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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley blinked at the question "Thats not how magic works!" she'd growl subtly, before thinking over the question "Well... I'm not sure. Never tried it, but I imagine I'd need a special catalyst. Oftentimes it's possible to wield such wierd magic, but only through its own unique artifacts or items." it was then Grace got an idea "Perhaps we could ask Ishmael about his brushes? I bet they could work!" "Did he really strike you as someone who'd share his Oh-so-prized possession?" Riley raised a sly eyebrow at Grace, before continueing "Though~ We could try and borrow it." she'd grin "Just without his knowledge." "Steal?!" "Borrow! We're helping him anyway, its the least he could do!"

The two girls mussed over the idea, though ultimately it seemed Jenny would have a final say if that was even worth the effort or the risk either way! "Anyway, so ran into trouble?" Riley asked as be it Grace or Jenny quickly gave her the run-down of their encounter.

"Oh... so~ Did you try to barter? Or ask what they'd want as said tribute?" Riley looked to the duo, who'd have to look aside in a slightly guilty fashion "N..No... Jenny did explain why we came!" Grace tried to defend their approach "Reason with them." "You don't reason during a trade!" Riley grinned at the duo catily, still whatever the case the girls had to figure out a way to get past the oozes and deeper into the painting. Then again there were several others out there as well.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I had nothing to barter with besides our bodies and honestly slime girls are not known to stop." Jenny thought a moment... though we did run into the slimes in the one area... maybe the slime girls would want some pets? What do you guys think?
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Well~ Slimegirls aren't know to let their prey go or barter." Riley smirked slyly, but it was hard to tell whether she was serious or just teasing Jenny at the idea of some 'monster fun'.

Whatever the case may be, Jenny would shortly muse loudly at a potential gift... "The slimes?" Riley blinked curiously "As pets?" Grace inquired as the duo looked to Jenny curiously, the girl perhaps explaining which slimes she had in-mind.

"Hum... well, I mean if we get a bucket or a cookpot. We could try and trap a few." Riley thought the idea over, Grace thinking it over as well, before speaking up "You're the one with experience. We'll follow your lead." she'd nod.

Thinking back, Jenny recalled the smithy where the girls stayed before... however the slime nest she and Grace encountered lied way way back in the previous district. And that was a trip that would no doubt prove perilous to even attempt, much more with a few buckets of slimes! Then again... who was to say it was the only slime nest in the city, or that there was no other slimes in this district!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny thought a moment, the slimes before seemed to like the gardening area's and shops. They could look but sense none of the others had a thought on what to barter with they might just have to come back to this one. "Well take a look around this district, but until we come with an idea of something to barter with I'm not going back into the painting.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Just as Jenny and Grace were about to begin their wandering, suddenly each one felt a grip on their ear! "Ow!" "Ah!" as Riley seemed to stop them? "As charming as this place is, I can't imagine we'll bump into a solution out of the blue." the trickster crossed her hands and gave the duo a look over...

"Alright, lets just brainstorm gather a few ideas and decide." she'd give Jenny and Grace a nod, as soon enough the trio... like it or not, were seated on some unclear rubble "Well we've already had a few ideas. Whats wrong with them?"

Riley subtly licked her lips and counted down her fingers "We could try and find some oozes, then bring them as a present." she'd look to Jenny "If we're doing that we should probably look for them." before continuing "We can steal Ishmaels brush." "Borrow!" Grace quickly corrected her, before Riley continued "Then i could see if it works for me."

"Beyond that..." the girl thought briefly "Well~ If these slimes were not hostile we could go ask what they'd like... Including a little slimey fun for our groups succubus." Riley turned and smiled slyly to Jenny clearly meaning her!

"Heck beyond all that we could just go to another picture. Maybe we'll just bring a souvenir from there." Riley shrugged with a smile "We've got ideas and plans. Just gotta choose."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

In truth Jenny didn't want to have any fun with the slimes. Their goo reminding her too much of the nasty spider things secretions. Not to mention the last time she was with a goo girl they almost ate her. "Stealing the wand is a no go after all it might not even work for Riley. I would prefer not to ... endanger anyone with sexy time with the slimes. So I voter we either find them pets or move on to a different painting for now.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Well I guess it could be hard to wash off." Riley snickered and winked to Jenny, before considering the two presented options "I'd vote for the other paintings. We don't know if catching a slime would get us free access. Maybe in another painting we could find something shiny." she'd nod and turn to Grace who'd after hearing the tricksters thoughts would smile in agreement "Mhm~ I agree."

With that it was settled! The girls were off to find another painting! Thankfully these were not so difficult to pinpoint as "Lets start with that one. So we'd not have to backtrack." Riley pointed out one of the first oddities the girls had spotted - the bright blazing light emitting from one of the nearby buildings windows.

Jenny wouldn't even have time to object as both Riley and Grace rushed off to see what was coming up next! "Come on, Jen!" as the trio would rush to the nearby building and instantly notice warm to the touch sand everywhere! It would likely come as no surprise to either of the tree, that once they reached the source of the light it was a picture of a desert oasis and temple!

"Alright, my turn. Grace you okay staying on guard?" Riley seemed to take some semblance of charge until Jenny got her thoughts back together... as well as shook of one horrid memory from her mind! "I don't mind."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny nodded and looked to Grace. "Careful and stay quiet we are still in danger here." Jenny would give the girl a hug before stepping into the sand blasted landscape attempting to catch up to Riley.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Grace smiled to Jenny "I'll be fine. Good luck in there." she'd nod to Jenny, who'd join Rileys near the painting, before the duo touched and a familiar displacement feeling rushed through both of the girls bodies!

Mere moments later Jenny felt herself hit the course hot ground beneath as the sheer light all around seemed absolutely blinding! Only after the girls eyes adjusted to the radiance all around could she look around... to the sea of dunes around them! "Well... atleast it's not freezing." Riley spoke up as she sat up from her fall into the sand and brushed it off her outfit, the girls dust-off giving Jenny a chance to plot their route... as the singular structure to visit was all too clear to see!

As looking down from the dune, the heroine would look on to a massive pyramid structure! The structure easily stood far taller than any house the girl had seen, infact this was likely the first time Jenny saw anything like it! Though she wasn't the only one "Wow..."

On better inspection, the pyramid structure also seemed to have a large pool of water, some odd looking trees and even white marble flooring? Any better details would only reveal themselves once the duo got closer.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Indeed Jenny looked over the vast endless waste with only the pyrimid for color. As her eyes turned they widened. Standing against the yellowish tan sand stood a white limestone triangle shape structure. Its white facade glaring in the desert sun. Even as she watched a swirl of sand seemed brush past her causing her to blink and look away, only then did she catch the hint of green and the sparkle of water. It was then the heat seemed to finally sink into Jenny as a bead of sweat rolled down her cheek. "Come one Riley lets move this sun is murder. With that Jenny moved to the promised shelter dragging her friend along.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Indeed, the same clothing that provided some resilience to the chill protected Jenny from the sun, but did little against the heat... quite the opposite! "Alright! Lets go!" Riley cheered out as she'd lead the way unburdoned by any of heavier armor that Jenny wore.

Sand however proved not so easily descended as each step seemed almost slippery! Though this gave Riley a grand idea "Meetcha at the bottom!" the girl winked to Jenny, who looked on curiously, before the trickster seemed to jump up and begin to slide down along it! "Wooo~!" she'd cheer out as she sped away!

Whether Jenny chose a far safer and leanient way on her armor to descend or attempted the slide was up to her... Whatever the case may be, soon enough the duo finally closed in onto the pyramid and looked on to the structure properly.

Jennys eyes had not been mistaken as the structures entrance had a rather large plaza? A few massive structures stood on either side of the plaza as down the middle sparkling azure water extended with large plain 'scaled' trees standing on either side. They're leaves only at the very top extending a good arms length each!

"Hey! These must be palm trees!" Riley beamed a smile and rushed closer to inspect! Still with Jennys ever present cautiousness the girl first looked over the area for any enemies or beings... yet the place seemed abbandoned.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

No doubt Riley had some magic up her sleeve that aided her decent down. Jenny opted for a safer if slower route that got less sand in her boots rather than a tumble down the dune. Reaching the plaza Jenny kept her ears perked as she knelt down and placed a hand in the water. If it was cold then it was probably fed by a spring. If not then some had to fill it. "Yeah seems desolate. I wonder if its just for certain ceremonies, but.... in the middle of such a place they would need at least some one to tend to the grounds so they didn't get lost to the sand.

Her inspection of the water done Jenny moved to the closest structure to investigate.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

As Jenny inspected the water it was indeed rather cool, but far from cold. Infact, it looked absolutely fresh and sparkling... though the moment the girls thoughts wandered on how the water kept itself from growing stagnant--- 'plomp!' a brown ball hit the water splashing the girl lightly!

"Well~ We're not in a natural place, remember?" Riley approached carrying the fuzzy looking... fruits? "Check these out!" she'd grin widely showing off what Jenny had finally recognised as... coconuts! Duh!

"Are these fruits? Or seeds?" Riley however seemed far from as experienced with the worldly market... seemed all the magic in the world could not hide away the fact that the trickster, had not seen much of the outside world except the ruined academy.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

inspecting the water Jenny wondered about its oragin when a large brown object fell from the sky and into the water with a plop! Jenny didn't have any time to react as the water soaked her. Spitting out water from her mouth Jenny in a serious tone spoke. "Not a word of that to Grace......" Jenny knew Riley no doubt had a huge grin on her face and didn't doubt once second that the trickster would rat her out the moment she had a chance to and with her magic affinity she could create a very good image if she wanted to with out saying a word to Grace. Of course as the strange fruit/not floated in front of her she had to smile. It was kinda funny. Standing up Jenny sighed and tried to dry her face only to have the heat do it for her. Im not sure Riley I've never seen these things before. They look kinda hard and fruits are usually soft... so maybe its a nut? Still strange furitnuts aside they had to keep looking. "Lets check out that building.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Indeed, the moment Jenny forbid Riley to utter a word about it... was the moment she knew for certain, who'd be the first person to hear of the splashing nut. Still at the very least, the splash of water was an absolute refreshment!

Still as Riley seemed to attempt to unravel the mysteries of the fuzzy nuts, Jenny walked over to the nearby buildings "Over here!" she'd beckon the trickster to follow as the duo walked along the pristine square cut stone pavement. The buildings seemed to be built from the same substance, yet looking inside revealed... 'Blackness?' indeed looking inside the windows seemed to not show anything at all, nothing except a black void completely blocking sight of what was inside.

Whats more if Jenny dared to reach it, she'd note the black wall... was quite literally a solid matter "Gaaah~ I give up." Riley harumphed and threw away the unknown nut "Find anything?" the trickster approached the girl and noticed the same thing... though even she seemed to only be able to guess what this meant.

Still with the buildings blocked off, the only other structure left... was the pyramid itself! The stone road seemed to extend onwards right to triangle cut-out in the structure likely leading to the main entrance.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny poked the wall a few times. "Must be Ishmal's imagination didn't include this. Lets go check the big one." Jenny moved across the yard thinking. "I wonder if the slimes would like that strange nut?" Still the open pondering would have to wait as they began to approach the Looming structure. "What a strange place." Jenny would eye it a bit before moving in deeper that is if she found an entrance.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley shrugged at the musing of the potential gift "Dunno, can't say I've encountered too many fully sentient slimes." she'd snicker "I guess we can it." Thankfully the item proved relatively small and would soon enough be stashed away in the girls adventuring bagpack.

Still as the duo continued onwards, Jenny couldn't help, but share some of her wonder at the location something that seemed to stir a brighter smile on Rileys face "Mhm~ I wonder if places like this are imagination or real." the girl added as the duo walked down the warm stone road until finally nearing the pyramid fully.

Amazingly for such a grand structure, the entrance to it was anything but that. As the duo could see a triangle shaped door up ahead. It was around taller than either of the duo and wide enough to fit atleast three people, on either side of it rested an extinguished torch.

Yet as the girls approached the door, suddenly the sand to their side began to shimmer and rise? Only to moments later explode forcing a rain of sand upon the duo!

By the time the duo shook off the sand and turned forward, right down the middle of the road stood a half-female beauty, half-snake creature! A lamia! The girl seemed to hold 2 curved blades in either hand and hand half od her face covered by a simple white cloth, her upper body adorned with an elegant bra "Intrudersss~ You may not enter!"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Spitting sand out of her mouth Jenny just looked up. "Why not?" Brushing sand off herself. It seemed this one might be spoiling for a fight but Jenny would give it a chance to work it out before working her over with blades.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The Lamia blinked at the casual response, as even Riley seemed surprised as she'd cover her mouth to hide the snicker "None of your Businesssss! Now leave!" clearly the creature had a 'very serious' reason to guard the entrance... though unfortunately with her blades swinging in the air it was clear she wasn't going to move aside... unless she was moved aside!

"Well we came a long way, why can't we enter?" Riley would follow-up Jennys question with a smirk "Only the strong may enter the Tomb of Samaquel! Prove your strentgh and you may pass." well if there was any question before... Riley shrugged casually and turned to Jenny with a smile, seemed they indeed had a fight on their hand! Though whether they fought was still Jennys call.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked up at the woman something burning inside of her. Moving up Jenny spoke her voice shifting to a more sensual tone. "A test of strength?" Deep inside darkness oozed out of a cracked sphere of light seemingly flooding Jenny's body with some sort of dark drug. Her body every so slightly shifted her hips widening her breasts growing. "We've traveled such a long way. And you are doing you job so well. It must get lonely here?" Jenny's free hand slide down her chest and over her breast and down to her belly. A hint of red glint could be seen in her eyes as her voice tried to seduce the lamia. "I can make you feel not so lonely for a little while." Even though the darker part of Jenny was trying to seduce her foe she stayed well enough away from the sharp blades.

Jenny tries to seduce the Lamia