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Dark Gate OOC Thread

Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Ah well... I was planning on a over sexed slime with speciality in Unarmed and Grappling. Erotic Magus and Focus in (Body) and buffs.

Also Mallable body how does that affect Body checks?
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Ah well... I was planning on a over sexed slime with speciality in Unarmed and Grappling. Erotic Magus and Focus in (Body) and buffs.

Also Mallable body how does that affect Body checks?

That's quite doable. And it doesn't.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Okay when I can I'll put up a sheet in the sheet section.

I still don't completely understand how shapeshifting will affect me as a slime but I'm sure i'll find out.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Suggestion for a warhorse creature

Monster Name: Trained Warhorse
Monster Type: Beast
Monster Class: None
Differences from Base Creature: +8 Speed (30), +20 Dodge (45/55 if unarmored), +20 HP (80), -8 Stealth (14)

Hard Hitter
Hard to Hit
Unarmed Fighter: The character deals Improved Unarmed damage when attacking without a weapon. In addition, the character gets a +10 bonus to Dodge so long as they aren't holding any weapons. *note this only applies to the Warhorse if it is unarmored.


Natural Attack


Unarmed: (+50) 2d12 + 33 damage

Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Well so I lied a bit... but sheet is posted if someone can look it over and tell me if something is needing change let me know.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Well so I lied a bit... but sheet is posted if someone can look it over and tell me if something is needing change let me know.

Let's see...

Perception, stealth and speed are sqrt(relevant stat*10) not sqrt(relevant stat)*10
You need to have Natural mage to take Superior mage

Also, uhh... that's a really weak character, mostly because your main stat is so low. I'd drop spirit to 14 or 10 and put those points into mind or body, whichever you want for main stat(since you don't really have anything that would benefit from having higher spirit than that). Just a suggestion. In a single player game how powerful your character is shouldn't matter, but whoever GMs for you might have some problem coming up with enemies that provide reasonable challenge to such a weak character.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Don't listen to him. Make a villager. Perform all of the basic tasks, such as guarding a grocery store, lighting candles, and being a prostitute.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Let's see...

Perception, stealth and speed are sqrt(relevant stat*10) not sqrt(relevant stat)*10
You need to have Natural mage to take Superior mage

Also, uhh... that's a really weak character, mostly because your main stat is so low. I'd drop spirit to 14 or 10 and put those points into mind or body, whichever you want for main stat(since you don't really have anything that would benefit from having higher spirit than that). Just a suggestion. In a single player game how powerful your character is shouldn't matter, but whoever GMs for you might have some problem coming up with enemies that provide reasonable challenge to such a weak character.
Edit: Done with cals and added Natural Mage.

Question how much buffs can one hold at one time?
Last edited:
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

You can maintain 3 at a time at default - this is increasable with a mage talent.

Pretty sure a lot of maintained utility spells and Spirit Powers also count toward this total - stuff like Megaphone, a Body (I think) spell, and Telepathy, a Spirit power.

Trap spells and Summoned creatures do NOT count toward this, though.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Okay revised the sheet a bit more. Forgot to change Base Casting + Spirit Ceiling :p

Aside from that does it look good now?
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I edited stuff.

Specifically, I've added this tidbit to the Cordyrune section in templates, specifically under the Spore Carrier special mutation since really Spore Carrier was always intended to be "Plant but with different bonuses" anyway:

"A character with this mutation is still technically a Plant, and may not take anything that a character with the Plant mutation would be ineligible for but may also use this as the prerequisite for taking anything that a character with the Plant mutation would be eligible for (with the exception of Pollen Shot)."
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

That's kinda weird...

Dark Secrets isn't letting me see Uber's latest post. Ranger, if the same thing happens to you, start a reply. The Topic Review will show the lost post.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Just some reminders to myself about suggestions.

Suggestions for succubus power revamps and additions!

Combine Pull Out with Unnatural Resilience:
Lead from the Bottom (Passive) - The character only takes 1d4 damage when resisting pleasure, and gains a +10 bonus to Resistance when determining how much PP damage is negated. In addition, as long as the character isn't unconscious or otherwise helpless they can prevent themselves from receiving pregnancy rolls when a creature penetrating them orgasms.

Buff Rhythm and Energetic Foreplay a little by allowing raising their caps for every orgasm a partner has:
Rhythm: While penetrated (or penetrating) in a hole other than the mouth, the character may take an additional 2X Pleasure each round. Any creatures penetrating them take an additional 3X Pleasure per round, so long as they would take pleasure from the penetration in the first place. The maximum value of X is 5; when penetrated the maximum value is increased by 1 for every partner brought to orgasm or each time deny release is activated but resets as soon as this character is no longer penetrated in a hole other than their mouth.

Energetic Foreplay: While causing pleasure to a creature in a way that does not result in the character taking pleasure themselves, the character may pay X EP in order to deal an additional 2X Pleasure. The maximum value of X is 10; when performing foreplay the maximum value is increased by 1 for every partner brought to orgasm or each time deny release is activated but resets if this character goes more than 3 rounds without performing foreplay on another character.

Minor bonus to the Aphrodisiac Fluid/Enthrall combo:
Aphrodisiac Fluids (Passive): Creatures who swallow the character's sexual fluids have their Resistance stat decreased by 2d6 temporarily. Creatures reduced to 0 Resistance by this ability gain the Aroused status and have their resistance reset, and if their Resistance drops to 0 again they gain the Horny status. If the character with this power has the enthrall talent and a target with the Horny status as a result of this power has or is made to orgasm this encounter then that target automatically becomes enthralled and the enthralling character gains a +10 bonus against attempts by the target to break free. This Succubus Power can be taken up to 3 times.

Maybe a bonus to Apparent Innocence since intelligent creatures tend to ignore it now and against particularly tough PCs most creatures are intelligent.
Apparent Innocence (Passive) : The character is less likely to be attacked by hostile creatures. If in a group, the character will usually be the last one to be attacked unless they obviously display that they're the thread. If alone, creatures will not (usually) attempt to kill the character, and will instead attempt either to knock the character out or rape them. This has no effect on non-intelligent creatures or on PCs. In addition, the character gains a +8 resistance bonus when attempting to Charm a target.

Maybe give Desperate Avoidance a smut-related option.
Desperation: The character can pay X EP at the start of their turn in order to increase their Dodge by 2X or reduce incoming PP damage by 2X until their next turn.

Make succubus shapeshifting a little bit different and offer an innate option for shifting more sexual mutations, since a bunch of races get shapeshifting naturally.
Shapeshifting: The character gains the Shapeshifter Special mutation. This power also allows characters with Shapeshifter to gain Futanari, Doublecock, Tight/Large, Snug/Stretching, Whip Tongue, Soft Skin, Massive Breasts, Lactation, Healing Milk, Vaginal Tongue, Greater Vaginal Tongue, and Tentacles even if they wouldn't meet the requirements for doing so normally (though they would still need to shift previous steps in cases of mutations which have prerequisites) for 2 EP per mutation per hour for normal mutations in the list and 4 EP per mutation per hour for special mutations. The character must have be Naturally Warped or higher to take this power.

Give selective fertility a few more options along the lines of shapeshifting.
Selective Fertility: The character gains the Selective Fertility Special Mutation. This power also allows the character to choose to gain or remove the Potent, Breeder, Connection, or Infertile Mouth mutations at any time for 2 EP per mutation per hour. A character must be Warped or above, or have the Demon or Faerie special mutations already in order to select this succubus power.

Aaand finally a Siren Song suggestion:
Siren Song: The character can, at any time, cause all creatures able to hear them focus solely on them. Each time this is used a resistance check is made against the character if the affected characters wish to try to ignore the effect. Each failed check causes affected characters to gain a +10 bonus (cumulative) to the next resistance check; succeeding resets the bonus but doesn't remove already accumulated effects. If affected characters fail a first check they take a -10 perception penalty for the purposes of opposing enemy stealth checks. Characters with the -10 perception penalty who fail another check caused by Siren Song become stunned. Characters who have been stunned by Siren Song who fail a check become Charmed. Using this ability takes up the character's turn, and if the character stops using this ability for more than one round then all effects caused by it end.

I have another idea that involves giving succubi soul gauges, but I'm too lazy to continue working on that right now.

A suggestion for Force 3 spell:

Force Projection(utility): Allows the caster to project a force from themselves to distant objects(up to about mind*10 lb). Unlike most spells, this one obeys basic physics; that is, any force they project is also applied to themselves. In addition, the caster can only pull and push objects directly away/towards themselves. Only allows acceleration of about twice the gravity at most, though the caster can, with practice, apply fairly fine control to the force.

Succubus Power suggestion:
Oil Up: The character uses a move action and oils their own skin (either by secreting it themselves or by some other fluff means). This oil causes the character to take a -10 penalty to attacks and attempts to put a target into a submission hold but gives the character a +10 bonus when attempting to free themselves from a grapple and causes characters coated in it to take +8 PP damage. The oil also halves resistance for the purposes of resisting pleasure and any damage caused by resisting pleasure is doubled. In addition, it doubles the maximum X value of rhythm and energetic foreplay. Any character who touches (i.e. grapples) a character currently affected by this oil is also covered in the oil and gains all of the bonuses and penalties listed above until the oil is removed. This oil lasts until the end of the encounter or until the character cleans themselves (spells such as Clean or other water producing spells and powers can work for this).

Another suggestion:

Consider allowing characters with ranger and skill with primitive ranged weapons to craft special arrows at half the listed price in the shop, and characters with ranger and skill with guns to craft special ammunition at half the listed price in the shop, assuming this isn't already covered somewhere and I haven't forgotten.

Something like this as a change:
Ranger (Passive) – The character gets a +3 bonus to Perception, and can track creatures so long as they have stayed on the ground. With Skill with Primitive Ranged Weapons or Crossbows then this skill allows for crafting Special Arrows/Bolts at half the listed shop price, and it allows the same for Special Rounds with Skill with Rifles or Pistols.

(I'm also still totally for a small +perception bonus to finding lewtz for characters with thief.)


HP Leech Enchantment for Weapons; Whenever the enchanted weapons deals HP damage, the wielder regains 2d4HP, this cannot exceed the amount of damage dealt. +2 if the victim is bleeding or have the Hemophiliac flaw. Or something similiar to this.

Force Damage Enchantment for Weapons; Somethingsomething blood being useable for a similiar result as using Fey/Demon blood, but the enchantment gives extra Force damage.

I guess the first one would need some number tweaking, but it'd be sweet to have for that one planned swordcraft of mine. As would the second for another swordcraft. *-*
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Lead from the Bottom (Passive) - The character only takes 1d4 damage when resisting pleasure, and gains a +10 bonus to Resistance when determining how much PP damage is negated. In addition, as long as the character isn't unconscious or otherwise helpless they can prevent themselves from receiving pregnancy rolls when a creature penetrating them orgasms (example: by pulling out).
I would probably be an idiot and think this just meant 'aw yea magic anti-babies barrier' so I would suggest an edit suggesting such for new people and whatnot.

Though, it is Succubus Magic, so a magic anti-babies barrier is not implausible. Make your character's womb a sperm microwave or something.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Interrupting the rule discussions for a query.

Plmnko, would it really hurt if I could request a official stance on why you've been avoiding Six's thread? I don't care if you don't want to DM it anymore or just tied up in it, but every time I see you in shout you seem to be actively dodging any pokes in your direction from me. In all honesty, makes me think I did something wrong. :S
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Of course you havent made anything wrong. I just had left open the window or the dsi many times after write a little at the shoutbox and start working or read some reports so i dont put attention at the shoutbox for a while.

About Six thread i has been very busy and out of imagination for a long time, i cant even do a yuri post or update many posts lately.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Of course you havent made anything wrong. I just had left open the window or the dsi many times after write a little at the shoutbox and start working or read some reports so i dont put attention at the shoutbox for a while.

About Six thread i has been very busy and out of imagination for a long time, i cant even do a yuri post or update many posts lately.

It's k. I jus never got too many good questions before ',' Would it help to pass it on to a new DM then, to free out your other stuff going on? I wanna continue the character, but don't want you stressing out about it.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Hmm, well i think than anyone else could make a better job at your thread at this month, i will be still busy these days. So anyone is welcome to DM you, dont worry i understand it and only hopes than you pass a good time playing with your character