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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Just as they had planned previously, the trio would head towards the Craftsmen district... however first they still had to clear the residential area they were in right now.

As they walked down the decrepid road, the silence still lingered and as they continued onwards the winding road seemed to stretch on and on, until... Jenny would be the first one to raise her hand to pause the trios advance. As right in the middle of the road, 4 of the corrupt elves just mindlessly stood around. None of them aware of the trios presence.

While Jenny could attempt to engage them, she did note a fair there was a sidepath along the right side they could likely use to go around the enemy.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Looking to the side path Jenny would check it real quick before motioning to the others to move towards it. While she waited for the girls to move into the side track she wold grab a hefty rock and wait. If it looked like the corrupt elves would move move to them Jenny would toss the rock over one of the building opposite the alleyway to draw them away. Hopefully it didn't come to that and the girls would cross safely letting Jenny take point once more.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Moving through the alleyway would indeed keep the trio out of view, but it also brought them far closer to the ruined buildings. As they walked through the narrow-way, Jenny could all too clearly hear movement inside the nearby buildings... sloppy and slow movement. Even if the enemies were not apparent, seemed all of the monsters were just out of view... and there were many of them!

Still by the time they reached the alleys end, they'd run into yet another dilemma. Motioning for Riley and Grace to hide, Jenny saw a completely different kind of corrupt elf cut their path of. This one appeared similar to the others, but instead of the cogs and metals fused into her body she had.. a gramophones tubes on her shoulders. Not to mention the girls mouth seemed heavily influenced by the corruption as well.

Once again Jenny had a choice, kill off the creature blocking her path. Or attempt to wait out till it passed. Then again the girl could always come up with something else entirely, but she would need to make a decisive call.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked at the strange elf horror only imagining that it would spit acid or some such nasty effect from its mouth. Still it was only one creature but in the confined allyway Frost would alert all the abominations in the nearby buildings. Even if she did manage to find a way to free her she would just be fodder for the corruption again. Chewing her lower lip Jenny felt that rock she had from before. Distraction would be best. Chucking the rock over the roofs and away from where they where headed Jenny hoped it would work.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny focused her might and threw the rock with all she had! Though with the tight alley the only way to lure the creature away was throwing it forward! The stone flew true and a brief moment of silence later, a loud ding and crash could be heard! Jenny had hit something nice and loud!

This sort of corrupted elf instantly revealed itself to be far more limber, as it almost jumped turn around and emitting a low scree rushed off to inspect! Jenny quickly motioned her friends to use this chance, as the trio advanced out of the alleyway and back onto the main road.

Now the path extended to either rigth or left, some ways before them the trio could see the very same creature looking around for the source of the sound. Still as the trio quickly assessed their situation... it was not looking good. Seemed the silent desolate streets were behind them.

On their left Jenny could see atleast 4 of the elves wandering along the main road aimlessly, on her right 3 more skulked and infront the unknown being was actively looking around. Either way if they headed through the streets, the sounds of magic and gunfire would quickly unleash hell upon them...

The ruins extended to either side and each enemies was a good ten or more feet away from them. This left the group some room to plan out what to do and start it, without too much risk of being seen.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny almost swore but quickly moved the trio away from direct sight from the actively looking creature. Instead she had them move to the skulking ones using what cover and stealth they could. Unlike the ones wandering aimlessly who might randomly turn and spot them these ones where relatively still and would be easier to avoid.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Just as Jenny was about to move, suddenly she felt someone grip her shoulder? The girl quickly turned around to see it was Riley "Wait..." the trickster kept her voice down and pulled Jenny back into cover, Grace looking to the duo curiously.

"Why don't we instead of sneak through the open... try to head through the ruins." Riley offered the idea, as indeed there were plenty of open doors or bursted windows they could slip inside to.

"Oh! We could instead maybe not even use the streets." Grace beamed a smile "I can fly remember?" she'd look to Jenny in a cheery manner "Hum.. I don't think I'd be that easy." Riley spoke up tapping her lips, before smiling "Say... these things don't look any smarter than the puppets. Maybe I could lead them on a wild-goose chase while we slip past during the distraction."

Her friends assaulted Jenny with ideas, that the girl perhaps did not quite even consider! So used to rellying just on her own abilities, the girl even forgot to consider her companions talents! Then again a simple approach could lead to the least amount of complications if things go sour.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny furrowed her brow. "Grace not all of us can fly and you can't carry both of us. Though its not a bad idea these things seemed to focus on the ground. The buildings are full of these things so Im not so sure its a good idea." She paused for a moment. "Okay if it looks like we are going to be spotted do your magic Riley. Grace you will be responsible for carrying her to safety Ill spawn my own wings and follow." Jenny didn't mention it would be hard for her to do and utterly exhausting but it would have to work. Hopefully she could lead them past the others with out resorting to such tactics.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Stealth attempt:
Stealth mod: -1 (Broad daylight[-2], medium cover[+1])

Jenny: 7 vs 10 (crit), 8, 10 (crit) [FAIL]

Riley: 2 vs 4+ [Auto-fail]

Grace: 1 vs 4+ [Auto-fail]

The whole party is found!

The group would go with their sneaking plan, as the trio would nod to each other and head along the skirt of the road. Unfortunately, daylight beamed down on the group absolutely highlighting both Rileys purple outfit and Graces white silks all the more! Coupled with the quite low amount of good debris...

Just as Jenny the most skilled of the group peeked her head out to check where the creatures were facing, by sheer misfortune they were looking directly at them! The three creatures howled out as they began to advance towards them! Clearly they had been found!

Current enemy count: 3
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"PLAN B GO!" Hopefully just as they had discussed Riley would use her illusions to cause a distraction while Grace and her took to the air. Meanwhile Jenny would shoot any of the beasts that would look up and try to keep eyes on Grace. Hopefully they both remembered to meet at the Watchers HQ which was the next objective.

Riley: Uses illusion army
Grace: Will carry Riley up and away from combat.
Jenny: Will run and try to break Line of sight
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Combat start:

Turn order:

Jenny 16
Riley 11
Grace 4
Construct 2

Jenny runs away. Gaining 1 turn of distance from enemies.
Rileys casts Mystic army. Gaining 3 taunt illusions.
Grace uses Angels flight to take Riley out of combat.

Each construct attacks an illusios and dispells it.

With her command Jenny quickly picked up speed looking to gain distance from the enemies! Meanwhile Riley was quick to smile as she twirled her cane to create 3 illusions of herself only with a mystic blade and shield! "Go!" she'd command as the trio rushed to distract the enemies!

Meanwhile Grace quickly revealed her wings in their full glory, the angelic wings flapping once to release a gust of dust, as she flew to Riley and gripped her around her waist! "Ready?!" "Aye lets go!" the two exchanged as Grace began to ascend upwards!

With the creatures busy with the illusions, Jenny had a clear get-away while her companions took to flight! The plan was working spectaculary! Meanwhile however more of the creatures appeared coming from the alleys and from the other side of the road!

"Scraaaaa!" a howl echoed out as rushing through the three came the creature that Jenny had distracted! It was far faster than the others!

Current number of enemies: 3 + 1 + 2 = 6
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Smile as her plan mostly worked Jenny ducked and dodge away from incoming slashes of the corrupt elves though one seemed far faster than the others. Still even if one could keep up it was still a distance away and Jenny knew better than to fight enemies all at once. Keeping her distance she tried to focus her inner powers that her cleanse had made dormant. In non stressful situation she could summon up a dash of her former power. Of course this was hardly a stress free environment. "WE"LL MEET UP SOON KEEP GOING THE MISSIONS FIRST!" shouting Jenny leaped over a small bit of rubble.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific


Riley and Grace unavailable.
Jenny keeps running. 14 speed > 12 enemy speed. She keeps her distance from the Howler for one more turn.

Jenny kept her dash going as thankfully Rileys illusions seemed to have bought just enough time for the duo to fly up to one of the nearby buildings. However this left only Jenny and a whole lot of enemies!... Though enemies that she could all too easily outrun! Though the situation was not ideal, Jenny even attempted to tap into her fel nature! However try as she might, the powers were just not there... her shapeshifting seemed to be excesively limited as well! No wings or burst of speed accompanied the girls efforts.

Still as the girls mad-dash continued suddenly down the main street up ahead she saw atleast 5 other corrupt elves! Looking to the alleys on her right she could see atleast three more lined up and nearing, while the alley on her left showed the doors bursted open as even more were coming for her!

Looking around she had enemies down the main-road both ways and even in the alleys! She was trapped "Jenny!" suddenly Graces voice echoed out as looking up the angelic girl was swooping down right for her! Her friends seemed to be unkeen to abbandon her!

Current enemy count: 6 + 5 + 3 +4= 18 [15 out of range, 3 in range next turn]
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Nothing... nothing and with more enemies pouring out of the wood work. Thankfully the girls wouldn't ditch her and for once Jenny was not the slight bit up set at them. Using her agility Jenny pushed off a crate to gain some hight before kicking off a wall to grab onto Grace. "GO GO GO!"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific


Jenny jumps to join Grace mid-air.
Howler channels Reinforcements, 3 more corrupt elves join the fight.
Grace keeps using angelic flight.

Corrupt uses tether on Grace (5), but is parried.
Corrupt uses tether on Grace (2), HIT!
Grace collapses to the ground with Jenny!

Grace is pinned down by a Dark Tether (1hp).

Jenny quickly used some of the debris and random items all around to leap up to Graces grasp! Just as the girls hands extended quickly the angelic girl caught her! "I've got you!" she'd smile widely to Jenny, as they'd start to gain distance!

The speedier of the creatures seemed to howl out once again, before suddenly the gramaphones on it stirred to life letting loose a throughout the area! Jenny could all too clearly see even more enemies seemingly answer the summon as they came out of the shadows into full-view!

Still thankfully they seemed to be out of reach of the corrupt elves, only for Jenny to note the black ooze on them appeared to warp and stir briefly... before shooting out a solid black tether upwards! The black tendril extending even up all the way to them! "Watch out!" Jenny called out as just in-time Grace seemed to flap her wings, misdirecting it away to a nearby wall!

Though neither seemed to see another of the corrupt shoot yet another Tether! This time it hitting Grace straight on her back with fair force, the black tendril wrapping around her the girls body to trap her wings and making both of them fall down!!!

With a wooden to soften their quite low fall, soon enough the girls crashed down! Jenny quickly sat up noting Grace bound down by the black ooze tendril "I... can't... move!" she'd struggle nearby!

Current enemy count: 21!!! [4 in range next turn, 8 more the following turn]
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

No sooner had salvation seemed at hand that the darkness reached out to snatch it away. Tumbling to the ground Jenny looked at the situation. It was not good. drawing frost Jenny let loose a barrage of shots emptying her clip in a hail of bullets. It didn't matter if most missed it was the first one that was important. The first shot was at the slimy corruption tendril. "Remember the mission Grace!"

Jenny rapid fire first shot at the tendril the rest at what ever seemed to shoot tendrils.
Grace: Tries to escape with Jenny
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific


Jenny uses rapid fire, #1 snaps the tendril. #2 deals 4, #3 deals 8 damage.
Howler continues to channel, CRIT 8 more corrupt elves appear!
Riley uses Illusionary army! [10/30 mana left]
Grace is free!
Grace retreats!

3 corrupt attack illusions.
#4 corrupt attacks Jenny, (1) clean hit for 15 damage! [15/30 left!]
Jennys gains 20 corruption. 20/100

Jenny quickly drew her pistol and let loose a series of shots the first one perfectly snapping off the tendril as it fel lifeless freeing the elf! "Remember the mission!" the girl called out as she'd let loose a couple of shots piercing the creatures nearby heads, but not to enough effect as they still neared!

Still there was so many of them... the grim music almost deafening Jenny could see even more of the corrupt creatures appear! There was no hope to defeat them... absolutely no hope!

Though as despair rushed through Jennys body, suddenly she'd see Rileys face... no three illusionary Rileys! Jump down from the building as 2 of them slashed at the creatures, their blades piercing them without any damage, but drawning their attention. While the other one seemed to point to a nearby door moments before it was pierced by a tendril, to disperse it!

Jenny blinked as suddenly Grace gripped her shoulder "Our missions is for everyone to get out of this alive and well! I'm with you, Jenny!" heading inside the building seemed like the only option!

As Jenny got to her feet, Grace had already went inside the only building that seemed to have a door. Though as the girl followed one of the corrupted elves had closed in, it's hand changing into a wicked a sort of dark blade as it slashed at Jenny! With the almost blindside attack Jenny took the hit clean as she'd tumble back from the impact, moments later standing up.

Current enemies: 29!!! [12 in range next turn, 14 more the following turn!]
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Turning to flee with Grace Jenny felt a sharp pain in her back as she stumbled threw the door a seething darkness seeming to burn on her back at the slash only to be drawn into her skin. Stumbling up Jenny kicked the door shut as she fled threw the ruined house. It would by them some time but that one was fast. Reloading as she went Jenny did her best to ignore the throbbing pain in her back. "GO GO Go keep moving!"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Taking stock in injuries would surely result in the end, as Jenny rushed inside the building and slammed the shoddy door behind her! Quickly grabbing a nearby marble statue and toppling it over to attempt and keep the door closed! Though as she did so with a dark crash one of the corrupt elves broke apart the upper part of the door, the nearby window breaking entirely as well, as a pair of hands gripped the sides of the window... they'd be inside in a mere moments!

"Jenny?!" Grace called out looking to the girl desperately, as Jenny herself turned around... the house was in tatters, old moth-eaten furniture littered the ground floor as it extended onwards. Jenny could only suspect the place had a backdoor, however her eyes would also note some stairs leading up nearby.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

This place was littered with balconies seemingly each house having their own. "Up!" Scrambling away from the door Jenny would urge Grace up the stairs. The bottom floor was a blur to her elegant designed furniture long given to rot. Once rich and lavish carpet now torn and moldy. Even the lovely trim around the various windows and doors was lost to Jenny as she moved up the stairs in search of a balcony or window to escape from.