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Dark Gate OOC Thread

Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I believe the point Tass is trying to get across is that its very hard to get the characters in an otherwise abandoned thread to act as they had previously when you have all but, forgotten why you had created them in the first place.

Plot is only a tiny reason in the large scheme of things when you have to juggle also the characters included for the plot both revealed and planned out.Or at least that's how I understood it.

Tass may have meant it differently.

That's more or less what I mean.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Bad habit of not posting for ages?

Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Waaaaiiittt... so what we do advances the plot of the whole game?
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Waaaaiiittt... so what we do advances the plot of the whole game?

Only if your bumbling doofus of a character manages to contribute to the world in an even tangentially meaningful and impactful way.

MOSTLY JUST A LOT OF FAFFING AND FUCKING AROUND THO. The world better be good at saving itself.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Every thread that I don't declare noncanon matters at least to a degree to the rest of the game, both in terms of what happens in other threads and what happens in DG4. Threads that are potentially noncanon include pretty much anything GMed by anyone other than me, thetwo, or Hafnium, largely because I can't keep good enough track of such threads due to how many I personally have to worry about and thus don't have time to keep up with the MAF and ranger threads. So, yes, what you do matters to other people.

Specifically, what happens in Geren's thread will probably be mentioned in another long existing thread that will enter the same area, obviously depending on how much of an impact he has. There is a general plot to the whole setting, with the various plots that are more personal to the various PCs advancing it, but really it's more like a giant web of subplots since, on a realistic level, one person can only have so much effect on a continental scale. There are big events that PCs have caused that matter to other threads, in particular the retaking of Gods-Reach in Shrike's thread up in Crolia and the stuff that Tamonten is finding out in Acheron before it was Acheron, but stuff that other PCs are doing, will do, or have done has also mattered in a context extending well beyond their threads. Saying any more might reveal spoilers though, so that's about all I feel the need to reveal at this moment.

A game dev's note: I'm, uhhh, a little drunk right now, so I might edit this into a more coherent state later. Maybe. Also, a word to you kids, never drink cheap scotch on the rocks. Shit sucks.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

The mechanics are between 80 and 90 percent finished and the fluff is only unfinished because things in DG3 are going to determine chunks of it. I'm planning on releasing the finished rules, which are already being playtested in a few places, pretty soon and letting people upgrade up to them if they want to. The rules are already playable with what's in DG3, save for templates and the Psyker table which I haven't updated yet but that don't terribly matter in the grand scheme of things. It's just the new stuff and the lore that isn't done yet.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I'll go somewhere in my thread and affect SOMETHING eventually SOMEDAY.

Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I'll go somewhere in my thread and affect SOMETHING eventually SOMEDAY.


Could be worse, you could accidentally nuke an entire alien army only to vanish into obscurity. But I digress.

And yes, I'm a fucking scumbag for letting it drag on and not posting a lot after getting distracted by no employment coming constantly and being used as the family pack mule for everything. Clearly the RP should have came first in this case :V

...And now I realize that just sounded like a dick rant. But whatever.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

I'll go somewhere in my thread and affect SOMETHING eventually SOMEDAY.


Assuming she survives, I've already written in that Naltaibur's experimental body element gets folded into regular Body to account for the new temporary mutation granting spells and such.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Tori will be remembered for dying while trying to bed all the things.

Not really but, yea I don't expect to do much with Tori till she picks up *maths* at least 24 EXP. Even then She'd only be a Super-Body/Force Magical Succubi Slime that doesn't understand personal space. Biggest thing I'd suspect she'd do is end up enchanting her whip to an absurd degree.

Also personally I find it hilars that my whip has more Mind then I do.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Canon willing, with my two characters, I shall fill the world with more monster girls. Which it very much needs.

Also, my threads (mind two), could be considered canon, but they matter so little in relation to DG's Lore that any events that transpire will most likely never be reflected in the story. This is mostly because the general idea of plot flow is less 'the PC's are making a difference in the world' and more, 'the PC's are just people in a big world, doing their own thing.'

While perhaps they may have big impacts on their own story (Bloodthirsty Idealism), in the large scale of things, it doesn't affect the world, which allows me to safely stay away from bumping into Sassadar's plans.

It's a safe way to be a co-GM.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Big impacts being quintupling the warped animal population and the extinction of humanity :p. On that note, sorry about the delay, It's been sorta stumping me how Denna would react. Especially given a few factors like Vyr not in it anymore.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Every thread that I don't declare noncanon matters at least to a degree to the rest of the game, both in terms of what happens in other threads and what happens in DG4.

Oh really? Looks like Eleanor has even more of a reason to wipe out the orcs in Crolia then.

There are big events that PCs have caused that matter to other threads, in particular the retaking of Gods-Reach in Shrike's thread up in Crolia

Oh, so Shrike's to blame for the orcs?

Big impacts being quintupling the warped animal population

Eleanor's aiding in that with her hellhound and feral stalkers on the ranch. And with a bit of luck she'll eventually branch out to other creatures. I do want her to somehow acquire an alien grabber at some point, though that'll probably involve a whole lot of mess trying to unlink it from the other aliens (and keep it unlinked for good) and into a sort of docile sex toy.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Oh, so Shrike's to blame for the orcs?

No. Her character organized an effort on the part of the humans and elves to take the place back from the orcs.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Phew thats a load off my mind. Now I don't have to worry about accidently blowing up a city and having to answer to Tass for it. Yay for noncannon! Just kidding by the way. Ill try to keep things as close to source as I can even if the threads are noncannon.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

ALL the threads are CANON O_O
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

No. Her character organized an effort on the part of the humans and elves to take the place back from the orcs.

Oh cool, so is that set after Eleanor's thread and she'll catch up to it eventually?
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

It's happening right now in her thread, but the fallout of it won't hit her for a few days.
Re: Dark Gate OOC Thread

Ah right, that'll make for an interesting read once I have time then. And it would explain why the orcs are interested in getting their hands on a pack of hellhounds.