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Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

C But convince Odella that we can find another dead body. Keep Lettie alive for us to continually drain as that would be a kind of torture in itself. That way we have two energy sources already.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

C But convince Odella that we can find another dead body. Keep Lettie alive for us to continually drain as that would be a kind of torture in itself. That way we have two energy sources already.

I like that C. If it isn't possible, normal C, then.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

C But convince Odella that we can find another dead body. Keep Lettie alive for us to continually drain as that would be a kind of torture in itself. That way we have two energy sources already.

This wont be possible, to do so would completely take away from the gravity of the situation and dampen the penalties for either siding with Lettie to save her or siding with Odella to maintain her trust in you.

My intention in this CYOA is to put the characters in many situations where there is no easy out, every decision you make should be difficult and some of them; such as this one, have a dramatic impact on the direction of the story.

Killing Lettie (or allowing her to be killed) defines what kind of character you are, how much you value human life and how much you tolerate insolence, you will be feared or respected based on the actions you take, but this CYOA makes it difficult in that you must work with another party in Odella, much of the story is made up of situations the characters find themselves in, taking into consideration decisions made in the past and how much of a partnership you have.

So anyway, short answer, the 'Evil' Decision will always be brutal and heartless, otherwise it would be a manufactured compromise which benefits not only both of the characters, but undermines the atmosphere of tension i am trying to artificially introduce for storytelling purposes.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

C. I hate to do it, but we can't allow some dumb virgin to step to us. An example must be made.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

C then hurry up and find another virgin
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

wrote up something RQ last night while i was waiting for votes to come in, ill count all the votes later today or tomorrow and do the damn thing.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar


'It was all her fault Odella, she tricked me, she must be punished' you say to Odella as you slither out of her way though to the other side of the bars.

Odella finally opened the cage door and stepped through it.

'I am punishing her' Odella said as she grabbed Lettie's hair and jerked her head back to reveal her vulnerable neck.

'We must torture her, make an example out of her before she dies'

'What for? its not like anyone will know' Odella said as she held the knife against Lettie's neck, ready to slice her open at any moment.

'For our own amusement then.'

'I'm no torturer, i take no great pleasure in causing my victims pain.' Odella said as she looked over to you with a bit of surprise over your suggestion

Odella held Lettie by the hair as she swung her against the cage, causing her to hit her head against the bars and cry out in pain.

'Please! i'll do whatever you want!' Lettie said, as she continued to cry.

Odella pulled Lettie out of the cage by her hair, pulling her across the room until she was on the cold stone floor of the center of the room, the old blood had dried and become encrusted onto the floor.

Odella brought her down to the ground and put her arm against lettie's forehead.

'Don't do it!' Lettie said as the tears continued to come down her face.

'Im sorry' Odella said as she put her knee against Lettie back, jerking her forward as she ran the knife across her neck with her other hand.

a large pool of blood spilled from Lettie's neck as Odella released her, Lettie grabbed her neck as the blood spilled through her hands, her eyes grew wide as she quickly lost her strength and slumped over, her face against the stone floor in a large pool of her own blood.

Odella dropped the blood-covered knife to the ground and turned toward you.

she had the beginning of tears in her eyes as she walked towards the couch with a blank look on her face.

Odella sat down and starred off into space for a moment 'I cant believe that i did that.'

'She tricked us, she had to die' you said as you crawled over to her across the floor.

'I've never killed anyone like that before....never killed someone i didn't have to.'

'We cant worry about that right now, we need to find another Virgin before the bodies we dug up get too old'

'I don't know if i can' Odella said as she continued to stare off into the distance.

'Pull yourself together Odella, you summoned me remember?'

Odella thought for a moment, you were right. she knew that hundreds, maybe thousands of innocents would die before she was done and the blood she would get on her hands was bound to be of others even more innocent than Lettie. she had crossed the threshold a long time ago, she was no longer a good person, she was hungry for power and there was no direction left for her to go, but further into darkness.

'Yes.....yes i did' Odella says as she gets up and picks you up from the ground, holding you close against her side, wiping the tears from her face with the other hand, moment later, she stepped towards the door with renewed vigor, and she didn't spend another moment feeling guilty over murdering Lettie.

on the way out of the door, Odella grabs her bloodied dagger and places it inside of her bag.


Odella and you leave the house in a hurry, hoping to find a virgin as quickly as you can so that you can complete the ritual tonight.

Rushing through the leafs, Odella held you close against her chest, as if you were her child and she was a mother.

the cold wind blew against her face as the beginning of flurries began to fall, the breeze against her face felt chilled her greatly, but she shrugged off any discomfort as she just put one foot in front of the other and went as fast as she could towards the nearest village.


Arriving on the outskirts of the village, Odella ducked down behind a barrel.

'Why are you hiding?' you ask as you coil up her chest and place yourself on her shoulder.

'These people don't know who i am, if they see me, they might become suspicious of what i am doing here.'

For a few minutes, Odella and you move between the back of houses, looking through the cracks looking for a suitable canidate.

'What about her? you say to Odella, refering to a small child who was playing hopscotch in front of her house.

'shes only a child.......besides, she isn't big enough to have enough blood.' Odella explained.

'What about her?' You say, referring to another young woman who just exited a house closeby.

The woman is a slender fair-skinned woman with average sized breasts and brown hair tied into a ponytail, she is a wearing a cute rawhide tunic with a short skirt which goes down to about her knees.

'She looks like shes a teenager, she might not be a virgin though, but i guess it's as safe a bet as as any.'

'We don't have alot of time, we need to find out, now'

'What do you suggest we do?'

Odella reaches into her bag and retrieves her sacrificial blade, still wet with Lettie's blood.

'Come on' Odella says as she moves around the house beside her.

The young woman sits down on some barrels outside of her house and sighs peacefully, looking at the little girl playing in front of her house.

From the shadows behind her, Odella emerges and places the blade around her neck, grabbing her body with her other arm and pulling her back quickly.

'Not a word, or ill kill you' Odella said directly.

Dragging the woman behind the house, Odella gets down on her knees besides her and puts her knife in the woman's face.

'Lift up your skirt, now!' Odella says as the girl in front of her starts to cry.

'Please, just let me go!'

Odella puts her other hand around the woman's neck and starts to choke her, moments later, she releases her.

'Now! do it!' Odella says.

The girl, still crying, lifts up her skirt and reveals her pink panties beneath.

Using the blade, Odella cuts through her panties and spreads her pussy lips.

'Go in there and look for her hymen, DO NOT PIERCE IT' Odella says to you.

You leap off of Odella's shoulder and land on the ground beside the young woman's vagina, she yells aloud as you gently insert yourself into her, causing Odella to immediately, use her other hand to block the woman's mouth.

you look inside of the woman and recognize the small flap of skin inside of her still intact, immediately you back up out of the woman.

'Shes a virgin' you say, and you begin to claw back over to Odella and onto her leg.

'It's your lucky day, girl.. you're coming with us, i wont hurt you, but if you try to escape, ill slice you open and force that little girl over there to watch, understand?!' Odella said, pointing the knife at the girl again.

Odella helped the woman to her feet and grabbed onto the back of her tunic.

'That way, move!' Odella said, pointing in the direction of the cabin.


The girl did what she said as the group came back to the cabin.

Upon entering the Cabin, Odella escorted the girl over to the cage where Lettie was held, when the girl looked over and saw the naked corpse of Lettie laying in a blood of her own blood she screamed aloud, Odella came in on her and wrapped her arm around the girl's neck and dragged her the rest of the way over to the cage, using the rest of her strength to force the woman inside and slamming the cage door behind her.

'No!!! Please!!!! i don't want to Die!!' the woman yelled as she reached outside of the cage.

Odella went into the kitchen area as the woman's pleas for mercy rang through the house, she sat down on a stool nearby.

'I cant believe we found one so quickly'

'We make a good team' you said as you crawled around her neck again and snuggled up against her warm skin.

'We'll have to complete the ritual tonight, the bodies wont be useful for much longer, besides, i wouldn't be able to sleep with that woman crying throughout the night.'

'We should get this ritual done as soon as possible'

Odella nodded, 'Alright, ill make the preparations.'


Odella placed candles around the middle of the stone floor in the middle of her house and used Lettie's cold blood nearby to paint runes inside of the circle in the manner in which her grimoire mentioned, when she was done drawing the runes, she used more of the blood to paint a flesh pentagram over the old one.

After lighting the Candles, she went outside and brought in the bodies of the corpses she had gotten from the cemetery, placing them inside of the circle around the edges near the candles.

finally she went over to Lettie's corpse, her neck was split wide and her dead eyes were still open, starring off into the distance, she picked her body up and placed it across from the others.

You watched as Odella undressed herself, dropping her sweat dampened clothing to the ground below her until she was completely nude, then, she took her knife and cut into her thigh with with it a symbol which looked like a skull, the symbol bled out around and the blood ran down her leg a bit before stopping.

'One more thing before we start.'

Odella brewed up a small batch of special tea and put it into a tiny cup, adding some sugar and a bit of milk to it, you hopped up on her shoulder and came with her as she went towards the young woman they had placed inside of the cage earlier, picking up her stool on her way.

Placing the stool down before the cage of the woman, whose cheeks were still damp with recent tears, Odella sat down completely naked and bleeding.

'You are to be part of a ritual tonight, one which will empower me with the ability to use necromantic magic'

'Please let me go, i wont tell anyone'

'I need the blood of a virgin, your blood. im sorry but the ritual will kill you'

'Why are you telling me this? so you can torture me?'

'No....not to torture you'

Odella brought her hands up to rub them against her body, she was cold without her clothes, but she didn't care that much, she was more excited now than anything.

'Earlier today, the woman you saw in a blood of her own blood betrayed me, she tricked us and she had to pay for it'

'Why are you telling me this?' the girl said as she remained fairly collected, given her circumstances.

'My little friend here suggested that i torture the woman for her insolence....but i refused to, i didn't want to do it even though she had intentionally made our day much more stressful, her insolence cost her your life as well'

The young woman looked over at the corpse of the Lettie while Odella continued to talk.

'I have a proposal for you, and i think you should listen up, because i will only make this offer once.'

The girl crossed her arms and sat back 'Im listening'

'Accept your fate, it is inevitable, nothing can save you now, minutes from now, your blood will be spilled as an offering to the demons, However, it doesn't have to be painful, and i can make you a guarantee that you will not suffer anymore'

The girl continued to listen carefully.

'The corpses of the people in that circle will soon raise again to serve me in undeath, their minds and bodies will be mine for all eternity, obeying my every command, some of which will involve the slaughter of more innocent people such as yourself'

'You are a terrible person.' the girl said

'I know that now, which is why i have decided that if you decline my proposal, i will do what i refused to do earlier today and torture you, with this knife'

Odella lifted her blade up and ran her finger across the side.

'However, if you accept your fate, i promise that your suffering will be over, and i promise that rather than reviving your body and turning you into an undead thrall, i'll burn your body instead, and allow you to rest in peace.'

The girl remained calm, but tears started to come from her eyes again, she stood there for a moment before finally responding.

'What do i have to do?' the girl said.

Odella picked up the cup of tea from the ground beside the stool.

'Drink this tea, it contains Wettleroot, which will cause you to lose control of your body and feel no pain.'

'Do you promise to burn my body and not turn me into a horrible creature?'

'I promise' Odella said.

'Give it to me' the girl said, reaching for it.

Odella handed her the tea through the bars. 'You are an innocent girl, your soul will descend into heaven and you will suffer in this life no longer.'

The girl took a sip of the tea and tasted it, before licking her lips and quickly drinking the rest, afterwards, she put the tea cup down gently.

'Sleep now, child' Odella said, putting her hand down lightly on the girl's arm through the cage.

Moment later, the girl started to feel a weakness spread through her body, she put her head down and rested it against the ground as all feeling left her.

Odella went over to the front of the cage and unlocked it, walking through it and picking up the woman to bring her outside.


Odella undressed the girl quickly, taking off her brown tunic and placing the clothing aside, the girl, who couldent even close her eyelids stared directly upward as Odella threw pieces of her clothing over her body.

finally, the ritual was ready to begin, as Odella stepped away from the young woman and retrived her Grimoire from closeby.

'What do i do?' you ask

'Stand in the middle of the circle, you'll know what do you when the time comes.

You slither over to the center of the circle and Odella comes up to the edge of it, with her grimoire in hand, ready to begin.

'Encur Byib Scor Ventic! Great Demons of the Dark Abyss, i offer you a great sacrifice on this day!' Odella said, as she spread her arms wide and into the air, appealing to her dark lords.

'Aisi Xaido Rait Kleb! For my body is your instrument and my Soul is yours to Command for eternity!

Haip Nrop Croal Maf! Grant me the power of Xalop! Lord of the Damned! I, your servant shall do your bidding In this world and the next!

the runes drawn in blood began to glow purple and the Pentagram started to shine as unholy light started to pierce through the ground.

Odella went over to the young woman and picked her up, holding her up by the armpits as she dragged her still-conscious body into the circle.

'Ati Venril Kriksis Jammi! Let this Sacrifice of virgin blood be a suitable offering to you, my Exquisite masters!

Odella jerked the woman's head forward and exposed her neck, then she ran the knife along her neck cleanly, as the blood poured out of her like a fountain.

The young woman watched as her blood splashed against the ground, and she started to quickly lose conscious as her blood poured out of her body, covering you as you stood in the center.

Odella held the woman over the center of the circle for quite some time, allowing her heart to do all of the work as the young woman's body desperately tried to send blood to the woman's brain, Soon, her neck stopped flowing with blood and more than the required 6 pints was spilled into the center of the pentagram.

Odella quickly dragged the woman's dead body out of the circle and placed her gently on the ground.

'Xui Fen Aguai Kapani! The offering has been granted, Grant me the power i crave, oh lords of damnation!

With that, incredible amounts of force started to gather in the center of the Pentagram, entering you as you stood inside covered with the woman's blood. you felt a tingling sensation as the energy started to flow into you, until finally, the energy stop coming and the power within the runes normalized.

Odella got to her knees and began talking to you directly.

'Oh great emissary of the Demons, accept my body, let us become one and share this wonderful gift from our dark lords!

Odella placed her butt down into the pool of blood next to you and spread her pussy lips open.

You crawled over to her and pushed inside, easily penetrating her and crawling deep down as she aided you slightly by pushing you in.

You did what you always do, continued to crawl into her until you reached the back, her body rubbed and caressed you eagerly, and soon, you couldent take her stimulation anymore before you ejaculated inside.

The empowered semen splashed against the back of her vagina and entered her womb.

Odella looked down and ran that the Skull-like symbol she had carved into her skin earlier had turned into a dark blue rune which appeared on her skin like it were a tattoo, and it glowed with dark power.

'Raise, my minions, raise to serve your master!' Odella said as she stood up and brought her hand into the air.

Slowly, the corpses within the circle started to glow with a dark blue aura and their muscles started to twitch and move.

'Raise, my Servants, Your Bodies are mine!

Around Odella, the bodies of Alfred, Megan and Lettie rose up from the ground, their eyes opened to reveal a haunting, eerie glow, staring back at Odella.

the magic in the room started to weaken and the runes on the ground's glow started to fade, the blood in the middle of the floor started to sink into the Pentagram and disappear until it was all dried up.

finally, the glow of the pentagram itself dimmed and eventually disappeared.

You came out of Odella's body as she grabbed onto you and brought you to her breast.

'Look what we have created together' Odella whispered down to you as she smiled devilishly, the undead eyes of her servants ready to do her bidding.


Odella stood surrounded by her new servants, each of whom looked at her with no emotion, ready to accept any command.

'Perhaps we should get to know at least one of our new friends a bit better before we go off to bed?'

'Yes, certainly.'

What do you do?

A. Talk to Alfred, ask him what his story is, what he is good at, then assign him to a task.

B. Talk to Megan, ask her that her story is, what shes good at, then assign her to a task.

C. Talk to Lettie, Ask what she remembers about her former life, about being killed by you, and assign her to a task.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

^ Probably the largest Cyoa update in the history of the world.

Also did some work on That Succubus Thread, if any of you are into that kind of thing (And why not!)
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Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar


Yeah, such a fuckin' damn bloody hell long update, dude ^^ !

But, when you torture a woman, you have to rape her too... Next time, the tentacle should tell it to Odella.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

Our decision changed Odella and made her slightly more ruthless. she wasn't able to torture Lettie, even feeling a bit guilty after she murdered her, however, she had no problem telling the next girl exactly how it was going to be. I had alot of fun writing the exchange between the virgin girl and Odella. Lets see if she keeps her promise.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

B. Very nice update, an interesting turn with Odella, didn't expect her to have a conscience. Keep up the good work!
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

B. I am also very much enjoying this new story.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

That was a lot to read but I enjoyed it (nice work Serifyn)
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

A let's see what the scholar knows
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

wrong button
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Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

Been taking some time with other projects lately, just got done writing Succubus Chronicle and i even did a TLE:A Intermission the other day focusing on Alumae. I haven't forgotten about Odella and her new friends so expect an update here .
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar


Odella looked over her newly resurrected servants for a moment, looking at their faces and into their empty, Soulless eyes.

The broken bodies of each newly created zombie stood to attention, ready to be addressed by their master, the necromancer who had brought their flesh back to life and abruptly restarted their partially decayed minds.

The smell of the dead was foul, decay emanated from the bodies of these rotting puppets, each of whom displayed upon their broken husks the reason for their expiration.

Lettie, who Odella herself had killed only hours ago displayed a large and open gash down her neck, the site which Odella had chosen to slice through in order to kill her for her deception, bits of blood had dried and crusted around the wound, and even now,

A small amount of black blood oozed from her body and leaked down her neck, onto her cold, small breasts which were caked in her own blood which she had been laying for many hours prior to the ritual, Lettie displayed no sign of the same personality and innocent attitude which she had shown even while in captivity. a Cold line of tears still remained on her cheeks from when she realized that the end had come to her innocent life which Odella had so ruthlessly extinguished.

Lettie stood still now like a living mannequin, devoid of the color and energy which made her who she was in her previous life.

Odella looked over at the next zombie, the old man, who was still wearing the robes he had been buried in. the man had a certain sadness on his face which the others lacked, it looked like despair, which coming from a walking corpse was especially disturbing.

the man was thin and light, the illness which eventually taken him was undoubtedly responsible, it appeared as through it had eaten away at his figure slowly, taking bits of him slowly in what must have been a long and agonizing death. At last, mercy came in the form of his death, but you brought him back in order to serve you, and the pain had returned.

It was his mind that you brought him back for, and through it would be wracked continuously by the same pain he had endured until his end, his mind would serve regardless.

Coming finally to the young wife, Odella looked at her face to see the paleness in it, she had not been taken by disease however as her body was still in full form, in life, she had been an attractive young woman and in death, she remained an attractive corpse.

Perhaps among all of the zombies, she had the look of someone who was ready to serve, just as she had served her husband loyally during her life.

'How did you die?' Odella asked as she stood before the recently deceased woman.

The woman reached her arms out and flipped them around slowly, revealing the wounds cut into her veins which she had presumably inflicted upon herself.

the cuts were deep and precise, running along the veins in her wrists in order to encourage bloodflow from them. she had commit suicide.

'In order to end the pain' the zombie said, her voice enhanced by an eerie tone speaking simultaneously , the magic which assisted these corpses in not only living again, but speaking.

'Why did you kill yourself?' Odella asked, looking into the dead eyes which were glowing with the same dark blue magic which Odella's own wound was enchanted with.

'I couldn't bear the shame......i was infertile.' The woman spoke again without emotion, stating the reason for taking her own like in a matter-of-fact way.

Megan had taken her own life in order to end the emotional suffering she had endured from being infertile and had been brought back to serve knowing that was once not fertile would become less so in her undead form.

Each zombie was a cold shell of a human, their bodily functions had ceased and it was haunting just to stand next to a person who didnt even breath, but this was the path Odella had chosen, and her entire army would consider of unfortunate souls like these three who had died and been brought back to serve, their souls gone but their minds and bodies sustained so that they could continue to suffer not only of what ailed them in life, but be subjugated in death.

'What do you do well, Megan?' Odella asked as she looked over the form of the pretty zombie before her.

'I was a wife, i cooked, i cleaned and i took care of my husband.' Megan responded as she stood almost completely still.

'Well, i dont think i'll have you cooking anything' Odella said with a smirk.

'She is completely devoid of life of warmth....she is useless to me' you said, completely disappointed.

'She isnt useless, she is a corpse just like the rest of them, regardless of her own strength, she will serve unquestionably'

'Meaning?' you ask

'Meaning she will do whatever i ask, even if it isnt her strength' Odella said to the woman, who continued to stand still.

'There is a shovel near the door megan, using it to dig up the corpses in the yard, once you have done that, put them on the porch around the back, afterwards, get a sewing kit and fix Lettie's wound'

'Yes....master.' Megan said as she slowly started to walk towards the shovel.

'what about the rest of them?' you asked

'They can wait.......outside, i don't want them stinking up the entire cottage for the entire night' Odella said as she put her hand on the cold, naked back of Lettie.

Lettie and Alfred started to walk towards the door at the back of the house, where they would sit outside in the cold all night until they were assigned to a task.

'Lets go to bed' Odella said as she held you up against her naked breast and started to walk towards the bedroom.


'I want to ask you about your plane' Odella said as she started to lay down on the pile of she called a bed, laying you down next to her.

'It is a warm and welcoming place, although it might be uncomfortable for you.' you say, remembering the place you called home since you were born.

'Do you remember seeing anything there, pillars perhaps?'

You remember something similar to what she is talking about, large pillars which made out of the ground and stuck straight up into the air. 'Yes, i think i know what you are talking about.'

'These 'Pillars' are actually founts of power gathered over a period of time from your energy.' Odella said as she put her head back and placed you against her chest.

'Im not sure i understand' you say.

'Remember during the ritual when you entered inside of me and transfered the power you had been enchanted with to me?' Odella asked.

'I think so....by ejaculating inside of you' You remember

'The Pillars on your plane allow a woman to gather the stored power and transfer it to herself'.


'The same way you transfered your energy to me, I would mount the pillars and eventually, they would....pass their stored power into me.'

'What kind of power?'

'Magical energy known as Mana, which is needed to cast spells' Odella said again.


Odella pointed down to her thigh, where the rune was etched into it.

'This is the rune of undeath, the source of my power which will allow me to cast necromantic spells, thanks to the ritual tonight, i can manipulate flesh both living and dead....however, in order to cast these spells, i need a source of energy to cast them......mana'

'So how much mana do you have now?' you asked

'I don't have any, i was only able to raise those three zombies out there because it was part of the ritual and the demons empowered me with the ability to summon them as part of it's reward for the blood we offered'

'So right now, you cant use the abilities you were given because you dont have any mana?'

'Right...so we need to get some' Odella said, cracking her neck as she did.

'How do we do that?' you ask.

'First, we need to empower you, you need to feed on enough women so that you will grow faster and become stronger. then, we need to conduct another ritual on you which will allow you to reopen a portal to your old plane and others....after that, we need to go inside each of them and collect the mana from the pillars.'

'Sounds like alot of work' you say.

'Nobody said taking over the world would be easy' Odella said as she laid back and put her head on a pillow.

'I want to thank you for today....you've helped make my dream a reality' Odella said as she leaned in and kissed you on the head. 'you also helped me discover myself.....i feel like we'll be a great team.'

'Me too' you say as you snuggle up against her warm skin.

'I've got a reward for you.' Odella said as she spread her legs open below her.

you immediately started to become excited.

'Your other hole?' you ask as you started to move down there.

'Go check it out' Odella said as she smiled and laid her head back down against the pillow, sighing in contentment.

You crawl across Odella's milky thighs and crawl down her leg until you reach the entrance to her two holes.

Her vagina you are familiar with, it is a warm and enjoyable place which reminds you of home, you could sleep there all day for the rest of your life is be perfectly content, but her other hole is a great unknown.

A ring of muscles surround it, pressing together to ensure that nothing can get out (or in) on it's own, but that only peaks your interest as you crawl toward it.

the skin around the hole is slightly darker and more rough than the skin of the surrounding area, as if it to say that this place is darker and rougher than the rest of her body as a whole.

you press your head against the hole and it contracts and becomes tighter in response.

'Do you need some help down there?' Odella asked from above.

'No......i've got this' you say

pressing your head against the tight hole again, it contracts once again, but you push up against it and immediately feel the pressure of her muscles surrounding you as you push through.

the tightness wraps around you as her sphincter reacts to the presence of a foreign body between it, but your own lubrication allows you to continue sliding inside of her as the muscles around you clamp down and create an incredibly tight feeling.

you press through further as you enter her slowly, her body started to press down around you and tighten, creating little space to maneuver.

At last you push all the way into her and continue to crawl deeper. the place is exceptionally tight and rough, it isn't nearly as hospitable as Odella's other hole but it is quite exciting, you find yourself sitting still as the muscles inside of her shift and contract, eventually the stimulation becomes too much to bear and you ejaculate into her, which splatters inside and coats the tight walls.

After a while, you pass off into sleep as you body continues to be stimulated.


You awaken to the muscles in Odella's body all pushing you outward at the same time, with your lubricated body, you slide through her colon easily and are deposited onto the ground underneath her.

Odella picks you up and places you near her foot as she continues to squat down and defecate in the area where you were first squeezed out.

'Whew' Odella said as she reached for some leafs from the small bush beside her.

'I need to eat more fiber' Odella said as she started to wipe herself with a handful of the leafs.

Odella picked you up and placed you inside of a warm bucket of water, and held you down inside of it caressing you lightly.

'Stop!' you yell as she continues to force you down into it.

finally you come up.

'What was that for?'

'Do you think im going to let you just slither around me all day smelling like my own shit?' Odella said as she turned to wash her own hands off in a separate bucket of water.

Odella grabbed you and placed you upon her shoulder again, she was completely naked and it was freezing out here, she was shivering a bit.

'I think we're done with the anal experimentation for now.' Odella said as she picked up the buckets and started to rush into her house, passing by the zombie standing outside as she did.


Odella dumped the buckets out at the drain and came into the room so she could start getting dressed.

'We've got to decide what we're going to do today, we have quite a few things which we could concentrate on'

Odella got dressed up in her usual wear, her silky stalkings and black skirt with no panties under it.

'It's going to be winter soon, so hopefully we can set ourselves up so that we wont have to go outside into the blistering cold much more.'

'So what should we do today?' you ask.

putting her shirt on, Odella explains.

'Well, we have some reagents we can collect for the next ritual, the one which will allow you to open portals, it would be best to gather those before the first snowfall, otherwise the snow might make it more difficult'


'We need to start ambushing women so you can feed from them, once winter comes the women will generally try to stay indoors, which will make it more difficult to find them.'

'Won't the women just report us if you let them get away after we attack them?'

'They would, if i didnt have that' Odella pointed to a small bottle with a dropper inside of it.'

'Kellen root and Bolus flower, it temporarily disrupts the ability for a person to record short term memories'

'Meaning what?'

'Meaning we force some of it down the throat of our victims and they don't remember what happened for the next few hours'

'Anything else?'

'Well, in alternative to simply attacking and raping women, we could capture one and bring her back to the cottage, stick her in that cage and let you feed from her for a couple of days'

'What about the zombies?'

'We can manage the zombies during the night time, during the day, we need to be hunting and gathering.' Odella said as she finished getting dressed.

'Can i keep any women we capture?'

'That depends on how much you like them...if you like them alot....i guess, we could also kill them and drain their blood incase we need some later on as a reagent.'


'Great, so what will it be?'

What do you do?

A. go out and search for reagents for the next ritual before it begins to snow and makes it more difficult.

B. go out and start hunting for women you can ambush and rape so that you become more powerful.

C. go out and start hunting for a woman you can capture and bring back to the cottage so you can feed from her for a few days while Odella manages the zombies.
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Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

Your objective now is to empower yourself enough so that a ritual can be cast on you. This ritual will allow you to open portals between this world and your own so that Odella can enter and find 'Pillars' within.

These Pillars are fulled of magical essence which will grant Odella a mana resource so that she can cast her spells.

The planes which contain the Pillars however are full of Tentacle creatures such as yourself who would love nothing more than to Defeat Odella and rape her themselves.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar


Also, no more fecal descriptions, please. "Realism" of the situation or not, it's disgusting.