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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Though Ranna seemed to stop her movement, as she seemed to have frozen in place, her cheery expression gone as she seemed to listen or look intently, towards where Shadow had disappeared. If Jenny tried to speak she'd be promptly silenced with a single finger on her lips... though after a brief moment Ranna removed the finger and looked to it "Uuu~ Those are some devious lips." she'd snicker and smile, before looking down the sidepath "Lets take a detour."

If asked what came over her the female would just answer "I think I've heard something... this wont take long." Ranna gave a nod with a smile and lead them onwards, but at a slower pace.

As they'd continue down the path, Jenny would feel something light stick to her foot only to note it was a thin strand of.. silk? Approaching closer the full sight would soon be unveiled 5 cocoons rested bundled together, still moving as atleast 4 Nyx clan spiders, black and with red markings were busy reinforcing the captives and 2 were keen to begin dragging them away!!!

Ranna remained speechless and in seemingly shock, before her eyes sharpened, her expression turned to fury and she took out her bow! Before Jenny could even speak up she'd be handed a short-sword from Rannas belt "Use it well." the elf spoke in an intense manner, giving her sharp look and turned to the enemy. It was clear a fight was upon them! The Spiders had somehow made it inside the inner woods!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny would hardly argue with the offered blade and simply charge into the combat attempting to disable the fleeing one's while they still had the element of surprise.

(umm testing combat system)
Jenny will use Pommel strike on one of the spiders attempting to haul a person away.
Ranna will use Aimed shot on the other moving spider.
Grace will use Angelic wrath on one of the nonmoving spiders.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Dropping their cover and any notion of subtelty the trio rushed into battle! Much to the scree of the spiders, who'd turn to face their attackers!

[Combat start]
Turn order:
Ranna (21)
Jenny (16)
Spider #1 (10)
Spider #2
Spider #3
Spider #4
Spider #5
Spider #6
Grace (6)

Round 1:
Ranna prepares Aimed shot.
Jenny strikes for 7 damage!

(Parry rolls: Jen - 4+,6+,1-,1-,2-)
Spider #1 is Interrupted.
Spider #2 uses webshots for 0 (parried)
Spider #3 uses webshot for 0 (parried)
Spider #4 uses webshot for 5 damage! (hit)
Spider #5 uses wbeshot for 9 damage! (crit!)
Spider #6 uses webshot for 8 damage! (hit!)

Jennys speed is reduced by 10! [moves last with Grace]

Grace prepares Angelic wrath.

Jenny would be the first into the fray! Rushing to the duo of spiders that were dragging their victims away. The girls speed quickly leading her into a powerful kick knocking the spider flat on its back some ways infront, in turn snapping off the webbing from the cocoon!

However her frontline approach seemed to make her the prime target as the spiders quickly began spitting sticking webbing at her! Though thanks to her training Jenny seemed to deflect a few of the web attacks, three of the spiders got clean hits on her!

The sticky strands of silk slowing the girls actions severely! "Jenny!" Grace beckoned out as brilliant holy fires danced around, as she'd prepare her spell. Meanwhile Ranna seemed to remain silent as she had her arrow nocked and aimed!

Jenny: 8/30 hp left!
Ranna: 30/30 hp
Grace: 24/24 hp

Spiders: 12/12 4/12 12/12 12/12 12/12 12/12
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny's plan worked like a charm and well it worked like a charm to well. Drawing all of the spider's wrath proved to much for the girl as sticky webs bombarded her. Still it let Ranna and Grace unleash their own terrible attacks. Holy fire and a solid hit soon tore into two of the spiders. Meanwhile Jenny tried to parry the remaining attacks but would likely fall to the spider's wrath. Meanwhile Ranna sensing Jenny's peril unleashed a multi attack sending a barrage of arrows into the spiders while Greace attempted to restore some of Jenny's vitality.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Round 2:
Ranna shoots her Aimed shot! Dealing 27 damage!!! [-15/12 Hp left...]

Parry rolls: Ran - 3,6. Grace - 1, 4.
Spider #2 wraps Jenny into a cocoon!!
Spider #3 webshots at Ranna hits for 6. (hit)
Spider #4 webshots at Ranna, but misses. (dodge)
Spider #5 webshots at Grace for 9. (crits!)
Spider #6 webshots at Grace for 0. (parried)

Grace unleashes her spell dealing 22 damage! #5 is fried.

Jenny: 8/30; Cocooned! [Disabled] Cocoon has 6hp, 30 Grapple score to break free.
Ranna: 24/30; -2 Speed
Grace: 15/24; -4 Speed

Spiders: 4/12 12/12 12/12 12/12

Stickied by the all the webbing on her from the five spider attack, Jenny struggled firmly only to suddenly note the silks around harden?! Moments later one of the spiders seemed to quickly dance its legs across the girl wrapping her up into a cocoon!

Meanwhile, Ranna seemed to have finally caught her moment and let loose her aimed shot! The arrow piercing the air as it slammed into the ground pinning the spider right in the middle of its head straight to the ground!

It was then the spiders moved their focus to the rest of the group, spitting their webbing at the duo this time. Ranna would be quick on her feet as she'd jump aside from one of the attacks, but couldn't manage to dodge the simultanious attack! One of the spiders hitting her with the shot!

Meanwhile Grace was just about to finish her spell as the spiders came for her, shooting their webbings! As one of the silken strands flew, Grace covered from the attack only for a barrier to seemingly burn away the silk as it flew! The girls relief proved brief as from the side one of the spiders blindsided her hitting her dead on!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Ranna sensing the danger let loose three arrows in quick succession. One found its mark on the spider Jenny had already wounded sending the beast to its end. Another found a different spider embedding deep in its side. The third shot zipped across the harding cocoon splitting the silk and freeing Jenny. Grace meanwhile used her divine energy to send out a spark of holy energy to the fresh spider that Ranna had shot and as Jenny pulled herself out of the cocoon she felt her life restored a little. Taking her borrowed blade Jenny slashed at her nearest foe.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Round 3:
Ranna uses Barrage: 5, 6, 4. Spider #1 dead. Cocoon opened. #4 is hit [8/12]

Parry rolls: Ran 3-, Grace 3+,1-
Spider #3 webshots at Ranna hitting her for 9! (hit)
Spider #4 webshots at Grace hitting her for 0. (parried)
Spider #5 webshots at Grace hitting her for 6. (hit)

Grace uses Divine spark and finishes off #4 for 9 damage [-1/12]
Heals Jenny for 4Hp.

Jenny is freed and uses basic attack at nearby spider for 11 damage! 1/12

Jenny: 12/30
Ranna: 15/30 -4 Speed
Grace: 9/24 -8 Speed...

Spiders: 1/12 12/12

Just as the arrows flew out, each one hit it's mark perfectly from the ranger! First one pinning the injured creature down, second slipping past just enough to slice open Jennys cocoon, while the third hit another spider injuring it!

Unfortunately seemed the girls rapid fire move made her an all too easy target to a sudden silk attack, slamming into her much to a subtle cry from Ranna "Ah!... Bastard!"

Only for the bolt to from to finish off the brazen spider, much to the girls smile at Ranna "Look out!" the ranger called out as two attacks flew at Grace once again. The first one blocked by the girls barried, while the other slammed into her!

Tearing apart the cocoon Jenny growled out as she noted one of the nearby spiders was looking at her friends, giving her an all too easy strike at the creature only to have it just barely slip away at the last second!!

The two remaining spiders screeched out unwilling to leave their captured pray and stayed to fight till the bitter end!
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Taking the opportunity Jenny would slash at the one that scurried away from her leaving Ranna and Grace to finish off the other one. For Ranna it would be simple in effort as she simply knocked her bow and fired. Grace meanwhile channeled her holy spark once again blasting the same creature while feeling the warmth of her own magic mending her wounds.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Round 4:

Ranna shoots #1 for 8 damage. [4/12 hp left]
Jenny finishes the other spider with a devastating attack! Hit for 12! [-11/12 HP]

Parry score: 5+
Last spider feebly spits at Jenny again, but it's blocked dealing 0 damage.

Grace uses her Spark once again ending the battle and healing herself.


Not letting the spider scurry away Jenny quickly caught up to it and sliced it in two! Meanwhile her companions finished off the final nyx spider. They had won!

Wiping away the remnants of the silks, the trio were left in the forest clearing with the 5 still struggling cocoons and no enemies in sight!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

With that done Jenny heaved a sigh and quickly began freeing the prisoners. Hopefully this would be the end of this trek and they could get back to town with abit of bad news but everyone safe for the moment.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Ranna remained silent as she inspected the spider, as Sir seemed to run from girl to girl healing their wounds with frantic worry, along with Graces aid. As Jenny cut apart the thick silks the girl tore the cocoon apart to reveal a male elf! The man gasped for air and fell forward, seemingly waking up Ranna from her daze "Yron!" the girl quickly sat him up and aided Jenny in opening the others, while Grace and Sir attended to those freed.

"I don't understand." she'd free her friends and carefully carry them to the duo healers "This is the missing group... but..." Ranna cut-off her speech looking to the dead spiders nearby "There's just no way for this to have happened. No way!" unfortunately those freed seemed too weak or too shocked to elaborate just how the spiders caught them.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Ranna are you a warrior or a scared little girl. The proof is right in front of you. The bodies and the blood, the truth cannot be wished away. It has happened the spiders have breached your interiors. If your lucky this was just a scout group looking for food. Their failure to return should by the rangers some time. We however may not have much ourselves lets get these men out of here."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Ranna frowned strongly "We've held this perimeter for more than you've existed, human!" the words clearly seemed to offend the females pride "These woods are guarded by rangers more experienced and intelligent than you could even dream! There is no way some spiders slipped past them!" the very thought seemed almost absurd.

The elf quickly turned to the bath the spiders had come from and then to the victims "Stay here. I'll signal a nearby patrol." Ranna commanded in a sharper tone and quickly dashed up a nearby tree.

"I..I think you've insulted her." Grace looked to the tree and then to Jenny, speaking up only a fair few brief moments later. She'd give Jenny a seemingly utterly calming smile as they treated the last few of those still captured "It's a good thing Riley wasn't here... she doesn't seem to like the spiders." the girl attempted to brighten the mood.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny smiled "I did but now she is acting instead of staring at spider corpses and muttering how it cannot be despite it being right in front of her." Jenny watched Ranna head up the tree while she helped in the manner that she could. After a moment she turned to smile at Grace's comment. "Yeah no doubt these trees would be on fire." Jenny would giggle slightly but look up at the tree in worry. Ranna was right the spiders couldn't have easily slipped by unless there where no patrols left.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

As grandiose as the forest was, Jenny could still see glimpses of the sky from between the branches. It seemed it would be nightfall soon. Still they'd not have to wait long to suddenly see a black smoke trail shoot up from the tree Ranna had dashed up.

Moments later, Jenny could catch only the faintest glympses of similar trails only blue and red from around the forest? Ranna would return shortly after "Our patrol was still waiting for us nearby. It won't take long for them to come." the elf turned to the others resting against the tree, but this time remained silent in her thoughts.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

With the captives resting Jenny moved over to one of the nyx's and looked it over carefully. "Sir can you detect any corruption? How about you Grace?" Hearing them out Jenny would inspect the creature more. "Ranna you've fought lots of these spiders yes? Tell me do they look any different than normal?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The duo looked to Jenny "I-I can try..." seemed neither believed to have the ability to do so. Still with Graces angelic nature she could attempt it. The angel approached the spider and placed a single hand on him, closing her eyes and focusing... after a few brief moments of silence she'd speak "No... I don't sense any corruption inside it." "They're predators, but it does not make them evil." Ranna quickly explained and approached as well.

"Nyx Spitters, I know this ilk... but they're not the silent types. They're not fast enough to catch us, nor silent enough to sneak past." the red haired elf gave Jenny a firm look... the spiders traveled all the way here without resistance?

The only possible to inspect spider was the first one Ranna pinned with an arrow, though its head was ruined and pierced by the powerful shot, the rest of the body could be inspected. The spider bore the red and black markings of the Nyx clan, coupled with a few black spikes and natural chitinious jagged edges.... while Ranna did say they were not evil, these 'predators' most certainly formed a none too subtly 'omnious' appearance.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Maybe something is directing them or helping them slip past the defenses? Have they ever been known to burrow?" Jenny inspected the ridges and bumps for dirt that shouldn't be. Cause if they are not fast or silent enough that means htey either dug their way in or had help.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

There did not appear to be any hints of burrowing anywhere near the area or on the spiders, infact it seemed impossible given the spiders physical attributes! Still before they could discuss any possibilities sudden Jenny heard ruffling of nearby leaves as a group of at least 6 rangers arrived!

"Ranna? Report." One of the rangers with a golden feather pinned to her scarf approach the girl as explain the situation, though much to Jennys delight her role seemed to be clearly highlighted... even with the girls fairly rude, straightforwardness earlier.

Still unless Jenny approached herself, Ranna and the groups leader seemed to discuss something... as one detail stood out 'No contact from the Evergreen patrols'.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny would of course listen in but in truth it really wasn't her business. Maybe the simple fact that the impossible had happened right before them would get the Elves to open up more. Still for now Jenny would tend to the injured with Grace and Sir.