiments. I'm not a monster, or a tragic hero, or an accomplished warrior - I am just a girl who wants to go home."
For a moment, Seena's voice trailed off and she looked like she was about to cry, but she suppressed the urge.
"Sorry for rambling, I am still a bit worn out, but you see, I mean you no harm. Come closer, run your hand across my leg. If we are sent to fight together, you shouldn't be afraid of my form. And be at ease, out of all the people here, I will not think any less of you because of your heritage. I only want to know if you are honest and willing to fight for your mind. So come now, fight your fear. Touch me - not sexual, if you don't want - just to show me you can look past my body."
40c78604fef06adfb668affdb2fa46d8.jpg Kessa Summersword
HP: 55/55 Armor Class: 22 (Touch: 12, FF: 20)
CMD: 23 (FCMD: 20)
Fort: 7 Ref: 4 Will: 1 (+2 vs Enchantment)
Initative: OoC (+2) AoO: 3
Active Effects: None

Tag: Seena
Kessa nods, knowing the feeling of wanting to go home quite intimately but for her... Her home would never be the same. She finds herself reaching out to pat the girl on the shoulder before touching one of those legs and flinching. She looks over the naked drider a moment and inhales, mentally bracing herself before reaching out and placing her hand on one of those arachnid, chitin-covered legs and keeping it there. Her face flushes as she fights the urge to yank it away while stealing glances upward at Seena's face to gauge how she's doing, all while her legs and left hand tremble from her actions.
"So... Uhm... About your dear friend... This won't cause some kind of rift or something between you two, will it?"
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DM Ayuna.png
Ayuna, Tag: Oriala

Without a moment's hesitation the elf maid lifted the scalding pot of water and poured it into the tub, followed by a second that filled it a little over half way. Oriala couldn't hear the soft spoken girl's voice but she could swear it said "Of course Ma'am" as the dusky skinned half-breed finished the list of orders. Having finished filling the tub Ayuna returned her attention to the lady she was servicing, watching as the last garments hit the floor motionless. "I have much practice with shaving a lady Ma'am." She replied to the question with what seemed to her to be an obvious answer, considering her position, though it was not her job to question these quirks, simply to respond quickly and truthfully. She held out a hand waiting to aid Oriala into the tub before picking up a container of shampoo and pouring some onto her hands in preparation of washing.

Tag: Vivian & Oriala
From up the stairs she had just ascended to aid Mistress they would hear the calls of "Yes, Ma'am?" and "Yes, of course. As soon as Mistress allows." She then would wait for Melana to permit her leave to go to the kitchen and gather food that was being prepared by the chef and lay it out in one of the side rooms. She then led the two girls into that room, and bowing letting her hair shift to hide her face as she awaited further instruction. The room was well decorated, a simple bed that could probably fit three people, or just Seena comfortably. A table with a small feast set on it and seating for two. A three pronged candelabra sitting to the center each candle lit and dripping lightly into its base. There is a set of drawers, and simple bedside table as well with the changing curtain to the one side of the room so one can carry on a conversation with someone while maintaining propriety. It was a cozy space if nothing else, and the food smelled wonderous.
Prurlen, Tag: Kagami
With the second hint of cowardice a fine eyebrow raises up along the high forehead. He had always been keenly aware of those around him and what has transpired in the past. You both know that the Kagami he knew might have been willing to do that, but never to admit to it. "I see you too have changed Kagami. Though I might have something for you to try on later," he muses before continuing. "What happened to you since you left? Please don't try to lie to me like you used to, though the honesty might be more disarming than I expected." You see a difficult to read emotion sitting in his eyes, concern? pity? perhaps something more dangerous, sympathy?

A slight, dark chuckle releases itself at the mention of strength, his eyes flashing slightly and his lip curling. For just a moment you see this terrible visage, like a shadow passed over his face, before it snaps back into the face you knew before, not a hint of the darkness you glimpsed. "With you it seemed love was something others may be granted by you, perhaps reciprocating feelings for them, but should not be shared among ourselves. After you left I didn't have the choice to find another way, but I don't resent you for it, after all even I see the past me as a burden not worth bearing."

A deep breath pushes forth, Prurlen deflating slightly. "I try to show my men to keep hope up but.." He holds his hands out on the table, palms skyward. "I'm not even sure I can trust the words of these spoiled nobles anymore. Perhaps.... No, we would never be able to convince these nobles any better." For a moment he stares into the middle distance, though anything Kagami says snaps him back and his attentions focus back on you.

As Kagami is pulled into Prurlen's arms they are interrupted by a yawn from the curtained bed, a feminine voice gently awaking. "Prurlen, hun? Are you here?" She says sleepily. Prurlen's smile broadens, and his tongue runs across his lower lip, as he replies before pulling Kagami into the kiss she was just thinking of initiating, "I am here Dear, we have company." His hand runs up your back as he leans down and tilts your head back his citrus scent returning to mix delightfully with your mint. The hand that tilted your head meets with the one that had been holding yours at your back feeling for how your cloths are held together then pulling at your skirt to start undressing her as well. The kiss would shake Kag back into the moment enough to let her to continue as planned if she wishes.

Random Servant, Tag: Melana & Kessa & Seena
A servant clearly of mixed blood opened the door before Kessa could knock a second time with a bow. He gestured to enter closing the door behind the half-elvin maiden then motioning for her to follow him. If asked why Ayuna wasn't present he would quietly respond that she was entertaining other guests, though he was speedy to accomplish all tasks given, never raising his eyes over his hands, and seemed to meld into the wall when not moving.
Hana, Keeper of the Sleeping Spring
HP: 47/47 Armor Class: 24 Initiative Bonus: +7/9 CMD: 26
Panache: 7/7, Charmed Life: 3/3, Stunning Fist: 3/3. Conditions:
- ______________________________________________________________________________________________

"Uh....I was aware of that, it is an old story, but it didn't matter at all where I came from, and kind of forgotten."

"The same way Seena is wrong about everyone from Hawken being the same...you can't just say that every non-human is the same. I am pretty sure there are pure humans who are worse than beasts, right?"

"I do respect you, and agreed to help your research...but you didn't earn my respect because you are human, but because of your actions. And I think you have a good heart, even if you wish to hide it."

"I am sure your research will take Hawken to greater heights, more than random -capable or not- slaves could ever do. So lets work together for that...I think you succeeding will be good for everyone."
she nodded.

"And while we are at it, maybe it is a good think that you now consider me a 'monster' too. Maybe there is something I could do to change your mind?" she asked, watching carefully.
6c52f6f93b05545f7844b1c369fc7695.jpgSeena Livy the unbroken Spidergirl, Hawken, Tag: Kessa Mood: Relaxed
Seena smiled as Kessa touched her hair-covered leg, then gestured her to remove her hand.
"Thank you. I see, we're going to get along just fine. And no, I don't think Hana will be jealous."
She raised herself from the bed again.
"I feel for you. To be treated like this by family... Maybe you can find solace and confidence on the battlefield."
Her face took on a sad, brooding look.
"I never liked violence, or fighting, but I've come to the realization that it is one of the few things I am good at. And I'll gladly be out there, among demons and flesh horrors, if it means being away from here. And Death does not care about your heritage. Maybe fighting, not for your country but for yourself, will be therapy for your heart."
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40c78604fef06adfb668affdb2fa46d8.jpg Kessa Summersword
HP: 55/55 Armor Class: 22 (Touch: 12, FF: 20)
CMD: 23 (FCMD: 20)
Fort: 7 Ref: 4 Will: 1 (+2 vs Enchantment)
Initative: OoC (+2) AoO: 3
Active Effects: None

Tag: Seena
Kessa eagerly pulls her hand away from the hairy, arachnid leg when gestured to do so, letting loose a deep breath that she didn't realize she had been holding.
"There are worse places to be than a battlefield, and I fear death less than becoming my older brother's eager plaything. In either case, we shall see how well I can perform in due time. Meanwhile, perhaps we should find the others in our Mistress's ownership before we or they head out so I can meet them as well."
6c52f6f93b05545f7844b1c369fc7695.jpgSeena Livy the unbroken Spidergirl, Hawken, Tag: Kessa Mood: Relaxed
"Yes, let us look around here. I'm sure we'll meet some of the others." I hope I will see Hana again... I wonder what Blackshield was talking about...
Seena almost jumped off the bed into a standing position instead of slowly angling and moving each of her legs in turn, which might have startled Kessa.
"Or do you want to return to the hall and wait for the others there?"