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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"No~ I didn't think so. Yet... why has a Vestus stone appeared in your dream. In such manner no less!" Samaras smile all too clearly betrayed how intrigue and enjoyment at such a mystery... though as her eyes next slowly moved to Jenny she'd elaborate "Ara~ You seem curious." she'd snicker "Vestus stones are artifacts that allows the transplacement of ones identity- from one body to another. Some druids practiced their use as a way of their own natural ascension."

"The only place one could even dream of finding them however... is inside the city of Evergreen." Samaras expression seemed to freeze as she added "One that was lost many many years ago to orcs during the great war. Far beyond a humans lifetime."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny would nod listing to the story. "Seems dangerous maybe its best that they are lost to people. Such immortality seems defiant to natures will." Looking up at Samara Jenny smiled. "So Samara what else can you tell me about your people?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Immortality?" Samara seemed to glance aside briefly, seemingly overthinking such a use of the item "Hum... well I guess it could be possible." she'd shrug casually stepping away "Well~ What would you like to learn, Jenny?"

She'd snicker as she got comfy in her grandiose flower-seat once again, her eyes subtly sharpening "Besides the perverse thoughts you only just had." Samara smirked teasingly, seemingly aware at the subtle arousal that nibbled at Jenny before the flowers and runes appearance.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I see nothing escapes your eyes Lady Samara. Sadly its the result of my nature but I'll be fine." Thankfully the display of magic had actually calmed Jenny quite a bit. "Perhaps you can tell me about your gifts of magic or how you people came to this place?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Samara only smiled silently, spurring a certain feeling that Jenny had missed something the woman said... "Ara~ You've trained your restraint well." she'd giggle "I may have some control here, but I've not expected for our conversation to last this long."

"We've come here as refugees. Once we had a home under the guise of the great dragon Jakorus, Elenthia." Samara motioned her hand to the side for a small tear with brilliant softened edges to appear, displaying just a glympse of a city that could be described as supernatural. Seemed flora itself shaped themselves to be habbitable, all the while retaining their qualities... from bulbous trees to strange mushrooms and absolutely towering leaves. The whole town was scattered by elven beauties and all manner of critters that Jenny had never seen.

"The dragon shared his wisdom and magic with us, a magic that created almost impossible and surreal sightings. Those witnessing oftentimes believe they were stuck in a dream." Samara smiled "From them we've adopted the name Dreamers."

"Elenthia was a refuge for all those in need - elves, humans, beasts... all except those carrying darkness of corruption." the vision shifted to show what seemed armies of what seemed an alliance of orcs, demons, dark elves and even a few figures with black raven wings."

"We've a peaceful people, but the nature itself shifts and protects us from those that deem us ill." the vision of the armies seemed to rapidly be obscure by numerous wines, before they closed in and eclipsed the whole image.

"Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever." the image shifted once more to reveal a dragon with thick dark green scales and covered with slowly twisting upwards roots, each of the roots thickness seemed to be nothing less of 6 feet with each one extending far above to try and wring around the mountainous slowly breathing dragon "As the invaders came, Jakorus gave his life to protect our valley and our people. We were saved, but our Lords final hour had come. Refusing to fall to the corruption that taken root in him, he gave himself over to the forests."

"We were saved from the Aliens, but not from our enemies. Driven by greed and lust our enemies returned in force, burning and cutting our haven apart." as Samara spoke brief glympses of fire, axes and ruined valleys came into view "Though before the enemies reached us, The Rangers interfered." Jenny could see the image show a seeming rain of arrows and bright green cloaks slowly rush at the seemingly black mass of enemies, each cloak piercing through and pushing it back.

"It was then our bond was made, The Rangers and the Dreamers would unite and pull back deeper into the corrupted forests." the last image Jenny saw was a woman with a green cloak and long auburn hair standing alongside, a figure who seemed Samara herself.. both looking away and into a vast dark forest.

With that the tear would close "I hope that gave you a bit more insight of what you seek?" Sarama seemed significantly more mellow as she recalled the tale, though still lightly smiled once she met Jennys eye.

"You need not worry about earning my vote of confidence." Samara seemed to quickly shake off the shifted mood and smile casually once again, before leaning back into her flower which followed her motion, turning almost into a bed as the gorgeous figure rested on her back "I was curious of the origins for the dark glare..." she'd turn to her side, while lieing down "Tell me... were you truly about to leave? Before your lover stepped forward."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny let her eyes take in the view. Truely Samara was a beautiful woman but then again Jenny had been surrounded by plenty of those for a few weeks and they were not so subtle as Samara. If she wanted something like that from Jenny she would have to try harder. Still Jenny lowered her gaze a moment thinking searching for an answer herself. "Yes I would have left but I wouldn't have given up."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Samaras intent did not seem to be to seduce at all, atleast she'd not show many hints of such intents "Then what was your plan? Why do you want to see the Spider Queen?" the elven girl seemed curious of Jennys intent, but somehow the girl felt that her time with the leader was slowly coming to an end.

"Don't lie. I do not like liars." Samara smiled confidently and relaxed in her flower once again.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Every story has two sides Samara your wise enough to know this. I would be lax in my duty if I only listened to one voice. I've dealt with people who only hear one side of a situation and let themselves be blinded to other's words and deeds." Pulling down her shirt Jenny showed off a small round scar where one of the holy bolts from Michael had stung her. She had let it scar for a reminder to her of how dangerous the world can be and the price of letting herself get too tainted. "A holy bolt fired by an inquisitor who would not listen too my words and only saw demons in the world." Covering it back up Jenny adjusted her self in the seat to hear what Samara had to say.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Samara only listened with a silent smile, before finally speaking up "Then I'll have no objections. You'll have my blessing, if you'll ever want to see our prisoner." the elven beauty would sit up "You've satisfied my inquiry Jenny. I hope I satisfied your curiousity in turn."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny smiled lightly before getting up and bowing slightly. "Thank you Samara for your time and of course your willingness to hear me threw. Perhaps when things have calmed we may have a chance to speak further." Heading back the way she came Jenny was worried that she might get lost in the turning tunnels and silken vales that seemed to block and impede her way. She really needed to head out and find a place to release some stress. As much as she had grown as succubus her desires still had great sway over her and she was glad she kept it together long enough to finish speaking with Samara.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Samara would give Jenny a polite nod "I believe we will likely see each other again." though just as the heroine stood up to take her exit, she'd slowly open her eyes. It seemed she was resting near the tree on a very poofy patch of moss, the sparkling sun and surreal natural visage of the Dreamers groove extending before her. It seemed as if she just woke up, but the whole experience certainly didn't seem like she was asleep...

"Ah! There you are!" Grace once more appeared nearby bearing that kind and gentle expression of her, adding to her angelic visage "Did everything go well?" she'd inquire leaning forward down towards Jenny.

Though with Jennys succubus hunger nibbling at her, the girl couldn't help but slip a subtle glance at the massive bust the angelic priestess had, before shaking it off and giving her answer.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"That... was surprising to say the lest." Jenny got up and brushed herself off. "Well it seems Samara is willing to help us." Jenny looked back at her resting spot. "What a strange woman but really attractive." Flicking her hair back Jenny began to move again. "Do you think they will let Sir travel around with us? I would hate to leave him all alone here. Though given he seems to be well entertained." Jenny watched her little companion take in one of his massive cousins. "Either way we should find Riley and decided on the next group to visit or maybe find something to eat."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Grace smiled to Jenny "Samara said Sir was free to travel throughout as he liked. The little guy just stayed here to wait for you." indeed speak of the helpful itty-bitty construct and there he was a few feet away behind Grace looking at the moving rock and trying to chase it. Though if beckoned quite tip-tap'ed out over to Jenny and gave her an enthusiastic wave!

"Mhm~" Grace giggled "She was very pleasant!" she'd nod eagerly and listened out to Jennys suggestion "Aye----" "Go see the Builders." suddenly an unknown voice pierced the duos conversation! The strange elven girl, who Jenny met outside of the council meeting chambers was standing nearby, beneath a curled trees shade "They will require your aid nearing sunset." she'd speak seemingly not quite even looking at Jenny from beneath her mask.

"W-who... excuse me?" Grace looked to the female confused, clearly she was a stranger and definedly not of the Dreamers clan.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Ahh Shadow nice to see you again. Grace this is Shadow not her actual name though." Jenny would turn to face Shadow directly. "The builders you say. Well I guess getting that grumpy man done soon will make the rest of the day easy. Thanks Shadow!. Well lets find Riley Grace.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Grace looked to Jenny curiously, but smiled and nodded. 'Shadow' however seemed to vanish just as quickly as she appeared, it almost seemed like she came to deliver this message... though just how she knew where Jenny was and timed her arrival was still a mystery.

"Who was that?" Grace asked as the trio went onwards across the Dreamers territory. Though as Jenny spoke she hardly even noticed when Graces wings seemed to disappear.

Either way whatever Jenny shared on her mysterious 'guide', soon enough the trio were nearing the exit of the area heading to the central ground... though the question still remained - where the heck was Riley to begin with!

Jenny knew a bit about the town by now. The central area connected to each of the clans districts: Dreamers, Seekers, Rangers, Builders and Oracles. Just which district she'd search was up to her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Oh just someone who wants to see the mission threw. Though Im glad you heard her too. For a moment I thought my brain was starting to become addled." Looking over at Grace Jenny smiled but something ticked in the back of her mind. Wrapping an arm around Grace in a friendly manner. "I want you to know Grace that no matter what happens. That you are my friend and that I think your a sweet girl. Just be true to yourself alright." With that Jenny lead them forward to the builders heeding Shadows advice. "Im sure well find Riley in the midst of something wonderful though Im surprised I didn't see her here in this district."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Grace blinked at the words, looking to Jenny seemingly utterly confused where the words came from "Oh... T-Thanks, Jenny." she'd smile at the words, but still looked a bit puzzled why the girl shared the sudden moment with her.

Still walking through the central square, Jenny kept her eyes peeled for anything purple, overly showy or maybe even a crowd. Knowing Riley she was hardly one to be subtle... however try as either of the trio might not a hint of her current location appeared.

Infact Jenny noted another surreal detail - the sun was still high up in the sky? Thinking back, it seemed to make little sense! They had arrived and all of the events had unraveled in a single day, yet it seemed to be far from done? If asked Grace would giggle lightly "Well... you've slept the night away among the Dreamers, silly." she'd smile to her. So just for how long was Riley gone by now?

"I did ask around, one of the Ranger scouts mentioned that someone fitting her description was seen outside the town, but she's still in the Eleven guarded grove." Grace smiled "She seemed capable and there should be no Spiders around... I think it's safe, right?"

Still as the duo chatted they'd soon enough come to a most distinct looking district. Wooden seemingly freshly built and carved houses lined the tightly crafted and carefully cut street. Elegant clothing rested, likely drying outside some windows as all around the colors of wooden brown, red and earth red stretched beyond. This district appeared to be almost an idyllic village! Even the elven people appeared much more plain and relateable, though absolutely everyone seemed to be wearing expertly tailored and maintained clothing.

Gone was the surreal flora for the Dreamers or the moody ruins of the Oracles... it was almost impossible to believe such different cultures were just a brief walk across! Jenny had stumbled upon the Builders district!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"A whole day?!" Jenny sighed but looked forward with focus. Shadow told her the builders would need her help and while their leader left much to be desired of a personality these people seemed honest enough. Letting Riley handle herself a while longer Jenny moved forward taking in the people and buildings of this place she would of course keep her ears open for oppertunites to help where she could after all she was trying to learn more about them.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Not a day... a night." Grace laughed merrily at the girls reaction. Still since they were here and Riley was gone... they might as well look around.

As she entered the district, somehow Jenny felt that extra bit more like home. From the smells of a simple kitchen and fresh pie to the sawing echoes coming from a fair few workstations scattered about. Infact one of them appeared quite open allowing Jenny to take a peek into the construction of what seemed to be some sort of furniture.

Each inch seemed to be cut to perfection and given over to add be added delicate ornaments, the saw dust left was instantly brushed away and placed into some sort of container. Jenny had hardly ever seen a workstation this neat and effective!

Walking deeper in, Jenny could even hear the ringing of steel and hammer... the Builders seemed to be a clan of craftsmen above all else! "What happened to your ears?" suddenly Jenny heard a voice from before her as a young elven girl looked up to her, wearing a very neat and pretty dress. Her hair neatly tied into one long pigtail... she appeared to be hardly 8 years old! Though it was unclear how human years and elven years scaled... "They're all... round and short." she'd turn her head looking to each of Jennys ears individually.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny would turn to look at the girl and smile before kneeling down to about her height. "Well not everyone in the world has pointed ears, just like not everyone has the same color hair." Lifting up her hand Jenny offered it to the elven lass. "My name is Jenny whats yours?"