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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The other elves helped Jenny, Grace and Sir out with fair smiles, clearly thankful to the group for their surprising heroics. While only a few were still not asleep or otherwise conscious, those that were would quickly be given water and recouped.

Ranna would dash up closer and look to Jenny "That stumble... may have saved their lives." she'd giggle, helping the girl up unless the girl would remain down even as the ranger offered her a hand up "Thanks. You've all helped save my people and for that you have my gratitude." she'd hug Jenny in a surprisingly friendly manner and whisper to her ear "Perhaps we can arrange a private thanks..." the fairly gorgeous red haired elf leaned out from the hug and winked to her slyly.

The other leader seemed to step up "We'll check on group Mockingbird current condition. Everyone else help the injured back to the city." seemed Jennys group was part of the city aid group, unless the girl had other plans. Meanwhile the check in group seemed to be only one other ranger, Ranna and the other groups leader.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny would accept the hug and smile subtle at the private offer of thanks. At the mention of splitting the party she got a dreaded feeling in her stomach. "Actually I know the way back we can get them back safe. You shouldn't split your forces. There might be a larger group out there.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Ranna looked to Jennys words curiously "P-perhaps she's right... if these slipped by there may be more." the duo elves nodded to each other "Squad, change of orders. Protecting and escorting the injured back safely is our highest priority, consider these forest... unsafe." she seemed to pause as the words carried significant weight to her.

Still this was the ruling order as instead the squad aided the injured and began helping the injured. Ranna however... "I'll go meet up with my squad up ahead. They're expecting me." "Roger that." no doubt Jennys notion about splitting up included such a plan as well, but red haired beauty just giggled and smiled "Don't worry about me. I know these trees from ever since I was a novice." she'd wink slyly and confidently moved out!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny nodded at Ranna. "You better after all~" Jenny moved up to Ranna and began to whisper some of the exploits she had done with other females not stopping till Ranna's face was as red as her hair. "But~ there's only one way to find out if its true." Winking at her Jenny began to move with the rest of the group.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Ranna raised an eyebrow at what Jenny wanted to share, pausing her retreat to listen in on the sudden secrets the girl shared! Though Ranna seemed to become less embarassed... and more excited at the brief tales as she'd look to Jenny in wonder, a clear hint of disbelief in her eyes, before she glanced down to her crotch and to her.

"Oh~ I'm sure I'll get a brief break." Ranna looked to Jenny with a mischievious smile and winked slyly, before heading off! "What did you tell her?" Grace asked innocently helping the people up with a smile. Though what Jenny answered was up to her.

Still their retreat would be unhindered as soon enough the city walls opened as more rangers rushed out to help carry the wounded away, taking Jennys group along deeper into town and into the Rangers district.

As she entered instantly Jenny noted how much less sparsely built around the place was. There seemed to be only few multi-level albeit elegant buildings scattered around, the tall, thick trees from outside the city seemed to be allowed to grow here in full. Neatly maintained and taken care of. Though no doubt the centerpiece of the whole district was the massive training ground, Jenny could spot atleast a good hundred if not more elves each one showing off blade-dance skills beyond any the girl had the pleasure to view before! To the other side archery groups seemed to be well in training as well. While at first she didn't notice, soon enough Grace pointed out "Wow... I don't see a single male here." indeed every single ranger training, overseer or guard was female!

Soon enough Jenny would be lead to wooden house with numerous elegant beds throughout, while there were a few elven girls resting here soon enough the builders occupied a fair number of the medical ward beds. The healers seemed to be Dreamers as their colors stood out from the recruit light green cloaks.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny leaned next to Grace and told her exactly what she told Ranna just with out the flair. After all where Jenny found Grace she knew the angel would be fine. She no doubt had her own tale's to share about such things. Still as they helped the other back Jenny would talk in the view of the ranger camp and training only for Grace to point out the lack of men. It was indeed odd as even the builders and dreamers had a more or less equal mix of genders. Still it would have to be a question for later as Jenny left the infirmary with Grace to enjoy the views of elves training. Maybe she could pick up a pointer or two.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Watching the elven girls duel was as is observing a supreme dance! Each girls blade clashing against one another in a display of attacks and parries! With Grace and Sir busy treating the wounded, Jenny could if she wished explored the district further or interact with the clear combatants... then again it was more than likely soon enough someone would hear of the wounded and come to the ward.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The sword play greatly interested Jenny and so she moved to observe closer. It really was a dance but then again how long had each of these woman practiced against each other. How long have they known which move their foe would counter and how to respond. It looked almost ceremonial or like a ritual. How would they fair in actual combat where the moves where not so scripted. Still it was a stylish brilliant display and Jenny let herself be lost in it.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Choosing to remain and observe the skirmish, soon enough the victor was clear as after a sudden parry one of the elven girls followed up with an attack-- and stopped it right at the others neck!

The duo would smile at each other and take a step back, bowing politely as two others took their place a darker green cloak calling out the rules of the skirmish and the start of the fight!

Still as she watched, she'd hear something be placed near her? Turning to her right she'd see Sir, who'd wave to the girl "It's almost like they rehearsed this..." Grace spoke in awe and sat down on the path of fresh green grass Jenny had rested "Everyones scared, but they're all fine. They said the spiders attacked them on their way back..."

The trio could enjoy a moment of peace, before the atmosphere seemed to shift "I believe I owe you thanks." looking back Jenny could hardly mistake the steely hawk-eyes and brilliant green armor of the Elven rangers leader. Unlike the Builders or the Dreamers, her voice was certainly devoid of the subtly or clear welcoming nature.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked to the new comer and smiled. "Ya don't owe me anything. I just happened to trip on a root at the right time at the right place. Ranna did the rest." Standing Jenny would greet the woman with a slight bow. After all the elves around here had little knowledge of the typical greeting she was used to.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The Elven leader raise an eyebrow at the words "Humility or the truth?" she'd muse openly before adding "I'll receive the full report from Ranna later. Though either way, you helped the rangers and I thank you for it." albeit the thanks was certainly a very lifeless and calculative...

With just that the elven girl seemed to be ready to turn away and walk away, leaving Jenny in the rangers district with little directions or introductions.

If Jenny did not ask anything or stop the woman, she'd find herself and her companions in the district. It seemed more of a natural bootcamp than anything else, with the numerous combat arenas, archery ranges and even obstacle courses. Infact, though admitedly she'd only be able to see so much from her stationary position.

"Strange... most people here are so welcome, yet she gave us such dark looks." Jenny could hardly disagree with Graces observation... still as she looked on to the courses, the idea to perhaps subtly spite or overcome expectations towards her came to mind. She could explore this place, head out of here... or perhaps attempt one of the courses. If only to test herself.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny frowned as the woman turned away. "She's and experienced commander no doubt with centuries of experience. She probably views us as an annoyance to her perfectly ordered regimented life. Or she senses a darkness in me. My first meeting with the council could have gone better." Jenny sighed but didn't linger too long on that and instead looked to the duels going on and approached an instructor if she could pick one out. "Hello I couldn't help but watch your wonderful display of skill. Perhaps one of your students would be willing to warm up against me. I know I will learn a few things for sure.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Spotting one of the instructors wouldn't be too difficult from their commands, to their stance, even to the darker green cloaks they wore! "Hum?" the girl looked to the strange trio approach "You want to try and fight?" she'd snicker "Alright. You'll find some training weapons over there." the instructor motioned to several racks of wooden weapons. Unfortunately or well obviously there were no pistols there, only long and shorts sword replicas, light shortbows and battle staves.

Once Jenny picked out whatever weapons she willed, she could return to the instructor who'd quickly recounted the rules "This is just a spar so blows to the eyes and only controlled strikes to the vitals. The fight continues until submission, ring out or knock out." she'd look to Jenny if she understood.

If she did the girl could enter the fairly large wooden arena, with a circular wine ring marking out the borders no doubt. Her opponent would be one of the girls that seemed to await her turn "I will not hold back." she'd warn Jenny as she'd blade dance on the spot briefly, before pointing the blade at the girl.

It was time to see how well the heroine improvisations worked against someone trained!

Initiative order:
1) Jenny
2) Clara

Jenny: 30/30 HP
Clara: 25/25 HP
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked over at the weapon on hand and sighed slightly. All her training had been with a gun. Hours of effort to hone specific skills. Still her back up had always been a sword, though to be honest she was probably better off with the staff. Steeling herself Jenny took the sword. This wasn't a perfect world by any means and there had been time when she had run out of ammo. Turning to face her sparing partner in the ring Jenny nodded. The woman probably wouldn't expect much from Jenny. Perhaps it was time to teach the elves a little humility. She would have to use her speed. Dashing in Jenny moved strike Clara in the ribs stunning her so she could a free strike in up close and personal.

Jenny uses Pommel strike: 1d6 +4 damage, interrupts. Cant interrupt the same target twice in a row.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Begin!" the Instructor called out and so the battle started! Jenny wasted little time and dashed in, the brash and courageous charge seemingly catching the elf off-guard! As the girl wooden pommel flew to the angel--- only to hit the side of the blade?! Seemingly at the last second the girl parried the attack, though the akward angle left her little room to counterattack!

[Jenny strikes, but was parried(5) 0 damage done (7-9).
Clara was interrupted.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Much to Jenny's surprise her attack more or less worked though she shouldn't get too cocky about it. Thankfully she recovered faster than her foe letting her strike quickly at an exposed side.

Jeny uses Hero slash: 1d6 +8 damage, single target.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

With her new position Jenny would swing upwards scoring a solid albeit weakly swung hit on the elven warrior! Only for her opponent to quickly retaliate with not one, but two rapid strikes!

Be it due to her positioning or due to her confidence surging, Jenny hardly could time her parries as the strikes hit home! Each girl scoring clear hits in the messy exchange!

[Jennys strikes for 9 damage! [16/25]
Clara uses Blade Dance:
#1 strike deals 4 damage (2)
#2 strikes deals 7 damage (1) [19/30]
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny would wince at the blows but ready herself for another quick strike. It seemed that her sparring partner took some offence to Jenny actually hitting her. Still a quick plan formed in her mind. She didn't need to win in order to win. She just needed to impress enough to earn some respect. Dashing in Jenny once would try to strike Clara with her pommel.

Jenny uses Pommel strike: 1d6 +4 damage, interrupts. Cant interrupt the same target twice in a row.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

As Jenny rushed forward, the elfs stance seemed to change as suddenly seemed to dash forward as well in a supreme display or heightened speed! The elf seemed to dash past her as Jenny felt the blow hit her! Though the farm-girls sturdy nature allowed her to shun the blow, as she swung back and slammed against the elf who was now behind her!

The impact hit true and strong as the elven girl cried out and tumbled to the ground, rolling briefly and landing on all fours. Her blade nearby... though she wasn't out of the ring yet.

[Clara uses Lotus bloom and strikes for 6 damage! (no parry)
Jenny crits! and strikes clean (1) 10 damage!
Clara rolls a 6 for knockdown and hits the mat!

Jenny: 13/30
Clara: 6/25; Knocked down.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny turned stepped forward but stopped. Everything seemed to scream at her to finish this while she was down. Instead Jenny took a deep breath and waited for the girl to get back up and take her weapon. This was practice not an all out fight. Instead Jenny wanted to see this girl move so fast again. A technique she could learn from.

Jenny will use Anticipation: -8 damage from all sources.