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Nov 10, 2008
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Dungeons and dragons online, who else plays. I just started recently, and though I haven't gotten much past the harbor areas, I quite enjoy it. It's certainly not what I expected a free MMO to be, in a good way.

I've just started as well.

The customize feature has come in real handy.

Been playing around with making characters and seeing how they work, so i haven't made it past the first Island bit. I still have misery peak and a few other things to do.

Once i get to a point where i can level up my cleric I'm gonna multiclass rogue that way I can open chests behind locked doors and not have to make a party xD

Hrm, I thought DDO was changed into a pay-once forever-free system or have they changed it again?

I've got three characters on three different servers so far, just to play around a little and find what it's like. My level 4 paladin has finished most of the harbor stuff at stormreach so far. I've got a sorceror whos ready to head to stormreach, and a rogue who will shortly be taking a level in fighter.

Rather than taking a level in rogue for your cleric, unless you've got an unusual build for a cleric, try to party up with someone. It's actually much more fun with a party, usually. I would put my guy's down, but I can't remember their names or which ones on which server.

EDIT: They must have changed, because I downloaded the main part free. Though you can still get a lot more if you pay. Of course if your saving up points like me you'll eventually be able to get just about everything.

EDIT2: Narsin Delberin male human sorceror 2, Cannith server. can't remember name right now male human paladin 4, Orien server. can't remember name female halfling rogue 1, Thelannis server.
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Joined it with Incubus a while back when it first became free... then kinda stopped playing after real life became a mess and the others that I was doing it with quit. Level 6 rouge on Khyber if you want to look me up.

DDO is not something you buy in a store then? Where can ya find it?

((fuck it better not be so simple as DDO.com or something.))

DDO is not something you buy in a store then? Where can ya find it?

((fuck it better not be so simple as DDO.com or something.))

Pretty damned close >.<

That's if I have it right. Confirmation someone?

i started dling a while back but stopped cause it was slowing down my internet. but I going to re dl it now and et it download after i go to bed.

Yeah it's a little slow downloading if you try to do anything else at the same time, but if you put it on while you 're sleeping it should be no problem.

My charries are Narsin Delberrin sorceror 3, and Elberelia rogue 2 on Cannith, and Kerik Delessir paladin 4 on Orien. Probably make some more as well, since I don't have a life :(.
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Okay, I ran through the first two dungeons solo. Preliminary impressions:

I'm not fond of walking. I feel like I'm wobbling about drunkenly, it's hard to end up where I want to be and facing the right direction.

From what I understand, the leveling system looks very well done, allowing for a stupidly diverse set of abilities given a high enough level character.

The graphics are pretty good for a freemium game, if that's the sort of thing that floats your boat.

The dungeons (which make up about half of the game if the title is to be believed) have voiced narration, which is kind of nice.

So lemme ax ya dis:
Are we going to be setting up a ulmf group here as well? More Idly wondering than anything else.

I've played right up to when my laptop died.

I could download it again, I have characters on pretty much all servers, with the highest being level 9.

It's surprisingly good for something that's free, but remember, you can not play without group past level 5, there are no more solo quests then(Or too little to not get bored).

Oh, three of my characters are on Cannith, and i don't know wh\ere I'm gonna play with my Pally yet.

BTW, the DM's voice is awesome xD

I'm kinda wondering something similar to Newbie.

At the very least, are we gonna organize, or is it just gonna be 'oh hey, you're playing right now too? Cool.'

If we get something set up, I'm all for playing, but if we're all going to be scattered amongst the different servers all the time, I don't think it'll be AS fun for me, since I'll have to deal with... NEW PEOPLE. =O

In all seriousness, I have a hard time finding 'new' people to play with THROUGH the game in games like these. If I meet the person IRL or know them through an active forum, it's usually okay; somehow, when I meet new people through the game itself, I seem to attract the weirdos that play the game 24/7 and believe that it IS real. No, not like RPing, I mean they practically LIVE for the game. They're the kid who's ALWAYS on, who ALWAYS messages you the nanosecond you log in, who wonders why you weren't at the fight or w/e the other night, even though you told him and everyone else you wouldn't be able to come because you had 10 bagillion papers to write for school.


TLDR; We can haz group plz?

Well if I get enough points saved up I think I can get a guild charter, not sure what it costs. I can look into it later though, till then if you happen to spot me you can always join me for n adventure.

The walking is probably the worst part if ya ask me, it does feel like you're stumbling around drunk. Yes the DM's voice is awesome, except when he says catacombs, which he pronounces catacooms. I actually find it very easy to group up on this game. I don't know most of the people I've ran into there seem more mature and helpful to me. I could just be lucky though.

I've got a level 7 or so Bard on Khyber, plus my level 1 Drow Ranger that's barely seen any play. (It ran around once with Pale's sorceress, three guesses why I didn't feel like playing it again)

I played until I more or less ran out of quests to do, the game sorta dries up around level 6-7 uness you buy some quest packs. Still, if you're on Khyber and need a guide for "the Pit"...

(The Pit is quite possibly the nastiest free dungeon there is. It's a level 8 dungeon that pretty much requires a group, is almost impossible without liberal use of feather fall, and has more jumping puzzles than Mario. Do not attempt this dungeon without having at least one person who's done it before. Ever.)

On that note, I am currently farming points on every server to buy Ruins of Gianthold...

Alright for Keylo, or Inky since you've been playing longer. I have enough points to buy Shanto-Kor(I think that's it), and the catacombs would you suggest I do it or should I continue saving them up?

Also if anyone's on Cannith, My new Elven rogue, Elberilia is going to be on soon. If you want to team up.

Alright for Keylo, or Inky since you've been playing longer. I have enough points to buy Shanto-Kor(I think that's it), and the catacombs would you suggest I do it or should I continue saving them up?

Also if anyone's on Cannith, My new Elven rogue, Elberilia is going to be on soon. If you want to team up.
Sounds like a great idea. I have Merel, a Human Cleric.