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Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

C. then D.

We need 5 pints of blood right?

Do they need to fresh? or could we bleed her over time then release her? Or even make her Odella's apprentice.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

Yeah, neither of those are going to happen.

If we'd chosen Illusion/Mind Control magic, maybe, but the vote was for Necromancy. If anything, she's about to become our first zombie.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

Could we fuck zombies? I wanna try...
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

C is locked in, This next update will be a bigger one, so it might take a while to complete.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

4 Votes for C

As you sit on Odella's belly, she continues to stroke you gently, as through you were a small cat or dog, you mind much being treated as her pet, all you care about now is her warm caress, which you need to survive.

'Tell me about the other Rituals you have cast as a witch.'

'Hmmmm' Odella says as she thinks to herself, looking down at the cage where Lettie is kept, as she continues to sleep.

'As i said before, the first ritual i had ever cast was to prevent myself from aging further' she said as she started to rub the bottom of her wrist a bit.

'It is a basic ritual, it doesn't require much blood but i used my own, because i was weak back then, i wasent willing to kill for power, not yet'

'I used the knife that i own now to slice my wrist, and poured my virgin blood into a silver chalice and put some ground up Mandrake root into it' Odella pointed to the scar on her wrist, which was a bit faded now, but still visible.

'Mandrake on it's own is highly poisonous and i added enough into the blood to kill a horse, let alone a human like myself'.

'Each Ritual is a leap of faith, you read the words and enchant the reagents and hope that you didnt mess up....i was afraid, but i said everything correctly and my blood mixed with the magic and mandrake and created the formula for eternal life, as i drank my own blood, i could feel my skin crawl, i knew something was changing, but i didnt know what...i was prepared to either become empowered or die when i swallowed the last drop.'

'What happened next?' You said as you rolled around on her stomach innocently.

'My wrist healed quickly before my eyes and i began to feel invigorated, i knew that it had worked and i wanted more.....i was hooked.'

Odella took a deep breath and looked up at the ceiling, letting out a big sigh.

'My next ritual was in order to communicate with the void and it's creatures...creatures like you.'

'You see, the demons wont grant you any real power unless you speak their words fluently, and they need more and more offerings for greater power'

'The Ritual of Tongues as it is called required 3 pints of virgin blood, i knew then that i couldn't possibly use my own or i might die during the ritual, or at least be unable to complete it...i needed someone else to take my place as the sacrifice and i found someone..........'

Odella looked down, she seemed a bit disturbed, remembering how the ritual went.

'There were a couple more rituals i did before i summoned you, but none of them gave me any true power, only allowing my body to become attuned to the demons so that i could be granted greater power.....in order to be granted the ability to use magic, you need not only the reagents, but the willingness for a demon to grant you a fraction of its power.....there are unforeseen.......costs involved'

Odella has become extremely vague, perhaps ashamed or unwilling to disclose such information to you just yet.

'Anyway, the last ritual was to summon you, a familiar whose essence will allow me to finally learn magic.....necromancy'

'Did my summoning require any blood?'

'Yes, it did, the woman who i had sacrificed for that ritual is buried behind the cottage, i used her blood to paint a pentagram around a circle of candles.'

'So summoning me cost a young woman her life?'

'Many more will be killed before it is over my pet, As we delve deeper into the Grimoire, the rituals will require more and more blood of innocents...but it will all be worth it when we wield enough power to rule this land.'

Odella smiled as she stared off into the distance no doubt imagining herself the queen of the world for a moment.

'Master?' you ask meekly.

'Yes, my pet?'

'I want to explore your other holes tonight while you rest'

Odella blushed for a moment.

'Well, i suppose you have earned it' Odella says as she shifts her legs a bit, perhaps becoming a bit aroused at your shameless request.

'Tell me about your holes master'

Odella blushed again as she clinched her teeth together a bit.

'Each one of them is unique, they each feel different in their own way no doubt'

Odella reached down with her right hand and rubbed in gently against her soft mound below as blood started to rush down there.

'Let me show you' Odella said as she grabbed you with her left hand and brought you close to her face.

her long nails gently pressed against you as she looked at you seductively.

with her right hand she managed to get underneath her silky gown and was penetrating herself gently with her index finger, pleasuring herself slightly.

Odella stuck her tongue out and gently licked against your face, you feel a warm surge of dampness against yourself as her soft tongue soaks you lightly in it's residue.

Her tongue circles around your body, encircling you as the dampness spreads around your head.

'mmmmm' Odella moans gently as she feels her own surge of pleasure from below while licking you gently.

Her tongue lets you loose as she brings it back into her mouth, bringing you forward as you press between her soft lips and enter her mouth.

Below, Odella's fingers come together and plunge themselves into her mound, her juicy lubrication easing their entry into your special place.

inside of Odella's mouth is almost as nice as below, the warmth and dampness of this place is similar, but not as tight, her tongue continues to play with you, tickling you and occasionally wrapping around you, engulfing you and greedily tasting you, meanwhile, her lips press against your body, creating a tightness and sealing you in from the relatively coldness of the outside.

you feel a sudden surge of excitement and before you know it, you blast forward your own warm liquid into her mouth.

Odella pulls you from her mouth and excess cum drips down her face and onto her chest.

with a large gulp, she swallows the majority of the fluid 'Already? but i wasn't finished yet!' she says as she licks her lips and brings her right hand back from her nethers in order to scoop up the excess on her chin and chest so she can eat that as well.

'i was going to make dinner, but i guess this will do' she said as she giggled while licking her fingers clean.

'Sorry if i disappointed you' you say as you snuggle up between her breasts again.

'We'll have to work on your endurance' she said as she giggled again, putting her hands around you and started petting you again.


Lettie slowly stirred from her rest, she immediately felt the coolness of the air around her as she wrapped her hands around her chest.

suddenly she sat up quickly and saw Odella and you through the bars of her cage, which she sat naked in.

'Hey! whats going on here!?' she said as she tried to stand but bumped hear head against the top of the cage. 'Ow!' she said, rubbing her head gently.

'Awake i see' Odella said as she slowly slipped off of the couch and got to her feet, holding you in her arms and bringing you close against her chest as she pet you like a good little minion.

'Whats going on here, where is my clothing!?' Lettie asked in a anxious tone.

'You wont be needing them anymore.' Odella said as she knelt down next to the cage.

'You arent really an alchemist are you? you arent even a very nice lady.' Lettie said as she gripped the bars and looked at Odella through them.

'No, im a witch, and i need your blood for a ritual'

'And i bet that isn't even a real cat eith....wait a minute.....what?'

'I'll be needing your virgin blood in order to conduct a ritual, im sorry, but the process will kill you.'

Lettie's face immediately went pale 'i....im not even really a virgin....i was kidding'

'Dont be silly, i checked while you were passed out' Odella said as she showed her sinister smile again.

'Well..........can i at least have some of that soup you promised me.'

Odella Sighed as she walked away from the cage shaking her head to herself.

'Wait! what about a blanket at least?!' Lettie said yelling from behind as Odella walked away.

'We could at least feed her and keep her warm.' you say to Odella as she goes to sit back over on the couch.

'Well, i suppose it couldn't hurt' Odella replied as she walked past the couch and moved toward her tiny kitchen area.

'She sure is dumb isn't she though?' Odella said as she reached a cabinet and started to dig through it for food.

'Don't ask me, the other other human i know is you." you say as you scoot up her neck and gently wrap around it like a slimy little tentacle necklace.

'Rice......Basil.....Oregano....that should be fine...' Odella said as she got little bottles of it down from the cabinet and got a pot from the stove and filled it with water she had from another pot beside it, after that, she got some matches and lit the flame below the smaller pot.

'I meant it about not wanting to make dinner...its such a pain getting all of this together.'

'I'm just as surprised that you were sated by my....juice' you replied while resting peacefully against her throat.

'Not to go into a history lesson, but your semen is nutritious to humans because that is how your creator made you, rumor has it, she was a nymphomaniac as well as a witch and she created an army of creatures which could not only act as her army, but sate her sexual pleasures as well'

'Fascinating.....id love to meet her'

'As would i, unfortunately for both of us, she was hunted down and burned at the stake and her minions.....you.....were banished into their own plane so that they could not longer torment humanity'

'Torment humanity?'

'You have unbelievable power, as you grow, you will become more powerful, and you will be able to control humans better than i ever could'

Odella poured a bit of rice and the other ingredients into the pot.

'It's kind of like a ritual huh?' You say as you observe her cooking.

'Except with a whole lot less blood and virgins required.' Odella said as she tickled your head and smiled.

Odella left the kitchen for a moment and went into her section with all of her clothing and the pile of blankets on the floor.

She dug through her drawer before coming up with a soft cotton blanket.

'I don't understand why you sleep on that pile of blankets when you have a couch.'

'That couch is evil' Odella said, as she opened up the blanket and inspected it.

'It cant be worse than a pile of dirty blankets on the ground...'

'Tell you what, if i find a ritual which allows you to become a vertebrate, you can sleep on that damn thing.' she said as she walked from her 'bedroom' to the 'living room' section of the cottage with the evil couch and the caged woman.

'Here' Odella said as she knelt down and gave the blanket to Lettie.

'Thanks.' Lettie said as she immediately wrapped herself in it.

'Your dinner will be ready soon.....' Odella said as she got up again.


'What is it?' Odella asked as she bent over again.

'Can i play with Muffins?'

Odella rolled her eyes as she reached for you around her neck and pulled you away, handing you over to her.

'Be carefully with him he a...'

'Yes, hes a very delicate......cat, i know' Lettie said as she grabbed onto you and brought you close.

'Right' Odella said, as she got up and started to walk back towards the kitchen.

'What are we going to do muffins?' Lettie said to you as she brushed you softly against her face.

You aren't quite sure what she is asking you for, its not like you can change Odella's mind, though you appreciate the thought....and the affection.

'I dont want to die muffins....i want to go home and play with my friends, you could come if you want, we could have a tea party!'

You aren't sure what tea is, but you have to admit, she drives a hard bargain.

'Mr. Muffins, i dont know what you ate earlier, but...it was kind of tasty...i got a little bit in my mouth earlier and i cant stop thinking about it'

You are glad.

'How do i make you do it again? like this maybe?' she started to pet you like a dog, running her hand over your back, you have to admit, it didn't feel half bad.

'Or maybe like this?' She put her two fingers around your head and started to stroke you quickly.

'Muffins, your head looks kind of funny....kind of like a penis.'

You grow increasingly excited as she strokes you, and you know that you cant hold out much longer.

'What are you doing with my cat?' Odella says as she returns with a bowl of the soup she had made.

'I'm playing with him, he likes it.'

'Here, take this below i throw it at you.' Odella says,

Lettie takes the bowl from Odella and places it on her lap.

Unable to contain yourself anymore, you spew forth with your surge of fluid and spit up....into you bowl.

'Muffins! that's a bad cat!' Odella yelled seeming legitimately angry that you ruined her soup.

'No, it perfectly fine, thank you Muffins!' Lettie said as she gave you a quick kiss and handed you back to Odella's waiting hands.

Lettie stirred your juice into the soup and took a spoonful of it.

'mmmmmm, this soup is good Odella!'

'Yea, whatever' Odella said while she pressed you between her arm and her belly.

'Maybe a little salty, but good!' Lettie said as Odella turned around rolling her eyes.


Coming back into her 'Bedroom' area, Odella laid down on her pile of blankets.

'I actually cant wait to kill her'

'What are we doing tomorrow' you asked, changing the subject

'Tomorrow we'll need to find two more corpses and make the preparations for the ritual'

'Where can we find them?'

'Well, there are a few places....'

What do you do?

A. Plan to go to the Cemetery Tomorrow and look for fresh graves you can dig up.

B. Plan to go to a small Village tomorrow and look for a couple people you can kill.

C. Plan to go to the woods tomorrow and look for the fresh corpses of animals.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

A. But do so at like midnight or later; or when a gravekeeper or mourners will not be present to keep from any unneccesary....... Entanglements.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

A skulls for the skull throne

Also addictive cum ftw if we could side with Lettie to kill Oldelia we could break the pact and get a easily controlled master just saying
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

[/delurk]Just a thought, not sure if I missed anything... You have a corpse in the cage, a living corpse. You have a corpse in the backyard, buried. Would those do? [/lurk]
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

we need at least 3 corpses we only so far have two (Lettie and Old Dead Lady *if she wasn't used in another ritual*) we need at least 1 more.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

[/delurk]Just a thought, not sure if I missed anything... You have a corpse in the cage, a living corpse. You have a corpse in the backyard, buried. Would those do? [/lurk]

Odella already counts Lettie as one of her corpses, which is why she is going to the graveyard (narrowly) to pick up two more.

The ritual calls for two 'fresh' corpses of the recently deceased. why? probably because it is much more difficult for a necromancer to revive the heavily decayed bodies of the dead and recently dead people or are animals are easier to control with your magic, for whatever reason.

We dont know when the most recent ritual was which required a body, but she must consider the ones buried in the backyard to be far too decayed to be any use of her in the ritual.

I wont lie though, i completely forgot about them myself, but it wouldn't have much of an adventure if Odella simply had to take a walk into the backyard with a shovel.

A is locked in.
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Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar


'I think the best place to go to find bodies would be the cemetery' Odella says as she lays down on a makeshift blanket-pillow.

You just lay there peacefully as she plays with you against her fingers on her belly.

'Can i try out your other hole tonight?' you ask shamelessly.

'I don't think it is a good idea tonight, i'm sorry, but i'm going to need all of my energy to dig into the graves tomorrow' Odella says as she spreads her legs open and lifts up the silk gown covering her lower parts.

You are disappointed, but you can understand. hopefully tomorrow you will be able to explore her further.

you slither down her belly and across her body, you plunge down between her folds of soft flesh and are pressed immediately between her warm moist flesh which presses against you body as it welcomes you. from behind, Odella pushes you inward and you slide deeper down into your special place.

You coil up comfortably against the back of her and drift off into sleep.


you are pulled suddenly from her body, you struggle at first before realizing that it is Odella and it would be wise not to fight her.

she pulls you out entirely and holds you up to her face, then immediately puts two fingers between you and presses them down your body, picking up the liquid which has accumulated on you from her own body, once she has come all the way down, she flicks her fingers away and gets rid of the excess.

'You overslept' Odella says as she places you between her cleavage, rubbing the rest of the moisture between her fingers onto the back of her skirt.

'We had better get going, maybe we can make it to the graveyard before the caretaker does' Odella says as she grabs the shovel which is conveniently placed just before the door before exiting the cottage.


Odella walks through the leafs of fall with you placed securely between her breasts, she occasionally digs the shovel into the earth while walking to test the hardness of the dirt between her. The sun has barely come up yet, and the dim light comes through the clouds on this gloomy day.

A cold breeze blows across her body as she shivers a bit and brings her other arm up against her breasts for warmth.

'Fall is definitely here' Odella says, picking up the pace a bit.

you sit barely feel the cold chill of the air and simply enjoy the ride as Odella carries you there.


Upon reaching the Cemetery, Odella looked around quickly for the caretaker.

'We must not be disturbed while we dig up the bodies'

The Cemetery was as covered with autumn leaves as the rest of the ground was all the way over here, luckily, the newer filled in graves weren't covered with so many of them.

Odella started looking through the cemetery for more recent graves.

After searching for several minutes, Odella came upon a grave with barely any leaves on it and the dirt which filled the grave was still darkened from the moisture meaning it had only been filled a couple of days ago.

'This one has potential' Odella said, flipping her Shovel around and walking towards the headstone, knelling down to read it.

'Here lies Zachary Foster, "He Fought valiantly for his Kingdom to the end'' Odella read aloud. 'A Soldier.....he may prove useful, as long as his body wasn't too terribly damaged in his death.

Odella got up from the ground and continued along.

Coming upon the next recent grave, she went to the headstone and read it aloud.

'Here lies Megan Lyons "Loyal wife who loved her Friends Dearly" her fingers dropped down to her birth and death day "1134-1149" Odella got to her feet 'She was only 25 when she died, how unfortunate'

Moving on to the next grave, she knelt down and read the stone.

'Albert Price, Brilliant Scholar, Renowned Teacher.....1074-1149" Odella got to her feet again 'An older man who was a Scholar.....maybe his knowledge could prove useful'

Finally Odella went into a section of the cemetery where the graves were all unmarked, only a simple wooden symbol of the church was above their graves, these people were likely vagrants who died without identification or criminals who were sentenced to death.

'Its impossible to know what kind of servants these people would make.' Odella said as she noticed a nearby wheelbarrow which she could use to transport the bodies back to the cottage after she had chosen and dug them up.

'i don't think the caretaker is up yet, if we choose quickly, we can get these bodies out of the ground and get back to the cottage before they even notice.

What do you do?

Choose Two.

A. Dig up Zachary Foster, the Soldier.

B. Dig up Megan Lyons, the Young wife.

C. Dig up Albert Price, the Scholar.

D. Dig up the Unmarked grave, which probably contains the body of a Vagrant or Criminal.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

Picking which corpses to dig up and eventually revive will determine which minions you have at your disposal and which characters will join your party. These people will become zombies (if Odella actually become a necromancer) and serve Odella without question.

Based on whichever person you choose, they may have specific strengths that they can offer you. The Scholar may be able to assist you in incantations and make you more effective at casting rituals, whereas the soldier will be able to guard your cottage or train future soldiers.

These two choices are obviously beneficial, but the other choices may have their own benefits which are not currently apparent.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

I imagine theyd be the typical shambling rotting zombehs, rotting and all? Or would they look like when they were living? If the latter the wife might be good for a fuck buddy when Odella doesnt feel like it or seducing men or carrying our tentaspawn. Breeders are good things to have. A criminal might be good for underworld knowledge, theft and things we dont wanna bother with or need to be sneaky for. Hrm........

Either way I say we definitely at least pick the scholar for one of them so for now:

C. The scholar

I will put more in when I might have a better idea or see what others think.

Gonna throw my hat in for B
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