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Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

B (followed by A).
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Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

B followed by A.

if that's not an option:

A? Man... I'm really not feeling any of these, crap I hate it when decisions have consequences. Well played Serifyn, well played

EDIT: In response to Serifyn's mention of tentacle world/tentacle motivations. I definitely understand that we, as a tentacle would want to increase our power by raping her. I just don't think it's the best idea to be doing it in the tentacle world, I feel like it would draw lots of unwanted attention our way, and we don't really want to risk that. Once we get back to our dimension however...open season on that witch pussy.
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Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

B we are covered in the lifeblood of tentacles, maybe her "love juice" would wash it away?
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

A I figure that currently the plants may be benign, but perhaps other predators know that this is a food source for women and would be a stalking ground.(food for prey is eventually a source of food for predator)
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

The process i described with the plants here is similar to what plants with fruit in real life actually do.

Animals eat the fruit from a plant and swallow the seeds, which go through their digestive system and are deposited elsewhere when the creature decides to 'go' along with a helpful amount of fertilizer.

This deception in our own world is close to what i described from these plants, obviously made more erotic due to the direct deposit of seeds into the rectum.

In my scenario, a enfeebled (or made as unintelligent and instinctive as an animal in our world) woman would go to the plant in order to be fed by the plant in exchange for the use of her body.

Many tentacles and corrupted plants are able to reproduce and grow only with the assistance of the feminine energies which women possess, it is the focal resource Tentacles desire in stories like TLE and this one, in creating such an imaginary energy, i am able to legitimize why a different species (such as tentacle creatures) would be so interested in women and would seek to subjugate the entire human race in order to better control the production and distribution of such an energy.

Being a tentacle creature yourself in this CYOA, it is your own goal to achieve this as well, whether it is the vision of Odella as well remains to be seen, you are in the infant stages of your quest for world domination.
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Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar


'I don't think so, you aren't going to just whore yourself our to every creature here!' You say to her with anger.

'Don't forget that i summoned you, without me, you wouldn't be anything, you'd still be a helpless slug living a life of futility, it's only because of my body and my energy that you've grown larger and become as intelligent as you have.....though perhaps even that is up for debate' Odella snaps back at you.

'Your Body is just as much mine as it is yours, without me, you'd be nothing!, you'd still be back in your sad little cottage looking for little girls to kidnap, all the while being afraid to draw a little blood or take human life....you are a coward.'

'How dare you!, your insolence is unbelievable, you don't deserve me, after all i've done for you.

'You wouldn't last a minute here if it wasn't for me, you'd be wandering around enfeebled in no time, I'm not going to just let you'

'Piss off, i'll find my own way out of here, i don't need you....maybe i'll find another familiar who is more obedient while i look around.'

Odella started to walk away from the field, but you react quickly and charge towards her, coiling around her ankles and pinning her to the ground.

'Get off me!' Odella yells as she lowers her arms and tries to push you off of her ankles.

'You are mine Odella, whether you like it or not, you exists to serve me' You tell me, coiling around her legs and making your way up her body

'you slimy son of a bitch! i am your master and i demand that you release me at once!' Odella yells, struggling to free herself from your grasp.

Ignoring her, you slither between her legs and place your head at the entrance to her slit, her thighs are sweaty from all of the walking she has been doing and her pussy is dripping with lubrication from being exposed to this plane for so long.

'Don't you dare!, i'm not joking, i'll kill you!' Odella said as she continued to struggle against your grasp, whining and demanding to be set free, she didn't like not being in control after all.

Ignoring her completely you place your head against her warm slit and press forward, piercing into her easily.

Odella yells as you penetrate into her, more out of frustration than anything else really, gritting her teeth, she reaches down between her legs and puts her arms around you, trying to pull you from her body.

Its not use, your slippery texture makes it impossible for her to get a good grasp and you simply ignore her as you pound down inside of her sweet hole, thrusting into her juicy depths ruthlessly.

The struggling only tires Odella out more as you pound away on her, draining her energy out of her body and pouring it into you instead, her struggles grow more pathetic each moment until she can no longer resist at all.

Odella's mind and body grow weary quickly as you feel intense power transfer into you.

Feeling a rush of excitement, your entire body spasms as you ejaculate into her, Odella's feet straighten and her toes point outward as she feels an intense orgasm, her brain becomes flooded with endorphins and her eyes go wide before she passes out.

pulling yourself from her, a stream of cum exits her unconscious body and pools on the ground below, plastering against her butt and behind her thighs as she lays flat on the ground peacefully.

'That'll shut you up' you say as you crawl off of her body and lay yourself down beside her.

You've grown significantly more powerful than you used to be, you were able to drain Odella in mere moments because of how angry you were with her, a few hours ago you don't think you could have drained her completely as you did.

You feel a kind of sick satisfaction knowing you could do this to her, it is validation of how much more powerful you have become, but it also allows you to establish a bit of dominance over her and at least be taken more seriously.

As you lie next to Odella's unconscious body, you look up into the crimson sky. It is devoid of any kind of light, the only illumination of this place comes from the dull glow from the surface below. The thick clouds above swirl and move through the sky, like a storm was coming, but with no water here it couldn't be that.

all around you the plants move slowly, able to detect the presence of a woman but unable to act, luckily for you.

looking back at Odella, you see her resting peacefully, her eyes closed as she sits there helplessly, her breasts ascend and descend as she draws air to breath, they are dampened with a bit of moisture from her sweat....you feel responsible for her.....you care for her.....perhaps you even love her.

for the first time in quite a while you relax and try to rest with your human right next to you where she belongs.


Hours later you wake up and turn over to find that Odella is gone.

in a panic you get up and look for her, she was sleeping right there next to you, could she have run away? did you scare her?

Looking all around you, you finally see a small orb laying on the ground covered with a bit of semen, you rush toward it to inspect it.

'its one of the eggs from these plants.' you say to yourself.

looking off in the distance again you see another egg further away from the field, it too is covered with a small bit of semen.

'A trail?'

You are worried about what happened to Odella now, she wouldent have left a trail like this if she wanted you to find her....you curse yourself for falling asleep like you did.. as you continue towards the new egg.

'She must have been squeezing them out of herself while she was moving.' you say as you continue onward.

finally after finding 10 of the eggs, you see the entrance to an underground cave.

you waste no time entering the cave and crawling through it.

Finding another egg, you are sure you are in the right place...she must be here somewhere...

The walls of this place glow dimly at first and grow brighter as you move along, the walls are coated with slime and are warm to the touch, they are a bit more damp than the ground of the outside, and seem to be a bit more....alive.

Coming to the entrance of a large room, you look inside to see several insect-like creatures crawling around, some of them are huge, but they each have slimy appendages with claws and grabbers, almost eight of them and central bodies with chitinous plates along the sides with a large translucent tube coming out of their bodies, black eyeballs on a small head with antennae twitch and dart around as they move, you've never see a creature like this before.

You hear someone speaking nearby.....it must be Odella, entering the room and creeping against the wall, you stealthily avoid detection as you get closer where you heard the sound.

Finally she comes into vision.

Odella is held against the back wall of this place and surrounded by three of the creatures, around her arms are thick appendages which comes from the wall behind her, holding her in place, two more appendages hold her legs open while she sits on a platform which raises her pelvis forward.

'no more!' Odella yells as another one of the creatures approaches her and sticks it's tube ontop of it's head inside of her vagina.

Odella screams in pain as the Ovipositor is inserted into her, she struggles against her bonds as the Ovipositor starts to spasm and an apple sized egg i squeezed up inside of her, causing her to whine in pain as the object squeezes past labia and is deposited into her vagina.

The creature take's it's ovipositor out and backs away from Odella, who grits her teeth and brings her head back as she pushes the egg out of her slowly.

For a moment it stops at the entrance to her vagina and sits there, stuck against either side of her tight labia, finally with one more push, the egg pops loose and sits on the platform for a moment before it cracks open and hatches a newborn insect/slug creature.

'They are using her bodily energy to fertilize their eggs....' you say to yourself.

Another creature moves up to deposit it's eggs into Odella as you watch and try to decide what to do.

What do you do?

A. Rush in and try to rescue her!

B. Wait until the creatures are done with her and then rescue her when they arent looking.

C. Try to communicate with the creatures and negotiate her release.
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Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

C: if negociations aren't going well, say we leave and once they think we're gone, sneak back and then, kill them.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

A. Big Daddy to the rescue! Go hulk on these fools who would hurt our cross-species lover!
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

If you enjoy this CYOA, please vote. i get tons of views (i didn't post anything for like 2 weeks and still got about 400-500 new views) but it is difficult to gauge the real interest in this CYOA with only the same 5 people voting or commenting.

Also, id be interested in hearing how this CYOA is going in your opinion, in the beginning i know alot of people enjoyed it and i think by taking a huge (albeit temporary) detour into tentacle land it may have changed the essence of it, for better or worse.

CYOAs can be difficult to follow the longer they go, if it is a quality CYOA hopefully people want to read through the entire thing and catch up, i know that people did this during the entirety of TLE and i want to know whether this one is interesting enough that the same thing is happening.

Basically i want to know if my time is best spent continuing this project or moving on, my CYOAs have a kind of epic quality (in term of length anyway) and i just want to know where i'm moving in the right direction here with this one.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

I'd say forge on ahead! I can say I've enjoyed reading your projects, and I really like how this one is developing and where it has the potential to go.

Before I go any further, I'll just go ahead and say that my choices revolve around building towards a mutually respectful partnership, neither Odella or our unnamed, I think, tentacle thing being the above the other. Maybe they're friends or lovers or something. ANYWAY....that's just so you know where I stand as it may color my opinions somewhat.

As I've already said, I like the way you've developed the story and where it's going. That said, there are a couple of suggestions I'll toss out, make of them what you will.

1. There's too much time between updates.
I'm not selfish, I know real life and other projects happen, and I would never ask that you divert more time to this than you already do. What I am suggesting is that maybe you try and cram too much into your updates which necessarily makes them take longer. If you break things up into smaller bits, it may be easier to update more often, which would hopefully garner more interest in this story than the handful of regulars. Additionally and perhaps because of this, it seems like we change disposition rather rapidly, going from concerned to angry rape in the span of a post. Smaller posts would allow for a more gradual shift from emotional pole-to-pole.

2. On the subject of angry rape.
In one of your past works, or maybe someone else's, I don't remember, you made it very clear which choices were good, bad, or neutral. Maybe a return to, or addition if you haven't done this before and I'm just confused, a more defined morality system would help voters, I know it would me. Sometimes there's no obviously better choice, which I know is what you aim for periodically, but other times it's just unclear. For instance this past choice. Okay I know choice B said rape, but until then Odella had been happy to have us inside of her, so I was a little surprised that we actually went with the whole angry sex/rape. So before I distract myself, some indicator of morally good or bad. Or maybe of whether or not a choice sets up for us being dominant, submissive, or equals would be welcome, from me at least.

3. All of the above are just my suggestions for improving your already-great system. Keep up the good work!
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

I'll just respond quickly to the two points you made, im glad you enjoy it thus far.

1. There's too much time between updates.

This is mainly due to the fact that i'm working on a ton of other things, before when i was working on just TLE i put in an update every other day, but on this, i started out updating it frequently, but then got into other stuff.

Also, the reason i like to make long updates is because i like to create something of a story, conversations between characters are a good way to get to know what they are all about, expand their personalities and establish other important things about the plot and setting, i like to be as descriptive as possible (although i must admit that it's been a bit more difficult to describe our current setting and may be considered lacking by some).

The reason for this most recent update being so delayed is that i've been legitimately pissed about a couple of things which had gone on outside of the blank page section on these forums.

2. On the subject of angry rape.

I try to be as vague as possible in my options, giving the reader only small window of insight about what their choice could result in, sometimes i'll give hints in my writing about what might happen if you make a specific decision, like traps.

It's important to remember however that this is a erotic CYOA, so any time i am able to insert erotic content where it makes sense, i'll try to take advantage of that opportunity.

Over the thousands of paragraphs i've written on these forums since i started, i've tried to diversify and expand into all types of minor fetishes and i've experimented with others. In the previous update i saw an opportunity to explore the 'rape play' fetish, where the sex is basically consensual, but being forced, it was a strange little idea i had as a solution to all of the tension which has been artificially created in order to make the relationship between our hero and Odella more interesting.

I've mentioned before that i want your relationship in this CYOA to be a power struggle, you can certainly control how you interact with her for the most part, but Odella herself is a power hungry bitch who is ultimately concerned about herself more than anything, i want to try to bring that out more until you are forced to either accept your role as a servant or get so frustrated that you try to take control completely, the two of you are stuck with one another and i feel that it would be far too easy (and boring) to make the relationship an easy one.

In a way however, you were protecting Odella from herself in this last update, raping her and knocking her out shows just how much you care!

As you can tell, alot of thought goes into this kinda stuff behind the scenes and i'd say each post is equal parts vote, general idea of how i think the story should go and random ideas i have along the way, this is how i've done all of my writing thus far and being spontaneous and having a wild imagination seems to be working out.

Yeah i said i would respond 'real quick' but sometimes i cant stop myself from typing every thought that comes to mind, i guess as a writer that is a plus though.
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Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

A. Slugs aren't tentacles. Kill em all.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

To answer to the 2.: I personnally really dislike, there, that idea of "bad" or "good" idea. We're a tentacle and anyway, we'll try to rule the world... Our choices will only change the way we'll work with Odella, no "good" or "bad"...

In some CYOAs, why not, but there, I don't think it's relevant or appropriate (and it's fuckin' annoyin': we make choice we want 'cos anyway, it's how we work... If there's a color for each choice, saying this one is the one yous hould choose and that the people voting for the other ones are just some bad idiots, it won't go well, really; so, people won't really vote for what they want and there's no point).