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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Given the chance the girl got to her feet and took her weapon once again, aiming it at Jenny once again as the elven girl steadied her breath. Though seemed the back-swing pommel blow had completely blown the wind out of her sails.

Still she'd not give in yet, as she'd seem to prepare for the potential final exchange of the spar.

[Jennys gives Clara a chance to stand up.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny kept her ready stance waiting for the final exchange. Jenny while not a proficient or even trained swords woman still had one thing up on Clara. Jenny had actually seen combat. Sure she lacked elegance and grace in fighting but so far it hadn't served Clara much.

Jenny uses Anticipation: Jenny prepares for any incoming attacks parrying any attack towards her, takes ½ damage from magic attacks.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The elven girl most certainly didn't seem to be nearly as experienced with the blade as the fighters Jenny had seen. Still she saw promise from the girl and wanted to see her strikes again...

Once again the elven girl seemed to lower her stance as she dashed forward with immense speed! A blow echoing out from Jennys wooden blade as the the warrior girl had dash slashed past her once again!

[Clara uses Lotus bloom first strike, but all damage is negated.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

There it was and almost too fast for Jenny to see. She frowned slightly she would never be able to reach that speed, at lest not as she was now. Still she had seen what she needed to and quickly struck the off balance girl with a very standard strike.

Hero strike!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny observed the attack again as it seemed to happen in an instant! Though she knew where Clara was now! Without much delay Jenny spun and swung her blade to end the fight! Only for the clung of wood clashing with wood to echo out?!

Suddenly Jenny felt herself thrown briefly off balance as the elven girl once again dashed forward, seemingly continueing the move from before! Still even when Jenny managed to lower her blade in time for splinters to come flying, she quickly realized how much stronger the second blow was!!! Even the very winds around the girl seemed to rush back from the attack!

Unfortunately, just as Jenny got back into stance to face Clara, the girls green cloak seemed to obscure her movement just for a split second as suddenly she saw the figure approach her, the girls wooden sword seemingly bending the very wind around it as it glowed a subtle green!

Even as Jenny raised her blade in defense, with a resounding crack the enchanted wood flew off as it was slashes in half! The elfs wooden blade stopping a mere inch from Jennys neck as a booming gust of wind followed it! Jenny had lost...

"Stop!" The instructor called out, stopping the fight, though she'd not announce the winner. The elven girl pulled her blade back and bowed politely to Jenny "Thank you for the fight."

[ Battle:

Clara continues Lotus Bloom strike #2 for 7 damage (parried, 15-8)
Jennys heroic strikes, but is completely parried. (9-9=0)

Next round Clara ends the battle instantly:
Clara finishes Lotus bloom with the final strike dealing 13 damage (parried 21 -8)
Clara is healed for 20 [25/25]
Last edited:
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny didn't even flinch as the blade came with in inches of her neck. "Well fought Clara but remember in a real fight I wouldn't have let you stand back up." Jenny's voice had no malice or hurt pride in its tone but one that spoke of a deeply personal experience. With that she would sensually walk away to take a break only to reveal her swollen wrist to Grace when out of direct eyesight of the group. "They sure are tough."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The Instructor smiled as she approached the duo combatants "Sloppy, very sloppy. Any one of those clean blows would've crippled you girls." she'd cross her hands and shake her head with a smile "Clara, we'll work on your defenses... as for you." she'd turn to Jenny "You've talent, I've only seen few who outmatch Clara in sheer speed. If honed, you can become quite the deadly fighter." the female gave Jenny a nod and would step away.

Soon enough the spars would continue as other girls would step up to battle. Grace giggled and gently placed a hand on the swollen injury, relieving and healing it up "Well they should be, but you did well. You're right, under normal circumstances. You'd have won." she'd nod with a warm smile.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny frowned "In a normal fight would have broke her will with out resorting to a sword fight. Still after a moment Jenny shook her own head. Thats not my way anymore I need to resist that temptation or all that I worked for back then would be lost."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Grace blinked at the fairly dark words "Oh..." she'd look to Sir, then back to Jenny "Well... It was a good match either way! You two seemed closely matched." she'd nod kindly. Still Jenny saw the elven girls movements and techniques... compared to the girls own blunt skill-set, she was miles behind anything of such grace...

Suddenly rings seem to echo out throughout the district as Jenny could see a group of dark green cloaked rangers rush off somewhere. Seemed something was happening near the main gate that Jenny had entered through herself.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Seeing Grace look away Jenny put a hand on her shoulder. "No need to worry Grace just my pride surfacing. Im in a much better place then I was back then. I was too close to becoming a demon had Rosa been able to toy with me longer before I escaped... well... I don't like to dwell on it." Offering the angel a sincere smile Jenny stood up and began to speak when the alarm rang off. Every the one to adventure Jenny quickly moved to see what had happened.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Don't be ruled by who you were, learn from the past and live as you are now." Grace beamed her an encouraging smile as soon enough the alert, caught the groups attention as Jenny lead the trio to investigate the ruckus as well.

It was indeed coming from the main gate, as the rangers seemed to dash to it as it slowly opened up. As the gate fully opened, it would reveal a figure carrying someone slumped over their shoulder, as the rangers rushed to their aid.

Unfortunately, Jenny recognised both of the females. Slumped over was Ranna! The girls red hair and armor hardly mistakeable, though the one who brought her back... the purple outfit absolutely stood out among the wood and green cloaks, was Riley! The tricksters top hat and outfit bearing a few tears to boot!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Riley, Rana!" Jenny would rush forward to the girls trying to get a better look at what happened. Still it seemed Rana was unconscious leaving Riley the one to explain and oh boy did she have to explain alot. "Riley what happened?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The rangers seemed to treat each of the girls with equal amounts of care, though Jenny could still approach Rileys safely. It seemed far too long since the girl just upped and disappeared! "H-hey..." Riley smiled clearly utterly winded from carrying Ranna all the way here, before she'd motion to the elven girls "It's alright, thank you. I'm fine... really." the trickster beamed them a smile and nodded, before turning to Jenny and giving her a hug!

Thankfully besides a few small tears and general ruffled nature, Riley was seemingly fine. No spider silk on her to boot! However Ranna seemed to bear several injures that were certainly not caused by spiders... more a kin to claws?

Riley leaned out with a smile "Y-you're going to have to carry me." she'd laugh out subtly, before completely relaxing in the girls grasp with a smile. Jenny could take Riley to rest wherever she wished. There seemed to be some potential lodgings in the central district, the rangers medical ward would no doubt be glad to have her... then again there were plenty of peaceful spots on the simple grass itself for them to rest.

Grace and Sir were both equally skilled healers if need be. Though wherever Jenny choose for the group to relax and regoup, the girl herself was certainly glad to finally have the trickster back.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny easily scooped her lover up in her arms and carried her away. Though they didn't go far. Still wanting to know what had happened, Jenny settled the group under a shade tree. Kissing Riley on the forehead. "Now time to fess up last time I spoke with you it was too learn about the people not get into a fight with some horrible monster outside the city none the less.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley sighed with relief as she was put out, beaming Jenny a smile "Phew... elves are heavier than they look." she'd giggle, much to Grace and Sir looking over her for injuries "Are you alright?" "Mhm~ Takes more than a few creepers to catch me." she'd wink slyly to Grace, before looking to Jenny.

"Well~ While you were relaxing here... I was busy with this!" she'd open her pouch and pull out a long raven feather? Though on closer inspection Jenny quickly realized it was hardly of any birds, as from it a dark aura seemed to emit ever so subtly.

"I found this in the city ruins some ways from here. It was where I saw met the elves fighting off those things." Riley seemed to frown lightly, no doubt spurring a question what she meant "I... I'm not sure what to call them.. abominations? Something made of flesh and gears." the girl winced again "Something really dark resides in those ruins." Riley looked to the feather "Judging by that, it might be a fallen one."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny eyed the feather and frowned. It could be his but if so... it was incredibly dangerous for her and for the elves. Turning her attention back to Riley Jenny spoke again. "Only you and Ranna made it back? What about the others?" Jenny knew Rana had gone to meet her patrol and the fate of those elves was still unclear.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The question seemed to an almost piece the life out of Riley as she glanced away "They... She was the only one normal in those ruins." once again the trickster seemed to use strange words... 'normal'? "The elves should know more about whats in those ruins." the girl would use the nearby tree and stand up, stretching lightly "Lets go find them, before they find us." she'd dust herself off and fix her hat with a smile "When you're ready."

If Jenny agreed Riley would add "I know I'm not telling much. Just... you know when there's things that are hard to express in words..." she'd giggle "I'm talking my cursed academy levels of bad things." the trickster beamed a smile to the heroine, even if she talked about horrid things seemed Rileys time among them made her quite used to similar terrors.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny didn't need much of an explanation after all she had been in the academy as well. She had seen the horrors for herself. Still with their minds made up Jenny stood as well and headed to a nearby ranger commander to let them know what had happened, and for Jenny to request her weapons returned to her. After all the fallen one was here she needed to solve that issue one way or another.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Soon enough the group was back in the rangers district as the whole area seemed far more alert and on their feet. While some training still continued, the numbers of trainees was far more sparse!

As soon they arrived seemingly out of nowhere a girl with a dark green cloak landed near them "This way." she'd utter as if expecting them. It would be a brief walk and soon enough the group was lead what seemed to be the headquarters of the rangers.

Brilliant wood carvings of elven heroines littered either side of the fairly large hunting hall. Between the earthen colors from the wood and the green silk banners scattered throughout the hall was quite homely, albeit extremely neat and carefully organised.

Following the carpet their guide would step aside and allow them all to approach a trio of quite adorned and veteran looking rangers, their eyes and attired clearly hinting at fair accomplishments "You're the one that brought back Ranna?" the elven leader was there as well, as she was the one who spoke up.

"Mhm." Riley nodded with a casual smile, clearly none too intimidated by the council "What of the others?" the woman added "I'm sorry... Ranna was the only girl unchanged." the trickster looked down briefly and then to them, as the ranger council glanced to one another.

"Ranna said you came from Evergreen, what was your business there?" "What do you mean 'unchanged'?" the questions seemed to be keen to mount up as Riley raised both hands subtly in a stopping manner and smiled sheepishly "Calm down... sit down and I'll tell you everything." the trickster looked to Jenny, Grace and Sir, beckoning them over....

Riley would elaborate a bit more of what she saw as everyone listened, seemed it was her plan to tell the story to everyone in one go instead of repeating themselves.

Seemed the trickster went into the city in search of an object, a specific rune stone that sounded familiar to Jenny for some reason... as well as an item the ranger leaders clearly recognised. Though it seemed the girls progress was paused by "They seemed to be... corpses animated by some sort of mechanisms in them." Riley explained with a subtle wince at the memory, she explained that she saw atleast a good dozen of such abominations and Ranna was under attack by them.

"How did survive attacks from creatures that defeated our lieutenant?" one of the elves raised an eyebrow at Riley, who'd only smile confidently "I'm just that good... and I..." she'd pause and look back to Jenny, fixing her error "We've experience dealing with similar creatures."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Sadly enough its true, and well there may be a fallen one there as well." Jenny hopped the fallen one had not been the one to awaken what ever horrors lay in that forgotten place and as she heard out the elven response she would steal a quick glance at Riley. Had she been to the dreamers as well.