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Dark Gate OOC Thread

Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Nothing is more of a dick move than a Siren running a tourist shop along the coastline in Dark Gate. I want to see it happen :p
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Ladies and gentlemen, the moment you've all been waiting for:

Nala x Bakan Part 1
~08:05:38 AM] Mamono Force: "Therefore... Women SHOULD NOT lend themselves to any but their beloved!"
~08:06:46 AM] Mamono Force: "Then, you're only an object for male pleasure! Don't disgrace the women of the world! Reserve yourselves for only your true love!"
~08:07:51 AM] Mamono Force: "True pleasure, lies in giving something you treasure to the one you hold dear!"
~08:08:20 AM] Mamono Force: Harem in the background: "We treasure you, Bakan!"
~08:08:47 AM] Mamono Force: The audience laughs as Bakan is made a fool of, now clearly regarded as a contradicting pervert.
~08:11:36 AM] Blue Slime:
But I am a goddess of love, all are my bleoved...

~08:11:53 AM] Mamono Force: "They have to love you back!"
~08:11:56 AM] Blue Slime:
and fufufu... males are objects for MY pleasure

~08:12:28 AM] Blue Slime:
the male body is hampered by its susceptibility to lust

~08:13:12 AM] Blue Slime:
the magical properties of your sexual essence drives you like beasts

~08:13:28 AM] Blue Slime:
you can be enslaved by such natural, subconsciou sexual drive

~08:13:34 AM] Blue Slime:
and I know how to do it

~08:14:01 AM] Mamono Force: "Seduction is fine! Proper ladies are capable of it, but lending yourself is wrong!"
~08:14:17 AM] Mamono Force: "You'll get pregnant, god damn it!"
~08:15:25 AM] Blue Slime:
No I wont

~08:15:37 AM] Blue Slime:
I was made infertile when I was lead through the afterlife

~08:15:49 AM] Blue Slime:
my body has been exposed to raw daemonic entropy

~08:16:25 AM] Mamono Force: "Grrrr! What the hell is wrong with women like you already!? You've lost your way!"
~08:16:28 AM] Blue Slime:
It is not for me to be a mother to a child, but I shall be mistress to all.

~08:16:55 AM] Mamono Force: "I, Bakan Jeru, will educate you by force if I have to!"
~08:18:13 AM] Blue Slime:
It is not for you to judge me, foolish man... *her eyes glow an eerie green and the crackling of black lightning encircles her body and down the length of her arms.* "I am mistress over life and death, nature and entropy... you will not harm me."

~08:19:08 AM] Mamono Force: "I don't aim to kill you! This is for your own sake! I will protect the beauty of your womanhood even if you don't treasure it!"
~08:19:26 AM] Blue Slime:
"I don't just treasure it! I use it!"

~08:19:38 AM] Mamono Force: "That's wrong on so many levels!"
~08:19:39 AM] Blue Slime:
"It is not some bauble to be locked away in a vault!"

~08:19:53 AM] Mamono Force: "It's a treasure to be given to the one you love!"
~08:20:11 AM] Blue Slime:
"And it has! Over and over again. With all my lovers!"

~08:20:19 AM] Mamono Force: "That's not love!"
~08:20:30 AM] Mamono Force: "Would you die for them!?"
~08:20:35 AM] Blue Slime:
"Maybe not, but I love it!"

~08:20:43 AM] Blue Slime:
"And I have died for love! Twice!"

~08:20:58 AM] Blue Slime:
"Been there! Seen that! Bought the T-shirt!"

~08:21:12 AM] Mamono Force: "You're-woah," he breaks off for a second, "Twice?"
~08:21:48 AM] Blue Slime:
"Shot throught the heart.. and received a kiss of death."

~08:22:14 AM] Mamono Force: "... Somehow, I believe at least one of those causes was due to you being a pervert."
~08:22:38 AM] Blue Slime:
"Both times I was sacrificing myself for the good of others."

~08:22:48 AM] Mamono Force: "... While being a pervert."
~08:22:58 AM] Blue Slime:
"We have our own ways of sacrificing."

~08:23:08 AM] Mamono Force: "You don't even deny it..."
~08:23:29 AM] Blue Slime:
"Nay, I willingly applaud it, and will teach all my female desciples as such."

~08:23:52 AM] Mamono Force: "You're tea--!? You are not fit to be a teacher!"
~08:24:06 AM] Blue Slime:
"I am the greatest of teachers, little man..."

~08:24:23 AM] Blue Slime:
"I teach women to be strong, to not let men take advantage of them.

~08:24:23 AM] Mamono Force: "Your teachings make women behave like animals!"
~08:24:40 AM] Blue Slime:
"Instead, I teach women to take advantage of men!"

~08:25:08 AM] Blue Slime:
"Every man who tries to force himself upon my desciples will become nothing more than a mindless thrall!"

~08:25:10 AM] Mamono Force: "Same end but different means!!! That logic is so flawed! Men want sex! You're just whoring yourself out to them!"
~08:25:37 AM] Blue Slime:
"We shall cull the world of men who do not deserve the love of women."

~08:26:08 AM] Mamono Force: "Men who desire the bodies of women should not be given it!"
~08:26:29 AM] Mamono Force: "Women should only give themselves to worthy men! Honorable men!"
~08:27:00 AM] Blue Slime:
"But evil men are not always stopped... not every woman has a faithful protector besides them. There are men who will brutally take women.."

~08:27:40 AM] Mamono Force: "Then your women should take after my diciples, and become strong so that they can thwart evil men!"
~08:27:51 AM] Mamono Force: "NOT GIVE THEIR BODIES TO THEM ANYWAY!!!"
~08:27:58 AM] Mamono Force: Bakan steams
~08:28:14 AM] Blue Slime:

~08:28:23 AM] Mamono Force: "I win!"
~08:28:35 AM] Mamono Force: *Bakan dances*
~08:37:47 AM] Blue Slime: Blue Slime is idle
~08:40:22 AM] Blue Slime: Blue Slime is online
~08:41:30 AM] Blue Slime:
"We fight them with magic, and when might and magic fail, even in defeat we can still make our attackers pay a price!"

~08:41:54 AM] Blue Slime:
"And unlike you, we can actually turn evil men into something resembling worthy honorable men."

~08:43:07 AM] Blue Slime:
"Men who come under my thrall end up better than they were before hand. I break them down so that I may rebuild them... is that not better and less wasteful than your self-righteous treatment?"

~08:51:17 AM] Mamono Force: "They are merely zombies. And even then, your teachings insist the women give up even their virginity if they have to. Is nothing sacred but your own lives?"
~08:52:49 AM] Blue Slime:
"None of my disciples are virgins when I take them in."

~08:53:01 AM] Blue Slime:
"And no, the men are not merely zombies."

~08:53:32 AM] Blue Slime:
"They are allowed personality, as long as that which they show is acceptable and respectful behavior."

~08:54:18 AM] Blue Slime:
"And life is a sacred thing, more sacred than some idea of nobility"

~08:54:33 AM] Mamono Force: "I do believe that is what thrall intends. Puppets animated by it's user's will. My teachings protect innocent women from violation. A scarred life is not a good life."
~08:55:38 AM] Blue Slime:
"I collect the women battered and bruised by life and teach them to be strong, proud, and in control. You would have them weep and cower in a gilded cage. You disgust me."

~08:57:18 AM] Mamono Force: "... Did I ever imply that? Lost lamb, you now seek delusions to aid your misguided ways. Our philospophies are the same, but your's is savage while mine maintains self-respect. A woman need never lower herself to that of the cursed man who desired her body."
~08:58:55 AM] Blue Slime:
"I do not teach mere sexual prowess. Any girl who wishes to learn the healing powers or wholesome might of nature, or the deadly, eldritch powers of entropy are welcome to do so under my tutelage. I teach girls to be free and confident and in control of their own lives. I do not put them up on a pedestal like you.

~09:00:32 AM] Mamono Force: "And why shouldn't they be on a pedestal? It has always been a man's task to perform well enough to earn the honor of being gifted the love of a woman, since long before you or I were alive."
~09:03:26 AM] Blue Slime:
"To be put on a pedestal is insulting in the extreme to women. It implies that you think we are too dainty to handle the grim parts of life. Well we are not dainty, we are not fragile, we have the power to go through the valleys of darkness and overcome as well if not better than any man."

~09:04:13 AM] Blue Slime:
"We do not need your patronizing help. We can take care of ourselves, and we can have fun doing it.

~09:04:39 AM] Mamono Force: "Dragons are also put on pedestals above mankind, do you intend to make me believe that I think dragons are dainty?"
~09:05:54 AM] Blue Slime:
"Pfft, dragons. Dragons are inherently strong, prideful, and loud when they snore. They are also just another being. I do not put them on any pedestal. All life exists on its own merits and its own choices."

~09:06:29 AM] Mamono Force: "Why do I get the feeling that means you've violated a dragon as well?"
~09:06:45 AM] Blue Slime:
Nala grins widely...

~09:07:20 AM] Blue Slime:
"Violated is not the word I would have chosen..."

~09:08:25 AM] Mamono Force: Bakan sighs, "I don't know where you went wrong, it must have been truly truamatic to make you desire to lend your body freely to anyone. On my personal mission, I will ensure that you recover from your trauma, and seek to live a normal life whomever you chose to love for the rest of your time in this world."
~09:09:07 AM] Blue Slime:
"I choose to have sex with whomever I want because it feels good and it is one of my favorite hobbies."

~09:09:21 AM] Mamono Force: "Please don't repeat that..."
~09:09:25 AM] Blue Slime:
"Neither you, nor my mother, nor any other authority will tell me what to do with myself."

~09:09:41 AM] Blue Slime:

~09:10:04 AM] Blue Slime:
"Want to hear my orgasm screams? I've got several good ones."

~09:10:23 AM] Mamono Force: "DON'T SHOUT SOMETHING SO INDECENT!"
~09:10:43 AM] Blue Slime:

~09:11:07 AM] Blue Slime:

~09:11:28 AM] Mamono Force: "I don't have a candy ass! What kind of sick joke is that!?"
~09:11:47 AM] Blue Slime:
"Oh no? Prove it!"

~09:12:31 AM] Mamono Force: Bakan flushes red, "Y-you unbearable animal! As your first lesson, NEVER ask someone anything about what's under their clothes!"
~09:13:24 AM] Mamono Force: (Why do I get the feeling that they're becoming the best of friends?)
~09:13:54 AM] Blue Slime:
"So how big are you anyway?" Puts her hands close together and starts widening them slowly. "Tell me when... just tell me when I'm close... really? really that long? Okay, you're not paying attention, I'mma start over..."

~09:15:03 AM] Mamono Force: "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" Bakan shouts, waving his hands at her own to disrupt her movements. "Stop that! Stop it! That's disgusting!"
~09:15:19 AM] Blue Slime:
"It's not disgusting... believe me, I've seen plenty."

~09:15:40 AM] Mamono Force: Bakan looks to be on the verge of crying, "SHOW SOME SHAME!!!!!"
~09:16:13 AM] Blue Slime:
"Show some cock!" She grabs his balls impulsively.

~09:17:38 AM] Mamono Force: Bakan freezes up, before shuddering, screaming loudly in a surprisingly cute voice, easily mistaken for a girl. "PERVERT!" he screams, slapping her
~09:19:06 AM] Blue Slime:
Nala clutches at her face where a deep purple welt beginst to spread. The green light goes out of her eyes, and Bakan can see that they're starting to tear up. Her lips start to tremble.

~09:20:07 AM] Mamono Force: Blinking, he suddenly reaches in carefully towards her in a pleading manner, "I... I didn't mean to hit so hard! You just grabbed me suddenly and... I-I'm sorry! I can heal it, see?" he announced, channeling magic to make her pain go away.
~09:20:43 AM] Blue Slime:
She backs away from him like a frightened animal, recoiling from his touch. She chokes back a sob.

~09:21:25 AM] Blue Slime:
"Wh-what kind of man are you? To hit a ... to hit a woman..."

~09:21:39 AM] Mamono Force: Bakan suddenly looks ready to cry too, "I'm sorry! I'm really, really sorry! I know I'm a frightening, ugly brute!" he announced, although he sounded more to be complimenting himself with those attributes.
~09:22:27 AM] Blue Slime:
"I... was even starting to like you..."

~09:23:12 AM] Mamono Force: Bakan blanked out for a moment, before seeming to grace over the subject. "The pain will go away eventually~" he said gracefully, recovering instantly.
~09:23:42 AM] Blue Slime:
"Some of the things you said were making so much sense... but now... how can I trust anything you've said.... you just hit women and don't feel any shame..."

~09:24:14 AM] Mamono Force: "I really am sorry... Can't I make it up to you?" he asked her.
~09:25:15 AM] Blue Slime:
"How? How could you possibly make it up to me?! You obviously don't know how to show tenderness and affection to a woman."

~09:25:38 AM] Mamono Force: "You grabbed something indecent!" he cried in his defense.
~09:26:27 AM] Blue Slime:
"You should know that women are impulsive! Is that how you keep your women in line? Slap them?! Are you just a pimp?"

~09:28:01 AM] Mamono Force: Bakan finds another subject to grace over, how many times he's been hitting women lately. Granted, it was always in defense when they were being far too assertive. "W-wait, pimp!? How do you make that connection!?"
~09:28:43 AM] Mamono Force: "And isn't it MEN who are impulsive!?"
~09:29:13 AM] Blue Slime:
"That's what pimps do when a woman they want to control does something they don't like. They slap them. It's plain physical abuse. And it's unforgivable for any man claiming to be a gentleman to do."

~09:29:37 AM] Blue Slime:
Un. For. Giveable.

~09:30:26 AM] Mamono Force: "Well... I've never really been too much of a gentleman lately. But I find it difficult when I'm being molested..."
~09:30:44 AM] Blue Slime:

~09:30:56 AM] Mamono Force: "Y-YES! YOU'RE RIGHT! I'M SORRY!"
~09:31:07 AM] Blue Slime:

~09:31:20 AM] Mamono Force: "NEVER HIT A WOMAN, IDIOT!"
~09:31:56 AM] Blue Slime:
"Now make up for it!"

~09:32:21 AM] Mamono Force: He bows forward, "I'm sorry! Please forgive me!"
~09:32:33 AM] Blue Slime:
"I meant heal it!"

~09:32:58 AM] Mamono Force: He nearly falls over, before directing his palm at her, "Of course..."
~09:33:23 AM] Blue Slime:
"The pain may be gone, but that's only physical pain. For a woman, the emotional pain is far worse.. do you know how to heal that?"

~09:33:43 AM] Blue Slime:
"I will tell you if you are unsure."

~09:33:48 AM] Mamono Force: "You may slap me back, if you like."
~09:34:10 AM] Blue Slime:
"Violence begets violence begets violence! That is a man's way of thinking! IDIOT!"

~09:34:22 AM] Mamono Force: Bakan cries.
~09:34:49 AM] Blue Slime:
"Stop crying! Learn something instead! I'm telling you important things!"

~09:35:10 AM] Mamono Force: "Y-yes, to better help women become ladies, I must learn more about them!"
~09:35:50 AM] Blue Slime:
"You cannot make up for violence with more violence... two wrongs do not make a right! This is common knowledge. yet sadly not so common."

~09:36:25 AM] Mamono Force: "Yes. I can very well agree with that. However, I do believe in justice."
~09:36:41 AM] Blue Slime:
"Right now, the emotional pain I suffer is from the emotional rift between you and I... the lack of compassion you have for me was personified in that slap..."

~09:37:05 AM] Blue Slime:
"If you really wanted to help me, you would have to have compassion."

~09:37:46 AM] Mamono Force: "I..." Bakan tilts his head to the side, "Lack of compassion? I've been hitting women that try to rape me over the head with my hammer... Have I been doing it wrong!?"
~09:38:06 AM] Mamono Force: "I thought they would learn their lesson!"
~09:38:26 AM] Blue Slime:
"By the dead gods.. you've been hitting women with a hammer?"

~09:38:36 AM] Blue Slime:
"What kind of monster are you?"

~09:38:38 AM] Mamono Force: "Some of them were dragons!"
~09:38:51 AM] Blue Slime:

~09:39:00 AM] Mamono Force: "Yes! I'm sorry!"
~09:39:16 AM] Blue Slime:
She calmed down a bit. Took a deep breath

~09:40:57 AM] Blue Slime:
"You must reach out to women with empathy. You must talk to me as though you know what is in my heart. This is why you cannot put women up on a pedestal... you try to think you are different. But we are both mortals... you a man, I a she-elf... there are many commonalities. We both feel love. We both feel tenderness."

~09:41:33 AM] Mamono Force: "... Loving tenderness doesn't count as love..."
~09:42:16 AM] Blue Slime:
"Yes they are different, but one leads to another. Love is not found, it is created... nurtured, developed, realized..."

~09:42:45 AM] Blue Slime:
Nala put a hand upon Bakan's and brought it to her cheek where it had slapped her minutes before.

~09:43:43 AM] Mamono Force: Bakan froze up, touching her face seemingly upsetting him as he seemed to want to run away. "W-why....!?"
~09:44:39 AM] Blue Slime:
"Because you must learn how to use your strong hands with a delicate touch. You are comforting me.. please, just stay here and touch my cheek with this hand. This hand that once offfended me... show me that it can be tender."

~09:45:23 AM] Mamono Force: Shuffling, Bakan nervously looked away, "O-okay..." he agreed shyly, leaving his hand there, although it looked forced.
~09:47:24 AM] Blue Slime:
Nala closed her eyes and sighed, and slowly nuzzled her cheek softly into his hand. "Move your hand a bit. Use your sense of touch. Feel the spot where you struck me. My eyes are closed, you could betray my trust and slap me again if you wanted. You have the power to harm me. Convince me with your touch that you will not do so. That you are sorry. That you care for my well being as another person."

~09:48:46 AM] Blue Slime:
Nala's skin is soft, smooth, and supple. Touching her this close, Bakan would be unable to deny the beauty of her delicate features.

~09:48:52 AM] Mamono Force: Bakan gave a light hum in acknoledgement, glancing over to see that her eyes really were closed, before gently rubbing his hand along her cheek. She'd feel a few scars on his hand run along her face, where he made sure to touch with another part of his hand to make sure he could feel.
~09:50:29 AM] Blue Slime:
"Your hand... it's seen too much battle. Has it ever truly known tenderness? Is this the first time you have truly comforted a woman with your touch? Done something selfless? Giving of yourself to make a woman feel safe with you?"

~09:52:42 AM] Mamono Force: "I've earned these scars while protecting women from those that would harm them... You are correct that my body knows only how to destroy, but I destroy those that would seek to ruin a woman's tenderness."
~09:55:48 AM] Blue Slime:
"Then I feel so sorry for you. A being that knows only destruction is not complete, and cannot hope to understand what love is or what love needs. Please... my neck hurts as well from when it spun so quickly... you have strong hands. Please place your hand around the back of my neck... squeeze gently in circular motions, it will make my neck feel better and it will again let you show me your understanding..."

~09:56:21 AM] Blue Slime:
Nala's eyes remained closed.

~09:58:52 AM] Mamono Force: Bakan audibly swallowed a lump in his throat, he hesitated, about to complain, before convincing himself with words, "If it's to make up for what I've done..." he said, before gently placing his hand around the back of her neck. Once noticing he came a little too close to her front, he stepped to the side quickly, before his fingers did as she asked, squeezing very softly.
~10:00:06 AM] Mamono Force: (RJ:Btw, In a non-canon NalaxBakan RP with Blue atm)
~10:00:07 AM] Mamono Force: (Ryu Doppler: The epic battle of philosophies)
~10:01:28 AM] Blue Slime:
"Mmm... eh... not... eh... not quite, step back in front of me... here... just a moment, let me, if I may, let me show you." She slowly brought her hand up to curve aroun his neck and placed her thumb and forefinger against his larger neck muscles, rubbing them as she wanted him to rub hers, until they were both massaging one another's necks simultaneously, standing in front of one another, Nala's chest rising and falling with the steadiness of her breathing as she relaxed.

~10:04:37 AM] Mamono Force: Bringing Bakan back around, if she was looking for a reaction, she found one. Her fingers found dense, tight, and stiff muscles. As if he wasn't strong already, it was as if his muscles became as stiff as steel when in front of her. "In front is..." he complained slightly.
~10:05:07 AM] Blue Slime:
"Just close your eyes like me and relax."

~10:05:51 AM] Mamono Force: (Ryu Doppler:Bakan must resist! He must lead Nala to the path of proper ladyness!)
~10:06:24 AM] Blue Slime:
(Nala's not being unladylike)

~10:06:35 AM] Mamono Force: (He doesn't know what's happening :p)
~10:06:44 AM] Blue Slime:

~10:07:44 AM] Mamono Force: Bakan shuddered in her hand as he rose a hand up to adjust his glasses. "Close my eyes... Right..." he did as she asked, before giving a start, "N-no... No... That... That's dangerous..."
Except for Keylo, he hasn't been waiting for this.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Nala x Bakan Part 2
~10:09:11 AM] Blue Slime:
"You may need this more than I do, judging by your tenseness.. don't worry, you have your hand round my neck too, and your hand is much bigger and stronger than my little one. I can't do anything to you that you don't want me to... This is part of establishing trust. If anything, I'm the one who has more to worry about."

~10:09:42 AM] Mamono Force: "I too am more worried about you..." he shared, still not entirely complying.
~10:11:01 AM] Blue Slime:
"Close your eyes. You needn't be afraid." She continued to rub. "Or keep them open if you are truly scared. Whichever allows you to relax more. That is all I'm asking of you."

~10:11:53 AM] Mamono Force: "I... I shall keep them open..." he replied, tilting his head back to look up at the sky, relaxing his neck back into her hand as he did his best to match her motions.
~10:13:26 AM] Blue Slime:
"You can't lean back like that, I can't get the same access to your muscle group. You need to lean your head forward. Like me, see?" Still with her eyes closed, Nala tilted her head forward, elongating the back of her neck. "See how your hand can get more of my neck that way. Please do the same."

~10:15:22 AM] Mamono Force: Bakan quietly cried as she said that, his face becoming hot with a blush, he lowered his head, and found himself staring directly at her lower body and chest. What's more, his hand stopped moving for a moment, before he said, "I... I'll keep them closed..." he changed his mind, rubbing her neck again.
~10:18:49 AM] Blue Slime:
With his eyes closed, Bakan would miss the how Nala smiled slightly, amazed at how repressed the poor young man was. The rubbing went on for a while. Nala was unsurprisingly good with her hand. "Your neck is quite thick. May I please use my other thumb as well? You can do it too if you want. Having two thumbs lets you accentuate the pressure here on either side... It's very relaxing. And your touch is making me feel better. You're a quick learner and take instructions well..."

~10:21:07 AM] Mamono Force: "But..." Bakan immediately pictured the scene in his head, and shook the thought off, "Ah... My... My other hand is feeling numb... War wound..." he lied.
~10:24:35 AM] Blue Slime:
"That's okay, I understand. I would never want to ask you to hurt yourself for me. I'll just do it myself, you keep using just the one hand on my neck. It's so big and strong anyway..." She put her second hand up across his broad shoulder and then moved along his collar to his neck where she did as she said she would and gave pressure to Bakan's neck, easing away the tension with her soft hands. "Does it make you happy to know that that war scarred hand of yours is making me feel good? Helping my body lose its tensions, its anxiety, making me feel comfortable?"

~10:27:46 AM] Mamono Force: Bakan gave a start as she went to use her hand anyway, only giving a sound, a squeak of complaint, silenced as her hand fell on him. Whatever tension she relieved renewed itself slightly when she did this. "I feel... I feel in... a struggle... To not think lewdly at all when this close to your front... If possible... I'd wish that what we were doing... Wouldn't be so... Intimate..."
~10:32:33 AM] Blue Slime:
"Men fear intimacy, but it is nothing to be ashamed of. Do not think of me lewdly. I do not want you to cheapen this experience between us. I want you to think only of the help and trust you are giving me, and I want you to be able to trust and feel the weight of your burdens leave your shoulders. Just close your eyes and do not think of me as simply a woman. Think of me as Nala. Nala who is more than just a woman. Nala who is trying her best to help you, because she genuinely cares for you."

~10:34:20 AM] Blue Slime:
"Bear in mind, that what you are feeling is not necessarily lewdness. You are confusing it with other emotions. Emotions men can be afraid to admit they know nothing about."

~10:37:35 AM] Mamono Force: Bakan nodded, seeming to concentrate on that. With great effect, Bakan's muscles relaxed quickly over time. "Just a person... Just Nala..." he said quietly. Finding his happy place, he his muscles were like puddy in her fingers. "This feels very strange... I feel... Limber..."
~10:37:59 AM] Mamono Force: putty*
~10:42:13 AM] Blue Slime:
Nala giggled, "It's because you've managed to get past your trust issues. You've accepted me beyond something as an "Other." I am now a "Known" to you. My touch on your skin, it is one of comfort, one that makes you feel all right. And because you are able to relax and put away your anxieties, seeing me through your hands, through your feelings, you know more of the real me than you could ever have seen with your eyes. Your eyes can be a distraction."

~10:43:14 AM] Blue Slime:
"It is from the sense of touch, that true understanding, true feelings begin."

~10:44:23 AM] Mamono Force: Bakan smiled, a bit more energy coming into his muscles, not tense so much as a jolt of energy. "Yeah... Somehow, I feel pretty confident. I mean, I was confident before, but I was just going purely on my desire to fight and protect others. I've never... Felt like I was really connected with them."
~10:44:49 AM] Blue Slime:
"You... you feel connected... tell me more..."

~10:46:47 AM] Mamono Force: "Like, if you or someone else were to be in danger, I don't even feel like there would be any fighting. No struggle, or desperate survival. I'd just be... As one with them, their own extension, acting as their arm to hold a shield to protect them. I am something precious too... It's like... I'm appriciated..."
~10:50:20 AM] Blue Slime:
"Yes. You are appreciated. There is a mutual giving. You and I have been experiencing it for the past five minutes. Feeling this connection between us. And instead of fear and anxiety, we're just giggling and breathing in fresh air. It's a beautiful experience, human, elf, or otherwise. All living things crave such a sybmiosis. It is a part of nature. A part of life. A natural part of the great cycle. And now you perhaps understand a little more about something that cannot be seen with the eyes, or exactly explained in words. Somethings, there are no words for... you just, open your eyes, and nature takes over..."

~10:50:33 AM] Blue Slime:
Nala's breath was close to Bakan's now

~10:51:11 AM] Blue Slime:
and if he opened his eyes, he would see her's half lidded, looking at him languidly, still massaging him with her hands.

~10:51:37 AM] Blue Slime:
Her lips not aggressively close, not seeking him out, but there in front of him.

~10:55:03 AM] Mamono Force: "I see... If my relationship with my diciples... No... My friends... was like this... Then all my attempts as self-sacrifice have been hurting them. I always thought people like Cory were wrong, but she must have been in pain too. I should respect their feelings towards me." he announced, before opening his eyes, and then blinking when he saw her own. "I-I'm sorry...!" he said, drawing back a little, "I must have drawn you in during that... I didn't mean to..."
~11:00:35 AM] Blue Slime:
"It's okay if you did, and okay if you didn't," Nala said, not minding the sudden pull back, but not taking her eyes off his, nor changing her expression. "There are natural forces of attraction at work. It can happen. It is always important to respect a woman's feelings for you. To ignore it or brush it aside is worse than any slap. It can only be dealt with correctly by using empathy, by showing compassion, and a delicate touch. You and I, we have found a small measure of respite and happiness... sometimes, that is all we can as mortals hope to find: Respite and happiness in one another's arms. Bakan..."

~11:04:06 AM] Mamono Force: Bakan nodded, letting his hand slide down from her neck to rest on her shoulder supportingly. "Yes, I understand, Nala. I don't agree with a lot of things about you, but this... I'm not sure if I am worthy enough to handle the responsibility of being something special to another's heart. It's much more bearable to me if I'm the only one who gets hurt."
~11:08:54 AM] Blue Slime:
"Bakan, anyone who has the ability to be gentle like you've been with me, to restrain themselves and to be able to learn the basics of empathy and touch to touch pleasuring, is a person worthy to handle a relationship. And as someone who has known the depths of relationships and the nature of participants, I know without a doubt that in your heart you must seek love out. For yourself."

~11:10:28 AM] Mamono Force: Bakan turns his head away, as if Nala struck a heart chord in his heart, causing it to bleed. "No... You're wrong... Someone like me..."
~11:12:25 AM] Blue Slime:
Immediately Nala put a hand on his chest, above his heart, as if she had caught his feeling in the look he gave. With her other hand she caught his chin and brought him to face her again. "No, I'm not wrong. This is just like how you were before you relaxed with me. The truth is there, even though you never felt it before. Everyone who seeks love, deserves it. And someone like you is seeking love."

~11:13:26 AM] Blue Slime:
"Close your eyes, Bakan. Trust me. As Nala."

~11:15:54 AM] Mamono Force: He shook his head, seeming genuinely pained. "I have already failed once... I betrayed someone very close to me for my own sake. Or, not even my own sake... Just the actions of a coward. Until I'm strong enough, like my foster father who taught me how to fight, I'm nothing more than a weapon."
~11:17:06 AM] Mamono Force: "I have to earn my right to love again, and be trusted."
~11:17:18 AM] Blue Slime:
"Bakan. Close your eyes. And listen to me."

~11:17:57 AM] Mamono Force: Bakan lowered his head, and closed his eyes, letting out a depressed sigh.
~11:21:55 AM] Blue Slime:
"You must learn to love again. You must learn to allow yourself to be loved again. You will not learn to do this with a hammer. You will learn to do this by allowing yourself to be comforted." Nala placed a hand on his neck. "To be touched." She wrapped her other arm around his shoulder. "To be shown a measure of affection by someone who you know is doing it only because she wants to help you." Nala pressed her lips against Bakan's cheek, right next to the corner of his mouth, so that their lips partially touched. She held him close, firmly but without any sort of clinginess. She wanted him to feel the emotion inherant to her touches, the emotions she had primed in him when they had held each other. She wanted him to feel the care inherent in her kiss.

~11:24:51 AM] Blue Slime:
(Take... these broken wings... and learn to fly again! ;-) )

~11:26:28 AM] Mamono Force: "Nala..." Bakan sighed as she embraced him, and kissed him. "... In my heart, I can't accept that.. I made a promise... A promise to myself, and to my father... That mistake I made long ago... I have to face it once again. Until then... It will always be a wound in my heart, weakening me."
~11:27:41 AM] Mamono Force: "I have to find my brother, who I swore to protect, and yet abandoned when he needed me most..." he said, a tear rolling down his cheek as he looked up to the stars, as if to find his brother out there.
~11:30:18 AM] Blue Slime:
"Bakan... your brother would not want you to give up on love and happiness if it should chance upon you in your quest. Nor would he or your father want you to pass over the affections of a girl who needed your love. You've confused yourself into thinking that love would be a distraction, when perhaps love would instead be a boon on your quest for absolution."

~11:30:49 AM] Mamono Force: "Love is a wonderful thing that I don't deserve..." he replied.
~11:32:38 AM] Blue Slime:
"And I'm telling you, everyone who thinks love is a wonderful thing deserves it. You're just in denial. You need someone, a friend, to bring you out of it, slowly." She hugged him and pressed her body affectionately against his, rubbing his back and patting it.

~11:34:17 AM] Blue Slime:
"Someone to show you how silly you're being. Someone who will help you on your quest. This Cory person you mentioned, she might be someone to turn to. If you're unwilling to learn from me."

~11:34:44 AM] Mamono Force: Wiping his nose, he chuckled slightly, "For a pervert, you're more kind than you let on."
~11:36:27 AM] Blue Slime:
"I've always been kind to people who deserve it. Though you caught me in an especially good mood today. Instead of killing you for slapping me, I decided to try to work through your obtuse emotional defenses. It was nice to learn that underneath the idiot was a nice layer of sympathetic fool.

~11:37:22 AM] Mamono Force: He frowned, "Nice? Both of those things are insulting."
~11:37:49 AM] Blue Slime:
"nah, one of them is quite an endearing sort of man."

~11:38:18 AM] Mamono Force: "Hmph," Bakan shrugs it off.
~11:38:43 AM] Blue Slime:
"Any man who claims to be wise is certainly a fool."

~11:39:07 AM] Mamono Force: "I've come this far, I'd like to think I gathered some wisdom."
~11:39:32 AM] Blue Slime:
"As I said, a sympathetic fool." She patted him on the shoulder.

~11:39:43 AM] Mamono Force: "You make me angry..."
~11:39:57 AM] Blue Slime:
"No, I make you think."

~11:40:15 AM] Mamono Force: "The brain in my pants does not count."
~11:40:46 AM] Blue Slime:
"Don't insult me like that. I made you realize something new today and don't tell me I didn't."

~11:41:08 AM] Mamono Force: Bakan picked at his ear, "Hrm? what was that?"
~11:41:29 AM] Mamono Force: He winked at her, clearly teasing.
~11:43:01 AM] Blue Slime:
"Anyways, it's nice that you got a hard on for me. Not surprising, but nice. Think of me when you relieve yourself next time, it'll help."

~11:43:26 AM] Mamono Force: "What did you say!? That...! I didn't mean that!"
~11:43:51 AM] Blue Slime:
"The brain in your pants? I think the meaning was clear."

~11:44:02 AM] Mamono Force: He folds his arms, "Besides, I never relieve myself. That is indecent."
~11:44:55 AM] Blue Slime:
"Really? You must be really backed up... your poor balls."

~11:45:04 AM] Mamono Force: "I feel fine."
~11:45:13 AM] Blue Slime:
"Not as fine as I could make you feel."

~11:45:43 AM] Mamono Force: Bakan twitched, "Will you cut it out, you damn pervert!"
~11:45:58 AM] Blue Slime:
"No one would have to know... I wouldn't tell a soul."

~11:46:04 AM] Mamono Force: "I'd know!"
~11:46:27 AM] Blue Slime:
"Yeah, but if it happened, it'd be a gooood memory."

~11:46:49 AM] Mamono Force: "A nightmare!"
~11:46:58 AM] Blue Slime:
Nala flicked her tongue out, displaying its length and dexterity.

~11:47:10 AM] Mamono Force: Bakan nearly leaped out of his skin.
~11:47:42 AM] Blue Slime:
"I trained away my gag reflex at a young age too."

~11:47:56 AM] Mamono Force: "STOOOOOOOOOP!" he screamed.
~11:48:51 AM] Blue Slime:
"Fufufu~ I'm going to make you feel so happy to be back in Cory's arms."

~11:49:11 AM] Mamono Force: "C-Cory and I aren't... Like that..."
~11:49:26 AM] Mamono Force: His face seemed to read that there was something between them
~11:49:32 AM] Blue Slime:
Uh huh... name your first daughter after me."

~11:49:47 AM] Mamono Force: "After she's fucked a million men!"
~11:50:51 AM] Blue Slime:
"Oh are you angry about that? Wish she'd been all yours?"

~11:51:33 AM] Mamono Force: He cringed, "Like I said, it's not like that! We're just teacher and student!"
~11:52:40 AM] Blue Slime:
"Fufufu... that brings back memories.. I remember playing "teacher" with these two elf acolytes. I had them stay late and earn their extra credit with me."

~11:53:05 AM] Mamono Force: "YOU'RE DISGUSTING!" he flailed at her.
~11:53:21 AM] Blue Slime:
"I'm sexy and I know it!"

~11:53:40 AM] Mamono Force: "You've thrown all your merits away!"
~11:54:05 AM] Blue Slime:
"Hardly! I'm a just a giver."

~11:54:21 AM] Blue Slime:
"I give love, I give advice, and I give lots and lots of pleasure."

~11:54:41 AM] Blue Slime:
"I am the sacred whore."

~11:54:45 AM] Mamono Force: "Given that order of events, I feel in danger."
~11:56:50 AM] Blue Slime:
"No, sadly if I were to have sex with you I would have to paralyze you and thrust myself on you and that just wouldn't be any fun. I only have sex with men who want to have sex with me. You're one of the few who don't, but that's because of your own inhibitions and the fact that you're already in love with another."

~11:57:49 AM] Mamono Force: "Hmph, you're wrong. I am not in love with any other. As I said, I have to earn that right."
~11:58:17 AM] Blue Slime:
"You don't get to choose when your in love, sympathetic fool."

~11:58:52 AM] Blue Slime:
"And you are. In love. L-U-V.

~11:59:07 AM] Mamono Force: "THAT'S NOT HOW YOU SPELL LOVE!"
~11:59:32 AM] Mamono Force: "It's like this, I am in love, L-O-V-wait! God damn it!"
~11:59:49 AM] Blue Slime:
"You're really too easy."

~11:59:57 AM] Mamono Force: "Shut up!"
~12:00:42 PM] Blue Slime:
"I wish you luck. Give Cory all my best. Don't ever hit a woman ever again."

~12:01:18 PM] Blue Slime:
"Seriously. Unless she's an evil bitch. Don't do it. Or I'll find you."

~12:02:00 PM] Mamono Force: "No promises."
~12:02:52 PM] Blue Slime:
"Ah... excuse me? Asshole? Don't hit women. If you absolutely need to do something, you can shake the hell out of them. But don't hit them."

~12:03:44 PM] Blue Slime:
"What kind of women are you meeting that are trying to rape you and your friends?"

~12:04:41 PM] Mamono Force: Bakan lets out a sigh, "You're the 19th in the past few days to attempt to grope me."
~12:04:53 PM] Blue Slime:
(I seriously need to get to bed soon.)

~12:05:03 PM] Mamono Force: (Hahaha, okay)
~12:05:07 PM] Blue Slime:
"I did it as a joke, not to rape you. Idiot."

~12:06:23 PM] Mamono Force: Bakan grunted, before giving Nala something special. "It's the power to summon me. If you are ever in danger, feel free to call upon me. Consider it as thanks, obligitory... It's not like I like you or anything."
~12:06:53 PM] Mamono Force: "Farewell, Nala."
~12:07:15 PM] Blue Slime:
(Bakan totally should have made out with Nala... lol)

~12:07:32 PM] Blue Slime:
(it's non canon, no one has to know...)

~12:07:48 PM] Mamono Force: (Heh, but it's Bakan~)
~12:08:01 PM] Mamono Force: (Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the purest of them all?)
~12:08:05 PM] Mamono Force: "Bakan Jeru"
~12:08:35 PM] Blue Slime:
(Yeah, but he's got a dick, and he's being seduced by a tantric demi god.

~12:09:10 PM] Mamono Force: (He's like the polar opposite of her though :p)
~12:09:28 PM] Blue Slime:
(which means it's so wrong it has to be right!)

~12:09:33 PM] Mamono Force: (Cides, he's gonna end up as the god of purity or something.)
~12:10:01 PM] Blue Slime:
(God of Idiocy as Nala would term it)

~12:10:21 PM] Mamono Force: "Say what you want, I'm a legitimate god now."
~12:10:36 PM] Mamono Force: Bakan struts
~12:10:50 PM] Blue Slime:
Gods aren't all that important, besides, Nala's boyfriend is the Godslayer

~12:11:06 PM] Mamono Force: "My dad is the godslayer!"
~12:11:12 PM] Mamono Force: "Wait... YOU WHORE"
~12:11:21 PM] Blue Slime:
I guess that makes Nala... your sexy step mom

~12:11:28 PM] Mamono Force: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
~12:11:45 PM] Mamono Force: I was flirted with by my step mother...
~12:11:53 PM] Mamono Force: I need to bathe!
~12:12:14 PM] Blue Slime:
mmm... wonder if Matthias wouldn't mind having his son join us for a threesome

~12:12:24 PM] Mamono Force: D:
~12:12:45 PM] Blue Slime:
it's okay it's not like your things would touch...

~12:13:27 PM] Blue Slime:
ah only a foster dad? Great!

~12:14:03 PM] Blue Slime:
It's settled then! Do you want to go mouth first or head south?

~12:14:15 PM] Mamono Force: *runs away*
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Presenting Chapter 3 of this bizarre romance tale of complete opposites.

Blue Slime: this is a romance?!

Mamono Force: A very strange one

Nala x Bakan Part 3
~04:29:37 AM] Bakan: "You were given something wonderful by the divine fates. I won't be one to tarnish such beauty"

~04:30:32 AM] Nala: "Then you're wasting what it was intended for. You're mocking the divine fates' purpose!"

~04:31:04 AM] Bakan: "If I was to be married to you, and sworn to love you forever, I would do no such thing."

~04:36:47 AM] Nala: "this is a classic case of the chicken before the egg. Why would I ever marry a man who refused to be attracted to me?"

~04:37:31 AM] Bakan: "Attracted? I am. You're extremely beautiful."
~04:38:39 AM] Bakan: "And I'm sure you're too often attacked by men and monsters because of your beauty. Why would I group myself in with those types?"

~04:41:08 AM] Nala: "I don't consider showing attraction to be the same as attacking. Trying to kiss and enjoy pleasure with me is not the same as raping me.

~04:41:37 AM] Nala:
"I don't understand why you seem to equate the two acts as the same. Marriage is such a sham."

~04:41:59 AM] Bakan: "Kissing and such should be-WHAT DID YOU SAY!?"
~04:42:12 AM] Bakan: "MARRIAGE IS NOT A SHAM! It is a beautiful thing!"
~04:42:54 AM] Bakan: "When I get married, and I'm happier than you ever were, I hope you'll feel sorry for yourself for saying that!"

~04:43:59 AM] Nala: "haha... oh wow..." Nala wiped a tear of mirth from her eye. "I can't wait until you're in you seventh year of marital "bliss." Maybe then you'll come and talk to me.

~04:44:40 AM] Bakan: "Through Hell and dragons, my vows are unbreakable. You will be disappointed," he says with a serious face.

~04:45:31 AM] Nala: "My vows are always true, and I don't have to be married to someone to prove it. What law of the universe says that you must reserve your love for one person alone?"

~04:46:13 AM] Bakan: "Love based on the body alone is material love. You could never understand."
~04:47:37 AM] Bakan: "Despite what you believe, lusting for you to only enjoy physical pleasures while holding nothing in my heart for you would be me shaming you immensely. Out of respect, I will never do that to you."

~04:50:17 AM] Nala:
"I understand perfectly well about love that goes beyond the body, insolent prat. I also understand that there is nothing wrong with simply enjoying another's company. That massage we gave one another was not so different to me than if we had made passionate love and made one another come several times with earth-shattering orgasms. The only real difference would have been that the sex would have felt better than the massage."

~04:52:33 AM] Bakan: "Then, you would do it with me right now?"

~04:55:03 AM] Nala:
"I don't know, you've been a bit annoying. I'd expet you to have to make it up to me by really making me feel good."

~04:56:25 AM] Bakan: Bakan suddenly laughs aloud. "Then you acknowledge that how much you like someone is a determining factor before your passion!" he announced, winking at her. Then, he turned, using his hammer as a walking stick, and headed down the path, "You agree with me more than you think, Nala."

~04:57:27 AM] Nala:
"Idiot, did you think I just fuck anything that moves without considering feelings? You're more of a patronizing arse than I thought."

~05:00:58 AM] Bakan: "Feelings? We barely know each other," he sighed. "Admit it, Nala, and you shall be on the path to finding true love."

~05:07:11 AM] Nala:
"I already have love."

~05:07:56 AM] Nala:
"And I wasn't talking about feelings between you and I! I was talking about feelings in general, you dolt!

~05:08:35 AM] Nala:
"At this point, all you're good for is angry sex! Which... I'll admit is pretty hot."

~05:10:02 AM] Bakan: Bakan missed a step, but didn't say anything as he quickened his steps.

~05:16:30 AM] Nala:
Nala smirked at the misstep but allowed the coward to retreat.

~05:18:47 AM] Bakan: Bakan stopped as he seemed to detect her thoughts of him, before turning on his heel to glare back at her. "So... That's how it is... Very well, I will personally prevent you from having sex from this moment forward!"

~05:19:15 AM] Nala:

~05:19:15 AM] Bakan: "Nala, my newest deciple, I will reform you!" he swore.

~05:19:23 AM] Nala:
"Can't hit me."

~05:19:37 AM] Bakan: "I'm not going to hit you unless you try to violate me"

~05:19:51 AM] Nala:
"I've already violated you. I'm in your head."

~05:20:48 AM] Bakan: "That's not true!"

~05:21:42 AM] Nala: "Denial. Sad really."

~05:21:36 AM] Bakan: He cleared his throat, "Come now, Nala. I've a class to attend to, and you're joining it."

~05:22:40 AM] Nala:
"Okay just give me a second..." Nala dissappeared through her doorway. Five minutes later she emerged wearing a dark green cloak over her body.

~05:22:59 AM] Nala:
"Right, let's see what you've got."

~05:26:34 AM] Bakan: Bakan leads her to his class, a small building made of wood that seemed to have been built recently. If Nala spoke with the other classmates of her's, she's learn that Bakan built it himself. Inside the class, she met a wide variety of women. A half-demon named Cory, an alarune, a kitsune, a half-dragon, a half-vampire, a cat girl, and she could have sworn to have seen an arachne somewhere in the dark. What's more, all of them were dressed in a way that seemed to suit Bakan's thoughts of a woman who is ladylike. Frills and long skirts, most of their bodies were covered while not hiding their beauty. Each of them looked like princesses, as Nala might perhaps believe.

~05:28:06 AM] Nala:
Nala removed her cloak and hung it on a hook, revealing a sheer, transparent silken number that hid absolutely nothing about Nala's body.

~05:28:26 AM] Nala:
"Hello girls, nice to meet you all."

~05:28:41 AM] Bakan: Bakan immediately handed her a dress, "If you will be attending class, you must dress properly."

~05:30:10 AM] Nala:
"I'm dressed comfortably. I refuse."

~05:30:48 AM] Nala:
"Besides, you like the way I look. Just look at your pants."

~05:31:02 AM] Bakan: "HOLD HER DOWN!" he shouted, before Nala was swamped by a bunch of giggling girls, before she knew it, she was in the dress.
~05:31:45 AM] Bakan: "Just put up with it," the half-demon suggested, "His classes aren't all that bad."

~05:31:56 AM] Nala:
Nala caressed a few of the girls as they held her down, making them think twice about a few things...'

~05:32:25 AM] Nala:
"I'll put up with it if you kiss me, Cory"

~05:32:33 AM] Bakan: And she got her kiss

~05:32:42 AM] Nala:
It was more than just a kiss

~05:32:59 AM] Nala:
Nala wouldn't be satisfied until it had gone on for many many minutes

~05:34:38 AM] Nala:
And in that time, she would be disheveling Cory's clothes.

~05:35:07 AM] Bakan: Cory obliged her, much to Bakan's irritation as he pulled them apart. "Alright already! That's enough! Everyone, stop playing around and get to your seats!" he said, walking off to stand in front of a board in the other room. Left along with the girls, they revealed how they weren't buying his teachings at all. Rather, they simply played along because the various practices allowed them to tease him and do something fun.
~05:35:25 AM] Bakan: As well, they'd readily reveal how each and every one of them has been intimate with him.

~05:36:07 AM] Nala:
"He really is an idiot, isn't he?" Nala said as she loosened her dress.

~05:37:45 AM] Bakan: They agreed fully, but they revealed how he had his good sides. Even the kitsune announced that she nearly killed him, and yet he forgave her despite nearly having his soul sucked out. She seemed quite an evil one, yet even she was taken by Bakan's nature.

~05:38:43 AM] Nala:
Nala sighed and informed them that she already thought he had some good sides, but that she wasn't interested in indulging his delusional theories about how life worked.

~05:39:48 AM] Bakan: They invited her to join them despite that, promising that it'd be fun.

Nala sat down and started to pay attention to what Bakan was blathering on about.

~05:49:40 AM] Bakan: Nala would find that a lot of his preaching was at first, all of what she already heard, even if worded differently. "Remember, love between a man and a woman makes the sex that you all like a much more beautiful, and pleasurable thing. It's powerful enough to make even being near each other make you feel warm and happy." he told them, before a cheerful slime rose her hand, the only class member who was obviously exempt from wearing clothes. "I love you, Bakan! Let's have beautiful, warm and happy sex together!" she shouted, drawing laughs from the other students.
~05:52:41 AM] Bakan: Bakan reacted to her much like he did with Nala. He lectured her, to which the slime easily breezed off by agreeing half-heartedly. Then, he led them to know the skills a lady needed. He danced with each student, including Nala, to show them how to dance elegantly. He led them outside to an open arena-like setting, and the girls trained together to become stronger. Although, they all seemed to have an eye to target Bakan. In the end, he cooked food for everyone, and they all ate at a dinner table, where Bakan instructed them how to eat politely.
~05:53:21 AM] Bakan: Quietly drinking some of the soup he had made, Bakan looked to Nala with a smile, "See? This kind of pleasant life is one of a lady!"

~05:56:42 AM] Nala:
"I learned the noble art of etiquette in the Temple Complex at Ch'Hiesol by my mother, who is a member of the Royal Family of the Night Elves. By our standard, your meal service has forgotten a fish course and has combined the meat course with the noodle course. This sort of crude service might get some leniency in a human court but would be insulting to the elves."

~05:57:28 AM] Bakan: Bakan sighed, sounding depressed, "I'm sorry..."

~05:58:03 AM] Nala:
"Don't be. I couldn't stand etiquette. It's a system made by pompous fools who don't know how to enjoy a good meal."

~05:58:56 AM] Bakan: "I hope you at least have changed your mind a little bit."

~06:00:34 AM] Nala:
"About etiquette? No. But I don't believe in being rude either. The most important part about dining is the food and the company."

~06:01:10 AM] Bakan: "No, I meant about this. About everything that's happened today."

~06:02:19 AM] Nala:
"Oh I will admit, your classes are amusing, and perhaps with good intent. You certainly seem to take on some tough cases. But frankly, you must realize that you're not going to convince any of them to completely comply with all of what you're saying."

~06:03:01 AM] Bakan: "Obediance isn't what I'm after, you know."

~06:04:08 AM] Nala:
"You're trying to civilize them, fine. But there's a difference with me. I grew up being civilized... and I actively chose to go elsewhere, precisely because I was told I couldn't do this or I couldn't do that.

~06:05:43 AM] Bakan: "What's happened is that all of these girls have changed. Cory used to serve a mistress of a keep who enslaved men and women alike, and used them as cattle," he mentions the yet unnamed kitsune, "She used to be praying on innocent people, hunting to enslave an angel's soul. Instead now, she's here, and helping others who are attacked by evil men, and communicating with other women like them to help change their ways away from that of vile intentions."

~06:06:57 AM] Nala:
"Right so you're turning threatening women into non threatening women... you're not teaching the same subjects."

~06:07:14 AM] Bakan: "I'm teaching all of the above," he said with a smile.

~06:07:14 AM] Nala:
"Do you want to know who my students are?"

~06:08:35 AM] Nala:
"My students are victims or rape and torture. Women who have been violated by evil men, demons, and invaders...women who I found broken in mind and spirit."

~06:08:55 AM] Nala:
"They never chose to be exposed to sex, it happened to them before they could prevent it."

~06:09:19 AM] Bakan: Bakan seemed genuinely taken aback. "That's... That's horrible..."
~06:10:30 AM] Nala:
"I heal them, by teaching them that the purity they think they have lost is an illusion, and that they take back a feeling of strength by going beyond it, to become comfortable and empowered in their bodies once again. And I am teaching them methods by which they may enjoy sex again, instead of living in eternal fear of it because of their trauma."

~06:11:13 AM] Nala:
"If your values were a true constant of the universe, there would be no hope for these poor souls."

~06:14:40 AM] Bakan: Bakan blinked for a moment, before turning his head, holding his hands and resting his elbows in the table, going silent for a time... Taking another spoonful of his soup as the other girls watched their conversation intently, Bakan seemed to chose his next words more carefully. "Sworn to no one, with love as temporary as a passing day..." he said softly, and with a sigh, as if the thought disturbed him, which it very well did.

~06:16:21 AM] Nala:
"And here you are wrong about me. Just because I tell them to be comfortable with their bodies, it does not mean that I encourage them to ignore love. Love certainly has it's place. Some of my disciples will surely find it, and know how to fight for it."

~06:18:21 AM] Bakan: Bakan leaned back in his chair, wiping his mouth with a cloth napkin, before letting out a sigh. "And yet you passed the offer of intimacy with me, why? You do not love me."

One of the girls at the table spoke up for Nala's sake, "Love is an ambiguous thing, able to take any form," she said. "Your love is not the same as her's, and neither can claim to be any more true than the other. Love is love."

~06:20:58 AM] Nala:
"Tautology aside, what she says is true. Love is not definable."

~06:22:03 AM] Bakan: "Fine, I accept that." Bakan sighed, closing his eyes as he slouched in his chair.

~06:22:16 AM] Nala:
"In my case, love can be made. What begins as sex can become mutual understanding, companionship, and love."

~06:23:11 AM] Nala:
and for my lovers that this does not occur with, I hold no grudge. I wish them well and every happiness with finding love in another's arms."

~06:24:25 AM] Bakan: "I still find it strange," he began, "I slapped you and you wanted to do such a thing shortly after? I was more understanding when you were pressed to retaliate."

~06:26:32 AM] Nala:
"I was attempting to change your mind about things without the need to resort to violence. In a way I was retaliating, but in a more indirect manner. To escalate it into violence, which in the end results in death, is a waste. Only kill what cannot or should not be redeemed."

~06:27:13 AM] Bakan: "In that case, will you kill me?" he asked calmly, sipping some water from a wood mug.

~06:27:29 AM] Nala:
"Why would I kill you?"

~06:28:21 AM] Nala:
"Because you espouse a philosophy that I consider flawed? That would be rather evil of me, wouldn't it?"

~06:29:08 AM] Bakan: "I'm set in my beliefs. I cannot bring myself to agree with you, something we mutually share towards each other, a mutual disagreeance. I struck you impulsively, don't I deserve to be struck back?"

~06:32:46 AM] Nala:
"No. I choose simply not to give up on you. I will continue to tell you what I believe and perhaps one day you will see reason, and if that day never comes, I am willing to let you die with your beliefs intact."

~06:33:09 AM] Nala:
"Simply don't try to enforce your own beliefs on me, and I will be fine with you."

~06:34:11 AM] Bakan: "I'm strict, but I am not an overlord," he replied. "I will continue to tell you what I believe as well, holding the same intentions, untill death."

~06:35:20 AM] "Untill death do us part~" someone jabbed in the background.

~06:35:37 AM] Bakan: "WE'RE NOT GETTING MARRIED!" Bakan shouted.

~06:36:18 AM] Nala:
Nala's expression changed. "We're not? Aww... but Bakan, we'd make such an interesting couple. You know what they say about opposites attracting?"

~06:36:39 AM] Bakan: "Don't feed into them, Nala! My job is hard enough!"
~06:37:27 AM] Bakan: "If I slip up for even a second... I fear they will descend upon me like a predator."

~06:38:57 AM] Nala:
"They already could do that if they wanted to, they just find you too adorably foolish. It's like punting a baby kitten. You could do it easily, but why?"

~06:41:31 AM] Bakan: "How foolish. I'm not as cute as a baby kitten."

~06:41:40 AM] "Yes you are," they all agreed in unison

~06:42:19 AM] Bakan: "I. AM. NOT. CUTE." he announced loudly, his eyes would be burning if they could.
~06:43:43 AM] Bakan: "Anyway..." Bakan sighed, "Thank you for obliging me, Nala. I assumed you would have simply scoffed and walked away. You actully seem to know how to be a little respectful."

~06:46:30 AM] Nala:
"I know how to be very respectful. But I reserve it for those who I think deserve it. I'm sure I'd be happy to share a meal with you and teach you on which days it is proper to serve the 1,904 known teas."

~06:48:40 AM] Bakan: "Despite all that's happened, given your devote beliefs, I would have thought that you would've seen me undeserving. But alas, I'd be willing to learn that."

~06:51:07 AM] Nala:
"Bakan, I've called you idiot and referred to you as a puntable baby kitten. I haven't been exactly treating you as a king."

~06:51:31 AM] Bakan: "That's normal to me."

~06:53:19 AM] Nala:
Nala sighs. "In any case, I think I'll go back to my disciples now. We've captured another batch of bandits and we're in the middle of re-educating them."

~06:56:12 AM] Bakan: Bakan groans, "Women raping men... I just don't get it..." He scratched the back of his head, before standing, and offering his hand to Nala to help her stand, "Thank you for attending my class, Nala. You're welcome back any time."

~06:59:06 AM] Nala:
"And you are welcome to observe one of my sessions as well, if you're brave enough to witness it. Once you put a name, face and history to each of my students, as well as the types of men we are dealing with, you might change your tune, or at least see why I take the view I do."

~07:01:00 AM] Bakan: "I'm well aware of what you're saying, but wouldn't murdering those evil men be better than..." He shook his head, "I apologize, we already discussed this..."

~07:03:28 AM] Nala:
"That would be like me suggesting we murder these women for trying to have raped you." She spread her hands out towards the assemebled audience of rather odd 'ladies'

~07:04:23 AM] Bakan: "......... Point proven..." Bakan couldn't argue with that one.

~07:06:13 AM] Nala:
"Perhaps you should come to my class... maybe you could consider suggesting methods for teaching the men we collect how to be better 'gentlemen?'"

Bakan seemed hesitant at first, but then the 'ladies' supported the idea immensely. In the end, he sighed, "I suppose it's only right of me to accept."

~07:09:39 AM] Nala:
Very good then, but how about tomorrow? hmmm?

~07:10:27 AM] Bakan: "Very well."
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

You should invite me to one of these sessions if I'm on at the time.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

You're usually asleep. It's like, 9 hours after you've gone to bed by the time we usually finish.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

...I'm actually tempted to join in myself. Neri would make a decent third point in the current philosophy triangle you have going, if probably not as funny a one as the other two.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

This post contains stuff about Bakan, and is not recommended for those of srs business.

Provided Blue actually has time to play with the omega derp Bakan on saturday, you may actually see smut in part 4, since Bakan will be participating in Nala's 'school' this time. This means that Tassadar should definitely show up, cuz smut, and cuz I'm thinking of indulging in a bit of scene management regarding the situation, such as not allowing Bakan to bring his hammer, and even having him 'somehow' end up ingesting a truth potion of some kind that forces him to only say what he's really thinking, something Nala would love, I'm sure. Tass should be there to npc the others, unlike in part 3 where I had to derp and try to manage myself, very awkwardly.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I'll probably be up late that night. Poke me on AIM if you see me.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Nala x Bakan Part 4
*knock knock knock* Bakan?

Bakan: Sounds of Bakan stumbling behind his bedroom door were heard, "J-just a minute!" he called out from the other side, before, after a minute, the door opened to reveal Bakan in his basic clothes, and ruffled bed hair. "Nala..." he blinked upon seeing her, "Is there something I can help you with?"

"I'm not interrupting you with something? or someone?" Nala grinned slyly and winked.

Bakan: Bakan flushed red, shaking his head, and about to protest, before Cory peeked her head over his shoulder, as well as the fox eared girl. Holding a hand up, he seemed to try to disarm what Nala might have been thinking, "No... You weren't interrupting with anything..." he said plainly.

"Evidently not," Nala said, raising her eyebrow at the two girls. "You just have a couple of frisky students in your bedroom early in the morning..."

Bakan: To the slight protest of the others, Bakan stepped out of the room and quickly shut the door behind him, not allowing Nala to see more than their heads. "My reasons for allowing that are not sexual... Anyway, you came here for... Oh! That which we talked about yesterday! Right?"

"I thought you might wish to come down to my neck of the jungle..."

Her eyes still scanned the door to his bedroom suspiciously. "What were they doing in there then?"

Bakan: "... Cory promised me she wouldn't do anything and the other claimed she couldn't sleep... You know my thoughts on this, but they refused to leave me alone on the subject, and I wanted sleep..." he cleared his throat. "It's only fair that I experience your side of the story, as you did mine. By your lead," he gestured, ready to follow.

Bakan: "We take turns," a passing student informed Nala.

"I'm not certain now how much of an education you'll get from this. It seems your students are already determined to teach you much. Many men would consider you lucky,"

"Oh and leave your hammer, you won't need it."

Bakan: Bakan grunts and frowns at her comment, but merely brushes it off as he runs a hand through his messy hair. However, at her next statement, he froze up. Even as he came out of his room, he always carried that hammer with him. "Will.... Will that really be necessary...?"

"Yes, very much so. I won't have you threatening any of my disciples with it."

Bakan: Bakan turned his head to the side, before letting out a deep sigh. Slowly, as if it pained him, he set his hammer against the wall.

"Honestly, it's just a hammer... True strength comes from within. Didn't your dad ever teach you that?"

Bakan: "My father taught me that strength comes from fighting, and that the more I fight, the stronger I will become. This hammer has taken me through a lot of tough situations, I prize it greatly."

"You're not going to be fighting anyone today. And your father was wrong. Strength comes from more than fighting."

Bakan: "What else does it come from then?" he asked, seeming to be genuinely curious.

"Inner strength, focus, clarity of purpose, the harmonious flow of vital energies, and of course, knowledge. Knowledge is power."

Bakan: Bakan chuckled, "You sound like my mother."

"Maybe your mother had some sense."

Bakan: Bakan put a hand to his chin, "Maybe not my mother, but.... She's... Wonderful none the less..." he said, his face going red.

"Oh? Tell me more."

Bakan: "Her name is Ashloriel, she raised me ever since I arrived here through a strange gate. She is what I think all women should be like. Gentle, caring, considerate, pure, strong, soft, smart, talented, and... Just plain wonderful!" he announced, laughing happily.

"oh. my. god. You've got a hard on for your mom, don't you?"

Bakan: "Where's my hammer."

"Stop!" Nala slams the front door closed and gets in his way. "Come on, we're going. Get on the horse."

Bakan: "The horse? Very well, I will ride it, and you hop on the back. You just have to tell me the way."

"Hmmph, you wish, lover boy. There are two horses. You will follow me."

Bakan: "That is also fine," he sighed.

Nala swung herself up onto her own steed, displaying athletic grace and the skill of an experienced rider. She did not sit side saddle like a noblewoman though, as her showy clothing left plenty of leg freedom to ride it normally.

Bakan: Bakan didn't much complain at her manner of riding a horse as he pulled himself onto his own horse, and rode with her to her disciples location.

After a moderate journey, the two of them pulled up to a camp in the jungle, surrounded by a wooden barricade. Human soldiers patrolled the walls with their Badarian rifles. Upon seeing Nala, they saluted and let them pass.

Bakan: "Badarians...." Bakan growled.

Within the camp, there are many wooden long houses, built for dwelling space. Some look rather new, and that is where they appear to be heading. "Worse than that, they were Badarian slavers running a mining operation here, stealing the wealth of the Amazonian jungle."

Bakan: "Were?" he rose an eyebrow.

"I sort of implemented a series of sweeping changes. It helped that I saved them from dying to a bunch of invading alien forces."

Bakan: "I see, you must be quite capable in combat."

"I also had there de facto leader murdered and replaced with someone under my own control... these men now effectively follow me. And in combat? Dear me no. I simply kill things from afar with Entropic blasts or summon the occasional Reaper Daemon."

Bakan: "Isn't that a form of magical combat...?"

The witch elf dismounts and hands the reins off to a young soldier and indicates for Bakan to do the same. "Mmm, yes I suppose so. I thought you meant that I should swing a pointy object at someone. Fufufu..." She turned and opened the door to the long house, inside, the potent wafting of a musky incense would reach Bakan's nose.

Bakan: Bakan sniffed, smiling a little at the delightful smell. "Now I feel I should have taken a bath, it seems this place is not as messy as I thought it would be."

"Oh... you can hold that thought..." Nala said as she held the door open for him.

Bakan: Bakan was taken aback as she held the door open for him. Stiffening up, and gave a small bow to her, "I thank you for inviting me." he told her, before slowly stepping inside, his eyes wondering, and trying to adjust to the change of lighting.

Inside the room was a haze of the sweet smelling incense. The first thing that Bakan would likely notice would be the sex. A nude couple, with a man on bottom and a young woman riding him on top cowgirl style, were going at it in a corner of the room, within sight and earshot of everyone else. Everyone else were roughly two dozen, nude or half nude women and a few men in various stages of undress. Nala closed the door behind Bakan, and stood there in its way, just in case Bakan thought about immediate escape.

Bakan: As soon as he saw what the room had to behold, escape he did try to do, even if it was only on pure impulse. Backpedaling, his backside bumped into Nala as he retreated from the sight.

"Ouch! Hey, get a hold on yourself... you stepped on my foot."

Bakan: "I apologize, but...!" he turned to her, completely focusing on her and turning his back to the room. "I avoid red light houses for a reason..."

"This isn't a brothel."

Bakan: "Than is it a ritual!?" he whispered with a greatly disturbed tone.

"No. Not that either. It's practice."

From over across the room, an orgasmic moan exited the woman on top, followed by the man beneath her.

Bakan: Bakan cringed at the sound, before he seemed to eye the door behind Nala as if it was there to save his life.

Bakan: "What is the meaning of this, anyway?" he asked, fidgiting in place, his face red. "Do I really need to witness this?"

"Yes, you do. You need to be desensitized to the idea of sex, you put up on a pedestal higher than your notion of women, and you insist on keeping it under lock and key - yet you've not really experienced it all that much have you? at least in a mutually consensual manner?"

Bakan: Unlike other times before, this time Bakan truly was pitching a tent. The sounds of sex and looking at Nala both having the power enough to break his mental barrier, even if only somewhat. "I-I understand! Sex is wonderful! It all makes sense now! Can I leave now?"

"I sat through your lessons, Bakan..."

Bakan: Bakan took a step back, before hanging his head. "You're right... I... I apologize." he bowed slightly to her, his hands folded over his crotch to hide his shame.

"It's fine, I'm glad you're seeing it my way. Now, if you're going to be a part of a proper lesson, you're going to need to wear the uniform."

Bakan: He froze, eyes wide. "I'm comfortable as I am now." he almost completely repeated what Nala said the other day.

"I'm sure you are, just as I was comfortable NOT wearing a dress to your class."

"Don't be shy, Bakan, no one's going to judge you here."

Bakan: He clings to his clothes for a moment, but tending to his stiff and ready little self was more important at the time. "Being judged is the least of my worries... Rather, just as you couldn't put on the dress, I cannot reduce myself to naught but my flesh."

Bakan: Of course, he references to the time when Nala had to have others put on the dress for her.

"*sigh* Very well, I will have my disciples aid you." She claps her hands. "Molly, Silvia, Amanda, Charlotte, Violet, will you please help this nice young man out of his clothes. He's too shy to do it himself." Immediately five young women stride over to Bakan. Two of them are completely nude and looking at him with lustful eyes, two of them, who look very much alike and appear to be sisters, smile awkwardly at him as they help while dressed in simple undergarments, and the fifth is dressed in tight leathers, looking extremely dangerous and eyes Bakan like a butcher eyes a cow as he's making a deal with the farmer.

Bakan: Bakan turned to the five, and immediately focused on the one with the glaring eyes (Violet?). As their hands found his clothes, he squirmed in protest, until his full erect manhood bounced free of his pants and underwear, and considering his underwear, it was of pink threads with red hearts stitched into their design. For a moment, Bakan was more shamed of that than his nudity. However, once nude, he hunched over and kneeled forward, his arms hiding his crotch.

The two nude girls, Molly and Silvia, clung to Bakan's arms on either side, pressing their bosoms up against his large arms and stroked his back encouragingly. "Girls, that won't be necessary yet. Please escort Bakan to my room. We'll hold this lesson there..."

Bakan: Bakan looked to Nala as she spoke, the hands stroking his back bringing a reaction from Bakan as he seemed to curl his back like a cat. "Weren't you with others!?" he asked, directing at the girls as he assumed that they were busy with the other men in the room.

The five girls, not including Nala escorted the nude Bakan towards the opposite end of the long house, to a simple unadorned doorway. The leatherclad one named Violet walked ahead, sachaying her lovely figure in front of him. Meanwhile the two girls he addressed giggled at him. "No, we haven't had our turns yet today..." "Yes, but we're sooo glad you came!" "We'll be happy to make you come again!" Nala interuppted them. "Girls, don't scare him. He isn't as keen as the goblins are."

Bakan: And scared he was, pulling on them a little where they clung to him in a light gesture of protest. "Wait, ALL of you!? Nala, this is too much! I agreed to do this, but as you say, I'm not a creature! Moreover, you all regard this activity to lightly as if you do it every day!" he began nearly shouting insistently, his footsteps not really seeming to follow a consistent and steady pattern as he's quite clearly going light in the head from the intense shock of what was happening to him.

Bakan: "A-and more, goblins!? With goblins!? I heavily protest! Nala! Listen to me! This is wrong!"

"Bakan be quiet. First of all, they do do it every day. Second, they're not going to be doing anything to you, they're just here to watch and learn. And third, there are no goblins here that are not completely dominated by me."

Bakan: "Learn what!?" he asked with great worry. Before sinking slightly in the girl's grip, "Dominated by you...?" he questioned, before the memory of the kitsune flashed in his mind, as well as the Lady. "You didn't.... With all of them..."

"I have learned much from demonic copulation, Bakan. The manipulation of so-called corruptive essences has allowed me to shape the sexual potency of my desciples in a way that benefits them and keeps their assaulters at a disadvantage."

Bakan: "Demonic copulation isn't the same for everyone! For me... It's a matter of life and death! If I were to become corrupted, the most important person in the world to be would be gone from my life forever!"

"Corruption is a foolish label to explain away entropic forces of change,"

"The primary nature of supernatural corruption is to encourage the sexual prowess and fertility of the recipient. There's nothing inherently evil that goes along with it."

Bakan: "Yes... There is." Bakan stated to Nala, before he frowned, and closed his eyes. Before the group, magic seemed to gather to Bakan, before a pair of celestial wings grew from his back, a glorious golden color.

Bakan: "Especially for me."

"Ah, so you have supernatural 'corruption' built into you?" Nala said, completely unfazed. "Whether your wings have feathers or talons on 'em, the entropic measures that give them to humans are the same."

Bakan: "You don't seem to understand, Nala. If I become fully corrupted, it will change who I am. I won't be the same person I used to be."

"You don't seem to understand, Bakan. There are different forms of corruption. Physical, mental, and spiritual. The only things that could possibly make you a different person are the spiritual. The mental would just be you, but with different priorities. The physical is least important of all, and that is the only form of entropic change we could possibly give you, assuming that we were going to give you anything like that. For the record, we don't intend to."

Bakan: "I've already been over this countless times with others, Nala. I've been around angels so long that some of their magic seems to have infused with me. Now, I will suffer the same fate of corruption. Growing a tail isn't what I worry for, it's forgetting who I am."

"You're not going to forget who you are with us, Bakan. Look at the girl on your left, her name is Charlotte. She has not reached a level of entropy that she affects others. Do you like her appearance?"

Charlotte seemed to blush and shyly look down if Bakan looked at her.

Bakan: Bakan lets out a low growl of frustration, before glancing at Charlotte, "Yes... She is very beautiful." he said calmly, holding his hands over his length, which now was softening as his mind became distracted.

"Excellent, Charlotte will be your partner for this lesson. This will be good for the both of you. Charlotte is shy, but willing to learn. You and her would probably make a cute couple, honestly."

Bakan: "She has every right to be shy! Bless you Charlotte!" Bakan announced loudly.

"Just because I'm shy doesn't mean I don't respect what Nala says," said Charlotte. "She protects us, and is teaching us to protect ourselves."

Bakan: "Despite what you say, I don't want to be grouped in with goblins and especially Badarians, and participate in... 'That' as if I'm one of them! One woman is all I need! Ever!"

"Bakan! How selfish can you be! Do you know how hard it is to find a decent man in the jungle! I would love for my girls to practice on honorable men, and I promised Charlotte and her sister Amanda that I would bring them a good man whom they could learn my arts on without worry. Are you going to dissappoint them because of your pride and your fear? They cannot corrrupt you."

Bakan: "Don't use the same argument Cory does!" Bakan nearly cried as Nala's words struck home with great precision.

Bakan: "You..." he shook his head, "Because I am a good man, I should just... Fuck any woman I can!? What makes me a good man if we just have sex!"

"Because you would be helping them reaffirm their faith in men."

Nala's answer came bluntly because this was important.

Bakan: Bakan turned to Nala, going silent, before his mouth moved as if to make words, but found none that could argue with that. Standing up straight, his arms still covered his privates as he let out a sigh. "I don't entirely agree that this is the way...." he said slowly, turning to face Charlotte and the others.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Nala x Bakan Part 5
"You would be Charlotte's first consensual experience... She'll be employing a technique that I've been teaching her, but right now she only knows it in theory. I promised her a good man to practice with... looks like he even has the wings of an angel. Not bad on my part I would say..."

Charlotte blushed and kept her eyes lowered, though that merely meant that she was looking down at Bakan's hands as they covered his manhood.

Bakan: "I am not some kind of trophy to boast over..." Bakan grumbled, before turning his hips a little as he suddenly realized where Charlotte was staring.

That only ends up exposing him more to the other sister, Amanda, who accidentally seems to brush up against him. She shivers a bit from his touch, but looking at his wings, smiled brightly, as if looking at him in a whole new way. "Ah, Amanda, do you like him as well?" Nala asked the other sister. Her blushing face was answer enough.

Bakan: Touching Amanda and hearing Nala's words somehow excite Bakan for a second time. Being looked at by all of these women, according to Nala, as an honorable, wonderful man flattered him in a dangerous way. He wished he could tell them that there were many other good men out there, but the sorry fact was that Bakan had never even met one, other than the mirror. "The physical touch is one thing... But what of relations...?"

Nala approached Bakan from behind and put her hands over his shoulders, pressing her body up against his back. He would discover that while he had been distracted she had shed her meager clothing as well, and now her soft, pillowy bosom pressed against him. "What relations would you desire with them?"

Bakan: Bakan shivered when Nala's breasts pressed against him from behind, his hands going to holds her own on his shoulders on instinct, thus letting the others see his healthy member, now revealed. "There has to be love... They would be nothing more than whores if it was purely physical!"

"That is the biggest crock of shit I've ever heard," said the one called Violet.

Bakan: Bakan snapped, turning to Violet with a fury, "TAKE THAT BACK!" Bakan shouted angrily.

Nala stops them both. "She's talking about the whore part, Bakan. Your dim view of the purely physical is insulting to us. I'm sure Violet believes in love."

Violet says nothing, merely staring at Bakan like he was an imbecile.

"I believe in love," said Charlotte.

Bakan: Bakan curls his fingers, turning from the group as he folds his arms in front of his chest. "Every heart beat I've ever felt for a woman has always been one of passion. Not of her body, but of who she is. Someone I can trust, and love. Even if the woman was horrid, infected, and wretched looking, if her heart was beautiful, I would still love her..."

Bakan: Bakan gave Violet a glaring, evil eye, "Someone like YOU, who says such things, I would never love."

"Violet threw herself in front of a fireblast to save my life, Bakan, she did it as we were preotecting the other women you see in this room from an alien horde. Who are you to judge her?"

"You're a pompous asshat," Violet added.

Bakan: "I am the judge of my own passion. If you think I would lay with you purely on how you look, you're wrong."

Bakan: "That would be the same thinking as those beastly men who abused you. They saw a pretty face, and wanted to abuse it for their own enjoyment."

"These women wish to share pleasure with you, not use you for their own pleasure. There's a major difference there that you're overlooking." Nala said calmly.

Bakan: "I don't want to be pleasured by such a horrible woman." His wings fluffed themselves a little. "She should be more sweet, like Charlotte."

"I'm not touching little lord judgment," Violet said.

Bakan: "Good!" Bakan spat.

"I'll gladly cut off his tongue though... save the world a lot of grief.." She added. "Violet why don't you go and find something else to do," Nala said.

"Honestly Bakan, why must you be so antagonistic?" asked Nala

Bakan: "Like to see you try..." Bakan growled. "Because she seems to think that I'm not entitled to my own preferences! I'm fine with Charlotte, with Amanda. They have been kind and gentle, but that woman is a damn barbarian! The only thing she is good for is angry sex, which is not hot at all!"

"Actually Violet and I have had very nice sex with one another," Nala said, happy to swing the conversation back in that general direction.

Bakan: "Hmph!" Bakan grunted, his wings flourishing again to state his displeasure.

"Please don't be angry..." Charlotte said. "We like Violet, she looks out for us," Amanda added.

"Hush now, there's no rule of the universe that says you have to like everyone else," Nala said as she pushed Bakan through the door to her room.

Bakan: "Really want my hammer-hey!" Bakan complained as he was pushed into the room.

Inside the room would be a plain but spacious bed, flanked on either side by a few half -filled bookshelves. Tucked into a corner on the far side of the room was a work desk, with various papers an spell books flung open on it. Two candlebras lit the otherwise windowless room, giving the sensation that this room was a very private place. "Silvia, please get the other girls who are not busy to come in and watch. We need to be here to support Charlotte and Amanda." Silvia nodded and ran back outside. "Bakan, why don't you get comfortable on my bed?"

Bakan: "I do have one question," Bakan said, sitting on the bed and bringing some sheets over to cover his crotch. "All this talk of an honorable man and restoring faith confuses me when I'm clearly not your ideal man."

"You're not my ideal man, no, but then again, the notion that there is an ideal person for anyone in is a bit flawed. I believe that there are many people out there that are good for any one person."

Bakan: ".... So you're implying that I'm 'good enough'?"

"I'm implying that you are a good person. And that it is also impossible to know who would qualify as an ideal person,"

Bakan: Bakan let out a sigh, before falling backwards onto the bed. Blinking, he bounced a little on it, "Hmm... Cozy? This is very cozy."

"If you constantly harp on whether or not a person is you ideal, you'll only focus on their bad sides, you'll be looking for ways to strengthen your doubt. When looking at a person that you *could* love, you must look at their good sides first. Those are more important."

Bakan: Bakan twisted his lips slightly, "But... I found my ideal person..."

"Is your ideal person some one that you'd like to lie in bed with and consecrate your love with?"

Bakan: Bakan went red and gave a start, "E-even if... W-wait it's wrong to think of her that way!"

"And do you think when you finally do lay down with this wonderful, ideal person and kiss your lips against hers, that it will magically be the best, most pleasurable experience of your life, even though you've never been with a woman before?"

Bakan: Bakan smiled, "If I ever confessed to her, and she responded to me similarly... Yes. I would have no regrets if I even died right then."

"She would. Romance doesn't end at the point when you admit your love for one another. That's only the beginning, and there are pitfalls on the other side of that milestone."

Bakan: "If anything bad were to happen down the road, I would act within all my power to ensure she isn't hurt. I know nothing's perfect, but this is something my heart yearns for. Can you blame me for that?"

"I'm not sure you do know that nothing's perfect.:

"You seem to be convinced that things must be so."

Bakan: "Well, I admit my standards are very high... But I believe that if you don't aim for the best possible outcome, you may end up regretting it later."

"And I believe that if you wait for 'a best possible outcome' you'll mess being able to make a beautiful outcome out of the things lying right in front of you."

Bakan: "Maybe..." Bakan said, rolling over on the bed, seeming to be getting quite comfortable.

The door to the room opened and a crowd of about nine or so girls entered. "Thank you all for coming, my friends. We are here to support our two sisters, Amanda and Charlotte. As we know, they have been through a lot, and stoically have suffered much. It is often a woman's job to become stronger through enduring. I believe Amanda and Charlotte are on their way back to happiness, but as well, they should practice their pleasuring techniques, which can be used for both defense and for simple pleasuring of their partner as well."

Bakan: Bakan gave a start at the crowd that entered, drawing a bit more sheets up to cover himself with. "And I'm not here to take advantage of these girls... I just wanted that to be known... In fact, if some of you could not look at me... I would appreciate that.."

"They have to look Bakan, most of them are still training in the technique themselves."

Bakan felt the mattress shift as first one, then another body entered the bed on either side of him. The two sisters had crawled onto the bed and were now removing their simple dresses.

Bakan: Bakan felt an intense rush of excitement nearly push his heart out of his chest when the two entered the area he became used to as his personal space, even if he was only in it for a while. There was nothing he could say to either of them, as they were victims themselves. And saying anything to Nala would likely only make matters worse for himself and his situation. "Despite what Nala says, if either of you are uncomfortable... I will protect you from whatever is bothering you," he told the two girls. "You two have been through a lot, and you absolutely shouldn't force yourselves..."

Bakan: All he could say were words that he believed could comfort them, not discourage them.

This only seemed to make their smiles deepen. "You're very nice," said Charlotte, putting her hands on his chest, while her sister rubbed his thigh. "Very good girls, just like I taught you." Nala said softly. The crowd of girls around the bed smiled and some giggled as the two sisters set themselves to task, feeling Bakan up.

Nala meanwhile pulled the sheet away from Bakan so that what was being done to him was more exposed.

Bakan: Bakan let out a small cry of protest, but didn't want to move so quickly as to accidentally hurt Charlotte. Laying back down under Charlotte, he looked to her smiling face and flushed red, while his legs squirmed from Amanda's touch, his manhood at full attention long before they even touched him, merely due to the anticipation alone of what he knew was going to happen.

"Do you really mind?" Amanda asked as she dropped her head lower and kissed his inner thigh. "We... we like you and want to train with you but... only if you're willing." Nala seemed to wince instantly at this, as if Amanda had just given Bakan all the opening he needed to put a stop to this.

Bakan: Bakan winced as equally as Nala as his thigh was kissed, before he looked to Nala, furrowing his brow. "... I made a promise..." he said, more to Nala than to the others. "And my vows are unbreakable... Yes, I am willing..." he replied.

With that said, the two girls on the bed seemed to relax, and smile even brighter. Charlotte began to place sweet wet kisses on his chest while Amanda went back to kissing Bakan's thighs. There were some whispering conversations amongst the crowd of girls but Bakan was too distracted to make out the words.

Bakan: Bakan's nervousness increased when he heard the whispers, although his mind taunted him and seemed to fabricate Violet's words as what they were saying. Something else that was agonizing was their teasing. Charlotte's kissing felt good, and especially so with Amanda doing it to his thighs, so close to his manhood. As if Nala was creeping into his mind, a part of him wanted to ask them to pleasure him directly, but the better of him took strict control, and insisted he let the girls do as they pleased.

Charlotte move her lips up the nape of his neck, and then along his jawline, letting her breasts brush against his arm as she angled her way into kissing him on the lips. At the same time, Amanda, perhaps sensing the desire for directness in him, seemed to be getting her soft wet lips dangerously close to his manhood. Her fingers began to trace the area just wher his legs met his pelvis, the backs of her knuckles barely making contact with his testicals. In any moment she could choose to pleasure his manhood directly.

Bakan: Bakan's squirming grew more frantic as Charlotte drew near to his neck, a place far more sensitive now after having been bitten by a vampire. But when her lips met the exact location where he'd been bit, he let out a clear moan as his hand impulsively grabbed her waist, holding her, just simply holding her, until her lips met his own. Becoming lost in Charlotte's passion, Bakan sank further into lust, his other hand reaching for, and holding Amanda, his scarred palm brushing the back of her neck as his hips squirmed with need.

"He's ready now." Somewhere close by, Nala's voice seemed to signal the next stage of the performance. While Charlotte maintained her embrace and passionate kiss, Amanda's tongue made its debut on the tip of Bakan's manhood, tracing its wetness up and down the vein of his shaft before swirling back round the head. As Bakan squirmed once more, she encircled her lips around him and sealed against his flesh, enveloping his cock in her warm, but gentle mouth. Suddenly Charlotte's hand traveled down his stomach to grip him by the base of his shaft, holding his erection steady while her sister began to suck.

Bakan: It was only a lingering thought in the back of his mind, the very thing he argued with Nala. Charlotte kissed so well, with a passion he was familiar with from Cory and select few others he had come to know. It was as if she was truly acting out of passion rather than raw lust. Her kiss was soft, and like that of a lover's. And Amanda's motions with her mouth made him feel like she truly cared for how much pleasure he was experiencing. Nala's words rang in his head like a doctrine, trying to convince him that this was a kind of love on it's own. They liked him, and so it was natural that they would want to make him feel good. But still one part of him wanted that confirmation. He didn't want it to be an act of animalistic instinct to breed. And so, his hand sought out Amanda's... To feel if her embrace was that of either passion for him, instinctive need, or simple devotion to Nala.

Amanda squeezes his hand back, as if anticipating what it was there for, sending him exactly the kind of confirmation he needed. Both sisters offered fluttery moans as they worked on him, pressing their bodies more flush against his own, letting him enjoy their form. "Why don't you give them some pleasure back, Bakan?"

Bakan: Nala's words snapped him out of his haze. He was perfectly content to let them do all the work, but with that, he was called even further on his promise. Tracing a hand down from Charlotte's waist, he slowly moved his fingers down to touch against her folds, his middle finger brushing back and forth along her clit, as he knew that was a very sensitive point for them. And he did the same for Amanda, pulling her waist closer if she was available, and touching her folds the same, and if not, content with stroking her face, and petting her, smoothing his hand along her hair.

Amanda was indeed too far away at that point to have him do anything more than stroke her hair in that position, but Charlotte responded well to his directness, her pussy seeming to be quite sensitive, and already fairly wet before he even touched her. As Bakan gave back some pleasure, Amanda's attentions began to go even deeper and her tongue began to affect him in unexpected ways. It was as though he felt a growing connection with Amanda, as if her actions, however lewd, were planting a small seed of both desire and adoration for her. It caught Bakan by surprise, as to have a feeling of genuine adoration from only a physical act was a completely alien notion to him. Could her gentleness and raw affection be transferred through such a carnal act?

Bakan: Bakan was indeed surprised, but his mind began to draw conclusions from all that Nala has said, knowing full well that Nala must have taught them how to transform people's minds as she had done to the goblins, and Badarians. 'This is wonderful,' he thought, but what was strange was it was hardly his own thought. It felt very good, but something wasn't right. As he thought that, his suspicions were doused as adoring thoughts of Amanda seemed to fill his mind. She was slowly becoming the ideal, and... 'No... No one can replace her.' he announced in his own mind. His lust and desire built for Amanda, but that was one area of his heart he would not allow her to touch. Letting the rest of his mind slip away, he hid that one little important piece deep within, sliding his fingers gently into Charlotte's honeypot, and caressing every part of Amanda he could touch.

"It's time for you too Charlotte. Join your sister." Nala's order brought Charlotte away from Bakan's lips and had her slide down to join her sister as they both faced Bakan's shaft, their mouths now working simultaneously at his phallus, alternating turns at wrapping their mouth around him and going down, taking as much of him as they could handle. Nala lay down next to Bakan's head and began to idly run her fingers through his hair. "There's no shame in enjoying this. Most men would die for an opportunity like this."

Bakan: Moaning aloud once his lips were free, his pleasure became apparent as both Charlotte and Amanda began to pleasure him. Trying to restrain himself did little good, as a tiny spurt of precum greeted the pair. Turning to Nala, he faced her with a lustful expression. "What's happening to me..." he asked her. "I can't think clearly... I..." he panted, his mouth moving with the desire to suckle on Nala's breast.

Nala smiled and toyed with a tuft of his hair, leaning closer to him and dangling her tempting bosom tantalizingly close to his mouth. "You're just having a good time, Bakan, that's all." Meanwhile the sister seemed to be jockeying for position on Bakan's pole, his precum quickly being lapped up by two warring tongues. "Would you mind trying another position with them before you, ah... finish?"

Bakan: Bakan seemed a bit pained at her teasing, looking up to her, before pulling himself away from desiring her breast, still in slight control of himself, and wasn't about to do that to Nala if she didn't want him to. "I don't care what position, but... I want to pleasure them..." he murmured. "I feel very good, but it is unfair to them..."

"Ah, well then... oh girls..." After a brief explanation of what she wanted to see, Nala leaned back to allow some room for the bed's occupants to move around. Charlotte laid on her back and let Amanda climb on top of her, chest to chest, so that their two moistened slits were rubbing against one another, but both exposed towards Bakan. "They're all yours..."

Bakan: Bakan leaned up as they moved, and leaned up even more as they displayed each other in such a way. Crawling towards them, driven by lust and the strange magic flowing through him, he shook his head as he embraced Amanda. "No, they're not mine..." he replied. "For now, we belong to each other." he announced, gently sliding his length between their folds.

The two sisters gasped and squirmed against his touch, his manhood rubbing against their sensitive folds simultaneously. With his weight pressed against Amanda's hips, pressing her flat against Charlotte, Bakan could effectively make love to both of them at once. Their faces both seemed happy and excited to be sharing this experience with him, and now a strange outpouring of adoration for the both strengthened inside of Bakan.

Bakan folded his hands over Amanda's breasts, holding her warmly. Thrusting passionately, he bounced himself against their healthy rumps as his balls slapped against Charlotte's ass, holding himself close to them to listen to their pleasure, their moans fueling his own pleasure, swearing to make them feel good before he finishes. However, his thrusts quickening, he suddenly held himself closely, before his length began to ejaculate between their folds, covering Charlotte mostly and Amanda a little with his spunk. But rather than fall over, he kept going, thrusting between them anew, with renewed vigor. No matter how many times he came, he'd fulfill his promise, and bring them both pleasure.

As Bakan came between them he would feel a massive flood of emotion for the two of them pour into his mind. Thoughts of only wishing them pleasure, peace, and happiness becoming dominant in his mind as he continued to persevere and thrust between them. If they ordered him to stop at this point, he knew he would stop immediately. If they told him to keep going until it hurt, he would exhaust himself to make them feel good. As it was, the two of them seemed only concerned with reaching their climax as well and didn't want to take advantage of the magical hold they had on him. Soon his efforts paid off and first Charlotte, then Amanda each tensed and shuddered, their honey pots going slick with their release. "What a wonderful job, all three of you," Nala said happily.

Bakan: Exhausted, Bakan flipped over, landing on the side of the bed with a sigh, his hands going to his head, and his teeth clenching. Wordlessly, he seemed to be fighting with something mental in his head. Growling, he seemed quite upset that it had invaded.

"And don't you worry about that feeling inside you. It's just there to protect Amanda and Charlotte in the case of you being someone who wished them actual harm. They're not going to order you around."

Bakan: "I don't like it...!" he replied in agony.

"We wouldn't do that to you Bakan." "Thank you Bakan, you were very... um nice. I wish all men were like you."

Bakan: Bakan snapped from his mental battle, and turned to them. "... But... Why is this happening?"

Nala answered. "Sex has an energy all of its own. There is magic unique to the act. It's a magic of emotion and desires. Once you know how to sense the magic, you can learn how to manipulate it. They used the magic of your sexual emotion and desire to enhance your attraction to them, but in a way where you can only treat them positively.

Bakan: "Is that why I feel like I'm going insane!?" he exclaimed, "I can't think of anything else!"

"Sure you can! It's just that you still have them naturally on your mind. If you concentrate on other things, you'll behave quite normally. And these effects wear off in about a day anyway."

Bakan: "I can't stand it... I want to do anything for them... I would protect them without harm before, but this is driving me nuts, and is trying to force me to comply!"

"If you weren't going to harm them before then it really shouldn't be doing anything to you. The only way to fight it would be to want to do something mean to them..."

Bakan: "I'll be nice to them on my own accord! I don't need... This presence inside of me to tell me that!"

Bakan: After a bit of struggling, something happened inside Bakan, before he hunched over, panting slightly from his ordeal. Looking up, he sat calmly on the bed, covering him self with the sheets again. "Better." he announced, having resisted.

Bakan: "Thankfully, the strength of the magic wasn't very strong, so even so deep in my mind, I was able to fend it off. I received strict training from Ashloriel to resist such effects."

Nala shrugged. "They did okay for beginners then. I doubt even Ashloriel's training could overcome my version of the effect. But don't you worry Bakan, I'll not put you through that."

Bakan: "I trust you in that I could just give in, but I didn't want to. I hate it when magic tries to tell me how to think. I absolutely detest it." he replied.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Nala x Bakan Part 6
After a little while Bakan was cleaned up and given a fresh set of clothes for his journey back to his school. "Good luck with your own path, I hope you can admit you had a little fun today."

Bakan: "I thought I was going to be having sex with 'you,' I'm actually disappointed." he said aloud, before tilting his head slightly, as if confused at what he just said.

"Sorry Bakan, but I don't want to corrupt you an make you fall."

Bakan: Bakan chuckled. "You don't seem supernatural to me. Those kind are my only fear. In any case, I was just joking. I still feel a bit of their magic lingering in me after that, and I can't seem to get my lower half to calm down."

Bakan: Then, he let out a sigh, "They said they liked me, but it's disheartening, as they will just as soon move on to someone else. Knowing that, I wish to leave this place as soon as possible to spare my clingy heart the grief."

"I don't know... I was actually going to ask you... Do you want to take them with you?"

Bakan: "Of course I do!" he responded immediately, before immediately acting astonished. "I... I just blurted that out..."

Bakan: Unknown to Bakan, a truth poison had been slipped into his drink back before Nala took him to her camp, and had been working into his tough system ever since.

"The jungle really isn't a good place for those two. As sisters, they need each other, so I would never separate them, but they deserve to be treated like ladies. If you want to bring them into your school and train them, and they wish for the same, then you can bring them with you."

Bakan: "I would love to bring them with me and have sex with them whenever they wanted!" he blurted out again, before punching himself in the head, "What the hell is wrong with me!?"

"Ah well. They WOULD need to practice their techniques regularly. That would mean you'd have to set aside a time for them. It's an important responsibility."

Bakan: "I wouldn't say this because of my own pride, but I've been wanting to have sex with you all-" he placed his hands over his mouth, shutting himself up.

Bakan: "Nala, please ignore what I'm saying, I'm not feeling well..."

"Oh? What?" Nala seemed genuine surprised. "What was that?"

Bakan: "It was no... Noth... I want to fuck you, Nala!" he shouted aloud.

Bakan: "And I hate myself for it!"

"Gee... just what every girl wants to hear..."

Bakan: "I'm very sorry! I didn't want to say any of those things! I knew they would offend you!"

Bakan: "I just... I can't say anything else for some reason!"

"Well...if it is how you truly feel..." Nala slipped off one shoulder of her bedroom robes, showing her bare purple hued shoulder.

Bakan: Bakan clears his throat, "Yes, it's true. You were right all along. I find you unbearably attractive, and I wished I could have sucked on your breast, and had sex with you when-" he shut right up when completely giving in to the truth poison. Turning his head, his eyes still didn't leave her exposed skin. "H-however... I'm sure you're just teasing me..."

Bakan: Bakan adjusted his pants a little, "Ever since that 'lesson' I've been feeling horribly excited all the time... I even flirted with the girl that helped prepare my clothes. I hope this wears off soon."

"I'm not just teasing Bakan. When you were with Amanda and Charlotte I wanted to join, but I thought you didn't want me to."

Nala slipped off the rest of her robe to show she meant what she said, standing before Bakan in the flesh as it were.

Bakan: "You have no idea how badly I did, and how badly I..." His face turned red as her robe dropped. "My first impulse is to scold you and tell you to put your clothes on but in truth I want to cast my beliefs away and bury myself between your breasts!" he shouted with an almost robotic tone. "And I also wish I would die right now..." he pouted.

Bakan: "I want to hate everything you do and say and turn my head away from your gorgeous form, but in truth I'm just fighting what I really want!"

"Well if that wish gets granted you better put your face here quick so you can die happy," Nala teased, cupping her own breasts with both hands.

"It's nice to see you admitting these things, Bakan, now please, stop talking, I'm getting cold."

Bakan: Bakan laughs slightly, wiping a tear away with a finger, "I don't know what's wrong with me, but I don't care any more!" he announced, before approaching Nala, and throwing his clothes to the ground to make a shabby bed, and graciously moving forth to feel her plush breasts with his cheeks.

Nala pats him on the head. "Good, if you don't care anymore.. then will you please just cut loose and do what you really want to me?"

Bakan: "What I really want...?" he replied, before gathering his clothes in one hand, and Nala in the other, and quickly rushing off with both, until they found a quiet spot near a hot spring that was convieniently near the school. Laying her down near the warmth of the water, and on top of his clothes, he took one of her nipples into his mouth, sucking on it passionately, before letting it go with a pop, "My sleep was disturbed by thoughts of you. It made me angry. Why does someone so beautiful have to taunt me so?" he asked, his other hand gently feeling her other breast, enjoying the sensation of the soft mound. "Don't fill me with your magic, Nala. I want to do this on my own." he requested.

"I won't -- mmm -- won't touch a wisp of magic. It'll be all natural~" Nala smiled as her nipples were sucked and played with until they became hard indigo pepples on her skin. She brought her finger between her teeth and gently bit it as her body heated up, becoming sensitive to his touch.

Bakan: "The worst part was that you wanted me to do this," Bakan announced, kissing her breast, and slowly moving down, adoring the rest of her body. "I felt outraged that you would give it to me so easily, but at the same time, if I were to have the chance to have you all to myself... It's so selfish of me..."

"Mmf... you talk too much." Nala put a hand on his head and held him close to her body so he was tempted to keep kissing it it rather than blather on. Thus far she had tried to blank out what Bakan was saying so she could concentrate on enjoying his touch and kisses.

Bakan: "Every woman tells me that..." he still replied, before continuing to kiss, and rub her with his hands. Unbearably eager, he gripped her thighs, and mimicked Amanda as he began to kiss Nala's thighs, before holding her behind the knees, and lowering his head to her crotch.

Sensing where he was going with this, Nala raised her hips, proffering herself to him, eagerly wanting his attentions. If he licked her cunt with half as much eagerness as he'd gone after her nipples with, she'd be gushing in no time.

Bakan: Half wasn't even close, well over double his efforts were put into pleasuring Nala. His tongue treated her pussy like it was a delicacy, sucking on her clit, lapping over her entire slit.

Nala arched her body, feeling tense all over as the warrior's tongue ravished her flower, making her lower lips puffy, and her sensitive nub engorged. She raised her hips, going up on her tip toes as she pushed herself towards him, pressing into his exploring mouth. "Ahnnnh....ah, Bakan, I'm ready. Put it in me!"

Bakan: Bakan gave her cunt a final lick, before leaning up, and bracing himself on his feet, grabbing her waist, and aiming himself, before pushing his length inside of her, thrusting ferociously into her body. "What if... I cum..." he murmured, a distant concern in his mind.

"Go ahead. Nnfh... nnh...ahh... Not gonna be... ah... nnn.. a problem!" Nala's pussy seemed to swallow Bakan's member, clamping down tightly with incredible strength. The feel of her body was most probably unlike any woman he'd ever been with. Every where his flesh met hers, it was if she were trying to milk him for all that he had, and she was pushing him to his limit extremely fast. Suddenly whirls of green energy would envelop her body and her eyes were like glowing green bolts of emerald power. "Okay.... I might touch just a bit of magic, but only the kind that lets me do... this!" Bakan's system would receive a shock of absolute pleasure as Nala's inner walls seemed to come alive, aggressively pleasuring his penis in the way in which he had meant to pleasure her pussy.

Bakan: Bakan moaned aloud, pounding into her pussy with his mouth agape. Standing over her, he came inside of her several times, the sun having plenty of times to go from noon until afternoon as he fucked her relentlessly, pouring all of his built up passion for her into her well into the day. Dumping his last load inside of her, he flopped over, completely drained, and completely satisfied as he clung to Nala

Bakan: "You're even more fierce than my students..."

Nala was left amazed and nearly breathless at the number of times he managed to cum without the need for a break. He was inhuman. Her lower half was covered in overflowing gobs of his thick warm semen, and she felt thoroughly satisfied, having came many times over as well.

"You're wasting your talents... you need to share this... side of you..." Nala said, taking deep gulping breaths.

Bakan: "If you'll stay with me, I'll share it with you. My students likely already know of this, and will want my attentions as well. I suppose becoming a lady also includes knowing how to please your lover."

"Ah Bakan... I'll gladly stop by and visit you often... I'll even wear a dress."

Bakan: "I would like that..." he whispered to her, holding her close as he closed his eyes next to the waters of the spring.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

*Reads Nala x Bakan posts, cries in happiness*

Beautiful ;3;
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I will be in Chicago from Thursday to Sunday, thus will be sans internet.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

So. I have, in secret (okay not really) been working on a patch to the DG3 rules that addresses some of the nitpicks that have come up since then. I also added some stuff.

Now, as this is an expansion to a currently running game, I'm not going to force people to change anything on their sheets. If you don't want to use the altered races and such, then you don't have to. There is only one exception to this ruling, and that's in the form of vampires: I dropped their damage reduction to 1/2, as it was too powerful before.

Note that I will be using the altered skills and such though. Comments and concerns are, as usual, welcome. So long as you don't scream at me. Please don't scream at me. *hides*
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread


Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Can the Fetish Flaw be taken more than 4 times?
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

So... Mages get mage feats. Spirit users get more powers. Warriors and succubi get...what, exactly?